Hamilton Ave. (TR1115) ~E. T. v:'.~_c~~--- .... .. - " A.P.S. E. M. D. J. A. R. H.D.G. Ï'/{ C. -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- . , M.J.S, -------- GIll _DIp. ------- -------- 18 8. Iaa ...... ...., FILE ... ,...18 t t811toJllda'\ -------- ¡, if ¡ ~ AJrU 11. ltJS '118 t .... - '13 '.Ñ8.... . ..1 108.". .. """"'. .... ..... 110 I... _."n IWM. ' - ,....81a88 , Ia11 to..... ¡ 11M 1 .... """". or 88MS..1-.. a_. 18 ..., ... ,IN.. .. lat..... ... , t)&. .1. " of -p.u - ....aa It, 1"", .....-.. .. aMi.'.".. t.Iqøoft. _"~ t- ....., ... UU. 11811.. ....., 181' ... 1, ..., ....1.""- .." 1161. 1M .''''In.ll.. .........- ..,. tao1ll4e ...,....,., "..', "".". ........ ,. . p"..'. ..4 .te... ..... &81_. 1ft'" ..., u.17, JIUI a. .OMI CU. '7 18&188 .. II'. o. a1tl Il.1Ik FORM 2!5A GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~62857 962851 'I""~ i ,,' .... ".,... A I. . N Di:'It'iIJ'~8' Li* '~Ii"t':r.. :~J"rÌ ~. 'BQûK!~¡'~'l rÞÏGI:j~~.;) pp ¡cation o.............~~- J :1:"1 "'OC L...J .. l1ontt of €omplttíon .. '-'" .,0 'Of( RECO~l\ . ... .,..",Of 1"\,- . \,. R. ~ " \ I ! ~", '?,:"/ .' ./ ")'JL e ~ ---¡..--4~"""'" MAR 3' 2 00 ~ '95d NOTICE is hereby given that..........9.!~...9.~...9.~'¥..~~~~.,....~.~........ ..........,Q~ß~....~.g4 ...~.ß\{....Jï:..!....'rtt. Q~Jt....... ..................,.............. .¡.; , .:' .:"I1D$. :...-v' (.\.'\iT' ,~ a ~.c.. -'" .- ,-"" ........................................................................................................................... City Engineer the undersigned, as ~....¥t~ iIa:iIJáIr~. caused subdivision improvements to be constructed XItbuiiIi_~~d upon the property hereinafter described. subdivision improvements That the work on said I:8JtIIJQ¡ was actually aallQÚCllJd on the accepted ...........,?~:~.~.........day of............................M~t!;.~......................... 19.~.. subdividers That rhe name of the /lDJl1Øt1DX for said owner.... ~...~r.§................ c::rl,.:1 Above space for Recorder llbar.t...J..... D.eBm at... a nd..Ma baLK...... SeSma 1.................... .. City subdivision improvements That the nature of tide of said DII!I..... to said~is that of Co. .; ~, ~'" \ ., ,-< ""-<~ owner.... in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS CITY OF CAMPBELL 41 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California subdivision improvements are That the property herein referred to and on which said lxWœ» located is situated in the............QI.'1.'X...Qr.....Q~,ß..~,~Ã-..............,.....,................... County of Santa Clara, State of California. aQd described as follows: Hamiiton Square Unit 11, Tract No. 111' /) I I J /'/ b '..J I / r / '1 ". ) /' and having the following address: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ¡ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA r 55. ................ ... (Mark E. Thomas)""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" . .O.ity....Jitngine.e.r..,....Q'-..1tY.. ..9.t:. ..Q~P.