488 W. Hamilton Ave. (68-1) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALlFOR~~IA CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME FRED E. CHEZ & LOWELL E. GRATTAN CAMPBELL NAME GULF OIL c.ORPORATTON LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ADDRESS ADDRESS FOR Station at Hamilton & Llewellyn Ave. Camnfie 11 ~ - FOR Planned Develop. #68-1 Parcels B & C. L1we11yn & Hamilton Plan c.he~k Fee 364-A $342.00 Fire Hydrant 367-A 195.00 Storm nr~in Pee 366-e 303.00 - - -... Electro1ier 368-1I $58.00 Plan Check (Engineering) 364-A 299.00 Fire Hydrant 367-A 19SQOO $552.00 filt?ii1i ili¡_r lti8 II . --.-- onn nn ------ <g 'fo. (/0 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. . ~J O~ - I?ø O:;c:¡ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 0 ~E1 ~1R 68 O{5]¡-f::AM****.OO FUND NUMBER 138, 139 & 140 £9 CHECK 0 ~"-Q8eSR O~ c4aId**552.00 FUND NUMBER NGV 15-67 0-: 5 *** 1\> 8110.00 HCHECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 5794 CITIZEN COpy NOY 15-67 ovO 67 o1sA ***195.00 OAT K~R -l¡-G3 .00 61¡ 02211 j'**299.00 68 022H ****58.00 <!!>s THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. !ü',R -4 -68 tlDV 15-67 6!¡ o1sA ***342.00 ~ BY 2' Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL <!!>s 6554 BY CITY CLERK CITY CLERt< CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME GULF OIL CORPORATION LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ADDRESS FOR Station at Hamilton & Llewellyn Campbell Electroliers $58.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 368 FUND NUMBER H ~ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. NOV 15 -67 NOY 15 -67 016 *****58.00 68 016H ****58.00 <!!>s 5795 BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy PÄCIFIC GAS AND ELEGiiïìiIC COMPANY - 62-6224 I COpy Ju.. 4.1969 lfan1a Al'ta.1" 188.... A.I.A. 1434 l'a1l'll- 1)1'1.. 1- """ Cal1toraia 9'12' lei Co8Ml'c1a1ht141qa 488 8IMt 472 w. lI_iltn ÂY...8 C-,a.e.11 Deal' Mr. Ja1:Nl't: Thnk ,.. for J'OUI' 1.tcu of Hay 22, 1969. ."'.nd.N electric ..rtice to ".... aU.c'. ",.put, .. Haile- A.... 1. ea.".ll. w. ... _,.1, ,...r cli_t' a tw "1'.018 of 'I".,...t, witk ..,...ot. 1r~øl~~Q .olt, 4 wi"" ) ,hu. """8'" ...1... fl'- ..." -taU.a. pola .. tho ao..t:h .Ue of HM11coa A...o at "1' aU.c t. ...c p".,...ey 1188!1 .. 1a- ¿iatM - your attuhe4 pl_. a.aWE. it 1. ... "'o...tadi", tkat chi. 81'8& ba. 1HI- if.IIMe" by clM City' of CapM11. U84... tMir ,...unt UII48r- t""" ut1Uty ,.l1~i.., .. . 1'-.1.. of tota1 "'.'1:11"'" ut111Cl... 18 0"- !o'rue co ,roc'" with your Pl'"". pla, we r......c cut ,our eli_t ."ta1n . lett.1' fl'- e'he Ctt, of Caapbell al.!111 .-.1..i- to cako tla. Me""'" 1'..1'1'8"""'C aa4 recOtl8cl'ucto. ot tho "ariao" fac111t1.. .. JIaa11t.. Ay..... .latch will ... l'8flull'at! to o..,l.C. "111' 'Pt'OPOo" .lec- tl'1c ~lc. arr.......t. If a.l'.--t t. DOt obCa1Hd. tor thee. ..el'l1884 fac111tt_" If..tltn AYOØH, ,.- clieat vill "0 l'..pouUlo f- ..s........ tM co.t of atodia, "-CnuM fac11tU.- frea our at.tift, priM.., 1'1.. pole OCt Ll...1ya A.e..., .. aark8d io reel .0 the actach.. 41'~8. T1d.. ay8t- ...ld!a- .l-.da 8 pd.8&cy uG8t'11"OU8d at...i.. to 8 ,.d--_~ø. C..8O8'--1'881' at t". "ckeut con.. of your eli_c'. 'I'.,...c, witb ~q~ .olt. 4 w1ro, 3 pbuo tal_tl'te .......1eM _tn4ad to each of )'OUr' c11_tt. lot.. ..,. \. ... H8nla Art'-- 181turc A..1... -2- Jwae 4.1969 If we caa M .f 84141tl...1 "'ÜUU... ,1.... coatact hft'. I. L. aa11 of thi. .ffice. tel"'", 298-333'. atu._l)"- L. W. .Ii........,. Df.8trict Mau.... '~1. ~ u: elt)" of ~U 7' I__" c:..tr&l A....... c.pkll. Ca1tfonda 95008 Âtt.IU Kt'. 1'1"" 'to 1.-.1. hJ»ltc VOI'U DepHtaeat ... - I September 24, 1968 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California ATTENTION: Jack Jayett RE: Bykowski P.D. Electroliers Gentlemen: You are hereby requested and authorized to energize four (4) recently installed 400 Watt Mercury Vapor electroliers on the southeast corner of Hamilton Avenue and Llewellyn Avenue as shown on the enclosed drawing. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS , , /,;{ \, 'Jj:, By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH:cc Enclosure 1 a .. THE CAMPBELL WATER Co. 555 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE P. O. BOX 667 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 9500B April 23, 1968 L. - ¿ 4- . c., c - C "::IL:={ Gulf 011 Corporation "1arkating ~pt., u.s. Operations Western Region p. O. Box ,54064, Terninal Annex Los Angeles, California 90054 Attn: r~r. Frank Castro Re: Water service to Service Station t16l4, H&~ilton & Uewellyn, C&~pbel1, Calif. Gentlemen: As tl8r our conversation of April 18, 1968 and a -previous letter, the estimated cost of water facilities for Gulf Oil COrp. is $1,215.00. It must be øm1Jhasized that the installation of these facilities should be done after rough street grading and 'DOuring of curbs ~ gutters, and before placing of the rock base in the street. .^:ny deviation from this means extra eX'p8nses which would be the responsibility of Gulf Oil CO1!'Oration aM would mt be refundable. Very truly yours, FRf{:rj TIE CA1PB:!LL WATER CO:'íPANY /': . /' .// ¡,I'J /' -::¡ /</ ¿.. r BYr---./ ~¿l (,(. ;'<~~../{ Frank R. {ukuk, '" ?:ngi nee r cc: Cruz S. Go!!1e~ , C1 ty of Campbell I \ f l ;', " r ,I \ ./ ~. \ \:. : ~// )- ¡ ~ ; J I i ~ ~,,~ t'-. ð' ~~ -7 ... í r- """:C~' ! J PLAN~I~G DEPARTMENT CITY OF CA:!P3ELL, CALIFOR~IA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 68-1 February 27, 1968 , GULF OIL CmíPANY IS ¡¡LREBY ISSUED A PLANNED DEVELOP:v1ENT PEH.~!IT to construct a service station on property located on the sout;1e3st corner of Llewellyn and lIamil ton Avenues, Ca:npbell, California as a part of ZC PD 67-2, adopted by Ordinance No. 602, subject to the following conditions: -...-.- 3 . ---- 10. , 1 1",- . - ? 1_- , .J.. . Landscaping and fencing as indicated and as added in "red" on plan to be provided. 2. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping and fencing within three (3) months of completion of construction or app 1 i cant may fi Ie _~\T!._i! ten. (lgreemeJ}1:_t.Q..__Ç.Qffi'p'.lc_tc.. . landsçaping prior to final building department clear- ê-l1Ç G. Fencing and landscaping plan, indicating type of plant r:1aterials to be submitted for approval of Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 4. An enclosure, consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash containers for each. occupancy. j - Sprinklers to be installed as required by Ordinance. 6. Developer to place fire hydrant in location approved by Fire Department. 7 - Dedication to 120' plan line right-of-way on Hamilton Avenue and dedication to 60' right-of-way on Llewellyn Avenue. 8. Construction of street improvements for entire frontage of development. 9. Storm drainage area fee in amount of $768.00. Maximum Jriveway widths to be 35'. Parcel Map to be processed and filed. UndergrounJ utilities to be provided in compliance with Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. P:L :cum c cl 1),:; vel 0 p ;~ì C Ii t Per m i";: >: o. (j S - 1 13. "1 .L 'f . ., - -L J . P~yki:lg ~nd drivc',,!,,-)' ;jYe~ to be devclopec:i:; , compli:-.;.cc '.\'itì1 SCCtiO:1 ~j31~ of tIle Campbell ;iIu:1Í- cipal Code. All LJuilclil1gs on tnis pyoperty sL¡ll he yemovecl 30 days after issuance of any builcling permit. All si:~ns for this center to be submitted to Planning Staff for approval. Jircctor -2- THE CAMPBELL WATER CO. a '\ l:J~ /'1<' / 1 [. If ) :///æ ¿-- l .. 555 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE P. O. BOX 667 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 9500B c\ --z.o-~ 7C ,-" L">« Sept.-ber 18, 1967 Jennings-McDermott & Heiss 601 North First Street San Jose, California 9.5112 Attnl Mr. WilliaM E. Heiss Re t S. E. Corner of Hnil ton aM Llewellyn Avenues, Campbell Gentlement In reply to your letter of September I, 1967, we have reviewed thtt plans for improving a portion of Hamil ton Avenue easterly from Uewellyn\venue (S.E. Corner). We find that it vill be necessary to lay 9. 