Hamilton Ave. (1961) FoR IHfoItMATI~ 1tE'c.ATIHG 1'tÞ THE' DÐ!OIHG OF c'f"'-O~"ED PItOPEf(Ty serWe:EH THE LaTS o~ ALMAItIÞA DR. AND MlfÞHWAy ,.., AND NORTH of THE' 6Re:UNEIt ~ PA~eE'L I Pt-EAS€ :s EE ~..... AG. (ZQ). -, PR.OPf!R.T'( o8IJNE'RS IH"OLVEÞ: POLLEK PE:CJ(. 1>fe.EW "AN NesT .J..ftNDLDC/(ED P 1'),/ (7 - A-Á.mA-R-/DA .eX(1 ,:::>:::> (J¡¿OPER--ry H-OLÙ OíH E R. PftRC--ELS WER.£ CD/'J\JE'tED ~ ç~, of l-oTS (~) 1<3) 2.1; D6'6PE"D 6'1 C-LT't TO A-bJACEfÙT owtJe/E:s t'r For¿ A- GOOD A-AtD ~ A-J-UABI...£ CoNS, De:R.A-TIof\J ,) (A-Cc.oILDING TO -n+c DEEDS), iN H 4T wf)-5 Rex; v II2.€b of TH6m: A-CCO{<PfNG TZ> THe: R-EsPEC-TIV6 Re.soL...{)TID(\JS: E./tS, of I-OT 16 '. AÞJA-eEtUT owrJEP-S G¡¿A-NIED AN êA-$~m6rUT FoR sjw A-C.€o5S A CORNER- of .LOT 18 EPr>1 0 P Lo"TS ,~ t 2/ " AD-Jft(2r=Nr owNéR.S GA-Vé T7-+E: CI T'I 1} I (? 00'+ mE CO'Sf 0 ~ /2-1GCOR..ÞtfIJG r oíHeR.. ~oOb :f VA-/..Uf+ß(JE ~oNSt DERA-norJ. 1-\ I STo«y 0 F PPtRCEL êPrST of /-OT -¿o - DtêeuJ: 4-Zfo-{ó'c... CIT'j öFPœEÞ 10 DEep ï7+e PRoPERTY TD D.eE'W (e,/(JJ.-A-IN ìfV6 THAT TI+6y LùoÙLD H/tUe TO (JA-y 17h'E"'-.::.) oR. IssUe; A-N e:f\Jc1?-aACHmeNr PeRmlì Fol!.. USE' öp- T1tE PA-R-CEC ùJf-HC-H woULI) Be R.~VOJC-A BeE IF Tìte-¡ D I pt\Jr m A-INTAI tV me: Pt+f:.C6L I IN RESPoNSE Tb p~6ÚS TELEPHONE CAu:- or- ~ - (-to 2..) CIT'! r;:;xpo4/N5 WHAT mE: E:XTR-f\ iAXES> WOOL D 6E IF PA¡¿CEL LÙð'ts. DEEPe:b, CiTy 17/-Sa EN CLOSE:;!> It ~OPy oç:- 1{-f6 '-L'C~E" TO USE" n+e- Pf¿oP6.R.Ty ¿.vH ICH THE CITY t-tAÞ g£Cù7ED '" -/I-'" '2- . C rf\l I (\) 'D I CA~ \H AT WE A-uJ It I TCD i7-+EI~ ~csPod\Jse A-S Tz:.> wt+ICH TH-Ey WM'JïCJ). ~U5SE:qUevTl-Y (Dft-œ=- ÙN¡¿.NOU)^-JJ DR-c£..ÙS Sl6NeD TIft: /-ICEAJ5£. (LOrV ftT77'K.t+E1J) ,-_--.__.m._.__.-...---..- 5-'2:<'-&2- e IT'J PR.epA-~Ep LE6A-L DE5cte,pnot\J5 of Pc,A TS FoR.. ftLL LAtJDLOCt::.E1:> fltß!;_EJ~~~ (çory ðE.._'pg~- l:trmcH~_)J 9 - II - CoG- ..---- DAre UNICIVDwtJ 10 ._-zÆ.- <ö-¿ 10 - 2<? -6 -¿ PRE:t...U iAJe¡T65 TO f2CT'/ RErnlNbllVG uS THA-T I.\JE" VER..BI+Ll..'-/ 46£æ:Þ TO PLOW uP TIt€: GRDUA.li) BeFoRE TI+ËI/~ "TAKI NG ou~". ßI-/lCKte: T£'LLS HftLDt:-r1-H4T lAJof2K. 1-\-1+-5. B£EtV Doaùê, PtAu..J}G fYJA-¡¿ES TI+E tJOTE THAT t', Dl2eW SA-ys. oc)/~ /'J~~ C-- It': - .,t'~ r . .... I I I I June 17, 1976 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Drew 780 Almarida Drive Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Acquisition of Land A.P.N. 279-22-16 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Drew: This letter is in response to your inquir¥y about acquiring the above-subject city-owned property which borders the easterly line of your property. The City has no objection to granting the property to you in return for the payment of $1 plus recording fees. The same payments were required of the property owners immediately to the north and south of you When th~acquired similar city-owned parcels of land. Under current laws, however, you would be required to process and file a parcel map Which would legally combine your present lot with the above-subject lot. The parcel map m9~t be prepared by a registered Civfll!!lngineer or licensed Land Surveyoróf:the ¡state of California. ,/ In summary, the City will give you a ~rant Deed to the above-subject parcel of land if you are willing to process and file a parcel map and pay $1 and recording feea. Should you have any further questions, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Verv truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Lawrence C. Versaw, Engineering Technician I LCV : sk .. ~ I LICENSE PURSUANT to a resolution of the City Council authorizing the same a revocable license is hereby given to RICHARD H. DREW and DELORIS R. DREW to use and occupy the hereinafter described real property in City of Campbell for such lawful purposes as s tate law and municipal ordinances may allow, but subject to the stipulation and conditions hereinafter contained. The property affected by this license is described as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BBGINNING at the Southeast corner of Lot 20 as said lot is shown upon the map of Tract No. 772, said map recorded on July 24, 1950 in Book 30 of Maps, Page 1, Official Records, Santa Clara County, California; THENCE! N. 00.. 30' 00" W., 80.00 feet along the Easter y line of said Lot 20; THENCE, IN. 890 24' 45" E., 25013 feet along the proLongation of the Northerly line of said Lot 20; THENCE, along a curve, concave Northeasterly, through a central ~ü 20 19' 43", having a radius of 2000000 feet, an arc length of 81028 feet, to a point on the prolongation of the Southerly line of said Lot 20; THENCE S. 890 24' 45" W., 39.60 feet along the said prolongated line to the point of beginning and containing 0060 acres of land, more or less, and being a part of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.DoB. & M. ..1- a .. I This license is subject to the following conditions: 10 That the licensees will not erect or cause to be erected upon the land or affixed thereto any permanent structures including buildings or install subterranean structures of permanent or qUMi permanent natureo 20 That the land and prønises shall be kept in a neat. orderly appearance. free of debris. junk. trash. garbage. waste and discarded material and such other objects as would be offensive to the senses. 30 That the licena...ssave City of Campbell. its officers. agents and employes free. safe and harmless from all cla1mø and demands by licensees and third parties arising from the use and occupation of said premises. 4. That this license shall at no t~e by any acts. conduct or expenditure of labor and materials on said premises become permanent in character. but remain subject to revocation by City of Campbell upon reasonable noticeo DATED: This 11th day of Jun. . 