Hamilton Ave. (73-15) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME ~, REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ 9' () / FUND NUMBER ð' 3íl ~ CHECK THIS RECEIPf MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT APR 19-13 005 ****200.00 APR 19-73 9 005 A ***200.00 - (!')s " ç:¡;,/1u--4 / ...' :_--. /- CITY CLERK ~ ¡You CITY OF CAMPBELL 827 CITIZEN COpy " . ... January 28, 1974 County of Santa Clara County Tax Collectors Controllers Section 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, California Office 95110 ATTENTION: Mr. Joseph Wolfe SUBJECT : Segregation of Asbassments, Assessment Nos. lA and 3B, Local Improvement District No. 18 Gentlemen: The segregation of the assessments of the above-described assessments have been recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Campbell on January 10, 1974. Enclosed please find a copy of the application to segregate assessments which describes the new assessments. Please bear in mind that Assessment No. 3B was prepaid subsequent to the submittal of the application to segregate the assessments. That being the case, you w~ll find that the Notice of Apportionment of Assessment just refers to the assessment levied against Assessment No. LA, $5,249.78. The apportionment of unpaid amount of original assessment form is similarly prepared. Assessment No. lA-l is what remains of the former Assessment No. lA. Assessment No. 3B-l is in fact the southerly fifteen feet of the former Assessment No. LA as shown upon the amended Assessment Diagram Map enclosed. Also enclosed is a copy of the Parcel Map which subdivides the properties and a copy of the new schedules of annual installment for the new assessments. If additional information is required or it you should have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:sg Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Civil Engineer ~! Dir~ctor of Fin~nce ----,"'- \ TRANSMIT L SHEET - BONDED ASSESSM TS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. - - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. City of Campbell L.I.D. No. 18 BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. lA -1 YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST I " , 1970-71 253 ,42 563129 I I 1971-72 ~07 , 4~ ' 31'5 1 33 307 : 43 ' 1972-73 294 , 58 . . 1973-74 307 43 27~ . 8~ 1974-75 ' . 329 39 252 . ~l 1975-76 329 . 39 229 . 25 1976-77 329 '39 206 ' 20 . 1977-78 329 '39 183 . 1') I . 1978-79 329 '39 160 '08 I ' 1979-80 . 329 .39 137 '03 , . 1980-81 329 '39 113 'Q7 I 1 1981-82 329 .39 90 Igl , . 1982-83 329 .39 67 ,86 1983-84 ' . 329 .39 44 .80 I . 1984-85 329 .3.7- - 22 ,41 . , TOTAL 4,798 '98 2,955 '00 , 1 ! I ! ! " . . ~ ~ . í BY - DATE TRANSMI'l_.~ SHEET - BONDED ASSESS~. JTS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. - - City of Campbell L.I.D. No. 18 FUBLIC IMPROVEMENT NO. BONDED ASSESSMENT NO. ~A v ~ ::s ß- I .,. YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST . ' , 1970-71 23 , 80 52 , 91 . . 1971-72 28 ,88 29,62 t . 1972-73 28 . 88 27 . 67 . ' 1973-74 28 . 88 25 . 72 1974-75 . ' 30 .94 23 70 1 Q7t;-76 30 . 94 21 . 54 1976-77 30 '94 19 ' 37 -. . 1977-78 30 '94 17 . 20 . I 1 cr78-79 30 '94 15 '04 . . 1979-80 30 '94 12 '87 . . . 1980-81 30 .94 10 '71 , ' 1981-82 30 .94 8 ,54 , ' 1q82-8~ 30 ,94 6 ,37 , ' 1983-84 30 .94 4 ,21 1984-85 . . 30 ,9£. 2 ,11 . ' TOTAL 450.80 277 '58 BY DATE . . - .... IF - .. January S, 1974 Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch Attorneys & Coumrellors at Law 630 North san Mateo Drive San Mateo, California A'1"l'EN'1'ION: Mr. George H. Maude SUBJEC'l' : Apportionment of Assessments, South Bascom Avenue - Campbell Avenue Local Improvement Dilrtrict No. IS Assessment Nos. +A ëUt<l.11! Gentl8R8n: Enclosed please find copie. of (1) Application of Appor- tionment, (2) Apportionment of Unpaid Amount of Original Ae- s.