Hamilton Ave., West (1959) '...r ..,,¡¡¡¡J I ùlWIlWa NO. 28 AN O.iIÚníA¡W~ APPROVING THE itlihiEIA,l'InN OF CERi'iLDi CON'j,'IUOOiJS urrnniABI'fED '['Fm:lTORY TO CITY OF' c..~"rPBÎ'r1..L, COMMOtl,Y ŒWN is THI Plì.BSIlí..rIAOUW LANDS IN ACCOfd1AMCE W1 'ffl THE P1:¡üVIijIDif! OÏ" StiiG'1'lON JS300 IT SIQ OF !HE GCVEJiN'tt.,;¡~'i CODE C1" Cl\LU"'C ¡-arIA. . WHElUi;A.S, tba City Council of City of CMlpbell did heretofore 0)1 t.D8 6tih di.y of October, 19$2" on its ow Jlot.ion initiate proceedings tor tb8 .","MUon fd oert.a1n u.n1JU1,Qbited w'ri tory contiguou.e to the bo,,-nderlee of C1 tT ot Cø.¡;bell, and., WHZRaS, a&id. &c\.ion tJy the 01ty Co\U1cil vas supported by the written req\i8st ot S8tt.i8 P'ftøt1¡1ac., aDd Be&triee Prestieiacomo, ;,b.8 owners ot aU tb8 lud propo8eci to be arm.xed, and .'Jllw,1J:..A.S, '.Ülli City Cou.lloil (; f tR. C1. T.Y- of Ga..¡!\Pì>ell did on toM 1st d.q at December, 1952, pass and adopt ita Re8Ql.\ition 01. Intention to 8.IU18X said uninhl'lbited tArri tory, hereinaH.er de:'lcribed, lying outside of and baiIl¡ oontJ.iUOU$ to tt"" bound,ó.rieB of t.ne City or Gampo.ul,whion said b801tlt1oA fixed notJ.ce of 'tJ:1e day, OOV and place where any penon owning real proper. wit..D1n SUCD. territory 80 pt'O})Osed to De. annexed and haTing aD.7 ob.)ect.icß8 to Tone prop"8ed anœ:u.Qon tI'l1ghlí ap~óir oefore tne 1-.18- lative body and Dhow Ca1.186 why such territory snol.Ù.d not. oe so annexedJ aD4 rl.:1&W\.3, t':l(j aaid .~esol'i1tJ.(¡n .m..i II,;,; I:.ice vas «'illy, I'91\Ù.U'lT and law.t'ul.LJ' ¡u.bliesnðd 1'0,," tvo (2) s\Lcc:esöive weeks [)rior 'GO neb h8ariJ1¡ in the Campbell Press, a newspaper 01" ätm.enô. cÜ'th¡J.&.¡;,ion pi1blisiled 111 tile City 0 f CwnpbfÙl, and for two (2) succ-šs8iv8 wee~s p¡;ior 'io sucn hearing 1a t,ha Santa C~ra J(.ìI.:.rna..i, a rw'iS}1.per v.l t<ncl'"tJ. u.:...rC...û.s\,i'.ll pi1bUaJ18d o11t- 8i4e the City oJ:' C!UlpbGl1, O'il'ü in ¡;,b,e OåWlty o:i: ,;>&u'\a Cl&u:&., .:>taœ of Gali!'orma, proof of tw.iJ. l.1uob.ca:¡;,ivLJ.s ii.&vi!J¡¡¡; t;;uen made by the affidavit. of the publishertil on file with "he C1 T.y CleI'k . f Oi ty of CE.ül"tpbell, aDd. - 1 - ~ ...,¡¡J I WBiRaI, oop1es of said Resolution we1"8 d1::lT and. r8þlarlT Mil.. b7 881d 81\781.rII: to each prorerty owner in !laid area proposed to -.. &1\I't8xilð as 81101111 by the last equal1!1ed assessment roll in Santa Clara Oeuaty and as requLred by the provis:Lcns of 3ec.~1on 35311 of the OøYerD88Dt Code of California a.~~nded and all other re~uircment8 of Aiel Qoy.rnment. Gode with respect to the annexation ot unin."mbited terr1- torT haria¡ Men CðIIpliøå wi thJ and WHEßEAS, such hear1ne was held :u~suant t~ said notice oonta.1n84 1n laid resolution on the 5th day of. January, 195.3, at the time &Dei plaoed. fixed ther81nJ and \mEm'AS, such hearing vas not less than fifteen (15) days nor ae,re than forty (40) daYI' from the date of the passing vt said r&801ut1oaJ and "Hl?,;~~~.s, at the Idd hearing there were no protests by any OIIUJ,8r or owners of one-half (1/2) of the val u.e of the terrttory proposed to be a!Ul8xed, according to the last equalized aese!"";~'!ent roU Qf the CoatT or 58 nta Clu'a, State of Cé'lifornia; and Wh.ereas, the City C3-.moil finds that the terrltor:J~ proposed 1;,Q b. annexed is contiguous to the boundar1.e! of the I"A t,y of Cl'IMpbell, and. that-the _1M is uninot:lbited territory R~ defined by s;Jid Government C0â8 of California and that it is tor the best int9r'eet., r"'A:.r:vfmience, lIMc..d ty and general welfare of the people of the 01 ty 0 f Cmnpbl~11 that :the laid territory be annex8d to said Oi ty 01' CaMpÐ\!'ll t It>W, 'l'J1ø:RF1'ORE, '1"Œ CITY COUNCIL OF Tfi!:I', CTT!' OF CMf>B~LL D,)F~ mœtBY ORDAI. AS FOLWlSa SECTION I Tba t the annaat1o!1 of the uniDl'uib1 tad terri tol'T bare1JJ&fter d...on."., aad the 8- 18 henby aPJt1'ft", ad tha" 88ld ~¡~" ....~ -. ad tM ..... ia --, .~ ,. ..~,.".~,.._": , . " .' ;'. tMt tM ~...,. dNtt.. '" t... .....~.. ~.. pI'MMd1JSþ ............ .. aWllt. I. II r8tl.7 .... aM fI""pa", all 8PreaUp.ac- Land.. ud. 18 -rw parUcni1ar17 d...er1~ .. foUowa. te-v1ta - 2 - -,J. ~ 1 All tJIa, I'88l pnÞ,.,tT a:1t-.W 18 ,be Ccnua'T ot Saata ttlan, S.w ot CalUond.&, 488Ori.-- AI tol1øv.. Be&1wud~ a' a OOI'Mr or the pre.en' C8apHll 01\71W'. l.1.a8 at, Ute int.rs(¡tCti~n of thG w6!òterl~T line of~en AT-- w1t.b tb8 'aou,ta 11- or Lot U ot \he a. r. ..Iatr SUbdivisi(¡m, a8 recorded in Hap Book L, at pa¡e 87, Ott1cd.al a..ord.. or 1aD- Clara CoatT, ad JMUIPIi "8: the- easterly aJ.on¡; the so'J.th line of said lot l~ ~r.d lot 6 of we! nbdiT1aioa to ita 1at,eJ"8MT,10B wi. .. ...., lb8 of San;-,¿¡ Cls-ra-Lo! Gatos Roa.d; thence nort!1erly along the .., 11M of aid I'CNIÀ, \io 'Wt. 8ou1ià-e8.8Wl'lT GOmer of Lot 13 ~f tl:e E. ~J.. Kennedy SubdiT1rlcn, Un1 t ~o. 1, M1Itc al.. 'fr.' 10. 96, a. reeorùd 1a Book ) or Map., at page ,5, Santa Cl~.ra Cou..Tlty Records; th~nc(' i'Te~terly aloBl t.h8 ..........1,. liIae8 of tote 1) and 12 of ",he .Aid Tract No. 96 to a })o::!.nt in t1.¡e eaeterly l~ne of 1.ot 11 of ... aaid Lot. 1.2J 1M- """_1"1,. along toM øRePly liRe of the said lot 11 to 'Lhe southeast cor!".c:r> t'~er('.Of; thence vener17 8.1... tM "\i..1"11' 11D.8 0: I.e.. 10,11,9 aød. a of the said Tract No. 96, and the He5terl~T pro1ongatioft -.reot, to a )I8i,Ø in t.à8 pr...." aa.,o.U 0i'1' 1im11;. 1i118, b e1ng the westerly line of F.de1"!~Ten"e; thence ......-rl,. 81- "* ..."1711- of JWen ATenue t.ø t.be OO\ì.th. line of LO~j 12 of toP, !'Jai1 R. ,.. Rueker 1"1,1bdlY"',sion, H18& ~ ,.18' ot -Ii w . . _u.. a. Pvnarn to - pl"CJri.81oaa ot 1ib8 said. Ucmt:maent 004. or caU.tOI'IIia, t.à8 C1 t.T Ole-. 8.:1.1 8.IM1 8B8 is here..,. .1ree- 10 tile wit.!! 1;.:' Seer......,. of a.te of Cali1'orn:la & oart.ified. copy of ~ni. ord1Jwa.. 1II8d1a\811' vpon t.hø aid Ord18." beeOlldng effective. 1101'101'. 1M C1. Clerk 1. œreby ordered an4 direcW w file vi th the gff1.. of t,àe ieaonier or the Oouaty of 8ant.a Olea in wJd.eh tJw 01t.;r of CaMpbell, a aunicipaJ. cor;,x>rat.ion 1. loca.ted, an af.fidav 1t. 8t.aUJè that. all 1'8q\i'.r'ôMJ\tø "f the law pertaining. roo 8uchpl'OOHCÜn¡ tw .n"8xaUon baye been coçlieð. witn. Be it. .turther prCTiåed that tau Bait! att1Uri.t .MU De acMlftPU1ed b7 a certified coPT of' boW'¥1a17 tie8Ol'ipUoI'I8 a. .t. for'U11B the aan-..Uon pl"MOeci:1.D8ø 8ftd a180 by a -.p ùl1aN.ûac 1lUC1l DoWld.aJ"1... SECUOJ ~. :rba t all upeneea of preoeeding8for the alln.exatioa of the aaici u.i.IIl1abit.M t.4rtit.ory be paid., anø.$;;at Wle Rm. Dti and ¡,œy are hel'8bT 8lJ.oveciJ anà $i.OTIOM .s. Uø.lìwGY. .ì1iøo:rdil1&œ. il hVGOT deolartMi to b. an Vl8Oy MU\,&N tür toll.. .pl'..en&t.ion of public p...., lIIOra.ul beal\b., aatety ud !8D8ra1 welta:N of the peoplfð vi 01 ty 0 í CQl~ell as ùaU take .tíec1o i..w1aWy. 'The followiDñ is a 8t&t.ement of the !acta abø1r1J8¡ ita urgency. - )- :-£ ~ I !It&t. 111 01'ÙJ" tlaat. the "'1"I":Uo1"1' _rein am"" Decca. a pl.n 01 t.- Ux rill. of C1tT .r C-pbel1, 1\ 1. a",.s81T that all rrOO8tMÜDCI requ1ftct 1tT 1- 1n oolUlMUoa tbernitb. 'be OOJIpleted prior to the lat ctq of r.1Jrurr, as), and \ha1; certain ot such procedural steps cannot b. taken utllth8 enacti? date ot the oNinø.nc., a period of not less than thin,{)O) da.,.. troll date ot passage, ualefl!! the S8.Tae :1.8 adopted a ! an Vie.,. aarift' that 1 t 8td.d territory 18 not included on the Mid tax 1'01.11, tåe 01. of ObtpbfaoU and the 1nhÇ.bitants thel'eoi' WOtJ.d t)~ ctepm.y- of D88deà tax re'f'8nUe@ for th(>. J1w.intemmce of basic JI1W1-1.ci)s.1. functic1U!, to-vi t. Fire, heal t"l\ l'Ind ?Oli~e protectL:ns tCi the immedh te detriment of the p\lblic pe..., lIOrQl~JbeI1H.J1, safety ~d gensral:..relf:'l.rd of "he people ot City or Campbell. PASSIm ANDI.DOPTED THIS 5th cia:!' of Janua.ry, 1953 by the tollalr- in. vote. AIESa Counoilmen, Aroods, Dahl" Cl01le8 and z"lorton l'ID~S. CouneUønt None ABSENT, Council "en t {~nyder APPROVED: Richard W. )forton, .,... ATTEST. Doro thy Trevethan, 01 ty Clerk J. ùeJ:'~øy certify t~t 'the foregoinp. 1~ a trtl~ I.I.M oorrect 0°" 01' ord1name Pf'ssed ftnd adopted at a relular tleeting of the 01 ty Council oj:' the 01 \y d CaøpDeJ.l Oft ~h. II 5th day of JanUBr~.. 195). I ~ .. ~. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 148 AN ORDINANCE or THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 19 :84, 0RD- INANCE NO.4 3 OF SAID CITY BY k'ŒNDING THE ¡ ¡ ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL)'. t-ffiICH SAID MAP CONSISTS OF CERTAIN "SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL" AND AN "INDEX MAP" TO SAID SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS. SAID ORDINANCE NO.4 3 BEING AN ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A ZONING OR DISTRICTING PLAN FOR. SAID CITY :'ÑITHIN WHICH CERTAIN REGULATIONS SHAu. BE IN EFFECT RELATING TO THE USES OF LAND AND BUIlJ)1NCS, HEIGHT LIMITS OF 'BUILDINGS, AND YARDS ANI) OTHER OPEN SPACES ABOUT BUILDINGS ~ REQUIR- ING THAT CEI-TAIN PERMITS SHALL BE SECURED FOR CERTAIN OF SUCH BUILDINGS AND USES: DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS USED HERlIN: REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDlNAl:CES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. 'BEING ARTICLE IX, ENTITLED lfPU.NNtNG, ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS'!. OF CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE. 'l1\,e City Council of the City of C8œpbell doe. ordain.. follows: SECTION 1. Sectional District No. a tI. the Zoning Map of the City of campbell, which said map was adopted a. a part of Ordinance No. 43 of said City, together with any amendment. thereto, is hereby changed and ~c1ed by substituting for Sectional District No.8 as shown 01\ said -p, .. amended, a new Sectional District No.8, a U1&p of which saie! Sectional District is attached hereto and entitled "Amended Sectional District No.8 of the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell." SECTION 2. Sectional DiatTict No. 8 a. ahO\\,1:l upon the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell a. the same was adopted a. a part of Ordinance No. 43, as amended, of said City 1a hereby repealed. SECTION 3. 'the exterior boundaries of Sectional DlstTict No.8 of the Zcmin¡ Map of the City of Campbell are shown on that certain map entitled PIndex Map to Sectional Di8trict Maps, Zoning Map of the City of Campbell", which said Index Map wa. adopted a. a portion of Ordin- &Dce Mo. 43 of the said City of campbell on the 16th day of November 1953, to¡etber with any --.dateftta which -y have hereafter been _de, which aaid Index Map to Sectional District Maps 18 referred to in Sect- ion 19:84 of said Ordinance No. 43. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of 1I'."1"".q by the following roll call vote: , 1958, NOES: COUNCILMEN : Fairchild. Rose, Sch81dt, Charg1n COUNt ILMIN : None AYES: A~SENT: NOT VOfING: COUNCILMEN:Morton C OUNC ILMEN : Neme APPROVE»: J ATTEST : Dorothy Trevethan . CITY. CLEIUt .=* - " Auqust 24, 1966 Mr. Jo8eph A. Bonacina, City Attorney 607 Pirat National Bank Building San Jose, california RB: Acauiaition of Landa of westerta Development Comoany Dear Mr. Bonacina: Thi8 letter is to advise you that the land located on Hamilton Avenue referred to as County As.essor8 Parcel Number 306-17-48, owned by the above-mentioned Company is within the official plan of Hamilton Avenue. This said plan line being adopted on March 15, 1956 by the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell and certified by the C~ty Council on May 7, 1956. upon acquisition of this parcel by the City, it will be used for street purposes only. This use will be to the public's benefit. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WRBN, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Frank T. Lewis, Associate Civil Engineer P'l'L I cb B BJ~~:1S _Imê_Q}~YI2DIt.blLIEQß1]~IJ.::~~-g:¿ ~J~LI9N Olî' AGRET;~'IiX¡':(' BY H:\YOXl P\llD CITY CLERK -.....-.o~-." ~-~-~-~'---'.~-_.._._._-~._-~ '~-""'-~.,,~ lfilEREAS, there has been presented to City Council of Cnmpbell an agreement for the construction of roa,duay improvements beneficial to developmçnt of property of m-mer Hithin the City of C6tmpbell, a municipal corporation; and HHERE..~S J the City Engineer has e;¡:plained the necess:i.ty for said agreement, and has recommended the acceptance of same; and HHEREAS) the said agreement is a.pproved by the City Attorney for the purpose for ~1ich it has been offered; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by w . .~~ or ~.. u - " {' ~ ,'",.: \S:i,", " . .. be and the same is .... .>-------,------ , hereby a.ccepted" tmd that the Hayer and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of__:'~ ..:,"'0' 19 .. , _., -_.J by the following vote: AYES: Counci lmen: ' '" . ", ,."; .. "--.., , , '. ~, NOES: Counc5.1men: , ," ; " ~', .., . .j - ABSENT: ..', '. ¡ :' COUDC i Imen : APPROVED: Myron L. Fairchild . ,,- ---..----",.-,- r.. ono ~,_.. . Mayor ATTEST: Dorothv Trevethan --. ~ ,- " -'-_"':';"_.J_---'~O"-~---,-- City Cle:;:-k I ':: ;,'.., "... "1 City Clerk of the City of CêEJnbc)11 '._'-~-"--"',--""""""",,-,-,,,,-"~-=,,-,---,-~-,--, .. , heyc,,1)'y ccc,'tJ- .f-v t.i.",t tl")"" -fo~.,(..,'J. O'j.,..,ry .;.'" ~ t':'1~..'" ri'.,";" CIO,M""C""'_. COT".J17 Of t'è"'-"'.-olut;o'"' -, ~'. --J -"",> --'... "".:.:J--!..ò.....-,ç. ""-,"'--"" .,~.....",l. ~'J _I'...," ...., P~~~""'d ""','1 '" ';')~~O"'(' t1'", .. c"'y cr<': ,',. 19 at '-'..'..J... , , ç;.l)'- C3._i\.i""';~ L ,,'-'., _.."....."'~.=,.~ !,--,. .', -~"",""",""<>~-",_,"~~,w_-"-,,,,,,,"">~'""~._-~_." _..,=-,~," a r,,-.'?1J'1'- r.""'~'t':,,-..., O.!:: th.." C-i1".' Gee,)"".,.") C"I,f'....-".... C'~""Y o'~ (""'f."¡,"'-¡l ,-,':...., -(;.;1.. i,;...;; ..U,I, .'-,H."J.~ -~. h. ~.'"J." ',- '01.::.' .t'...' ,,'0 '....1;.1_,.;"".... v ... - , " '-..., ;/ /' r/ ov,;XU:-l. ¡::'Gi l.1dCi ^Gr'F'J"'1II,'r;'~'JT ;--:'-_-':..-=---=--~L~:.- THIS Þ_GLEEi:~;~J.¡T is en tcrecl Lnto by and be t<;7¿~eJ.l \HST!\RIA Hi\n!:STh£J:-!l' COl,;PAìW, d Californil corporation, Ì1ereinéoli: ter refe:creJ to ;è,':: "His taria;l, and the CIT'I OJ? Ci\l~pnELL, hereinafter referred to as ¡iCity7¡, as £0110\7:3: FIRST: For the cons icleLl tions horoina£ ter set forth, His t:'lria -- shall promptly decUcd te to the City of Ci,:.mpbel1, a municipal cori'o- ration, th¿, property clescr ibed on EXHIBIT ,-^,- al!peil,:.L:~dhere to ,such description to be amended by a more accurate description to be later supplied for inclusion in a forill~l grant deed to the City. SÌ~COITJ : In the event that the City sh211 require any i~çrove- ------ ",ent::; to said property nOd or ir t,e future, City agrees to hold \:L:;t_~rLa h:::nale.:òs troD .:lIlY costs incurred or to Le inct;rred in COIi- n:-.::ction \!L-::::, such improveù;cnts. In the event th::t the City 3h:J11 re(¡ucst Tiistciria to m?ke such irn~:r()'¡emellCS at L~10 5,3.",::; t:i.me. that viist,':trÍê; ÌlnJ.,roves ics property aclj~1,cejJt to th,~ l-"roperty to ;;~ dedi.. ca teJ by virtue of this AgreClllei1t, 1,-,'is taria 3110-.1:1. ¡)(; r,-:2-üour 3ed i~¿ actu~l costs thereby incurred. Such reL'ibursel::ent::, ;;"t the City's discretion, may be,~\J.de by d reduction in tf1", staTUi d:cuin.:1[,c depodlc of $5+72.75 previously posted by ~ist¿ri¿. TIIL() : It is expressly agreed by the parties hereto that ------- rllis Ltri2 i~~ re raining a three foct (3 ') s trip of proper ty "--Liang the nor 1:;,-101'1y boui1cLlry or the pro,?o3,e.',l e,:::,tension or H.?~;lliL ton /~\-enue wes t of ~!inches ter Road, such s ::rip freon ling on the pr::::sen t holdinos of.: Prc.;:)tiLiacOino and Til~:;'.:2,tt.:::r 0:\.:1- CoLlpa.ny u:-LLch front on s::id nortL¡¡::~rly bDunJ:ll'j 01: L>:¿: .,:r:c)Do..::ec: e.;: ten"" ion 0:':: 1-L",il ten Avenue;, s3id three £oot strip b2i~~ ~):co~,:L-;u tely t\70 lli.',ndrcd C_L[)ll:y-fivc Ieet (2';5 I) in leruti.l, i"on~ (¡j: less. FCTDT~I : City £u:L"tLe:!: ¿~¿) t~l:.:'.t ire Ltc e\Cl1l:: it j:::tC':CÚLl,LC;; ---- ---.--,- tu ,_1;3e c ,,-!:,I¡ or t_c.: b J C()r:_~=- ,'. L_:_Ull LI,:;: S-, ,--' 1_- ',- ::..OO~ sc:cJ-1;, Ci:-:ì 'i;':U; -, ' i.: (j r i.] t -- ,i:-L " -, c~ u,',.l ':. -,: Tc:il U:; _ltJ 'roc 1;:'(;:1C -' ,': ,- ,- FIFTH: Until ~ucn time as said three fa. strip sh,Ü1 ]x~ ---. conJenmed or purchased from His taria by third p¿~rties, His taria sh.lll be permitted to construct a fence or oth~.r barricade not to exceed six fee t (ó') in hei;;ht uI)on said three foot strip, sub- ject to meeting all existing City ordinances other than set back line restrictions, if any. EXECUTED a t C.~rnpbell, C:11ii'ornia this---_J' (.,-¿ll-- day of October, 1959. , ' ,.'- ",-,::, "::..,,::: "/, 0' ..: ~~' ./ -' -, . CITY OF CANFBELL, a municipal corporation " ,'~,.') ..~---- I ....---- '- , c,' " ".-// / Ú - /) ;J BY"'~'-~'jJ" // /, ./~':::1:Li: /' ,.1 I~ / /1/ .' '/ ';>ì ;/..~j..í.':)~t-.--/.- _1.1~C;-C'7~ç , \ , ' ' . ' V'f' ,~, .' " . ' " , . " 12V. r-/~I..., ~1:iL." 2:~~?z:Z:::~-,-_...., \-lIST.ARIL INVESTHSNt-COl'IPÞ.tTY J .' a Ca.l ifonÜa coroo:C.Ù t'iOD <,:' . ..,<~.¡> '-~">,\~~"'o.o~<",:~<: :;. :'1 ' ;, " .. ') . , ' ' BY: .' C' ') . // / -1ïò:{í\"=fL1izuffi-:- JR. .c-_~ President th>h)-i ACY.NOHLEDGNENT OJ;' COHPORATION BorJ( .1{Jt.~;>A. f.~Df:>in ¡} STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA) SSe On this 18th day of November 1959~ before me J W. L. MorserJ a Notary Public. J personally appeared Howard Ru~hJ Jr.. President of t' J ne Corporation that executed the within l'n ~ t 1 s~rumen 'J Known to me to be the person who executed th . . l' . e Wl crun lnstrument on behalf of the corporation therein nameQ' an(1 1 ac~nowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. " HI'l'NE3S ffi'Y hand Cr);'ld 0 r> r>~ . 1 \ .' " .. J,lJ.Cl3..,., ~c:eaJ..' 'f //" ';' ,/Ii,,/~ ;' ", "'.,,','.,'~ ::'~-.' ! ' " ( . ¡;r:I~--Y;[~l~) C~;J":'_-.j.:::'~~_.: --,:~---:,~....