215 W. Hamilton Ave. (77-50) MEMORANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS CITY OF CAMPBELL ---------------------------------------------------------- Works Department have been satisfied for The requirements of the Public the following development: APPLICANT V i( ! I ~ BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: n =; Ñ ~ ~ 800 ~ 00 to W "'<~ ë5~5i.... z!:....:a:: mCaov; c~m... ao¡; ~m :I!C~:;¡ o~n:;; ~zæ.... . C Z m T1 ~~ ~ ('), Z I C ~(..... ~ ^ OJ rn ;0 ;0 m < rn z c m Þ n () 0 c z .., z 0 n .., -< 0 .... "š n ~ þ ... ~: ìJ C OJ m r r 0 0 Þ -I s:: m 0 2: m . '.' -< 0 ;u 0 m ;u c" .'> ~ = r;1 ("') 1 CD , -J C) ~ ""S"\ = ", " I c.D -J CJ v, -., '. J.! '-J (j.) G) J: n =< -< n r- '" ]J ^ 0 0 " " C) 0 tó:? 1.0" \c') \,() 0 :¡::.. *' þ (') * * s:: þ 0 (JJ *" *" C I * *' z -" ..... -I -.J -.J Ç) Ç) :::::> CJ 0 = ~ ~ þ 0 0 ;u m ,(JJ / (JJ (') - n-f Þ-( ~ ~ 0 ;¡¡ ~'11m ~(')() ~» r ~s:"U °-U-1 ~m Þm ï ï , - CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ;:~~~tf~~. ?~- þ~-(5 - PROJECT INSPECTOR'S ~~:~i~~ 2/~tJ ~~,A Ar4>' DAILY REPORT Page of Date M T w T F s S Circle Day Weather Temp. Min. Max ¿ - ;e;- f?D ,[j frJ{.J ¡::ð<~ (~02~' 1;0.'1";:/ (""AJ; L.12 ~~rJl' ~---j' ,#~/4-v.~, J-/'i'øA -.da/~ I h;(,Ç /d ø :/Þ-..-v---,-,. .r;;", M~/ A::7/d -/ctJ, <.).¿1.-/ )¿I",¿r ~,,/-..Jtfß .-oA, v /' I' (/ ç!/c2?,,~_<_P/ h-A. 4 --'! . ,----, 17 /' / ~~-c.r-- - ---, ------' ,-, ,- "--'- PROJEØ~~R ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR ";J . ¡ ~" -,'... ~ .-" ~ )i ~ ',~~ '~~ ~{ -:+- 'tl ~"-- ,~J f- '-.- "'- ...-' d~ ---.-....- '...:aO~'-:',.",..;..... .",....; "]-":~':~::',:i':C~:::.":- ';"-';~"';"'~>"':;-Y -' , .-,', ,<,. ~. ~ ";'. ":..'.. ,- " " ,..,.. ,-, ..~ b//'!Jfo tJ; (I ..,/ " i.,~~eJ _._...,._----._..._-.,.....~_..:.- -'-""'-"~--'-"---._'"" ":"- "'--:"~'._-_..,...-..;,~..:, / ~rTT OF CAMPBELL 75 II. '-ntr.' AVflI~ tupbe 11. CA 15008 APPLICATION: AppltCltion is .reby .* for III eac""tlon ,.,.It in Iccordance .tth A. tilt locltton - IIIture of the wort to be IIont is: I '".It 10. 7 r -~¥6- tl11 J78-a\., . lirD for tll5PICtloni. EXCAVATION PERMIT tAJ.o. --/9 S- -.sJwW '\ rJtÞI& #: ßO...7ClJ) I. AU.clltd Ire copies of I drlwlnll showing tilt 'out Ion. edlnt ,nd ell_nslOl'ls Of tilt wrk. 'fit "",.,lnll Shows the relltton of tilt Pl"Clpoud wo"k to ,aistlng lu,.flCI Ind urlCltrgrourtd illPl"ClweMlnU. IIItn IPPI"CI"'. by tilt cltl IIIvln",.. I1ld d",.,lng ble...s I Plrt of tilts ""It. t. 'fit Ippllelnt IItreby IV""S by Ifflalng his 11",.ture to this IPpl1cltion to ~ld tilt Citlo' te.øbtll. its officers. l Ints, Ind -tlllPloy"S frel, life. Ind hI,.le.. fro. 1111 c1l1. 0" --lid fo' ....gu ",sultlng fl"Olll tilt work co",red by this "",It. D. 'fit ",.It ," h $25.00. Tilts 11 to lp CO"" tilt COlt of tllsptctlon. 11- 5, j, tV. U/. Stgnlture of Appl PfIlMIT: 'hts ,.,.It to ..cavlte is hsued lubject to tilt fol1owl11V conditions: 1. IIOTIFY tilt clt.1 ....gl"",, .. hours before beglllning wort. 2. ~UUTAIII Slfe ,.cltstrfln Ind ""lallIr cl"Clulnvs Ind fret ICcess to prlnu tlrlwe.ays. f>fre IIrdrlnts end .Iter Yllves. . 3. Any STRUT CLOSING .,st hi", pr10", specific IPPI"CI"II fro. the city IfIgln"r. 4. COOROL OF TRAFFIC tn tilt IIIOrk arel shall confo", with the Work Area Traffl' Contro1 Htndbook. 