__nt, (3) Notice of Apportionment, (4) Parcel Map of r-reelinvolved and (5) ~n ame~àed Assessment. DlagrB8 of the assessments. Would you please have your office prepare the necessary apport.iomaent sheets that are to be suba1tted t.o the County Controller' a Office and forward three (3) copies to t:h1s office. '!'his office will put on t:he new assessor' s parcel numbers and forward them to the County. Please sûbmit. your billing to this office. Thank you for your cooperation, and should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact. the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIA'l'E CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant. Civil Engineer CSG:sg Enclosures r -"d' ",' ...., . '" ;", í - \,' ì " :' tL " .. : ,:.::::",:1,;";,',':, Ct,;-'- (;1;;' ~,;:;',«:: '1'0 : ::: inb"ndn;Ü, of E:t'::rc;';;;'l:O:ì, Ci.t,y 012 Ct:mpb::..:1J. '! ,'J;¿"l:,:;crt ,," , "', r, ,I. ~.. j,c-n 1:"h(> ~':ií.:1Unt. }'Q::k':L):5 "¡, " :J.c~ ,,;:, t,;,c ;:",c";",:,,,,);<"::t :;C,'\., '.:c):th L";-),(,\J ';':;'0 i:,:,:"-U:¿",':;'::' T ~'.l:',,-, c::,~,~..;':.': or: :L " 1;':'1'C¡" 'L oi; ;é:::;,c::;:;~<;d ;:u h:,:cü2.n ~3cr ìbc',:; '. /¡~;seH:;I.'~('n':: ~L~;. ;;;J..:::.l..).T.',..t",- t,'; :in:'cŒO\Jc'mc"ni. Distr.!.ct 1Y,!e. \".""'1,' ()[ Cë,' 11 1 b t ", 0::: ':, " ,:,. "m ? co: ;:;(, ,.,,',m_'.."'- C.",.q~'i:U;: " (;.._~, 1 .,C,::~ ...'".. i'~,;c:csS;!",'j!!, t",). II\., C'; $:3,2/(9.ïH ::!::"J ,i/: :J';;:;¡n',>¡;, t:';,O"))T,:,;;: /'i: c::;'",:'r\~.' NCic ::if:'.:c' $:>,4.',]7.:)/] l,,': i\r,,';(:u:,';t L1 :i.::l\] ü:t :,;",'~C è! 'rl'! u,' :3);.,Ln;¡1. '1<',;'('>:,1 I ' :),";,,:u, ,3) '/,;,d::'-3 c;,ç f¡,)': I,Q\h~ ; AÐ~C8srnent No. 33-]: Parcel 2 as ~ Parc~l 2 is P a,reel ¡,j¿'}J }:"r,:ccn':':Ò, __B..Qv~J]þ'~£,JL_, é,t pag::';_...42.-_:!n thc" ufLicE-ò of the Sant..a CIa,]:'",,-, state of. CalitGrnia. r:;l;()vrn upon .th,it. cert,ain, ], f'\,_]]LJ ir¡ Book_,l..3_2-___o:f I\~,:lp,<.; COUI) t~y Recorclcr " County of ASf:;eLJ:"Jment 1\:0" 11'. .. L }?",xccl 3 as 8",_d PaJ:'cc.L 3 if:; p¿c,:rcc:"l J'i:.:.~, :;,>'c():-:Ócd_~2Y~!!l.!?.~£_?_" -It' '~aa'- 42 l'".., .,,'hr' cf,r:;n.., ('1" 'h(" C - J" -,'-C_--,...._-,-- ..' l,~l,,:: .J J.._,,--,,- ), L-::, SaELj CléE-;;:t, ~3t:at:c of CaLifornia~ ~,ì-'o;vn Ll.pŒ1 i:"h,3~", cc'ci:ain J:"~ 73 J i:n':()-::,ì-~__,l}£.._o:L Maps CC1!ÙJty Recur:-c1è',C I Cou:nt.y of It :L~: fuJ:tb:~::.: L'¿;:ques-tcrJ that th,:: ?-i.ssessrncrd;, as apI,o¡:tionC'd be,; .1;'(;'.coY'<.;,e:d. ;"'(','I,"í,\,"""U' ~'/) v, Z 'lC') 7~ ~\'- ...-.. ~ /L L./ , t -- -'.-- '~-:--:;-- ---~ -,'-'-'-'~ t~ C . By -,-,V~ ~-- ,-(,f::P._1!'!::::&:<-/ ", ~_.. --, êt¿~ à ' )þ-n1-~ Da ted_-1i.°.:::emb~r.......2.._--~_t APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT NO.1A and 3B, SOUTH BASCOM AVENUE - CAMPBELL AVENUE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 18 WHEREAS, an Assessment has heretofore been levied against property under Diagram and Assessment No. lA and 3B, South Bascom Avenue - Campbell Avenue, Local Improvement District No. 18, City of Campbell for payment of the cost and expense of the work of improvements described in Resolution of Intention No. ~536 adopted on Octobe:ç 8 , 19 Q8 , by the City Council of the City of campbell, State of California, and said property has now been divided into the separate parcels of land hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, pursuant to law an application has been duly flled with the Street Superintendent, requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original Assessment be apportioned by said street Superintendent to said separate parcels of land described herein. i NOW, THEREFORE, I, the