Hamilton Ave. (64-9) 0 0 ~ ~ C> C> .:=r '" I- .:=r II: z lJ'"'I Lf"\ III .J :J ... ... u 0 -Ie :r :::E -Ie U) .. ~ < -Ie ... <( .. .J U * u .J <C 0 III I' I' m C) C) Do.. C) 0 O~ '-0 ).,0( ~ "0 -=U .J "II.. c:: ~O .J w V) 0 >- ~U~ V) c:: \0 \0 0 l- I I U .... .... >- D.. ~ I w I Z .... ~~ w :z: :z: 0 l- =: 0- < ~ ::;: <( 0( 0 .. 0 D m W U~ \ z OJ U l- lL rLI z w If) W :::> z 0 ~ O~ Ii: i Z 0 r-i 0:: 0 ~ - 0 <( ..... ~ ~ W ~ <-fa ~ ~ ~ ~ (Xl ::E ... 0 U 0( ~ at W -< I.U W :::> &/I .. 0 Z :r w i ...::; \J) ~.. - :::> z ... III < _ C> U :;) > III Z 0 :::IE :z: W z I > :::> w ~ II.. ... 0 ... ~ ... C> Lf"\ .-- '" << II: III .. .J -Ie :r u 1Il .. <( .. <t U .J U .J 0 0 III (;) m 0 Do.. ~ O~ \0 ).,0( .J -=U .J c:: ':11.. ~ It) w "'0 bJ ~ \0 0 >- , c:: ?- m z \0 0 ~ ...... >- U D.. 0 :z: w .... Z ~ lJ.. ~ 0 0- J ::;: <( 0( .. u 0 0 m W U .J z U .J I- OJ w lL w z w ~ 0 (Xl :::> Z 0 ~ 0:: D.. 0 Ii: i Z 0 C\J ~ u w - 0 < ..... w < 0 w ~ c( u (Xl ~ ::E ~ ~ ~ u c( ~ U at W -< LLI W W :::> &/I CD 0 Z I - Z ~ Ii; ~ ~ ~ U :::> z ::> > III 0 0 :::IE :z:: w z > :::> w w ~ II.. ~ c( z n~~lm - Dc;i.') ~.R'::'I>1E:'JT AL P.BJ...EASE F.'n.O.L-1 : 'ro~ ENG HE::ERING DB? A..'O,T.MEi'JT BUILDING DEP~RT~3NT RE: ~/ i=,.>.Cf.t..f:s.-?-_5.. e ~ u / Cc "SIfin 0/\'/ (Subject) _,___.&R A lZf!1,0 (OI,mer I sHame) 5/ E. C---tJ/2, j)A~rKrL-t/;' #~(L/O,y { (Address of Proper y) '. C d~L- The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. ,_-/....:..-.Pc:ct/ ~/(}N'_ of /-IAL';: <)(RE~/ _~.....E~ E/"l/?/~ ,c.fC4/(7AtFF (E5L_~.OtV) __. 2.;:... kA (E. ~.:-,.:Z.,rE,_p_.e?-T / !2q:y:~K .6. '.L~f). 1<::-' ___ ..3:... _.....5..z::o...gA~f?Ll/N' ..E~.L_ L1y'-p_ .B_~9.~/ . oF- 1/ .-d('oc .- ---.-.- " ,', .---"t-s:....'f:::....!---=:-.-__...... --- -. -. -_. . ,__. ..___. -1 i07 d~' / ~ if1 1/ " f, , '7/ < '. / l'a!11L _....:L.:".I-f,::::/?-.__7' ~..__(,;:T{J. cK.> (Ir- ___._. -.(911: t.-__C:~{,1 d o.!.uu.0._ /hfiT ---.-...-......---...- ---.....----.-..'->.-.---.....-.---- CITY OF C1U"-1PBEI..L ENGINEERING DEPART~\'l21\. BYi_~~.:..._,~2-- J fJ...-c',E--:.-_ JENNINGS~MqDERMOTT & HEISS ~')(\G) (y f) '/ ," ,. - .. ir:;:tc . 7"($cJ ,::> ;:~i~. MAY 7, 1965 601 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 PHO~ 292-1922 CIVIL ENGINEERING -- LAND SURVEYING MR. WILLIAM WREN CITY ENGINEER THIRD & GRANT CAMPBELL, CALIF. DEAR BILL; OUR OFFICE HAS REVIEWED THE PLANS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DARRYL DRIVE AND HAMILTON AVENUE PRE- PARED BY TRI-STATE ENGINEERING CO. DATED 2/22/65. WE FIND THE GRADES INDICATED ON SAID PLANS TO MATCH THOSE PROPOSED FOR THE HAMILTON AVE. WIDENING L. I .0. WHICH WE ARE PRESENTLY COMPLETING. WE HAVE ALSO REVIEWED THE GRADES ON DARRYL DRIVE AND FIND THEM TO COINCIDE WITH THOSE WE HAVE PRO- JECTED FOR THE EXTENSION OF DARRYL DRIVE TO LATIMER AVE. IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD NOTIFY TRI-STATE ENGINEERING THAT THE GRADES AND DESIGN AS PRESENTED BY THEIR PLAN ARE ACCEPTABLE. VE~; /ULY YOURS ~~ ~~ft W I L {~~M E. HE I S S WEH/JM C. C. FR E 0 CH E Z "i'"',,/ /~ 7~'r<Cl-7j~/~ - 7~1 to^( {( _ 4~ fc Cl') J;;~ to 1.t {T7\ (UL l ( ,u,ll. .<'~ 1"-' ,';"6 (J,' , l Lr!;! <.) ~' c{~ /€ 'i ,- I {'u.y] ) .y. L, 1I 0 ) :!oJ PLANNI~~ DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAHPBELL. CALIFORNIA Date jC\,:ril ", E!{)') CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "5" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Ull;::;/'ra'tL;lr, (I,;j,"'iiton ED te r;: rises) . FOR CONSTRUCTION OF - . (re. ) :;:..:: ~'v' 1 C.l.: 1. (: l~ ~L -: (:~ TO BE LOCATED AT: 77,', :-:est !,.:ilto'; p',V',J'L:8 COND I TI ONS: ~'" . e t t :! C 1-., (~_ l..