871 E. Hamilton Ave. (1961) \r ~ --"ì".t+- . BOOK51?.7 FAGE l50 Boa ~J 1'7-; ,..' WI ~ ,r. ( PÆllJ'5f . ~.. RtCMI8d .t: the- Nqu.st of CaIifonia Pacific Title InS'iJt jRCe CI. OCT 13 1961ll'l-¥ AM PAUL R. T&ILH, ~è()rdo" s.".. a... Cow\'J, omcj~1 R<}~1<h --..-" GRANT DEED ÞH. HERWIG OF CALIFORNIA, INC., a Corporation, does hereby grant to CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal Corporation, all that certain real property described as follows: All that real property situate in City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows: tI COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the Southeasterly boundary line of Southern Pacific Right of Way with the Northerly line of Hamilton Avenue (40 feet wide); THENCE, East along said Northerly line of Hamilton Avenue 378 feet to the true point of beginning; THENCE, East, 95 feet along said Northerly line of Hamilton Avenue; THENCE, North, 30 feet; THENCE, West, 95 feet along a line parallel with and 30 feet, at a right angle, Northerly of said Northerly line of Hamilton Avenue; THENCE, South, 30 feet to the point of beginning and containing .0872 acre, more or less, and being a part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 26, Township 7 South, Range I West, M.D.B. & M.~~- ) / IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have place our hand and . ... seal this ~day of September, 1961. HERWIG OF CALIFORNIA, INC., a Corporation --------- -- -- ---. ------ - - /' , STATE OF CAuPORNIA, } ~-:-'--'--7:ç:,~./ f=SaDtl!....Clg.r.§._----_u_.uu-------_... ss. BOOH 532 7 P~GE 15 t --- 0 thO 21 .s. t b n IS_-"'..-..--..--...--...-da 0 e em e r. 0 , y t.-. -'P.'---'--"'-'-"'-'--'---.----_.mln the year one thousand nme hundred and SLXtv One before me, ---Er.e.d.e.r.ic.k s.~ Reinhe' . . .-.u.---_uu.--:.1"-,,---,u..--..u.-..u.u..., - .. -u .1lI1.e_I:_mh'" "-h"-"m., a Notary Public In and for the C f Santa Clara 'u-.u.u.u.u.m"""u....umu.. O1mty 0 '-"'..m_.._. """'...m.u .m"""""--'-"""""-"""""""-"",u"",,,um...._., State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared -....JANE_.Mç,KNIG.HT...:g.nQ....R QB. E .R.T. ... .E!..... ..W.Y.N.N. """""'."" .......... """" known to me to 0 be the.....:Pr:e.s.J..ct.e.nt.....anct..s.e.Cr.e.t.a.r.y...,.........................."h""""""""'.,',',','~,','.',',',','~~,','~ of the corp~ratlon described In and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person.._.who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same """""""""""""'."""'.....m"'---'.""'-""""'-"_h" '... ~ --- __h~;'_;;;;';;-;;~;;';;;~-;::'~;;:::,;:;:;:~=,,-;::;;;;~:;;;;;;;,~--;;;;:; _.............................................Countyof Santa Clara tn d dO'. . fi b. """'" "'.""""""'" --..............---............ , ay an y,ar In thll ç"hficatl f"lt a ove wrltt'n. ..~~..L~'--hh"""."'" .':' Notary Public in and for the........................County oL...S.~n.t.~....çJé3.~a \ ~(c.c.