700 W. Hamilton Ave. (76-16) "... - . tit f. 1 Arthur A. Kee Planning Director September 23, 1976 Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works Tentative Parcel Map, Carl Swenson Company Lands of Eureka Federal Savings APN 306-22-15/17 This office recommends approval of the map subject to that: 1. The indicated easements shall be approved by the City Engineer and recorded prior to final approval of the map. 2. The property is within the boundaries of Local Improvement Districts No. 12 and No. 13. Pursuant to the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code, the owners are required to file an application with the Superintendent of Streets to segregate the assessments &évièd byrsaid ni6t~icts4 3. The fi al map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBIJIC WORKS By Bill M. Helms Engineering Manager LCV:dn At..' , 1',~:, L ~ ," L-- RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL , CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME CAAf ' ~. ~().P/K~ t~-J ,"&t )--' .) c -;,1-( (;, . S)/(\ I ADDRESS FOR r ' II f/(ci ,-" t' f-¿:r(rl m'-~r.F,/e rf{~ J yn I t. - ¡ &-; L-l-+ L ~:)) 1$6 :.s. cc REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3 i.) ! FUND NUMBER A m CHECK 0 CASH 0 MONEY ORDER CíC . f L DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 26-76 005 *****53.00 51 005 A ** * *53.00 OCT 26-76 @, 8025 ~ ,4 '1)) '-~ Jon <,m CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ,';--r; ~ /1 NAME¡¿ L¿-/ - ~1f/~ , I IJ-. ..~ ADDRESS ./ P Y ~' . . / OR ) r ) -" '- ~J - ~¿;~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. .~n ff FUND NUMBER ßcHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH ~t1'-YY DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT SEP 21-76 007 *****2500 MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND 51 oo7A ****2500 SIGNED BELOW. SEP21-76 7662 CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy /' .' L--r(~nk You CITY OF CAMPBELL ! ¡ ¡ ¡ ! i I I . í I I ! UI :) Z UI ~ z 0 !:i ... 2 c( x . ' I c.J {:-I ~ ~ \ . R 3 p ,- ¡C\i\ ! ('" \ \ \ ... i ;ñ ¡ I'J i i :; 0°~ ~¡;' 'ZO"E \'7500 ' \ ...,....._--,_.._-----~-- þ ---. --,.. , . ..,..---------_u.------- \,- '. -~ '---- " '. 1.11 r'....:~ \ ~,~ ~:$ t~:~ . 0)-00 t~ "';x 0 <..} : IS> ;Ii ~ ðl j.. t? i Y. 0 ; r -=-:~'~':~==.J-====1) I ..1 . ~ r I I I ! : £OUR EA'A"ED!H(A¿; i ; PA~cäLj A ! .,.-.....,,--J ~ .... " ~ . -.....,.-.-- "'" fLrfU~é 30' RECIPROCAL. ~;EM!N" FO~ :!'\G~E~.:~~~S~_9£.~c:~EF¡! O~-~~~!:..) Ate_::" ._.-J / \'\,Oo;¡:"'ZQ"W IJl 0 u'. \J) .' -~ z:. .. UJ . -:¡- IJI .. d> () «' Z , W <I( , _1:4 ! c{, 0 g ~ 0 t-mtw \l'Ï°ILU !" -<t ü 'IlL N tU;'1' II: u. 2 ~c> I1Jt IV ~ ~ ~ : Ii ft) \1S00' II! 'r..- .. NON. EK.CU':SiVE 6/¡SEMENr ':O.{ :NGIUIS5 . tGltES5 ,'8K 7050 0(,48;':) iSt<,:"co STATION ,If GAS - t - t (\' i!'> ~, <1) I .--' G.: ~- , .. \lOA:. EXCI.:JS'VE: £ ~SE'-1E^,"( "C~,'y:;~~S5 "EG~bS .~\ :';)5::: ::~. 48S ' / ~"._L- H.C'! "'-.... ",.. ...._..__..,_.._.._...~_.. 1- ------, 0 ,h <> "" DA RRYL .