1962. We accept the foregoing license upon the terms and conditions stated the.reino , /- /;11),. ,j "it !A' tl ,/,(;.¿i / ¿ , . . « // /,' I, .' /' .- ' ~ , CITY OF CAHPBElJ... a Municipal Corporation / .1", ,/ BY" /,-' , ' ~ L' .. Mayor' -2- ... ... 1 PARCEL 19A All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Lot 19 as said lot is shown upon the map of Tract No. 772, said map recorded on July 24, 1950 in Book 30 of Maps, Page 1, Official Records, Santa Clara County, California; THENCE, N. 0° 301 00" W., 80.00 feet along the easterly line of said Lot 19; THENCE, N. 89~ 241 45" E., 39.60 feet along the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 19; THENCE, along a curve, concave northeasterly, through a central angle of 2° 20' 52", having a radius of 2000.00 feet, an arc length of 81.95 feet, to a point on the pro~ongation of the southerly line of said Lot 19; THENCE, S. 89° 24' 45" W., 57.47 feet along the said prolongated line to the point of beginning and containing .089 acres of land, more or less, and being a part of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B. & M. I \ r f t .." RESOLUTION NO. '726 "BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ~\DEEDING or "CERTAIN PROPERTY BECAUSE, 'OF CERTAIN CONDITIONS " 'c WHEREAS,' the City of Campbell is the owner 'of '~tain\'re.l ¡,\ '0'" . ".. "',J" ," ~roperty ~ediately east of Lot" 21 of Tract No. 772rand" "".' "" ~f'.'\~IU'~', said property cannot be.prope.rf1Y,mail1t~'1iëd})y. the City forces,becau8e there~iliJ no access" to it. large ,nòugh::;to any equipment.,,'over; and . "., . . . c'. 'c.' ., ,. ... WHEREASfsaidproperty 181rreqular in's't1ape ands;ontalns only .036 acres; and WHEREAS, the City Council findathat:.itis lnt:e;cest the people cf the City of. Campbell.to th land and thereby put it back on the tax roll useful to someone 'Who can maintain it, the best dispose of and make it N(IW'@ THER.EP'OkS"BE IT RESOLVED by the CltyC.oun¿~l "that . . .",. '. ;:¡nd in con8ideration of the sum of $1. 001 t.he costs of , '. ~nd other good. and valuable conil~~at.ion,the C1tyof to Lloyd "" L~ Van Nest and Ca~herine 0.. Van Nest, ty east of Lot 21 of Tra~=t No& 772, andthiJ,t in ,.' th~!te'W'ith the Mli,yù:r: be ð\uthor ized to èxecute the property 0 ,f "t. r:;:) J, I 4;A,'3~~ED )\ND ADOPTED this....!..Oth dAy of- -' 19~, August . ('/fi\iin9 vote ~ .;;lo:~<; ; C;'.ç,\,Ulcllmel¡ g Doetsch, McElroy, Smeed, Rose None Rogers C'Jii.nc1l.m1(:¡:fj 3 };Y'7.':; ~»UŒh:;l.1men ÀJ? P ì& OVE th ?t~...".", ~ ."""".-IÍ51.,, """",,""" ...UQ,', . b""" ,N¡" ,,"\9, it"~\ycJt. ,- . c' '"~-- n- ".".."-_.. -~. 1,'1. ," . 'C:i 1'<" c; It ' 1;;' ); "'1 -- ú1flJP RESOLUTION NO. 1519 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEEDING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BECAUS E OF CERTAIN CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the City of Campbell is the owner of c.~tai" real property iDlDediately east of Lot-U- of Tract No. 772; ad WHEREAS, said property cannot be properly ..tat.~".d by the City forces because there i8 no access to it large enough to get any equipment over; and WHEREAS, said property i. irregular in .hape and ccm- . 03fo tains only ~ acres; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it i8 to the beat interest of the people of the City of Campbell to dispose of this land and thereby put it back on the tax roll and make it useful to someone who can maintain it; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00; the costs of re- cording and other good and valuable consideration, the City of AtU ~.....e.ø Campbell grant to Phillip B. Peek, Jw_, sad 918ft. To Peek, the 2' said property east of Lot ~ of Tract No. 772, and that in con- nection therewith the Mayor be authorized to execute the deed to said property. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of June ,1963, by the following vote: .. P.O.B:... 4: 2° 19' 4311 R= 2000.00 L= 89.28' a: 0 N88024' 4811 E .c,! '..... c( ~- g !- ~l' iT. ~ t- I RICHARD H. a DELORIS R. DREW Lo1 20 s aeo24'4:5.W . # LAND TO BE GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 8cede: ,': 50' Land to be granted by City Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer J Campbell J California Dr. by:FTL Ck,by: May 22.1962 )Þ¿1';~ :z££~ " , ~ / J A4~J " ,L.,.~ /Ù:~ y'~ (~-<'/. J-z1 "7 ~/ j~<-</(J ð-~. , L:..e:~ ~--1..--.2~)-J ~.?/~-1/ ~ / ...1 /--;j{~-;V2-~/ /J--e'/ '/ /~~- ¿::-<-~ ¿;¿'ß"[:/ . J rÞ¿/~-él 'Y'~ â ~/.c.-.~ ZL ~ /.¿;? L,£ ;/ 2 ~.~.:!- ~- ~4-../ /Å-e-/-rAz.--L-- A~ é. .-f~ (~ ¿:::: 7--é?¿4 /<:. ~~1/ j' /LL--Þv~~ / /... e -' y~ t/2/~~~ . ¿;~ ~C/ ~ éÛ2,/L4.-~,~-( -ci .~~ -£4 ,~? ()-/:;7 ~,/~? J~.~ J -<A.h-¿þ7 ~. ./~~ ~ Á-.c/~ ~ (!~ h ~ /-£-rt-- -ðJ ~ ."'¿~' '\ 1- - . ...' . ./ . VYv . a-. _.~ ) j/q, ~A.%/ l:Ji<-o/-.. L, tL- Æ'~u:.' OAT< 1, J, ~ ¿ ~\ -:u;>~ ."",,-,< (~t~r Ll'~~,~~",\ /"7 ß t1..ß-""""~'-"-:1 2 . ~ J3 (£~Lck To -ck 1\ I (.... {. -\-",-( v..,-~j' /'---C i-<-<c(¿~¿' l~,-~ c'I-t~ R. c.t ~ - 4,(; .....'-~ (,,~t~ q..-"": l..'" e l.....J~lj c.1-\. 'I - .t- "v~j) ~ r~ -r.:Y1L.., SIGNED \\.\ \-\rc",."j~ PLEASE REPLY HERE To :11~-"Á~ -, DATE / ð /).. y Ie ..3 Jk' fl.,~~1- ;: ~ ;: t:14/Ý¿ ~a;;;4 ;; (~ - \~, ..é ':, (:ir""}).' (: /e , I I / J i :' ,. .' , '- SIGNED tM - INSTRUCTIONS-PERSON ORIGINATING MEMO WILL REMOVE DUPLICATE (YELLOW) COpy AND FORWARD ORIGINAL (WHITE) AND TRIPLICATE (PINK) WITH CARBONS RE- MAINING IN SET. AFTER REPLY IS WRITTEN, SNAP OUT CARBONS: RETAIN THE TRIPLI- CATE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL TO THE PERSON ORIGINATING MF.MO. FOR" $. 