570 E. Hamilton Ave. (83-06) 'ft): CITY CLERK PLEASE ~ J seT Me) 1IEc.... /lIT FCIII ..... F'CLLC* I fG MON1 ES ~. P'ILE NO. tJ iC. (i,-4) fl4mi/~ JSiallHlJr , ACCT. I TllllII U 72 PREL IMI NARY ENviRONMENTAL I..ACT REPCRT FEE ( $ZOO ) 3370 STCRM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-l. $1.875; MULTI-RES., $2,010; ALL emMER, '2,250) PLAN EXAMINATION AND CXNSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE (7.. OF' VALUE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($250) 3372 3372 TENTATIVE TRACT.MAP FILING FEE ('240) U72 FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( $210) 3372 FINAL TRACT NAP FILING FEE ('230) 3372 VACATION OF' PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ($380) 137 Z AS.c;ESSMENT SEGREGATION OR REAF'PClRT I ClMIENT( '350 FOR 11'1 RST PLUS '110 EACH ADD I TICNAL ) 3372 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT FEEICERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ('250) 33.5 PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ('I,OI2.00I) 3373 COPIES OF ENGINEERING MAPS AND PLANS (' .50 PER SQ. FT.) 3373 WORK AREA TRAFF I C CONTROL HANDBOOK (' 2 ); ADD I T I ONAL( ., . SO 1 3373 PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ('10) 3372 aCAVATICIIf PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ('35) 3373 G~NERAL CONDITIONS, STD. PROVISIONS & DETAILS ('10; OR'I/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOSIT 3521 II' AI THFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOS IT 352 I MA I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ('I'S/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL NAME -:Da..VI Brent-on ADDRESS 2k 34- Pa..c.e yo Cons-fruc...:-r/OYJ J IYI~. I..a..n~ $.J. PHONE FOR C I TV CLERK OILY RECEIPT NO. ?o~~7 $.373/ e;;e 0-1"1 J~--~~Y~ AMOUNT PAID RECE J VED BY DATE' ~-- 3.'5~ . 35" . 3 731 Zz~-/~z.o ZIP 351 II .JULY 1.83 r ." -l ~ .., 0 0- 0 m 'ii' 3 ~ n ... 0 ::0 " ~ "n co ~ r+-i " " co )> c: " ~o c: " :::r :::r c: c: c: Z co " ;0 c: ....... 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"T1 ~I \9 n r;.. \X) )> ~ LJ ." to m r- r CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR .5h~.11 0,'/ ~I Vlo'2~;- / J..Ia. ~; I +OV1 , Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal In10t Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp ~ Lump Sum 2~ /lof. (i $ 3.50 .2.082.SS.F. @ 2.50 303.3L.F. @ 8.00 f EA. @ 400.00 -2~~.~L.F. @ 12.00 9..3/./S.f. @ 4.00 17C,7s.F. @ 6.00 I EA. @ 600.00 L.F. @ 40.00 A.C. Pavep'ent inc. Excavation (1378 S.F.) <Sl.10) <1tL") Adjtut fl6..h~le toe tyaSt Acjj lie + uJA.,...l L t.... 8. odt r1~I.tiftll'fLt Belt .. M9RwmsA" ~G/c.6:Lk- Street Tree !-Ii ga11~) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop, Street Name or Ot~er Sign '''"'0 f'05+ J Pavement Markers ~~~t'.j(~~'1~ f {k>5-t- K!v:::d ~Lo,.h I' I. I OV~Jr 4.V /5/and c&..rb /$/a.nd t!4.fJ Street Li~ kl Electro i er Conduit Conductor, pair Pu 11 Box Storm Drainaae 12" eP-t5'" RCP 1 e" 81 Et u Itet' Street Inlet f1trnIloff I!.l:.NIo lAd [lit,. 1I"..llv1" Il.~. i~ /~-f f UJY1~ . J(;>/",,-r Rev; sed 1/20/82 EA. @ 400.00 EA. @ 300.00 EA. @ 300.00 I EA. @ 175.00 SOl loF. @ 0.80 4 EA. @ 100.00 SO I EA. @ ~OO 2.0 EA. @ 12.00 I ~ @ ~-:::; 10 ~ LF- f!!P 0. "s (1-7.84-P) (/.10)(1 'J /4<::> LF ~ 8.60 10S SF f? 9.oD I EA. @ Uf.~ <3 L.F. @ 9.00 ~ loF. @ 3.00 I EA. @ 250.00 :z. 3 loF. @ 45.00 L.F. @ 55.00 I EA. @ 1,000.00 EA. @ 1,200.00 EA. @ SOD. 00 I E"A . c? SOO TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND i 0/0 PG-- t C-J CA.:s J., of ~pl> oS,' j- Date 1.2. - .., -8.3 By ~ .5nyd~ & S -ZI 600 J 0/'3 . .s: .z.O~ ..2 4.ZG . 4<>0 .3.S~ - 3.7.2..4 - I b~ t:. 02- ~oC> 9.~S8 . "S 4-01 4-00 SO 24-0 50 7'7 4-) "7 J z.. I~ 12.0 9<(-5 2.50a . 