920 E. Hamilton Ave. (68-57) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME ~~~~ &-r.L ADDRE~ ~~~-Lk ( 7 ~ ;:/0 r ~ RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO.3>~ / JI- I FUND NUMBER a- - ~ CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. DATE AMOUNT JIl. 22-70 001 ***lJl0~.OO JUl 22-70 61 001 A **lJl0~.OO 2507 "~f CITY OF CAMPBELL ~s CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy I ~ - AN ~tv. (08 jl ~ < 1\/ \\ I '\ PJJAlJNTNG DI~PARTj,lENT CITY 0';' CAMPBELL 7 S NO:\~'H CENTli,AL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORI';IA DATE: September 5, 19b8 CONn IT IONS ATTACIIED TO liS II t,\PPHOVAL OF PLANS OF Robert L. Kees ling , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 9 additional trailer S J'fa"C'es---..---- TO BE LOCATED AT: 920 E. Ha.milton Avenue __M~'_'__.________,___,___,_ .___.___.____,__<< CONllIT10NS: 1. Traiter permits shall be obtained from the California State Division of housing prior to any construction or installation of trailers. Section 9316.1 of tho Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: J\,-'y approval granted undc~r this section shall expire one hundred ei..ghty (U;O) day~; after the date u:)on which such approv31 was granted, unless an extensjon for sucl] aprHoval is obtained by J'laking \Hittcn applicatior for same to the Pli1l!nin!J, COlili'idssion at least fi{teen (15) days prior to the (: xp i rat i OIl d ;]. tea f s u c hap pro val. No bujlding permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approv~d has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. G1L4NnW BY TilE CITY OF CM.;PBELL PLANNING COM>nSSION AT A REGULAR MEETnJG 3rd September 1968. HELD ON TilE DAY OF CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO~DIISSIO~ 13 Y : ~Hllt~ittlx~~e'~fff*-s e (:1' eTa l'Y' -.-'. ARTHUR KDE pka CC: Engineering< (/0 II I. ~~57 ,.) u-' f4 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR "S" APPROVAL CA.? /}- 19 6 ~ In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (insert or attach legal description) 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in cons idering his application. le Co tt5 lye" f ('1) f7 tfH' 4ddlf(()h~ I 5fOC.'EC, c-cnfcYft1'h'l it) o'y{'lh~1 11(!611~ /Ic'r..,f' f?.yf: des(7t't)) td qVA,fd-'t.--i 0(1-,1--1 Iys-?' ~11' !3l-t Iclitl'-i r~'rJ1,(f 4'Td.hf I ~ s}~. ~)-n,lt ~ / ~ nPh lIT /l,ry 3. ~he proposed improvements will cost approximately .$ 2:. ~ 0 c (). C'(/ 4. Applicants must attach three (3) copies of the site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to the applicant. 5. The application shall be accompanied by a $25.00 filing fee. 6. The City of Campbell requires installation of all utili- ties, including electric, telephone and television cables to be underground. Plans should be made ,19 b :? Filed in Planning the Office Department #.:2- ~t7 Secretary of the on ? S...., ,~ Code 117-ifo~-o Telephone Number