600 E. Hamilton Ave. (84-03) ;1~ ('Jc, f -7 S--- RESOLUTION NO. 7251 BEING AN RESOLUTION'AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH APPLE COMPUTER COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION WHEREAS, Apple Computer Company, a Cal ifornia corporation, has submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell an agree- ment to perform 1 ight recreational activities on City-owned property described on Exhibit A, attached to said agreement; WHEREAS, City of Campbell grants to Apple Computer Company, a Cal ifornia corporation, a license to conduct 1 ight recreation use on the property, including picnicking, badminton and horse- shoes, in accordance with all the terms of said agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of said City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd 1986, by the following vote: day of September AYES: Counc i 1 members: ASHWORTH, WATSON, PODGORSEK, KOTOWSKI NOES: Counc i 1 membe rs: NONE ABSENT: Counc i I membe rs: DOETSCH ~~~ Michael. Kotowski Mayor ATTEST: ~>:;tZt~-€/Þ- ~# j Louise B. Pena, Deputy City Clerk TH~ FOR~1301NG 1N3TRUMENT IS A TRUË AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE ifJ TH:S OFFICE, )I,nEST: C'l,"Yffi,A, ü~SN:K,{. CITY CLERK. CITYOF? c:.:.~f~"::ll'.25 FG~. - 8¡;!J¡lII ~f , ,~J!.Æ ~. DATED q~,LI-.l) (; ~ ~ý{~,-'é~/ L/ 61 ORDINANCE NO. 1557 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE, AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (APPLICATION OF LINDA KAVANAUGH, ON BEHALF OF BARRY SWENSON BUILDERS, PD 84-03 ). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached Exhibit A entitled "Plans and Elevations", Exhibit B entitled "Development Schedule"; Exhibit C entitled "Map of Said Property"; and Exhibit D entitled "Conditions of Approval", as per the application of Ms. Linda Kavanaugh, on behalf of Barry Swenson ßuilders for approval of plans, elevations, and development schedule to allow the remodeling of an existing building on property known as 600 E. Hamilton Avenue in a Planned Development Zoning District. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the Planning Department. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within fifteen (15) days upon passage and adoption in the San Jose Mercury News, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2nd day of April, 1985 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Kotowski, Doetsch, Podgorsek, Ashworth Councilmen: None Councilmen: None ATTEST: rb-.co1! ~ City Clerk APPROVED: /~~ -- John J. ~orth, Mayor ~ ~ EFn;Gn Vii UAt't-:: ~ THE FOREGO!NG INSTRUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORP"cC;T CCPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON F!~::: IN Ti liS CHICE. B PU{;L.{ ¿., \,vO~> DATED EXHIBIT 8 STANDARD DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FILE NO: PD 84-03 APPLICANT: LINDA KAVANAUGH, BARRY SWENSON BUILDERS SITE ADDRESS: 600 E HMllLTON AVENUE 1. Construction to begin within six months of final approval. 2. Construction to be completed within one year of ~tarting date. NOTE: Above development schedule is a standard used by the Planning Department when applicant has not submitted a schedule for his project. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAl PD 84-03 APPLICANT: ICavanaugh,--. SITE ADDRESS: 600 E. Hamilton Ave. P.C. MTG. February 26,1985 EXHIBIT D The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of campbell and the LaWS of the State of california. 1. Revised site plan indicating parking areas to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor prior to application for a building permit. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. 3. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee and/or planning Commission prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted to the planning Department and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $10,000.00 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within 3 months of completion of construction; or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas. Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning Department prior to application for a building permit. 6. Applicant to submit a letter to the Planning Department, satisfactory to the city Attorney, prior to application for building permit, limiting the use of the property as follows: 1. New mezannine in warehouse - 20,000 sq.ft.; 2. High cube storage -- 91,400 sq.ft.; 3. Retail sales (including showroom, offices, accesory stock, clearance and storage) - 64,500 sq.ft.; and 4. Exterior valls - 1,100 sq.ft. 7. All 8echanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 8. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. 9. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. CONDITIONS OF APPROVA~ PD 84-03 APPLICANT: !Cavanaugh, L. SITE ADDRESS: 600 E. Hamilton Ave. P.C. MTG. February 26,1985 PAGE 2. 10. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. ll. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 12. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell Municipal Code). 13. Ordinance No. 782 of the campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, qarbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all sinqle-family dwellinqs, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. 14. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. 15. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. 16. The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris and weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. Sect. 11.201 & ll.4l4, 1979 Ed. Uniform Fire Code. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 17. Traffic report to be approved by the City Engineer prior to agendizing this item before the City Council. 18. Applicant to abide by mitigation measures, including possible restrictions on the number, size and timing of truck usage on this site as required by the City Engineer. FIRE DEPARTMENT 19. Plans for modifications to fire protection systems shall be submitted for permit and approval. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: PD 84-03 APPLICANT: Kavanaugh, L. SITE ADDRESS: 600 E. Hamilton Ave. P.C. MTG. February 26, 1985 PAGE 3. BUILDING DEPARTMENT 20. Note: Shell plans for this project now under structural plan check for the cutting of concrete floor for elevation and stairwell into existing structure. No additional comments at this time. - - . s . - s ~ ",-" 1 ~ í I" I .i :;, <", AVL H 0"': ,.,.." . . -... ,'1. '4L j, .a ; ~'O "', .u -,r - ,r,.or C . ,..-0' t . . - I .:~: , .. '. . ,. ,.. . , , ..-f;'" . , ':. '-- . ~,,"'f~¡t-$; ,~. t- , :-< '. ,. ;, r '. . ", . (: IT FUBLI C HFARIN; HELD BEFORE pLANNING m.t-fiSSION ON 2-26-85. RES. 2316 JŒ~1NG APProvAL (VOTE: 5-2-0) RFMJDEL EXI STING BLDG. . "J ~ ,_.-, 1 s ~ ~ ".r' ~ CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Pub 1 i c Works February 15, 1985 Ms. Linda Kavanaugh Barry Swenson Builder 701 North First Street San Jose, CA 95112 RE: APPLE COMPUTER SITE, 600 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE Dear Ms. Kavanaugh: This letter is to confirm a recent conversation regarding materials, as yet unsubmitted, that are necessary so that the Public Works De- partment can complete its evaluation of the subject project. You will recall that several months ago we indicated we needed a site plan detailing internal circulation and proposed driveways, with truck radii shown. This plan should be to scale and should in- clude details for driveway widths, landscaping modifications, parking restrictions and other pertinent traffiicengineering details. The plans should be done by a traffic engineer. It is our understanding that you are currently on the Planning Com- mission agenda for February 26. We need to receive the above- referenced site plan prior to Friday, February 22, in order to complete our evaluation prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Pleasg.",f~elfre~ to contact me at your convenience if you have any ques tions-. Joseph Ell iott Director of Public Works KM/le - . . . LOUIS tl. L^RSON.INc. CIVIL AND lRAFfI( ENGINEERING 885 No. San Antonio Road. Los Altos, California 94022 (415) 949-1124 REVISED TRAFFIC REPORT Proposed Apple Computer Facility 600 E. Hamilton Avenue Campbell, California prepared for Barry Swenson Builder October, 1984 Revised: November 19, 1984 ~ ~~~o~~~ @ CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT ..,:. Louis H. Larson R.T.E. No. 59 .,;.