163 E. Hamilton Ave. (77-23) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: I, ! ')75 From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- The requirements of the Public Works Department have been the following development: APPLICANT "Ii f. BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER satisfied for / .) ! , , 1 I' . f I. \ I lVI. ( ( J.. /1 ,~,'f ( ). 7';"7 ,>~, "',-' i I J ~ ,~~ 'f,.' (7)) JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: , " - 8 .. 0 :I pi . 0 @ r- '" t~ or- or- '" f- LU . . ..J ) Z U I :J . . >- ~ If) 0 iC iC f- <( ::; '" U Ij <( <C '~ ~ 0 0\ 0\ .J .... 0 0 .J ~ UJ<( "'" ~ '0 -I (DZ -I W a..~ Ir CD f- ~ w co co ;) (L :E~ 0 0- Ir r- r- o :2 - 0 I , >- <( UJ <(<( >- .... .... -!u U~ N N U w o LL Z CQ CQ ~O UJ u.~ 0 UJ u.J ::; W L0- u.. >- 0::: f- f- O~ , <( ~ 0 0 0 u >-~ z ...U f- ~ Z - ::l 00 t> 0 ~ W U 0:: Z C . en w >-:t:Z~ u CD ~ ~ 2:Uc(O 00 >- <( :2 ~~ Wc(ciil c.- o W ::l \, ~~~Illl ~ U If) ::l Z ~ "'wc(C Z If) Z Ij M w ~~ "'IlllCW W ~:2 Ir III 0 :t:>-:::::iZ N 0 > Z >-"'c(Cl ~ ~ <( 0 III ::l i>Vi iJ z <( 0:: LL ';:; " ,.- CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works September 15. 1978 AMERICAN CASUALTY COMPANY OF READING, PENNSYLVANIA SUBJECT: Bond No.: Bond Amount: Insurance CO.: Site Location: File No.: 559-96-37 $1,000.00 American Casualty Company of Readinq, Pennsylvania 163 Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, California' 78-127 (Permit) Gentlemen: All deficiencies on the above-subject project have been corrected. Accordingly, the City of Campbell accepts the improvements, and the bond on this development is hereby released. Very Truly Yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works (/ II, C By DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:mkc I ELLIOTT cc: HODGSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. HElMS 1'-~~NDLlNG I I I ~-TUQ:"J TO_ -----------1- , -~ _.. .._ L_... DL\Z I ./ F~~-;' . i C - - .-----. "--;' 1---f'~I: -- -- -~. =. , " I ,....v.........'~.~ ,; ~ .....-------........- ./ \..... \ 'f\~ p<c ~\ D <' 78-127 CITY OF rAMPBELL 75 N. (,'cral Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 APPLICATION : Applitltion is hereby mede for an eatavation permit in atcordance with Campbell Municipal Code, Section A. The location and nature of the work to be done is: .J)i~,..~!),.~! /::) i/J,t. 'r -t .-"-if "( Cl -r"/ ." ? ! I-t ~ ! /1 ' (vi-' r~ - V<:' ~ Lj~'/-lrJ B~, EXCAVATION PERMIT Permit No, Call 378-8141 x ZZO for inspections. 11.04. B. Attached are four copies of I drawing showing the location, extent and dimensions of the work. The drawing shows the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements, When approved by the tity engineer, said drawing becomes I part of this permit. C. The applicant hereby agrees by affixing his signature to this application to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, Ind employees free, safe, Ind hlrmless from Iny cllim or demand for damages resulting from the work tovered by this permit, The Permit Fee is $25.00. This is to help cover the cost of inspection, Illme Tele, 110. 5/ II - ( ~/(/() )/i (/'/' Addres 5 " /A/L,/ Date .rf}-;J4 - 'J;P Signature of Applicant PERMIT : This permit to eaclvlte is I.sued subject to th~ following conditions: 1, NOTIFY the city engineer 48 hours before beginning work. 2. KAJllTAIlI Slfe pedestrian Ind vehicular crossings Ind free Iccess to privlte drivewlYs, fire hldrenu Ind water vllves. ~ 3, Any STREET CLOSING nlst hive prior, specific Ipproval from the city engineer. 4. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC In the work lrel shill conform ~Ith the Work Arel Traffic Control Hlndbook, 5. REPLACE IN KIND Iny damaged or removed existing i.provements or pllntings, 6. SAWCUT for 111 P.C.C. or A.C. removlls. ,7. P.C.C. REPLACEMENTS shall confo~~ with current City Standards. B. A.C. REPLACEMENT shill be either: 4 incheS A.C. on 12 inches R-78 blse rock or 9 inches A.C. deep strength; or, '~' -J &...4 ;> ,-: r......