709 E. Hamilton Ave. (76-4) ,,---- '-'-----"--"-_U- -, --,- Yf)d[í ti\) NI GEORGE s. NOLTE AND ASSOCIATES Civil and Environmental Engineers. Planners. Surveyors January 31, 1976 Job No. 253-73-6 RECEIVED ') Mr. Arthur Kee Director of Planning City of Campbell' Campbell, CA FEB 2 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Dear Mr. Kee: On behalf of Dura Style Homes, Inc, the developers of Tract No. 5932, we hereby request a minor modification in the approved P.D. development plan and tentative map for Tract No. 5932 to delete the emergency access ramp from Camino Cerrado to Hamilton Avenue. We feel that adequate access is provided from Bascom Avenue via Borello Drive and a secondary access via Pamlar Avenue. If such a ramp was constructed, it would be necessary to leave a gap in the sound wall that would reduce its effec- tiveness. It would also cause a serious maintenance problem for the City. We hope that a decision on this request can be reached this week since grading operations are set to begin Monday, Feb. 7, 1977. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our office. Very truly yours, GEORGE S. NOLTE AND ASSOCIATES ~~1~ Timothy~. Quinn ,,~--- f-:~~,on L !i "'.:; ~_.,. ".,,--- ~ Í---.." j "~~'~:--.i [-~. "-,,,,- I," ! i. I ~ u.~;:: I 1....,------.:. ., ..---- ~ .j II TMQ:af cc:yJoe Elliott, Director of Public Works Mike Engdol, Dura Style Homes 1731 North First Street, P.O. Box 820, San Jose. California 95106. (408) (287-3400) SAN JOSE WALNUT CREEK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO &¿-¿ ~:) /.. ~,"'~^_./{"'~/ ---.,~¿¿...,~, r..;"-c;¿: '1{;.(..L .. , "'" "U:'" ~ ".. ~- PO 76-4 ~ ~1 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1027 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR A PORTION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLI SHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 945 ADOPTED ON TilE 28TH DAY or MAY, 1974. (Application of Dura Style Homes, Inc.) The C¡ ty Counci I of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: ..That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached IIExhibit A", entitled "Plans ¿Inti Elevations", Exhibit B", entitled "Development Schedule" and IIExhibit CII entitled IIl-1ap of said Property", as per application of Dur.J Style Homes, Inc. to allow the construction of ten single family homes with a zero lot line side )'éHd s3tback on property known as 709 - 785 East Hamilton Avenue in a Planned Oeveloprllent Zone. Copies of said exhibits ar'e on file in the of f i Cè of the PI èJnn i ng Oepa r tmen t . Said app '(wa I grantÞ.d subject to the follm'ling conditions: A. !Ipplicant to reduce the size of the drivel"lay on Lots ¡Y3, f/9 and #10. B. All parkin~J and drivcvvay areas to be developed in con:¡Jliance with Section 21.50 Of the L:JI'l:Jbcli Hunicipal Code. . All parking SpctCCoS to be pr'ovidèd I'li th é1p[HoL>riote concrete curbs or bumper guards. C. U;lc!ergmuI1d utiiitic_i to be provided as required by Sectic¡r¡ 20.16.0/0 of tilC C'-:Hlìpi¡I;] I MII:lici lal Code. D. Plans SUblliÏ tied to Lhe Bui lding Department for plan check ~¡:v~ll indicatc clcLJrly the 1ocL1tion of all connection~. for underground utilities in~ludíng Itlater, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. E. Sign é1pplicdi:iol1 to b(~ submitted in accordance with provisions of the si~JI1 onJinancc for all ~iJns. No sign to be installed until application is approved and pcrmit issued by the Bl:i Iding Department. F. On.linalìée No. 78z of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulate~, th'-:11 any contr~ct for the cu1lection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rlJbbi~;tl