- CONTENTS ~ Project Description Trip Generation and Distribution Project Traffic Impacts Truck Traffic Impacts Internal Circulation 1 2 3 4 6 Figure 1 - AM Peak Hour Project Traffic Distribution Figure 2 - PM Peak Hour project Traffic Distribution Report Appendix: Peak Hour Existing Traffic Counts - Hamilton & Salmar Level of Service Calculation Sheets - (6 sheets) Project Description ~ Barry Swenson Builder plans to remodel an existing building at 600 E. Hamilton Avenue in Campbell for use as a storage warehouse by Apple Computer, Inc. The building has 155,000 square feet of floor area. It is planned that there will be 20,000 square feet of office area and that there will initially be 40 to 80 employees at the facility. The maximum number of employees at the facility, after 2 to 3 years of operation is expec- ted to be 106. (1) The Apple Computer facility is a distribution ware- house with the primary function of receiving, storing and assembling materials for shipment to foreign destin- ations. Much of the warehouse inventory will be stored in bulk, but there will also be open bin§ for small parts, and there will be provisions for testing components and for assembly and packaging. (2) The building is located at the southeast corner of Hamilton Avenue and Salmar Avenue. Access to the site is provided by way of driveway connections to Salmar Avenue. This building was formerly a Bullock's Clearance Center, which had 60,000 square feet of retail space and 92,000 square feet of warehouse space. This Bullock's Clearance Center is no longer in operation (1) As stated by Lou Weiss, Apple Computer Company Representative. (2) As stated by Ernie Areno of Integrated Handling Systems, designers of the warehouse equipment. 1 Trip Generation and Distribution '""- Caltrans studies on Trip Ends Generation Research Counts show an average of 4.5 weekday trips per 1000 square feet of floor area for warehouses, and an average of 14.9 weekday trips per 1000 square feet of floor area for com- mercial offices in the Bay Area. The combined faciltiy of 135,000. square feet of warehouse and 20,000 square feet of office space would generate 906 av~rage daily trips and 161 peak hour trips, according to these rates given by Caltrans studies. Calculations are as follows: Building -Square Daily Peak Hour -Peak Hour Usage -Feet Trip Rate Trips Factor Trips Warehouse 135,000 4.5/1000 sf 608 20% 122 Office 20,000 14.9/1000 sf 298 13% 39 (TOTALS:) 906 161 Using a 20 percent - 80 percent inbound/outbound split, there will be 32 trips inbound and 129 trips out- bound during the PM peak traffic hour. AM peak hour traffic will be the same but opposite in direction. The trips include truck traffic, calculated to be 7 percent of total traffic. Additional information on truck traffic follows on page 4. Project generated traffic has been distributed to the surrounding street system in accordance with present travel patterns in the area. AM and PM peak hour pro- ject traffic distributions are shown on Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The semi-trailer truck traffic would use State Route 17 to and from the north, and is not expec- ted to appear on any city streets except on Salmar Avenue at the site. 2 Project Traffic Imapacts .. Levels of service have been calculated at the inter- section of Hamilton Avenue and Salmar Avenue, for AM and PM peak traffic hour conditions. Calculations have been made for existing traffic conditions, for existing plus approved development traffic, and for conditions with projeèt traffic added. Approved development traffic numbers were obtained from the Supplement to Traffic Report for Proposed Office Building at 851 E. Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, prepared in August, 1984, by Louis H. Larson, Inc. Level of service calculations have been made according to methods outlined in Transportation Research Circular No. 212, a publication of the National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board. Level of service calculations are summarized as follows: Existing Existing Percent Increase Existing +Approved +Approved to Total Inter- Location Traffic Dev. Trips + Project section Traffic Hamilton-Salmar AM Peak 0.62 B 0.70 C 0.74 C 3.4% PM Peak 0.97 E 1. 