Hamilton Ave. (70-7) - RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ~~~~ ~¿:¡;~~/ ~d:~~~~ I ~ (t~if ADDRESS /¿;: // ß~/2b¿ ?Z ,L~.-tLl ~~ /?JkU-f/ 7' yC/O Y .' FOR ð $~U /C~ ~/ c£- ~ /0 ' . -? Pc ð v 'LJ - /rr I ,;2" / 3? " REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. .J¡;, / FUND NUMBER A- ,/dð 0' CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 119 ***2,13'.00 61 119A **2,139.00 JUI.-1-?1 JUt. -1-71 <!'>s 5195 CITY CLERK BY CITIZEN COpy INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT (;£~ ~ ()C77~r d f7-...8-(~ Co. I' BUILDING ADDRESS C~ 0 /}-?~.tc""'; ;=tvê..- COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER "3ó(~ . S-~ ,(,.~" - c --- , "S It APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER j7rP "70-7 /h () Â-é c--- ¡C¡..-v~ ;Y /C WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /7 >J£ By Ø?;7 ¿.... - -~ ./-.----- -7-/-7 ( Date (~ 711..:iv "'i :~ PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY T h(, ,r';UTH '¡HIPíj ,';'tEr . :)~N JOSI. C~L¡.Oh'NIA )')114. (408) 2..8,3333 June 9, 1971 Sandis & Associates 812 Castro Street Mountain Viewt California 94040 Attention: Mr. Paul Nowack Gentlemen: This will confirm our conversation of June 8t 1971, regarding the apartment complex on Hamilton Avenue and Darryl Drive in Campbell, California. Installation of conduit on Marathon and Darryl Drivest as shown on your improvement plans will not be required. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please call me at this office, telephone 298-3333. Sincerely, , . <. Karl T. Wrzesien New Building Representative 11. .... J ~¡(/O) I May 25, 1971 cap11:o1a Berry rant.s, tnc. 552 CUesta Drive Ap~s, California 95003 ATTBN'J.'ION: Mr. J81Des H. DuMond StJBJEC'1' . PlaDn8d D8velo¡:aent No. 70-1 Yolles Development ccxapany e Gentl_n. This is to advise you of the meanin9 of the c::onditions of approval as contained in ordinance No. 166 of the City Council as they pertain to this department. 1. ~I This it- pertains to the furni8h1ng, construe:- tinc,¡r and/or installin9 ~ required sueet iaprovcents, ineludift9 public: utilities not. heret.ofore constructed and ineludinq any revision and/or modification to th_. The following- are exaaples which may be applicable: (a) Gas services, (b) -.1:8r serviees and fire fighting facilities including fire hydrants, (c) sanitary s8W8ra,e faciliti.., (d) stOZ'll drainage facilities, (e) unc:!u9rOW\d electrical, telephone and television facilities, (f) r8m0¥81 and reconstruction of curb and gutter, hr) approaches, (h) construction of residential sidewalk, and (i) installation of addi- tional street liptin9. All of this pertains to work within the street area only. All of this work may be performed by the preparation of a single set of plans to aeeamplish all of this or by individual detailed drawings (plans) for each s~ate service or phase. It will be neeesBuy to post bonds for sane of the 'WOrk, such as the consUu~ion of the curb and gutter, sid4Þ8lk, driveway approaches, street lighting and storm sewer facilities. The amount of bonding is to be determined aft.er careful examina- tion of the work involved. ,-" .. .. I ,. HZ' . \James H. DuMond -2- May 25, 1971 2. ~I The storm drainage are. fee on the basis of $765 per acre i8 $3,124. '!'his property may be entitled to same credit for its participation in the two assessment districts in which it has been involved. I will look into that and advi.. you of the amount of credit. 'l'he credit will decr...e the $3,124 fee by whatever amount the credit. are. 3. '!'hi. item has already been fulfilled. parcel map has been recorded. : The.e conditions will apply to this department if any work within the public ric¡ht of "y i. involved. Refer to my comments to Condition 9. Condition 81 The 4. It is s119ge.ted that Yolles Development Company, or whoever is re.ponsible for providi1\9 the it8Ds mentioned in Item 1 of this letter, contact thi. office at its earliest convenience to det.er- mine what the bond1nq liability will be with respect to the total project. Planting of street tr... at 45 feet intervals within the planter .trip i. al.o required. You are reminded that bonding' has been provided for the entire Marathon Avenue frontage at the time of the developnent of the Red Barn .ite. If that bond is to r..1n in effect, then no additional bond1n9 will be required for the Marathon Avenue fron- tage. On the other hand, a substitute bond may be filed for the entire work conteplated for this project and the existing' bond reduced accordingly. Before this office will reccmmend that the building permit be issued, we must be in receipt of the plans tor the work which is cont8Dplated within the public ric¡ht of way and approved by this office from which a bond amount will be determined by this office. It i8 required that the bond be filed with thi8 office and that the storm dra\ur~~TA~" tee be paid also. TO ~( D.'