0.4 $ september 11, 1962 Mr. Richard H. Drew 780 A1marida Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Drew I In response to your tel~hone call September 7, 1962, we are returning your copy of the proposed License to the City parcel east of your property. We have calculated, in response to your question, the probable property tax which would be asses.ed against the .060 acres of land, if you were to accept a deed from the City. Using last year's tax ra_., we have calculated the tax would be approximately $18.30 per year. we under8tand that you are deSirou8 of relocating your easterly fence as quick as pos8ible and are seeking assurance that the City will issue the License for your U8e of thi8 property. As ID8ntioned to you on the phone, the Council has authorized the issuance of this License by their Resolution No. a copy of which i8 a180 attached for your review. With this authority, you may be assured that any 1mprovement of this land in accordance with the conditions of the License are approved a8 of the date of the Resolution. If you are desirous of obtaining the License, we would be willing to meet you at your convenience with. signed copy that: you and your wif~ indicate acceptance upon (upon out copy only). we will await your contacting us to set an appointment for your receiving this License, if you so desire. If, however, you are considering acceptance of this parcel by a Grant Deed, then we must prepare a Resolution for Council consideration s~ilar to Resolution No. 1353 which would author ize the granting of the Deed to you. If you are desirous of this action, please contact me with your final decision and we will prepare the necessary documents, sending you a copy, 1353; HZ'. Richard H. J);rew -2- september 11, 1962 before Council action, for your review. May we hear your decisions? very truly yours, Myron D. Hawk, Land Acquisition Coordinator MDHtcb Enclosures I' 't IBSOLUTION NO. 1353 ',' BIING Å RES OLUTION A11rHORIZ INe THE DEEDING OF CIITAIN PROPERTY IN CONS IDERATION OF A GRANT or IAIIMKNT TO CITY OF CAMPBBLL AND GRANTING REVOCABLE LICENSES ON OTHER PROPERTY 0 WHEREAS, CITY OF CAMPBELL is the owner of certain real property immediately East of Lots 20 and 21 of Tract No. 772, and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is to the best interest of the people of City of Campbell that revocable licenses be ¡ranted to owners adjacent to said property for the consideration of said owners maintaining said real property in a aeat and orderly condition, and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it has no need for municipal purposes of that certain corner piece of real property Kaat of Lot 18 of said Tract No. 772, and that CARL L. POLLEX and DDORA C. POLLEX are willing to grant an easement for municipal purposes upon the City's granting to them of said portion of the property East of Lot 18 of said Tract, NOW, THBRIFOU, BI IT u.c;OLVED by the C1 ty Council that a revocable licenø. subject to certain conditions to be contained therein holding the City safe and harmle.s from the use of said property, and providing that it be maintained in a clean, orderly ~~r, be and the same is hereby granted to IICHAI.D Ho DREW and DKLOI.IS Ho DREW on real property adjacent to Lot 20 of said Tract Moo 772. and to LLOYD L. VAN NEST and CÅ'lKDDII L. VAR HIlT .. to the real property adjac_t to Lot 21 of said fiact Mo. 7720 =1- ?j , ! 'j ) Hay 15, 1962 I Llo4d ~~" \i~~ , ~,,1 ci Cð-th€\'\fì.¿ C) Resident 798 A18arida Drive Campbell, California Gentlemen: we have been authorized by the city Council to c:lraft an encroachlllent permit for the parael east of your property. We have understood from your neighbor, Mr. Drew, that you would prefer this procedure above the fee title dedication. Would you please get in touch with us at your convenience at FRanklin 8-8141 so that we might understand each other on this matter? If you cannot call between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., then please call me at FRm1klin 8-8455 which is my home pnone ;and I will try to arrange an appointment to see you. Very truly yours, Myron D. Ha'>\Tk, Land Acquisition Coordinator MDH:cb A. M. DENNIS ATTORNEY AT LAW 61 B SANTA CRUZ AVENUE MENLO PARK. CALIF"ORNIA OAVENPORT 6-aOOO May 2nd, 1962 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California Attention: Myron D. Hawk, Land Acquisition Coordinator Gentlemen: FILE NO. 16736 -- 798 Almarida Drive, Campbell This wi 11 acknowledge on behalf of my client, Suburban Homes, Inc., your letter of Apri 1 26th, 1962, regarding your parcel of land that adjoins 798 Almarida Drive, Campbell. My client thanks you for your offer, but is not interested in pur- chasing or acquiring in any fashion your adjoining parcel. Very truly yours, ~~~ AMD/lp April 26, 1962 suburban Homes, Inc. 618 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, California RE: Yo~r Property at 798 Almarida Drive, Campbell Gentlemen: We have been authorized by the City Council to contact all property owners owning land on the east siue of Almarida that adjoins the triangular piece of City property in order to determine your consideration of accepting either a deed to the adjoining parcel or, possibly, an encroachment permit for use of this parcel. We would recommend that if an encroachment permit were issued that one condition be attached stipulating the permit to be revocable under the condition that the land owner did not maintain the parcel. The parcel siz~ that adjoins is approx~ately 1,560 sq. ft. in area (.036, acres). ~ve would be interested in receiving your thoughts on this matter. It might be mentioned that if a deed were given for fee title, then you would be required to pay property taxes upon this parcel. If, however, you would consider the encroachment permit, then no taxes would be chargedto the property owner. May we hear your decision by May 7, 1962: If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please phone me at