6 inch main in Hamil ton across the front of the property and install 9. fire hydrant on the east side. A rough estimate of the cost involved, _eluding fire hydrant head and bury which the de- veloper purohases for the fire department, is $2,600.00. A more accura" estiJute will be furnished upon receipt of approved plans aM a $100 engineering deposit 1Ihich i. refundible if an extension oontract is executed within 180 day. after placing the engineering deposit. Please do not hesitate to contaot us if there are further que.tions. Very truly yours, 'mE CA!1PBElL \fATER COMPANY BnY~C<; ~ Frank R. Kukuk. Engineer FRKtrj co I ./ Mr. Cruz S. Gomez, C1 ty of Cu.pbeU .. .". Á 1 HEISS /'IQ /./ U , " 'I l/ \~; 601 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 PHON1! 292-1922 September 14. 1967 Pac1ffc Gas' Electrtc Com 96 South 3re Street San Jose. California Attn: Mr. Hank Murphy Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith is a copy of the improvement plan for the Southeast corner of Hamilton & Llewellyn tn the City of Ca.pbel'. The electrolter and conduit data you provided our office has be.n plottedaereon. There se..s to be one potential problem regarding service to these 8lectro11ers since the riser pole you show falls within a future drive way on Llewellyn. Please review for an alternate energy source. v:øf~rs Wtl~~vE~ Heiss W£H/jm c.c. Ortan Invest.ent Ci ty of Callpben encls. SAN JOSE AND FREMONT ... follows: ORDINANCE NO. 602 BEING AN ORD;INANCE AMENDING THE ~lILTON NEIGH- BORHOOD DISTRICT ~~P OF, THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND APPROVING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS AND DEVELOP- MENT SCHEDULE FOR PLANNED DEVELOPHENT ZONE QN LANDS OF BYKONSKI, ET AL The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as SECTION ONE: That the ~Hlton Neighborhood District Map of the Zoning Hap of the City of Campbell, being part of Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code as referred to in the Appendix of said Code, together with amendments thereto, is hereby changed and amended by changing zone from R-I to P-D on property known as 350, 488, and 500 West Hamilton Avenue as per application of Bykowski, et aI, filed in the office of the Planning Department on May 8,1967. Said property being more clearly defined on the map attached hereto, entitled "Exhibit At! and made a part hereof, to. gether with the legal description attached hereto. SECTION TWO: That Exhibit "BI' entitled "Development Schedule" and Exhibit C, entitled "Plans and Elevations", pertaining to the development of said land, are hereby adopted and made a part of this zone change, subject to the following conditions: 1. Landscaping and fencing as indicated and as added in "red" on plan to be provided. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping and fencing within three (3) months of completion of construction or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping prior to final building department clearance. 2. 3. Fencing and landscaping plan, indicating type of plant materials to be submitted for apPRDval of Planning Director at time of application for building permit. An enclosure, consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash containers for each occupancy. 4. 5. Sprinklers to be installed as requ~red by Ordinance. Developer to place fire hydrant in location approved by Fire Department. 6. ;( 4'" W JJ- )ì" (p . ... 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 7. Dedication to 120' plan line right-of-way on Hamilton Avenue and dedication to 60' right-of-way on Llewellyn Avenue. 8. Construction of street improvements for entire frontage of development. Storm drainage area fee in amount of $768.00. Maximum driveway widths to be 35'. Parcel Map to be processed and filed. Underground utilities to be provided in compliance with Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Hunicipal Code. Parking and driveway area to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All buildings on this property shall be removed 30 days after isscance of any building permit. All signs for this center to be submit~ed to Planning Staff for approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th by the following roll call vote: day of ~ 1967, JulY AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hyde, Rose, Smeed Rogers APPROVED: '\ .' ? ,~~~ ~./d-<-rL Wil11am S. Smee , Vice-Mayor --2--