5. REPLACE IN KIND Iny d8~gtd or ,...vtd e.lstlng 18pro"...nts or plantlllgs. 6. SAWCUT for III P.C.C. or A.C. ~"Ils. 7. P.C.C. REPLAC£l1ENTS shal1 confo~ with current City Sundlrds. 8. A.C. II£PLACE"'ENT shall bI ettlltr: JttI'" 4 fn,IIts A.C. on.1l"'lncllts R.78 bl5I rod: o"ÆlncNS A.C. "'P Itl"lngtll. or. ey I~ 'RECEIVED NaV 6 19/9 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 9. "hCII1"..ous conditions: - IlIPol"ted, select blckftl1 fa required. .:::::... TIlt hours of wo"k Ire 11.t ted to bltwtn q AM 8114 :I I't'l . - Work to be suttd by . HcInStd Lind Survlyor 0" Chl1 (flgl"",, llId tit.... copl" cf the cut sheets Stnt to the P1/I)1I, Iiorb Dtpart8tnt before lurtln; wo"lt. ~ Open cutting of PlweMlnt wil1 IIOt be IU_d; 111 pipes 01" CiDllcluft Ihll1 .. JICtH "'*1' e.IsUng PlYtIIItnt. ~ f?r",n"v-<'- u..--rd vy(cnL. NIt Ýt- ð-l J:(k~/f¿ ~ IVI~-hl/ql-r:-'- V CAIN'J.cr......... dr-I v 1U¿.>.A.1 :"{../.IWa-z '-G- .¡;,,- lA../t'7 1'1 q ~..¡-- 10. DEPOSIT required to qua",ntH restorltton of public rtgllt-of~. (Aet",rnlb1t upon I'"ptlnce of the work by the city .ngl,,",,). S ~- 11. aIQUEST I final fnspectton I/ld ICClptlncl In wr1tllli \CIon ~1ettOft of tilt wort. 12. AccIPtlnce of tilt Ptl'llit by the n"'lId P.,.IUH constltuus Iccepunce of any and 111 condlttons upon wIItt' tilts "mlt h vrlnltd. Tilts Pel'llit does not ...Hue tilt 'e,..IUIt of Iny oI>1tptlon to obtain '1\1 oUler '-!"IlIa required by tiW. ,.,.It is IMIt transfe"lble. "'"k 8U$t be ,.rlor8td bl ..,.lttH or "1'II1\\"'s agent. . - ; ACCEPTED . I L bervenQ te1epho,.. ftUIII>t" 1~~t(79 Drawi/lg A uadlH? ,.,.tt '" ',fn DIpo. t t lIKe ..." lust",1 Lt~' í//A LU/ v 1u"~\¡ 11 1L.'~(.1 ,,; . ; .l J.) t., . 4/78 ;? IS- Iv' ¡jk~/!&~ Ó/~ - ßPï:J6d"l Code No. HÓUSE N". STREET CITY ~~6~ESS Y5/-:)C í~t~(~~fcY'-' £~L /./..J, YS /..;1<-/' EST. NO. t3c-7tJ$' /' -ft-: - /. Kone Acct. / ú.,- NAM~~'Aß..t?- Có-<J: L c--' . No.---Y9.2..:-- (..:~;U ___-__No._- (¡-? - 0. ,,{....~ - /::; 7 ~- : Lot. No. Bloà No. ~::.~I N ,-' S E R V ICE MAT E R I A L Between ~n !..sù ~ (,::) I "3C ~ t! s,T F ¥! .. Sts. ~"" -S~~--I.-- IT E t.4 I QTY; SIZE IT E M ,I : x% I Saddle I New Con.t.. CO/' ~omplete Secondary Source 11:-- ~~~I Corp. Stop# I ! SERVICE: Size New Renewall~"x~"1 Plast-ic Bushing I T. SingleJ_.Un:_?~s_e"-.t :",",:plitw/SIO~L,- lir."3¡:;,-I-l.p.ë~up'ing I Date Issued___- -- By i5:. -- If--r -----r-- --.-I ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION: I3c-/lJ' iL-~" _1 Copper Tubing ,", Date Permit Cheded ;1 I %" I S/L Couplrng Received.LLLB QA- No'--d .-f-__Fo, Grode -- . ..- rÎi,-:-¡-AM...5toP:- ----1:' pprove or~-----I- Plat No.;¿61 g ___Installation______---------- Iii: ZPro~~esure C '7 INITIAL DATE ![-:---~I~~ - i- SaddI~- ¡ --- if -~- .I~'- /- Corp. Stop # ' Date Mapped- - _____By__- -- ---- - _;f! --f- I MAIN: Size {; ,/ c: LKind__~T. I~+ I/~/I.'~ lu_~~s~:~;~:g --- ~ Out Ft. From__- -- -- P /L. Pressure -"'- ~__l3 Lb,¡--!------- ----- u- ---- ------ -, REMARKS,~(ð(~ 1- /M,( ",1..- 1[-+- ::~-~f7é¿:'"~Ë~gu_~ I !r' ----~ ;;XI-;-;--r" SiL. ..2:~~------ 'L Customer '---11 Signdbre Ii I I" AM. Stop I !i=~=-- . M Ë T -Ê R n MAT E R I A L i I'. ¡ METER, "^" "" if O"; ;;'- ¡ -M~t., B~." " - --Hi O" "" I ~.t",::~~t:"'- "._R..dl'9------- -~."