FR-8-8l4l, Ext. 31. Very truly yours, Myron D. Hawk, Land Acquisition Coordinator MDH:cb April 26, 1962 ~ ; '. , ") Richard H. and Deloris R. Drew 780 Almarida Drive Campbell, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Drew: We have been authorized by the City Council to contact all property owners owning land on the east side of Almarida that adjoins the triangular pieca of Çlty pr9perty in order to determine your consideration of accepting either a deed to the adjoining parcel or, possibly, an encroachment permit for use of this parcel. ~e would. recommend that if an encroachment permit we~~ issued that one condition be attached stipulating the permit to be re- vocable under the condition that the L3.nd owner did not maintain the parcel. The parcel size that adjoins is approximately 2,640 sq. ft. in area (D6l acres). We would be interested in receiving your thoughts on this matter. It might be mentioned that if a deed were given for fee title then you would be required to pay property taxes upon this parcel. If, however, you would consider the encroachment permit, then no taxes would be charged to the property owner. May we hear your decision by May 7, 1962? If you have any questioœ regarding this proposal, please phone me at FR-8-8141, Ext. 31. Very truly yours, Myron D. Hawk, Land Acquisiti,:m Coordinator MDH : cb April 26, 1962 Carl L. and Eldora c. 750 Almarida Drive Campbell, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pollex: Pollex We have been authorized by the City Council to contact all property owners owning land on the east side of Almarida that adjoins the triangular piece of City property in order to deterttline your consi,jeration of accepting either a deed to the adjoining parcel or, possibly, an encroachment permit for use of this parcel, We would recommend that if an encroachraent permit were issued that one condition be attached stipulating the permit to be revocable under the condition that the land owner did not maintain the parcel. The parcel size that adjoins is approximately 5.450 sq. ft. in area (.125 acres). ~'Ìe waul] he? intereste1 in receiving your thoughts on this matter. It might be mentioned that if a deed were given for fe.-.; citle, the!} you would be re:lllired. to Pé:'!Y property taxes upon this parcel. If, however, you would COllsirle:c the encroacnment permit, then no taxes would bc~ charged to the property owner. May we hear your decision by May 7, 19627 If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please phone me at FR-8-8l41, Ext. 31. Very truly yours, Myron D. Hawk, Land Acquisition Coordinator MDH: cb April 26, 1962 Dale C. and Ellen S. Miner 764 Almarida Drive Campbell, California ']v\}¡, Q,r; \J' 0 ,"'. , '.Q.- ! ' (IF ~J\ Î\ ' U' . L JDL1 C I L( Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miner: We have been authorized by the City Council to contact all property owners owning land on the east side of Almarida that adjoins the triangular piece of City property in order to determine your consideration of accepting either a deed to the adjoining parcel or, possibly, an encroachment permit for use of this parcel. We would recommend that if an encroachment permit were issued that one condition be attached stipulating the permit to be revocable under the condition that the land owner did not maintain the parcel. The parcel size that adjoins is approxLmately 3,920 sq. ft. in area (.090 acres). We would be interested in receiving your thoughts on this matter. It might be mentioned that if a deed were given for £~t:! title, then you would be required to pay proper.:,y taxes upon this parcel. If, however, you would consider the encroachment permit, then no taxes would be cha.L'ged to the property owner. May we hear your decision by May 7, 19627 If :ì°u have any questions regarding this proposal, please pho::1e me at FR-8-8l4l, Ext. 31. Very truly yours, Myron D. Hawk, Land Acquisition Coordinator MDH: cb ,) " . L , , -' "--- /l ! j ( ! , ,I -' \ \' " ,¡ ) " ~ ~ ' ':, '" \!'I.þ C( CJ \f'I ( 1 ~)?)(yt l ~(?IA"Y7J ('1 t n"':; L~ d 11 S lA. (,dOLI [')2. lAOI t Y/J ~ J~ tJ.'t:d '(J Gt.4.!'?J9 plAP 5~;~l.)() P.-J.otA4 pIA V! to 5.lJJ7't.J ~£{ì' 'UllAPJflAt-r; lJ\At? G!I('t'HJ1G~cq -fO i't,,!(;d .1~t vf- :~tA"1 f\ . ~; 'S'? ' . , F¿> p7 blA"! vJcl f"Y; 7l- t ç IN I V F~J ~ ( /VI,.s þ, 1>Z V £7";¡¡ <;:, 'CD \'i ~ tl 1- ~ i-V) '71\1$ fJ ;~l)('1 h!J~~tOQi J>~.r j(;> ~'1Q,+ŸGIAQl°.J,cJ ~ '-1,+ 1J(j' t V'<..Jd V Q+ l t :?>t'j' .~ . , 9 t' ~ + b\~'~ 7.)~? tA 17 It~ OJ 'OQç¡Z r ') (1 '1m) '., G \11,1 \71.1 l "'v! O-Z " Z " ! ÞV!J \ '7.At H ~~:7 '7 ~GO'7)~t. t hl~~t-"-)'<7~'1t.AQ\.t 7)('.\ì-:P /A.'17 (c-;.7)¡'I}O~) "\7 (;/AOr ,) :3}(\I.'3)i 1- ~ 1'" '. pw:> r 1114 I I C 1.I~~t N1A 11 ~ t ~"t t. to tAO/f\?blA(;l t..7AtJ .1~+ (711c.71'¡) f~~j b<J' t: 1/ :9 II 517! 1'2 .)be [\l -¿')N;!ti'l .~ t .11 PP7S j'? :ni'l r;, I A'PI "'"M .?l1t ~'" ~ I\? F";t I ~ - Qg 1M, J q 0 ,(1 Z .J 0 (\I :t? N';\W..L. ~ ',,)~ /;/.J.9j' r~) let \Å/1()) '?A 'OJ') ,.?t IA\?<') I ~fJA/?7~~ l V\)Ij'j"° l ). ø\nd ( ~.d{)w at:¿. 1f~c¿! V! 951)( (17Z f1rr lAQ plJY.A.P7.?>.J d'9lM F'"tJD l è t... ¿ t; ~ +717) L ~..) d 1;1W, '1t v.~n lAm ~S c;.. t '1 P !\J~-,> C;,:>,? rz.., 11 tP..A J> 1A)fJ:7 15,>"'OZ> ~ t O¡.'~ ~.t t"'O ?NI~ \'II ~Y3 <a ~ "¡ ~P1QllOJ'5"\? f;lCf!.J.Y>':'3{J JMY ""'41LA.A9j' UJ cr 'Jt'Qt~ ('¡JA'?{J 'OttAV~ j9 ÇtUMJ (II~Kf"J f7 ~tl) lJ~r 1f1 7t\7flf1'ô ~fAØdoAcÞ It/}) t.\1\~AP) f~t (IV 'r/ l ¿-# ~ 11)A ti .# ..13.89' II 89024' 458E cf 0 ã: C( ~ ...J C( , ~ 88 0 C) 0 0 z A= 2020' It( R= 2000.00' L= 81.58' SUBURBAN HOMES tNC. (\j r-- t~~ lot 21 0-.:' P.O.B,... ' a:: 0 ¡.