þ'.~.u.................................. ........................~...¡¡;..~...~RqMA.ê............................................................... ..........................................................,................................................................... -- ...................h"_"""""""""""""""-""""""""".....-...........-.--..............---...-....-..-,-....-..-.......-....,,<...... ..........-....--......---.........................................""'"h...._"'h_..""""" / / / Dated:....................M.~.~.9.Þ....'-9...._................................., 19..~. ( , ~ being duly sworn, says: ThaI lam Qity Engineer for the said City of Campbell [he~.... ~~~mJñ¡ç..~Ì!:IÒJiIt~aoillllllCœxiJa:; thar I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof, and the faCts therein stated ar true 0 ~ - I,. Sub~ribé(.n4's~~}1 to before me this _...............;!,~:..~:~"~\... ..........................................................................................................,............... , ',<.."t."o<'-' c.." ~;) N~~~;:;"¡;~bi¡~i~';ri;};';'~~id¿~~~"~'¡š~~~'ëï~~;:""""'" """""""""";r--- ;";St~e of Califo~n~.~ (SEE OVER FOR TITLE COMPANY REQUIREMENTS AS TO NOTICE OF COMPLETION) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA LEONARD 8USHNELL-CDUNTYENBINEER ~OFFICE OF COUNTY ENGINEER ..JAMES 8, ENOCHES - ASS'T. COUNTY ENBR. WILLIAM A. MCCLURE - Of'f'ICE ENBINEER HALL OF RECORDS , November 17,1953 SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA , ( i < , , \, . " , \ 1, Mark Thomas & Co. 18 No. San Pedro street San Jose, California Re: Hamilton Square Tract #1115 Gentlemen: The installation of the storm drain servicing the above tract in County area along Hamilton Avenue and connected to our existing storm drain at Norman Avenue has been completed and has been placed to the satisfaction or this office. Pavement restoration has also been completed. Very truly yours, LEONARD BUSHNELL Co~1if$Bg1ne~_r..... ._~ ',;' !'> J-*'.;, //~. ,~..... ...........- / I' By Ralph L. Ramona, Deputy RLR:bm I I / . -"', ¡ì t: .' ,'- -_co lJ- < .;;i;' OF SA~rA COUNty CLARA LEONARD 8USHNELL- COUNTY ENGINEER ~OFFICE OF COUNTY ENGINEER JAMES 8. ENOCHES - ASS'T. COUNTY EN GR. WILLIAM A. MCCLURE - OF'F'ICE ENGINEER HALL OF RECORDS SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA March 19,1953 Mr . Mark E. Thomas City Engineer Ci ty of' Camp bell 18 North San Pedro San Jose, California Dear Sir: The subdivision of Mr. Weaver and tne school at the Southwest corner of Hamilton Avenue and Leigh Avenue has the County's permission to connect to the County's Storm Drain at Hamilton Avenue and Norman Avenue provided the conditions of the drainage on tentative Weaver Subdivision is complied with and the plans approved by the County Engineer. Very truly yours, J. B. ENOCHS ~ Asst. Co. Engr. JBE:bm !COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA .( ~PLANNING COMMISSIONERS W. W. CURTNER CHARLES KUHN CHESTER ROOT CARROLL WENTZ W. S. WESTON CHRISTIAN A. WILDER COMMISSION COURT HOUSE SAN JOSE 13. CALIFORNIA R. B. CHANDLER COUNTY SURVEYOR December 15, 1952 HOWARD W. CAMPEN COUNTY COUNSEL E. O. WOOL BOARD O~ SUPERVISoRS KARL J. BELSER DIRECTOR-SECRETARY Mr. Raymond W. Fisher 340 Porter Building San Jose, California Dear Sir: At its regular meeting of December 3,1952, the Santa Clara County Planning Commission approved the tentative subdivision map of the Ralph Weaver Property, located on Hamilton Avenue and Leigh Avenue, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Pave streets to County specifications with 2-! inch plant mix after all utilities are in. Grade lots to drain into streets. Complete improvement plan to be approved by County Engineer before recording final map. Provide anchor easements and I-foot reser- vations. Plan to be re-designed as shawn' with 30-foot street along south property line. Completely storm drained to include added increment to the south and west with increased pipe sizes in lieu of connection fee to connect at Norman Avenue. Storm drain to be taken south on Leigh Avenue to the southerly street of subdivision and as far as necessary on Hamilton Avenue. Pave 50-foot street, 36-feet between curbs. Provide dedication for widening of Hamilton and Leigh Avenues through Benson Property. No occupancy of otherwise completed dwellings to be permitted till usable sewer connections. made. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Very truly yours, KARL J. BELSER,Director-Secretary ~ ~ ames L. JLC : jp cc: Mark Thomas & Co. v 11 L£- C:~ IY ~aMAs & co. I MARK E. THCMA8 c 0 p y ALDC P. SAVIC CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYDRS TELEPHONE CYPRESS 2-4434 18 NORTH SAN PEDRO STREET SAN o..IOSE l[]. CALIFORNIA neee8ber 1'. 19,2 0..,,0_.11 01" or o.apMll Oaapbell. 0a11ton1& 811'1' l' l' No........4 ...t the '..ats..... _-.u..l,loa -, of ...11t.8 ,,-" 1...'.4 08 the teN. .148 ot 1Iaa11't. A...... "t.... Lelah '."n.8 .... ... 808' .a'e;c-l, 01', U.ltl 11n. of (:u¡p}Jell, be .11f"JÞð""" "'OJ..t 'o 10- tollov.t..ac e.d.1 'tlo." 1. 'a.... ..11 8':1'.." atte. all .t111tll' u. 1n 'f/ltb.. 6- \)a.. and It. -plant Mix, fro. pt'81» t. 111"'11'. 2. Oo.atrue' ....'10&1 .,,"rbl, ptt.:r. aad 8148alkl OD. 8.11 Itr."8. Vt.4th or 114..lk to be 1ft t..t. Gu-b &a4 ra"8r to ba.... aft GT."al1 .14'h ot )0 1110be,. lace or o.rb to be 10 tE'.' tx... 'PPOpert, UA8, .a...ptla¡ 01\ 1Iaa11t.a A""DUe. OU-b, ¡utlt.r and .I.",-.a to be '_"Not.. 08 tâ8 li.r'h 414t ot "..'fort ...y.a... aM. - 'ÞOth 814". of ,. "..¡-Ae-e.. ,tr..'. ,. Klftl.ua let w14th - 60 toot ........ 4. K1818u& lot.... - 6000 "UN te.'. 5. Orad. lot. ,. 4ra1n to .~r..'. ,. ""'...14. 8Oau...'. aa4 aonUIMn' bo~.' aD r"u1r." br tb8 01'7 18118..r. 7 - A4eq.'. bead '0 -- pe"M to 00"'.. I&nlt&r7 .e.lrl ourb. pt,..,. , 14..lk. ..,..., pl.y1DC anA __a' bes... Aaoun' to be 4.'..a1a-' tro. 01', 1ac1a'8~' ..'188'.. 