81 2.."7 .250 J.o3:S . l.nDO , 5'tJo s$2, 7~ Z. s S~ R<:)O"""- 3" ,,~~ S oo-+- S'l . '::TURAL SECTION DES IGN WOR ~EET 5HELL oiL. PROJECT HAMIL-TON /.5ALMA~ DATE /1-4-83 TI = B Source: L. I. D. Ib 5o/G....5 TEsT R = 2.3 AC/ROCK ALTERNATE AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (T~) Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 GEAC (-/!,' 5~3 ) -:- GfAC ( ;z.. b ( ) = D,26 ft. thick A_C_ Rounding up to 3i. inches (min.3~ inches)A.C_ GEAC=(:Z-:))(z.ot)::.O,5"B TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (~I) (100-R)77 ~ (.~7 Native material R Value = 23 GETot ( I . "'1 ) - GEAC ( . 5" S ( 1.1 (10i>?R) =-~ 0.5'3 -+ GEAB ( (. 3';> ) -:- GfAB I AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: 3;; :i.. (Do not use if A.B. is DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE II AC on less than = GEAB ( I . 3~ = '.:Lbft. thick A.B. /5 II Cl 2 Agg. Base 4 inches.) -t (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: '0 II A. C. Port 7-De~ign PLANNING MANUAL 7-604.4 -=-a.~~-.:r--_.\t? '-'!:t:ft - ......"'"V- _1liIldI............ ~'f1 - April 16. 1'10 TAClE 7-604.3 Gravel Equivalents of Structural Layau in feet ASPHALT CONCRF:'fE Cement-treated ---. .-- - ---- BlLlIC Tra.'fic Index (TI) Aure- :; BT8 CI_ Aggre- gat.c /i.l\d 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 ILnd gate BUb- bctov/ 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 LTB A B baac baac Aclu..l thicknC811 Gravel F.quiv&!cnt }'actot. (Gr);'t~ Gr Gr G~8 Gr of layer leel 2.50 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.64 1.57 1.52 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.10.. __...__ 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.19 O.!R 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.12 .-p....._-_..- - - - - - - -- . - - . - - -- 0.15.___.____ 0.3S 0.35 0.3:! O.~,\O 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.18 - - - - - -. - - - - - -- - - ~ - . - - ... -_.-....._- 0.20.___.___. 0.50 0.46 0.43 0.40 O.SS 0.3(; 0.3.1 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.24 ....-...----...-..-- -... - - - - -- - - - - - -... 0.25.. _ __. _.. 0.63 0.S8 0.54 0.50 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.30 --- -.....------- -.. - - - - -- , O.~O__.._____ 0.75 0.70 0.64 0.60 0.57 0.64 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.46 0.36 - -. - - - -.. - - - . . . - ... -... -...-- - - - - - - -- .. '" - - - -...- 0.35. _ __ __ ___ 0.88 0.81 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.42 - -.. - . . . - - - -... -- 0.39 0.35 0.40.... _____ 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.80 0.76 0-" 0.68 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.48 -.----.-.--.... 0.44 0.40 ..- 0.45__.. _. _._ ----..... 1.04 0.96 0.90 0.85 O.SI 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.54 0.77 0.64 0.50 0.45 0.50.....____ - - . - -- 1.16 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.60 0.85 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.55_.______. ----..--...---- 1.18 1.11 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.84 0.66 0.94 0.66 0.61 0.55 0.60.._______ ---------"'-.------ 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.98 0.94 0.91 0.72 1.02 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.65.________ -------..---------- 1.31 1.23 1. J6 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 0.65 0.70. ________ ------------------------ 1.32 1.25 1.20 1. J5 1.10 1.00 0.84 1.19 0.84 0.77 0.70 0.75__.______ ------------------------------ 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0.90 0.83 0.75 0.80.__00_00_ ----...------...-----......------...---- 1.43 1.37 1.3J 1.26 1.22 0.96 1.36 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.85______00_ ------------------------------ 1.52 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.29 1.02 1.45 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.90.._______ ---------------------~----------_.._- 1.64 1.48 1.41 1.37 1.08 1. 