Hamilton Ave. (1962)
1103 E. 'E1 Camino Real
Sunnyvale, California
July 25,1962
Job No. 773-61-7
Description of 1.251t Acre Parcel
Northerly Portion of Breuner Property
Almarida Drive - Campbell, Calif.
All that certain real property situate within the C1ty of
Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of that certain 9.34
acre parcel ot land as shown on the Reoord of Survey, a map of which
is filed in the office of the County Recorder, s~id Santa Clara
County in Book 140 of Mapa at Page 36; thence from said point of
beginning and running westerly along the northerly line of said 9.34
acre parcel of land S.89843'22"W. 129.30 feet; thence leaving said
northerly line of said parcel, and running southerly, distant 30.00
feet easterly measured at right angles, and parallel to the westerly
line of sa1d parcel S.0832'48"E. 401.00 feet; thence N.89°21'12"E.
35.00 feet thence northerly and parallel to said westerly line of
said parce N.O.32'48"w. 115.00 feet; thence N.89827'12"E. 191.83
feet to the northeasterly line of said parcel¡ thence northwesterly
along said northeasterly line N.20o02'59'~. l~5.99 teet; thence
along the arc of a tangent curve to the r1gh~~ having a radius of
2,000.00 feet, thru a central angle of 38l81~" an arc length of
115.67 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing 54/507 feet of land more or less.