~ ::; ~~ c: c t Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for In this chapter. GRANiED BY THE CITY OF CAt1PBELL PLANNING COMt11SSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE lftd DAY OF . " (i 1 J .,." ' -. l-.Jt)j CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: r idj . I - ...............lo"..i....4."'-....v......J .....v.. ~V4-~...J........__lloo........J..i,.V... a service station by Chez/Grattan at 770 West Hamilton Avenue 1. Canopy to be set back IS' from property line. 2. Landscaping to be provided as indicated on plan. 3. Six (6) parking spaces to be provided. 4. Landscaping plan, specifying type of plants to be submitted for Staff approval at time of application for Building Permi t. Said landscaping to be equal to or better than that shown on plan. 5. Signs as submitted on plans and photographs submitted with this application to be the only signs allowed on property unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission. Texaco sign to be 35'. 6. Compliance with condition of Use Permit 1964-9 approved 11/4/64 as follO\"s: 1. Uedication of half-street right-of-way for proposed frontage of development. This would be tne first development of the square loop for the expressway. z. Conformance with Article IX, Chapter 1, Part II, of the Campbell ~unicipal Code. 3. Post Faithful Performance Bond 1n the amount of $7,500 for said street improvements. 4. Submit check in tile amount of $540.00 for storm drainage fee. Note: If improvements arc constructed as part of L. I. U. conditions 1, 2, 3 aHd 6 would become a part of the L. I. D. and would not be Hec~ssary. 7. Landscaping bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping witnin 3 montns of completion of building. 8. Plan Cllecking and INspection Fcc in the aTllount of $15U.OO LKGA~ DESCRIPTIOft All that oertaln real propert, .1tuate In tbe 01t1 ot Oampbell, Oount, ot Santa Clara, state ot Oallt., 4e.orlbed aa tollow., Oom..nclng at a barrew tootb .et ln the center 11ne ot Latlmer A.e., dl.tant lorth 89002' ...t '9".3 t.et fro. aD underground granlt. aonu.ent .et at the point ot latera.otlon otthe center 11ae ot Latl.er A.e. wlth the .enter 11ne ot San'omas Aqlllne Rcl. and tro. whlob harrow tooth a 2" x ." vltoe.. poet ln th. North 11ae ot Latlmer A.e. bears .orth ~6' we.t 20 t..t: and r~nnln~ thenoe lortb 0 56' We.t a dletanoe ot 1191.8 t.et to . 2" x. redwood etake eet ln the Northerly 11ne ot the 126.97 acre tract deeorlbed ln the d.ad trom tbe Beauohamp Frult Co., to W. D. Riohard. and w. C. North, date Jan. 26, 1889; thence SOuth 0 56'00" East 60.00 teet to a polnt 1n the Southerly l1ne ot Ha.tlton A.e., e. d 'olnt belng the true polnt of be61nnlQ6; thenoa South 0 56'00. ~eet ) 175.00 t..t: thence North 89 02'00" laet ~.rall. h 8al Haal1toD A.e. 215.00 te.t; thanea Jorth 0 56'00 EaBt 175.00 teet to ..ld Southerl, l1n. ot Hamilton A...; tbence SOu 89" 02 '00" laat, .10n6 aald Southerly 11a., 215.00 taet to the t e polnt 0 beglnnlns. T~~ \ B€L\~~ \ c;:v~ , ~~ULt) ----e: U)e~ CS6, ~) 2'() -"" ,I: 5~8 6,6.0 . ,,~ ~'9 ~ ~ ) . li> .~ ~, (i) ~ ~A cuuu. COUNTY OF'f"tCC .. foIOHTH fIl'HllST tr1'R1l'!:ET SAN .10$15: ,. 4WflIllK" a......'. j 1 .1 ! .,~" ' .'"~~:::~b,;c: , ,," , . ?:?['. ",' '-'," ,','" ,+" . ,,","?,/::. @ Title Insurance and Trust Company IMPORTANT When replying refer to Our No. Vf-502881 .Mr. Fred Che. 912 Des.rt Isl. Drive San Jo.., California Your No. The following is a report on the title to the land described in your application for a Policy of Title .Insurance, and is made without liability and without obligation to issue such policy. Dated as oLMa.I'~_6.J,2-64--,- af~~~..m._ '---.---"-'.---------------- RICHARD T. MILLER Vestec: LOWELL E. GRATTAN and LOUISE M. GRATTAN, hi. wife, .s joint tenants, an undivided one-half interest, and FRED E. CHEZ, who acquired t.l tIe' al a m~rrl.d lIta",' ", . .s hi. 