1374 E. Hamilton Ave. (69-9) v1 I I I f ,~~. (/3) .- PLANNING DEPARTi,!];;.:T C1 TY OF CAi,lUBELL 75 ì\Oj(J'H CE;Hl~AL ;\ VENUE CA~¡PjjELL, CALI FOI~;'nA DATE: -~---------,-,--------- March 4,1969 CONJJITIO:iS ATTACHED TO "S" APl'ROVj\L OF PLANS OF ---._--- -.. _.~---------- Chester W. Allern ~-----~_._-~----------' FOR CONSTJWCTION OF ----~_.__._--- , - real estate office TO BE LOCATED AT: ------.,-- ----- ---- -'----- ,---------' CONDITIONS: 1374 E. Hamilton' Avenue " , conditions attached SecU.O:il 9316.1 of the C~lmpbc11 ~¡unicipal Code reads as f0110\':5: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon \'.'hich such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approvçll is obtained by making \':rittell applicatio!: for S,W3 to the Planning Commission at least .fifteen' (15) days prior to the expire.tion date of such approved. . , . ' No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any appro\ral until a nel\' élpproval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. . , GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAì,!PDELL PLA~NING Cm.l;,nSSIO:-J AT A REGULAR :.IEETINC , , - ' HELD ON THE DAY OF .. CITY OF CA~,¡PBELL PLANNING CO~¡~IISSION att: cc: Engineering/w. att. By:,. ,. " / -A-RtHLTR'":.RT!E,~~~1ETA!~Y ¡ " . ---------' The applicant is noti ~d as part of this applicp';on that he is re- quired to meet the following conditions in accorL ice ~ith Ordinances of the City of Campbell. Approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Property to be fe~~ed and landscaped as indicö,ed and as added in "Red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 3. 4. Approval of the parking layout as indicated on the plans. A. A fire extinguish cabinet shall be install ten (10) pound AB~ type fire extinguisher. Applicant shall pay storm drainage fee in amount of $170.00. - to house one E. C. Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach construction. D. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. E. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9ll0.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. F. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for under- ground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. G. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. H. liS" approval shall not become valid until zone change is final. liS" approval expiration date to be six (6) months from date of final zone change. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ------------------------- /( S If (;2 ç:: ,7' CITY OF Ci\HPELLL PLAì{in1':(; CŒ';I\11SSION AFPLICATION H)R 1:SII APPROVAL .__J.---nu~_.....Y--1...L_--______19 ~- In accol'ùanc:iJ v.r:i. th Sectj on 9~~:UJ, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbc) J :,¡:¡¡¡icipal Cc(b of the City of Campbon, the undersigned h;;} cby makes apl)licDtjon £01' approval of the attached plans. 1. The said impl'OVeDCn~s ~ill be located on land described as follows: (insert 01' attach lcgul description) Lot 46. Tract No. 1115 Hamilton Square unit No.1. Santa Clara County in Book 42 of maps at Page 30; also known as the southeast corner of Hamilton and Manchester. Campbell. California. 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed irnplovemcnts are: A real estate brokerage office. (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in consiJering his application. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately. $ -----,--,J..~.1 0 0 ~._~~._-~-_._-- . 4. Applicants must attach three (3) copies of the site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to the applicant. 5. The appJication shall be accompanied by a $25.00 filing fee. 6. The City of Campbell requires installation of all utili- ties, including electric, ~elephone and television cables to be underground. Plans should be made accordingly. Filed in the Office of the Planning DepdTtT!1Cnt on -,--,------,:,----,--- ", ~~~-, 19 ¿:- ~ ~ /-7 -:-T--- -- //~~-_. --,--~- SIgnature ot Applicant. Chester W. Allen 1261 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 210 À dd1:es-s--õIA p i)lT¿-ánt---'----- San Jose, California 95125 C íTy'----- -'--S t'ifè;--'-tìpc:o'(fc'--- --- ;;;Z cJ/l ¿ {~4Øcr-- Ó~2d~-> 298-1116 T e -r¿~'i)F()¡~¡;:,;-¡:-\ì ...----.-, '.---'--'---"-'..--.- c~ '.c I I II I I I , I ~ 1 II ¡ I I 1 ¡ ,--~,-",-_.-~- ¡ I I u rt'vfe '.J.- u (' S ¡" " J ;¿ fio - <.( (- .sç., ~ -----...... --,-, ""-':--Tc ~ I I)'. / / // t---j j C_-- ¡, ~ , . 2;~;'; '7 0 15 n~G~61 ¡~,,_¡~ii - fDnrGT51 p~;rlDl w."",t""I«"'-"cf' f"L;,é,"'I:è~-:;f;ll ""'.71 ~rl""';'I"C n - -""--""fjfL...,,----_.. J)O';~(-)~~;~"'!V,\:::C'RP{::I<{} "i I', . 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