- u L.:~~,- ¡, -" ' NOTARY ~UBLIC in ~~dc~or i~~;~ : C:'PL'r"'i' 0'," n"'l"'r"n""~~'" -, ..,.dJ.<;:. U....-J., )",' '...."._!_L~'IJJí.;¡J.)\' ' ," RES OI..UI'IG:T no. 2146 -.-- BEING A Rj~-)CI.UTIOn AUT;~.o~),I7.ItIG EXECUTION OF DEED TO PllIL1.I?S PETD,Ql,EUlI CO:'I2AHY., A CŒlPŒI.YTIc?:r, APD SAN PIŒ~STIGI\CŒI0 AIm HIS \JIFE, CŒ;i,nTIU:~LD Co::; DEDICA'.dŒ:1 OF DEEDED Pi1OJ:'LIi.TY TO CI:Yi OF CANYBELL FO:~ STHEET IlIPROVEc.TUT PUTZPOS ES . lll-!ERÐ\..c" the Ci.ty CoU::lc:tl of City of C[:~=,pbel1 clid he,r.:etoforc find ~tnd àcternine, bused uFo:!. the rcpoX't of tho Acting City Engi- ncer, th2,t that cE:rt2.:tn th:¡:ee foo;: (3') s tl:ip of real propm:ty along the north'2rly boundary of th.:; prop:JDc;;d e¡:tension of l1:"fJilton Avenue, \Jc.3t of Hindl.:::ster noad <!.r:ld m;¿ì.::d by \Hstê,rJ.a Iì.lvc::;t\,~¿;('.t CO::tp.::.ny, a co:rP(n..¡¡t:t(lIl~ is nccess,:,u7 fa:;: st::~'¿:(?t :i.:-:;[J::cvc'l.r:ent: pur'" pose::>, to~'tdt: the \,;i.cbnl113 of EoJt.:Ï.ltcT", lv.¡c.nuç~, "ùl,d '-:rHEREAS, City of CaT':)bcll dJ.è be::eto£o:::e ç;,:.3:::e~; Ü1 m:ltinz \,¡:!.th ';Jis ~:aJ:la Inv.::;s ì:mi2:nt Cocpany that if 5. t \'n;3 detc::,:rJ.n,;:;j to con.. dCDìi1 the said p:¡:cpcrty or to t::-,:~:; mid use; the S:.7".¡~ for str,~et pm:- poses, thc.t it \70ulc1 pay therefor the BUD of $10,260.00, é~nd "¡HEREliS, Hista1.:ia Invest!~~:;nt COlï~~¡¿~ny hm~ ckposited a dezd to said property in escrow with its dcTIond fo~ $10,260.00 based upon, the City' s dcte!:min~~tion and £incUY3 to usc Da:i.d land for street purposes, 2nd \'Jl-IER]?,A's, Phillips Pet:rolc:1.3¿ii Cor:-,:,m1.Y, a corporation, ç-md Sam Pres ti.giaccf.,..o élnc1 his \Ú£e, thc~ é:1cljoin:T.ng (J~n.-,:::7~S to srd.ò real property, are willing to adv~nce the cousid~1.:~tion for said Ð.cq1J:t~.itiOll) and to avoid c'C)1'1C1crc:.:t~,tion praccccì:i.n:;s thcrcfo:r. aX'G \'ïll1:ix; to t;?,1:e title to said :<:e;Ü p:c:uY'.::ty ccùcJ::Ltioncù upon the iCllediate dedication of the said property to City of Campbell, and \VlIEREAS, to fD.cilitate the acqulsition it is ncceDsary for. ctty of C['JTI¿bell to e~cecute a deed in favor of said Phillips PetrolelEJ. Company and the said Prcßtigi<1cor,:os, ancl they in turn to ilrJIlcd:Lately deposit their dedicatory deed ih escrm,¡ granting said property to said City in fee for street purposes; . NOI-J THEREli'ORE, in accoT.clance ~;i th thc: fo1:egoing reel tals and f1.ndi.n:;s , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of CaFlpbcll that the Haym: and City Clerk be, and they .::n:e h(~reby autho1:ized to execute a. deed to Phillips Petrole1..ìrn CoElpany and the Pre:J t:i.giacom.os , and in tu:rn to accept their c1eccl gr~nting the said p:r:ope:rty to City of Cæl[>bell for the street purpc>ses indic2.ted herein. P.tI.SSED i-'\ND ADOP1'ED this 2l,th clay of October, 1966, by the follmqing vote: AYES: Councilm3n: Hyde, Rogers, Rose, Smeed, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Ralph Doetsch -----------y.layor .- ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan -'-------'cTty CJ.i.",rk ---- . .. - I -. ,.~ ,.' (71 j¥"'1 ð ,::>, edhJ ~ I September 13, 1961 Sant.a Clara County Board 0 f SUperv 1sor 8 20 Me.t Rosa street san Joae, Californ1a AT'l'ENTIOlf: Mrs. Jean Pullan Clerk .Dear Mrs.. Pullan : '!'hi. office hereby requests Board approval, a8 n8ce8aary.. ~ allow the energizing of newly installed electro1iers .~ the following locatioNS: Campbell Lighting District: 1. 6/W corner La pradera Drive and San Tomas Aquino Road- One (1), 250 w. Here. Vapor. 2. s/W corner Lat1ller Avenue and Winch..ter Road-One (1), 400 W. Mere. Vapor. 3. Latimer Avenue opposite :Sather Avenu_one (1), 250 W. Mere. Vapor. 4, H.amilton Avenue ~ Route 17 Preeway-One (1), 400 w. Mere. Vapor. S. Tract. j2308 including ~rc:ial frontage" I/W corner Bam11ton Avenue and Winchester Road-Thirteen (13), 400 W. Mere .. vapor. Quito Lighting District: 1. Tract 2120-Six (6), 4.000 lumen incandescent.. 2. Tract #2522-sev8n (7), 4,000 lwaeft i.ncandeacent. very truly yours, KYaON' 1).. HAWK, C 1ft BØG INE.D MGW:eÞ By Wil11- G. w.ren, A8s1at.ant City Bn.91nee1: (fJr~¡J 'f j;íJ I '(~,;. - " ":, ' . .,';:H9: "'J';.~t~.~A,..".f tMt..row...t .."""""'81 _11- ',"; 'l~_.t V""'t8f" u;.t _t wt - Ö8. last coaU"IICt. '<" . " " " (2. Ala ""tl88te of tII8 cost of"'I...~:.....I. ..~:,~,.. .... hwel..-,'ónt""'O,'itae "il-.- . ", ",', ,- tM 'nstlll... JW8f8tq. (1....,* ~ '::"'W."'ttata or calcul.t8d this _fore. .tl _lei I I lei ..u.r ...,. or twtaer '.'0f'8",). Appreelate "-"I., It -,.... I'rh.,. ' .. " '., ," ; " '>, " ~' .lIt ~íÌ, ,.' . REPLY HERE ~1'f\ OATm' 3þ ,1,1 SIGNED f :)NSTØUCTfON8--PI!:RSON ORIGINATING EM LL REJ"OVIEOUPLICA .,<;~Y:"""DFoJiWARD ORlGINAL (WHITE).l\J'fD T. I LICATE (/"'fN-K) WITHe' '*'Â1NUiiO 'IN sE't.AF'TEftREPLY IS WRJ'rTEN. 8NA OUT CARBONS;RE'tAIN IE TRI..i...I. CATJI: AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL TO THE PERSON ORIGINATING MF..MO. I'OltM 8, Q, . . \/ \'/ ' ' ¡I J' t, ¡'~' i,v (ì ~ AI ' (J1/ /" J/" / ¡' /' r "1 Q ---, ~~~) (W~ // \~ April 4, 1961 Vincent N. Tedesco 1190 Lincoln Avenue San .e, c.ll fornla Dear tar. Teduco: I discussed wIth Mr. Sanguinetti the possibility of settling our dlff.rence. out of Court. Enclosed Is . copy of the llIIprov..."t plan. now under contract. Our ..tl..t.. coat for the8e Iltprov4llt8nn for both 'r.stlgl8CC80 MCI Tld...ter I. $2,350.00. Add I tlona I cosn to Tldewat.r upon IlDprov..ent of their H_lhon Avenue front8ge, or aheratlon to their pr_ent .tatlon NOUld be as follows: 5to1'8 ')IeO.OO Electrol'.rs $400.00 aalance of t.,rov-.nU ,. (Dr I v..,. and sidewalks only) $500.00 COlt to 'r..tlglaCC8) would be as fol1OW1ì: Sld8M8lk1 end drlv"'YI 5to,.. Drains *620.00 ,425.00 This would ass.. thet you would pay $10,260,.00 to tlM thy In order thllt they -y acqur re the thr..-foot strip frGIII Ruth. You tlÐuld have continual ace... to MM'lton Avenue as soon a. we are able to get the deed froM Ruth. Yeurs very truly, M. S. Hetzel (I ty Manager "SH :_f .. . C I rY I.,IF G ,j.';.' B..1.t Cw\J~ci¡ Me.ting - June 1:>, 19~;/ ~,1~~ '. J~Uitt\ j.. ì',A"¡l.rG:~ V¿NU~ UNIT NO. ;¡ ow i\l'oç:r... rlGpørt .. /11 ul'tdugrQund I work b". b4Mo cørpleted ....1 th the exception of ¡filt.1.ittiGn of V the ,ton! .ater eaten b..lnu. ft.. rock base n,. been llid 011 the ~o%th .ide of th. ~O'd. k 7'10 ,.:.,ctiOA. Re¡:tett unl y . I I 2. / U,.c'L,I#'.,'!f~",jVifH¡',!í.oN, T,'O¡tr Î\, I'C,"", T, !«). '1,., t.,','1' 0,' i'"'re,, ',',' '11411>, 'o,rt .",'11" I',' 0,'.' m, "I ( -ft81' ._1;'\1 _Ad later.la h.ve be- l"ltalled. The ston 8...8r .y.t~ i. co~l.t. -lib the .xception of 1natall.tlon of the catch b..inl. The .8"1' It.in .y.t..~ should .be COtropl.te by June i.~. t; 'to action. 118'pOl't only. & J. ~¡TOI\N \'..!4waR C,,','NSTRUCTICiW .., The ¡¿Ian. .nd~..pK1fle.ti¡)"; fO'r winch..tet-Rincon ~::y,t- to drain Ct\el'ry ,Lane. the iio\Jthel"f\ , hIli ofillnch.ster ~,oaØ end the portiot\ (;.)f the City l<Nth of / Ca.~Þ.ll ,['vonue lying bet...... ~jAch.tt.J' Ho,*d lAd ,1..0$ Gites V Cr..k .ill b. re.dy '\.0 þretutnt to the Coune11 0(\ 'ugUIt ¡Of l'}~rl. Bid .;)opening ðpp...oxl~8t.ly thr.. ...lta there.lter:. 'the l.aifu.i' :\vent.te lilt- to dxaln Lo. Kloch1 to¡;;,;.uW1v.ltiOrt wi 11 be reodyon ;i,Ug\illt 4:4, J;;5'). / f~ No .ction. l¡ ttr,H.U"t 0 n 1 y . I 4. iiinCH¡¡$T..:x Î\t.JI.f) ll\¡,'rKNi.JJ~¡;.¡~"r .. ,aac..i~/ed f1". telephone c.-.l1a and feuI' letters iUtk,equW,t to toh. publ ic Ø'i..tlng of ivay U., 19!>~. ,\11 it'qui!'!.. to date hey," b.." answered. Inqul.1'i.. were abou'tttte folløw1ng t u. ;.;utCO$fí. ~f ¡t,t..tif\i. b. ~pvroxim4t. colt for particular ~rop.rty under various pllnl. c. ,everlnee dHh'~. t'fJ be al1<)W.c. !rt;prov.entl to be w.ade under the vlx-lovtJ planl. d. 'A the pel'lone r.qu..tif'~ lnft)n,.ti~)(u <it. rhre. þ_rIOf\$ t f.¡...l) ..nted no en. Age. ThrM ptt.t:lons..re in favor of tJltiN;¡8te f.Jlø/'i. b. t. I Thr.. p.rloA$. did f)Qt exp%'etHi their p:r.t~r.nce. ~/ 't tt 1. J'8eOlf,I!W~.nded th~t the C:onlilvltl^v lingit\..r t.t) ..nd ¡ letter to p1";)perty owrutr. :ukln'¡,} infcrr~;&" thoi,¡ prefereAce. ~. n, ;.~fU~ í.)f l:..N:.# f"ul'i':;, Ii.! !i"I.,!.....Lt ¡-Ü~i..H¡NG - .:0 t.1"1 r.[)oxtlã t)f JitrtU3ry 2:!~. ¡i5) and february, H<}"). 1 reported on the _mounts thil1. h~d been ¡.¡aidby t~i. Cl ty out ,,)Í'M h,cellitlneou¡ ÌJ.t"ìçln..,rirI9" f.,>l \ilòorÄ jot) Cìo1nfutctlo{\ 'With the tJQrtd 1.1016\).. .t taat tl:~¡.. the Çov:lcil .¡;;.pr.;¡v4!d the u.tí'iite.t ofttutc.e liflJOUnta tro~ the't\gnd Fund t4 "id,f.cell,eneou$ Lt1Qit}..:r Lo,)¡¡ fìUdç_t .\CCQunt i'~o. 1~$-C-6.. .t l\Jet) time at¿ b-vad fundi wöul¿:':"~.co",;.. ~v¡illblfll. .. . -2- I Adopt R..oluUM Ueftlfenl,. ~1.624. H3 fl'Ofn to'Ml1Cell'ftMU8 lmglnMJ:'lR9'" B\Jdget /!.¡c,count No. 13-C-6. . 6. H,~JULrol~'ValJ~ UtnTi> t:l{.)S.. J '\ND4 - Leu; a.to, Cl'ftk ~rldg. and ApproaCh.. ... wl1 "It "port 1. ..,K\od in it f- day;. }\a lOon ., thl, 1, rhdy, .tntc'tural d..ign of the bl'ld'8 wl1.1 comenc. . At tbe CO\IACl1 _Un, of June 1, 1f:J~¡J, then wa I .-. dl,CUliiol1 , 8.. to the 11\C1U.&iO.!1 O,...,."f .th,. 1. ...-. OV.. .., '"nt., of ~;.:,¡.n. Jo... Lot a.to, ROM .t tne HailûltoA\V"". int..HUon in \bil )),ro1..,. .. t. ,tent".'. 1Ye, 1y,. such tdd.1. t.loMl,COI\*Uuc. tlon WOU1,d lAC ude chuø1ßt traffic .igA81s to . thr.. 01' foUl' ph.... .y.tAm. and PZOOV181oA fO%' it left-to_A .tack1,. IBM £01' baffle p.roc"l.ft9 ftOI'tb Oft $.;en Je.e-Lo. Getoa Road. p,180, 1f d..a.., :4n JOle-Loe aato, Rod eould b.- w.1detted to full fØ\Ø' lan.. .. fu I..th .. \be c..bel1 Avenue 1nta'lectlon. i~ study of thia e4dlUo.ft81 wori.. lnc1udlftQPrel1ia.. iAaJ:'y plan. and coet ..tiNt." would co.t appro.lutel, ~2~.OO. . . fwtnoria. tofu&vl \J.n9 E..1gi"'Q'to þJ1lpare th 1. 7. M~)J\?¡,Nr.XJ,..I\ OP ,œ4im;~ta - Î"'.¡'J(JR CITY ~;'mí;ETs ... The MecÐJ'~ of ~=n~a:O:;:':. r:C-:~.à '~:m °in~.~l~!:i::n:i ~î~;;::l i::; ag,J'MattAt hat bøn check- and found to be in aceol'd with the projectsu't"", prev1oully filed. .Ad the C.lt., Budget. I ,'40pt ""Glutton wtno:rl%inç the ~.~ðYOI' and I) execute egreem.nt. d. MSMOR/J~~ Of 'QJ\~{f - ÐKJ!!JEU,U«3 /.,l..LCC'TIa~- The M.-œo...ftduø¡ of A~......t for engl.l\MI'ing _._1 'baN for the Flae.1 V..r 19~~O b.. DoeR received frOM the Divi.l~n of Highway.. Tht, ap'....nt has bftn Check- andf wnd to be 1n .ceo" with tbe project It.at..-t pl'eviouI,ly filed. and the City Budget. }\(,fopt nlolut1on authorl..1ng the Meyer and ..MUte -vneme/\ to. . . C1 n \.)1 C; ,t~Jr ~cu. Council M..ting - June 1~. i'i/!}'¡; ~RR~.O~'1Q1'~ ~1RU1 9. fX)l.i(;¡L ~~ ¡ ¡ I L 0). - IV :;, .' ¡.GlAtt A~')provil .. Part J.. "ttrae dlnet1on of you'&" honorable- body, r anançed . m..tin"] !\:~n9 all the tnt.x.st" par'll.. in thl $: ax'... (Lilt ettKRtKi) The tuud.c pt"ot:lÞ wa, stated. If Tidewater 011 and JJr. ?r..t!Ql u:ompWel"f/ wl111t1~} tt~ 1.1191.";"'& trlftir 1'i~n'd 1 tc.n I:,venue front'file now. they _'ou1d have to come to .,t.1.1 .etory .rr.n,ge- ¡qt."ti wi th ,',r. Ruth ¡inc. h. ~wn, th~ land 11'\ Gue.tiof\ (a.. map). If th.,. arrlng.neat. .81"8 maete then both sidelof H4r~.iltGn /\yenue could be d.,,"elop.o th:rough f,"Oi¡¡ ¡'.inch..ter fiOlld to tbe westerly U,mit. of the propcsed $ubdivi~ion. Aft«:tx muC;hditcu_"i:)r'I of the pt'Oblern, tne follcw1n~ ,tat.fnTheAta ftol v$d: 1. ; t thia 1.111'!e, :'%'. Ruth 1s -.11111)11 to dedlc",t. th. land on the north half of Winch.ster FlODd, pl'Ovlded he 1, relr:.bu.l'eed for it .at th. sa.. i>e:r aCt&' prict he obtained i:.thl:2~~~O~o~.~..:~:a:~,:~:lr.':1¡rrt\~o~o~:c.~::~:1.) . tza,..old.l $ectlon -t the int.r,eet¡on no. f.l'" of chlrçe to th~ City. 2. Mr. .ê>x-..t.1giacOØto lli wl11.ing t¡) 1mp.røve at. thl. 'ilJïte. but Bot i14,......ted in bearing Ilnd acqu,1ai tien COlt. 1n his 1,œp:rov.ent. 3. f14...te% eil II I$olnç to prec.st all C'.8 l¡,formetlo1\ r.c81,," .t. thls ...tl~ t.hnmgh their t:'!.tUHJMent dep.aJ'tment .nd should h.v. an id'~,,'eJ' wi thJ n f('JtU'" ~ø,ix .uk, on whe" and if they will 1mpr9ve. Iti, probable that thay .111 .ppnve the improvement and doubtfu 1 a Ii to whether they.ill .. w111ing to p.y for the land. ~lt\ceth.r.. can ...ily be eort,ldel'able del.y befo::e th... tnJ'H-cornezed an.nt.eAt. caR b. compl.tH (at 1..,t fouJ' to. six .HIe,i.nd .inc. àoWJ1.. Oil .1\4 the Howard Ruth t~bdiyl.lon (Wl,tar18) are ready to llnprove now', the follow1"9 po..ibia court.. of .tctiOt' are GU99..t8d, I. Accept a tzap..oldll dedlc:.tlon of land f,- Jir. Ruth now at theif,emilton Avenue return of TldMater \>11 and improv. 1'8. with City funcb. It 1. allo pollib18 thatTld..atel" 011 will be w111J.ng to iMprove the portion to within 19 f..t of center 1J..1\0. (TrÜ.lolutitu, could conceivably ".quire future cond8l'lðation by City if ~ì.r. Fr..tlg1acoœc and Tld...ater Oil neveI' dft'e80' their .i_ll'ton AveRue ~f!it.:::~)Ha~~l~nn:;=\i:h:: ::;'.;Z~~:&:~n:.ctlon .b. ACCept total d.c:Ucation fr~, Hì1'. i'tuth {City to pave trap...1d'. r.-ue. hi, .tor. d.l'llnaç. f.. t~ ...1'0 (..tiNted value $~.800.00) .ðd City to collect the $',000.00 from U¡z. ilZ'tJ.tlgiacomo ~nd Tid.ate% Oil.hen they develop. .. ..;.¡:.. . e. !,t tni, tiN U,20Ü.OO' would.. returned to Mr. Ruth and .'.000.0'0 would heretuZ'ned to storm OI'.1n li'uM. rhi, plan would ...ure future ac- quisition of . COlt not to ..coed iv,OOO.OO. f.cCept total dedieation. reduce .tom drain f.. to ..1'0 (.,tiNted value ~,80C.OC). ~nd con- tribute 1"0..1n1(\9 $3,20(1.00 fro. P.øftd f.~n.yt include dedication in str.et .,st- wit,h fronting owners iJuproving now. ~, art 1 I . A. ::tr..,t lighta foX' thl:íS a:J'ü~. rhe :).tbd1vlo1cH'I c>rdlnlnc. c.tlls for .tr..t ..tlqhtht/;t "". rec¡utred t.y the (;1 ty 1~n91n.ft. to ..t.bll$~ th. -x_qui:r.- tr;entt we have th. ø.rlçlrHÞl atreot li~1htlf:~f pliiln for a iul!J.. divi$lof4 prep<tr"d by the PIJclflc: G.-. ~. lileetric:; Co~.ny. Th. uo:t¡;'~l l'tf$ident..l.el C~H1(H tic!u¡ have bO4M t~) requ1rr: øveX'" h..d w1rlng to the .lecuolle.ra v1. 11de lot elJlUWlhtnts 'ervJ.n;; th~ l!'l~ctroB.er~ trenT, , f'ol!'d&r liJ"l. Lr. thG Ii'u,r ()f thlt lotI. ;)01) to thtt l.!rrç. ~~,tt'. ')1 th, ctmi1~\..rc1.al le;t in thi, lubdlvillon, ;:,ac:iflc GII. ¡'{. Hlectrlc Co.-^y 16 ;')ropo,.tt~ç¡ und.rç,l"olJ",d c lrcu! t1ng to electroliera lnthe eO1:',ml8rc;i.l ar.a. They nøvo shown that there 11 ~ pJ'ime f4lì4lde:r 11/'. 1:'\ th:¡ Pl'f,)þQ&f.Id f'tl')%'ther 1 y ~...l f of ¡'ilß¡11t~)n "Ve:ï1Ue. There .2'. po..U)!li Ue. tnat this line could be relocet.ø to the re4r lot 111\.', h<*'evttr, if t,h~ fefA',d~!' i$p.:n:~.\~,tted to itlfY In the Hamilton 'venue right of ..'y,dth oce4tiional wlre cr..slAg' over Hamilton ,-,>,vent.ì_. the c"'~ts¡ \Ii',i.!} b. lower. ¥e:rmi ttln9 the 11n" to tit.V j f!I }i&miltuA ,,~;;y.n\t. will prot:8bly I'equ,ire '\Iuti".%' by tn. tlann,in9 C~~~ic.ion. . keque.t ~""clt'1c \;'.. eA<Ì .tlectrlc (.oflr;pa:ny to ...ove e n. to r..r lot 4uu.ent. ..nd i., ,,~ event porml t ove:rtu'8d wir1ng .cro., H.mll tonY.Au.. b. 1hi. ilclfie GlI~ .nd Electric ComptU't)1 plan IliO she"" tutUI'. .lect.rol,1el"$ on ~f\r. P.r..t!~1.como'l and !.i.d.at.I' \)11' t f:-ontaglt. !hfHìe properti¡¡u w1.11 \.H'tdcubt9'11y 4e-velop under':;'" l4n. ¡f?I)X'ovel$. ~:all the Council r~\Jlre the .lectrolier.to b. Inltallecâ by OWfUtX'1IS tH,dtu' "l.on. conrli tiot1s', K , Polley decision. . 8 I H i'.U J<. " '. .. ., ' ~ t\~ ~~iNJ ¡ ¡~; f. J. Vigillnt Bl11 Knowles C 1 ty of Car;apbell c.'O\Ul1.. 011 Co. Lou! I !ìa 11 Dougl.. Oil Co. f)(.íUgl.. 0.11 Co. Roland Su.lch Cil.tl J. ~<~crt.n'.n Ci tv Enqi.nee1' of Campbell M. K. Harl'la Howar. kuth I~.. Gardl'ler b'.. (). ~... E.. Ho.'.rd Patte Tidewater (;i1 Co. .i". i're¡¡t191acomo Himself r; 1 ~,f; C 1 &... t 81.1 "'. ".c..OSl'tev, ~,:r. :ioward Huth k' .ullne f:,. Gould IndU$tri.l Realty Howard Huth. .Jr. d:.ttì'ttl f l.4,rk U. Thoma s C1 tv of Ca'nfbel1 r ~ . ' -, ",- ~ " ... ,.o ,ø "^ ," s; ;~~ ~ ,.!") , - I .H"Wt; r-..I , -... tÍ 11...;/ h.. II ~ "" ... " ~ ~ '-t \.~ -,~ -ë;- ~ - l.Il/ï~,t'f~ f<i;;~ ---' ~ ~ ~ '< .~ --- -- '" ......... '- « V) ~~ -::z:: '" \.~ \ ->~ I (}O . \ ~ CJ Y 0' --I ~ '< -w ~ ll.; ¡., , f. " .- ¡ 4..J ..... -.... "-; ""~ " -" ..' '- I ' ':: (., 0 .k .,.! y ... .a I . . . CITY Of Ct,MPBELL Council Meeting June 15.1959 SUÐo~_entl.l..iWú.JleeX' s ßJpo:r! 10. C.r1MPBiLL WATER CQtAPANY--Verbal øbject.ion to propos. street improve- ments on southerly half of La Pradera Drive at this ti... I concur with the Campbell Water Company that it would be wi.. to hold off Installation of .treet improvement. in tfte southerly half of La Pradera Drive until water services, sanitary .ew.r lat- erals. and gal services are installed. It it noted in my April 20, 19~9. Report on this area that Condition 2 of conditions of appro. vel for the tentative map of Tract 2012 (south of La PradaI" Drive) stated. "Inltall all sanitary ....rs. storm sewers, .ater line., and gel line.. including ~ cia ~ ~ !2E ~i~eP~{:~~:entn on conn i~lons : 1. ap~;:~r:::~. HConatruct curb. gutter, sidewalk. and pav.ent in Le Predera Drive, etc. . . . ." The record shows that no final map was ever presented for Tract 2012. Since Trojan Construction Co. was subsequently directed to go ahead with the street improver.lent work t end there was no way to force installation of underground services. the tentetive map of Tract 2012 was permitted to expire. B.side$ water service" the following items will probably require either expensive construction procedure or cutting of the new .treet improvement s ; 1) Sanitary sewer laterals 2) Driveway' 3) Gas service. The 10c.~iot11 for the.. items can only be properly determined by the developers of the l.nd. ~.commen~.d Action: 1 ) S. t a mu tu.ll~' sa ti. he; tory c omp 1 etioll date on th. order f or I tyV, Trojan Construction Co. to install the curb, gutter, .id8Walk.~ and paving. 