-.. s EtgO 24' 45MW - LAND TO BE GRANTED BY T~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Icale: ,8= 50' Land to be granted by City Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, Campbell, California Dr,by: FTL Ck.by: May 19,1961 . .. '1 PARCEL 20A All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Lot 20 as said lot is øhown upon the map of Tract No. 772, said map recorded on July 24, 1950 in Book 30 of Maps, Page 1, Official Records, Santa Clara County, California; THENCE, N. 0° 30' 00" W., 80.00 feet along the easterly line of said Lot 20; THENCE, N. 89° 24' 45" E., 25.13 feet along the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 20; THENCE, along a curve, concave northeasterly, through a central angle 2° 19' 43", having a radius of 2000.00 feet, an arc length of 81.28 feet, to a point on the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 20; THENCE S. 89° 24' 45" W., 39.60 feet along the said prolongated line to the point of beginning and containing .060 acres of land, more or less, and being a part of section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, MQD.B. & M. r . ... aa ~ a: c ~I {'\i a: I".. ct '-h :! . ...I ü:: « rh' I .r N 89024'45"E ð= 2024'2J" R= 2000.00' L= 83.98' ¿, CARL L. 8 ELDORA C POLLEX Lot 18 S 89°43'22" W " \Jt" ¡ r¡ Icale: 1"= 50' LAND TO BE GRANTED BY THE -- CITY OF CAMPBELL [~ Land to be granted by City Prepared by the OHiçe of the r:¡ty Engineer Campb~ ¡ ¡ CJ!ìfornìo Dr.by: FTL Ck.by: May 19,1962 ,-'.~ .~~ ~ '\ \ PARCEL 18A All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Lot 18 as said lot is &hown upon t:le map of Tract No. 772, said map recorded on July 24, 1950 in Book 30 of Mpps, page 1, Official Records, Santa Clara County, California; THENCE,N. 0° 30' 00" W., 80,73 feet along the easterly line of said Lot 18; THENCE, N. 8g0 24' 45" E.,57.47 feet along the prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot 18; THENCE, along a curve, concave northeasterly, through a central angle of 2° 24' 21", having a radius of 2000.00 feet, an arc length of 83.98 feet, to a ,point on the prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot 18; THENCE, S. 89° 43' 22" W., 79.17 feet along the said prolongated line to the point of beginning and containing .127 acres of land,more or less, and being a part of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range 1 west, M.D.B. & M. \ \ \ ~ ~ '/ a//t, 1 .."):..:......!&'~ , II ,.¡ ~1 ., I /" , . ',' ./,J"'iUe/'{é/'""S S I March 17. 1966 Mr. Willi.. a. Sr.uner SreuRer'I"O88 Furnlsherl 220 I Iroedwey o.k»aRd. CalifornIa 94612 Deer Mr. SreURer: Your teUe, r..,.ltlng the CCIIftpletlon of the ItlpfOV8l8nU to AI..rlde Drive betWeen "-Ilton and I.vlet Avenues. ..1 conll..red at our regular .etlng of Kerch 14. 1966. ..-.,. of our Council and Ita'f recently -,with your representative to discuss this r..,.st. and also the future d..,eloplleRt of the arM adjacent to Sreuner's. .CI ty "'..ger AoMrt Step""l. Planning Director aleM'" Hogen. and Acting 'ubllc Workl 01 ector WIIII- Wren. recently Mt with a r.,re,..,atlv8 of Shell 011 C.,8ftV fer the purpose of 1_...,- Ing of their ptan, for the future deV8lqll"ant of the lardnar ,~. The uhl..te deYel.....-t of the half street of AIM,I., betwøn "_Ilton Md DavId. wi It of course éepeftd upon the devel.....t e' the str..t to Its full width. Mr. Stepheft8, Mr. Hopn .. Mr. WrM, IMrned that the Shelf .11 Cœpany Intenets to dlscuI', Info....."y. a conc:.t of dev81.....-t with the City touncf1 within the next th,.. 8Oftths. You are no doubt --re that the ","r property, If It ¡s developed for C:C8NrcJel use, wi' I requl,.. the property to be rezoned. The C I tv tounc II Is 1101 t 18ftl1 t I ve to the need for ...11 ty developqnt. whlc:h wIll CGIIIp11Ment your store .ross the Itr..t. Vel can allure you thet your r..,..t for develop88nt 0' AI..rleta will b. expedited wi th Shell 011 C......,. TtMt lta'f efld obtaIn a verbal CCIIIII tMnt frell Shell 01 I tNt they would cf8dlcate a ItON drain..,. ...-.nt l-.dlately. ThIs will en"'. the City to Install the stOrM drain ..In clown AI..,I. southerly to "-tItan Av...... re.t. Th. dedicatIon and l,.roY8ent of both AI.."de anet the epproec:h to the ..,dner property on K-' Iton Avenue, we bel'eve will allow en Improved traffic peUern. and at thet tl.- wit I .valuete the need for traffic Ilgnall at this Intersection. t trVllt the above IAfOftWltion has been suffIcient to al jeviate the concern which you have expressed in your letter . & .. To: Mr. Wlillem A. 8reunar 1 !!.iû 3/17/66 regardIng the motor vehIcle and pedestrIan traffIc which II occurring adjacent to your very fine development In C8mpbell. SIncerely. Iharle.Ro.. Mayor CR:kg cc: Mr. Aay Schreck Manager Ireuner'l Campbell Robert C. Stephens City Manager cc: Richard V. Hogan Planning DIrector. I cc: Wit 11- G. Wren / Acting Public Worrc.VOI rector cc: , -- M8y 'I. 1961 City Title Insurance (0. 76 Iorth "rlt Street San Jole, California Re: Escrow Appl lcatlon "'.91ISAJC (~lly L. "r~er en4 State of Callforn ¡ a) Attention: Aene Helov O..r Mr. Helou: Ple.ue open an escrow In accor4ence with the n---r I118fttlone4 above and enter the 8Oclol84 .-terlall In the e.crow with Inltructlons al follows: I. The amount of $34,586.63 eneloa. II to ba pal., to the D ¡ v lion of HI 9"'YI upon the 4e11 very of the ... an. the c 1 OIl ng of the sale of s... property to the W. R. 8ruene, CoMpany In acco,..nce with the enclose4 a,r...-nt. 2. In the event that the 8,re888nt II not CC8plete4 with the W. R. Bruener C-pany within the Itlpvlate4 tl.., the aecontl par-nt tha" be naMe out of tM proc...s now 4eposl te" In accor4ance with the agreement with the Division of Hlthwevl .at.. DeceMber 16, 1959. an4 the balance of the funtla I... the coat of eae~ return. to the City un t lIthe f I na I p.yraent Is "', at wh I ch t I.. the total 88Ount then 4ue will be pal4 Into the .scrow anti the.... 48p0slt." by the DivIsion of Highways, thereby tran581tt84 to the City. 3. Th. tleetf for Itreat tla.leatlon to the City shall b. slgna4 by Mrs. Qartlner prior to the closing of the ..crow or shall b. refule4 by Mrl. Gartlner with an aéequate substitute to be.... by the City to fulfill It.. ~ of the contract be~ the City of C.