225 W. Hamilton Ave. (76-4) " . '" . " , ", I, , , ,.., , . ", ì '. '.. " . . ; .., INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM .. " TO: . Building Department' .' . FROM: Public Works Department ,1 ' The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: ,j APPLICANT U ! :. '" I"~! ',' '¡ \ " ; I, l ¡'J . BUILDING ADDRESS [i-; _::- , , ~ r '" COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER '305" -o<l-~°~3¿) , .....-s;' APPROVAL NUl-'.J3ER , ,; ¡ .. PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER , .; t ' .. JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Date I . " ... RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPB ELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ,\l-d~ ADDRESS d Ú~LÁ- / FOR 6 ¡J Jb'- 'f,~ /cL~ (1'1/ c2 J..J' )7-. 4~ f~ - / ~ &u-Uv J)¿¿ - -,þ 17t'~~ .3 bJ -,4- ~-11/ Fxtf:U--d- æ~~/ߣ/ dc.:',¿()!:. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, c/jJI'-,4- S l' 9' /~ FUND NUMBER , f.?' (.' .ø CHECK / // f( -.jJ 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. ÞPR -6-77 51 o1oA ***209.00 65 oíoA ***170.00 APR -6-77 10479 0.. BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy ~'!;o ~' /.,0 ".,0 "? -" - ~ ?C"'"",~v'-'¡ "'f", '~, .L'L '~l ¡ - l ¿ ,7 t. F ')e .; édf,){IC¡) RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF WILLIAM H. SALLIN AND BERNICE B. SALLIN 'AGREEMENT . WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by William H. Sallin and Bernice B. Sallin an agreement with pre- scribed conditionsr and, WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement and concurrently herewith they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their property for street purposes: NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the .aid agreement on behalf of said Cityr and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1976 by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen, ABSENT: Counc i lInen: APPROVED: I':::~,:T,'~ --- ,JLf~~~IO~iNG~- fr I::' I I' ;< ,,\J~,~ fu- ¡IF'NIS ------..- - " ,'") Mayor ATTEST: [;1 i\ ,,: " ,..---'--- -.."..,...-- , C,ét ..-.--' ---,-- .., i ¡",,- I 'I Ii ". :...:: . iI' "'.: ,oO':.. ":::~",, . ... ." """ '~':;" '<'<'}~,:\?~,~;' UJ ~ 1'1) ('I) z ...; CIO W \&J > ~ 0 « 0 '0 ('I) ° Z 0 2 LLI Q LU - 30.00' ,..S 89°30'OONE 30.00' - SCALE: 1"=40' , - 2 - QI ~ 0 0 0 ('I) ° 0 II) LANDS OF SALLIN r.:'.: i.{ :::: "": .:':. ";" :"', :::: ..' . .. 'oo" '., '." 'oo'. , ..., .. . ", ,." ." r': ~"'" ..~. ¿ .:$ <b' a' ~. .. . ".' ......, .:(.. .':s.. ...".' ',< ...+ .:~' ,'. ::..:'r,. '(:: (::~'\'" .-.1" "",'" ,-' .' .:(':" ....~, ,".!.t...i.i::Q (::: ... ,..... '...'! . '...' " +1 'N 0 <:> 00 ~ HAM I L TON I -N- AVENUE & 1i BE GRANTED TO TH E ITY F CAMPBEL Dr. By L. M. S. Ot 1.,1976 CltByL.t.V. OCT. ,197& t 'Lond to be "...ted to City Contain. 0.0561: ac, It P,epo,ed by the Office of the City Enoi nee,. CaMpbell. Collfo,..I. CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR WILLIAM H. SALLIN 225 W. Hamilton Ave. 1. Clearing and Grubbing: a. AC removal: 132 sq. yd. @ 2.50 b. PCC removal: 31 sq. yd. @ 2.50 c. Curb & gutter removal: 9 lin. ft. @ 2.50 2. Earthwork: (61) (30) 27 = 68 cu. yds. @ 8.00 3. Street Lighting System: 175-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II electrolier, with photoelectric cell, 240-volt: 1 @ 1100.00 4. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 70 lin. ft. @ 5.00 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 221 sq. ft. @ 1.50 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 399 sq. ft. @ 2.40 5. Street Construction: a. Class 2 A.B., 1 1/2" max.: (1098 sq. ft.) (0.67) (0.07) = 51.5 tons @ 8.00 AC pavement, Type B: (1098 sq. ft.) (0.33) (0.075) = 27.2 tons @ 18.00 b. c. Transition areas: 212 sq. ft. @ 2.50 1 of 2 = 330.00 78.00 23.00 = 544.00 1100.00 350.00 332.00 958.00 412.00 490.00 530.00 6. Misc. Surface Improvements: Street trees, five-gallon size: 2 @ 27.50 Sub Total (based on Alt. No. 15% Contingencies: TOTAL 1. Use $6,000.00 for bond amount 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $209.00 3. Storm drainage area fee is $170.00 55.00 ): $5202.00 780.00 $5982.00 @~ ø "If». ~--- I ~1"1' \,~3ìS' -+- r;Ð.or 1\ ..o?- ,ß7l.03:>io - .~ 10 ~ "J ~ N ,,~ j@ 4- - ~Q 'ô S"" ~ -,::~1"~C"~2' 0¡tJ¡. .3~- 16.00' -----+- (þ;' ,-j I b. 00' ,.'--\ :,~,/ ---1 ! ----1 fzE5DLUf' ¡ Oi, 1~(\" 1:;113 ~c9 ~ ~\1'- (ý ~ . \0... \ P L hi :;~ ! ¡ ¡(, C U :1'; ! <:; S I oì! C!'!Y (ì¡- CN~¡[)¡;L!L, C,\LlfUf;!:lr\ After nc1ification i"Id public f:¡:i)tin~j ,,\<; sv:cified by ],)\'1 on the a¡'r)!ic;,~ion of \,¡¡ili():ìI 11, Sélllin for ¿¡ w:.c pc;ili1it and uijproval of pliHb to cor;\'(~(t ¡in cxistínq re"idential buildirl'j into a p;-()~cec;siolliJl office 011 proper-ty forn2ï I)' knol;;n c)'. (;10 fJor'tl1 Fden tWCí;i!C ¿md !'c¡,cJdrcsscd as 22) \-fe~;t íial,¡i1to[ì {'.venue ili (J P-() (PrnfC';5ion,-d Office) Zoning District, as PC! the ¿¡f>¡dication íilcC: in tI:':ò (,ffice of the. P;;"liIir,q r.1j¡ector 0;\ Scptu":Jcr 13, 19/(" Ðnd utter prcsent;:;t¡oi') by the; P¡¿mning Directol", proponents, and o¡.Jpcmc"ts, 1,,1-.(: hearing \'I,]:. c!CJscd. After du~ consideration of all evidence presented, the Pl;:;nn1ng CO';n1Í,:,~;ion did rind as 1'0]]0':15: 1. Thi1t the est¿,f:,li~,hrnent flFiÎntenance, and ()p(~r<';tion of the proposed use \,!i11 not be detrimental to the. hciJìth, safety, peace, morals, comfcH1: or ~jcneral v!elf¿}tc of the persons t(-,~;idi::9 or horki1ì9 in the neighbcdloc:d of such use, or b(~ d(:tr¡nì(~ntal or injurious to pr'opert'l <'no ¡1;l¡Jroven::'íit~ in the neighborhood or the ~3en::~ral iA)clf¿~¡c of the City. Lascri 011 11,('. above findings, the Plé!nnir:~J Co,::í1'Iission docs hereLy grant the ì"':'c;l!ccted use perr:1it subject to thc follo\JiWJ condition'..: L P,opcdY to be í cnced and J Dnclsc(jped as ¡ I'd i cCited iHld as added ¡ n Ilred" on pl¿ì:s. 2. Umdscope plan indicating typ.2 of plant matcri.::¡J, location of 110:')(: l>ibs or :.-.pr1nklcr 5y~;tCf1l and type of fencin~j to be submitted for a¡>pro\'al of thC'; Plê1nnì!1~! pi rector at time of ~pplication for bLJildin~J P(~ r I: it. 3. landscapin~l sha11 be lì1é¡¡ntaincd in accorc;.:mce \\Ii th the appro\Jc,d I.:ndsc<:pe plQn. I;. F¿)ithful pcrfor'r:'lancc bond in the amount $3,000 to be posted to ¡nslIl'c 1':"'1c!:>capin9. fcncin:.! õl1d striring of p¿Hkin;) iìl'Ca within three(3) mo:Üi-,s of COI;1;)Jction of construction, or appliczmt 1I1¿.,Y rile ,,¡ritlen éJ9reem.:nt to complete l¡md:;c,pin9, fcncin~¡ ¿md striping of p<:Jrking arCil prior to fir);)] building dC;)é)i"tm,:'nt çledr"H1cc, :>. 