2) Accept the street improvements which have be.n completed for over a year in Los Ranchitos Units 2 and 3. Release or reduce the bonds on all portions of the work satisfactorily completed. The one,-y.ar guarantee for faulty workmanship and materials should -.180 be waived provided inspection shows the improvements still in 90ûo conc:U tion. 3) Contact owners of property on south side of La Pradera Drive, advise them that street is to be installed and give them a reason- able time limit to bave their aanitary aewer laterals, water ser- vices, and gas service. installed prior to improvement of str.et. at the same time notify them that boring and jacking may be required later. If they can anticipate their driveway n.~s. this will be helpful too, because the sidewalk will be monolithic, and a drive- way approach can be provided fl'iuch fJ'¡ore cheaply at the time of curb, gutter. and sidewalk construction. 4) Enter into supplemental agreement with Trojan Construction Co. covering construction schedule for required improvements, and have them post either sufficient new bond, or carry properly reduced old bond. for Lol Ranchitos Units 2 end 3. .... .. , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 14 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ! SSe 13 15 S. PRESTIGIACOMO , being first duly sworn, 16 deposes and says: 17 That he is one of the parties involved in the foregoing 18 letter and Exhibits "A" and "8" xia:Jlbbec Ü1)V8 x~ ~~x 19 20 21 I that he has read the foregoing letter, Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "8" 22 and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his 23 own knowledge, save and except as to the matters which are 24 therein stated on hi;s information or belief and as to those matters 25 he believes it to be true. 26 JI. f1~~ (,¡ 271 28 Subscribed and sworn to before me 29 this.ít.!!.day of August, 19-2Q. 30 (SEAL) ?)ÁAj-~\ ~t.J.. VIVIAN HOWARD 31 NOTARY PUBLIC, 32 In and for the County of Santa Clara State of California My commission expires: 6/26/61 - .. ~I 'I ern . CAIØULI. . CAI.InuJA 75 IIftth c.tral Avenue "l"AIftOIrAL TIll ATmCIIID PU.IIS. SUlllIT'l'ID IY DaI'GtA8 OIL CØIIiUY or CALDaIIIU. WIU APft.OVID AT A UQJLU. MDTœ 01' !III CAIIIaLL I'LAI8I8G CGIIIIaXClf IIILD (If TIll 19th day of HAY, 1959, 8UBJ8CT TO TIll roUAIf IS CC8DITIOIII: (If 1. That the clewioper ...tu Ûlto . written qr_...t with the City c..~11 coYeriDa 8UCh _tter, as the latter -, require. 2. CautructlOD of t.p,:O\~.nt' 111 aceorctace vim City ItaDdud8 and the require.llllt. of Section 18 :12, Ord1-w1C. Ro. ~ .. M8DcI8d , 1nc lu diD . : -V- .) All 8&iD liDe utiliti.. _d ..rvic..; b) 8altary 8""1'." ',.8t_; c) Storm dr.inala ay8te.; d) Pay_.t; e) Vert1ca1 curb and ¡utter; f) 1f.~1k; .> Ilectrol1ar, aDd w1riDa -Inuit ¡ b) Street .ipI; i) ~t.; j) J'ir. Iydraat8. J. , I Irt of 8~ 88W8r d8poalt .. r8qUil."ed by City. 4. lepC1e 'r8ak '18~ located on Lou 1 8D4 17 to - r"98d and filled to llealtb Depart8ent requir_-u JWtor to record1aa of .... s. Above oOD41tl0D8 to appl, if puce1 1. treated .. . lot in ""'.leeI "'d1YÙloa .1 8howa on ~tatift ... 8fII'r0V8Ct by f1nnitna Ca88ta81OD on 12/16/58. 6. ..~..U- of traJÞezof.d lection of laD. .8Im .. 1Ia811taa ANMu. Borth of ai,tia. center liDe 195 x ",60 feet. ~ ~I~~~~ -! ..1". "' . DeputJ C1t1 Clerk ...,. 1'.1959 ~~~~.~~t7 -~ ,,-. 15. 1'" of ~, :' ,: tt 1. recoaended that the P1 anri1ngCQIjd..¡IÎ8' ." ""Xi' . J~bt. ett..et. that the cieYeloper enter into a wrl\Uîì , . , ~("'C~tr Covncil. cO'ftriDg such utter. u the l.tter-. ~:i~ ' ," . " ,., " . It 18 rq inteUUor1 that.. a Ulce ' this parcel 18 paI"t of a' tentåt1.... . ,aappr..entl1 in ettect, and :in fact probabl1 the 808\ ~1tie&l cOrner ofal.1d t.entatl.. up, all the oonditiona. of the ~t.at.1.. 1I&þ.,&ppr'Qjeçt .L ~lIber 16, 19.58 be included. 1l1 UJ.is .5" &08e. In ot.h.l"W'Ql'U..I~~~ røo_nd that tni. parcel be treated ... à OM-lot .u.bd.1.1.1.'8þplj~.. tion. For your ,...iell, the co!'Hi:.ti~n.e ot approval on t.he tefttatlv.ùp are .s follows: . 1. Cor.struction of unprOY1'>,IM"y loft accordance nth C1t.y Standards and the requlreaenta of Seetion 18:12, crdinance 10.)4, .. aae(lded, lnd ..<ünc. a) .111 main line utUit.u and serT1C.. b) Strutary ..vera¡e systM c) Stora drain.,e 8.)"Øte. '" RESOLUTION ffl PLANNING CONMISSION CITY OF CAMPBKtL~ CALIFORNIA BE rr RESOLVEDi by the City or Campbell Plamd.ng CCllllllissioD in regu1.. 88t1D¡ aaaemb1.ed on the 3rd day ot November, 19$5, that 8814 Camm1as10n does h8r8by pI"Opoee certain amendmenta to the Zoning 0rd1n8DØI, Ordinance No. 43, and to COJ181d8r aa1d proposed amendment-A in the manner preecr1bed by 1811, which proposed ~ta are !.II toUOWSt An amendment to Sectional D18tr1c't 18 ot the Zoo:1ng Map of campbeU 80 U to recla8sif'y certain property owned b¡ S. Pre8t.1.giaocII r.rœ an R...1 soning to a C-1-S zoning as defined in Ordinance No 0 43, a8 8Ilend8d or said Ci t.y J 881d property be1n¡ more particularly described .. tollOWllI All that real property situate in the county of Ssnta Clara, State ot C8l11'- amia, de8cribed 88 toJ.lowSI BmINNING at . ~t in the W88ter17 line of S8I1ta Clara-.Loø Gat08 Road. di8tant t..b8reo8 South CO 301 We8t 40.8$ teet tram a one inch iron pipe ..t at the Sout.h8a8t8rly comer ot Lot 13 of 'lr~ 110 II 96. a Map at vbi.ch 1. recorded in Book :3 of Mape, page Sl. Santa Clara COUIl'ty Reoord8J tbIno8 along .81d West8"q l1D8 or Santa C1ara-L08 Gatoll Road Sou"-b 00 30' W88't 10000 teetJ thenoe BaMb 8~ 301 Ve8t 18.00 teet. to . 1/2 iDob 1roD p1p8 and contt.lPd"l Narth 890 )01 We8t 12$.00 t88\ to a 1/2 inch 1raD p1p8J tbenoe Narth (f' 30' Za8t 10.00 r~J thence Sœtb 8~ )(>1 But 143.00 tMt to the po1Irt 0 t beg1 nni n¡ 0 BE rr FURTHER RBSOLVED, that tb8 P1ann1Ds C'........ ..lon doee h8r8bT Mt . oerta1n t.1.me and pl808 ror a publio hear1n¡ on tb8 II81d propoeed ~t8 at. 11111. time and place any and all per8an8 1.JJte1'uted in u1d ¡r0p088d aau!II1ðuent.a ..,. appear and be heard thereon. which t.1me and plaoe 1.8 88 tol1øw8, to 'Wi. tl At the hour ot 7&)0 P.Mo on the 1st dIq of Deo8nber, 19", in the Fin House. 41 North Central Avenue, Campbell, Cal1t'am1a. BE IT FUR'!' !!ER RFßOL VED, that the Searetary ot th18 Commission be end th8 same is hereby directed to give public notice or the afaresaid hearings b.Y C~1" ~ a notice of each of them to be published in a nenpaper published and circulated in the said Ci t;y of Cæpbello PASSED AND AOOPTED this )rd da¡y of November, 1955, by the !ollaw1ng roll... call vote t NOES t Camni88ionsMU Hyde" 0' Brien!, SolSl"i, Toml1n8m, Logue Commi8sioners ~ None AYW; ABSlDr~T:; Commissioners: Harmon, PrieatJe y /7 /' , ATTF:>T I ~ it71l {/¡£ jJ¡ j/ { Ho Hyde, ~ , APPROVEDað~:ð-- ~. ~~~ 1ròlIIs t.c Logue, r~ . 823 RESOLUTION NO. BEING A. RESOLUTION APpROVING FINAL HAP OP' TRAC'! NO . 2)08; ACCEP'110 THi A VEliUEBAMD DIU V£8 : AUTHOR- IZING 1'HE Clft tNGINEER AND CI'J;Y CU:RI TO BIG. THE FINAL NAP; AND AUfHORIZI.a AGREê~NT IN CONNECtION 'fa ERÐ!!, H . - , ? ,,0 f Z 1 / : I\; '- u,. WHEREAS, there ha. been pre.ented to the C1t, Council tor approval and tor author1zat1on to record a tinal map ot Tract No. 2)08, being a portlon ot the I. E. t ot S. E. t Seotlon 21 Town- ahlp 1 South, Range 1 We.', M. D. B. 6 M. an. a portlon ot the R. T. Ruoker 8ubdivl.1on, ebowing A.enue. and drlve', and WHEREAS, there haa been pre.entad to the Cltl Council pro- po.ed agreement' tor the oon8truotion ot 1mprovement., 1ncludlng a.enu.., wala, lan.., atreets, drive., roede, aldewalke, ourbe, gutter., .n~ .torm dra1n taol11t1.-, and good and auttlclent bonda have been pre.ented tor the falthful pertormance of .ald work and the oarrying out or sald alree..nts; and .a1d ..pa, agree..nta, and bonds hav1ng been approve. by the Clt7 ~nglneer and 01t7 Attorne,; MOW, THEREfORE. AI: IT HE30LVED, that a8.1d r1na1 Map of' Traot No. 2)08, be and the aa.e 18 herebl approved; and the avenuea and drlve. ahovn thereon be and the 8ame are herebl accepted; and the C1tl Engineer end the Citl Clerk are herebl ~uthorlzed to s1gn .ald flnal Map; and the Ma,yor and the 01 ty Clerk are hereby au thor1&ed to 8Z- eoute the agreement. hereln referred to on behalf of the Clty ot Campbell. PASSED ~~D ADOPTED th1s b, the rollow1ng vote: 5th October day of , 1959, Ana: ,...Alb JIIQ'ne. -.. Weltzel. Pa1roh11d C nu 1'10 llmen NO1!~g : ABSENT: Dèm!)pell-, Rose Councilmen Counoil.en None APPROVED: II7ron L. 'a1rch1ld M8yor A~::: u,. Trevethan Cl~ I, Dorothy~evathan, C1ty Clerk of the City ot Campbell, hereby oertl~~hat the .ttsohed 18 a true and correct copy of' Re8o1utlon No. , passed and adopted a t a régu1ar téllt1ng of the CDlttob:Øloll of the C1 t1 of' ampbell on the dayot , 1959. RESOWTION NO. B2i - BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BY YOR AND CITY CLERK V~St there has been presented to City Council of Campbell an agreement for the construction of roadway improvements beneficial to development of property of ~mer within the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation; and ,mEREAS, the City Engineer has explained the necessity for said agreement, and has recommended the acceptance of same; and vlHEREAS t the said agreement is approved by the City Attorney for the purpose for which it has been offered; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by VIJTARIA 1'~ COJIfANY , be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of Oc \tobe:' , 19.2L., by the following vote: NOES: Councilmen: Mayne] weitzel and Faircb1ld Councilmen: Cè1appell,. Ro.. AYES: ABSENT : Councilmen: N':)l')~ APPROVED: ~yron L. Fairchild Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk I, t t City Clerk of the City of Campbell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed and adopted the 5th day of Oc tc,ber , 19 59 , at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Campbell. City Clerk RESOWTION #196 PLANNING C<MIISSION CITY OF CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of campbell Planning COIIIDission in regular meeting assembled on the 7th day of January. 1958. that certain amendment8 to the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 43, of the City be approved, which said amendments are as follows: An amendment to Sectional District #8 of the zoning map of Campbell 80 as to reclassify certain property owned by Settlmo Prestigiacomo from an R-I Zoning to an R-)"'S and a C....I-S zoning as defined in Ordinance #43 as amended of said City; said property being more particularly described 88 follows: \ (Description of R~3-S Zoning) All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described as fo 11~1s : E.eginning at a point on the Southerly line of Tract No~ 96, Eo R. Kennedy Subdivision Unit No.1? which Map was filed for record in the offic~ of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in BacIk 3 of Maps at Page 51, from which the Southeasterly corner of Lot 11of said Tract. No. 96 bears S 89°30'00" E 280.00 feet; thence along said Southerly line of Tract No.. 96 N 89°30'00" W 680.00 feet to a point; thence S 0°30'00" W 156.00 feet more or less to the Northe'rly line of Tract No~ 2008, said Tract as shown; on that certain map entitled nrrract Noø 2008 Being a Resubdiviøion of Tract No. 1637 Sunberry Gardens Unit No" 2" recorded in Book 8l~ of }\'!aps at Page 21 Offi.clal Reco'rds of Haid Santa. Clara County; thence Easterly along the said Northerly lin<l! of Tr:açt No" 2008 ) 135 feet more or less to the Northe8f>terly CO1:'Iîer of sai.d Tract Noo 2008; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Tract No. 2008~ 288 f~~et more or less to a point on the Northerly line of that certain 9.162 acre trs.ct of land conveyed in the Deed frOOl Parke!' w~ Keith, et ux, to Lyone Rowena Yamamoto recorded in Book 485 of Deeda at Page 586 Official Records of said Santa Clara County; thence Easterly along last said Northerly line 540 feet more or less to a point, said point being on a lin'~ running Southerly from aaid point or beginning, said line being at right angles to the said Southerly line of Tract No~ 96; thence Northerly along the last described line 451 feet more or less to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof described as follows: A strip of land 60 feet wide; the centerline of, which i8 more particularly described 88 follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line of Tract No. 1805 and the centerline of Dunster Drive (60 feet wide) as shown upon that certain map entitled, "Lawndale Subdivision, Tract No" l805ft, recorded 1.1'1 Book 84 of Maps at Pages 39 and 40 Official Records of Santa Clara County, thence from said point of beginning Northerly slong the Northerly prolongation of said Dunster Drive, 290 feet more or less to the Easterly prolol1gation of the centerline of Hamilton Avenue, as shown on that certail1 map entitled, Tract No.. 2008" being a Resubdivision of Tract No.. 1631 Sunberry Gardens Unit No.. 2" re:ordc~d in Book 84 of Haps at Page 21 Official Records of !laid Santa Gls.ra GCUi.lty, Page 2 (Res 1196 (Description of C-l-S Zoning) All that certain real property situate in the City of campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and more particularly described as follows: . Beginning at the intersection of the Southerly line of Tract No. 96 with the Westerly line of Santa Clara-Los Gatos Road aa said Tract and Road are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 96 E.. R. Kennedy Subdivision Unit No.1" recorded in Book 3 of Maps at Page 51 Official Records of said Santa Clara County, said point of beginning being also at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13 of said Tract No. 96; thence from said point of beginning along the said Southerly line of Tract Noo 96 N 89°30'00" W 241.00 feet, S 0°30'00" W 60050 feet ancl N 89°30'00" W 250.00 feet to a point on said Southerly line of Tract No. 96; thence Southerly along a line parallel with said Westerly line of Santa Clara- Los Gatos Road S 0030'00" W 451 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly line of the 9..162 acre tract of land conveyed in the Deed from Parker W. Keith et we, to Lyone Rowena Yamamoto recorded in Book 485 of Deeds at Page 586 Official Records of said santa C1a ra County; thence Easterly along said Northerly line of the lands so conveyed to Yamamoto 470 feet more or less to the said Westerly line of Santa Clara-Los Gato~ Road; thence Northerly along last said Westerly line N 0°30'00" E 335 feet more or less to a point, said point being at the intersection of last said Westerly line with the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of the lands of Tidewater Associated Oil Co., said lands as shown on that certain map entitled "Record of Survey for Tidewater Associated Oil Coo" recorded in Book 70 of Maps at Page 38 Official Records of said Santa Clara County; thence Westerly along the said Southerly line of the lands of Tidewater Associated Oil Co. and its Easterly prolongation N 89030'0091 W 143.00 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said lands of Tidewater Associated Oil Co.; thence N 0030'00" E 135.00 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence along the Northerly line of said lands. of Tidewater Associated 011 éo~ and its Easterly prolongation S 89030'00" E 143.00 feet to the said Westerly line of Santa Clara-Loa Gatos Road; thence Northerly along last said,Westerly line N 0°30'00" E 40.85 feet to the poiu&:. of beginning.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Commission does hereby certify that it bas given public notice and held hearings and- done all., lother ' things required by law with respect to such reclassification and amendment to Ordinance #43. _. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Coamission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Campbell that an Ordinance be adopted amending Ordinance, #43 of the City of Campbell so as to make effective such recommended change in classification. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1958, by the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: Commissioners: Hyde, Solari, O'Brien, Tomlin.on, Harmon COIIIDissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: Salice. APPROVED: L. W. Harmon, Chairman ATTEST: lerk ~n' 1\TpC\rn,.- ~p¡,...,...P-t't' ~P('-rPt',A""V P..-~ 'T'pmnnr:" RI!ìOOLtJTIOø lIto PLA NN 1lÐ coøass 10 N em OF CAH ~æLL, CALIFORNIA WIŒR1US, the City Cotmcu, by .Re8olution &1 adopted on the 8tb. dq of Apr11, 19S7 J referred the app11cat.ion ot Me881'8. DAhl and Preat1g:lacCIDO to the C1V Plann:lqJ Conmi8a10n for the purpose ot having aaid P:larJniDC Camdse1on make a report thereon, NQ\v" BE rr RESOLVED, 1tr the Cltq' of CampbeU Planning Cœai$e1on in regular meetJ.n¡ assembled on the 2nd dq ot MI\v, 19S7, after hav1Dg reconaideJ:ted tbe application ot Heaar8 è> Dahl and Prestigiacomo, that. said Comuission does hereby report 8.8 .follow a 1 Q Pursuant 'to wr1-tte11 request. recelwd 1w sai.d Co'!m1881on on the .»th day 01: April, 1951, from Sett.i.mo Prestig1acolDO, that ù1 property owned by' Settimo Prestigiacomo be withdrawn hem consideration for re-zoning at this time, it is recø.'TiOODded that your honorable Council abandon all proceedings relating to t.he property cf said Pnstigiacamo" 2 ~ It is reoomroonded that the lands of J ~ !{" Dshl, more pDJ.--t1eularly described as follmm: (BEOXmmm at andlroad spike driven flush in the center l1œ of the Los Gatos and Santa Clara Roed and in the ae ction line between Section 26 and 27 J Township if South Rsnge 1 l1Ì~&"t, H..DeN. at e. point dtst,am. Sooth 288 .288 £e~t .from the unt!ergrou:ndœonumen't at the one...q~~r section colonar batween aaid SeCt1oDS 26 and 27, anid point of beginr.d.r1g being al8o t.he Southeasterly corner of the 6..