Hamilton Ave. (1972) . - ...0 Southem Pacific: Transportation Company W. M. JON"'. surERINTE,IO',NT R. V. CUR,¡ £R ',ssT SU'ERINTEN()ENT-OAKLAND V. fl. RUSSELL ASS" S'JPERI"TE"DENT-OAKLAND J V' HOLl.OWAY TL,RM'NAL SUfERINTENDENT-OAKLAND 1707 Wood Street. Oakland, California 94607 . 832-2121 December 6, 1972 IN RKPLY PLKAn RUKR TO 925165/32 J. F. BAYS TEHMINAC W:>ERINTENDENT-U.N FRANCI8CO M. J. KARLOVIC DIVISION ENGINEER-OAKLAND Sanford Getreu, Director of Planning Department of City Planning City Hall City of San Jose 801 North First Street San Jose, Colifornia 95110 Attn: Mr. Gary J. Schoennauer, Planner III Subject: Access Road, Bascom Avenue, North of Los Gatos Cr~ek Gentlemen: Reference is made to your letters of November 15, 1972, con- cerning the hearing on January 9, 1973, for items No. PDC 72-11-159 and PDC 72-11-160. The Southern Pacific Transportation Company must oppose appli- cations PDC 72-11-159 and PDC 72-11-160, because of the proposed public road proposed to be constructed over our property in the vicinity of Bascom Avenue Crossing, PUC #L-49.7. This proposed crossing has been opposed by the railroad vigorously. At the time that an on-sight meeting was held betw~en the engineers of previous developers for the property, the proposal was not looked on with a great deal of enthusiasm by the City of San Jose Traffic Engineers, the County of Santa Clara Traff.lc Engineers, the Director of Public Works for the City of Campbell, nor by the California Public utilities staff members. Our objection to the proposed crossing re- mains the same as it was in the past, that is, vehicles stacked be- tween the gates ßoverning the southbound lanes on Bascom Avenue would h£ve no place to go because of the actual locations on the gates on the proposed crossings. "iould appreciate your calling to the attention of the developers of bottl of these parcels that neither San Jose nor the City of Compbell have jurisdiction over grade crossings. This matter lies exclusively in the hands of the California Public utilities Commission. Would recommend that the developers resubmit their plans for their develonments without the lands of the Southern Pacific Trans- portation Company being involved, or being implied to be involved. Yours truly, W. M. JONES - J. G. S. .,. - I .. November 24,1972 04-8Cl-17 04216 - 306331 Mr. San1'ord Getreu Director or Planning City 01' Ban Jose Bo1 North First Street San Jos., CA 95110 Attention Gary J. Schoennauer Gentlemen: We have reviewed the General Development Plan map (PDC-72-ll-l59) for property located east of Route 17 and north of Hamilton Avenue. This map was tranall1tted with your letter of November 15, 1972. Our current planning for future expanslon of Route 17 requires an adjustment to the northbound on-ramp. '1'h1s modification will require a narrow sll ver take from the proposed development. This requIrement, shown graphically in red on attached print encroaches slightly into the open space area of the development. It appears that therpropoaed access locat1on to Hamilton Avenue will create additional operational problema on this heavily travelled local arterial. We urge that the traffic access be reatricted to right-turn movementa by a medlan restr1ction on Hamilton Avenue. One feature o~ the plan that appeals to U8 1s the use of an open apace area between the freeway and the residential dwellings. We certainly encourage the use of this open apace concept in all new developments to minimize noise problems associated with freeway operations. Very truly yours, By c"";'~. ':1\11 " ,,; , INtTt!\l TO & DATE WG~ ___~~LðØ-, .. 6MH ,-p" .." FTL -"'--'- -- '1'. R . LAMMERS District Engineer R. E. BAX'1'IR DistrIct DesI¡n Engineer Attach. ._- .__"h-----""- -----..-- ....-' ..-' fiLE ~-¡i- \ ----- ---------------------- -- -------- ---------_._---,--- ) - ---- -------------'" \ '~---- - f' -iff ~¡ (I,,'( -, ----;-~-- ~ .. 7<,:C:';: : 11~~i ~ .