~~Ml'l!t 21)8-CAckaowJ.d,ment-Corporwon>o M . . 1 2 / ?A I R 7 .h """'----""""""'.""'St~t;"ë;ïif~;;;;¡~: ' w. - Y Commt""lnn 1'i'~"'þ-þ . ',',", ' , .r, , /Cl:z..}:::. c', ,. .. ""., "",~..-,.. " """"""",,~,""" "..., , ' , .. .',. ,- ~'/7, ", (' 'J.5l1J .£-7- ",', n~,'~, '",'-',", ~ '2'77f)5 ¡" i"H .'"..::',.---,.,' ". -,-- ,,-~-~,;;"':ii,,:'L";á'" < ,,-,:,;:' ¡",?,1", ~ ' .' , ," , ,., , " \," ---"",' ", ":'~'\~:ft,\,1:¡.' ,'!j~~::tii~~w~~a,'o, r ?;, ','" ,.",.. .'~ !...' "',,,"'--','-".' , ,".,.,.'t'Jf.t'.-f'..., "'..",.-', \",,'" ' ,9 r'" ,¡..,,~.-,,¡"" .-, \",,"",..(:ì/~\""'J' y.~;..-æi:;::" " ,,' ,,0 '~r.y c.'~:;'L' in':'~ "-,~',"~..". . ~, Jt.?4" .,>~~)\.;'}:'~'.2;:V?;~~i)t.~,<Û'i1\'",- 71""",,/",/,: ."',:'::',.,:,',':,:",',",'.,',:' ¡.( ni"'"r',',":"~"~"ïJ' t~ ,....(;,.¡....d...L..il ~\1.J..L.L-~.. -,,' 'Ô,~<J~c",~,:,;" "~"",},\.,:",.,,., .7 '::$;.i!:,:';-" ' :¡<¡or L~, .~.,;...'~.;-.-;-" :":"";":-" "'\,jr~~? ,'>7":~:{,,1~Þ':":'" , ,.i!:/"~ 5~9¡ r~ge'-180. . . J ""~:; ",,^,..,:,¡,~..II" J,J;~i:',::,. '~~;,~,;~êçÒ(Q~qi:,,:~ock4 v "',;- _~':l"}j~,:¡.".~'~ . -' ,,:'.::,:~::y(: "~l'Y'~},~(.\~;~.¡eçc~ÒJ " .' ,~- GRANT DEED " d, I ::~~;~'~*i:'hF4'" d'-"ï,t>l~f~k~- , ':;:",';:~á("""~raÇI:-¡":L..,, i..: :,"" ,,\ - .T;,'()'¡, . ,;::.~"f~l,~l:~, .::'~""."~:P'::i.:'Nl';:<" "':"-,J""\";:~'~8",, ,II" -to. , C~',' I r.<-~.","\,"-4';\¡1~\_',_"'UI-,' ,~J1I','~,'," .~' -,:"","->, , ,'. ' .' :.Y" ""':",r:--~:+;-"'-,':"~II"I-t,\~,,,,'(~{~ , ., ;,y ~.. ",-,:,i'( -', ~ ~ We, H;ERWIG OF CALIFORNIA, INCORPO~Ø¿'; ;tj "J~~':; ~. .." '\ \'\ -<. ~ .' , ' california co}':poration, grant to the CI\rŸ-~t7'!':""'" .,;',¡ , "T-":' , ',- ik;'~-~~Jg,. ,,~ELL, a municipal corporation all thateeartt.a,in .f"1t," !'-" , ",,', , , , ,', '"','",, "~'",~""'".m",...~":,,,¡,,-,,:,,~ "',',r.,-,.",'.9"",,l Property situate in the City of Campbell, . OO',,"N'<"""I'.'.' j,,',~..~," ~:,:,',;:t':;::~;,.'.!!_!f,"Ìâl:øu.nty of Santa Clara, state of California, and ~' ~' ' '~,.-!t';c;O{tc " l ~~",- t~"JnOre particularly described as follows: ~!'~, . 'COIOIENCD1G at the intersection of the center Hne of Hamilton Avenue with the southeasterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Companyls 50 foot right of way; r- çO I"T"1 -;>C> . ..... ~, ¡.þIo ~ 00 ~ ,~ ~ ' ,...., ~ (þ 00 THENCE, S. 89° 591 E. 395.86 feet; ~BENCE, N. 0° 011 E. 35.00 feet to the true point of b~ginningl ~WCE, N. 0° OlIE. 25.00 feet to the point of int;ersect;ion~:th a line parallel to and 60.00 feet, at a right .angle, northerly of the center line of Hamilton Avenue; THENCE, N. 89° 591 W. 95.00 feet along said parallel line 1 TBENCE, S. 0° 011 W. 25.00 feet; ¡ I TB;ENCE ,S . ,beginning. /' IN WITNESS ~y at j)~1.£A ) 89° 591 E. 95.00 feet to the point of WHEREOF, we have placed our names this ~ ~- 19~. HERWIG OF CALIFORNIA c. PJ:'epared by EB Checked bY. pJ.PJw b~ \ v..",.;-Q-~-:-~~:;:;'/~"'I~ Y..--- V'~ ~ ~,\, ;,~,~..'-:;.~~.C\~;.,"" ,/,. t' T~"']je ~.:- - " .. "'(.<:}., ".e,~... ~.