produced \-Jilhin the limits of the City uf Carnpbell shall be made with Grc,~n 'Jalley DisposEd Compdl1Y. This requirement applies t.:> all single fdll1ily ch-Jellil1gs, l1iultiple apartment units, to all cofllmerciùl, business, industric3l, J1ìiJllufc.cturin9, ¿¡nd construction establishlll(;m:s. G. Trash cont"illcr{S) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the developm~nt Sildll b,~ located in area(s) approved by the Fire Depi3rtlllc.oL. Unless otlwl'I"l¡se noted, enclosurc(s) shall consist of a concrete flool- surrounded by il sol id w311 or fence and have self-closing doors of a size spl~cjfìecl by the Fire Ikp,1I'll1lt;nt. All enclosures to be constructed at qrade level. H. Landscaping shall be provided on the Hami Iton Avenue frontage between the eight foot wall and the street right of way and is to be maintained by the City of Campbell. PUBL I C WORKS OEPARTHEtn I. File and process a subdivision (Note: Improvements of internal streets and Hamilton Avenue will be included in comments/requirements of subdivision). FIRE DEPARHIENT J. Provide 'automatic fi re sprinklers for garages. Uniform Fire Code. (Sec. 13.308 (d) (11) The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this devel\Jpment and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED th i s 9th day of August following roll call vote: , 1976) by the AYES: Counci Imen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Doetsch. NOES: Councilmen: None. ABSENT: Counci Imen: Hammer, Paul. APPROVED: Hayor Ralph Doetsch, Sr. ATTEST: Dep. City Clerk V. M. Sheehy .,-- "---,---_.'-----------,,,,- J ~ m,¡' r3, MI~tA (; E () It c; E s, NOLTE AND AS!iOCIATES Civil Ellgincf:rs. Plunllers'. SlIrVI:YO/'S May l4, 1976 Job No. 253-73-4 Planning Con~ission City of Campbell 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Gentlemen: On behalf of Dura Style Homes, Inc., we are sublnitting for your revie~v and cons iderat ion the attached ,applicat ion for approval of plans, elevations and development schedule for development in a Planned Development zoning district. A filing fce check in the amount of $50 is also attached as are the required supplemental exhibits. The subject site is located on the north side of Hamilton Avenue immediately east of Highway 17 and is part of a larger project, the bulk of which is in the City of San Jose rlUÙ has bec~n approved by their Planning Commission. The Ci'Hilpbell tiite, if approved as requested, will essen- tially complete in a logiGul fashion a development pattern already underway in San Jose. Development of this site will get underway ~Mediately upon securing approval from your City and is scheduled for completion within one year. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, /;;;::æ~ Maur~ce Abraham, Assoc~ate A.I.P. Senior Planner Encl. ~ ~~~~~œ ~ Jl!N 3 1976 NA:af cc: Hike Engdol CITY OF' CAMPBE:Ll. PI..ANNING PI:PARTMENT, EXHIBIT IIB" 17:11 North Firsl Sln,..t, I',L) II", U:~O, Sun Josp, California !15112, (-1011) (:!1I7-:I-IOO SAN loSE WAI.NUT CREI:1\ snllTII SAN ¡"RANCIHCO HAN DIEGO '. -z. - ,'~ A ~ ~ >:. fA \ r' ~ ~V ~ -- - PQ... . 134,044 ACo) J. 1.nl AC. ~ "'" 1{..... ~ "¡:" "\?L E. HAMILTON ß 19,084 Ac. PO. " .:::;:::::~H",~~~,.",,~: :~';.~:' ..K "2°8° 2" ~ ..,.-,': Þ~!..~¡:i~:':;;"".. [ II ~ ~ ~ t @ , I ~~lJ~ "" ...... -.. - . .I PeL . lUlU ACJ 10.114 AI:. LI ~S ,f ~¡: w.. ""':'; ... !o! -, ...w - ... u :..~ 1'.464 AC. . 7C'v- '-I I -Ef)- 1 .. - '00' Public hearing held before the Planning Commission 'of the City <;>f Campbell on June 17"; 1976 --- ..~... ...-.,,--. "TO--- ..,-..., -- ,_......... ExH I B IT IICII ~