's.parate ~roperty, as to an undivided 1/2 interest ExceptIOns: Title Officer 1. Taxe. for the fiseal year 1964-60, now a lien, but not yet due or payable, ineluding personal property tax, if any. 2. Any Munieipal Asselsments and/or Bonds of the City of Campbell. 30 Perpetual Right and easement to construct, install, maintain, repair renewp replaee, operate and use a storm sewer pipe line or lines {of any .i~e or material) and appurtenances thereto, in" upon! along. under and across all that real property situate ih the county of S.nta Clara. State of California, described as followsl A strip of land of a uniform width of ten (10) feet the Northerly line of which is deseribed as followsl Beginning at a harrow tooth set in the center line of Latimer Avenue distant North 890 02' East 3933.3 feet from an underground granite monument set at the point of intersection of the center line of Latimer Avenue, with the center line of San Tomas Aquino Road and from which harrow tooth a 2 inch by 4 inch witness post In the Northerly line of Latimer Avenue bears North 00 56' West 20 feet; and thence North 00 56' West a distance of 1191.80 feet to the true point of beginning a 2" x 4- stake set in the Northerly line of the 126.97 acre tract conveyed by the Beauchamp Fruit Company to W. So Richards and W. C. North, by Deed dated January 26, 18891 thence from said true point of beginning along the Northerly line of said 126.97 acre tract. North 890 02' East a distance of In .lddition to any exceptions shown herein. and not ("'ared the [',>lie)', if issued, will (ontain stipulations and also exceptions as to matterS outside its (Overage which are required by the particular form. Vi.atloft .. W-~2881 P.g. 2 374 feet and the t.ninu. of this ......nt. .. granted by Andrew Llvac1cb at ua. to City tI San Jo... a ....lclp.l corporation! ~y in.tr.....nt dated Mev....r 30, 1960 and ncorded ""....r 2. 960 11n look 5000 Offic1.1 R.co~ pag. 91. Said in.tr...nt recit.. In part as follows, -Grantor.. for and OR beb.lf of thems.lves, their heirs, succ..sors and as.lgn. covenant. 1. That neither they nor their heirs, .ucc...ors and assIgns shall construct or perait to be con.tructed any building or any other p.rmanent structure .x~ept street. and str..t 1__rov...nt. within the real property hereInabove described. 2. ~at neither they nor their heir.. succ...ors and as.igns shall .ak. any pe1'ltaftent .xcavations or perrait any pel'lBatHtnt excavations to be ..de within .aid r.al prop.rty. 3. That n.ither they nor their beirs, .ucce..ors and ..slgn. shall plant any tre.. or p.~it any tr... to be planted within said real property untIl the expIration of one y.ar from and after the date of conveyance of ..id right of way and ea....nto Grantors further cov.nant for and on b.half of th....lv... their heir., .uccessor. and a.signs that should they, theIr heir., successors and a..igns plant such tr.e. after the expiration of said one-year period, said pllnting shall be done at theIr own ri.k and without expectation'of co.pen..tion f~ Grantee in the ev.nt that seid trees are injured or re80Yed by Grantee during the construction, in.tlllatlon, allntenanc., repair, ,....w.l. replac....nt or removll of .to.m sewer pipe line. within .aid realpropertYI and Grantors for and on behalf of th....lv... their heirs, successor. and .sslgn., waive any right to ..-pensation for injury to or re~Yal of any trees planted within said real property in the .vent that any such tree. are injured or reMOved by Grant.. during the construction, in.tallation, ..lntenance, repair, ren..al, replac...nt or removal of stora sewer pipe lines within said real property.