137 E. Hamilton Ave. (71-10) ".. .-'~1 ¡ ;., j ~ ~"l '" peter paulsen co. L:..,,~,j 4100 Moorpark Ave.. San Jose. California 95117 Telephone: 408 - 984.8400 ~ r ;¡ Realtors - Builders - Developers ~ March 4,1974 o{~ oþ oyer;¡ 6. - Mr. Frank Conley 104 Calderon Mountain View, California 94022 Dear Frank: In 1971 you prepared a map for me for the purpose of plotting two parcels into one. At the time, you indicated that you would take care of all city requirements. As per the enclosed copy of the letter from the City of Campbell it appears there are a few loose ends. I know you are no longer in the engineering field, but since you st:arteâ this job I feel you woulù ut:! Lilt:! Duly .J:It:!.L::;uu \,;<1.J:1cÙ.1lt:! ùf fulfilling the city's requirements. Please call either Bill Helms or Lawrence Versaw of the City of G~pbell (408) 378-8141. Sincerely yours 61P~ Peter PaulsE:ï.. pP:ml Ene. cc ~ Bill Helms Lawrence Versaw ~~\ &D DO" I.>'. 'r".' .'"""1\" ~~.... :. ./J'Wv~' .li~": -... ""!I!.""" I , ... - l February 14, 1974 V/:;: ',!.j I --, - . -- '- ß~ Di~TE . Z---'JT-j'------ 7~- Mr. Pe~er H. Paulsen 137 Eas~ Eamil~on Avenue Campbell, California 95008 TO . ~--.. 1". RE: Parcel Map of Property Located at 137 and 149 East: Hamilton Avenue.:/ Dear Mr. Paulsen: - . 7 " ~.' . :~ I f' (' , ., "' '- I'~' -"'.... In September, 1971, you executed an agreement wi~h the City of Campbell regarding your development of ~he sUbject property. It has come ~o our at~ention that one provision of the aqreement has no~ been fulfilled, for example, the processing of a parcel map. A tenative map was filed, checked, and comments returned to your engineer in Oetober, 1971. All fees relating to the final map processing have already been paid, however ~he final map has no~ been sUbmitted. You have expressed cooperation when contacted by ~e1ephone, however, we have not as yet heard from your engineer. Please take the necessary action to effect completion of ~his matter. Should you, or your engineer, have any questions, please contac~ the undersigned. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Lawrence C. Versaw, Engineering Aide II LCV: sg ,þ 'u/)'/ ~~10 CONDITION ATTACHED TO APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP OF TlIE LANDS OF PETER II. PAULSEN, LOCATED ON EAST !IA!>n~TON ¡'.VEN~tJ.E ,~--,.,---- CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA. 1. Final map shall be filed with the City Engineer in accordance with the provis- ions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California. Approved on October 4, 1971 û. ,,/' - /_j / ~ ~-.7./-:'.¿¿~,/ l'LC:-"---'-~YL.,-,------- Arthur Kee, P,lamnng Ihrector City of Campbell, California t, \ (ì /7 (' ,/" / ; .') I, I / c.:~ ! ,1 II f/. / ( /J!.7 A ) / {/ ,/ U lL~J~jhAt/f. /\. \hlllam b. Wren, \1 Director of Publi~Works