\TE Very truly yours, W GW v'" ! ~ S p:ï;. :~ ~TB~ Mt. BNG INBBR BMH -' ----- FTL --.' ,- .,..----.- -..-- - ,,'" . _.....'" -- By Cruz s. Gomea, Jr. Civil Bnc.Jineer CeGllw--' , -ccT--'-Yo-ll e.s1f>evelopmen t"-Cõmpany FILE ,_~"t::tn : ,Mr. Merton .Y.o..lJ.es Mogens, Mogensen AIA Herman Christensen & Sons Attn: Mr. Robert Moore Î~~ {f) PO 70-1 ~ , f-v'Lf"/ /~ ORDINANCE # 766 C .>l~ BE I HG AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Of CM!PBELL, CAL I fORN I A, AMENDING CERTAI1¡ EXHIBITS TO A PORTION or ORDINANCE #65Lf APPROVING REVISED PL^NS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE, MAP AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ON HAHILTOli AVENUE. (Yol1c::-;' Deve]opmcnt Co.) The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as folloH8: SECTION ONE: That Exhibit "A", entitled "Development Schedule"t Exhibit "B" entitled "Plans and Elevations" and Exhibit "c" Hap a~d Legal Description of Ordina~ce #654 arB' hereby rescinded. SECTION THO: That the folloHing Exhibit "A" entitled "Plans and Elevations, Exhibit "B" entitled "DevelopT;1cnt Schedule" and Exhibit "c" Hap and Legal Descl~iptjon of ~aid property attached hereto, and made a part thereof, be her~by adopted subject to the following conditions: 1. A faithful performance bond to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction. 2. All trash enclosures shall be constructed of a six-foot high sight-obscuring fence with concrete floors and six-foot self-closing gates. 3. All fire extinguishers on the second floor landings, laundry rooms) carports, and recreation building shall be housed in closed fire extinguisher cabinets. 4. On-site fire mains and fire hydrants shall be installed as directed by the fire departQent. 5. Consideration should be given to the installation of a sprinkler syste~ in the retail store building. 6. The retail store building shall be provided with the same type of trash enclosure that is required for the apartment complex. 7. Wood shingles acceptable on decorative appendage only in Fire Zone ~2. 8. filed. Parcel map for minor subdivision to be processed and 9. Construction of balance of street 1mprovements on Hamilto:¡ t,venUEc aDd !'Jaratnon aõ1(l Darryl Drive fl'onta,::cs. 10. Storm drainage area fee to be paid on the ba~is of $765.00 per acr~. . . ll. Excavation permit to be obtained for driveway approach modification. 12. Elevations of the carports and launèry/storage buildings to be submitted for approval by the Planning Director. 13. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 14. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 15. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electrict telephone and television cables, etc. . 16. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. 17. Carport walls on property line to meet building code requirements. 18. Eight carports on southwest property line to be re- located as approved by the Planning Director and additional spaces to be provided in another area. 19. Six-foot slumpstone wall to replace six-foot board fence on south property line of residential development as indicated in "red" on plans. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of -- by the following roll call vote: February ,1971, AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Rogers, Smeed, Chamberlin Podgorsek Doetsch APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk--~- .':' . 0 ,"' .r o~ . '. ./ ~ '.A PAI~CEL OF LAND TO BE HE ZONED BY THE ClT'Y o}' CACvi¡)BI':LI, 0 FOI<. GLNE!\AL . MORTGAGE & FINANCIAL CORPORATION. BEGINNING at the -intersection of the Northr'rly lin~ of Pùrcel 1 as described in that ccrtë1in l\grccment dêltc.d lmri.l 18, 19G6, rc.