- 4. Perpetual rIght of way and easement for purpose of trenching, laying, constructing, .aintaining. repairing. servicing and using water pIp. lin.. and .aln. tog.ther with appurtenant facilities through, oyer, under, acro.. and in that portion of preMises d.scribed as followsl A strip of land fift..n (15) feet in width for its .ntire length the centerline of which is more particularly described as followsa Beginning at a point in the Westerly property line of that certain parcel.conveyed by John'Mjckelson to Andrew Livacich and 'A\.....l..tl.. tIo. Vf-102881 . Pap 3 Pau11n. 1.. Uvulch. bi, wife, by Deed dated January 6, 1936 ... record" January 6, 1936 in loot 7~7 .t p.ge 83. S.nt. Cl.r. County Offici.l "end., which ,-oint 1. leeated 17-V2 fe.t North of the Southerly line of the Official Plan Line. for Hlla1lton Avenue .. the ._ 1, shown Oft that certain .Offlei.1 Plan Line. Map .f H_l1 ton Avenue fl:_ U...llyn Avenue to S.n 1.... Acqulno Road-. . Mloptecl by Ordinance No. 169 of the City of C...,be11, d.ted Sep""r 8. 1 958 ~ f l1ed wi tb the Santa Clar. County Reco..der. Septe_er 20 1960, Recorder'. file No. 18790331 thence fro. said point of begInning In a gener.lly E..terly direction and par.llel with ..id Southerly lIne of the s.id Official Plan Line. for H..ilton Avenue North ~ 02' East 374 feet, aore or 1.s.. to the ...terlI property line of that certain parcel conveyed by Centlry interpr s.. to City T1 tIe Insuranc. Collp&J\y by Deed reeo~.d June 4, 1962 in Book ~597 at page 93, Santa Clara County Offieial Record., as granted by Andrew Livacich and Paulina L. Liv.clch, h1s wife, to CaMpbell .ater C~any, a California corporation, by instru.ent dated April 23, 1963 and recorded July I, 1963 in look 6086 Official Records, page 730, aecorder's Serial Nu8ber 2432282. 5. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions with express provision for forfeiture and reversion of title in event of violation thereof, contaIned 1n the Deed from Andrew Livacich, et UK, to Lowell E. Gratten, et al, dated March 3, 1964 and recorded March 61 1964 1n Book Official Records, page , Recorder's Seria ~.r ~87256, which Deed did not conta1n restrictions upon the ..le 0; occupancy of the property on the basis of race, color or creed, referenee to the record thereof is hereby aade for further particulars. 6. Deed of Trust by Lowell E.Grattan and Louise M. Grattan, his wife, as joint tenants, an undivided one-half interest and Fred Eo Che&, a .arried man, as his separate property, an undivided one-half interest, to Title Insurance and Trult Company, II trustee, to secure the pay..nt to Andrew U.vacich and Paulina Llvaeieh, his wife, as joint tenants, of S139,742.20 and additional advances, dated February 28, 1964 and recorded March 6, 1964 in Book Offieial Records, page____, Recorder's Serial Number 2587258. 7. Establishing of record the exact loeation of the Easterly line of that certain exception contained in the Deed fro. Andrew Livacieh. et UK, to Lowell E. Grattan. et aI, dated March 3, 1964 and recorded March 6, 1964 in Book Official Records, page ,Recorder's Serial Number 2~87~6.-aiicribed on said Deed .s 1OIIOWSI aeginning at a point 1n the center line of Latimer Avenue distant thereon Westerly 77.5 feet more or less, from th~ Soatheasterly corner of ~t certain 10.232 acre tract of land described in the Deed from . :-.-, ".:'pl1C.t1." No.V'-$02881 ,. '. ... John lUck. lIon. to Andrew Livaclcb, et ux, dated January 6, 1'36. "corded .January 6. 1936 In Boot 1!