Hamilton Ave. (71-15) - / ,~ ,,(:-"' ~~ c c-£x¡ P.Ì'1. '/~?-lG ceIl D In 0 :1 S c r ^ PI' rZO V ¡\ L Ii T T A C H EDT 0 T E II T t\ T I V r.; PAR C E L ¡.1/, P 0 F LAN D S (1 f DO;; K eLL co 1.\? ANY, PO R T ION 0 r P t\ IZ eEL 3, P A!{ eEL !'i 1\ P 0 F j j ¡, fn~ S 0 F l' Ii E ;'ÍE C; T 'd 0 0 D CO r.E.> Pi 11 Y . 1. Final nap to be filed with the City En~i~eer for examination, approval and recordat~on in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. .... L. A six (6) foot wide pedestrian easement shaLL be cledicated and improved. rrop! tl).", northerly line of Tract No. 4908 to Hamilton Avenu~. The alignment and improvcFlcnt of e a f; e ~;! e n t s h a 11 he sub j e c t tot h e a p pro \' R 1. of the Planning Director and Ci~y Engineer Approved by the Planning Director of the City of Campbell, California on October 17, 1972, .// '/ /"" l:'<!»~;~j~{~.L(:;:' ~?<:~~"-,~.~L- ---.- Ar'thul' A. K.e!'~, PLlT,rJÏl1C Director Approved ~y (he City Engineer of the City of Campbe12., California on Octobe~ 17, 1972. ! 'I I ~ /,1 /1 .I! I /if (,././ I .' /, .. ¡ i,' .~ / ,/ ¡.. ,,' ~... I I It I r-,v - '" .llf.i.'..I/,...,.¡.', 1\.// ./IJ/v/(/£/J ',: I//., C'-e'..^/ \ . ____L_~__';:~-~~~.~,.~_L_"- 1~TJ~ïi~~~-'-êL -ïTê- ê r¡; C í t 'l En?; t "¡J c cr ~y-- PH 71-15 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF THE WESTWOOD COMPANY LOCATED ON EAST HAMILTON AVENUE. 1. A final map to be submitted to the City Engineer for examination, approval, and recordation in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. Approved July 21, 1971 A~fAR~~; '1&,,!w {fu rector City of Campbell, California Approved July 22, 1971 I 11&'- / ) / . //~ ~ ~ am G."\ en. City of Campbell,