1'.1 ¡ iì~(~chJIì¡(,~:ìI equipmcnt located on roofs shall be screened ¡:1S appr()\'cri by the f'lalinjL~, Director, (" PLmnin9 Directcd' to i."pprov(' roof l1lê1teri¡:J!, The, ¿,ppliciml is notified a~ p,:.rt or LliÍ~~ ¿¡pplicution thi1t he is' required to fII'::et ¡hI; folloi'/in9 condition;> in "cc(;l(k:nce \'iÌth Ordinðf¡CC5 of tíw City of Ci)f ,pbe ¡ , Jì. {\II parking and driveway lHc¿;~; to be developed in cof ~pJiance vJÎth Section 21.50 of the Campbell ¡'1unicipéd Cc,dc. 1\11 parking spaces to b(, provided vIi th ¿:¡ppropl'i¡¡te concrete curbs or bu:lìper ~uard:;. B. Underground uti lities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the, Ca[npbcll II1'nicipöl Code. C. Plans submitted to the building deportment for plan check sh¿:¡jl indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground uti 1 ¡tics including violer, sevh~r, electric, telephone and television cablcs, etc. Ð. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all si~)ns. No sign to be installed until appJic¿¡tion is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Ordinance. No, 782 of the Campbell Hunicipé¡] Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse) garbage, wet garbage, and ru!)oish produced within thc lirnit~, of the City of Campbell shall be mcek wilh G;-cen Valley Disposal Company. This requi"crncnt applics to all single family c!v¡elling5, multiple apartment units, to ,ill cor.1mercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and constl'uction establishments. F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity ncce5s~ry to serve the dcvclop':lent shal I be located in area(s) approved by the fire department. Un1css othen,¡ise noted, enclosurc(s) shall consist of a concrete floor 5u¡'rcundr;o by a solid \'1 a 1 1 or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade 1 eve: I. G. Applicant sha11 meet: all State requirements for the handicapped. , : .ßUILOING DFPAfnr\ENT -'---,-- H. Class B roof required. Untreated wood shakes not permitted. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -----~----~--_..........-.~,~=-- - --- I. . Oed¡c~te to 30 feet one-half street along Eden Avenue. ,I, Agreement and bondin9 for balance of ~,trect improvements along [den {\Venue.. K. Storm drainé1~¡e area fee ($170.00), L. landscé1pe and m¿¡inlé)in ¿HCéì het\"~~en sick'\'/Lllk and property line atong .!ðmiltoiì :\vcn~!f'. fiRE OEP/\r.1HENT -'---'---"'-'-""- ~. II. Fi re Zone? dçes not pennl t wood shl1ke roof~. Ii. f)rovick: one "í.f\í:C'1 fire ('.>:t1nguÎshe¡-, ~ \' , ;,. ~ ¡: t ,i ~ , i ¡ The applicant is !ic)\iiiecl thùt he shall co~í!r;ly vJith il11 appliu:l;]C Code~> or Ordinances of the Lity of Caliìphc:ll vlhich pertiJin to this dcveloprnc~nt and ðr~ not hercirl ~pccif¡eJ. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of October, 1976 call vote: Ly the fol1owi 1'19, roll ! ¡ ! ¡ ! I I f , , ~ I I I I I l USE PERMIT TO ßECOHE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 171 1976. I\YES: Commissioners: Dickson, Sùmuclson, Pack, Lubcckis IIOES: Commissioners: Hebard, Campos I\E~S Eln: Co;l:ìnissio;\crs: None APPROVED: J. D U\~é~~~ _P-ls..~2.9..!l- -'-<ActTng Chai rmùn , \ ¡ , ! f I Ilrthur fi. Kef>. I\TTEST: ,--,-<--,-_...--~.._--- Secretary , . . "