488 W. Hamilton Ave. (76-20) ~ .. I September 19,1977 ELLIOTT ~ HANDLING HELMS ~ ~ ~TURN TO- ... : , "'::CARD -I - DIAl :. ,- LE f'YHn(40} \...-" CASE 1-- Public Works Mr. Stephen A. W8~d III Sea Lord Corporation 14180 Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: PO 76-20 Mltn (40) Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips 488 W. Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Ward: Attached is a copy of your plan to relocate your building and parking lot as approved on September 6,1977. I have shown the actual location of the existing driveways in red pencil on the plan. You will note that the proposed driveways are not exactly aligned with the existing ones and some modification will be necessary. Enclosed is an application for an encroachment permit for the required work. Please fill this out with location, type of work and when the work will begin at the top of the form. Sign your name, mailing address and phone number at the bottom of the form. TheEe is no fee for the permit, but we will ask for a deposit of $900 which will be refunded to you upon completion of the work. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER By James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP:sk Enc1 osure CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 ~ c~d-- (/? ~r-' , Department: PLANNING September 6, 1977 Mr. Stephen A. Ward III Sea Lord Corporation 14180 Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos, Ca. 95030 RE: PD 76-20 Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips 4e~~: Ih.-;-,¡ 1 ton t\fE ¡~111ò- Campbell, Ca. 95008 Dear Mr. Ward: Please be advised that the Planning Director has approved your request to shift the building and parking area of the subject bui lding 10' - 0" to the east in order to uti 1 ize the existing curb cuts. Enclosed is a copy of the approved Site Plan. If there are any questions regarding this matter please contact the Planning Office. Ve ry t ru ly yours, ARTHUR A. PI Enclosures / cc: Pub 1 i c Works Department / rma ~.\t\~r.. ÇPï ""Bp~ J 1=. f ~e.t\j~-h ~ ? .,- ~ : ~ \( ~ 8M c" -c "l.. 6 ç :y. 'P c. c..... t: Þ-.. c.... @ ir.oo fey ~ y L F @ ~.l:0D \~,.-.. L. t: \lt11-d\\ "2.S '-F r.c,c, c. ~ Q.. ~ . 1".00 F4~ L F' 5~~ So \ K) t 0.\ \ 7..$0 '.F; f~.(.... ..s/U) @ ..J' /. 50 Fel' S.t: Sð' .I /40.00 '2. So.oo \ 7...5. DO ~ 1 S .eJeJ =" "" 6'0.0.0 "" Cf 00. DO In I+n .~) PD '7(¿, -2-D . ORDINANCE NO. 1070' ~. ' BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE'..;' " '':'~/ , CITY OF CAr1PßELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, ~.. .. \'~/~\ /' , DEVELOP~1ENT SCHEDULE FOR A PORTION OF THE ).c~Ð');'\/.".\--.:."-- ,/X DEVELOPt1ENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE Qt'\.'(.:£e1 .'.' ,j-~// /\ ADOPTED ON THE 24TH DAY OF JULY, 1967. (A ,~ic:cttio'n\ v ~ ./ of Stephen A. Ward, III, and Sea Lord copora't~+.~.:.\,\:;\~".//' :'>_/ \..)/ ,The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordai ~'$.:-,t~~s" SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Camp '~~~' , changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A" en tled I cJns and Elevations", "Exhibit B" entitled "Development Schedule" "Exhibit CII entitled "Nap of said Property", as per application of Stephen A.vJard, III, and Sea Lord Corporation to allow construction of restaurant building to be located on property known as 488 West Hamilton Avenue in a P-D (Planned Development) Zoning Distr~ct. Copies of said exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department. Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: A. Applicant to sign an agreement, satisfactory to the City Attorney, to provide additional parking if the Planning Com~ission determines that a parking problem exists on the site. B. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added ;n Ired" on plans. C. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. D. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. E. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to be posted to insure landscuping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreem2nt to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. F. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. G. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided \.¡ith appr'opd ate concrete curbs or bumper guards. H. Underground utilities to be-provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of February by the fo 11 o\'JÍ ng ro 11 call vote: t 1977, AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Hanmer, Paul, podgorsek, Doetsch NOES: Counc il men: None ABSENT: Counc i 1 men: None APPROVED: Ralph IX>etsch, Sr. Hayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk "'., ... @~ .. . :: Ð .i ~ -@ -- t . to W t-...- HI\M Il TON .u p--r.'C"."'. 1.:J>.! .~\<,~,IMJ:it:;... j , Ir'~ t .- ~~ ]""' ~. I;:¡ :.:: J ~ ~. h.. ' "I I. r. ;",11 ': (\ I" ð - F ~..~~ ,:'j~- - .. - C> t .. ---".-. r.~ "': .J .0 1 I I~ ). to . . - . ... . .' .. o,þ ~ .... ,~ . 0 ~ . Ii ~ '--~----'----Pl:J'~-'V6---Z-o~ ._. .--.-.... 5 :j 1; % ----------- ... .. i f.3 . '" .. ... .. r r rT\ :E Pl r ~ Z EXHIBIT I,ICII ~. ~ .. , " 9 --_._--,.._--- I. I~ ~ ~ T: 0 .. If' .. ~ £: ". ... ,.. PUBLIC HEARING HELD BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON JANUARY 18, "'" ---j ~ Jg: :1 .. .~Í-; --- : . :... " " 1 I~ :; I~ . .., :CJ> . I ---.rO¿i """ : ",':.. .- '. 't ( ;: I'^ ,~ ,~ ~~ (' '^ I I .~ ~ I .".; I~ ..". - . .",. r :. ' I I I I ... .S ,: I~ ¡ I I .. I! I'" '. '" .. "': --..---'. .--- . ~ ~ .... " ~ -_...~_-: .t- KINGS' CT. - ...-------- ~~ ,,~ ¥ , "'.. ;, "", I'" t , . ,'" ... Ii.;.: ,~ ~ I~ : It 'i I~ ;, I~ '~. .. j; .--. ------ ~ 1; z.. I '.. ~ ~ ;:1;:'1;;,=;õll~oQ '- .. I I . -C,.. t'!'- -.. _.. - -. - - --.. -' .. _.. 1. - !of- -.... - -'~ t' - .. ~ ~,:J- x " ¡ I ,<OJ",.'" . \Ï>'¡¡; ~.,¡¡,;¡) ~ I '" ~.I , " f I;!:. ~ I:' . I~ I~ ,2 I¿'- I... .'.'£ ~;"" ... "141. -:,.. 0,."", cO Þ , ~ < ,. OJ .,' .." I . !f\ .. .. " ~ QUEENS CT, ~ ..------...- .-_!!_-- . II "" : !t ,"H. I\.. '-6, III> 10. I.... Ie. Its I;::: Ii\; I\:: I~ ~ , I~ ;¡. () » p ~ Z :: wi ... .. .. .. 0: ;;I ~ .. J ') ~ fT1 ,- í -...- IN f.. -,çt)-- ,..~,,/ @ _..,- Still[ '. \(}:)' .. I~ oJ:' :. I~ ~ ~ i ~ . ... .:... I~ ,"" I I~ t'.. ... t::S--- -_!l~---"; I"" z;; ':':...' '¡ : ~ : ~ : ~ r"" ,.~. .~-'~ , , I~ ~ L.." - -; - u . ~ -. . - ~ ~ ~ .. - ." -... '--"j'._..~ ~ : ~ ::: Ir ~~. .¡ '2" 'i ~.: ~ ,~ ' f I~ ~~, I~ :. 1~ ,a ':':~' , , ~]:;~ ~ I :. "I" " .... ' ,} t' --.-.. I ~ '" ,'\ . W. ~ ll\lïMfQ ._.....h. ^V[. 1-...- --_.~_. ---' ~) 'l~ ~ I-" ~)---_.- 'l r ì97ì- ----- ~ ~ ,~ 1'. ~ 1\0 ~........ 0 < ~ -------.