$0 acre parcel or la nd conveyed to L I> L" Herr1ll by Deed dated S~er 7 J 1904, recorded September 12 $I 19O4 in Book 282 of Deeœ - ~ge 334:t and £rom which point. ot beg;tnn1ng a ~ x 3" wit.nes$ stake mariced fttJ.P 6- and stmd1ng in the tJestet'l¥ liÞe ot .aid Road. bears West 25 toe~} tbence Westerly along the S~t.her~ line o£ 8æd 6.50 acre parcel lOSSJ.¡42 teet, to a 2" X 3" stake marked "K.S...ct standing at tñø Northeasterly corner òf the 2.244 acre parcel ot land conveyed to John A.. SwaMon by Deed cJated June 24, 1912 aDd recorded July 1, 191.2 in BOOk 367 ot Deeds. page b2-1u thence along the easterly l1nø of .aid 2.. 244 act-e parcel of' land South 0 2h 1 \\feat .376620 teet to a 4" x 48 post sta1'1d1ng at the SoutJ.1,eaet4!lrq ccrœr ot said 2 .24h acre parcel of land and in the S~tMr17 liæ of' the North hal.f of NortbQaet quarter of the Sou iheaat quazotør of Seçt1on 21; thenee aloDg stdd SoutberJ.¡y l1ne Swth 89057' East $18.016 feet to a point distant thereon North 89°,71 West S43 feet from a. point on the section line ot :sa14 Sections 26 and 27 and in the center line ot said Senta Clare. and Los Oatoe Road and !'ran 'Which a 28 x 3:1t w!:t.D8~S s~ ' mØX'ked ";l..P ~ ft end standing in the Westerly line ot 6 nid Road bü&rs ,North 890 $7' 1-Jest 2, teet; thence Northerly and parallel with said section liœ and sa1ð. center l1œ 24S teet; thence parallel 'With the said Southerly line of the rlo1"'th he..lf" of: Northeast quQl'ter o£ tbò Sout.he.ast quarter of Secticn 27, South 89° 57! E~t $43 feet to a point in sro.d section line and sa1d center line distant thereon tJortberly 24S feat frODl the point 91 intersection of same with the 8aid Southerly line of the North halt' ot the Nort..heast quarter or the Southeast quarter of Section 27; thence along said section 11M and said center U1'I8 Nortber~ 131..992 teet to tile po1nt ot beg1ntùng.) $ be placed 1n an R...2..a, R-.3...:3 and C-l..s Zon:I.Dg MS+",-tct as shown on the attached map designated as Exhibit "An.. FÅ.3~~ AND AOOPTED thi8 2nd daar ot May, 19S7, tv the toUOItlng ran cøJ.l YOte: AYES: NOES 2 CODIIIisa1oaers: Hat'mon, Hyde, Pri..t1ey. S&l1ce, Solari, 'ramJ.inson, O'Brien Commi88ionere: 10118 ABSEN'.h Conmiseionere: None APPROVED: Sanœl fJ.. Õt~n. ;'C~4 ,'- An'EST :: I =t~~han l/ City Cf.e~L.. By:ËVë!ÿi1 AåaÎnson, ~Dëputy CitY 'ê1êTk-~ ~-mtarly to thE; point of 1nte:rsectdon tllereo£ With SQid t-Jesterly liœ of the Santa. Cws", Las Gates Road; I"Ut1,D.ng thence along z:dd last named li.'1O, Soumerly to the point of be~;i1r.ri!1;-:;~ a11d bldng a. F-ol-fï1o11 of Sect-ion 27, T. 7 S.ll. l1oJ..þ I1oD..B.. & H. liB ]:J~ F1.ì}¿'l'HBH ræSOL':ÆD, thâ;t; the :f'1.am::d..~g Cornisaicn dœs hB:niby set a ceT'vcln tj.!"'...o ~~nd. p:Lnce go"!, !;, pÜbl~.~ hol1l"lng on the f!aid þ't'opoecd ~n€:lj.fþ:je.n i:.s nt, 'Hhich -j;i!¡¡Ø &1.1<1 p::!.nca anJ' ~md tJJ. PC1.$C;~ ~.l¡;tQreS~GÐd ia"l súid p-t'opoot!d él'Iilendnenta '!J~y !'ippeG.!' t1nd be hear-d the~'Cún, '(;5,~:tch -(,',;",K: t1r!.~? p1<:'.(\0 :ts as .:tollcJtO's" .to~¡r¡t: Jki:: 'th1) hC'i.:2l' of 7;.30 P.L. on Xhu;:'a~.. the 7th d8.v or Fébl~, 1951. i.n tha City HsJ.lì' '¡-5 I'~o:c'ä: C~;;..î to"l!il f~ "V'(!!),U,O þ Cf1.mPb>í:Ùl J Ocli.torn1a. lli: III' li'r:Irlm~J\ fîEf3OT,lfED. the.t tbe SGcrcr(¡~J of this C~ds&:!.o:u be ~I;.d the ðarœ :ts h0~':'e¡17 ctiJ.'cct'xl to give public notice of: the af'ore~d 1"..etlri,r.tg i;Iy' cli'.'l1f!.:tng (l no'~i(~ of: ~:t, to be ptibliah'::;!d 1.11 tì. r~¡'!s?~Zp$i" published tmd circu1e:t.ed in the s.sic1 C:tt;y' of!: Cttîì1:Jbe:lJ.. PJ\SSED lUD .i~DC':[~rED "his 20th d:~t or Decœ:lber,. 1956, by the fbl1(¡,,'~ing 1}o1.1 œ11 'ttcrt:e~ f:~Yl;¡) r Cor:!:'i ::. [lÞ"l. Œ1.(r!~¡j c LQ~ueþ 01 B1"iSlþ 1'3."'ÍoP'tJ..Gy, Sola..."'"i þ l.ï:œJj..11~Onþ H;y-œ NOBS: Ca::nissiorw.s.1Ð1 NOl1Q ADSEî?f ~ COî~imtss:ì.Œl~l"~ = HÞ1l"Ei¡:ni. þ.,'l1.tO1tßD; JI. ~.ILI519.t c~ '"' 111 ..._~.- A'I~rES~ : r: ~ v1. ~.;uon, SGera~ .. , By- " u ~ 'fa-' J ~",,-- .,-~'bit'.,~,..~- .:,Vo ~ L!'11.S0nþ t'!ßpu: t;y ~.!..~... ~ I lÜßOL{fl'ION 1151 ,PL!.HNING OOl~.ISSION Cl'lY OF CAl4PBE.L.1. CALIFOHNlA Bß IT RESOI.VE.D" by i1.6 Ci:ty or Canpbell Planning COIIIId.ssion in regular t~et:tng 28sembled on t.:\e 7th day of Februory~ 1951. that certain ønendmentl t:) "he Zoning Ordlnf1nc~J ~\-¡'(Hænoe No. h3. of tbe C11¡' be apprOl76d, wM.ch a<.:..:l.d amenctnents a.¡'a 3.6 f'C}).17iß: Au arœfldment to SHctT,Gi1.'::ìl Dist.zo1ct 18 of the Zon1.Dg Map of Caæpbell 80 aa '('0 reclassti'y c:ertaL1 property OGmed by J. 1-1. Df2hl am S. Prestigiacomo f2"C!'! en R-l zo.."1D t.o :;m H....'2 p..:n.ð a C..l-8 zone as defined in Ordinance Noo 43 au r.nendeá of sÐid Cit;¡;; :>aid!1" oporty beil'.g mo~ particularly described in !{esolu't,ion t!15C ;}c;,:')::ted '-;r 'too Oœ:;>bell n.w.rdr~ CCAili!lisß1on on the 20th ð~J of Dec:Qbc~, 19569 ;~E rf 'i"UTt.r!f "P. :tt'i:~OLVED" t,hat fJaid Camrl.ssion dœs h8Nby certify that. :J:t. h8S givcn pu.W1,c n't:tc~¡ nr¡d h€ld hearings '::.00 dmj;.~ t1ll other things 2'Gq~,:ircd ~r 1s\J \£i,h re:3D<ê';Jt to sv,ch Teclassific3tion end l1":2nc.inent to Crc~lnnnco No. '~J" n¡:¡' ......, "'¡Rf"'T}ê" """'1' ""1' 4' t -d C. i . d "'- by nd '-':.:.J Ll i't. l,~":'¡~ _v:",:.... 'j ::_'~ ",',3 8u.a. 00!Il SEl.O;l oos Here reco~ r,') '~he Cit,v GO\~!K:1ï. c,:' t." C:1:t,v of'. C;:¡,lObeU that an O:"din::u"1c.'C b~ c.doptec1 -,"~";,'{'l.'r~:~ OU1>n"'i"" ,-, 1r'" ':;n } -~ ,..,,' ",;", 01." ^J'7' _of' C,"""""-p11 'iO "f) to r'<;"1'e r""'1~.<:\,""~,1¡-:-e ""'--""'t:;> .'..-,I.~",_"y.,-.. ..... '" - """¡..IJ~_'_"""" ",.'--. ......"'---, E'11c.l) recormr.ended C¡¿,~lge~n CL\S3i.fic~tion. PASSED AND f.T:r)PT~;J t.:'18 7th dBy or Feœx£...7, 1957, by the follOidne; roll c all vow: AYES: Ca.:miss:t..onc::rs Z Harmon, f\yde~ Prieatle~'. S8l1ce~ Solari, Tomlinson, O' Brien NùgS: Co;œriö s1 (;I11.;>,.S : NOM ABSENT: CaJ1!ID. 8oi'OnÐI'S: None APPROVED: SmÎmal lJ. 0' Men, Chai ri~nr.. ---- AT'I'ßST I D2¡'O'U~ Trevethan, City Clerk ~eoretuy ~- . ByrÍ\.~!~LA~'â;~. ~ ~~~~ .,/ ,.', I RESOLUTION f} 1S6 PLANNING CCHaSSION C I TV 0 F CAMPB ELL , CAL I P'ORN IA BE 1'1' RESOLVED. by the City of Campbell Planning Commission in regular meeting assembled on the 17th day of December. 1957. that said COIIIDiaslon does hereby propose certain amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance ~3 t and to consider said proposed amendments in the manner prescribed by la'~, which prop(;:.ci:~d amendments are as follows: An amendm~".¡' to SectioTUL, District 18 of the zoning up of Campbell so as to recla:.8,~ fy certain pë-op,~rt:y owned by Settimo Prestigiacomo from an R-I Zoning ,,\) "in R-3-S and aC..l-S Zoning as defined in fr.:dinance /143 as amended ,;:rf sait., C ty; 8aid pT('perty being more particularly described as follows: DESCRIPTION (R-3-S Zoning) All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell. County of Sants. Cla,r'.f!, State of California, and more particularly deacribed as £0 1 lows ~ Beginning &t a point on the Southerly line of Tract No. 96. E. R. Kennedy Subdivision Unit No.1. which Map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, in Book 3 of Maps at Page 51, from which the Southeasterly corner of Lot 11 of .aid Tract No. 96 bears S 89°30'00" E 280.00 feet; thence along said Southerly line of Tract 1'10.96 N 89°30'00" W 643.85 feet to a point; thence S 0°30'00" W 156..00 feet more or lea. to the Northerly line of Tract No, 2008. said Tract a. shown; on that certain map entitled "Traet No. 2008 Being a Resubdivision of Tract Mo. 1637 Sunberry Gardens Unit No.2" recorded i~ Book 84 of Mapa at Page 21 Official Recorda of said Santa Clara County; thence Easterly along the said Northerly line of Tract No. 2008, 135 feet more or le,s to the Northeasterly corner of .aid Tract No. 2008; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Tract No. 2008, 288 feet more or less to a point on the Northerly line of that certain 9.162 acre tract of land conveyed in the Deed from Parker W. Keith, et ux. to Lyone Rowena Yamamoto recorded in Book 485 of Deeds at Page 586 Official Records of said Santa Clara County; thence Easterly along last said Northerly line 515 feet more or less to a point. said point being on a line rvnning Southerly from said point of beginningt aaid line being at right angll~8 to the said Southerly line of Tract No. 96; thence Nor'therly along th. laeè described line 451 feet more or le8s to the point of beginning. DESCRIPTION (C-l-S Zoning) All that certain real property situate in the City of C~bel19 County of Santa Clara, State of California and more particularly described u followa: BegirmiDg at the intersection of the Southerly line of Tract No. 96 with the Westerly line of Santa Clara-Los Gatos Road as said Tract and Road are shown on that certain map entitled "Tract No. 96 E. R. Kennedy Subdivision Unit No.1" recorded in Book 3 of Maps at Page 51 Official Record. of said Santa Clara County, said point of beginning being a180 at the Southeasterly corner of Lot 13 of said Tract No. 96; thence from said point of beginning along the said Southerly line of Tract No. 96 R 89°30'00" W 241.00 feet, S 0030'00" W 60.50 feet and N 89°30'00" W 280.00 feet to a point on said Southerly line of Tract No. 96; thence' Southerly along a line parallel with said Westerly line of Santa Clara- Los Gatos Road S 0030'00" W 451 feet more or le.. to . point on the Northerly line of the 9.162 acre tract of land conveyed in the Deed &08 Parker W. Keith et ux, to Lyone Rowena Y8JD8lDOto recorded in Book 485 of ,; \: j Deeeta at Pal. 586 Official Recorda of 8&id Santa Clara County; thence luterly a1on& .aid Northerly line of the lands 10 conveyed to Y~to Soo feet more or 188s to the said Westerly line of Santa Clara-Loe Catos Road; thence Northerly along last .aid Westerly line If 0030'00" I 335 feet 1IOt'. or 1... to a point, said point be ins at the interaection of last laid Weaterly line with the baterly prolongation of the Southerly line of the laneta of Tidewater AI.ocated Oil Co., aaid landa .. show on that certain map entitled "Record of Survey for Tidewater Associated Oil Co." recorded in Book 70 of Mapl at 'age 38 Official aecorda of 8d.d Santa Clara County; thence Westerly along the said Southerly line of the landa of Tidewater Aslociated 011 Co. and it. lasterly pro10Dptiora N 89°30'00" W 143.00 feet to the Soutbwe8ter1y corner of ..id landa of Tidewater Aa.oc::iated Oil Co.; thence. 0°30' 00" I 135.00 feet to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence along the lIortherly line of ..id taneta of Tidewater A..ociated 011 Co. aDd ita Eaaterl)' prolongation S 89°30'00" E 143.00 feet to the laid W..ter1y line of Santa Clara-Loa Cato. Road; thence H~rtherly along taat ..id W.sterly line R 0030'Oœ' E 40.85 feet to the point of begbminl. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Cœmia.ion doe. hereby let a certain time and place for. public hearing on the said propoeed amencbents at which time and place any and all per.ons i_rested in ..id proposed amendments may appear and be heard thereon, which time and place i. .. follows, to-wit: At the hour of 7 :30 P.M. on Tue8day, the 7th day of January, 1958, in the Council Chambers. City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell. California. BE IT FURTRml RESOLVED, that the Secretary of thia Coami8aion be and the same is hereby directed to ¡1ve public notice of the afor..aid h.aring by cau8ing a notice of it to be publiahed in a newspaper publiahed and circulated in the aaid City of C8mpbe1l. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of December, 1957, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COIJIDi8lioners: HanaoD. Hyde. Pr1e 8 tJ..ey, Sal1ce, Solari, O'Br1.ern NOES: Commissioners: NODe ABSENT: Commissionera: T oml1n 8011 APPROVED: S&>.nH'!;' ,'j '(I 1 Briel":, ,";, ¡ :~" .,. ., (Wi" ,-;;::: : :.:: ",: .;, ",¡. .""L.. .' , <: ,",/:n-, '- ¿ c. J::c:..'. ',./ ,t- ":.ìf;J,...:._~._- " " O:;vçj,}1,;cð,;",'j,'>"Y' \:'~i}'~',' Gle1:k ,/ -2- Re~. (j 194 I .A ~ 1a&un0i øo. 417 II1!fC  uscurn. un&I18 181 ...OID QWIIi:I or 281 " '1BI1AIIL-taIIftGIM8I) r..nn TO '1U CIft rt.A8D1G CCI8IUIIOR roa JUl.'DlII ftUDt. \IIIal... cbe app11ut1oa of 1Ie8a... to D8h1 .. 'n8~ for -... of -- of tb.ei~ Mid 'J.'0P8zoc1.. c.. - nplady for beøt.Q¡ 'baJon .. ell)' eou.L1 of City of. Callpbel1. .', WBBIIAI. .. City eo.eU. &1.. . M1 ~ thueoa. ... &fter ~ .. ........ 8\\cI 8&at--.U of tbe appl1c;:eat8 ad ,........ ,.t_tta¡ .. ,.,.- oh8nþ . aadl ad --_-a *1: the ,..,.", chaa&-. 1no1u41. the 41'" at ofacl:M". *ataeÞ. .. V8 0,1 the p1:'OpUtJ COD~1at:.', .. the df_c. theÞof oa rea1c1ct!.al Ø8M in ..,.,..... ... 8bøu14 høe 6ø:daer 00081....1- by De Cc r 1,8ÂOI\. !lOW. ftSIll'OU . sa 11' IIIOLftD 'by the Ctt:J CouDt:U that tbe ..,Ucatloa At.. ,~.. ~. of 80M be .d the ... 18 he_, refened Nck to dU8 CLef '1811d. C~.doa. for 6øtberG...1_.tioft .. auch aôd1ti.øø&l J'þcan8G48tioa to the Couacl1 .. ..,. be Wft'aated.. PAlIn .AD MWrD d'd.a 8th day of Apá.l. 1957 II by the fol1cnÅQ1 vote: AYES: )lOll: Co\a\otl..u Fairchild, Morton, Rose, Schmidt, Chargin CouDd.188ø.: N one Al811T: CcNacl1Mn: None Aft 1tØftÐ ; AftISt : " , John M. Ch. DO.~. Trevethan J C y h "'" \.1 i-' 11.1:\ \u. j\ h":,,.ì,;\ AL'flltl,l/I.\" ',\i,; I'!l.\ \.iF ," ¡'"", ,I .\;.i)lii.~\U !']j'Y CL",th. --""""-..-,--.-- - ""-----.--. - --. _.. ¡. ,J:'. j~.1 L liP T,:' h;.:- nf'en f;fet'~'lJtf'd tu tl... ¡'il\ (,IIUI1(1] " r C;dti¡'¡Je I J (In lJ! fPo .,.0 I , j 1'.) f 1 11;-' ¡('rJt-trl (jill:; ,,1' f(li1.dw; y ¡'t'!'fOYf'H'nt¡,- bp,nfJf,l(i¡ ] ( " ,jl'\pI,qid;",¡1 or ;T'IJIPrt,\ t)f . i", , {., r \'"i t h t, h,' 'j ! .v qf ';allil>!t>"ll t a 11'1 ¡ n ] (' 1 pi. I ',)rporat jOB; dnll ' ',i,;,,\t t \ ,~' , i 1 \' ¡',I ![jnf'f'f 1'1;'11:- "X:! I d i I I'd I I ¡ f' IJéCP~;",jtv j (I r ,-, i ! ,. L'I"'¡ " I¡,' I!;' ,- 1'1'( 0" , ': if'" 1.1 p ;1 C('P !,( ,', I' ('/- ¡ I f ,.;: ,cl;l<"; " ';\1 ." " , ! I ,. ..:rt i j rl:.: rpt',¡""¡ll is Hppf(ì'/~d !,\, the \'jtv AttonH1Y f'l r I Ii I' I' r ¡,I". I' t ; r iA ¡ ¡, i I t !);-\ I-' t","PII I)ffpre,J; IIOh, ttJi,:rpfurp, Ii L 1 r it .. " '.' ¡ V I, , 1. t I;¡ 1 1,1'1' é.lL:fP,',"n1 ¡ Ire .sent p(j ¡J,y JouglHB U j l Co. f CCi I i fornj " c: \I r ¡ (J I' ,t jon, . f' d lId t I If' sa/we I .., ~)ereby , 11 lid that t I, :: v () r ;in,¡ C it \ i If'rk he it II t L, J l' ¡ zed to i:t (.c.. , ' t . ~" \ ,> { I. I tiP 1.1', ¡,..! , J f I)f t II" í j tv ,.1' C¡Ii ¡pt)('!l. 1 -i. ,".II " .. ,: , ji, I t ! I i - ,L; \ ..-- " I' "~----"'---_.- -...,-, 1 (i:-¡ fJ , t f ,. : J rl( 1 :, \ ' , ¡ ,. : ,~ I , , " . , f¡ I j; i ! j I,,' r, , "I,' t , F,,: ,\ u I,: I , , , Ii I ' i I [I " , A. II , . 1'0 \J' I ( I f. \ t t I U \ / --- . ..' I I . ..""...#-,. 'iJ'~~;f7~~ ~ £ ~-- ,/ "'.:'0', ,I,<-'YII r '-- ~' r ' ,,- , I' r- :,' J -£- -Cf l -;'," <. ' -I' ~.. ( '/' " . .. .. I RESOLUTION NO. 316 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEED TO HEAL PROPERTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES WHEPEAS, TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, a Delaware Corporatio~ has tendered a deed of certain real property for road purposes to City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, and l¡JHEREAS, the acquisition of said property is at no cost and expense to said City, and the said land is reasonably necessary for road purposes, NOW, TH¿REFORE, BE IT HESOLVED that the said deed from TIDEWATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, a Delaward Corporation, be and the same is hereby aocepted and that the City Clerk be, and she is hereby authorized to record or cause to be recorded the said deed with the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED this lðth th day of June , 1956, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Councilmen: Arends, Fairchild, Rose, Chargin Councilmen: None AB.3ENT: Councilmen: Morton APPROVED: John M. Char~in Mayor ATtf¿;ST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk I" Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk of the City of Cærpbell hereby certify that the toregoing is a true and correct copy of ResolutiQn passed and ado~ted at a recular meeting of the City Council of the City of Campbell on the 18th day of June" 195ó. 1 ~ ~ ~'7 . ,,-..,.' / . / '..".. ~--;/{£<.<-<. t7tc--'-C ""l1lI .... ... llKSOUJTION #500 CITY COONCIL CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA WHERFAS. the Planning COI8Iis.ion of the City of campbell, california did by a.solution 4196 adopted at a resular meeting of said Ccmais.ion held on the 7th day of J81't\Jary, 1958. after baving followed the procedure speci- fied by law, approve certain amendments to Ordinance fJ43, the Zoning Ordin- aDce of the City of Campbell, and did adopt the same 8. amendments to the Ma.ter Plan of said City, and did recOlllDflnd that the City Council of the .aid City adopt said proposed amendments, which proposed amendments are.s fo llowa : An 888ftdœent to Sectional District ~8 of the Zoning Map of campbell so as to reclas'ify certain property owned by Sett1mo Prestigiacomo from an R-l Zoning to an &-3-S and a C-l-S Zoning as defined in Ordinance '43 a. amended of ,aid City¡ aald property being more particularly described in a..olution 1196 adopted by the Campbell Plannin& Cœ8Di..1on on the Yth day of January, 1958. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said Council of the City of Campbell at a recular _eting a...bled on the 13th day of January. 1958. doe. hereby ,et a certain t1aae and place for public hearing on .aid amendments, at Which ttme and place any and all persODS interested therein may appear and be heard thereon, which time and place is a8 follows, to..-.;.¡it: At the hour of 8 :00 P.M. on Monday, the 27th day of January, 1958, 1n the City Hall, 7S North Central Avenue, Campbell; California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the City Clerk of said City be and the same i8 hereby directed to give public notice of the afor..aid hearing by causing a notice of aaid tw~g to be published 1n a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in said City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of January. 