- '\ '-...L--~ ',j .'- 'r-\,\'\.' '("",'. ,: II'" .: ,'".-' ' ....:) \ '1~; l', ~ !,.:' <',' rf' ~-' ,',-';;',:' c'- ""<'1'1':,'" ""-,' : '-' ~ .<~', .,> . "J :E <"'..:: " tl I . ",(~- ;;)':::-::; ,.',., '~".'" .' !:,.5>~.".\ .~..~\~'~J .....'<; ',;:/,,";::l . ~_.__._-C:~;:f OFs~~p~r:;:~.......................---.....} ss, LlBER;j4;J8 'PAGE ~199 - ~., On this 8th ~ of-.................~.ç.~.~.Þ.~.!'..---..........in the year one tlíòusand nine hundred and si~ one before me, :......_._..............M~IT...$..!....Re~olds . , .............. ......................................., . ...... ......---.:....m.........................., a Notary Publtc In and for the....._...._......................._County of .................................................S.@.t.~..çJara State of Cal;for' d 1 "d d 11 d ......m...._....---....----........, . nta, u y comm~s.none an sworn, persona y appeare -............................................. ..-..-... ... J.a.ne. .McKnight..and..Robert..E "...Wynn....... ""'............ ............. known to me to be the.__.............E!'.~.êJ.g.~.TI-.L@.g..~ç,!:~tíil.D".::T.;r.!;J.íil.§ID:~r........."""""""""""""" of the corporation described in and that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person_on_who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same,..........._..................-........................................... :" . ". ...............................................-.......................................... ................................................................................................ IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the ........................m....................County of.........S.antg...QJíil.r.íil...................._.the day and year in this certificate first above written, __..-~ _.................)..~.-.............. E~~/~/:l'~d'::~;~~'-<'-' ~ . ry.. "'" . 'g""""-----' Notary Public in and for the......................Coun oL.--....San.. ...... ....ar..a..--_....--.....m..........---..m................ Cowdery'. Form No, 2B-(Aclmowledgment-Corporation) State of California, (c.C. Secs. 1190-1190.1) 41978 . My Commission Expircs...m....---........--Jy,DgJ,7.Ll~9;;J,---....---. """"",,",- . . ' " ," , ..' . , " ,,', ,i,.., ..- '~ ;, . -," UBfR 5~38 'PAGL~ 00 '.:,:~':~' J ;' '~ 0,,:0' . ' ~ " , , , ' ,.,' '. - ,""0' ~ ,..c ", y ~ ,'; ... -< , ' " ',:' ,) , :' -.;, ,. , '.., "; Herwig of California Inc. 4402.0R.31 ~,':, " r:',:-', , ',';,- I-', I: -@ -2 t S89°59'E- 395.86' - --I - HAMILTON AVENUE .0 CD . .f . , i,;~:, .: :/:~,~:~':, " ..' LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE 9.JY','OF CAMPBELL ,- " ; ", ':.. Co ,'. , '. " i{'":;:,',-., LQ~d to,be ~onted to City, --f.~::.;Sc:~:.t:IOO"i,':'"";,, .., \"J,' "'~~i.fr::'~"~j~~~' .t-1~:.~:,:I:~,j.?'.;~; ,'I ,&'.: <'" .: ..~}. ".' ..I / ~/,.:~4',,~' .. " "., ;. ~ .\,~,- ,:, " .. , '.."", ',' '" \ C, ',. '." '~~~{!Íi.