5.3 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.95_________ ----.-.----------------------------------- 1.55 1.49 1.(.4 1.14 1.62 1.14 1.05 0.95 1.00_. __ ~ 00__ --------------------------...-----------...--- 1.64 1.57 1.:'2 1.20 1.70 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05 ---...----- .-------...--------------------------------------- 1.65 1.60 1.26 1.79 1.26 1.16 1.05 ") G~ NOTgS: BTB is bituminous IreotNl baS<'. LTB iR lime tre:1t~ lllllle. Jo'or the desi!:n of road.mis~ a.ph.lt aurfadD&:. uae 0.8 of tbe , ./{,.is '. (. <' .. , . t.., ~ l-l ::J '-' U) U) ttJ ~ U ~l f:-l w ~ eLl 0:: U :;;..: o u f:-l ~I ~I ~ z o ~ E-< ...~ C- o tLI .,I:: . ~J ,.... ..... , U) A '-' ...:l ~ 2 z <:; ;r.: Z I..:l I-l CIl tLI o CIl U) t...: ~ u t: (:: ~ E-< r:x. U) U) w ~ u !:C f-4 :'<1 E-o tLl 0:: (,) Z o u E-o ,...J :;; C-: CIl ~ . ". .'. " . . i f .. , ,'" - ~ H Z 0:: o ~ I-l ,..J ~ U '-' ..... w ::> ~ > ~ u H:<- t:.t.W< ~ Cl U' <:2: ~H- U ~H '.' 1-4 ... I... ',1') <( ..:JO:: OE-o . .- ,.j H o U) (, Z H >< ...:l ~ t.rJ @ ::J t:.t. o " V\ ..;t o 'N '~I o ..... V\ ~ W_. t.!JH -'. ~ :.:J '-" Z v OJ If, Pl o .. - , '.' .., .oo .. 0- OO' "' o.:t . :. o ~. . = = o o (;) \0 .t: .: .: = : '0 0 = : : : : 'I .' V\ ,.... 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S C!J .c 4.J "'0 rG (lJ s.. ~ IlJ E:: ~ (J) I.Il CU (lJ ,0 ~ rG S .. c: o .... 4.J o (lJ (J) s.. (lJ u c:: ..... 4.J 'M .. ''0 CJ 4.J co;s o ..... "g..'. .... u C\l (I) . ...~ lI) en CII c:: '.:.: ,0 .,.4 ..c 4.J c: ..... . '0 c:: I'J o.r: .,.4 ') 4.J co o C) ::l s.. 1', ~ s.. Cl) r) s..,o CJ .c en 4.J ru s..,c ::l ~ en (0) o CJ c:: c .:.: ~ 0 (lJ.... 5'2 OF CJ\MIJIJELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Planning August 25, 1983 Mr. Rick Nonnan ~ Enterprises 209 Fifth St. Santa Rosa, CA. 95401 RE: UP 83-06 570 E. Hamilton Ave./587 Sa1mar Ave. fuar Mr. Nonnan: Please be advised that, at its meeting of August 23, 1983, the P1aming Connnission approved the above referenced application, subj ect to condi- tions as listed in the enclosed Resolution No. 2227. A copy of the approved plans is also enclosed for your records. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning fupartment. Sincerely, AR1HUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECIDR / ) ~- / //C~L(y- /(_/{C{..ditL~Lt'"~ MARTI C/\~OOIMORrn c ><- PLANNER I I 1d Enclosures cc: MS. Lillian S. Bitney 3236 Watercrest Rd. Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 Mr. Jerry Anderson 570 E. Hamilton Ave. Campbell, CA. 95008 RESOLUTION NO. 2227 PLANNING COMMISSION After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of Mr. Rick Nonnan for a use pennit and approval of plans to allow the construction of a self-service gas station, mini-market, and to allow off-sale beer and wine on property known as 570 E. Hamilton Avenue and 587 Salmar Avenue in a C-2-S (General Commercial) Zoning District, as per application filed in the Office of the Planning Department on May 26, 1983, and after presentation by the Planning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed (UP 83-06). After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Commission did find as follows: That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use, or be detrimental or injurious to the property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Based on the above findings, the Planning Commission does hereby grant the requested use permit, subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit A. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to comply with all applicable Codes and/or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California which pertain to this develop- ment and are not herein specified. PASSED AND AOOfYfED this 23rd day of August, 1983 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Kasolas, Campos, Meyer, Fairbanks, Howard, Kotowski None Dickson NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners: Commissioners: APPROVED: Michael F. Kotowski Chai rman ATTEST: Arthur A. Kee Secretary EXHIBIT A COND I T IONS OF' APPROVAL: UP 83-06 APPL I CATION OF: Nonnan, R. Page 1 1 nla 2 3 n/a 4 5 6 n/a 7 8 P. C. Mtg.: 8/23/83 Revised elevations and/or site plan to be approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor, within 30 days of the Planning Commission approval. Revised elevations and/or site plan to be approved by the Site & Architectural Review Committee and/or the Planning Commission with- in 30 days of Planning Commission approval. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plans. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted for approval of the Site & Architectural Review Committee and/or Planning Commission prior to application for a building permit. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of irrigation system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to application for a building permit. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to applica- tion for building permit. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $ 5,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within 3 months of completion of construction; or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and strip- ing of parking areas prior to application for a building permit. Applicant to submit a plan, prior to installation of PG&E utility (transformer) boxes, indicating the location of the boxes and screening(if boxes are aboveground) for approval of the Planning Di rector. Applicant to submit a letter, satisfactory to the City Attorney, limiting the use of the property to: square feet of office use, square feet of speculative industrial use, and square feet of warehouse use, prior to issuance of a building permit. All mechanical equipment on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. -n/a: not applicable to this application. [()';D; 1 ]()'is nr t,I"'!;:'. APPLICI~TION or: ~(lJ,Il:U1, Paor ? 1 J]) ,-:.\. (i i) R. The a p p 1 i (a n : i <; n (, t if i E'rl a s r art 0 f t his a P r 1 i C il t i () nth a the Ish e i' ~. " ' to I'leet thp follO\'Jinq conditions in accordance \'Iith nrdinance of thp r Carlr~'ell i'lnd Lrlv!c, nf the Statf' of California. A All parkin(] and ririveloJi1Y at-pas to bE:- develo[)ed in comnlianc,-,:. " Section 2l.5n of the Campbell Municioal Code. All parkinc: '.:,,' ( to be orovided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper C1U~(~ B Underground utilities to be provided as re\1uired by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell r1unicipal Code. C Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check sh?l~ indicate clearly the location of all connections for underr~rr,., utilities includin~ water, sewer, electric, telenhone and tE'~ vision cables, etc. n Sign application to be submitted in accordance with DrOV'S'0~~ r' the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed u~~~' application is approved and permit issued by the Building ~eD~r~- ment (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell Municipal Code). [ Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates t~~~ any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, aarta~:, wet garbale and rubbish produced within the limits of the Cit!" Cam~bell shall be ~ade with Green Valley Disposal Company. TI: requirenent applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple ~-~"- ment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufac:.