-,b.ll antt Brueners. ~. Dee4 to be ...cut.. by Iruane,s to the City for a full citMIleatlon of extension of A'_rl.. an4 the fr'Oftta.. on "_Ilton Avenu.. City Title Insurance Co. Escrow Application '1~972SAJC -2- ".y 16, 1961 S. City to execute 4... to Brueners upon racelvln. title from the Olvilion of HIIhw8YI or upon 4epollt of the 4e84 by the Dlvl- lion of Hltm.ys of the lan41 ecqulr841 un4er the a,r_ant dat841 December 16, 1959. 6. Total aMOunt to be transmltte4 to the City provl41nl all other con41tlons are .atlsfle4 within the a.reement be~ Bruene,s an4 the City to be $135.000, with all other expenses pal4 by the Bruene, Company. Aecor4 of Survey to be fll~ by Title Company a. part of the conditions for closing of e.crow. If you require any further Instructions re,ar4In, this escrow or the setting up of this escrow, pl...e call me a FRanklin 8-)437. Very truly yours. M. S. HeUel City Kanager HSH :mf Ene I: I. 2. Copy of Lease Purchase Contract wIth Stat. of Calif. Executed copy of Agr....nt for sal. an4 purcha.. of r..' property between Bruener Co. an4 City of C8œpbell. Grant De.. from Gardners to City of Cempbell. Grant 0..4 from Bruenera to City of ea.pbeI1. Grant Oe~ from City of Campbell to Bruener Co. Original Record of Survey of the lao4s to b. 4...ed to Bruener Company. (Un4er leparate cover.) Check In amount of $34.586.63; Pay.. - City Title Insurance Co.. San Jose. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. cc: John M. Ju 1 I us Co)4well Banker ~ Co. W. J. K.nney Division of Highways W. R. Bruener Sacr....nto January 29, 1963 John Breuner Company 2201 Broadway Oakland 12, California ATTENTION: Floyd A. Southard SUBJECrr: street Improvements, Brauner Development Hamilton Aven~e and Almarida_ÿ£ive Gentlemen: A recent inspection by this office has disclosed that .the EJubj ect improvements are complete and satisfactory. These improvements are hereby accepted by the City. Sincerely yours, MYRON D. H..l\~I7K, CITY ENGINEER \ ~\\\- By William G. wren, Assistant City Engineer WGW: cb cc: Bob George George S. Nolte RES 0 L UTI 0 N BOOK:J24'] pÅGf587 having approved the manner, terms and conditione of the RESOLVED by the Calirornia Highway Commission, that, it Installment Contract For The Sale of Real Property with the City of Campbell, hereby authorizes and approves the execution by the Director of Public Works on behalf of the State of California of a deed conveying to the City of Campbell real ~roperty in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, 3tate of California, described as follows: All that l'eal property situate, lying and being partly in the City of Campbell and all in the County of Santa Clara, State of California and being a portion of those certain tracts of land conveyed to the State of California by deeds recorded February 28, 1956 and May 15, 1956 in Volumes 3424 and 3495, pages 318 and 611, respectively, both Official Records of the County of Santa Clara, said portion being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the westerly line of said State's tract (3495 OR 611), distant thereon N.Oo33'o4" E., 25. \)J feet from the southwesterly corner of said State's tract (349~ OR 611); thence across the two said tracts: (1) N. 85022'40" E., 172.91 feet; (2) along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of 100.00 feet, through an angle of Ido09'43", an arc 1e~th of 136.42 feet; (3) N. '7°12Ij7" E., 443.21 reet; (4) along a tangent curve to the left with a radius or 250.00 reet, through an'lngle of 26°10104", an arc length of 114.18 feet; , ,¡ 1',.0r-" , ,i' i.r .;c;; -,J. feet and ('-", a"""'g a ...a>ge~.t 1,,) I'. U ,)/ 'J{ 'fV.. J:Ju.¡'-j 'j ÁV.. v,1 ,¡, CJr~e to the right with a radius of 2000.00 reet, through an a;ìg1e of 12 ° 56' 04", an arc length of 451.50 feet to the nù2therly line or said State 1 s tract (3424 OR 318); therL:e along said northerly line (7) N. 89°08' 53" W., 13.1~ feet to the westerly line or said State's tract (3424 OR 318); thence along said westerly lines of State's tracts (3424 OR 318 and 3495 OR 611), (8) s. 0°33'04" W., 1621.96 feet to the point of commencement. CONTAINING 7.281 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the State of California a Water Pipe Line Easement and incidents thereto under, over and across a strip of land of uniform width of 10.00 feet, lying westerly of and contiguous to the course and curve described and designated above as (3) and (4), respectively, said easement containing an area of 0.127 of an acre, more or less. .. .----..,--~_.. ~. BOOK5247 PAG£58b ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the State of California any and all rights of ingress to or egress from the land herein conveyed over and across the easterly 142.91 feet of the course described and designated above as (1) and over and across the entire curves and courses described and designated above as (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7). It is the purpose of the foregoing exception and peservation to provide that no easement of access shall attach or be appurtenant to the property hereby conveyed, by reason of the fact that the same abuts upon a public way and upon a State hi.¡.;hway, wi th access only to the State highway being restricted. The bearings and distances used in the above descript~on are on the California Coordinate System, Zone 3. Multiply the above distances by 1.0000438 to obtain ground level distances, !