~f;~o.mpbe" ',,: ._:;_,i;~!î);~fi~~:;t ::~t.:c:~~teK " ':,,: " ,,' ," , ~~~, r,,:~, tA~)52 >,. .,". ,,';:~ ~tate"'olealiIO!:n,ia . c¡/ ~I /r;, Novewb~L l8, 1966 . -".. ' Pursuant to Resolution No. 749 of the City of Campbell, I hereby accept the deed of HERWIG OF CALIFORNIA, INC., A CORPORATION for and on behalf of the City of Campbell, A Municipal Corporation, of the State of California. i".", . . .. -..' \ \ \'\\:-\~ \ --<--U . . 1 i ' ; . '~~~ evethan, Cit-}~(~'e'rk' -. ~'~,"t':r;. "" '\~~~ ,# ..~/!., '"" ".." ,':/""j/ :"..qo.'~:';,. '.' \...,,;~::': ",_:',~' 'I " .,-- .J;,~. " ..... -,-: au '\(;.. A-. ..~i'- ..C,.)#;-;,'~.....' -""..~', ~}~á~:~'I.~ç~ ¡;~.;~~~~/;~,/!i / '1-""., '.-:<;~t~j~¡:'.\ \"," .'.!?" . I';'",,:,~ '.' ',"~,",J.";,;,, ' '~.I' þ"'1iL '~'"-,,, ,:\"'1- ".:fr¡d~~'~~\-;~.~i:,..fti"" , , :.:":', ..:~'r~':'1.¡!~, Resolution No. 749 Recorded in Book 4509-Page 180. Santa Clara County Records Iv7{-":?" 2075084 - , ¡, ~tP ~' ti 7) , -,' 1<,., ,,':' " ','" ' ,,) " ",', 'A,' ' .' -, 'c, -",' o(!J j " . , .:,:,j ".,1 " - ~EI2W\G " . <)(J'-foc NOTE. \ DI2IVEWJ::\Y L #\ON TO c.ONFOI2M WI ~ INTEf2- 1012 PATíe ~ 'Exacl 1)/~("nJ/o"7 6yðy_wl"Ý L". , R. -L '1\ "- l' ~ "> ~ ~ APP(i20X, TOP OF ~LOP. Q /4--6' :t '" &.OGlE. O~ P4VI:..,I:NT TO ee e~ï4eLISU~ BY INSPECTOR EXI6ï. CA..TC... 7.~ . .....", ~.- --- ',\ . SAN 7J'5i-;g:...3'¡-ANd~.!fjj -,fi.J eLf'£' ¿A-.8¿¿:,.?::.âlZip C;:WDI-HJt2BD j 80TH ENP& ' Yj'ad¡-(:- ¡ , /"ð ßt'"r?d --- ~",,"'~;~, ~:'.I,l, ,~:;,~~.;,té7:"",'~'.'~~#;~";~~i/.':::¡~~~~,'~.;,. ,,""\é'" - ! ""t' ~¡ I 4.~ ~-, ,"" I '---- INSTtJ.LL 20' I BAt2.12-ICh..DE õ¡ ú1; -- L. t -., - ~ AMILï co P L ~ N ,--- - ~A~ AVE.NUE. ON " ... ~,- ---.,------ I 3' A~ r r~ -..rr-...OX, E.¥IS'T. . II I' (èQ.OUNP fø ~ ~ 1 --- SLOPE: Vb.I2I&(, I ! .. , , , I~ ~.. , ,', . ,.:,': --&)(IST 12" -~.~J;P\~\ .~.¡¡.. ..F~ UNTR£..nc COt.APACT8:C ' '\ "L411 ~.c. PAVEM~NT ot-J I=ILL 10" UNTl2låATED Q.oc."- 54!.&: '-to- I 2' '2.4' 2.4' l I ~~w PàVEMEt-JT .o¡' i' .0« B~~. {ß~ ~,I,~~, . "', . .,~ ,'" ,~ '-' ,.>~'n'}J . "lfJ. ¡{}1, /~1/¡/\!V / 'l>J".. f ; , ' < "',"'" ",,"'úJI"~' ~ n ,-J - '..r¡t"IJ'- ,/' CiTY OF ChMPBELL ENGIN£E.I2INGt DIVI~ION T y £LÇA~-- ':> -~-_C T I 0 t-J "'0 ,=<;ð.L&, a.M. A EO&E OF ~o~, 'SLÀIò 20' Iòù:.\::. OF ~ or--l e-'ö"-::'" fè,ICa. OF STt2.eeT INTO T~'L.E.J'2. c.OVf2,T I:Lt:V. 177. ~2- 'MPQOVEME~T PLÂN~ "' E~WIGo OF C~L.IF. ". !JC.hl.E-: JII:: '20'1 D~ BY: F"TL D6.TI!.; 1-'3-<02 CIC8Y:t/{t/IAJ CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVEfWE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA . ....., /J/l £ J f:Þ CM7~ ú (5) Date CONDITIONS ATTAC'~ED TO "Sit AFPROVAL OF PLANS OF HDW11 Of' ,AI. I ,..1 A FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ."leI "ILII. --' TO BE LOCATED AT: ~-¡ I ton AYeftU8 tOND ITiONS: I. Applicant to CCIIIply with .11 ....,Ir.