-. , ... ,-,"""!I" , "-Y"f !,- "'".~. " , ',,~:"',~~:':::"::II /Ø ':~"~-~.--,~7,1, r,:" - <,,;' i.<: .~_I --'- ,'I .-" ,~"::;::l 1 .. '-' ,-..' - -"~ ,-,-~~\---~'~ ,,- --, --,-- ~ "'7 ! ,~~, < I """.,,',':0:,"':, '\,'~i--'--::'-"""','1 ':--:- :, ;,~~~-4 ,~ : 'j " --. ,I~;- ,0 , ¡jì ) : ¡ : I,,~ " I I' I 'J' 'I, ' ,~ J," """'J"" '/~ '.-J """,',,' 'J '....~'_h'- ,~,'~_i ' -~--:~-~_o--- ",'~,----; _:- -1--:-- -~,;--;-~:,~:-~ ~ / ¡-T----r ¡ , :,' I r" ¡- ;"l- -1' ! -' I ~"l '" f' ""'""""'',:,"::'O" ","':'!",",41,'-"!'<",~ ,¡ ;':: 1',1 ~ 'ì: ¡"',')'i' ',-~~--:i--.... 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"-------"----', ." , .. , . ì \ \ h- .- I ..- . ' ':,- \ \ ", " " . 4" .' !.; . ¡ ~ ... " . ... j j J I j j i j J t , 1 1 1 Î f , , - -.----- --.- - - -- -- -.... ,,__--0 ------------ ---------------- 1IA IJïLtON--~,- --~7jV£N~ \ ~ / / ' ,', \ \ / /- // (, V~Th boy M~ ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 2056 EL CAMINO REAL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95051 (408) 247-7410 November 29, 1972 / / -Z. é) -7 Z C. ~~"Cq City of Campbell Engineering Department 161 Grant Street Campbell, California Attention: Mr." Cruz s. Gomez Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are thirty (30) copies of our tentative parcel map for your review and approval. Also included is our check for $25 for the filing fee. We respectfully request that this matter be placed on the agenda for your first meeting in January. The purpose of the tentative parcel map is for the conveyance of real property to allow for future planned developments in Parcels 2 and 3, and a commercial develop- ment in Parcell. If there are any questions, or you need any information pertaining to the enclosed tentative parcel map, please contact me. Very truly yours, VTN - Bay Area ~ ß""""S:::t; J~ \ ç , James o. Webb, Jr. Licensed Land Surveyor JOW/cab Ene. cc: City of San Jose .co, <- '" " November 29,1972 City of San Jose Planning Commission SOl North First Street San Jose, California Attention: Mr. Noel Ameele Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are ten blueline prints and one sepia of a tentative parcel map for your review and approval. Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $103. for the filing fee. We respectfully request that the matter be placed on the agenda for your meeting of January 9, 1973. The purpose of the tentative parcel map is for the convcy~nco of real property to allow for future planned developments. Attention should be drawn to the following items: 1. The northeast portion of Parcel 3 is subject to inundation. 2. All buildings shown will be removed during construction of the planned development. Sewage disposal and storm drainage will be designed at the time of the design of the planned development. 3. 't City of San Jose -2- ,.. November 29,1972 . 4. An Environmental Impact Report has been submitted to the City of San Jose for the area designated as Parcel 2. If there are any questions pertaining to the enclosed tentative parcel map, please contact me. Very truly yours, VTN - Bay Area James o. Webb, Jr. Licensed Land Surveyor JOW/cab Enc. cc: City of Campbell/ 'I T Y SA N JOSE OF C:ALIF"ORNIA November 15, 1972 CITY PLANNING City of Campbell flannìng Department 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, CA Gen t lemen : Subject: PDC 72-11-160 The enclosed matter was filed with the City of San Jose and will be considered by the Planning Commission on January 9, 1973 Your comments on this matter will be appreciated. OwNER-APPLICANT s. Borello & K. Priestly LOCATION OF PROPERTY West side of Bascom, 100 feet south of Pamlar 292-3141 EXT.576 PRESENT ZONING R-I-B-8 Residence Dist. (One Family, 8,000 sq. ft. lot area) REQUESTED ZONING R-I-B-8 (PD) OTHER: 177 mobile home units on 21.8 acres Yours truly, SANFORD GETREU, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING £; 7A. ç~ ~ a.ou.