~pon full performance by purchaser of all terms and conditions I;' :,he agreement and upon full payment of principal and :n""re::è" as tJler'ein provided. - , [I THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the orig!nal res~lution passed by the California Highway Com- I mission, at ItS meeting regularly c~"ed a~d held, onthe 16.th - dayof ;J\"cernr:er, 19.:2:; ,mtheCllyofSacra!1}el'1t9 a majority of the members of said Commission being present and voting therefor. Dated this;'~ í i ~ (:ÞJP, .. -- . ., , \. G, N, COOK '-',1<""- 'Fr~FTA~Y (H THf CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION ,q <e.'-'""",sP,, - -. --" """",..,..y,.._, ,'> ----,--_u~--,..._-,,- .,.-., .------- , BOOK :)24 ¡ PÅGf ;j':~n STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROBERT B. BRADFORD Director of Public Works î " -? / I ~#i~ p <-:~~ /- . ,/ " "", :'1' I APPRO'fED AS 10 FO~M ANJ fROCEDURE .9-ç ~- - A TT'JPt.,¡EY DEPUIMENT OF HBllC WORn \1\rl,,1 \111\))<'\1,\/ ( "',' 'I \" 1< I"'" " ./.1) ".I ..;1.1(. ~U d61' , Iii !h, ),',11' I') , (i,.,iore me, AlPdh U, [':"I."",J 1'/ ,ili'/ ('I' ¡II, \¡,.lle >Ii (.¡flfo~,:~/::;¡ rl~.IiJ~>~, 1/~er~II, dill) commissJ,J//ed alii! ,I/(X'¡/':I" I.!}('zm/{/I/y aPþeam! "~'JI II" ""j ,/WOIlIl to III,' 10 ('f' Ib¡¿ L/r¿.v.~,I-- Dlreclor of Ibe nt/Nil I m,'II( o,i PIIUie I.\lorl" of' Ibe State of ('ali,iom/d, dcsu/f¡cd in IJlld that excel/led II,/, lIilh/1I illl/lllmelll, all.l .d.lo /iIlOIl n 10 me to De Ihc þl'rS(JI/ wbo ('lef/II,'d Ibl' same "1/ ¡"hid! "f !he )(,11,. of Califorllia therein lIamed and h.' I/c/u/()/{'/e:l/!,I'd to me tbat ¡h" )I,I!I' oj California ncclltl'J the .II/II/C, I" \\"J,',IS,> \\ ¡¡¡IQO), I /Jill" h/'rel/1llo set II/} band and affi,\cd my official seal in 11/1,1 (1>1I11!). Ihe <iI/) illI.! H'ar finl aDo!'1' written, :'k;è'Y - , ~ / '/ Z:' /' . / ./:' . -,. , "'T~(..(~./~/_~/uL--- . , l(¿.¿aL£:¡;t" - ' "~,,,..J NolaryPub c í\lí,;dC -; . ,', '. " , ,', 6'" ,.' 5P" . ,- -". ,,~_.. ,-...,""""' c ,co"~. þ.' '.', , ': , . Rllourrt. lfO. "'2 IIDIC A IIIOLtrnOR AUDIOIUDIO tALI or 11& 'JOPlin ØD AUTRORIZIltG lIAYOa TO 81ON AGIIIMIlft'. WIIIRW. J'OHIf BaBfìn&a CCltPANY, . CoxporatiOQ, has .ffend to PU2:chaa. from City of Caa8pbel1 the nal phpettJ ,. . , ' . .,...,..- """"--------'-"""""".' attuate at the Nort;hweet Comet of HaldttOD "Avenue and ..... . ," . "" . hMway fol' the sum of 0Iae Jl\mdred '1'h1rty-ftV'8 'l'houa.d ('135,000.00) Dollars net '0 the City, and, WlllRIAS. there has been 8ubad.tted to the City ØoacU - aar8"P11_t therefor embodying all the tet'JU and cODd1d- of ..id' .al. and purchase, and, W1IDI.AS, the terms thereof are fair and 8f1U1ta1tJAa. _d it 1. for the belt interest of the City that the ..~ be COU'-ted, HOW, DllIIrOB, BI IT IISOLVID by the "'J Council of City of C8apbell thai: the offe. of JOR1f BRIUftD GCltrAft, . Corporation, be accepted and that the Kayo I' be 8Iul h. il benby authori..d tOex8Öuae laid agr88lD8nt OD behalf of the City of Campb.ll. 'MID ØD ADOfTBD thi. 24th day of April, 1961, by the foll8wf.ftg \fOte: ØI8: . ' CoUDC111D8D : lOll : Couac 11men : Couoe 11181\ : None Ch. 1t lÞe 11, LI C8, Mayne. Rogers, WeItzel _Dr : None ArrIOVID: ff.a'~ --"¡ . 41' ." / " . .... CON.'TJ.. Of APPRÞVAL OF THE PLANS 8f JOHN .iUME. CO. FOR DEPMTM¡1ft' 11011 TO II '"*10 ON THI N IIOE OF E. HAM' L TON AVDlUI AS APPIOVID tV TNE - tlTY 'OF CMP.EÛ;;~~t't.ANNI NG COMMISSION ON THE 17th DAY OF OC:ro8ER, 196,1. . , 1. A 4"""..concrete sld8WIIlk to b. c;2n.tr~t~ by the pro..rty ~J '---- 11. .. 11 -~.. p" -r-rty~f'?oJ"-4. et\.'~r1""Ce. Or Cv~ ~ 2. Electro'ler. to be placed on P. G. & E. Power Pole.. 3. A 40 foot drIveway on AIm8rlda Drive In lIeu of a 35 foot dr I vewey.. \( 4~ No ImproveMent to be done on Hamilton Avenue at thIs tIMe due to future wldenlng.& Improvement of HamIlton Avenue bridge and on and off,r8Mp" etc. I- " s. ~ Fire hydrants to be placed in accordance with the City of Caøpbell Fire Department requirements. f CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION JtL:.. Wi} -~-¿ C, ¿ W. L. Morser, DIrector -- Urban Development Department October 18, 1961 '" /;' , t/1/ {;3 t:1tt (f;/l't'U ì CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO""'SSION VARIANCE NO. 60 OCTOBER 3, 1961 / / In accordance with the provIsions of Chapter 3, Article IX, Section 9329(b) of the C..,be11 Municipal Code, JOHN BREUNER COMPANY II hereby granted a Variance fr~ required parking for the construction of a retail furniture store, as per plans submitted. GRANTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell, California on the 3rd day of October, 1961. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION f¡ , ( Ii -/' !i!~ WL LM~RS~R', ¿;~E~T¿R,,'-..t/',-- URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT > > ------ I ,I Land to begrOnfed to City (f. HAMIL 10M AV£. LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE ," . CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES , Prepared by the Qffj,ce OHM "f'- Enç¡¡~~r Campbefl. California. I I 1.__, . ,--- J ~ Scole : ,8: 200' ~OAVtO t AVE.'. I " '. If -4 ,. :a ,Þ .11"" II r ,fJ ~i¥eJ-. p., ~ QJ ... 8.j .~ I .11 ù 2-~----.- ._~ ~¡r DJ~I i I -~~ -~ -'-' -----r('/-...-----...- '----- -'¿'--'-"-"---'-----'-'--r I I I I I , , ì / u::n~ I::, be grc.;r¡!ed to City )1 ~ 0, 3i; ~ $9059'528 E 4 g 265.52' / "'4. - _.- -...--..--., ----r--i-..._--- - ~~-~~o~:_- _3.- ~tt.~~~~~~~_YL -- --..-..----- HAMIL TON f AVE c . i LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE --- CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES . .- r-'rr>pared rN tne vtí lei>. of fròé C..ty E "Y'i'"\ef'.r C:~rn; b,=, ,j \~ollfOrTI(¡ CAMCELLED MAY 1 9 1961 ----- ..,~ ~----- ö--- r . \ '"' z---~ ,-----'-- --T I , I I ».' '< f'J . -----' Land to be granted to City ~ ~ I I " '1$.