--"---'----"---'" ,-, .._-------'-------- -"'-"'- .,"'" """---"'---- /,/- ! t IpGrsrE: E 0.. S <2 tV'\. ~ V\. + TO: FROM: RE: In order building / v:-~~ a;,v .1.,':; ~ 2. '-- MEMO Mr. Lee Kawahara Public Works Department SBC/CArl Swenson - "S" 76-20 700 W. Hamilton Building Addition for this department to release the subject permit we will require the following: Payment to City of final Parcel Map filing fee of $53.00. Payment to City of assessment reapportionment fees totaling $200.00. 3. A check to County Recorder for recordation of the Parcel map: $5.00 4. A check to County Recorder for recordation of reapportionment maps: $10.00. Completed assessment reapportionment applica- tions, copies attached. Please note the require- ment for notarization and Preliminary Title Reports. 5. 6. A letter from Nowack and Assoc. indicating that they will persue the Parcel Map to completion. t\ O¿~ Y -'I. CITY OF CAMPBELL LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 CITY OF CAM_PBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA PARCEL NO. 7B REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON AMENDED ASSESSMENT AND SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENT UPON CERTAIN PARCEL OR PARCELS OF LAND. 1. An assessment has heretofore been levied against said parcel or parcels, being a portion of said Local Improve- ment District, and said parcel or parc~ls are proposed to be divided or combined as described upon Exhibit A, attached hereto. 2. Pursuant to law, an application has been duly filed with the Street Superintendent requesting that the amount remaining unpaid on said original assessment(s) be apportioned or combined by said Street Superintendent to said parcel or parcles of land as described upon said Exhibit A. 3. It is recommended that the assessment on said original parcel or parcels be apportioned to said proposed parcel or parcels and new assessment number(s) be assigned thereto as follows: ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT NUMBER(S) 7B ORIGINAL ASSESSEMENT 9893.81 NEW ASSESSMENT NUMBER(S) 7Bl 7B2 Dated: ~~~. 2ì 7B3 , 19 7t: APPORTIONMENT OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT 4,957.45 3,070.14 1,866.22 ¿:;j1I.¿' ~~ J seph Elliott Superintendent of Streets City of Campbell I, the Superintendent of Streets of the Ci.ty of Campbell, do hereby certify that the foregoing apportionment of assessment, together with diagram thereto attached, was recorded in my office on the day of , 19 -- Joseph Elliot.t Superintendent 6f Streets City of Campbell EXHIBIT A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 12 CITY OF CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA ORIGINAL PARCEL NO. 7B The proposed new parcel or parcels are described as follows: Parcel No. 7Bl: All of Parcel "A" as shown upon that certain Parcel Map "being a portion of "Parcel G" of the Record of Survey of a portion of the Quito Rancho, recorded in Book 206 of Maps at Page 29, Santa Clara County Records", said Map having been filed in the office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, California, on October 20, 1976. Parcel No. 7B2: All of Parcel "B" as shown upon that certain Parcel Map "being a portion of "Parcel G" of the Record of Survey of a portion of the Quito Rancho, recorded in Book 206 of Maps at Page 29, Santa Clara County Records", said Map having been filed in the office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, California, on October 20, 1976. Parcel No. 7B3: All of Parcel "C" as shown upon that certain Parcel Map "being a portion of "Parcel GII of the Record of Survey of a portion of the Quito Rancho, recorded .in "Book" 206 of Maps at Page 29, Santa Clara County Record", said Map having been filed inthe office of the City Engineer, City of Campbell, California, un October 20, 1976. r VO .. 