05 F 1.06 F 2.2% During the AM peak traffic hour, the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Salmar Avenue will operate at level of service C {v/c ratio = 0.70} for existing plus approved development traffic, and level of service will remain at C {v/c ratio = 0.74} when project traffic is added. During the PM peak traffic hour, the intersection will operate at level of service F {v/c ratio = 1.OS} for existing plus approved development traffic, and level of service will 3 remain at F (v/c ratio = 1.06) when project traffic is added. Percent increases to total intersection traffic due to the addition of project generated traffic will be 3.4 percent during the AM peak traffic hour and 2.2 percent during the PM peak traffic hour. Level of service calculation sheets are included in the report ... appendix. Truck Traffic Impacts The amount of truck traffic that will be generated by the project has been estimated from information provided by Ernie Areno, a representative of Integrated Handling Systems, Menlo Park, who designed the warehouse storage and handling equipment, and from information provided by Lou Weiss of Apple Computer Company, and from personal observation during a conducted tour of the facility. The building has 24 loading docks. There are 3 docks on the west side of the building intended for use as receiving docks. There are 9 loading docks on the east side of the building and 12 loading docks on the south end of the building. These docks will accomodate trailers or single unit trucks. Normal operation would be for a truck tractor driver to bring in a trailer for loading and leave it at the dock where it might remain for one or two days. The driver may be able to pick up another loaded trailer or he may drive out in his trac- tor to another destination. Normally, tractors would not be parked on 'the site. 4 Mr. Areno estimates that the warehouse equipment operators can load 6 or 7 trailers in an eight-hour day. On a peak operating day, 9 or 10 trailers might be loaded. For a maximum figure, Mr. Weiss had sug- gested that we use 12 semi-trailer loads per day. This is equivalent to 24 semi-trailer truck trips per day. ~ Two-axle truck trips are more difficult to es- timate. Some warehouse materials may be received in two-axle trucks and some shipments may go out in two- axle trucks. Tractors leaving the site without a load would also be classified as two-axle trucks, as would ups trucks. We have roughly estimated that the total number of daily trips by two-axle trucks would be 20 round trips, 40 total trips. Total of all daily truck trips would b~his is equivalent to 7 percent of total traffic, which is comparable to truck percentages reported by Caltrans at other warehouses and industrial park locations. (1) Mr. Weiss has stated that Apple Computer intends to operate the distribution center so that the semi- trailer units would not be out on the streets before 9:00 AM or after 4:00 PM. This is a desireable stip- ulation that should be accepted by the city but with the understanding that it may not be always possible to strictly enforce. (1) Study No. 248, Bohannon Industrial Park, Menlo Park - 6% trucks. Study No. 146, Crocker Industrial Park, Brisbane - 7% trucks. Study No. 212, McGraw Hill Warehouse, Novato- 5% trucks. 5 It should be noted that the estimates of truck traffic given above are based on Apple Computers' presently stated plans for operating the facility. If at some time in the future the operation were changed, so that all or most of the cargo were handled in bulk, there could be a much larger generation of truck traffic by the facility. ~ Internal Circulation There are four existing driveways at the project site. Driveway 1 is located 100 feet south of Hamilton Avenue and is intended to be used as an exit driveway. A center median in Salmar Avenue bars left turns at Driveway 1. Driveway 2, located 400 feet south of Hamilton Avenue is intended to be used as an entrance driveway. Driveways 1 and 2 are the main driveways that will serve the truck docks on the east and west sides of the building and the employee and visitor traffic. Driveways 1 and 2 are 26 feet in width. It is intended that both driveways be widened to 60 feet to accommodate the large trucks. Driveway 3 is the main driveway serving the docks at the south end of the building. These docks are not accessible from Driveways 1 and 2. Driveway 3 is a 32 foot wide driveway that should be widened to 60 feet so that trucks can turn out without encroaching on the opposing traffic lane on Salmar Avenue. 6 Driveway 4 is a 40-foot wide driveway at the far south end of the lot. It could be used as an entrance driveway if there were no parking of vehicles at this end of the lot. It is not useable as a truck exit ~ driveway. Checks made with standard truck turning templates on an aerial photograph of the site show that the widened street driveways and the internal traffic lanes could accommodate rigs with an overall length (tractor and trailer combination) of 60 feet. 7 - 19 t + 5 .~ N .:- SAL/1J¡, [') ~ AV. ...- 2 10 --- 19 ) 5.-/\\ . 