- Gary J. Sc oennauer, Planner III #~ 180-10 CITY OF SAN JOSE /.' <:./~ I 11)12 . 801 N. (71/ l¿)~ C , J) \'51\ CALIFORNIA FIRST ST. SAN JOSE, CA 95110 TELEPHONE (408) 292-3141 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS June 2, 1972 Mr. William G. Wren Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Wren: We have recently been approached by persons wishing to develop the Borello property located northerly and west- erly of the intersection of Bascom Avenue and Hamilton Avenue in the City of San Jose. Due to its location and the almost complete development of all the property along Bascom and Hamilton Avenues, the Borello property has very limited access to public streets. Except for a very small frontage on Bascom Avenue, it is completely landlocked. However, in studying the situation, it is called to my attention that it is physically possible to gain access to Hamilton through a piece of undeveloped property lying within the city limits of the City of Campbell between the Southern Pacific Railroad crossing and the on-ramp to Route 17 freeway. I would appreciate hearing as to whether or not you would allow access into a Campbell street at this point. Your earliest attention would be appreciated. Very truly yours, ~~~ A. R. TURTURICI Director of Public Works ART: em cc: Ed Louis, Traffic Division .. ~ --f1v.»--J.~ (I L) I June 7, 1972 Mr. A. R. Tur~urici, Public Works Director City of S;Jn Jose 801 North First S~ree~ Sin Jos., California 95~10 SUBJECTs Borello Property A~cess Dear Sira Responding to yours of June 2, we have for some time been concerned abou~ ~he complications of access involved in ~he ul~ima~e development of ~he proper~y you mentioned. There ha'Vecheen numerous inquiries of this office during ~he pas~ few years from a varie~y of prospec~ive purchasers and/or developers. Our posi~ion, consis~ently, has been tha~ no median-crossing (left-~urn) access would be permi~ted OD ~he Hamilton Avenue fron~age regardless of circumstance. Further, it has been our expressed position ~hat "right-turn" access would be permi~ted only in the event that the nature of the development involved was of a relatively "low-densityU character. This lat~er implies tha~ a commercial or high-density residen~ial development on the substan~ial acreage involved would genera~e sufficient ~raffic volumes ~hat even the righ~-turn access would be unworkable. I should sta~e ~ha~ the aforementioned requirementt are based upon a presump~ion that ~he8e properties would develop~respec~ive of the ra~her 8W1twara1p-placed~ity limit line Which div des each of ~hem. The second paragraph of your le~ter refers ~o a possible access ~o Hamil~on Avenue for ~e Borello piece. Assuming ~his is the easterly of ~he two Borello pieces in ~he area, the access to Hamil~on Avenue to Which you refer would have to be accomplished across a neighboring porcel (priestl~y). Considering this fact and coneidering ~hat it would be of advantage to the proper~ies to have access bo~h to Bascom and ~o Hamilton Avenues, i~ has always been our hope ~hat all of ~he vacant parcels in ~his area develop as one or, at the very leas~, in accordance wi~h 8ome master development plan. Such an approach would give the advantage of the dual access to all three parcels involved. This seems especially important because of the restricted nature of the Hamil~on Avenue access--being "right-turn" only. .. .. --, Mr. A. R. Turturici, Public Works Director -2- June 7, 1972 I am not acquainted with the City of San Jose's master plan for land use in this immediate neighborhood, however, I would sincerely urge you to influence to Whatever degree you can a limitation on the development of any sort of "traffic-producing" facility. The significant traffic corridor which exists here and is further complicated by the awkward orientation of the freeway ramps and the Southem Pacific Railroad simply precludes the provision for unlimited local access to the properties, in my opinion. Therein is the reason for my attempting to establish the restrictions which are outlined above. I appreciate your having contacted me in regard to this subject and sincerely hope that we can discuss it in whatever further detail is neeessary as development applications are received in your offices. Very truly yours, William G. Wren, Director of Public Works WGW : cc cc: Mr. Ed Louis, Traffic Division A, - " I ---1 : 1/--1 II '- J ,.