1958. by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNC ILMEN : Fairchild, Morton, Rose. Schmidt. Chargin NOES: COUNCIlMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None APPROVED: Jõim M . cbãrii n » Me Y or ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan. City Cí8rk ", ' [ ~ ~,' , 4bA NOnèE , , >, ' Jt " " , ,~~';:?¡! !,:t,;:¡.j.;bt~;, . ORDINANCÉ NO.1. PEAUÑG ALL OTHER OR- Pea1e<l , >',',' , ' '" AN ORÐINANCE-cOF TIlE CITY DINANCES OR PARTS OF SECTION3.Thèex t. rior OFCAMlÞBELL, COUNTY OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT bouridarie$ of Sectional District SANTA CLARA, STATE OF 0 HEREwITH" BEING ARTI. No. 8of the Zoning Map of the ~~~, O~~ ~G ~O~ '~~: ~Z g!~r:~~le;tl;o~d~~' , NO. 43 OF SAID CITY, BY VISION REGULATION" OF Map to Sectional District Maps, AMENDING THE "ZONING ' , Zoning Map of the City of MAP OF, THE CITY OF CAMPBELL M U N I C I PAL CampbeU" , which' said Index, CAMPBELL", WlDCH $AID CODE. Ma.() ,was adopted as a portion MAP CONSISTS OF CER- The City Council of the City of ,OrdJnance No, 43 of the said TAIN"SECTIONALDIS. of Campbell does' ordain as fol- City of Campbell on the 16th TRICT MAPS OF THE CITY lows: " , \ day of N'ovember 1953, together OF CAMPBELL" AND AN SECTION 1. Sectional'Districtwith any amendments' which "INDEX MAP' TÒ SAID SEC- No.8 of the Zoning Map of the may have hereafter been made, "TIONAL DISTRICT MAPS, City of Camþbell, which' said which said Index Map to Sec- SAID ORDINANCE NO. 43 map was adopted as a part of tional District Maps is' referred I BEl N G AN ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 43 of said, City, to in Section 19:84 of said Or- ADOPTING A ZONING OR togther with any ammendments dinance No. 43, DISTRICI1NG PLAN FOR thereto, is, hereby' changed and PASSED AND ADOPTED this SAID CITY WITIDN WHICR amended. by substituting, for 3rd day of June, 1957, by the C E R T A I N REQULATIONS Sectional District No.8 as shown City Council of the 'City of SHALL BE IN EFFECT RE. on, ~id Dl.a~; .~ amended, a new Caínpbell, California, by the fol- IATING TO TIlE USES OF Sectional Dlstnct No.8, a map lowing roM call vote: LAN DAN D BUR.DINGS, of whiCh said Sectional District AYES Councilmen: Fairchild, HEIGHT LIMITS OF BUR.D- is atta~be4 hereto a,nd entitled Morton, Rose, Schmidt, Chargin INQS, AND YARDS AND "Amendal"Sectional District No. NOES: Councilmen: None ,0 THE R 0 PEN SPACES 8 of thÆoning Map of the City' ABSENT: Councilmen: None '. A B 0 U T BUILDINGS: RE- of Campbell." APPROVED: QUIRING THAT ,CERTAIN SECTION 2, Sectional District JOHN M, CHARGI, N .ÆRMlTS SHALL BE SE- No.8 as shown upon the Zoning Mayor' CURED. fOR CERTAIN OF Map of the City of Campbell as ATI'EST: S U C H BUR.DINGS AND the same wasadoptetd as ~ part DOROTHY TREVETHAN, USES: DEFINING CERTAIN of Ordinance No, 43, as amend-, City Clerk TERMS USED ~IN: RE- ed, of, said City is hereby re- Pub. 'June 6, 1957 ' SECTIONAL' DISTRICT MAP ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBEll COUNty OF SAN~ACLARA,STATE OF CALFORNA THIS MAP CONSTITUTES SECTIONAL DISTRICT NO. . OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITV OF CAMPBELL, ' COUNT'( OF MNTA CLMA,STATE OFCALFORNIA. TIIS MAP crouøPoNDS TO THE tNOEX MA!,- OF SECTIONAL OIITRICT MAPS AND AMENDS SECTION 11184 OF ORDINANCE NO. 45 OF THE é,TV OF CAMPBELL 8V' AMENDING SEqloNAL DISTRICT MAP NO.8 OfF THE ZONINI MAP , OF THE CITY OF CAMPIELL, COUNTV OF' ¡ANT A CLARA, , STATE OF. CALIFORNIA. . ., ' , , 0 '" INDEX MAP TO SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS THE zorINe MAP OF THE CITY CAUl lEU., COUNTY OF -.r A CLARA, STATE OF CAW." 111~""- ........... Oft IAIII.- I:. ~a:,'="'t'!::I: ~O.=-If, ~'... If Co"""" Þr cin88Al¡ ""0_"'" NO.80t.........., f/I ......... III8ÞIct ...,. If lilt z.... ... of lilt cø, If ....... " .¡r............. : . .......... ...... . ' . . . : 8 \! ¡ I' . .. :n-- -, ,. .1- .... --- ~ -DelIo'.. Di.tric' ~d.,. 8'i... I. Sec'IOIII9'82 ud ".13.. , ~ 110.43.- -'".at till cø, of c..pøu. R,., R~I " '. " ,,','h,:. " ,0, .'.. ",' , \. RESOLUTION NO. 749 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY CLERK TO ACCEPT OR RECORD DEEDS AND CONVEYANCES TO BE RECORDED. t-mERFAS, CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal Corporation, finds it necessary from time to time to acquire real property or easements there over for public purposes, and, WHEREAS, the practice of adopting resolutions authorizing the Clerk to accept such conveyances as they occur is impractical and burdensome, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Campbell that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized to accept all deeds and conveyances to the City of Campbell and to record and cause the same to be recorded. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1st day of June, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chappell, Mayne, Rose, Weitzel, Fairchild NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Myron L. Fairchild Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk I, DOROTHY TREVETHAN, City Clerk of the City of Campbell, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution #749 passed and adopted at a regular Council Meeting held on the 1st day of June, 1959. Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk June 2,1959 Recorded Book 4509 - Page 180, Santa Clara County Records. RESOLUTION NO. 8~ - BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BY MAYOR AND CITY CLERK vffiEREAS, there has been presented to City Council of Campbell an agreement for the construction of roadway improvements beneficial to development of property of ~mer within the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation; and ~~EREAS, the City Engineer has explained the necessity for said agreement, and has recommended the acceptance of same; and vTHEREAS, the said agreement is approved by the City Attorney for the purpose for which it has been offered; now, therefore, W'IftIlUJ. BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by DfQ8fII8ff 0GICN.Irf , be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Ii. day of oe.ber 19 59 , -' by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Cbappel1, lI8:J1te, ...., ~¥'lt...lþ ,atroh1W NOES: Councilmen: ... ABSENT : Councilmen: It')M APPROVED: Itr~ L. hiHøiM Mayor ATTEST: .... - tftve tban City Clerk I, , City Clerk of the City of Campbell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed and adopted the day of , 19 , at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Campbell. ¿ 'fß2. ' f. ~ . -v<-c ~ j City Clerk ""d,",>'" , '",..,~,:" r '/,."",'1' N, 1 Co'!"'C ,,'e."'..I:, U. '-è"'d~."", --" :.1 Jh jþ /' /æ ""'/'" " "" C j ty COUll' j 1 ~-: ,I, ¡ Y ole am pi) e 1. 1 Cðrnpt)('IL, Cal,lfnir!!,:, {p; Pell,¡u'iIO!'¡¡;'".n '1'li!". nf \\,'[.,Ia;;" I. '"i:"",!! ';"'~i.);, " '",': '. j (am I-,.f. <' t ) r '_'<"n -I: , L, ;) ~ " Gen t 1 pawn' Thl'"i off¡('t> ¡i'pr'e,..ents S Prf"'ti!" PreSlJu;¡a ')n1i, "HIU l;)¡ t!¡i,'¡C Lei..,tl Body fc'r' 3, i:1Ü,r'lnf" in T'c-tatic;f\ ma t tel' . ., ,-; 'II 0 a!!'-~ Hf'a!¡'¡c,~' P" I l. t ¡ ~ ,v:..) ¡" i' d'>!101)blt', , , , ., é>,:',O\ e-.; ¿ J;i, ¡ OTICd As you ar,~ "war'"" (h.:' 1'¡"...;1i.".Jil.;O;1ìU" -'0](; i,i.PPT't)X,/IìHlc:ly ten (10) acr,,"" or iani :5¡\.U_,\ 111 Uv,' CllI of C1"npbr, I 1 I",: subdj\ld(;f' Hu...'ard H'Jlh, Jr. '.fi ,'"pnti.Y, ',Iv' PI ',tq~l3.("omo~ re,c.;erved a portion of their' L.l!J<I-; ¡\ ¡..:orl ¡on ') tile boundar) of the land... ~old and ttH> bO;JIHi¡:u:, ,J tLp land'-: re"c~r",od W¡'('I' establi;-,;hed by SUC\(~)' along 1h(, H,cunllté¡rJ .I\\E'nu' ExtHnsion Plan Une. A~ a material tnducemerd ~'or Ujf~' "<11e al)d the r('~('rvatjon In thE' manner' af'oresatd, lilr', Hu~,n f't'pr'('" ,ntc,çl thai \1ü ..ould ~ul) dIvide ;:.¡nd cip.di(""te the la11ds puf.,'Ìi;.\.-;üd in accDrdance with c.;aid Plan LITle, 1i1E:,,'pby llldÌ<:in¡' Fr,",1Ir"¡')" ¡PI"'" r.'..;nr,üd laneL' "Olltlg"U\l., to ò 'Je",;loj>',l ¡l~,mi¡',,! À\<cnUt! '-<-;!]'," through Ru tJ1 t_::"'...2.uÌ!~!.l.,~:_~:,~gD~, .;.1Œ~~l.~~_!:.!L,!- t. r.k P J"\è S t j i a(:9m()'Ï~gr~~~,<:i,i.!..LL, ~';~Ä~~-~':.!:~_.~~(2,::iJ~ ,?r.~rl.lprü v ÜIIH? 11 t '.,p 1 ¡:;lC ",-d ,,11ong h1 s ">ou the r 1 \ The Prestigiacomo..; heard nothing further 1f'om Hutt1 or thr: City, except I'll a meelinrc ...-iUI the Engl¡¡epr~~, Offlc9 wlH~re Huth argued he shouldnlt be lpqu,ired to decli(,dte the entire street, and the Pre:-.li.gJa.como.., pl'e"iumed matters \d:'re proceeding a,; agreed. A ~horl time ago, curb of the Hanll ] (3) feet south of rather than along Mr. Prestigiacomo rIoted that the northerl} ton A\'enue exten:;;¡:Ion ...-asbeing in'italled three the southArly boundary of hIS property, the Plan Line contIguous to hlS boundary. Upon investi{ratton, we learned that Hut!'] and hi", \r'l,;t;~r'¡a Inve'5tment C"HrlJ}dny had refu:">f~d to :ìÜd,l"Ò1.P the nortbi:<rly half of Hamilton iinuttiug the/f'r'E--slielaccmo p,-npc,rty unle.,.;,':; the C;¡ty agrfHJd lo'5h:ift ihe ~'èt tl-ll'€H ; ~1 leer. to th<3 sul.Itb to allow Huti! a r""servt':,j buffer è,dr lI~ t),:'t\¡¡i:'\!.!; tiv.. S'd'fH"t an.d tbEJ > City Council Augus t 5. 1960 Page Two Certified Mail propertie~ of Prestigiacomo and T,idewater 011 Company, tberE>by denying these properties access to said street. Attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A" is Wistarials letter to the Council relative to its position. Attached hereto and marked Exhibit "8" i~ a copy of the Wistaria - City of Campbell agree- ment for dedication and reservation of the strip, being your Resolution #822. You ~il] note that the City must pay $10,260.00 for the strip and agrees not to condemn it for less. You will note also that said agreement ~a5 executed as part of the transaction ~herein the City approved Wistariats Final Map. It surely œust have been apparent that the cut-up of the Wistaria lands under said agreement and Jo-inal Map would deny the Prestigiacomo property access to a developed Hamilton Avenue, causing it to be practically valueless as commercial property. It would seem that it would be equally apparent that the proper solution was either an absolute dedication on the entire northerly half of HaMilton Avenue or a purchas~,~^ .....!a.e by the.-9it.rJ.::.rom ~!:_!~~.",.- LJ \."",,\l -------- ,\ Consequently, we view the action taken by the City as either the Cityts intention to immediately condemn this three (3) foot strip to prevent the aforesaid injurious effect on the Prestigiacomo property, or an oversight of the mandate set forth in Sections 9105 et seq. of your Municipal Code and California statutes dealing with municipal legislattve matters of this nature. Therefore, on behalf of the Prestigiacomos, we petition your Honorable Body for immediate relief from the situation through the Cityts condemnation of the three(3) foot strip or alternate appropriate relief, We request that a hearing be granted on this petition as soon as possible before Wistaria proceeds further in the construction of Hamilton Avenue. Please infor. this office of the hearing date set in this .atter. Very truly yours, v.Tled Knos. WATSOW, TBDESCO & SAWGUINKTTI By zJ~ þ. ~ -.) Attorney fo~ s. and Beatrioe Presticlaco80 co: ,Joe Bonacina Tidewater 011 Co. / l ./,. 4:;. ./ .' 'C°..r ,.-, , '>¿ c-/v' SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 14/ California CYprcss +~2828 In reply plcase refer to July 12, 1960 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California Attention: lOX. Carl J. Hortensen Gentlemen: Executed agreement covering service riser pipe for your installation on Hamilton Avenue west of Winchester Road is attached for your files. Sincerely, C. E. GINOCHIO DISTRICT HANAGER By: Lv--h C ~ W. J. C! 0, Supervisor Custome Service vITJC: sa Encl. 6"-4516 7-57 80 pcs, 0 ....RMITTEE {J DIVISION OFFICE 0 ELEC, OPER. DEPT, 0 AGREEMENT COVERING SERVICE RISER PI PE AGREEMENT between PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a California corporation, hereinafter called Pacific, and_..._....,...,....,....,..Qm.Ql...~BELL -.-.....'....------.-.--,--.--.---- -_._...._--_.__-.ill~..Q.§!gpÞ.t.u......9J!J...~tJL~J..!L.__....__..._.m.__._, hereinafter called Permittee: 1. Pacific hereby gives Permittee permission, free of rent and on the terms and conditions herein stated, to install, maintain and use equipment, consisting of a service riser pipe and wires and appliances connected therewith, on the pole which is designated below or on the reverse side hereof or on the sheet attached hereto. 2. Permittee shall install and maintain said equipment at its sole risk and expense in the location on said pole designated by Pacific and up to a point eight feet above the ground level. When making such installation Permittee shall leave such length of conductor at the top of said riser pipe as may be necessary, and shall furnish such other materials as may be required, to enable Pacific to complete the connection to its overhead system. Pacific will make no charge for completing said instaIIation. Pacific will thereafter maintain said instaIIation above said eight-foot level at Permittee's expense. S. In the event Pacific desires to have said equipment rearranged on said pole or relocated upon another pole, Pacific shall at its expense rearrange, or detach and reinstall, said equipment above said eight-foot level, and Permittee shall supply any additional materials required therefor and perform all work below said level at its sole risk and expense. 4. Within thirty days after being given written notice by Pacific to do so, and on condition that Pacific shall have removed Permittee's equipment down to said eight-foot level, Permittee shall re- move the remainder of said equipment from said pole, and at the expiration of said time aII rights of Permittee to use said pole shall cease. If Permittee shall not have removed said equipment from said pole within said time Pacific shall have the right to do 80 at Permittee's riøk and expense. 5. This permission shall not be assigned in whole or in part without the written consent of Pacific first being had. 6. Any notice to Permittee hereunder shall be deemed given on the date of itB deposit in a United States post office enclosed in an envelope, postage prepaid, and addressed to Permittee at last known address. ~::~ :: -:Z~:::_~-. lL~ RISER POLE LOCATION: t~8t. 11422, HaDI1lton AvG11t1e, weat or )¡'1inebester Road, Campbell, as indica tad on the attached sketch. PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY r W+~C_~-'o...... ~'- ::~~~ ~!ILL>r ,,~~'!r SKETCH SHOWING POLE OWED JOINTLY BI THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPAllI AND THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELmR.4.PH COMPANY ON WHICH CITY OF CAMPBELL DESIRES TO INSTALL AN t:tlDEBOROT.1ND SERVICE RISER. ~ À N A Ls/; /~225 C/~J or Campbell ~-.23-~O MQxGon ~ ~ ~ 1'° ~ c ~ bit. ~il ~~~ ~ , HAMIL TON A IE: NO£: ~ ... " SlILS-" S8LS-/I .f.. SGt."'" [User ~ . 67u a d -../ Conf'jurQf/cn . / .Bbg ..rr Pole (þ'" () Joint pole on which customer desires to install an underground riser. Other joint poles for reference onq. All equipment to be installed and maintaL"1ed in contol'lllity' with aU applicable State Law and Local Ordinances. THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Central District Santa Clara Co~ SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Strcct San Jose 1+/ California cy prcss +~£s£s In rcply plcasc refer to June 30, 1960 Wi ~terì tt (met City of Campbell City Hall' Campbell, California Gentlemen: The enclosed agreerœnt covering service riser is for the installation you propose to install on this Company's power pole, located on Hamilton Avenue west of Hinchester Road, Campbell, as indicated on the attached sketch. Please sign all copies of the agreement and return them to this office, and in turn a completed copy will be returned for your files. ~Ne are enclosing an extra copy of the sketch for use by your electrician. Sincerely, C. 2. GINOCHIO District f~nager ()J. ~ ~ By: (~ 1J. J CAl~O, Supervis or Customer Service \vJC: bw encl. æ.l () SKETCH SHOWING POLE OWNED JOINTLY BY THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY AND THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGR.4.PH COMPANY ON WHICH CITY OF CAMPBELL DESIRES TO INSTALL AN UNDEROROtiiD SERVICE RISER. ~ ~ ~ rA° ~ (.,0 ~ øl~ ,il ~~~ ~ . HAMIL ToN A V£ /VUE L\Þ () A N ! £s/; /~225 C /~J or Campbell ~-23-~O MQx.son ... t'-.. .i. S8LS-" S8LS-/% S6L\.<.! . / Riser ~ Pole f/I.or + ~ fiN ø å -.-/ Con f 'jurat/oJ'" ---"--~- Joint pole on which customer desires to install an underground risero Other joint poles tor reference on1y'. All equipment to be installed and maintained in conform ty with all applicable State La1l8 and local Ordinanceso THE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Central District Santa Clara Coun~ , I .. ..a (j~ ¡~} ~I~.tí MAR K THe MAS & c c. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS FREMONT OFFICE lOO NORTH BROADWAY IRVINGTON, CALIFORNIA PHONE OLIVER 6-2992 18 NORTH SAN PEDRO STREET. SAN .JOSE 10, CALIFORNIA. CYPRESS - - 5-2425 MARK E. THOMAS ALDO P. SAVIO HARRY F. AU MACK, JR. JOHN E. FLEMING HENRY O. GILBERT MJV:pJ eo: Howard Ruth, Jr. 01 tJ Engla..J! ot Oampbell SEWERAGE AND SEW...R.. Q..W1. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL c 0 r y November 9,1959 F11e No. 59116 Freeman Paving Co. 220 Lambert Street Palo Alto, Callforn1a Attention: Mr. Thompson Be: Tract 2308, Wistaria Investment Company Gentlemen: You are presentlyln polsesslon of two sets of improvement plans tor Tract 2)08 marked "Eleotrol1er nWlber and location subject to rev1e1on. eto.N The plane have been marked thu8ly beoauøe the 8Ubd1vlder has reQuested a reduction 1n the elec- troller requirement. Th1s request 18 ourrently under Geneldera- tlon and untllit 1e resolved, you are cautioned against ordering or installlng electro11er8 and supporting items 1n Traot 2)08. Slnoe you were about to commence your rough grading opera- tlon, we advised you of the Oity Engineer.s letter of November ,.1959. to Mr. Howard Huth, Jr. of Wi.tar!a Investment Company. Mr. Morten.en 18 presentll preparing a plan Iho1f1ng 'What work the 01ty d.slres in the north halt ot Hamilton Avenue between the easterly limit of Tract 2308 and W1nchelter Road. It is our understandlng that thi. work will include a 29-foot wide l.ot1on ot paving of approxlmately the same design and placed 8ymmetrioally opp081 te the center line of Hamilton Avenue trom the proposed and existing paving in the loutherly half ot Hamil- ton Avenue. Pending fUrther notification from this oftioe Or the 01ty Engineerts otfice, no curb, gutter or sidewalk will be required in the l.ot10n outside the recorded subdivision. Thi. information i8 passed along a. a guide it you commence rough grading prior to reoeipt ot a firm plan trom the C1ty. Inapaction ot work within the Tract and outside of the Tract w1 th1n Hamil ton Avenue w111 be handled by the 01 t1 Engineer'. oftice. Please don't hesitate to call us lt you have any questionl regardinv the above information. Yours very truly. M'~ T~O?t.~ CO. ,-{¡~ '"' ~y, ( ¿úp.cc-<-.J¿JL-l-) \j~~r;yl F. Aumaok. Jr. STRUCTURAL DESIGN SITE DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING WATER WORKS PROJECTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS SUBDIVISIONS LAND SURVEYING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING ~ ... !~ ff /l /1 i: /J; t'ís hr¡ tl- ~ íl 1&11// 'if Noveltber 3.. 1959 Mr. Howard Ruth, Jr. 1540 Wisteria Court toa Altos, Calitornia Dear 1Ir. Ruth I The City Council 1n its .eeting last night directed - to request that you plan on including the pav1ng ot the area dedicated by you to the City in connection with the Vistaria Tract at the 8uet1ae that you pave the reMinder ot the 8treet area within the Trac t . I would appreciate your contacting .. &S early &8 po.8ible to give - your requirement8 aa to further drawings or -.pliticat1on8 ot existing draw- ings in connection with letting the contract tor thi8 paving . The Counoil a180 i8 interested 1n being in- toraed ot any ne80t1ations wh1oh :you 81&ht have w1 th the AS80c1ated 011 CoJlP8lU" with reapect to transferring title and paving ot the three-toot strip i888diately south ot their s.rvioe 8tation. Very truly yours I Carl J. Mortens8ft City!ngineer CJM I JS I Jq:.>t,,-o "'" "". .. 11.S , ~ :)-.. - ~ - t" o~, ,t" ,Ä" .¡1° - . of/' .,' so-" ~"",\ f~~ \ /5'0 - - .'"L- <:) " ._- - ---r '... '" .... " ~ ,. " ~~ ....,~ . - ~- - -C V) I.I/f;""'tr;" ..... ~ . 'è'~ ~~ . .." ~~ "':t \. III HI ~ .. - --, ~ in ........ \.~ ~:t,o \ () 0" ". \ I YO' ~ ~ I ~ì I ~ ~ ~ \J ~ ~ ~ ~ H' IYo I l I i- t 5"~y¿;()' L/ ' ~ P. t1 75"S: Ac. T31 S"¿. t? :P. ðJ 75S:~ ;¡'I1/e-,o :: i /,S";d /Q;tPIf'Zð"<:/ l I"::: 'O A A 1 RESOLUTION NO. 848 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BY MAYOR AND CITY CLERK ~ffiEREAS, there has been presented to City Council of Campbell an agreement for the construction of roadway improvements beneficial to development of property of ovmer within the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation; and vffiEREAS, the City Engineer has explained the necessity for said agreement, and has recommended the acceptance of same; and '{¡¡HEREAS, the said agreement is approved by the City Attorney for the purpose for which it has been offered; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by WISTIRIA I1flIS'l'II1Ift OOIIPANY , be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the Ma.yor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of october , 19~, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chappell.. Jl8:y'ne, Rose.. Weitzel, Fairchild NOES: Councilmen: H'onII ABSENT : Councilmen: None APPROVED: Ihrret'1 L.. ...i1!l.ØbW Mayor ATTEST: Dorotb,.y Trevethan City Clerk I, , City Clerk of the City of Campbell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed and adopted the day of , 19 , at a regular meeting of the City Council of the ity of Campbell. "\ ( ) -', lê--, ~,~'" ,-'\¡V">< ,/- <.'- -, ') ,'"I ~ 'C. ¿ L \~.Þ~ ' r, 8", a ~rf.-Co ~ F 'f..ç: /', .~ RitSOLUTION NO. 823 BEING A. RESOLUTION APd\OVING FINAL MAP O~ TRAC<J: NO. 2)08; ACCEPTING THE AVEHUE~ AID DRIVES: AUTHOR- IZING THE CITY ENGINEER ~,ND C11'Y CLERK TO BIGI THE I'-'INAL MAP; AND AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT IN CONNi:CTION THEREWITH. .-' -: 'ì ) (j - '¡ WHEREA3, there hae been pre.ented to the C1ty Counoil tor appro..l and tor authorization to reoord.. rlnal map or Tract No. 2)08, belng 8 portlon ot the N. E. ì ot S. E. t aeotion 27.Town- ship 7 $outh, Range 1 We.t, M. D. B. . M. and a portion ot the R. T. Ruoker 8ubdlyision, showing a.enuee and drl.e.; and WHEREAS, there has been preeented to the Cit, Council pro- po.ed agreement. tor the oonatruot1on or 1.proy.mente. 1nolud1ng AyenUeS, wa,s, lane.. atree~8. drl.e., roade, s1dewalke, ourbe. guttere, an~ .tOrM draln raol1lt1es, and good and eutriolent bond. ha.e been pre.ented for the ta1thful perrormanoe or ..id wnrk and the carrying out! ot e.ld agree.ente; and 8.1d mapa. agree..nte, and bonde hay1ng b.en appro".. bl the 01', Englne.r .nd 01t7 Attorne,; JOW, THERE"'ORl, AE IT HEaOLV!ì:D, thBt sAid f1.nal Map ot Traot No. 2308, be end the s~me 18 hereby approved; and the avenue. and driv.. shown thereon be end the 8ame .re hereby accepted; And the Cltl Engtneer ønd the G1 '1 Clerk are hereby Authorized to slgn sald i'1nal Map; and the Mayor and the C1ty Clerk are hereby author1zed to ex- acute the agreements herein reterred to on behalt of the 01t1 of Campbell. 5th pA.ag~D lHID ADOPTED this by the follow1ng vnt.: t October day.o . 1959, AYES: Councilmen ~ Mayne, ~ Weitzel, Fairchild Councilmen tbfi~pellJ Rose None Councilmen NOES: A...~8r.r;T : APPROVED: Myron L. Fairchild Meyor ~~ï~ Trevethan C1t1 Clerk I, Doroth~1~eTethan, City Clerk or the C1ty ot Campbell, hereby oert~thRt the sttBched 18 a true and correct cnpy ot Resolution No. . pa8sed and adopted at a regular ~tlng ot the ~~nctl of the C1ty ot ampbell on the dayot ,1959. 8" 8 I A G R E E MEN T -------- Th1. agreement, made and entered into this 5th day of October , 1959, by and between the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a munl- olpal oorporatlon of the State of California, here1nafter d..lgnated a. 'CITY," and FREEMAN PAVING CO., a oorporatlon, herelnafter designated a. 'SUBDIVIDER." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, .ald Subdlvlder deslres to subdivide certain land withln the s81d Clty of Campbell1n accordance wlth the map here- totors flled with the City Council ot the Clty ot Campbell, marked and designated 'Tract No. 2308, belng a portion of the Northeast ì of Southeast tt Seot1on 27, Townsh1p? South, Range 1 West, M. D. B. & M. and a portlon of the R. T. Rucker Subdlvision lying within the Clty of Campbell, Santa Clara County. Californla'; and WHEREAS, sald map shows certaln streets, drlves, avenues, ways, and roadl whlch are offered for dedicatlon tor publlc use; and WHEREAS, said Subdivider delires to construct dwelllngs on the lots ln lald Tract No. 2308; now, therefore, IT 18 HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the parties here- to as follows, to wit: ( 1) In consideration of the approval of sald map and the accep- tanoe, on behalf of the publlc, at all streets, drives, ways, avenues, and roads, offered for dedlcatlon, that the Subdivlder wl1l construct at hls own proper cost and expense wlthln sald Traot No. 2308, 1m- provementa as follows: FIRST: Construct City ot Campbell Standard separate thirty- lnch (30") Portland Cement concrete curbs and gutters, and tour and one-half foot (4;-1) Portland Cement con- crete sldewalks, together with a Portland Cement concrete driveway for each lot, extendlng from the back of the curb through the entlre width of sidewalk.1 follows: On the northerly 81de of HAMILTON AVENUE westerly of lot 1 ot subd1yislon; and ( 1) 8.. 8 H-l On the southerly side ot HAMILTON AVENUE westerly ot Dunster Driye¡ all tor their tulllengths and widths with- in the subdivision. Construct Oity ot Campbell Standard marginal thirty- inch (JO") Portland Cement concrete curb8 and gutters, and tour and one-halt toot (4+') Portland Cement concrete sidewalks, tegether with a Portland Cement concrete drive- way tor each lot, extending trom the back of curb through the entire width of sidewalk as tollows: On the westerly side and all around the circumference ot DUNSTER DRIVE; On the northerly side ot (ANSON WAY. all for their full length and width within the subdivision. Construct City of Campbell Standard marginal thirty- inch ()O") Portland Cement concrete curbs and gutters and nine and one-halt toot (9*') Portland Cement Concrete sidewalks, together with a Portland Cement concrete drive- way tor each lot, extending from the back of the curb through the entire width ot sidewalk a. tollows: On the easterly side and all around the circumference of DUNSTER DRIVE. On the southerly side ot HAMILTON AVENUE easterly of Dunster Drive. On the northerly side of HAMILTON AVENUE fronting Lot 1 of subdivision. On the veøterly 8ide ot WINCHESTER ROAD; all tor their tulllengths and widths within the subdivision. SECOND: Construct City ot Campbell Standard pavement oonsist- ing ot eight-inch (8") compacted untreated rook base with a two and one-halt inch (2i') hot plant-mixed bituminous surtaoe as rollows: On DUNSTER DRIVE, for the full width ot roadway between gutters for the tulllength within the subdivision. Construct City of Campbell Standard pavement oonøist- ing ot eight-inch (8") compacted untreated rock base with (2) 8.. 8 I a two and one-halt inch (2+1) hot plant-mixed bituminous surtaoe on (ANSON WAY, trom the center line northerly to the proposed gutter, tor the full length within the 8ub- division. Construct Ci ty ot Campbell Stands.rd pavement oon- siating at twelve-inch (12") compacted rock subbase and eight-inch (8") compacted untreated rook bas. with a two and one-halt inch (2t') hot plant mixed bituminous lur- tace as follows: On the southerly 8ide ot HAMILTON AVENUE, northerly trom lip ot gutter twenty-nine teet (29'); and On the northerl, side ot HAMILTON AVENUE, southerly trom lip of gutter twenty-nine teet (29'); all for its full lengt- within the Bubdivlsion. Construct City of Campbell Standard pavement oon- sisting ot twelve inches (12") ot compacted rock sub- base, and eight-inch (81) compacted untreated rook base with a two and one-half inch (2t") hot plant-.ixed bitu- minous surtace on WINCHESTER ROAD, aa required by City Engineer and as shown on the approved improvement plana for said Tract No. 2)08. THIRD: Construct compacted Bubgrade, as shown on approved City ot Campbell details, as follQWs: On HAMILTON AVENUE, nineteen teet (19') on each side of center line for itl full length within the subdivision. FOURTH: Construct City of Campbell Standard guard tenoe &1 follows: Across the westerly end of HAMILTON AVENUE; and Across the easterly side of WINCHESTER ROAD aa re- quired by City Engineer and as shown on the approved im- provement pls.nø for said Tract No. 2308. FIrTH: Construct City of Campbell Standard manholes, cat(fh bAsins, storm sewers, and appurtenances to sizes and () 8 8 I grade. a. approved by the City Engineer, and as shown on the approved improvement plans for said Traot No. 2308. SIXTH: SEVENTH: Grade all lots to drain into streets. Provide and inltall City of Campbell Standard monu- mente, monument box.s, "Not a Through street- signa, and install etreet name signe provided by City, as required by City Engineer. EIGHTH: Provide and install City of Campbell Standard elec- troliers where required by City Engineer. NINTH: Provide and in.tall or cause to be in.talled water dietribution system, including fire hydrant., to serve all lots within the sald Tract No. 2308. The number and locations of fire hydrants are to be determined by the Chief of the City of Campbell Fire Department. TENTH: Provide and install sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within said Tract No. 2308. All of said improvements shall be completed within twelve ( 2) (12) months from the date first above written, provided, however, in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or cau.ed by Acts of God, viz.. major strikes or other delays beyond the control of Subdivider, shall be excluded. It is expressly understood and agreed that if Subdivider Ihall rail to complete the work required by this agreement within the sald period of twelve (12) months of the date hereof, the City, after giving ten (10) da1e' written notice thereof to Subdivider, may complete the same and recover the full cost and IxpenRe thereof from Subdivider. (3) It i8 further agreed that all of said improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the final plans as approved by the City Engineer of Campbell, and shall be made under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. It is further agreed that 8aid construction be in accordance with existing ordinances and resolutions of the City of Campbell, and to all plans, sp8clfi- cations. standards, eh:es, lines, and grades approved by the City Engineer, and all State and County statutes applicable thereto. ( 4) 8 8 (4) It i. further agreed that the construction work of the improvements embraced by thi. agreement shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications of the Department of Public Works, Division of Highway., State of California, dated August 1954, and in accordance with the .pe.itications of the City of Campbell, and County Sanitation Distriot No.4, where indicated. Wherever the word .Statel or words .Division of Highways- are mentioned 1n the State SpecificAtions, it shall be considered aa referring to the City of Campbell. Also, wherever the .Direotor. or .Direotor of Public Work.. is mentioned, it shall be considered a. referring to the City Engineer. In case of conflict between the state Specifications ~nd the speoifioation. of the City of Oømpbell and County Sanitation Distriot No.4, the epeclfloations I"f the City of Campbell and County Sanitation District No.4 shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. (5) It 1s further agreed thE\t Subdivider shall comply with Section 7101 of City of Campbell Municipal Oode by obtaining an excavation permit from the City Superintendent of Streets before the commencement of any excavation in, on, or under the surface of an1 existing public street, lan*, alley, sidewalk, or other public place. It i. further agreed that Subdivider shall notify the Superintendent of Streets of the exaot date and time when the propoled excavation is to commence. (6) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall pay the necessary expenle. for inspeotion, checking, eto., incurred by City in con- neotion with said Traot No. 2)08. (7) It i. further agreed that Subdivider shall deposit with City, upon execution of this agreement, for office checking of Bubdivl- 110n map, field checking of street monuments, field checking of im- provements, inspection of improvements, and all necessary expense inourre. ~ City in connection With the said Tract No. 2)08, the Bum ot TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($2,250.00). (5) 8.. . I (8) It is further agreed that at the completion of the work and before final approval of the subdivision. Subdivider shall be billed tor and pal. or shall be refunded, after completion of the work and final acceptance of the subdivision by the City Council. tpe differ- anoe between the actual cost of the neces8S1.ry expenøes incurred bl C1ty in conneot1on with said Tract No. 2308, and the total amount of the deposit. (9) It i. further agreed that Subdivider shall file with City, upon execution of this agreement, a bond in the amount of FIFTy-rIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS (.55.000,00) to 1nsure payment for labor and mater- 1a18, and a bond in the amount of FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS (a55,OOO.00) to insure full and faithful performance of the oon- struction of allot the aforementioned improvement work (excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution system), and also to insure reimbursement to Ci ty of any necessa.ry expenses incurred by City in oonneot1on with checking of plans and inspection ot said im- provemente for 'l'ra.ct No. 2308. (10) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall pay to City upon execution of this agreement, the storm dra1nage fees 1n oon- nection with said Tract No. 2308, 1n accordance w1th the require- menta eøtablished by Reeolution No. 217, 8S amended, in the amount ot FIVE THOUSAND. FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ($5,472.75); said money to D. p&id at the t1me of execution of this agreement. (11) It 1s further agreed that City reserve the r1ght to re- viee storm dee1gn shown on approved improvement plans, provided Sub- d1vider i8 given reasonable written notice ot City's intention to make rev1sions. Subdivider will payor be refunded any difference between revised storm design and presently approved storm design, in acoordance with City of Campbell storm tee schedule. (12) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall file with City upon execution of this agreement a letter from County Sanitation D1strict No.4, stating that Subd1vider has entered into separate agreement with the said Distr1ot No.4 to install sanitary sewers to serve Blllots within sAid Tract No. 2308, and stating that a (6) 8.. ~ bond to insure full and faithful pertormanoe of the construction of the aanitarl severa and to insure the general gu8~antee &S stated below in Paragraph l),has been tiled. ( 1) It is further agreed that 8ubdivider shall, upoO written notice thereot. immediately repair or replace without cost or ob- 11gation to the City ot Campbell. and to the entire satisfaction ot said Citl. all deteots and imperfeotions arising out of or due to taultl workmanship and/or materials appearing in 8a1d work within a period of one (1) lear after date of tinal completion and acceptance. ( 14) It 18 further agreed that Subdivider shall pal to City of Campbell THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS (#)80.00) for fire hydrant rental for a period ot five (.5) years for two (2) fire hldrants. Said rental shall be paid at the t1me of the execution ot th1s agreement. (15 ) It is further agreed that Subdiv1der shall pay to Paoifio Ga8 and Electrio Company any and all fee8 required tor in8tallation of wiring oirouit to electroliers within said Tract No. 2308. when Subdivider i8 notified by either the City Engineer ot Campbell, or the PaCifio Ga8 and Eleotrio Company that the said tees are due and PAyable. Eleotroliera that are to be overhead fed shall be equipped with luminaires which include twist-lock receptacle and integral photocell as required by Paoifio Gas and Electric Company. (16) It is further agreed that Subdivider shall file a letter trom the Campbell Water Compan7 stating that satisfactory arrange- ments have been made to in8ure the installation ot a water di.