25-...\ 61 s1te ! I ~39 ROUTE 17 9 --¡.... _5 19- 11 i t 42 . :> ~ z 0 E-4 H H ~ ::x: Figure! AM PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION - 5 t . 19 ~ N .. SALl1AR 10 AV. - 5 ) ~9 -9 ROUTE 17 2 --+- I I I I 19.../ \ \ 100 ~ I 16 . I s~te 39-7- --19 5- t 42 16 ~ 42 ~ tl (161 trips) . :> ~ z 0 ~ ~ H ~ :I: Figure ~ PM PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION ~ REPORT APPENDIX Peak Hour Existing Traffic Counts: Hamilton Avenue - Salmar Avenue (2) Level of Service Calculations: (6 ) l/{p:L9 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS I 0 I .-/ 15~D I /544) ---,.- I /(p I ~ I -3 /B~ ) total ~o r- ~ roO ... rf) I'- 0 ~t:r)~ 0 ct "<t' ::t - ('Í) ) ~ \ , t ( ~O~ ~ Q ~ ~ - I\<) ~- ~.8 ~o ... - .. '- I I £Po J ..L- 1/21lß ~ F 168 I 9tP451 total 1~21J I 10 - '1 - 84 DATE Oì 30- 0830 TIME OF DAY /-4AMILíON - 5ALMAfZ.. LOCATION SOURCE: Barton-Aschman Associates 128001 INTERSECTION TURNING MOVEMENTS I 0 I --' 11111 1170'21 -,..- I 3~ I ~ ~ total ~- 0- 0 I'õ \'J... ~ 0 [;]~~ ~~~ ) ~ \ , ~ ( ~- <:)'0 rõ ... '-- 1'72 I ..L- 111 ì 4 1/50~ 1 ,- ILDD I 13/791 (0 - 1- ß3 DATE - ... 14& 651 total 1-4,AMIL-,ON - SAt-MAR.. LOCATION SOURCE: Barton-Aschman Associates /(Q30 - Iì3C TIME OF DAY INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - INTERSECTION PEAK HOUR HAMILToN Ave. - SALMAR AVE.. AM CONDITION EXIc,TI rJq TRAF-f/ú .;.. -- ...... \- -.J -- '- \!. u.. 0 r- - (") ~ c ~ ~ ~ - ('<) UJ ) ~~ ISH f : I ~ ---.".,. =- } 12110 r58 ~ r HAMll-íON AV. C'1 (1;) - - ('C') CD COUNT DATE 10 - 4 - B t NORTH DIRECTION CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CRITICAL VOLUMES - 121 (p (poB EAST/WEST ~ - :: :¿ ~~ 47Z NORTH/SOUTH - +- J'L::' 245 "\ 2 I SUM OF CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES 85"4:> -- -- NUMBER OF PHASES / CAPACITY AT E 4 /375 v/e RATIO / LEVEL OF SERVICE o.(P'2., B INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - INTERSECTION I-4AMILToN AVE. - 5ALMAR. AVE.. PEAK HOUR AM CONDITION EXI5T/N~ + A ppROI/EÞ - u.. LI.. 0 f:' ? '- '-" ~ ~ ~ - \.r) ) ~~ r- OJ) (v34 f : lie ~ :=} 12(;~ r 58 ~ ( HAMI/...íON A'll. ~ c;:C - - ÇY') CD COUNT DATE 10-4-84 NORTH DIRECTION CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CRITICAL VOLUMES J -:l (p I} £034 EAST/WEST +- - "; - 2 ~~ (ß43 -::334 NORTH/SOUTH ) - + ,~ 2 SUM OF CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES ~<oô NUMBER OF PHASES / CAPACITY AT E -4 1375 v/e RATIO / LEVEL OF SERVICE 0,70 C 1/ INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - INTERSECTION ~AM'LToN AVE. - SALMAR AVE.. PEAK HOUR AM CONDITION~X:'sT -t- APPR -t PRúJ&CT ~ It' '"'" --- ~ ....1 v '-" - ~ c 0 ,-!) N ~ - \.Iì ) ~~ u. u. 0 r- UJ ~3tf :: 35 ~ := ~ ~lD") ,- II~ ~ ( I4AMI L-'íON Av. C- I;<) - T <'Y) CD COUNT DATE )0- 4 - 84- NORTH DIRECTION CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CRITICAL VOLUMES - t 1 ~;=A 11 9 EAST/WEST - 3 t- = ú>~4 ----+ NORTH/SOUTH ~~ "\ ~6:2. + 11 = 35ß I ;¿ SUM OF CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES 02.2 NUMBER OF PHASES / CAPACITY AT E 4 1315 v/e RATIO / LEVEL OF SERVICE 0.74 C, INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - INTERSECTION I-IAMILToN AVE. - 5ALMAR. AVE.. PEAK HOUR PM CONDITION EX/STIN(., TRAFFIU (-1 G¡~oWTI-4) ~ ... r--.. ...--- u.. I- ...) LI.. -.......J 0 '-' ~ ~ N r- c ~ r- I!) a UJ - N - ) ~~ /722 f : 39 ~ =- 1 f2B9 r (PI ~ r HAMll-íON Av. \c) \<) ~ ~ ~ CD COUNT DATE 10-11-83 NORTH DIRECTION CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CRITICAL VOLUMES .;..-- /~69 EAST/WEST .-<-- - = (P 44 :;. NORTH/SOUTH ~~ /320 +- 35 = (pq5" "1 ;z SUM OF CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES 1339 NUMBER OF PHASES I CAPACITY AT E 4 1375" vIe RATIO / LEVEL OF SERVICE ().9, E -¥ A /,).% ANNUM... LTlZcwíj~ frK1o~ HAS BtCN ÅDDE"D1o c:X/s-r,JJq couNTs. INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - INTERSECTION 1-4AMILToN AVE. - SALMAR. AVE.. PEAK HOUR PM CONDITION £XIf:,TIN6 +- APPRövED - .,;.. r-.. ? \- -..J '-' .s' C() r a ~ ~ \.t) N - - - u. u.. 0 r- 1,1\ ) ~~ "- 178"[: 3:> ~ :=J 13c} r Ci ~ r I4AM I /.:íON Avo 1.0 K> fT) \"( ~ CD COUNT DATE 10- 1l-8'3 NORTH DIRECTION CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CRITICAL VOLUMES I 3q t f.ß EAST/WEST ~ - '" C}v ~ h ~~ 1415 NORTH/SOUTH '" '2 + 35" ~ 747- I SUM OF CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES 1436 NUMBER OF PHASES / CAPACITY AT E 4 1315 vie RATIO / LEVEL OF SERVICE 1.05 F v INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS - INTERSECTION 1-4AMILTON AVE. - 5ALMAR. AVE.. PEAK HOUR PM CONDITION E'x'ISTINq +A~R()VEÞ\ + PR-DJE'vT ' ..