-- ¿ ¿~ . ',. ",,".¡ <!::>W ~þ\ ¡~ " . I, 170ì Woad ~;;¡é'(t . .)",;I;,,¡,;, C;.,i:'rmi;;j Si+Cr)¡ . U::,?J2J. iNf""'i,YFcC,'.5C¡'C;E,"1ú "', I,' J, 0 !,,"', It,',i' ", c) :c. ~: ~;,) , -, 'J 0" (, ,J, d¡,i""', " L~"'_"""è'M;t.A"D V,, ,..' ',L LI, Jl.1X;(; " , ,I, -- ~ 1 c, 'f' () I.'il, ""¡"""f"~Un--(u"~L^,iD J, "'0 F'OLL"Wi,Y ',""LW"'¡Lr';,C,,r- Lf,KU,"" J, E, L:" '. ¡;'I," '""",c,."',>oI"""T-"^""",,,ÇI"LO ", ,I, ,(1, ",,",'\' iC ,,1\"""" >i"'.'u;r,LR-C ~Lf".D 1:[ c: > :, CJ,\J:Lt ,', :'>:',] ¡ --.. f.; ;',: , ":LLCCJ':"'. -;:"7 CC::'l'ICrC:1,;,J C' i',Tcet ;:;-~"i(J:':;:;5 v ".",o:3,()71~~:: LL tcr~ ti C"]. '- ¡ :," . ~ L; . ~ J . LeCDY ,CT: ;" " ,: "',-,,-""" .._,-' ....", ::~;:...s;.: f~/' ,..._,""-'-"""'-"'~-"'-'-'-'--" ",.._--_..,_.._---~..,,>,-_._.~-,...._,~,..' (; C~;:Cl) : ..C ',,~, " TjÇ; ,"ò ~t T,. "...: 0 v ~. : C" '; (.', ,: c: '", coe' 2~', JS'?C, C;"Tlc':;r::O:E~ .3C1Jt,}"-'c~;t e>:'~,rc:'",':','e:,-. Jcfc:nc-;}( c: :~:; ;':::;(1("; to YO",:}' .; c' t tel' (j f iîrc"C':c,~: ~:}' C', " C' ',.:, ,. c' ,¡ . . , '-", ',- " . ,-- ' - l,'¡', '~; ,t C ,,((~ J. ~:i,J;~¡é,J- - " . '.¡lc~(;.:.i c.;-- ,: '.'..: LVC.nr:r to ~;:: () '/ j, (; c" (no '," .' ~,:)....:~n ,;tc;.:r'é!,::U lE-.llU :L:'ltc; t"J(' ";'D Sol'tl'~~,)c.)l"':;ld L',nc ,-; em :; ;:.i:é:C::C:c1. 1y?-t-;ec:n thc; " 'C,GS ::Cvc"'L,j.ng ~':-c 3CO:; ..-,".::l"~' \'!c"c!ld lléve no ':\],':',(:c' C) ~-'C:é'¡'~,e (: C C c:.'. (¡ :','o:::d. 'ie hi c 0:1' :'," ,,1 loc;::,i::Lon of "::':.':;" or::, ;,;" "rc'~'c;::cc. Cl'CS(;:" ""'. :'<:' :L~: vj.rtL;.él:',ly no TC)C::: l.-C, ::-;t; c> [.,è tc:-J;biJos bct','ccn '.(::::'~,e:!.'J.:l(:~ c,f J3~;Cc..:::,"vcrrce r:'c c, t '[-1 C' : ) :r~ C) ;; 0 .~ c?; d C: 1:' 0 ::; ;:; :1.:J (' . Lec(J';S(~ cf tlH: 1:(,.:"\V h?é72.I'dE; L:IV'Jlvc;Ö, [;.:':c\ ')CC"'\':';;¿ [,ÜtcrnFite ClcriC';::;: is éèvajJ,c.bJc;, ,,"'~ COU~:[L::7 \-'::'Jl O'):C C tiDE of a HC'v: Cl",:',(' c' :j(j S:';;j',.'L on YOl~r " -.~), D. : ::::'C""'1, "'e t:lé' ,. C)~1::; trt'(;- YO1.1:r'~ t nJy , W. W. JONES - J. G. S. cc: C:i. ty C:; C5.~':ý of Count:," C31-.,c'Jt ::':on J O3e ( ('..,,~+ , -' Li,: " ( ",-j- G:iJley 0 :1";1'1 ) (10;) ::c'J'..tirÜ) "c. (.1 CCl'r-:;~;,,) \.;:¡ c\ :'... c', 'l':~ 'é;: - I May 21, 1970 Mr. Sanford Getreu Director of Planning City of San Jose 801 North First Street San Jose, California ATTENTION: Mr. Geor:¡e Hammi 11 Planner IV RE: Your File No. C-70-4-~) Gentlemen: Reference is made to your transmittal of May 6 and Mr. Kee's reply of May 18. The position of Campbell's Public Works Department regarding access to the Borello property from Hamilton Avenue remains consistent with our past statements on this matter. We are opposed to any through way connecting Hamilton Avenue to either Bascom Avenue or Pamlar Avenue at this location. We are further opposed to any private connections to Hamilton Avenue at this point which would provide ingress and/or egress to areas north of Campbell's city limits. Our position as stated above is based solely on traffic considerations at this critical location. Please advise if we can provide any other assistance in this regard. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BMH:cc lt~Ù By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer cc: Robert C. Stephens, City Mana\~er Art Kee, Planning Director , 11tae ~ ~ & S ØHep4 CIVIL ENGINEERS " j J J ( '7¿ JI"// í ~ ~i1Þ c.