- tribution system to serve each lot within Tract No. 2)08. ( 17) It ie further agreed that anl easement and right of way within Tract No. 2308, nece88ary for the 'completion of the project shall be aoqu1red by Subdivider at hi. own cost and expense. It i8 provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are requ1red fnr the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, the Owner or Subdivider shall deposit with City a sum covering the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be taken and to be (7) I . 8.. ~ included in said 8um shall be a reasonable allowance for 8everance damage., if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental oosts in such reasonable amounts a8 City may (18) require shall be deposited with City. It is further agreed that Subdivider shall indemnify and esve harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council, and the City Engineer and other officers er employees of City of Campbell from anT suits, claims, or actions brought by any persons for or on account of 8nyin~uries or damages to persons or property sustained or arising in the construction of the work due to any acts, omis- sions or negligence of Subdivider, hi. officers, agents, employees, or contractors. (19) It is further agreed that the above named terms and oondi- tions shall blnd the heirs, suooessors, administrators, or assigns of the Subdivider. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, sa1d Citl has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Meyor and Citl Clerk, thereunto duly auth- -'~y Council, and 8a1d Subdivider has STATE OF CALIFORNIA .i-~;t_~:_:~~_~~~n~_~___n_.n..____m_m_-______m__m_n___-_._n__n_m._n.m.n..__} ss. On -----_S_EJ_p_tEJ.rrJ..1:J_EJTm_.çJ..J_--_J..9.5..2'__h.m__h_h.m._...__h--n--n_m___n__.__n' before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said __m_n_h_nnn__nmmm_h__nmnm_nn__nm_n_County and State, personally appeared -_no -..Y ER.1'n~~..mP._!'.- h_- ER.I~~J1AN....m ..mm.. --m..m.m._m-..-m-- m- m- m..n..... known to me to be the..._m_mm.._mh__.m_m__..._n_n.._mm...._m_--_nPresident, and _m.._m_n J_'m nWn'- m - P_RJ_BXLm n'_mm_nn.._"..m- mmm....mn..............m... m- m_.. known to me to be the_n_""'h'h_........m.........n...................mm.._--_nSecretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and know to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corp.;>ration therein named, nd acknowledged to me that such corpora- tion executed the same. f iciasl_~ (Seal) Lonnm -t- - nG'l - s'on _h_~m_..mnnm__nmmnnnN-~t~~ýn'p-~'bi¡~"'- My Commission Expires: July B, 1963 FORM 66 CORPORATION City Attorney affixed the day and year f1rst CITY OF OAM~BELL -------~. " I..,....á- /( , . B¡:;i'£.t' ~/£ r-"'(--:-/~i~ì.(i- Ii£-; ~:;{ (/ .,( Mayor T an~~ ~ d:~ FREEMAN~PAVING CO. a corporation Subdivider) 81 ~H-< ~r:ú- - ~ ~ By ~,Q )},,~(~c~ ,/ (8) it ({¡ , ~ ~~ íYù U ITED CIFIC '". ~~~s~1ran ce l'bn)/}~'!!I* ( : r _./ HOME OFFICE - TACOMA, WASH'NGTON -- FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. B 52754 Premium: $550.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT FREEMAN PAVING CO., a corporation, as Principal, and UNITED IpACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, State of California, as Obligee, in the sum of FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/lOOths DOLLARS ($55,000.00), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION, is such that: WHEREAS, SAID Principal will perform all necessary improvements relative to TRACT NO. 2308, located on the east side of Baywood Avenue in said City of Campbell, in accordance with the approved Improvement Plans prepared by Mark Thomas & Co., 18 N. San Pedro Street, San Jose, California on file in the City Engineer's office; and WHEREAS, improvements shall be completed within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of this bond by the City Council; and WHEREAS, improvements shall be maintained for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of construction by the City, this bond shall be in full force and effect through the period of maintenance; the maintenance period shall continue until such time as all deficiencies of construction are corrected to the satisfaction of the City Engineer's office; NOW, THEREFORE, if the said Principal shall well and truly do and perform all the covenants and obligations as set forth above, on its part to be done and performed, at the time and in thè manner specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise this bond shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety this 14th day of September, 1959. --. ~ by State of California } .., City and County of San Francisco On September 14, 1959 bef JULIA M, WIGHT'1\ÆA'" , ore me, LVJ.éU~ a Notary Public in and for said City, County, and State, personally appeared J. N. Pfeifer , known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument as Attorney-in-Fact on behalf of the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same. My Commission Expires October 6th. 1960 ,19_. , County, and State B.2004 SF CaUfomia - San Francisco Jurat New 8-56 , ¡ . t cc~- , ----"'.r-:~~"'. ----:r.. -,," -. i RESOWTION NO. 822 BEING A RESOLUTION A HORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BY MAYOR AND CITY CLERK vTREREAS, there has been presented to City Council of Campbell an agreement for the construction of roadway improvements beneficial to development of property of ~mer within the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation; and t~EREAS, the City Engineer has explained the necessity for said agreement, and has recommended the acceptance of same; and HHEREAS, the said agreement is approved by the City Attomey for the purpose for which it has been offered; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by WISTARIA DVDrIIIN'l' OOJIPAHY , be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of October , 19.22.., by the following vote: NOES: Councilmen: Jayne, We1t.el and Pa1rch1ld Councilmen: Chappell, Ro.. AYES: ABSENT : Counc ilmen: Kone APPROVED: Myron L. Fairchild Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk I, J)nPn~hy rr....v~t-.h~~ J City Clerk of the City of Caropbell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution passed and adopted the ~ day of ~b.r , 19~, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Campbell. City Clerk --- , I¡ .; --:' , l./ ,\, '- ,/ \ ,'I/: ,K . /\y~- (LQ-l~ Ba~{ ,1821 p~crf}38 A G R ¿ E MEN r THIS AGREEt-ŒNT is en tered into by and be tween ì.JISTARIA INVESTHEN r COMP<\NY, a California corporation, herein¿[ter referred to as ;'\-J is taria , and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, hereindl. ter referreJ to as City., dS tallows: FIRST: For the considerations hereinafter set forth, WisL~ria shalL promptly dedicate to the City of Campbell, a municipal corpo- rd [.Lon, UK property uescr ibed on EXHIBIT A a}!pended Hen: to, suen description to be amended by a more accurate descriptiûn to be later supplied for inclusi~n in d fonœl grant deed to the City. SECOND: In the event that the City shall require dny improve- ments to .:>did property now or tu t:.e iuture, City u6rees to hùlJ ~lsttria hJrmle~s from any cost~ incurred or to le incurred .Ln cun- lleccion WiUl such imIŒùvements. In the event that che City shall re4uest Wistaria to make such imf--rovements at thE: same time that W is t..lrid iIlli-- roves its property ddj acen t to the lJroperty l~o oe Jedi- Cd teJ by vir tue of this Agreemen t, Wis tar ia shall uE: n.. in!Jur sed iL~ actual costs thereby incurreJ. Such re imburselOen t, a t the Clef'S discretion, lTkt,)' ,Je ,Dade by d reductioll .LI1 the sturm uraindbe Jeposil of $5~72.75 previously posted by Wistaria. THIRD: It is expressly agreed by the parties hereto that ~istaria is retaining a three ioot (3') strip of property along the norther ly boundary of the proposed ex tension of Hamil ton ¡\'venue west of Winchester Road, such strip fronting on the present holdint"s oi: pre.stitciacomo and Tidewater Oil Company which front un Sùid northerly boundary of the proposed extension of Hamilton Avenue, sdid three foot strip being approxin~tely two hundred eighty-five feet (285') in length, more or less. FOURTH: City further agrees that in the event it determines to use and/or t.ike by condel¡JlldLiuLl ti-le said three foot strip, City will pay to Wistaria the sum of Ten Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Dollars ($lU,260.00). " I ,. ..."-"'-. .r'IIi. t .i8, --_. ~- -L- B~ " -1621 PAc16;J9 FIFTH: Until such time as said U1ree foot str Lp shall be ccm.lemned or purchased [rom Wistaria by third parties, vJistdr La shdll be permitted to con::)truct a fence or ocher harric.:lde not to exceed six feet (6') in height upon said three toot stri~, ::;ub- jecr to meeting all exisrinß City ordinances other than set lkL,:k line restrictions, if any. EXECUTED at Campbell, CalÜornia this--,J{{I Jay of lJccober, 1':J5i3. C I IT OF CAHPBELL, a municipal corporation T~I:)TARU ii\VI',,') i '-t.~'l \, "P.^NY " , , ~ d C,i.llturnJ..<-1 ,-urfJu.:"f,"_",J T'" B '( :' " "/, r,' , /¿(/)- ~ / ~ ,', /' , ¿., .. BY: ,l.~l3t .:4..¿ T~../ . . " , .l ' , ) ,,' .' // 't ¡ ,-f L"1.-Li..(' (£ /1, ' . - j' BY: t J " /' ACCL,T/o C'N' JH\s/rl. d--y~f ~-, / / /,' ¡ ~~ / L /A~,,'-"I',",:'n"'" O.li\ of the City/of aIT'p~)C!,' () l'fll'J)j, ,~" I.",: --" I , ' / 4/ / - / - , - ,,10 ,," , "". ' CalifornlQl, ,,\uy,n L . --- \ \ I ,.. \ /'. '¿- , \ . " ,. f" ' 'A' 'x. ",/' ,", ,4.A.o"'<" / . ~ 4¥"'o.-t(ir:, ',. o'ê.~~.,~- ---- :5f";";'T", ./,' 0: 'l" (: t, DAC:' '" t, .~ '<to/. >un, Cr.... 0 " '0 C ¡.. Ci\y, ...':HP'Þ~C\L ~r..~'-' "'"" , f); ,~, \" " ", / I L 't" L" "ò¿~09 ""/9. -2- "',..---- -'--~,--- ---- -- ....~ .... ~ r . ~, .~. --. ------""""- -- 'II ¥v . ~ u 1- ~L - L N' ."""._~.......~" ~.-- /1 1-/ ' II L ..! ¿ (, !. '- 11--' .¡l<. "'- " V<--(...t. -<-- ,-L..- EXHiBIT "All ?~::' .1fj21 h~~f fj.t 1 That certain real property situate in the City of C~mpbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Winchester Road, a~ said road formerly existed (50 feet wide), distant thereon South 0° 30' West 15.00 feet from the 1/4 section corner between Sections 26 and 27, Township '1 South, Range 1 West, Mount Diablo Rase and Meridian, said point also beinq the southeasterly corner f t.~;i'- --),Hcel of Lind descrioed in U)e Deed from City Title In- surance Company, a corporation, to the City of Campbell, a rnUill- cipal corporation of the State of California, dated June ló, 1959, recorded September 2, 1959, in Book 4533 of Official hpc- ords, page 176; thence from said point of beginning, leaving said winchester Road, North 89° 25' West 195.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said true point of beginning, continu- ing North 89° 25' West 127.02 feet; thence North 0° 35' East ~7.00 feet; thence South 89° 25' East 249.60 feet, parallel to the northerly line of Parcel 2, as said Parcel 2 is described in the Deed from Sam Prestigiacomo, et ux, to Howard Ruth, Jr., et \lX. dater] April 1. lC¡S9. recorded A.pril 15. ]qsq, in ¡~f)ok 11'{~4 of (,fficial Records, page 631, to a point on the northwesterly line of the lands conveyed to the City of Campbell, as above mentioned; thence along said rìOrt~"...esterly line South 6{).:.jrt;~:'3 lVe:t 135.18 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. .. ~:" 462t?A~£ß:]7 F'\""érC'f"'~,""1 ': ' ' :', ..' ..: ' J ,.. ,.-- ..-,), "" '-, èõ~f'r ç~~]l~ < fk [",C:~:i' ',:~J:O$ r . "1 ' ,. ":'rY ".j',..: ,".' .. " ",'.. . , " ..'", ~/¡(, /'-" ' ~ ...' , ' I ," , ' It..\. .' Sa , . ':aOA.1nø ;' - - . - ,/ ", ~'" ttôunt,,1t\~fl.. , u.. .'W. h'JÎV$ no- , ,. , d, ." ' . "', ," , ¡, , "". . ., .',' ,:i...,,4&QA18ttltli'.,eur 'lru\~tl thfj'" to..4 I.~ otpJ"iat. t,or' !:rnct ~ , " 'P:' . . E. ,aftd .lao in t¡;eoo.rèlJV\~t', -.1 th - 'tb u1uHl. ,1ft" ,Saft Jo.., MOtlnt-.lu Vi,.,~ t1t-J1ð -in tl'J.&,ij,I ,~:;\\&1;¡.' , 18.\011.' .Itl,.v1d4nt. tro~ 'Ul.l.r~<rf ,1)O'ì..1þ eft" , t n 'n..<i 'to.."8...11. ~ . ' . t.r.fH1ard .0'0. lÌt" OI'dt\, .:' - ',- , , "...10p.1'1 to tll'JU'.e ,"uti' ooltdh and in ord... t4 ~~;.:¡. "'~ ' t;. J 1~ ~~t"1.. ant!/* thi~' off10. '. b!,.le tU1~ÌJ'.~'to: fQ1¡.Jv. ;. . .It I.- no"'" t_' p. n. It, F'. halt b...t .~' fr,,~,t .1:JOn" , - l&)'(\U', on tb... 'bat 1. " .,t .. }1gb't1r~ lAtenlit, '..pa.rá,\tle. to ' th.t1tl-4.h .. Gs.t".fOørpbell 1'_...'.4 ~a '9;1.rtOh.:,tnl'¡?(J bl,.... tee,..- -.e. bOw..er. 18 'daat 111 the 1¡t1aGb,...tet- . ... . 1 , , . '", ., . .,' :.' tte.A .""" ",Dlr...,'.. . ."'U.. "".,". ...,...... , _bU'1". ..,....-...' ..........,..... " I4PtIIII, . . . 01atft."""""'. ' , ' , ' , ',' ',;. , " luM .i.ä..~'it"_~"II- Þ..~,,~:;'~;}'.'. righ' or.., 1. Ia ~,,' ,," .,,~""'.I.':I.' t81',.'" ' 8180,"U.. ""J,"lIÌf_~b ..WSt1.UH ....u..,.. ... 'tr1a;.' ..., .....MIr, en.., .-...u- .. .. Cl".r' ' Car.tr-beU., (I" 1. ., Þw..I' to ......., .. 0..." ....., ..,en ..au1N ,l88..11...) . I' 1. &188 ....... .., . C1\; .. ~ì~nð'..:r4 tø't .lMvo¡&'" - uJO' ......,(80 ,.., ..4 ....) a. well.. 8O8,,18tè' .,.""". .,..s.n....,"8U. t.. 84ttta..auct -.,n(1 0"...1'1..""84 81ÄÞ8..U8... are""'" Þ .&.1 ,,"_--width c q. t.,,:f)rl ... " " . ' "Or the 'pr.,en' 'U., Itr111 ... - el88"'U." 1aI-\ ~n¡~ requlr.efttl .. -,""14 'br p. e. .. &. 81... nott.tlec1 otheMf2.,.. bJ ,1.'" ~M1t .r the O", aWa1'U. It l' 1. ' your d88t81oft '0 a.s.,' 81eOvoUer ...~ t- MJ- .tre."~ . : l~ ~~::~'t:l~~~...::~t::'.:-t.:::'~":-~.~~O;:n:';; IIJ.do'O's... ot .\a84ar41. . ' " . ' , ' , , ' 1 ba.. 8M1øM ... ....1e 14." .. iéu _aew .. :~ ;4<i~~ :"1:L: :-=-.,. ~~' .t"Uw C 1. tJ' O~11. . '" ' , ,... ,'" tfIíIlr . IWtI DtIIAI .. CO. . C~l'ÞI 'Þi1...r. tv 'Ct." ..t C88pbttU . URI t. IIOItA.I '. , ÁI818""'Ol1r '¡nS1Ae.. . . , KJ'Vt'PJ ' eet 01'1.11- c ~ va.o....I:.. "r. ~ c,' ..G..,t"i.. _. X.HMo. ' encll. . , ' . .', . .' " . . ñle~ S-¡-1 ~1.t~1a Inv..tment Co. 1,Sbo j~il.kr1a Court LeI.A,l to.. Q~lltoPftla .\.l~t_ber 26. 19'9 01t, Oft..11 08mpbel1. C1\t11toml. f~e' Tract t.'306.,\!'1øtarla ¡~\lhd1.181oD ~. 111 1{ tU.. IftQ Gen t1 em 8ft I I 1'1.... b..n<'\d:'l~.d b, the eoftftltlng~.A¡lne.z'l tor 'bAt Catl or GNJmbel1 thðt ttt.rraot ~ap tor Tr~ct 2308 will not :recelve 70ur ar!'r~ro.al unle", I pli'rr.oe ~~4d1 ttonal pit1vlng in the norther!, 1'1.1t ut Ha¡iìl1 'on "'...cmu_, now G.t 'lJ'.J O\ì'D e.penã;e, to be ~..1'bll :r.~_r.ed at a IlttfWJ' atILt. 1t 11d."1ater ,ill :<;nd Mr. P1".øt1g1~tfH,~flO 1."ro.,. thell"~';a.l1 ton AY4mUe tI'011'41\«$8. At th. Clt1 CnUftel1m.~t1n« of June 1, 1.959. ,;iurlng tbe re.1e" of 14ft .. '?;¥ 1(:lUIt ,;;¡,vr,ro'V ~l t(H" thf.k~)oo~l~ ,~ ¡J11. ~tatton at ~{ln.b.'\.p Ho¡.¡'! luJdfiaml1't<:n AYf)rm@,. Mt;~tf m..~b(ï:r!ll for tn. e 1 " f'O1ated out tbat tJ\e !}I:)Ui,lf;¡,9 11 .tA\lon 'ji~.u~ fJatu!'\lll -. ",&rtor $J t.nt,~,tlye: w.bdlv1øloÐ ¡~!1f'-':). ;tM due to the rdt 'hat the O~~bttll ;:JI.t8Dd8.l"ð $he.t callI tor a ~.v.lo'Pel' W "... (.-t hi. ~n t!!X'peftIiUt) 01'111 29 tfl..' fl"om 11pof ßutte. Oft a 120-toc' 'treet. ~ ~o~~1ble tr~rflc ~robl.. oould oceur from f)l'\OJ' '911gnment nt ti,l. lntereeotlon. flomtl of the C.!W8e. or tbe trattte 1"I'Ob\emwø.e that (1) tbe a1" b48 not -w1dene4 Hnml1-.on Avenu,. to. 12ð teet .~8t of Inebe e tel" . r....nd (2) the .xl.t1ft~ 11ðe'!4atø:r 11 .t~tlon on tht'i'! nof'th'lí1.~t eorn.,. of the lntlin'¡ufetlcm htra:l oul1 bHn r«'Hltd.red, to lt1TpJ"'ove 1 t. Win.he_ter ~o_ð tront~~ slnce it ~&. proee~g~d h~t~r. ti28 Ha.wl1ton Avenue tb'J'l Line ""a.S F'\doÐte(1. In ~ eftort 1,0 trJ to get $. .Atl.t!~otoJ')' intel'8M'lon. ,our 'Honor..ble ~éb' d11"eete4 that ~ .cu~tlt'1f: ~fj,lled for ¡¡ll the lnt.r.~tej ~~d't11!':.\o .ttend 11'1 ti;U\ ~\t.¡'¡1~t to eolve tbe nrcblem. The tÙ,dlnfi'. -,,'gre to be l'er'()l'te~ ~t your next Caunel1 m..tin¡r- 'be m..tlnr;I;,':lnl h:6'ld ¡mo. the l"eeul t~ l'f;jf,JOrtit<i 1')" the thmwltl,nF ¡¡'nfyl.l'u'J~f' ,~~,t the JuRe 15. 1959. C¡ounol1 meetlnf~. J. t. 11'0.8 t"ülntetl {'ut 'thia r.~~rt. thut 00 th Di3Uf"l I 011 '<lu1 11\1 8ubð.l'VlI1oß ~ltn'6 'Jril)ving ,ibea.d. K~OO thrëe !J$1t.»1. lolutlon.. we"e -ør.,ented to ollY1.ate I'W lmfiA,ale ~!I're¡'H.""\~ trt.tflc It1OVøent. T'wo of tt¡. ~~k~"f':~t.fl 801utioos (l~al t ~ tit the po..l~)111 '1 of 81 ð,ettlo&tln(ìi tile entl):'. nort,h 11 do of HlUj11 ton Avenue ii,Utl. mJ belnp '!)