- ,..." ".-- .... ..J '--' -.....J u. u.. 0 r- C'C-r- \) \.[) .....J> \.0 c-{ ::: ) ~~ UJ J7ee. ( : 4~ ~ =-] /39J r 77 ~ ( HAM'L-íON Av. oo;;trY) L,oN I.[) CD COUNT DATE /0-11-83 NORTH DIRECTION CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CRITICAL VOLUMES EAST/WEST ~ 13q/ = <OC!>Co ~ ;2 ~~ 14:¿4 + 54 = l (p~ NORTH/SOUTH \ - I 2 SUM OF CRITICAL lANE VOLUMES /4(02- NUMBER OF PHASES / CAPACITY AT E 4 J375 v/e RATIO / LEVEL OF SERVICE I. ov F t .applcz computczr Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino. California 95014-2094 (408) 996-1010 October 26, 1984 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 Re: 600 E. Hamilton Avenue Gentlemen: We have been requested by Barry Swenson Builders to furnish a schedule of deliveries to the Hamilton Center. Originally it was anticipated we would have approximately 47 truck trips per day scheduled at intervals throughout the day from the hours of 7 to 5. After additional review, it appears the truck trips will range from 35 to 40 per day. Ul elSS Hamilton Center Project Manager Corporate Facilities '- .applcz computczr Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 (408] 996-1010 ~tCê.' OCr I~~/) 26 PúlllA 190., ~¡It~~~~1(s ltvvc- October 24, 1984 Ci~y of Campbell 71 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attention: Public Works Department Re: Hamilton Center Warehouse Truck Activity Apple Computer's new warehouse at 600 East Hamilton Ave, Campbell, CA., will have approximately (47) truck trips in and out of the shipping-receiving area on a daily basis, Monday thru Friday. . -- 0 We1S Hamilton Center Project Manager Corporate Facilities LOUIS tI. LARSON.INc. CIVIL AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 885 No, San Antonio Road. Los Altos, California 94022 (415) 949-1124 June 27, 1984 Ms. Linda Kavanaugh Barry Swenson Builder 701 N. First Street, Suite 200 San Jose, CA 95112 Subject: Proposed Apple Computer Facility at 600 E. Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, California. Dear Ms. Kavanaugh: This letter report gives my analysis of traffic impacts from the proposed Apple Computer, Inc., building at 600 E. Hamilton Avenue in Campbell. I have compared estimates of traffic that would be generated by the Apple facility with estimates of traffic that was probably generated by operation of the former Bullock's Clearance Center in the same building. It appears that the new facility will generate less daily traffic (906 vs. 1148 daily vehicle trips) and somewhat less peak hour traffic (161 vs. 165 peak hour vehicle trips) than the former facility. This seems reasonable, because the amount of warehouse storage space is being increased and the amount of office space will be less than the former amount of retail sales space. A comparative analysis is given in the following para- graphs. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Barry Swenson Builder plans to remodel an existing building at 600 E. Hamilton Avenue for use as a storage warehouse by Apple Computer, Inc. The bUildi~has 1, 55. ,,00,0 square feet of floor area. It is planned that r~ trnW ~~,1 ~ r¡jì UdJ JUí-J 20 1984 CITY OF CA¡V¡¡':J¡J~LL. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 20,000 square feet of office area and that there will be 40 to 80 employees at the facility. The building is located at the southeast corner of Hamilton Avenue and Salmar Avenue. All driveway access to the site is from Salmar Avenue. This building was formerly a Bullock's Clearance Cen- ter and as such had 60,000 square feet of retail space and 92,000 square feet of warehouse space. This Bullock's Clearance Center is no longer in operation. It reportedly had an average of 100 employees and completed 225 trans- actions per average day, when in full operation. ESTIMATED TRIP GENERATION FOR THE PROJECT: Caltrans studies on Trip Ends Generation Research Counts show an average of 4.5 weekday trips per 1000 square feet of floor area for warehouses in the Bay Area. For commercial offices, the average weekday trip rate is 14.9 daily trips per thousand square feet of floor area. The combined facility of 135,000 square feet of warehouse and 20,000 square feet of offices would generate 906 average weekday trips and 161 peak hour trips, if figured at aver- age rates given in Caltrans