~. II r;~..l:::::;¡;~9 Jtl i Ir-t----- I-. ---J --¡ Main 1~_L..!6" - +-~.s._~oup~~~g---31 Date Insta"ed______-~_____De. Pth___-. -'.n._. -_n- It. J"J'-Il_~_eter~ox___-.--.--...-. . Hi '. Foreman- ------~-- . -- --- Ii I I" Meter Coupling I! KEY PUNCH. __.N.S.D. .IO--c=tš-5.c+g ----,U ¡ t,1~Y 6r <::~þy\p. P~RmJí# ~Ww Form No. 13, S.J.W.W. SERVICE INSTALLATION ORDER STREET ADDRESS 7-// i ! N! 226250 ,- -'-- IT E t.4 ---,._-, -- \1 - '"b f'(\ ~ c; I -\~ . ! . "-. -----.-------.... ~-......." -'-.' . .' ~~~.i..~,' :'...~::...=-'~.::~~::.-:::::-.~"..~,¡~ w w ~ I , i I ¡ , I r I i J I If- ~ I . I - I ~ L______. ,----.- Eð~1J Rv€. '--"---~--- t .-..--......--...-.---- "- Iv <:> r' I y)., 0 c.. R T I ö A.J Po)( I" l<...J í-1 TÇ' )?. .B'ðR..2. / r- PC;.sSIßI...'; Sf! T ry¡ t T E ¡¿ @ C\Jl!é s.~I1//l(t;. 1.:. ':tl ~ ..... ,.. cl ~ ~ ~ WIUC-r1t¿57£.<¿ ßLII/). .~_.. ~~H~D 48 ~i;i:~~~t",: E-OI5~ N/N HAMILTON AvE. W J E. E.OEkS A.VE. <D" VALVé.. (7~TE. TAP M.J N/~ HA.M' L"TC»-.1 Â'JE. w IE. EDEt-.J A.'IE. u1 ß.II 4 .~I .q g iJ S&OPE:. FOIi:. LOI:ÃTION - ~ ~ II ß ~II.;: ~ I I &E"-I B2.b.L p~ ~'E.. '. ,": \Dei 1-1 6"HYDRANT CURB I>GUTTER ~ 2' VALVE 'OX .,- . - ;'\~ç ~AM\LTOt-.J G:, "'vc..P - . - 2...I"tZ.c..P - - -- -Ð c -- Å"ï"'\'-" r~C'.:..- .. --=:>I .\ t::. ~V'I.L..~';' / "lIS W. Hbt--AILT~ AuE. L.AHP?£LL (A" ) . J.. ..J a :;~ . ~ . "Ii:~ "'C-,,.:;..-, ~ -.",;".-""'t ~ - ~- I ~ ~ ~ -+- I . I HAM\'-,~ À"~ I 2lo8 . -t- ~ITE. LOcA\\Ot-J "-10 5r pI E.. I \ þJ A.'IE. -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - -, cdc:...1 -.:..1 . 1O -- 0 ,;ø 1\ s-v -m.p F"A5 c., PIPE- ~ 1e;)l.Ie;~ _# ~~ .11 ..., ..If¿: X JeL- ONCRETE KICKBLOCK 6UCI PIPE MECH JOINT IN5~ ~ BO- I ~8 . TYPICAL HYDRANT INSTALLATION 1- G::)H~~T ~~ {J.~ C~ /, NO SCALE 1~5{6J....L', 130- 703 / .. / 1/ Yt! 1- ,," 5~1c...e:.. I-'" ME..ìER.,¿"----- NOTIFY u.S.A. AT 90o-M2-2~ i 48 HRS. ~C)R 7-0 ~C~VAT'ON. , ÐWlf- CAMP5E.LL ~URE G::>5 fSl '(0 73 P$I 2OHE - O-¡:'X O~'-V£t.öÆR' CUSTON/\ CO"-.\"':>TCbJc:.\ \Ot-J 4 8 SO OPE. B BLE.. bl...e-J '\/e ~ :Jo 'S. E. CA 9 s "2... 0, " 4<=)3- 133\ SAN JOSE WATER WORKS JUN 1 1 1QQn BY: Ml::h PM: -:ZCOIB "'1"£0 ~ QlEQO c:- , ~-----¡;-~-"'-,..-- /~v I,~ . I) -l--:ì'ì (r-- .~. ."/' . CHIEF EN6I"'" í f,\.c.: eA~ \"\ ~\) CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 August 7,1979 Department: Fi re Mr. Frank Oldham 3217 Bluebird Drive San Jose, CA 95117 Dear Mr. Oldham: Re: Office Bui lding 215 W. Hamilton Avenue On August 6, 1979, I observed that construction on the above noted building had begun. I would just like to remind you of one condition placed on the Planning Commission Approval S-77-50 and repeated on the Plan Check Correction Sheet, dated June 1, 1978. That condition was that a street fire hydrant be installed at the construction site. Please contact the Campbell Water Company and arrange to have this hydrant installed. It will also be necessary to pay the first five years rental fee of $195 to the City of Campbell. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincere ly, JFM:SAL:mm cc: Jim Penoyer, Engineering Dept.¡/'" Frank Kukuk, Campbell Water Co. RECEIVED' AUG J í979 PUbLiC WORKS ENGINEERING .