ø1t --f A~O"~~~ ~ LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CiTY OF CAMPBELL FOR - STREET PURPOSES -- Scale =1": 200' PrepOfe¡j by t ne Of t Ice of HOle City Engtneer Co¡T\()tJeli I Callter ¡¡iQ .- CENTRAL OFFICE: 2201 aROADWAY. OAKLAND 12, CALIFORNIA' TELEPHONE TEMPU8AI 4-2220 « Beginning our second 100 years of bringing better living to California April 7,1961 Coldwell Banker & Company 57 Sutter Street San Francisco, California Gentlemen: T~s mll be your authority tv S<.lbmit on our behalf the follow- ing proposal to the Campbell City Council: John Breuner Comp~~y will pay ~20,OOO.OO pe~ acre cash for the plct of land presently being purchased by the ~i ty of Campbell fre'" the State of califori1.ia consisting of seven acres more or less on the Northwest corner of Hamilton Avenüe and State Free- way ?.oute No.5. This offer is subject t.::ì acceptance and to t;~p closing of the transaction within one 1111.11dred twenty days from date and to the following conditions ~nd requirements tc be met to OUI satisfaction: (a) Appropriate permanent zoning of the property for retail busin8ss use; (b) Provision is to be made by the City for traffic ingress :l'1d egress to and from Hamilton and David '-,venues by means of a dedicated sixty foot street, tì~ center line of which is tv be a line eighty feet west of the west line of the City iJroperty, the street to be dccessi ble to both directions of travel un 1Iamilton ,'\ve:1ue, west bound access to be direct by !:leans of a ri6.;t tzn, east bQ~nd by an ap?ropriate medi&n strip with pr~vision for left turn moveJ:\ent. (e; utility serv~ce to the property inclcding wa~er, electric power, gas aCid sanitary and storm ~ewage. ( d) Ou= acquisitio'1 of an eighty fcJt strip of ttæ adjacent Gardner Property. OAKLAND. SACRAMENTO. STOCKTON' BERKELEY' RICHMOND' VALLEJO' SAN FRANCISCO ~~~ I ._0- [ 1011111 . .0_.- -.". . ~_o. ~ - 111 ~~ Coldwell Banker & Company Page 2 (e) Final location of the north line of Hamilton Avenue is to be definitely fixed. (f) The City is to be priviledged to continue use of the portion of the property now employed as a Corporation Yard for a period of twelve month~ after date of this offer subject to our right of access over the area to and from the pro- perty being purchased. (g) The triangular one-fourth acre more or less lying north of the north line of the Gardner Property as extended is to be excluded from the purchase as well as any property to be used in the widening of Hamilton Avenue. The City is to agree to appropriately plant and maintain the northerly triangular area. The property is to be transferred to us free and clear of all liens 3.nd encumbrances except current taxes, if any, which will be subject to the usual proration and such other exceptions as we may be 7li.lling to accept. The City is to provide a standard policy of title insurance in the full amount of purchase price at ita expense. Your s ver.l truly, . JO~NJ BY" w.S : AP - - -- _. ~ ." - . . AI. ".... - ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT IV 150 OAK STREET SAN FRANCISCO 2. CALIFORNIA UN DERHILL 3-0222 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO P. O. BOX 3366, RINCON ANNEX SAN FRANCISCO \9 November 16, 1959 PLEASE REFER TO FILE NO. Mr. Carl J. Mortensen City Engineer City of Campbell California Dear Mr. Mortensen: In response to your letter of November 12, 1959 and our telephone conversation of November 13, 1959, we are forwarding prints of our Right of Way Record Maps R-63.38 and R-63.39, which we hope will assist you in establishing the westerly line of Parcel 15175. The property corners relative to this line are circled in red and both the field coordinates and our adjusted coordinates are noted. We hope this information will be of assistance to you for your survey. Very truly yours, J. P. SINCLAIR Assistant state Highway Engineer By 0777 ,~~. J~ M. OLAYO; ~-O . Senior Highway Engineer r ~ . I November 12, 1959 Division 01' HighwaTs Distriot IV 150 Oak street San Francisco, aalitornia Attention I JIr. J., a. Black, Assistant ~istr1ot Engineer Dear Mr. Black I In search 01' property corners I have reterred to one 01' your right-ot-wq record -ps tor intor8&tion as to location 01' existln¡ JIOnUMnts or survey points. In the 1'ield I have round. a 8OnU88nt, with its copper wire.. at the end 01' the right-ot-w8Q' teno.. On the appropriate drawing I tound the teno. indicated, but ita end is not located. specitically by distanoe or bearing.. However, there is a coordinate written on the drawing in p81oil which uy, or ay not, be the correct coordinate tor this lIOnuaent. Calculations which I have ade and rro. which I have pl:attect the location 01' thi. laOn'U8nt locate it so- thirteen (13) te~t, Il1O" or 1~8S, awq troa the location as shown on the drawing. I presU118 and. hope that the tence u drawn. is perhaps that MUch in error as to location and that the coordinates are correct as noted 1n pencil. I I would appreciate your verlty1ng the.. coordinates whioh I have enoircled in red. on the enclosed overlay -.de 01' the draWing, &S identitied. in the upper left corner or IIY oyerl.,.. It these coordinate. are in error, and you have the ~rrect coordinates tor the JIOnUMnt in question, w111 you kindly Bent! .. this 1ntorwat10n at your earlie.t convenience' V fir'¡ truly yours , Carl J. Mortensen City Engineer CJJlIJS Incl. (1) , I ! ¡ i -) ..... ~ < () r.r ... ~ {, ~~ >- ',: ~~! ' ~. "',; ) ',> C ,t"\ flJ 1313 ~. ., ;r ~ ; ,I, "",_._,--. '¿y t~ ! j, . , \0' , 'r r;- , ! '1 -,., " ,I ---------- _n'- --- l ,Þ If ¡ j ~ \. ~r - .. '\ '\ \, ,t:..~--~:i~~-~s._£~':(;~~~i~l< L_1'_,'::;.- - ¡ ~::..7'i'_.f, --~.I' -=~) ".-. \. .,/ M'_'_"""_~~"~-",,,,,_, . / . ., ¡' . ".1 ¡ ¡ I I -... ~I ~ / ! ,I I r I ,. ' I , í i I i " '""