studies. Calculations are as follows: Building Square Daily Peak Hour Peak Hour Usage Feet Trip Rate Trips Factor Trips Warehouse 135,000 4.5/1000 608 20% 122 Office 20,000 14.9/1000 298 13% 39 (TOTAL:) 906 161 ESTIMATED TRIP GENERATION FOR THE FORMER BULLOCK'S CLEARANCE CENTER: There are no specific published studies that have been made of operations at a facility such as Bullock's Clearance Center, which was part warehouse and part retail sales. Freestanding commerical stores typically generate traffic at at rate of 48 trip ends per thousand square feet of floor area, per Caltrans studies. A clearance center is not a typical retail store and would not be expected to generate traffic at as high a rate as other stores. We believe that it would be more comparable to a furniture store operation which is a low volume type of operation and which generates 12 trips per thousand square feet of sales area, according to average values from Caltrans studies. 2 If we use these lower numbers, we can estimate that the Bullock's Center generated 1148 daily trips and 165 peak hour trips per average weekday. Calculations for traffic from the former Bullock's Clearance Center are as follows: Building Square Daily Peak Hour Peak Hour Usage Feet Trip Rate Trips Factor Trips Warehouse 95,000 4.5/1000 428 20% 86 Retail Sales 60,000 12.0/1000 720 11% 79 (TOTAL:) 1148 165 REFERENCE MATERIALS: Copies of Comparison Tables taken from the 15th Progress Report on Trip Ends Generation Research Counts as published by the California Department of Transportation, District 4, are appended for reference. The comparison tables are: Commercial Store Comparison Commercial Office Building Comparison Furniture Store Comparison Warehouse Comparison Very truly yours, LOUIS H. LARSON, INC. 3 (' f, TABLE 12 r COMMERCIAL STORE COMPARISONS r Standard K-Mart Plaza Average SITE Payless-Brent- 7 -11 Store Brands wood Markets Paint Co. STUDY NO. 241 242 243 276 Background Data Employees 50 5 14 134 1000 Sq. Fe Gross Floor Area 85,90 2.40 11,00 96.00 1000 Sq. Ft. Sales area 55,10 1.50 10,25 Total Acres 3,86 0,34 0,89 9.30 Parking Spaces 377 20 57 500 Traffic Data Average WeekdilY Tr¡¡ftic 2965 792 815 4752 Peak Hour 4-5p 7-8a 1-2p 12-1P Peak Hour % of AWDT 11,9% 7,8% 11,2% 9.8% Vehicle Occupancy (Autos only) 1.26 1.34 1.32 1.46 Trip Ratios Weekday Trips Per: Employee 59,30 158.40 58,21 35.46 45.93 1000 Sq, Ft. Gross Floor Area 34,52 330,00 74,09 49.50 47.74 1000 Sq. Ft. Sales Area 53,81 528,00 79,51 68.39 Acre 768,13 2329.41 915,73 510.96 647.95 Parking Space 7,86 39,60 14,30 9.50 9,77 r r r r r r ri [ r r r r r r 80 [' I F".;o>' ,--~'V'; ,- . \.i..Ï ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ......, ~ ~ ..... -...J '....I """¿ -...J ...,¡ ...,¡ r...J TABLE 13 COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDINGS COMPARISON Ragional Calif. McKee Commerce Don Koll SITE Hdqtn Hexcal Casualty Bid; Claaringhou.e Office Confidantial Dublin San Mateo Confidential San Mateo San Rafaal Park Confidential Confidantlal Confidential Avarage STUDY NO, 67 73 198 199 200 213 214 216 216 217 Backgroud Data Employees 80 180 400 620 200 160 606 670 400 280 1000 Sq, Ft. Floor Area 30,0 46.5 96 126 76.36 50.0 180 169 100 60 Acres 1.23 14,0 10,59 6,42 5,43 3,0 10,0 36 5,0 6,0 Parking Spaces 63 176 301 468 272 140 614 1214 - 245 Parking Space Per Employee ,79 ,98 ,75 ,75 1.36 ,88 .85 1.81 - .88 1.1 Acres of Parking - 3,0 2,89 - 1,40 ,92 - - 3.0 2.5 Traffic Data Average Weekday Traffic 282 436 973 2097 882 439 2490 3992 967 1376 CO ...A Peak Hour 3,4P 4.5P 4.5P 12.1P 4.5P 7.8A 2.3P 8-9A 8.9A 8-9A Peak Hour % of AWDT 14,2% 20,6% 19,5% 11,3% 20.6% 16,4% 9,3% 11,2% 14,7% 12,2% Auto Occupancy - - 1,3 1.2 1.5 1,4 1,2 1.1 1.2 1.2 Trip Ratios Weekday Trips Per: Employee 3,5 2,4 2,4 3,4 4,4 2,7 4.1 5,9 2.4 4.9 3-9 1000 Sq, Ft. Floor Area 9.4 9,4 10.1 16,6 11.6 8.8 13.8 23.6 9.7 22.9 14.9 Acre 229 31 92 327 162 146 249 111 193 275 144 Parking Space 4,5 2.5 3.2 4,5 3,2 3.1 4.8 3.3 - 5,6 3,8 Acres of Parking - 145 337 - 630 477 - - 322 550 370 TABLE 14 FURNITURE STORE COMPARISON SITE Goldeen's L' F' R. B. Furniture Breuner's R. B. Furniture Drexel Breuner Ethan Allen AVERAGE Furnishing evltz urOlture (San Mateo) (Pleasant Hill) (San Rafael) Heritage (Fremont! STUDY NO. 311 312 316 320 322 324 327 328 Background Data: Employees 15 100 10 60 10 11 38 20 Floors 1 2 1.5 1000 Sq, Ft, Gross Floor Area 35.00 193,34 24,00 135,00 21,00 19,00 60.00 25.00 1000 Sq, Ft. Sales