8. I'... ""1_'8 plaD '0 be .....a"84, INbJeo1 '0 ap,..,ro",.l Dr 01', Inc1n.... .. It ,tora ..".r. &r8 ,o b4J O.,tNO""þ &4....,. bond '0 be po.,'" .. O....er 00" ther.ot. Aaout to be a.te1'"- lI1a" r:roa 01', ...a..rt. ..'l..t.. SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS STRUCTURAL DESIGN INDUSTRIAL PLANNING CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION ROAD DESIGN AND INSPECTION WATER SUPPLY AND WATER RIGHTS SUBDIVISIONS LAND SURVEYING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING DRAINAGE IRRIGATION. .. . I b. It DO ,'ora ,ev.r' are \0 be ooal VuO'." , the nb- 41"14.1' to acr.. to ooavl'tN'. up tea 0" ...41-'" al\4 tlt', dollar8 <$150.00) p.r lot tor tu puapo'. of 00.,""'0'1D1 "01'11 4ft.1a.. !h1. ...vl1N\10. t. 1M guara.t.." 'Ie tu CU." of Oaapbell1ajY n'b41Y1der JO'tlne a tl" 1MI' 'bOD4 111 the aaoua' or ... 1Duldr.4 an4 tlt', dollar. (150.00) 'Per 1.' . a' ..14 10" ... 4. , lIna '.el oft the flnal nbdl,,181oa -p. 1. &441'10., nb41,,148r ,. nbll1' '° 01', or 0..81'_11. a aotarl.ea lalt....., to bO reoord84 , bY' whloh n'b41,,14er l' ¡Nat.a per- 111..101\ from aq proper', owner OR wbo.. laa4. "°'" vater froa propos.a nb41.181oa -, 4ra1a. 9. 'peelt!.oa tlt'n., 1'1&:1. aDA profll. or .tora """.8 aac1 .trc8ilapro".aønt8, 1aolu41n¡ ~b., ¡att... aD4,.....1k8 'I. be po."" ..84 ,o 'be aP'Pl"o"ed bl 01', _1ft.11' 1trlOJ" '"to 00...01D¡ 0' censmlo'loa. 10. :tÀ8,al1wn A¡,..nue :rlCht of -,. to be w14eued to 60 t.e' trOll -pP....n1 08n,.r l1ae. raC8 of tmJI'b to 'be 18 t..t trðll .e. prep8r', l1n.. hying ,o extend fro. S\\tt6,. to exløtlD1 pa"e- 88AtM.ge. 11. Prov1de 20 toot ra41U8 at alllnter..o'l".. u. lot.""" W.., to 'be lDorea.'" frol\ 50 too' Wi... ,. 056 too' v14th. l' - Chtl-4..-... Ivee' '0 be 1l\0r..øe4 fro. SO toe' Y14~ '0 56 too' W14th. Klni_- NAb., tor cul-"-.~aac!to be tor', t..,. 14. All 10', 'aolAl 8\11-4.-..- 'Ie ba". .. 81al... tro.... ot 40 t..,. Le1¡k A.tau. r1P'-ot-., ,. 'be 1448"'" 111 aooor4aa.. nth ."0'1' ])11.& of 'tM Sa.. 01Ara Ct')u'1 .14n.n1ac 00881..10.. 15. Prfn'14. pear aa4 .aoboS' ...un'. and ......,. tor .'r..' 11shtlD1- 16. Depo81' tl.. ,ear.- .....1 tor ne........, _bel' of t1re !tJðraa'. .. a..'.rm1"" '" '1" Obl.t. 1'1. Pro,,14. 10 roo' ..e..n' &10.." ...e of pro,o'" ..~.1'10. tor tg,~. .'ora ..w..... Leea'loaot..la.....- M.' -, be V1 'hi. the ..z1"1DC )0 too' I'iCh' ot ., or a4J&- 0..' 10 1'. 4.,..41n¡ Oft vb8tb8r tb8 00.41'10.' of ~ al.'l11& )0 too' riCh' ot -, vill P81'111' _011 aa "'_D' a. 8"bJ .0' 'I. ,. a..,.....l ot ~ owner ot -.. ea...a'. 11 .eo..8&I'1. 18. Mak. 48po.l' to ooYer oheok1D1 -ø 04 11\8",'10D. õi"' 12/17/('- )~ - . -1 19. r1nal -p ~O oon1"or8 suDItant1al1y w1th t.n_tlT. .p. In Tl.. ot thAt tact tba' ,ns.. PJl'OpeJ't7 11 not Vi'hla ,. Cl', L1altl ot Ga:upb8l1. It 18 r.co._act... 'bst .. ,..el1111au1 appro...l be Iran'." in aooord.aao. 111 th the 8hen ooa41 tloa8. v1th tiDAl approY&l .v.bJect 'o '1". 6ucce811tul .01lp1.1:10. .t ann.xatloa proO..dln¡e. tov, .81"1 tnl1. JU.U E. ftOnl 01t, IReta.." / .DD:«. r:1 ~ ~~ (~-?2-~: ~.~~~~. ~ r~~ ' ~~' t'-A~~ - --:::,..0:. / I ¡ ,i, ,¡"p"'" / , (j /