-.. CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378.8141 Department: P 1 ann I ng DATE: Janua ry 5, 1978 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO IIS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Lawrence J. Valente s 77- 50 , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a two-story office building TO BE LOCATED AT 215 W. Hamilton l;UNOII'IUHS: See attached. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbe11 Munjcipal Code reads as f011ows: Any approval granted under this section sha11 expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, un1ess an extension for such approva1 is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at 1east fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No bui1ding permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approva1 has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 3rd DAY OF January , 1978_. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION . cc: ~ub1ic Works ~epartment BY: w Ly ():Iií-c k ARTHUR A. KEE, ECAETARY '. CONDITiONS OF ~pr 'VAL - S 77-50 tOND 1 T 1 ONS KARKE~ ..1 TH A NUMBER OR LETTER APPLY 'I APPLICATION 2 3 4 5 . . Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs, or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted !or, approval of the Planning Director at time of application for buIldIng permit. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $ 5,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of canpletion of construction. Revised elevations to be submitted as indicated in red on the approved plans, The appl icant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A All par~ing and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21,50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C Plans submitted to th~ Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water. sewer. electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issu~d by the Building Department. - E Ord i nance No. 782 of the Campbt.'11 Mun i c i pa I Code st i pu I ates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse. garbage. wet garbage. and rúbbish produced within the' imits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Di!.posal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dwellings. multiple apartn~nt units. to all commercial. business, industridl, manufacturing. and ~onstruction establ ishments. F Trash container(s) of a size and quantity nece!ôsar"y to serve the devel- opment shall be located in ared(!» approved by thE" fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist ~f ~ concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have sdf-dt'\sing doors of a size specified by the Fire Dt"partlncnt. An enclosures h\ bt' con~tructeJ at grade level. G Applicant shall meet State requin'nK!nt't f,')r th,' h.m,tic;Jpp,-J. .. . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 77-50 Page 2 FIRE DEPARTMENT H. Provide one street hydrant. I. Provide one 2A 10BC fire extinguisher for each level. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J. Pay storm drainage area fee of $170. K. Obtain an excavation permit for all work in the street right of way and show the work on the building plans. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.