>7 Official Recordl. P'" 83, Santa Clara County Recordl' thenee at right angl.. Northerly 138.00 feet"the"ce at right a",l.. WesterlY 81.00 f.et. thence at rltht ant1.. Southerly 138.00 feet to a point In the ..id center line of Latt.er Avenve, thence EasterlI along said l..t ..ntloned line 81.00 f.et to the point of beg nnlng, the Eaaterly boundary of said exception being at right angles to the,eenterllne of Lati..r Avenue, and exactly 6 f.et easterly of the Northea.terly corner of ..., existing ,ara,e. , . Note lsBoth install..nta of County and City Taxe. for the fiscal year 1963-64 have be.n paid. Assessment Number 306-22-002, Code Number 10-10. (Assessed with other property) first installment Second installment ,$1,058.67 S1,058.67 The above 1nstallments include $48.96 personal property tax. DESCRIPTION for description of the real property referred to herein see EXHIBIT A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mactlck 10 copiea tOI Mac 1 copy to. Valley Fair Office (Mr. Mosher) ! ,~__.__.___.!__L ~U -;;.,'1' (sJ i \'->- ; I' 0- ....",- ~ \: (, ,\ ...":-. \ , :t-: ~ ;i -( Ii '" ' I Pi i J. ...... \ I ( ,I ~i i :-t'111 i I , ! I I I i i '-...~._. i I ,-~.:"-.""-'-- "I,~ I I l i , \' ~ \11 \\ '4.1 ,\' vJ '-IN '. "\"1 \ '\\ '\ '-' ;, \' I,'" ;" ,) . '1; . :!. <l ;, r. I ,I : , , i' I .Y/\V dO 1. ;1//\ '?:to ^ d J N:J ^ r) :) -------.-_..__...~.. ' _._-_._----~: ' ~~- ~~r~~~d_~ Il J..I:IM VNNVl.'7VW _._____, I , , I.VM i ' ------, I V nONO:;- '" ----; I I "'-"-""- e 1 . !JJ I'.... , " I . "1-- >. ... '. '1.... ~ ) ~ (-\ (.jl ',,,' :~ -'. f _\ Y, ~) ':i ...J 'I' ("\ '\. " t /q ,..... . .~ -,- "\ (r'- "\ I I _______- .J '710 (" . --_P', I '-. :..\ }/: I ;'. ''., 0' 7.~, ( " ( ~-~ i_~,___ ______1./';..L ,. -- ;.__. ___ ' "'. L I.':Jlr , ~ ...... . .' I 'j :'-v + , . , 'I \J~ "- -..; " 'I ),. /.-- \'-'"...... J, ______________n_...__.._ ___'___ ...' ,.. ~.~. 'T--- I I \.~ I Oi '1 ',' I." C' " -'~ 0, -- -...... '" ).'1 ("'::.. ,:.'''. . .:..~-.L'~ ' "/-? ':,--. \~~ ',1") ~:J / (. o )-., . , ~\ ,. " ' "'-. ~ , :, ,I '...... " I " <: tj , .) ,- / ~-\ J, ~;.. I}. ... '/til/ ;J {11 r. (, ,\ ITl ~I t: \<) 4 ..: :~;/, I / i / / ~_-'.~__' l /:/?... / .",/' \ .-.-" l:::' ~ ../'/":/"~. \ 'J .//:/.,//" 'j'l l~ ",-/-{'- - ._.______._,., I / / .--~ "-',;.:;~.- ".". :-", ~.. ,/ /// , \ . ~", '~ -. ~ f. _ ----.....,. ~--:::::::""'-< " \ .l\. '-It ~:. :" V/-:;-!~-.L - \ - r II b'~'- ~:) ~ .' '-:..) ~. 0.\ \., },. r; '. "'-;; "'i~ .>-" ~.~".;./ >7' ~~ ONln~)t.... :~\ I" ,'" ':..: '\ \>, "'- \':\ ~+- \.", -:'>, ,-" '.0 , c.:' '-;, " ';, \ 'V " \>' ,(' --- \\':'b~---~---::~:~----------~-- --~~ 7 \, I ""----_/ ~ornmcncing of a garr~ tooth oct in tho centor 1"0 of Latimer Avenue, distant North 89 02 ~aat 3933.3 feet from an ~ ierground granite monu- ment set at the point of intersection of the center line of Latimer 2\vCl1UO vlith the center line of San Tom~w Aquino Road and from "ihic.:!l barro,:] tooth a 2" x L'} Ii '\J:L t1l10ClO post in t.ho t'fOJ=th line of JL=l'tim'J~': h '"cmuc b("~,;'", I,r^'~~'h u~o ~G 1 r,"",,,,,,,.)',,"., ':)0 {='-,--.," ~ "'nd '."n~')'l n'J "l',ny,cc "Tort';' (',0 0 r."',:".,""J';: :" ,~LH~~LI d~.Jl.\.,<....~ .J l..~.. <J ...l.......l" U J'.\..n:'~,..,..~...~: l~,~,..,.... ,&.;.~ -.:1.~ \,] __ __ {':'l c.':t1,ot:;:::',".CO 02 JJ~n.8 f:cot. '(:0 Ll 2!l z: <111 ~~'c:};:';:x::d 8::<:::;:0 Dot in ':::\10 L;o:....::I'l.C'rly Hx:.o O[ t.~~O !.2G .97 L.~:::::".C t:::-nc-:': cloocribcd :i.n '(::!'l.e Doed fron ':::~~:l D8:::::'-::~'!::=':? rrl'!:1..t Co., t.O '[1. D. nicI1:JXclo 2:;'-:] \1. C. C::J~:tl1" cJ:rtcd Jnm,l:JZ'Y 25, 1::::89: tl...c..,"",.... ('OOt~"''h CO r:,61 O'O!I T':'....,..,.;. GO 00 nec.... ~"^ ,... ""'o,j,..,t in th'" "1!"'\.~.....'h"'...lu 1 in"" ~, _.......\.,...: U ...\.,....;,J "" .l:J;,..,...J_ 0 .L '- "","..J U .L.' ....*_.. ,;, ...... '-...........v.t"-'_.'-_ "I --. ~ of IIcmilton nvenuc, ouid p::J:ln':: baing tho truo 1;oint of bcgirmir..1] 1 thence South 00 560 00" Bant 175.00 feet 7 thence r.;ort~ 890 021 ,00" I?n:::'t I''':Jrallol .t'.7it,h oaid Hamilton Z\vonn 205.00 ,.'