-nta of Article IX, 'art 18, Chepter I, C~l1 Runlelpa' 'ode. 2. Apart8ent to be uMd 8ftly by the owner of the by lieU ng end not I A ." c:øe to be uMd .. . rental unle.. converted to office Ip8ce. 3. Apert81nt to be conltrueted to fire r",'.tlonl for thll 'Ire Olatrlct Sect ion 9316.1 of the Campbell M:.tn i c i pa 1 Code reads as follows: Any approval 9;anted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva 1. r~o building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new âpproval has been obtained in the ~anner provided for in this chapter. HEETING HElDÇ~~N~~~ B\I\Hl CI~ÁyO~/~PBEl~~~G.,C~A1,S:ION AT A REGULAR W, L. MORSER, D!RECTOR URBAN ELOPMENT DEP TMENT By URBAN DEVELCPMIZNT DEPARTtIENT f;:TY OF CAt1PBELL PLANNING COMMiSSION ßI?p 1 i cat i on for "$11 Ae.erc.va 1 ~!:I Ii ovelllber, 1 9 J!..':- In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3. Article IX of The Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersIgned hereby make~ application for approval of the attached plans, 1. The said improvements wi 1\ be located on land described as follows: (inser't or attach legal descrip.tion.) ,.it:; Df v!Lm;)bt'Ül.. COì.mtii .,,;,f ,,;;¡ar4ta '...lara. ,it-ate of C811r.;)rn.i.';i,òe::(;rtbud;~ ,u,,:.:.;.1Ht.: lit "1 ;)J,~nt. on t~e LOI'tll line of ¡Ítu',111ton AVEHHH,_<EstB .,t th're J7t\ rc~t -~st')f tile ¡)oi"t of int.:)(,5~ctt()n of tl""!ð ortll lir:.e of'nrdl ton \v€¡-,n:,~ t th ~, S()ut.hi';~[i:~t,~;I'l:i ::-n,,:1(~r:.r 11.n~ of the .,.;outhern acif"c f'l 'j;; --,.' T/s." '," (' .'., ~"tn ,.,. 'yl' '-h " "t.., '11n"" 01"'l""""últon ;'venu: 9¡:>~'fe,.,t. {'ônc~ ie~'il;,:,us~ia l'3'~; . ~ì."J,~;:¡ :lJt~o .'~" "fIL.w,1n n~:~th' í'0 t'ð"t '~henc'3.";~~t :~:_j' -'~r~11~1 vdth "l\'Jf north'l:::iè "~r i~~:ilt.~~ .w~nûe¡;'",,!~'-'re~~t;,;J " ~,C~'¡C(; sT'tn 1:;" ;:':t}t; t') t',~, .))lntJ u,,' ;;t'; ~d.::hl> ,.'J~71 :'!) ,Jfirt :)~ t.::e ) <)rtheast 1/4 of ,,¡,¡tt"ni ;~b, ;')v-'1~:jhl") "{¡')uth, "1 1 Q<Jt, D,H. c,: V. 2. The nature anu purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he ~elieves will be helpfulTtothe. b ~~f'.~~~ttf1~T~~ ~s~on ,fn~ ,\~~heJ.-5_ity ~ffJf(?~S }\n~ ~~'lsi d;ri~~~N,s':<ff~ 1jf¡~~9Jl~)ed"~~~O~~11~ws, ( '"t":' "'1;..,;-:'1 .' ',': "( ...:..,"'".;" L""s Ht;t~~;"""J: "})nOI'ctc tilt-'(.:) :"'u.l .~:~(;;; 'l,d.tLl ;Ji,;;.j(è; "",lV;'1ÙnU¡,l tL1.Ô :'-.Q(:d curtain "'fills; fwo fJ,o.":'s: 1.;t,-f'lJ"!', ;'or:.,:!:'f..l ea~l¡Wt'ci.;ú J:'~:ta.;)le U.l.>ø,,¡q 2nd fl:)r. genoral 0 {'" " ~""J tl.t"'Hi.:3 ;, a.;)').('oxltrla.¡;e í.,),",iJ,al footfi:,ð iti" tn¡l.:o lIlt; 6500 sq 8..r'e feet, ~¡1 t;. Fi \-;vod f'r!;"',,"!d 2nd floor :'",d ê:l woori rpH. '~ed bullt-u;J roof. 3, The proposed improvements wi 11 cost approximate ly $...2JJ 000.00 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission. one by the City Engineer and one returned to applicant, U11 ßast dqrnilton Hve.,Gnn¡pbell,(;a1 Address of Applicant Gl1m~)t)oll, Í-..<üllt'- Filed in the Office of t~Urban Development Department /~ & 19 ¿ / --' ~¿//2.;Þn~~ Secretal-y City ::S-1-o040 Telephone State