undersigned street Superintendent do hereby apportion to each separate parcel of land herei.nafter described of said original property the proportionate part of the amount remaining unpaid on said original assessment that would have been levied on said separate parcels of land, respectively, had said original property been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Da ted : ¡j/1/¡f , 19 4JJllt~¡,{J¡: Ó 1-61 1iam . Wren~ , Superintendent of streets city of Campbell Apportioned ASSESSMENT !iQ.:.. lA-l 3B-l as follows: AMOUNT $4,798.98 450.80 TOTAL: $5,249.78 I, the superintendent of streets of the City of Campbell do hereby certify that the foregoing apportionment of assessment, together~w~th diag~ th~r~,to attached, was recorded in my office on the /Í')£/fiay of YÇJ(/.Àð/zy, 19,2d.. .' NOTICE OF ÇITY OF C,c\/V¡PBELl DEPT. OF PUf,LIC WORKS 75 North Ce~~r;:i Ava. Campbell, Calif. 95008 APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT TO: Stone and Youngberg, 1314 Ross Bui1dinQ. San Francisco, California 94104 the original purchaser of bonds issued to represent unpaid assessments in the above project: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment of Assessment Number.. lA has been made pursuant to Division 10, Part 10.5 of the Streets and Highways Code as shown below. You are further notified that unless you request a hearing within fourteen (14) days from mailing of this notice, the said apportioned assessment shall be recorded. Dated 1'9-1/ ;)lJ /r/. Wil-1.ianí G. Wren~' SuEerintendent of C~ty of Campbell original Assessment No. lA Original Assessment Amount $5.249.78 Amount Remaining Unpaid $ to be dete:Q!lj..ned Resolution of Intention No. 2536 Adopted October 8, 1968 Apportioned as Assessment No. 1A-=1 3B-1 follows: TOTAL : Amount $4,798.98 450.80 $5,249.78 P.M. 73-24 CONDITIONS or APPROVAL Of PARCEL MAP Of LANDS or SALVADOR CAMPISI, ET ALt APN 28~-25-057, 058, 059 AND 060, ON THE Ì'7EST SIDE or SOUTH BASCO~j AVENUE. 1. final map to he filed with the City Engineer for examination. approval and recordation pursuant to the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. 2. The owners are required to segregate the assessment levied pursuant to said special asseSRment district pursuant to the provisioh~ of the Streets and Highways Code. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CITY QF CAMPBELL ON OCTOBER 25, 1973 ¡\ / ,\ ' ., ;<'~\ t, if<._- /~,\ 1(:"." ; " '., , --, '- irR-;r1:¡Ü1f-A . K E C, P LAN N I iTG~fR E 'ê'r 0 1<:---- APPROVED BY THE CITY E~GrNEER OF THE CITY Of CAMPBELL ON OCTOBER "" ~"J \ // ! t '? ,,1 I / /~/ , ,,', I.... .. ,A !,'/ J,' . ,.,>7 ~4 I'~ if 1(/'/", I /" ,-(//,1'/\ BILL HRÈN'/~cffi' ÈNGÚárj( l 25, 1973 . Qr- r:+-- P.M. 73-15 6, 11,8- ----- co:-mITlœ;s ATTACìlDD TO APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL t.íAP OF LANDS OF ESTATE OF LENA CMIPISI. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 287-25-058, 059 and 060. 2. Final map shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. The property is within the boundary of Local Improve- ment District ~o. 18, a special assessment district. The owners are required to submit an application to the Superintendent of Streets to apportion the asses. sment in accordance with the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code. The fee for apportioning the asses- sments is $200.00. 1. Approved by the Planning Director of the City of Campbell on April 11,1973. {;~h~-~A'.~ 'ICe;:" p¡aining'" ífirector Approved by the City Engineer cf the City of Campbell on April 11, 1973. ) "",,'" /",('"":' ¡' /J" / ,1 1,- ¡ C> ¡' ,'I 'j " " i' ~ /. ' , I I I! 1 ,"}/,/J "",' '\," I) ,:C/J , ...".1"':: .. (.,..--.-, , , - \~ w / ~ 1. ,:('(111'( 'b ;-1hen, C:l~ Y Eng1ueer