11 {Iii OF 'I'll ¡.: 1,.\13 ('LOll S S,\.\ /'¡\ C J. \H \ \\ 1.1 J: \ , . CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 . rEL.lPHONE (40tH J/8 HI" I P.M. 76-16 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF PARC~L MAP OF CARL SWENSON COMPANY LANDS OF EUREKA FEDERAL SAVINGS APN 306-22-15/17 1. The indicated easements shall be approved by the City Engineer and recorded prior to final approval of the map. 2. The property is within the boundaries of Local Improvement Districts No. 12 and No. 13. Pursuant to the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code. the owners are required to file an application with the Superintendent of Streets to segregate the assessments levied by said Districts. 3. The final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. RECEIVED APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR or THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 S E P 2 8 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ~'I b / ,II / 'I .. ,~;d1, - ~-s...__._---- ARTHUR A. K E - PLANNING DIRECTOR ElLIOTT _I HANDLING II RETURN TO- HElMS 'f\¡\llS DISCARD APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER or THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 '~'A! -"'-.-- Ci\:E -1' '~-, >;,,!~., ~~d;;/?"" j 0 Sz(H ~L lOT T;~ï'TŸ-t-lrèrfNË-Ê-R-----'- :r, . I . 1J. FTO. 1 3 ., -a.RCBT, HC. !' - P. TJIC. r~T'\T')~-'IC. CTRE'~T TM:':'~OVEME~1'J'.. ~~TJC. I F~ŒTT. ~?E~ ?R. ! ~.C. I~UB !è'O. '. E'. .a.C:::SJ ¡ TOT AT, ori. Par. 5 Swens. C. Par. B Eureka Par- A 751. 82 130.00 621.82 0 1.582 * 53.26% 46.74% 0 L.IJD. No. 112 Ori. 7B 7B 1 Par. A 7B 2 Par. B 7B 3 Par. C r:I~< . TOTA ',S 169.00 169.00 0 0 3. 391*~ 17.42% 51.26% 31. 22% I ¡I,095.43 8,259.01 I 1428.10 ! I 6830.91 0 PARCEL 2390.31 2390.31 0 0 583.43 512.00 (ì No. 7B 1154 . 13 201.17 593.12 360.53 T I 9354.44 2011.53 7342.91 0 I I t 3545.13 i 1 I 5 '-AQCEL ------ ("'}~\;.;n;J'..RY r::Enp~p,GE FR. I l~C. I f:UB TO'rAT, 1667.70 288.37 1379.33 596.26 596.26 0 l I I 0 * New area calc. 15 1.585 ac. ---- so I have used %8 (*) New area calc. is 3.022 ac. --- so I have used ** Revised acreage = 3.899; used percentages %s( 0 251 ')1 133.96 117.57 839. :n 146.21 431. 07 262.03 I I 1,919.23 422.33 1496.90 0 0 1435.57 q P Î,J I '::::' - - -- 1)Þ.TE: Zf Oc., -\-- 7Ç:, ey,LC~ p:;. PATER ~Y'3TEr.1 AC. I cUB TOTÞ T; ,1,528.99 3,921. OC 677.99 3243.01 () 786.87 786.87 0 0 814.34 714.65 n 3231. 33 562.90 1659.61 1008.82 5,499.99 1492.33 3957.66 (ì 4018.20 ! ,("'-='-rt:'~ T'.PT("'. I I I i I 1 1,476.22~ I -t 558.12 ¡ 1-4" I ¡ 918.10-+ bal I I 3TO"'l,1 I)P.AIFS ÞC. I ~UB , TaTAr; 3.079 (* ) 37.81% 62.19% (ì 0 752.22 126.5 -- 4" I ;20.0 -- 6" I I I 131. 04 l. I ¡ 386.34 ~ I 234.84 \ 0 0 TIJTAr, ¡ _°-:' ,- -:: c,., . T I 409.19 ¡18,60~07 1 t , 64.18 I 4,548.49 ! 345.01 114,060.58 I 0 74.-60 6 9 . 09 9893. 81 - 142.69 4,957.4.5 0 3,070.14 0 1 , 866 22