øld for thlfitbl ,1 tbel' .'.,4\\01n" t¡1 9torm dra1n <1'1'p081 t to ..~. IInd.pay1n¡;¡ the d1tference bf\.t~e:en UdiJ ~ton.'f! a.po.1 t .. 8 ait, OouII.11 -2- Sep tember 28 , 19 59 and '".000.00 (the pf'lee of the land 1n qu..tloft) w1th boad. -..,. or bl reduOlae m: .toN 4epoeit to ".1"0 and :repal1D& .. the balan.. when...r the alt)' eolleeted tt. 'fl,9.000.00 trcnft tbe adJacent }'>J!!Op.l"t, onerl. Da.ell, Mr. .rr..tlg1AoollO I!\nd Tidewater 011. r;1ther at the.. solutieAI t.:ere .atlltaeto., to me. the tblJ'd 801utton had mft dedicAting ,~ emall trapeaold Vhieh Va. to be 1EpPOved at 01 t1 expense. Th11 'Was $1110 ..t18tactO., to me. Of tM three 1010t10". pr..en'.d, ,fAU. 1>loaorable BodJ .oeepte4 the one 1n .hieh I 4e410.t.4 A trap.acid $Uoh larger than the one pre.ented in the Consult1ng Engineerat report. I agreed to 40 th1sMd '\)\1 have ø.lread1reoorded the 4..d. It Va. ., Uftt1,8rst,M41ng that thi. 'Walall 1 would h.q.ye to 40 1n 'hi, Iilrea 1n eoM.otlo" w1 tb the $)augltul \.a.l .t.atlon and 'raet 2~, and 1 a.~Yt,..cn..te4 ,our fairruna in net ,.ett\tlr1ag .. to 1ft",..t mone, in l~J"o"..ent., or fl'lY8 a'W~ land that d14 not 41r..tl, benetit IQ pJ<oJHtrt". It 11 110t8<1 tl'ua.t &4Jo1n1ng .1 '1.. do ItOt require t.\ ..txilvlde.. to 4...10)') lKu'e thaa h&lt . atr..t tor .. halt a .t):ie.t benettt. ex..pt Wbel'e .. 6o-toot atr..' 1, Involved. ~n.Q, a ;aWl- ~t()ot r11ll.t 'Of w., 1. 1'8....11"84. Even then. !~ìUJt 01t1.. Gall aRk tor 011 Þ~4 ":reenl,.., p.a.t 'the .enter llne in thoe. eA',,- t have be.n ~dY1tUI(1 thai 'ou t..l HamiltOll AVert.. will baY. .. botti.neek 1t 1 40 Rot 1.,,1'0". the north riAl! ot the Itr..t. änd MI". }}reEftl ;1':laeoM ~d T1dewatf'!J' Úil do not 1~roY. tor ,ears. I wauld like to oolnt out that Dr lml)I'OvÙlg the ItOUth halt ot H&MlltonA..nue in .ecor4anee 'Wi th the OamnÒell S\andard" 1: will °'P_n up an 1m'þJ'Ov.d traveled wa;¡ ot 31' te.'. Vh1obl. ...en tee t~lt\er than BtaAJ paveð 'Part. or Win.he. te. X~o.d. I will 11.110 provide II loop "",.. WhiOh. tle~ 1..80ft w.,. Dtu,.tel' Drive, the w..tel'l1 portion of Ha;:a11 ton Avenue .8&1" the 'Oho01. Al\d :<1nch8.te1" ho~d t.,gethlu". It at, ,1-toot trA...eled way 1s deemed lnadeQuate. an4 ridevater iJ11AU'ld ~r. Pr..'lg1a80mo do not lmprov. shortly. the 01il can alw.,. þ."'. the trap.zo1dal f:tU'Chtl the, now own, snd 1".a"6 a 5O-toot trav.lea. \i'a1 1\t the 1130lt fts.rrov pelnt in 1ffI aub41Yis1on area. Thie would þermit tour lane. ot trattic 1t no~ p~7klng were ".rm1 tted,. ' I re8'Pttcttulll reQUfUJt ttHtt 10U reean.ldeX' lour aotloA en lfJ.l tlne.l m&p tor tlle (01.10910Ire..8008' 1) The 8Ub~Uvl.1Qn l&IÐrov..entø, rAil prel!umted. Will grfi'.fttll lm:;:)%'ove, not hlnc1.r. the trd"tlc flow 1n the area. . . <atl CoWlell -3- ~eptember 2a, 19'9 2) 81 u8ing the trap..old~l dediOatloa I have alrea4J 4aa484. the 01tl can vlti.a Hamilton A..mltt even more with boad moAt.. alrea41 .pp~oY.4 ~8ft ,.attle ooa- dlt10.8 8Q warrant. ,) It would not be t..lr to baye .. pl.81"e major .tr..' 1Iq)ro.,...enta OD J',ropert, not alr_tll ben.fieta! to ., nb41v181on, and to have me al t norl ~al to te. T14evatar 011 Mil }'r..tlg1ae.o to improve barer. being able to get an, mo.., baek. 4) You Uti Dot "quire rq .e.e..or in later..st. l)ouglaa 011. to pla.a "'fi.e.at lntJ'ont of tbe Tide- ".'.1' oil at4tloft vi th \he -'1'0.,.180 tbat they val t .'11 T14ewate.. \;11 d...lop.betore ge't1ni!: \hell' mo081 back. It 10\1 had J'equl:rM this, ]: would h...,.. Md a kftowleð.ge ot 'hi. 001141 tloa and 1't eould b... been included. 1n mr .al.. qre..ent with Dougl.s ,;)11. I would have no 00J_t10R to decile.t1n! I\U\J 01' aU of the 181'14 In qUestion. ;,tnd lnel u41n" the desired .PQ.vlng in M¥ lU'bdlvialon, and ,1 v1n@ the 01 t1 th& benet! t of the re4uOed pe.. .quare toot price "hleb ahould be a.Q1lable from the l.:rge volwu of pa:v1tlf!; in thf! 1Ub41vlø1on. provl(l.<1 the 01- 1. Villln« tol 1) ,.",... 8' ;~5.412:.1j .tab d.'t':1oø1t by 'tb,e add," paY1"" colt (approxl.~t.l1 ;~4.000.00 to ~4, 500.00) 10....01'1 ~'. th18 would. 08ne11 t ,,~rtl~~ oth~r 'than 1I,..lt. 2) f;nter into IJn ~:l'~-_t wIth .. "'t'ovld1ng for ttUJ tol.lowtJ'lgt a) Alloy m@ to l'etdn. )-toot Itrip 1n trout of the r1d.w~.ter OIl and ¡'reltl~1,a.omoprop.:rt1e.. b) I ~¡Ii to ~ree tð ae41oate \1,,1. it!' 1-p, or p:¡¡¡rta thereof. to the publi. U.8, 0811 upon the order of t.~e Cl tJ Counc11 or CøpbeU and upon palm_' to me or a tot_lot *9.000.00, nlul ....en Del' cent t7í) lnter..t per annU8 from pr&~ent date. It 1ft under.toed. that \hI. sgre.emEtnt w111 ]:)1'ov14. tor th~ ded.1eøtlon 0.' e1 ther th., llUld fronting PrP,!i\tlf"1i!tiOomo 01' T1dewater utl, upon ps7me.nt ot :~$ ~;~~ o~~:~~.:~~iI t~~t,::~~~e::;g~:omo r1d~~wlI!!.tfJ:'/1~ A 8 Clt1 CoWl.ll --- 9.ptemb~r 21. 19J9 0) 01- to 411'.. not to oond,e,mn the said \112'." toot ,trip 01' e1the,. þart tbereotuntl1 it h~. tlrgt ort...4.e \heamouftt or ~~UA" .'~'e4 in i.tl,l:r".raph b) above. 4) 1 iUl1 tQ bE 'D8zomltted to OOl'UJ't¡Net [;I. ren.. 01" ethel' _rrleaÓe npoa tne .trip nnd \Hle an1 1.,¡a1 method I maJ ... tlt to pl'...nt aOO..' ot private proper" ownert to Ha.ilton AV.Iue. e) Itthf'Jr Oi\,)' 80 d..l:re~. a pJ'Cv181()Q DUll' M 1no1""1" whereby the 1an,! vl11 ,.at 1~ d.Uo1!tted untl1øuOh tlme ~. l"".Itlg1a8œo f.j¡,nðjor Tidewater 011. or thelJ' sue.e..ors. Pal f4. lo.1t101.nt NIl to !?~q for both the l,~nd 1n th"" ,t.mOunt atA'e4 1n P~~F""~ b) Aoove.1Uid ~¡;l.o the 'Pa,vlnr vt¡!eb. w111 be _t.'.4 1n .. d,8tlal te dO\lftt 4.1'.A41~ unon 1t.~..'u~1 00,.'. I vl11 be ~u\pnJ t,f;;; ~tt.nd the: ~~tober S. 1¡,~S9. ¡;a..UA« of lour HonorAble 1~,od.J. ;\1\4 I 81ft.erel, hoi:le th~$.t 'We catl .atl"t~.'tOF111 p..olv«i.' t.Þ.11 mattar and ~.t TJ'l\l,ct . 2,oß r..orded. Your8 ....rl truly. 'øii'I,t'J'rAì¡lJ', If Cu. ì31 . ~ {( . HO"!G,:r~ h\ithf\I'l'. eel 01 t, ~:.ngl neeI' Coftll\ll U.nl' îi,n,n n(!',Et1" C1tl Attorn., I , ...'...,. . ~ 1 cm 0' c'~aEu.. CWM11 ~_t1AI - June u.. 19ff.) (. 9. íX..t.ÇL'.;~ OIt. co. - "$!O toM l¥pproval .. ¡» an .r. ,,' t. tn. d1.nctJ.OA of your bonor,bl. body. I an8ttþd , ...tlng among ,11 tJwt lAt.._ated parU.. 1n WI .Z'..~ (1.1., attached) The b.lle probl- ... 1t.t8d.. If Tld_tu 011 alld _. ~n.tlg1.c_o ..... willi", to ~ theu "-lIto., .1\YtPWe fÞAUg8 now, they would baY. to c-.to ..t1a'lc'tory tna,... ..t. wI tb t,iII".Ruth 81Me ... ..,. the l,nd 1ft ...t1O4 (.M .. ) . 1 f the.. .1'1""""" ... uct. thø both atd.. of HùU.lt.on )~v...... c.w.d " d.weloptld thnutb .fl'CNl fJlncheat.e Road to the """-1'1y 11111t. of tat pnp... tuWlvla1o'h ,,\Iter 8UCb dlHu..1on of the 1'>1'01:+1-., tb. foll.lrS.At . ut..,..t, wol V_I 1. /ì t.hl1 time. }tJ'.A'uUt 1. wl111nv to "'1'8" the leAd OA tb8 nona ".J.I of WlneMat- 1\0-. pÞV1dedb. 1a ll~~rt ::~m.~:t ~) ., uapMO1dIl ..UeA at the In\ø,.t1on AOWJfI'Ø of e.h.%1¡8 to the C1 ty.. 2. t~\Z'. iI';r.'UgiKOllO 18 "1111,,, to ~.... at 'bit uM. but not. 1AtRMttd 1n bel.!.. lend ..qui,t tIe,. COlt. 1n hj s iœpJ'~t. 3. Tld.a'ter 011 i. go1nv to PÞC.." all u.. It'tfo.8tlM I'ItC.lvø at \bIt MMtlflg t~h th.l~ una9..nt d.,.r'traent _Ad ahould have ~ 8ft... w1 t.'ln f~ to 81x w.., on wh..,. end if they wl11 Imp"v... It it pro.....1. th.Jt t.hfaY .11.1 41'Pnve the ~, ,Ad doubtfUl.. to wheth.. th.y will" w1111ng to ø.., fO1' tIt. l,nd. the.. t~¡:::.~::'::d :;;;~~t~:;~b~:œ:r;:t. ~;r l....t iouX' to .be: woekl) end 11ne. Doug.l.. (HI ..nd the Howll'd ßuth SUbdJ.v1.1on (W1Gtarl.) 11ft ;I'.a~ to' lApJ'ove raow. tn. followLng poe.lble court.. of ~c::tloA III'. &V99tP.to-ða o. '~c:eept' t.;r-4p..ølu.l dedicit,!on of 1.-(\13 frOit t',!:. Huth !'\OW at tn. Hamilton ,i"verNe r4'tu¡-n of Tlc:twr..3t.r \;,11 $nd i~l'Ov. ~itU .1t,11 City fundi. It i. .160 j,1o.4i:ble \b,t T14ewater ',)11 will Þe 'tfl11.1nç to ll1p~. the pi)rtlon to with!" 19 f..\ of 'eAt-.%' linA. i Tbls lolu\io!'t ew14 COMttiv.bly z-equ.l" future Cond_ðl:tlon by City if Mr. Fr.$tig16e~¡O ¡¡¡Ad Tid_,ier .(~11 4W.r d..,Giop tn.1¡- Hailton Av6tWe fronta;.. ) 1\ 11 not" tha't. \l)ls tJ'a~'..o1dal liectlon will Qp'.A Hamilt';)n Avenue .HI fa%' a. the :rettJl'u. t. /.eclp't tot.l dHic.tien fl'or¡) i._. Ruth {City to p4V. tr-,pnold}. reduce hi, ito.1'ft'& ..1.1\1)9- ftt. w ~..ro (..tiœ..tedv~lu. ;!~, . ) anc1 City to c~ll8Ct tn. ,'I,t'),(;{)O.!ro from f>!>.t. PJ'est1g1acb- 4'i',d Tid._t. ~¡11 when t.h.y' Qt1'v.løp. r .. . .. . ~ -.0.:- . .\\ tb18 tiN ».200..00 would M ~ to MI'. Ruth and S~,OOO.OO .uld - "~ \0 st,oø ~ ~;i J::' ~ f ;' ;:.~~, w: 1~.':::r1~{ : &~~ :C" e. tccept tot.1 dediCAtion, red_. ,t.O%ft cb-ain Ie. to aco (.,tiNted '1.1- 1&,800.00), and con- 'uJ..w te ...llnii\G $3. 200 . 0(1 f ~ Ðond money J include. dedic.t!o" in .treet ;fat. with fJ'OAtlng 0"'1'1 111pZ'O'Y.1ng now. j)8rt II. e. :Ju..t 11gnta for t.hi. .,.... me subd1v11ion {,1H1"eM. c.el1a {oJ: 8UNto lighting ;::t~-:~::.b{~~ï;~~.~=.~1=J::.~1;:bf:~..J:=r... ~:1 :;:'tr::fr8nn.r:o~î¡1;:. G::v~ . g=~c 1'=1;"81"- h..s _1.-1"g \0 tM .18Ctnl1ul,vl0 a1de lot """At. I8I'V1n; the itlectl'OllC't fMII ,fMd.1" llt'l. in the ro.r of the 1°'.. Du. to the 18%9- .1~.of the c~1..1 lot Int.bl. ~~~:~:. ci:;~ttn;.;ot~ .¡;:c~tî.;~:nIh;1 e=t~! 11""- n..y hIve .hewn tbat tho. il .. pz.u. fe.øe., line in the pzopo,"'" ~lyn.lf (tf U8idltoft '",.O\ì.. Then ar. po.,ibili U.. tbat till. 1it1e could be r.locatØ to tn.. .nft lot llt\e8' howwu, 1f tn. 1.....1' i. peÞltted 1.0 IUY 14 tho ttaMil\On'v..ue J'1gb\ o1'.~f w1th OCClu¡ion.al wire CrOtfi Lng. OV8" ¡¡Milton ,\v......, tho CO,ti .111 be low.. i e.ndtt.inÇl the 11,... to '\.)' in Haom,:il ton 'venue w'111 pl'o.bably J'equlre . walvet' by \ho f'l,nnli\g ~~i'iiøn. J ~..t Ic'.clf1c Û44 aM £lect..r1c COff.pany to move it. ..,. 10 1"'e.' lot "Ui_"t. 4t1d Ij1 t\O .,O,At poml t overhead wiring ¡JU06.' B_11 ton 'venue. b. 'fhi. ~\.c11ic GIt' and t.lecule C~.ny plan also &hOWl future e~Ktroli.t'1 01$ t\t'. Preitl;¡¡iDCOtJtDt & tlnd r,id_'fte. Oil's fl'Ont.a\¡fe. Th... proponio. .111 undouÞtedly develop \lndel' ,;.; Zc~. ,pp I'ove 1 $. hill t),.e Cuutl!':il 1'f'C\."I......' ,&i"-..,Ul. electrolleJ"1 to be 1n.'.11- by OW1\UU under :. ¿One candltJontf' , ~'()U..cy decis!{,n. '" , . . \ ,.""f'W~-, , \ \ \ \.' _..._~ -. .--- . r \.~ -. ' . --:) -.;.... "'h.. .... ~, '. '.. --- <::: '" """. .... <r -, )---. ;~ S ~ - '" '\ I) , \ '. . , ,,^; \ .. i A ,,° (,0 ~ ,0" ';)° JI¡'& .~~ f{ ') . . I-/OWQI~J ~ ~ : ~ HQWt" I... A"~ , 'J. , .' +---- ~ . I i ¡ 111 f¡ ...1, " '" ~ . ~t4 0'\ ,Å L > 1° . . . . lS ~ ",I 'èl :. . - ~ 4) '>< '1) t '_1 I \, \ I \ I I ~~! I . -,~¡ "'- " -'~ ' . I :- \~ , ¡ I, -- .,+ ..---- -------- ...- .--" ----..--,.-,------.------ ---- ------..---..----.. ..- -'.' t- - A \ ¡--,/lk-- I I , , \ I -- j! , .' ,- : ~ , '" )r Ruih Jr'. ---.J. '- ~ ~ I {' t-, \ . \. \ , , to, '" \ , ,)'. \ (!:) 'I' r, \ , . -'-"----'-- ------- . r . IF '-:'1'. . ,.-, J. . < 1"1.. I' .;.,F, 1,O,G. C.A.A, M.l,S. M.C. G.A.P M.K.li. tt.P, 0, .A,R. ~,J,V, h_..__-- 'I :::-.--_.~.' .Î' -..---- -~...._--- : --...------- ~ ---------- :: --------.... : - --------- ~ ---------... . -.----..- -------- .------..,. - - -------- -----. .. --.-....... ------ -----...... 1~lspense - -..- -...- . Ie -.-...-.- .. . ~ CONSU1.T!tG IDGIHEIRS 18 No. San Pedro Street San Jo.e 10, California Septtaber 21, 1959 Fil.. Ca.. &9-9 Mrs. Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mrs. Treyethans Re. Tract No. 2308 Witt a nv . Snclo.ad i. a check in the amount of five thou. and , four hundred seventy-two dollars and seventy-five cents ($5,472.75), payable to the City of Campbell, which 1. the .torm drainage fee for the above referenced tract. The fee was computed on the baai. of 8.902 acre. at $725.00 per a~r., minus a credlt of $981.20 for .torm drainage facilities to be In- stalled by subdivider. Your. very truly, MARK THOMAS & CO. Consulting Engineera for City of Campbell Michael J. Vigilant 1U<L:a tOCCity Engineer THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Su.nnTvaJ.e, September 18, 19$9 Mr. Carl J. Mort.enøen City Engineer City ot Campbell Office of' the City Engineer C8q)bell, C81ifomia Dear Sin The public utUity easements 88 shown on the final copy ot the map for Tract No. 2308, have been eTSllllined by this office. The 8Ue- _nts appear to be adequate and. satisfactory to this ooDlp&n7. Verr truly yours, ~. ~øt. Canst. & Engr. Supt. 0 ~~ S. Bernardo P.O. Box $98 SunD1T81e, California ~.~. ~ -, ~ " SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 14/ California CYpress +~£8£8 In reply please refer to Septeuber IS, 1959 }~. Carl J. Mortensen Cam~bell City Engineer 75 North Central Avenue Calnpbell, California SUBJ3C'r: Tract No. 2308 Dear >:ír. líortensen: :']e have ey,:a:nined the ::ablic utilit;)T easements as sho',m on the copy of the txact presented today. The easelents apDear to be adequate and satisfactory for trill installation of this Co Jl;anyl s electric distribution circuits. Sincerely, C, E. GINOCIIIO, I/ianager ? A // . BY~~~ -t~ Erl.I'Io nahan: 111 b cc: TPT,_~T Co., San Jose Attention ¡.:rr. ¡-L. L. Strong (Title Co;2pany) City Title, 76 North First St., San ,Jose (Enßineer) Nark Thonas, 13 North San }1ech'o St., Sém Jose ", . THE CAMPBELL WATER CO. 346 EAST CAMPBELL AVENUE P. O. BOX 7BS CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA September 14, 1959 Mdk Thomas & Co . Consulting Engineers City of Csmpbell 18 N. San Pedro st. San Jose, California Attn: Mike Vigilant HE: Water facilities, Traot 1/2308, Wistaria Dear Sir: This will confirm receipt of the necess~ deposit to cover construction of water facilities in the above named tract. A construction agreement is being prepared to be signed by the owners of the tract, Wistaria Investment Company, and the Campbell Water Co. Construction of the water facilities will commence foirlowing prior installation of other facilities. The Campbell Water Co. is prepared to furnish water and maintain the ~stem after its completion. Yours very truly, THE CAMPBELL WATER CO. BY ~~ R.. es, Office Manager R. SIMONI VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER jI, I f t, /' l i I 1\ ~ð ~ j \' / CITY TITLE INSURANCE ,COMPANY 76 NORTH FIRST STREET TELEPHONE CYPRESS 3-7315 San Jose . California deptemoer 3, 1959 . , i" City Bngineer City of Campbell Ca.'npbell, Calif 0 l'lLi a Dea r Sir: This is t~) advise Y~)j ttlat the City Title Insurance :;ompany, a corporë,tion, is the record J,'Jw.."r of the property ShO1;;]11 on the Hap of IITract 1:0. 230611. } This i:3 also to advise Y~)J that the Company disclose that FHJj~.JIllJ\i P.AVll\1} CO., ':s the legal owner and party necessary to o~JYlds, etc., -¡".ith the City of Campbell in the above property. records of this a corporation, siGn contracts, connection wi th Very truly yours, CITY TITŒ INSU"LL\I\ ~ \.,CilP .ANY 1'\;:( ,r,/ ("{,,,l1ú / BY(.~~~ Charles L. dpur .' on Assist&~t Seer tar , /: V' ,to ,( j,"'ôf l' .' " CLS : cf OffICERS C. R, TOBIN CHAIRMAN Of THE BOARD RICHARD RAOUL-DuVAL PRESIDENT MARTIN M, MURPHY EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT WALLACE BLOOMQUIST ASSISTANT SECRETARY TOM C. MARLIN ASSISTANT SECRETARY RALPH K. BECK ASSISTANT SECRETARY GEORGE KOVERL Y ASSISTANT SECRETARY ¡ í 6 . ( CORPOR A TION C atA "I' BEEB CITY TITLE INSUíL\NCE: COMPA~Y, a corporation orianiud und~r the laws ot th~ State ot Calí~ornia does her~bv (ì RANT to CITY OF CAMPBELL, a .uniclpal corporatIon of th.. State of California all that rral IHo~rty ,ituatrd If1 thl' Ct ty of Campbf> 11 C~ounty of: :-;.\~: r\ CLARA, :-irate ot California, described .. follows; BEG!'i'H'iG Itt II f'r>int. 'in th~ Cf'I"U'r I jnf' of W1n('hf'~tl'r HoRd .. .aid road for.ecl,\' f"1'1"'-e-d -n 't'('t 9/1d.-, rill!ltar:t thprt"on ~(Iutb O' 30' West 15.00 f.f't from the 'j 4 "f>~tlon rornf'r hetwepn ~rct1on. 26 and 21, Townahíp 7 South, Rall¡'f' 1 WeMt, Mount Diablo AIt.!!!f' ,~ Weridiaa; tit f' n (' f' N (I r t h A () ~ 2 5 ~ W f" :,d 1 91) .0(1 f I' f' t, t h f" nee Nor t h t) 5 0 ~ 8 ~' 4 <2:..., Eallt 143.20 teet. thl'lIc" Sollth H9° 2')1 EaRt ß5.00 t....t to a point. in th(> ~8ja f:f'~'P" I!n. f1f "'!~"h,,"'t(':- !to,:l:'!' tl,cncl.' S{outh Ceo 35' Weat 15.00 f(O("t to tb(O !'ltld I," sertlnll ('ornl'r, thl'ne. ~Pfl h O' :50' W..t 15.00 fe~t to thp poJnl nf b~glnn¡ng. STlb,jf'ct to coYf'nàntA, T'f'.trl~tjon l and conditíonln WI TIHWT W,\RP ASTY F:XPIU'~,~ or, nlPLI EDo IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused its corporate namt and ~aJ to be a.f&xed h88to _~is I , ¡(,v! ~:/ J" ¡ p. ~ ~ ...' r CI!Y .T I n ,E. IN ~ ,1m \N c t ,. -=t\l.\-...~.,¿: 1 :;r~~~ ' / '" A..htaat Secretary /' /' .,./ ST1\'1"Ê' OF CALIJ'ORNIA ...,. ,..:."""..:~:UNTY or ...., S "I).t,"... çtto~!._..o_..._o_} la, instrument to be executed by Its duly authmlzed offict'r~ June 16. 1959 Dated: 0................................ ...... . SOLELY FOR. RECORDER'S USE ,~ iJ ¡(\S'J'i( ('~S':r~ Ell\. 11 On...,..... ,.....,JW1,e.,~6.....1n.5,9................._.,-_.._..._o_._... hdo¡ ~ Ine, the unJeui"u<d, a Notary Public ÌJI aDd for ,aid "öett-t,....Gl.1"'f\o"'" ,........County and State, ,.nouUy appeared ,.......... "'........"......,.. .L...B.lø.oa.q.u.1.a.L_......._.........oo.... known to me to be the ,. , ..........-..- Yi.......-....preewøt, aDd . .................... ""'0' .. J.......A.......lli bbe.r..i.._...............-..-..... knowD to - 10 bC' die..... . ..,..........o.........Uùaf..nt. SecNta1'7 of the c:orJl4lllt\oa th'14 es~c:uted the ..¡thin iDitrulll8llt, ... kaowD to ... to be ~. It II"'. ....... Qftuted the.. itbin iD1ltrlll888t 018 belt.1t 01 die c:orpor""" ;j¡""<a" r I"', and aclroo"'!ed¡ed to - that tlleh corpo- ration .w1l14!'d It... 88188. " .0 c. ~ \l)J I r r.~ ' i ~ 7\ WITt'n.:ss my hand and oIiclll .ui .. "'~A4r,.L . ~':{tary P"bj¡( i\1, i."m~~J'I 1:(, fl.. \hi ¡,. 'hi;}, ---"'~,_._,-".._--,~.. --H~_"'_'-'-",-,-~-",~,- ,,-~,,~ ""'~-<""~'----"*' .. IIIpHrea I ~\t: i!o ','0