-eot: thence r~orth 00 561 Don ~'~80t 175.00 foct to sa!d Southerly line of r!c~ilton AV0nue: thenco South 890 ..;' 02 a 00" \:Got, along onic1 Southerly line, 20J. OO::"~et to tho t:;:ue roint of begin~ing. fXCEPTING THEREFROM 1 :..:.. 1 --.,.....-...--.... - ..-...---.--... .......... "".-. --.....~_.., -,_......'"-~'" ." ",......... - .... , ' t' -I- Cl t -'-h rnr'+~~ l,i.r'e o. .c. r".:'+,..:_','l,".~.,_' '^'.'lr1nll0-. . C:':':~':'! ;:"ij ,l~ ,J t'l)'rl'()\'} ,r')O", se in '.' ~.'~I ,; c . I _ J . _, "s"',,;,!' i'0'.'t.h T'j'1 2' '=,l',!; ]r)]3.3 !>e>: f'om ,If: undi'rej'(!l:-d T>l;-:~~'J; . C' I .( ) \. .t. _ '_-, '1.~ >'" (' t"':: (," '~"l ~11, ~r; 1_1 n ~ r', !;~. ;1 l 'f i (~ Y"', n 1. -1 t {) C 1 n t e i~ s ~ r: +. ~ !) 'I '1 " ';"\ (: C ('! n, ; n. ~ I \ _~ ~. ~,'l>:'11""'\""I\lIt) \'Ji.i.') ~:1' C"'1:'(ll' lin'.; :"1','lil ie',;",;],:; 1\(jI1'.;'!') i,~ :),1 ;)1"',1 frorn " . , t" ,', ", 't"...." .,(,'. "', Ilrl "("i.l" 1,. n (, ,:;ltimnc '"J, \ 1, ,.,: r1. ! 1 ) ': 1'''-' ( 'j \ V - () () ,- : l ,1 . '(,' ;l \v 1 .: 10 ) oJ :: (I ) , ~ . .) __ .' I . . - ,'\'/'~r~\l,l~ 1)1;;1,":, ~'JO"--'-~:l :'JO C_1(\? 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I-, n (" -l +- " () _r_ ':~j';l'-=, l~ll-~r~l c'.' .)C(!(ILi.-'()ii~ L,0'.")r-~l. I." (,YdL".(J,\ ,~l~ (I L r,~,~ '..J..\../ '. . '" < ' I "- rl (' , () r' I.. 1 -, ') ":'; 1 r) ( /'1 ~ n ,- () r (l n ...l :;:)(,nb'::l.l~) fT111nlr;10;J', (~nr')()',~':',,10n, c,'I"r:. ,)(;PT,,:):Jcc ,_ 'o-~ , '__ ,t;U '-!-:::~)b~l :~1~ 19'/\ in Dr')():( ,',TS Uffir:i;)l ;::nco"2('!~;, plqr; 7:?-), :~antcJ \':1C1I'C3 ""'111"1)-" "I"-"'1~rls :J-,('J "ii" ':"",(" point :yf bnoirni,',"l of th'? t':.'Jct of lClnd '~') .~IJ "l.~1 J.1.....JJL '- 'j". '"' _i -,_ "'..J . .. _ -".J .J ']C> rJnSCTi'y:rj, s;lid~:~1j(3 i)f)int of b0gi,nni:1CJ ,ll~3() hO~:I'J the; poi"lt of i~~'J;sr,~tion of Uv:; sli(1 30lJthGrly j,:Lnr; of H,lf:iilton f','!r:nue~ \"i,:.h the "hStr3T L,!~; ne "f Ulnc! 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".t..J L 0 '....... .J'_ ..i_ '", '_ e I \~ ......... , , " ,,. -'- 1 1 " ,.. r'\ .': .., (' I' ~,. (} .c 0 .~ h (l .... 'i nIl t +. h (~ n r~ e> !: 0 1:' t 1'1'.; T ~ 'I d n '1 :~ ;J S "r: " ,'I Jon 'J ;j n CI l' _ ')' <.1_, L I ~', ',,>. .,' _, h'..J' ','-1, "" c ryc, n(\ .cnn+ t,J"ll"lnt t.ry t, ~ r)~'(~r~r;lln:-J (~O'L,:Se, ','n ',:1 3'"',)(11,110 0: I,'J,) "',',~'--o th:")llrjh : r;r:nt.'C', l ,In'llc~ O~. i;Cj0 58', fo~,:, ,lrl J:C rl1stl:iCr; (): 31./1,) feat ':rJ ~) r)')~ n tin t h <; ~ J i. ri r; ') I 1 t h r; T 1 '/ 1 i.;,,"! 0': ! I,J :;:i, 1 7-,0:: ,^. '! ,., n ! J r; ~ t h ': '1 r; (; , 'rl 1 c " ' '1 ' "" I) ,,(' J, + 0 :-;r)'lth qg? (\')1 Ikl'1 '<'lost ,l:,)~YJ 5:)1 -.<1 "'}", :J1"!n~lr)llr;CI ,lr') ,)11., ,),(;,:!, <. th" t'7.'U~ QO~:I+,)~ h';ql [v,i "1. _. rtoocI'ving unto the lcocor ~n enocncnt for Ingrao!3 end Egress, c1esc=~J~cd C3 fol!o";';:J: co:~:s~;cnro at the true point f")f beginning of the above doscription: thence South 00 56' 00" BulJt, 173.00 feet, thence I:lorth OgO 02' 00" Eaot, 30. 00 ,,:eet to tho t<:'uc point of beginning: thence !>!orth 890 02 1 , 0011 Eur.rt, 63.00 feet: then co I~o~:th 510 C3' 50" t'raot, 78.08 feet: thence !... Sou,:h 00 56' 00" 'Snst, 50.00 fect to the true point of beginning. r--1 \~\ 1__-~,1 Reserving unto the looGor on onoerncnt for Ingroos and Egreso, described as 1;0110't'18: CO~~CING at tbe true point of beginning of the said first description, thence Horth 890 021 00" Bust, 205.00 :Coet to t.he true point of begin- ning: thence South 00 56' 00" East 60.00 feet, thence North 4-00 45' Iv:' v1est, 78.08 feet: thane3 Horth 890 02 1 00 II East 50 000 feet to the true point of beginning. A .. I May 28, 1965 'fitle Insurance eo.pany 3275 stevens Creek Boulwarel Ban Jos., California ^TTENTION~ Dick McIntyre Gent.lemen; This is to advise that the City of Caapbell has s.cured commitment iran Mr. Lowell Grattan anel Mr. !'red Chez that. the cost of street improvement.s front.ing on the proposed service station 4evelqpment at the southeaat corner of Hamilton Avenue and .Darryl Drive will be borne by them via assessment proceedings of Campbell's Local l'mprovement Distr let No. 12. Por this reason, the Faithful Performance Bond requirement bas been waived. It 18 anticipated ti\at conatruct.lon on this proj ect will commence in approximately 60 day. with completion expected wi thin 90 days thereafter. Very truly yours, i'lILLIAM G. l'mEN, ACTING DlRECl'OR OF PUBLIC WOJOt8 By Bill K. Helms, Assistant Civil E.ngineer 8MB: cb -- ,--'-'7~:"''''''"----------C'-'':---'~ .- '~-';''''''''''''---='.-''''"''"'"''''''''''''--<''',.~~...,..,,,-:,,",'~ /': ..~ ",^ / CITY t)F CM,lPdELL PLA~~I~C CI)'l~lISSION dSE PER~IIT 19b4-9 \JIWE'lHEH b, 1964 In accordance with the provisions of Section 9328, Chat>ter 3, Article IX, of the Camtlbell \lunicipal Code, L()\vELL E. r.Rt\TTi\\J anJ F!~El> Ci!EZ :ire Ilereby granteJ a use permit to allow the construction Of:l service station on the "lIE corner of lIamilton Avenue and Darryl U r i v e, s u l> .i e c t tot he f 0 11 O\\i n ): con J i t ion s : 1. Dedication of half-street ri\;ht-of-wav for proposed frontage of Jeveloprnellt. This \"oulu be the first development of the square loop for the eXiHessway. 2. Conformance with Article IX, Chai>ter I, Part 11 of the Cami>bcll 'lunicipal Loue. 3 . Po s t 17 a i t h f u 1 Per for man C e l~ 0 n J i nth e am 0 un t of '57,SOll.OO for saiu street imprOVel:1ents. 4. '~ulJmit check in the amount of $540.00 for storm urainai',e area fee. 1'\~SLl) A:';D AIlOPTEO by the l'lannill!: Conmission of the Citv of C:impllell, California ill regular session on the 4th uav of \io\' e;:1 Ile r, 1 ~tJ4. '-),\lll USE !'EWIlT to become valiu on the 14th Jay of ~JV C ') he r, I ~ tJ 4. CITY OF CA\IPBELL !'L^'J~r:~r; (>),I.lh'~II)\J <---'./-:/. /1 // ( /~ 7 "/' / HY: /./ / \,t '--<('~ .... V. ~ I. 1[ [[flY, DE rUTY/l TY (L[~K- May 13. 1965 Tl:1-ftau BDg1neer1n9 Company 515 S. Raymond Avenue Pullerton. Cl11forn1a Aft'DTIOlh Gene Albla oear Sir a In reference to the 'reaco .ervice .tattoll d.evelos-ent .t. _ilton Avenu. .Dd .Darryl Dr!ve 1n ~ City of ~ll. pl.... be .clYi.ed that C1aa Bft9!neer of work for the "11ton Ayemae IIIIprov_nt District. ba. reviewe4 your plan and bas a.l..4 u. ~t. the curb grades a. ahowrt would .ppear to coincide with hi. ult~u de.ign. It is UDd.er.t004 tb&~ thi. 1Dfox.atiOll i. of pr1llary 1a'tere.t to the applicant. 1D tbat he will DOW be able to Ci:M1tmce de.ign &ft4 conatr\lc:t.ion of the OQli-sLte faci1itie.. This office, furt.ber. lIa. no objection to t.he driveway pattern a. .bovn Oft you plan. Bow that. the ....._t 41.tr ict i. . fact aDd uncleJ: way. it is pr.auae4 that. the applicant de.ire. t.o include hi. tron tage (atreet.) illlprov-.nt.. with the di.trict contract. This 18 Ia\lch preferred by the Cit.y RAce it. will It8aD a alOft Wlifora phy.ical JOb and will insure that. all ut.ilit.y tuete&Ul1oaa are put lAto the ground prior t.o pa.-nt. p1ae...nt.. AddU: ion.al ly , 1:he applicant will UDdoubt.ecUy r..li_ all eCODCII1c benefit by JoJ.n1Dg ~ IIOr. coaaprehenaiy. project. III r89ar4 to the wi4th of .Quryl Drive, it: 1s c:let.ezw.lned that. a thirty-foot balf atreet will be adequate in. 'this ca.. for tba expected trafflc ....Dd. .is ls a deparblre frCII the JaOr. C'CW"1C'D requJ.r~t of a 4o-foot r19ht.