~-ir,:. and construction establishments. j. Trash containeds) of a size and quantity necessary to serve thE: development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire ~E:- partment. Unless other\vise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist ,~f a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. C Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City re- quirements for the handicapped. n/a Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicate~ in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. n/a Applicant to pay Park Dedication In-lieu Fee of S ar:ci/c!' dedicate sq. ft. of land for park pu~poses, prior tc i SS Uilnce oT-a---b-u"('-dTn-g permi t. '--:11':Jl.!"!':!~JJ!}J:'_ilj~:~!'J;:J~J00..'!!!!J~''l.?~!.~'P!1!'!fFT: The aI)J,Jic:mt is hereby noL..,... ti" ;.rUj.",]tl,' lS to LJI' ~.:JilJtained free of dn~! cC):;/hu.<:tiblc trash, deb:lc .}',t;. tJJ(' tin". t!LJt .JctUiJ] const:uctioll ,:O,7L;Je!1ces. All existing stnL'~;:'. c >, ;.t. S"C1Jl,>r] In. .'jdl'ing ,,'ind()~,'s ]Joardcr! uf' an:! doors spa1ed shut, ('T ,', ... ,,; (.! I, .'T]()".,.(j frO;T, the P:C)f'C'Tty. Sect. 11.2{l] [> ]] .414, 1979 Ed. Unj:' -J" CONDIT IONS OF APPROVAL: UP 83-06 APPLICATION OF: Norman, R. Page 3 FIRE DEPAR1MENT H. Fire extinguishers to be located within 75' of dispensing islands. I.- Additional employees shall be provided at all times to care for . emergency needs at dispensing islands (Sect. 79. 703 (f) (5) U.F.C. J. Provide 2A-IOBC fire extinguishers in office area. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT K. fudicate right-of-way and reconstruct the curb, gutter, and sidewalk through the intersection of Hamil ton and Salmar Avenues as indicated by Public Works Staff on site plan. L. Obtain an excavation pennit, pay fees, and post surety for all 'WOrk in the intersection. M. Process and file a parcel map to combine the ThO parcels. PLANNING DEPAR1MENT N. Planning Conmission to review use pennit one year following project completion to insure that the hoursof off-sale beer and wine sales are compatible to surrounding neighborhood. BUILDING DEPAR1NENT O. Handicapped requirements have not been satisfied. The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. HAM' _lor, ,~ p ~. ~.j ..... 0- ~~1 ., -t---- . - f' \~ ", 1 I 'ell: t~ ~l'> .,,~- . JI, l; ..... "~ : 6~ ICb . e ..... Z I to :n AI (fl o z l:: .. :~ <~-: r~ .. .J::~ .'--_ .A"\" ~i 4.,~':';. L~ 0 ..~~ ::..::~ .:!~'- J1l.~ r,.":~.:'t:';'~ ":0 ~~~ ~ . N ->' ~ ;:~j_ H ~~r' H ,Q - -- ~'-:- ~ ';z ~ -' ~= y ~...~:~~ I" : , 1<:;; .,,;{ ( ~ y 'J < :t I" O' r'1 It.) 0 Z C rn 'j !:::-- ,- ~ . l, ....... - " ., ~ ~ c' -~ ; I: -.., I~ i' ,. j ''''' " I", rl~~ r~c I~ ,- , I I:t t: :"- ~ o ;~ Ie; " 1': :l, I UP r-J"O~. "~\ ",-8~-i" --": , :::-T -~ -----~- - ----- I .. ,..., I..... IG 1'0 '" I~ 1"- " 1 j ~ , '-- , r r to l:: " , ~ "U n (JJ ,""' .., -, ~r :~-~ r ~ ':' ~ to Z - ., r " z ,.., " C) .r '" '- ~ S ( '- I I - . - I~ I~ i~ I~ 'i'e '" l.1' I~ ... ..... .. I - J .> i .... " ,,,.. t-- - - - - - - - - - .] c...! ~'- - - - - - ~- r ~ ~ __f ::r '" .., ~ I to h (') z ~ 1<... " - " " ;: j I ., .~ :I 8 " n ~I -, :i I I ,,_ 'J Ii L) ---:..I ,.;- ~ ~ ~ I.. . , C- '" ~ ; r .. " :z ,., h ~ :;. (~~ .. ...., '" ~1' -(') 4f." ...,., "'''1. -., ",,1 ., " 5ALMAR 'l> AVENUE :~ (1, "" AVENUE ~ 17<' ., >-,- ... . .. n. I r> ,. ,.. : . ;!' . .....- ~ '~t, ~... ...:: ,..... .: .1 ' I~ - Iw i'" ~ I I ! , ,,., ,1 ' ~-,,'j '. ~ ~ ..-.......:-....!~ ~- _. ". ,- j ~ -I .1 u II l> I, E J.' J' U I~ ..\ I.. j-I;~ -~' , ~ '" ! "" .1 .....t -j , "1 J' I.... "" 'tl,U - - . -- - -- I i I~ l. '....... ~ < (" .~ ,- z "" ~ I~ : i . . > < I L Public hearing held before the Planning Commission on 8/23/83. Res. No. 2227 recommending approval of UP 83-06 (Vote: 6-0-1) Self-service gas station, ; mini -market, of~fa11 :beer & wine: \ /' / ro..... ;J" .' F