~~ .'1 (';l ~" Î/ ~~8386 I)t~ Jk \þfXi 347 eel MER C I A L S T R E E T SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95112 PHONE (408) 294-6274 / I Aa May 29, 1970 Southern Pacific Railroad No.1 Market Street San Francisco, California Attention: Mr. Robert MacDonald r I \ I I Nortt1~;-ly ofl Ls L_'_~.~ _-~h'~, , ~ "- ", "". Gatos Creek Reference: Access Road, Bascom Avenue, Zone 415 Gentlemen: '<> // ,----'" / /"-" \ Enclosed is a preliminary plan f~~ re~~w and comment, to obtain street access. / / /) """ .,/ / This plan has been reviewed on a p~~~~ basis with the Ci ty of San Jose, the City of Camp~d tìw( '\Ounty of Santa Clara. It ia our undar.tandin/~~~ i';~ or<Janization has db- cuseed this with the Pt¡Poa.d <!ev. ¡\'er, Cd-west Communities, Inc. If you have any , C"Omm8" n~r quest!, 9,1J with regard to this matter, please do not ~-~!~te ~'~~/~is office. /" _--h_-:?/" laVery ::l+r:', n-- . {{j /J1 ~~" ~_/~/ X,---/ " J. W. HCCoy JWM:ps snc. cc: City of San Jose (Curt Gilley) w/enc. City of Campbell (Bill wren) w/enc~ ) County of Santa Clara (~Henini) w/enc. Cal-West Communities, Inc.(Al Cere.a) AFFILLIATES IN SUNNYVALE. PLEASANTON . DAVIS. PETALUMA City of Campbell 75 NORTH ~~ .RAL AVr;NUr; . CAMPßnL. CALI~O~NIA 95008 PI. "IE ]78-8141 l TO Bill Wren, Director of Public Works fROM Ex Frank T. Lewis, Associate Civil En ineer SUBJECT Access Bascom Avenue MESSAGE DATE Ma 19, 1970 Attached lease find alan delineat:in a ro Os~d aðð~g9 to Bagcom AVQnuQ immediately north of the proposed Los Gatos Creek Bridge. This access was submitted for application from a Mr. Fu'ita of MaCKa & Som s. I talked with Mr. Fujita and said that before we would consider this approval from the Southern,pacific Railroad Company, as well as, permission '1 i~ for a driveway or curb return access. was within our jurisdiction. Right off-hand I don't see any benefit to the C1ty of Campbell, but I do foresee a traffic hazard due to the bridge. Mr. Fu'ita'was also ve reluctant to tell me what the proposed development was to be or what the ro sed traffic eneration will be. SIGNED REPLY SIGNED DATE 013 @" r 7Jr (Î-/tJ:,-(~/ r ..2-) rl ~J~~I;f\ I mo F . ¡Vi}:\ f¡~....~.r ~{ti{~'::~'.O;ç2,~\ I "HUB OF THE FABULOUS SANTACLARAVALLEyr ,~ . 'I t "\ 1.11 V ,;;"",--r;--tl-:; t - 75 ,NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 . TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 May' 18, 1970 Mr. George Hammill, Planner IV Department of Planning City of San Jose 801 North 1st Street San Jose, California Ref: File No. C-70-4-60 Dear Mr. Hammill: This note is to advise you that we have referred the plans for development of the Borello property to our City Engineer for comment on the impact which the project will have on the traffic flow of Hamilton Avenue. From a zoning standpoint, it would seem that the pro- ject is independent of its affect on adjoining proper- ties in Campbell, with the exception of traffic flow. Therefore, we would have no specific recommendations on this matter. Thank you for your referral. You should expect to hear from our engineering department shortly. Very truly yours, ARTHUR KEE Planning Director AK:GFS:pka William Wren cc: Engineering Department ~,;"'ì '" .ð' , , -/ r, . ~) .4Y-~d.¡(~(L r _t,.C¡:: '~GERALD F. SCOTT Planner II CITY OF SAN JOSE CALIFDRr-JIA May 6, 1970 DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING SANFORD GETREU Director of Planning Campbell Planning Department City Hall 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: Subject: Flie No. C-70-4-60 The enclosed matter was filed with the City of San Jose and will be considered by the Planning CoIT~ission on June 2. 1970 Your comments on this matter wfIl be appreciated. OWNER-APPLICANT L. Cedric Macabee LOCATION OF PROPERTY North of Hamilton, east of Route 17, south of Pam1ar, west of SPRR PRESENT ZONING R-1-B-8 Residence District REQUESTED ZONING OTHER: C-1 Commercial District Yours truly, SANFORD GETREU DIRECTOR OF PLANNING ß~~~ George Hammill, Planner IV 180-10