-of-wy \Ulder lIOat. circua.tance.. .1.... cont:llct. ~. \lDClers1pe4 lf there 18 further que.t.ion. Very b'uly yours, W8Wu::b Wi111all G. wren, cC:: .:J'8DD1l\9a-Mc:Deraott &. "18a Act.lll9 Cit.y "'1D~er '1'exac:o, Inc. (.so.rcl Perriera) (llr<~u ..... .....A I"'h._ April 26, 1965 'rri-state Engineering COInpan~' 615 South Raymond Avenue Fullerton, California 92631 ATTENTION: l.1r. Gene Albin RE: jroPQ~~d T~~co Service Station at Southeast Corner of Hamilton Avenue and Darryl ~ive. Dear Mr. Alb in : This is to advise you that we are currently processing your in~rov~nent plane for subject property. At this time we would like to inform you that an assessment district was formed recently to develop Hamilton Avenue. This district would provide water, mains, sanitary sewers, storm drainage laterals, street paving, and curb and gutter upon the Hamilton Avenue frontage of subject property. However, we are still, as ~~ mentioned before, processing your plans so that should the assessment district be abandoned or not proceed according to your schedule, you may be able to proceed with the construction. We hope to be able to provide you with the necessary information in the very near future so that you can make the necessary changes on your plans. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING CITY ENGINEER {!~A.~ By CrUal S. ,~ez-,. - -0 Jr. Civil Engineer CSG:cb (( i ~AJv Ch)-- jdu February 15, 1965 Tri-State Engineerinq company 615 South Raymond Avenue FUllerton, California RE: Job A101984 BE Corner Hamilton Avenue and Future Darryl Drive ATTENTION: Mr. Gene Albin Dear Mr. Alb in;, Enclosed please find a blueprint of our [;tc..ndard det.ail for curb t~rpe drop inlet. ~ne information Which we gave you in our letter dated Febrwu:y 1, 1965, pertinent to the structural sections of the streets was correct. Please include it in l"our plans. It seems that I made an error when I computed the top of curb grades. On Hamilton Avenue the future top of curb elevation (T.C.) will be 182.35 at the c return. The elevation of the invert at the manhole is 197.23 instead of the 175.96 that I gave you this morning' ove e tele one. t 11,2.3 ~ Also, the slope of HBailton Avenue is -0.3% to the \iest instead of the East. The grade-break and low point i8 at the manhole and the slope is +0.33% to the West. from the manholes. Very truly youxs, WILLIAM G. \\'REN, ACTING CITY ENGINEER ~: CSG: cb ~ 4. /~7U4" By Cruz Gomez, () Jr. C vil Engineer Enclosure j? 'C/ Pebruary 1, 1965 Tri-State Engineering Company 615 South Raymond Avenue Fullerton, california RE: Job A 101984 SE corner Hamilton Avenue and Future Darryl Drive ATTENTION: Robert H. Baker Dear Mr. Baker: In regard to your questionnaire dated January 19, 1965, pertaining to developing the southeast corner of Hanlilton Avenue and future Darrly Drive the following preltminary comments are furnished for your inrormation: 1. a. Location of driveways shall be based upon in-lot structur~ location. b. standard detail. of the City are enclosed for further particulars. 2. a. Location of storm drainage structures are shown on plans. b. Bee also City standard details. 3. a. Hamilton Avenue structure section (subject to change). 4" asphaltic concrete 10" Cl. 2 Aggregate base (URB) 8" Cl. 1 Subbase b. Darrly Drive structural section 2 1/2" asphalt concrete 8" Cl. 2 aggregate baBe 4. a. Elevations for future top of curb and slopes are shown on plans. b. A FORMAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PREPARED BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER IS REQUIRED. Tri-State Engineering Co. -2- Pebruary 1, 1965 Other requirements such as electroliers, fire hydrant., storm drainage fees, and other fees and improvements will be discussed at the time when architectural approval is formally applied for and granted. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 1J. ~I'/} L - (~~:rz ,~? By Cruz " ez, 11 Jr. evil Engineer CSG:cb Enclosures