Area 30,00 - 18,00 55,00 18,00 15,00 47.00 15,00 1000 Sq, FI. Office Area - 2,00 ,50 1.00 3,00 1.00 1000 Sq, Ft. Storage Area - 6,00 78.00 2,50 3.00 10.00 9.00 Acres 1.5 7,3 - 1.5 - Parking Spaces 150 348 40 274 48 13 200 35 00 N Traffic Data: Average Weekday Traffic 131 832 300 1233 81 182 344 116 Peak Hour 11,12P 12-1P 2-3P 5-6P 4-5P 2.3P 1.2P 10.11A Peak Hour % of AWDT 12,98 10,34 11.67 10.38 11.11 9,89 9,30 10,34 Truck % of Count 3,17 4,20 10.98 2,68 13,51 1.41 1.91 0 Trip Ratios: Weekday Trips Per: Employee 8.73 8,32 30.00 20.55 8,10 16,54 9.05 5.80 12,19 1000 Sq, FI. Gross Floor Area 3,74 4,30 12,50 4.57 3,85 9.58 5.73 4.64 6.28 1000 Sq, Ft, Sales Area 4.37 - 16,67 22,4-2 4,50 12,13 7,32 7,73 12.05 Acres 87.33 113.97 - - - 12f.33 - - 111.27 Parking Space 0,87 2,39 7,50 4.50 1,69 14;00 1.72 3.31 2,90 , , , . , (-"""1 0" ...., A_.", "~~1. -'~,.., ~ ~ ~ - ...-- - - - ,--.... ---. - ~ t ~ ,> \10...1 \.;.....J ~ '--' \¡.,¡.J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1......1 1.......1 I......f "--I j"""""I 1....-1 TABLE 23 WAREHOUSE COMPARISON Westinghou.. Associated Dohrmann Warner Brol. Confidential Confidential SITE PX Grocery Appliance Coop. Groc. Hotel Lin llrie Cham. Wrh... Koch Glau Con fl. McGraw Warehouse Warehou.. Warehouse Supply Warehoule & Adm. LulIQII ll Fittinp dential Hill Avere ll STUDY NO. 20 21 25 27b 27c 29 69 72 113 212 Background Data Employees 47 250 28 290 30 JOb 200 129 100 150 1000 Sq. Ft. 100 191 48 328 58 320 100 65 85 167 Floor Area Acres 4,J 5,0 4,J 13,2 4.5 15,0 4,7 10,0 15,5 5,0 Parking Spilce 300 43 185 132 96 80 100 Parking Spilce Per Employee 1,0 1.4 0,6 0,7 0,7 0.8 0,7 Acres of Parking -- - -- 1.0 0,5 0.3 Traffic Data Average Weekday CD Traffic 494 1279 440 1300 225 1220 440 376 440 366 ~ Peak Hour 11,12n 7-& 11.12n 7-88 J.4p 7-& 4-5p 6-7a 4-5p 4-5p Peak Hour % of AWDT 152% 13,5% 1J.6% 22,3% 26,7% 25,4% 25,2% 18.6% 18,2% 22.1% Truck % of AWDT 5,2% AulO Occupilncy - - - - -- -- 1.2 Trip Ratiol We..kdilY T ripS Per. Employee 10,5 5,1 15,7 4,5 7,5 4,0 2,2 2.9 4.4 2.4 4.3 1000 Sq. Ft 4.9 6.7 9.2 4.0 3.9 3.8 4.4 5.8 5.2 2.2 4.5 Floor Area Acre 115 256 102 99 50 81 95 38 28 73 81 Pllrkiny Splice 4,3 6,2 6,6 3,3 3.9 6.6 3.7 4.7 Acre of Parking -- -- - - - 376 880 1356 657 ,.- . ,. - Af~f/..."=- .. ,. r:. 885 No. San Antonio Road. Los Altos, California 94022 ....p ~C'. ~/þ . ~¿, ~¿,,^ .? "-~A ~~/, u~ V '~~~~ ~~ ~jP~ .~ LOUIS tI. LARSON.INc. CIVIL AND 1RAFFIC ENGINEERING (415) 949-1124 January 24, 1985 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Mr. Keith Manley Re: Apple Computer Hamilton Center Dear Keith: Reference is made to my letter of January 22, 1984, and accompanying drawings that I delivered to you yesterday. The layout shown at Driveway No.4 may not be correct. There may not be enough paved area at the rear of the lot to make the turn shown for the outbound trucks. I have asked the Barry Swenson company to verify the lot dimensions. When I receive this information, I will recheck Driveway No.4. Very truly yours, LOUIS H. LARSON, INC. Louis H. Larson r; A. ('(lV- r- --- \,L'- LOUIS tI. LARSON.INc. CIVIL AND lRAFFIC ENGINEERING 885 No. San Antonio Road. Los Altos, California 94022 (415) 949-1124 January 22, 1984 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Mr. Keith Manley Traffic Engineer Re: Apple Computer Hamilton Center Dear Keith: We have carefully checked the truck turning movements at the four driveways on Salmar Avenue that will serve this facility. We enclose a marked up print of a drawing prepared by Riley Associates, with suggestions for minor changes to the driveways. At Driveway No.1, we have suggested widening the curb cut from 40 feet to 42 feet to allow for easier exits. Driveway No.1 is for outbound traffic only. At Driveway No.2, we have suggested widening the throat of the driveway to 30 feet, so that trucks can turn in in one continuous maneuver. This change requires some reduction in size of the bordering islands. Driveway No.3 is Ok as drawn. At Driveway No.4, we have shown the driveway shifted a few feet to the north, but have retained the curb cut width of 45 feet. All of the truck turning paths shown have been made with a standard 48 foot radius truck turning template, as prepared by the State of California Department of Transportation and published in a booklet titled Truck Paths on Short Radius Turns, dated May, 1972. Very truly yours, L~L?~ Louis H. Larson cc: Linda Kavanaugh, Barry Swenson Builder