Hamilton Ave. (66-4) ./ /" "'I '(-" PI') (, : , t\ \1 N I J"'M '.,,) , \"", ',» I (5ð) 22 March 1966 Mr. Steven Colen, et a1 1041 Sonoma Avenue Menlo Park, California Re: Your application for Use Permit - Our File UP 66-4 Dear Mr. CQlen: The Planning Commission at its regular meeting 21 March 1966 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue~ Campbell, California, approved your subject request for coin-ope:ated car wash on property at the south side of East Hamilton Avenue (be~ween the Mobil Oil Company and the Los Gatos Creek), subject to the following conditions: Engineering: 1. 2. Storm Drain Fee in the amount of $240 Excavation permit to be obtained for driveway approach modifications Planning: 3. Use Permit to become void if ~lans for Architectural Approval are not submitted and approved within 90 days Approval of Use Permit location is not to be inter- preted as approval of a 4-stall car wash operation 4. 5. An attendant to be on duty at all times of oÐoration. Very truly yours, CI~Y OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CQMMISSION ,/ R. V. Hogan, S'écreta-ry RVH:bt cc - Lena Campisi 2520 Pfeffer St. San Jose, Califopnia Engineeri¿of C Raymond H. & Ruth A. Schleeter 13th & Pfltterson Eugene, Oregon att: Use Permit "ij , . ,..-- L- ¡ 'j ,; '- PLANNING COM~IS5IO~ CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA USE PERMIT 1~6f-~ 21 ¡,!arch 1966 In accordance with th~ provisions of Section 9328, Chapter 3. Article IX, of the Campbell ~unicipal Code, STEVEN COLEN, et a1 is hereby granted a use permIt to operate a coin-ope1tited car wash on property located on the south side of East Hamilton Avenue (between the Mobil Oil Company and the Los Gatos Creek), subject to the following conditions: 1. Storm Urain Fee in the amount of $240 ¿ . Excavation permit to be obtained for driveway approach modific~tions 3. Use Permit to hecome void if plans fOT Architectural Approval are not submitted and approve1 within 9" days 4. Approval of Use Permit location is not to be interpreted as approval of a 4-stall car ,,¡ash oporation 5. An attøII\Jant to he otl dl,ty at all time" of operation PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning ComMission of the City of Camphc;:ll, C~!lifornia. in regular session, ()}l the 21st ~>!.::-:' March. 1966. SAID USE PERMY"r "C Dr>.COH'¡", va1:~ on the 4th day of April, 19()(i. CITY OF CAM~~ELL PLANNING COMMISSION , .' ./ i , J¡ ~-' ,.' !,/ ." ~,/.:{~",.., .'" , ~. v:l Hog~h .l'~ecr'~tary B)" : RVH:bt