--- ~ ~ D (p 1.'" -i '- . ,", .' , , . j ~ t~ .. .. ~:J C> ~ . .. :1 .....'" ...... .. r ~ ~ i J: ., :; n ' .. . <> ., ~ < . ~ ~.. <: ;.; ". . ).': .d ~ ~ ~ n I . f ... .. ~ ~ ~~H ~~p S 'l~". Ö" (), . r -- ~1 It;.: ,'-- RECEIVEa Jnl~ Ö .r77 PUbliC N'}~i\S ENGIi~.... 'i ~G ARCHITECT BUILDING DEPARTHENT ('PUBLIC HORKV FIRE DEPARTlŒNT PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW CO¡ :hITTEE emil\IENT SIIEET , - DATE: .JAil.! V1.\{ JA+J1J4 J ¡( '\Í c.I ~ s; ~et77 Ie, ~q"7 7¡ 1977 AGENDA: RETUIU~ BY: - -------------------------------------------------- APPLIÇANT STEPHEN A. WARD I I I ADDRESS 14180 Blossom Hill Rd SEA LAND CORP. .-.. --- - --.., '." ',.... '1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- L.G. TELEPHONE 265-2461 PROPOSAL: Pû 76-20 Ward, S. Sea Land Corp. Public hearing to consider the application of Mr. Stephen A. W~rd III, and Sea Land Corp, for (conceptual) approval of plans, elevations, and development schedule to allow construction of a restaurant building on property known as 488 W. Hamilton Avenue in a P-D (Planned Dew:elopment/ -------------------------------------------------------------------- A. P.N. : 306-20-64 &65. ;" .. """-"",,, -------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE REQUIREHENTS: .- ------- -- .-_.-..-- -. " --,- ---- [R1 ~"c~ ~ B~I~6Œ [D) ARCIIITLCT UU I LDING DEPARHIEHT ~~ FIRE DEPARTLENT PLAi'JI~ I tllì COI' JHI 55I ON REVILH co; ,I ¡ITrEE CDriI\IENT SIILET CITY OF CAMP8ELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: lILCU.1BEH 14, 1976 ------ AGENDA: JANUARY 4, 1976 '- ~. IŒTUIW 13Y: DliCEMUER 23, 1976 -- ---- -------------------.------------------------------------~..--------- LcA.þ SEA ~ CORP. APPL I CM.JT STEPIIEN A. \~A { ¡ r r 1 ADDRESS -------------------------._-~----------------------------------.--.. 141HO Blossom IIi II RJ 1..l; , TELI2PHONE 265-2461 PIWPOSAL: Pu 7ö-20 IV a r J, S. LA',l Sea ~ Corp. ----------------------------.---------------------------.--.--------- Public hearing La consider the application of Mr. Stephen A. WarJ III, and Sea Land Corp, for (conceptual) approval of plans, elevations, anJ development schedule to allow colistruction of a restaurant huilJing on property known as 4:{t) W. IlüllliltOIl Avenue in a P-j) (Planned Development/ C u Iì\JIl Ü rei a 1 ) Z 0 /I i 11 g ) i 5 t r i ct. RE cor :r fEj-J DA T I Ol~ S : A.P.N. : 306-20-64 &65. ..----..----- ------------- I -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE REQUIREfffiNTS: \' . ,'~'/ \ ), \ II ~ \ \ ç: $:; . ..'c) c: (,," .. 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";"';11. t of -.:ay x Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee $ 485 (*7"S/~eï ,M..) x ~ Provide copy of Preliminary Title Report ßntor into ~~rppment fQr construction. of streot. i¡RprOVcfficRtG-- ""PRo\J€[> IN ,~(Ó 8 - 8'11ØW5~' P.7>. ML T"c. fß) , Pay fcc::! ;:1.0 nôted iJ! d'j.L<:::<:::lll<:::I.t ......plan mtamiR:ltiotl ànd con.tructiOl. in~pcctiEm e-aI,,~<:::ll Muu.LL: .Lpdl L.L'jllLih9 District pru-... ata firo hydrant~ -9-0ot bðu.J d;:' üôt9Q in ~grppm~nt Prnu; de- ';11. dÙiIllj dull dL dlI.a';1<::: p:tan )( '" Obtain excavation permit D/w mOblFIlATION5 f rÆEE welL R.ELOCA-TlOH ~~rog:lto ~3~coomonto - ------- ------.----- --. - -_.- 13M311 ~ I I I ¡ .1.3 N )'r/ ~E e I z. tZ. J I , tor ! -')~~ I iL '$;I,. ~ 'Ç ~ L Iii ""6 ð)5\"'1 :~ ~ E!'U¡; 0 0 I ~ II t!> ¡¡ "'11 . ..J '...J ..1> "" : I ," al ~ ,III e +9 ~ ~ t \I øš ~.. 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