~~:ordc(] June 9 1966 in Book 7405 of Official Records, at page 422 by an~ , . bet\vecn Fred E. Chez, et all with the Edsterly lu1C of flJ;:JL,It".lìOL1 Drive as established by the Deed from Sunrise Investment Company, Inc., if çorpora tion, and FLed E. Chez to the City 0 f Campbell, a. Hull ic ip,1J. 0 cOrporation, dðted H¿Jrch 281 1966, recorded July 19, 1966 U1 BooJ: 7.V17 of Official Records, at page 50, Sånta Clara County Records; thence from said point of beginning and along the Northerly line of said Parcell N.R8°59'44"E.. 120.00 feet to th'3 Northcë1sterly corner thereof; thence N 0°53'20" vI 20.00 feet to a pojnt¡ thence N 89° 02' E. 150.00 feet to a point: thence N 0053' 20" W 100.00 feet to a point; thence S 0°53' 20"E 130 feet to a point in the f\iorther1y line of Hamil ton Avenue; thence along the last sa.id line NB9°02'OO"E 299.46 feet; thence,. along a curve to the left having a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle of 81°26'25" for an arc distance of 28.43 feet toa point on the Northwesterly line of Darryl Drive as established by the Deed from Pearl O. Lewis and T. E. Lewis, Co-guardians of the person and estate of Calogero Orlands, to the City of Camp~ell, a MunicipÐl corporation, dated May 9, 1966, recorded July 29, ]966 1n Book 7458 of Official Hecords, at page 479, Santa Clara County RccoJ"Cls; thence along the Northh'esterly line of Gaic1 Dê1rryl Drive: t-L.7°35'35"E. to the Southwe::;terly terminus of the Northvlcsterly line of Darryl Drive z!s sho.'ln on that certain Hap entitled, "Tract No. 4J.95", ëJ M¿1P of \,¡hich Wùs fi led for record on June 29, 1966 in Book 211 of r.l<J?s, at pages 34 and 35, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the North,..iesterly line of Darryl Drive as Shor.'ilì on said r.1ap of Tract No. 4195 N.7°24'25"E., 65.83 feet to the North,->astcrly corner of that certain 1.093 ê1c:ce p<Œccl of lcmd .?Is d;,;~>Cl~ibecl in the D~ed fro~ Cal Pac Builders, Inc., a corporation, to Capitola Berry Farms, Inc., a corporation, dated March 4, 1969, recorded March 12, 1969 in Book A462 of Official Records, at page 210, Santa Clara County Recordsj thC:'lìce along the NorU1(.;rly line, of said 1.093 acre p¿)rcel of land 5.89°37'00"\1., 687.60 foct to tho? Northr,':ê'stcrly corner thereof; thence () long the vL~s torly 1 ine thereof ,mcJ Uw W.::>sterly 1 ine of Parce 1 1 as descriJy:~d in the Deed fro!ìì Sunrise Investl:lc?nt Co., a Californi¿¡ corpol:dtion and Fred E. Chez. to Cc1pitola Berry Farms, Inc., a cor-Doration, dated November 21, 196B, recorded December 4, 1968 in Book 8356 o~ Officidl Records, at page 477, S¿mta C1,1ra County Records, S.1006'30"E., 74.35 fc~t and S.o055'20"E. ,96.75 feet to a point on the Northerly lir:¿; of said Ma:cùthon Di~ive, first é1bove referred to; thence along the Northerly and Eê1st~rly lines of said r'1ùcathon Drive the three follo'ding courses Lmd cJif>têìnc(~s; alol1<] th~ arc of ù curve to the right from a tangent \\'hich bears N.89°04~!lO"E., \vith a radius of 42.00 feet, through a central ¡)ng1~ of 126°14'58" [or an arc distance of 92.55 feet to ù point of t(ln<J(:~nt rev(~rs(> cl1rvùturc; Uv:,'nce along the arc of a curve? tot1w left, with a radius of 20.00 fcc~t, through ,! central angle of 36°l4'5ß" for an arc c1isl,ìnce o[ 12.65 fec'!l to a point of tangency; thence S.0055' 20"E., 102.91 feel to lh(~ point of beginning. . .'1' 'lDGf;'I'fJER \'lITH ,1 n ca~j('mC~l t f01~ dr i vewoy purposes over the follo,.;Íng dc~;ccib('d p:ì:cce1 oC ]ë:ìnd: DEGINfJIN"G ë:1t 01<) point of inL:rsc,ci:.ion of thc~ Northerlv line of . thë:1t certain p<11:c::'.1 of 1,1[1<1 c1(':;criJx~d <is PcŒcel 1 in the l\q~-ccm:-;nt d;:¡tcc1 April lf~, 1966, n~conl(~d LTurh; 9, 19GC) in Boo}~ 7405 of Official R~conb, '-_.,I.~-..-..l --- ---..>, ..,-.---' " , ~ 1492LIS-A page 5 . page 422, with the Easterly line of that ccrté1in parcel of land,c1escribed in the Deed from Sunrise Investment Co., Inc., et al, to the city of Campbell, dated March 20, 1966, recorded July 19, 1966, in Book 7447 of Official RecO1~ùs, page 50; thence from s3iCI point of begirlning, álçmg said Easterly lin~, 5.0°56'00"£., 10.00 feet; thence N.74°59'154"E., 4L24 feet to a point in said Northerl~' li!1e dL:;tar:t thereon, 40.00 feet from the point of beginnin<J; thence 5.89°02'OO"í'l., along said Norther ly 1 ine 40 - 00 feet to the po in t, of beginning. . ...