~~ , "I ~ :.::.} ,- - i.L.i! L) t>~ 0-. i'..!J , , ,) , 9, Miscelllneous conditions: t..Jc,.tJ ->!./;;-<ryr~/-i~'.$. C' _ Imported, select blckfill is required. &9.".,C -"j j~"~,,l/ The hours of work Ire 1111i ted to between and 9".J {,//. '/;{ _ Work to be sta~,ed by I licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and three copies of the cut /,/'(- sheets sent to the Public Works DePlrUlent before starting work. ft r' _ Open cutting of plYellllnt .ill not be allowed; 111 pipes or conduit shill be jacked under ~, .xistlng pavement. .2S.- J,lttLIILh bl'{~' ( ('(",>/, ///1'1'(""1.'-"'''/' I ~~ c~ C..:.. 11. 12, l f /1 J . { ( J I I.. ..') / DEPOSIT requi red to qUll'lntte restor.tion of public rlght-of-lIIIY., ' - (Returnlble upon Iccept.nce of the work by the city .nglnet). S /iJUO ,- REQUEST I finll inspection .nd Icc.ptanc' in writing upon co.pl.tion of the work. Acceptlnce of the Permit by the nl.ed Permittee constitutes ICceptance of Iny Ind all conditions upon which this Permit is grlnted. This PermIt does not relieve the P.rmlttee of Iny obligltion to obtain .oy other Permit required by llw. Pennit is not trlnsferlbl.. WOrk ...st bI perlo,..d by DlnnlUee or permltt.e'S Igent. . -... " , f \ ~. II 1 {J ~/ ( .. t {' I } 1,.1 (. l 10, MOTE: TRENCH SAFETY hiS not bI.n checked and is NOT IMPLIED w1th thi. P,""it. C~ontICt: St.te of Cllif.Ol'nia Division of Indus trill Safet~ Dep.rt.lnt;of )ndustrill Relltions (408-277-1260) 4'/;--;---/ ,? ~ / , ACCEPTED ~~J. li/.// j , 'gn.turf 0 tl'lll1tttt I L ~rvenC1 tel.phon. nUllber '''''''ED' ;J {~)) 7; If/'lL--- tIT MGINEE For -P.rmlt to [xclvlte. (Dtt.) Drlwlng Attached? '.nait Fit ,.Id? Deposit "c.heel? ( lusiness Licens.? ~'Lj ~~." >. " '.- ~)n.~ \ I t:S '~ g/~!7 g- PERI<I.1 NOT VALID UWTIL APPROVED BY CITY EIl6IICEER. 4/78 C\() ~a 't '" ~, ~ ll, t ~ f\"I " " : ~ :r~ t.~ ~y ~ (x- a rR i I I , I ~ o 1__ lJ \Jl o o~ I " .fIo. o z: * (1 . \3\ " >> r :1 i i ~--i~ .., r \~ '" o , \,\ ~'" r ~ -88 ~ "" :z:r oJ> .z I r o " t: 'f, z IT1 ~r\~f" '\\\\.....~r N~ ' rLC ]Oz>- lit"' .1>., - JVo0 . ;:;:1 -10 > zr 1'1 ~ ~\~l\~ \'\~'\\'\ oj 0c:::> e '\~\'\\\~ ~~~. ol.!'>\JI -I) f t I r I' 1 ~c; :: '" > ~ -I t~~l)t~ o 0 0 _ .\ () ('" ,:.. ,. 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'JI. g :!w.. ! ~ 9,. r~" ~i li:l;l Z 3al> if~a.i I ~ 5"1 i !S 9 s,;- ..0.... 0 il-:11 -.-;211' I i~ a ~ '." ,. I ----. --- 4 '1:3 ';'~-~--J J I:', r . . t .! I ,>, .. CQ : .:~ II ~4-i:~~:~! I . . , . , N .~.~ 66 66' I~' I~ co 0; LIMITS 244,36 . ; '- : ....-t:.:';,. J~ <'-I!t.) Mti)IC.\IIr\' c.'1VT ^ 0 -. ... .... . :'J 15507 ,,~ -- ..... ...... _oJ u U ~ la ~ (" \ .. ,F. 1:':; 75 NORTH CENTRAL C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A (408) 378.8141 ~" , ,- , .or' V"lvP,:AAR \ \ \';.< ',' ._--,., .' ' f"'\. \' I \. ...~....~....~,..... ~;_..,.'\._.~-' _., .__'_ \, .h'_ ,\ ~~~-.7--'" \ I (~ITf OF C!\MPBE'l" ~L~-:~ AV.\ ~i\\j -\ -\ D ATE : June 9, .s". Ae. 2.Cf) RECEIVED JUN 9 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Department: PIa n n i n g 1977 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Dr. Leland & Karen R. , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ,et hospltel TO BE LOCATED AT 163 F. HAmlltnn Av-.nlJA COND I TI ONS: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written appl ication for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 7th DAY OF J"'Ae ' 1977_, CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION CC~, Dr .Le I and, Ka ren R. VPUll1c Works Dept. FI re Dept. Onorato Assoc. Inc. 600 El. Camino Real., San Bruno, Ca. B'( tz;f:>L~ <. ~(. ARTHU A. KEE, SECRETARY 1. 2. 3. 4. -~ 6. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "5" 77-23, Dr. K;al"en R. Leland CONDITIONS ED WITH A NUMBER OR LETTER i ~ APPLICATION Roof material to be tile of a type and design to be approved by the Planning Director. Prop~rty LO b~ h.:nc~d tilnd land:,cllped a" Indicat~d an~ a~ added In 'Ired" un plan~. ldnd:'Cdpe pldn lndicdlng type of pldnt nldleri.1 IULdlion of ho~.! bib:.. ur sprinkler ~yUenl and type of fenclny t~ b~ toubmitteJ for dPprc:>val of the Planning Director dt tinltl of llPplic.:ation for building pc rnll l. Ldnd:.~apin~ :.h.1I be mOilntained In otLcordotnc.;e with the approved land5capc pldn. faithful pertormanc~ bond In the ..Inount of $ 5,000 to be po~tt:d to insure landscaping. fencing and ~trlpln9 of parking area within three (]) months of complet Ion of conuructlon. or applicant may fi Ie wr i LLen agre~ment to complt:t~ land5cdping. fencing and striping of palking area prior to final Building D.partn~nt clearance. Applicant to :.i9n .9ree~nt !.atl!afactory to the City Attorney that the property wi I I be u~cd tor warehou!te purposes only. All nlt.'chdllicdl cquipment located on roofs ~hall be scrt:ened d~ approved by the Pl.tnniny Director. The appl iCdnt is nvl if icJ d~ pdrl ot lhi:. appl icat ion that he h required to ITIt't.> I the' fullllwiflY cvndilioll~ in aLl:oldanc~ with Ordinotnce:. of the City of Campbell A. B. c. A II p.H" i n~ .}IId dl j 1IL'~~dy :\1 t'd'> lu be devc loped Sed ion 21.~O lIf lhL! c..ullpbt'll Municipal Code. be pi <IV i Jc..d \" i l II appl opr 'd t t' COliC r~ tc curb... or in comp I i ancc wi l h All par~ing ~pac~~ 10 uumpel guotrd",. Ulld<,'r~ruund ulililiL'~ Id bL' prllviJt'd dS rcquileJ by S~djon 20,16.070 uf the Campbell MUllicip.d CoJt', Pldn~ ~ubmillL'J l,) IhL' BuiIJII") Department for plan .::hec~ ",hall indical.- eIL'drl", Ihe 10':dt ivn .)1 ...11 tOlllH..(t io"s for unJerground ut i I il ic~. ill..:ludill'.:l w.Jlel. 'H'\"el. c..IL'Ltr il:. t~lL'"phone clnd television cabl",,,,. t~l(. D. Siyn appl iCdl iOIl III be: ~ublllill....d in .hcoldancl.? wilh provisiuns 01 the sign ordinall'\! tor all ,:>i91\~, No ~iqll to be in~l.tlled until dppliLdliLlll i,> approved dnd pelmit i~"'Ul'J by the 8uilJinl,l Department. E. F. OrdilldrH.t:' No. 782 of llt..~ L\lIIl'bell Hun i.: ip.)1 (.hle- '>1 ipul.H<'~ Ih.H any contract for Iht' collection dllll Ji~pLl::.al ..\I l&.'fu,:>L'. garb.l........ \"el 9dlbd~.., and r.ubbi~h produc~d within thL' limit,> of Ih,' City dl Cdmphell ~h.:lIl be made with Green Vdllc:y Di':>jlLbdl CL1mpany, Ihi:. 't'quircmtc"nt appll"'~ to all ~ingl<, fdmi 1"1 dwell inLj'>. lIIull ipl.' c\pd'lm.'1I1 lInil.... hI ct\l commercial, busine,>s. indusI' ioll. lIIdllutdLtUI illY, .1IId (On,>IHIL'ti.)1l establ ishmt:"nt:.. Trdsh contotiner(s) of a sile otlld "IU.llltily 1\o.'(.c....':>,H) I.) ~t'I\.. tlw ,I..~.,'. opfllent ~hal I be located in .ued(~) .Wpldv,'J h) tht' fir..' Uql.illlllcllt. Unle~s otherwise noted. encl'lSllrt-(...) ~ha\l (.IIl"i...1 .'1 .j "'lltlt'I.' II.h1l ::.urrounded by a sol id wal I or fl'n.'f' dll.t h.)\I..' ...t.1 t -.1....11"1 d.hll... .1' a :. i zc sp~c i f i ed by the fir... Oepar lllll'IlI, ^ II ~-Ih 1..,,\11..... ..1 I'.' ,IIlh II II, l.',1 .H grdde ie....cl. G~___ A,,~li(alll .,hall ,Ut::t::1 Sl,tl~ It'q,,i't'III'''III''' ,.11 III.' 11,1'.......'.1'.,.1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PAGE TWO "S" 77-23, Dr. Karen R. Leland BUILDING DEPARTMENT H. Right elevation as shown on plans would require a parapet wall approximately 50" high at edge of roof overhang. Sec. 1709 b, U.B.C. A completely incombustible roof covering may be substituted for parapet wa 11. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I. Pay storm drainage area fee of $170.00. J. Obtain excavation permit for any work within the street right-of-way. FIRE DEPARTMENT K. Provide one 12A-10BC" fire extinguishers. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.