700 W. Hamilton Ave. (73-12) INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM FROM~ Building Department Public WOrks Department TO: The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT C --6/2 L A/ 5: ¿UE^--.J ~O^-.J CO BUILDING ADDRESS 70Ô tu, /~/JM/¿;r¿j ^-.J A V~. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ~ó& C---z..- Ú/S- .. S.. APPROVAL NUMBER // :; /1 7.5 -- / 2 PUBLIC WORKS F ILE NUMBER ¿ ,6;/ / A// E/2 ::6 WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ ¿1 ~J . By ¿~ ~(f Dilte ~//? /9?;2 RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME CARL N. SWENSON CO. INC. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 558 SAN JOSE, CA 95l06 FOR "s" 73-12 - 700 W. HAMILTON AVE. SERVICE BUREAU CORP. BUILDING Plan Exam & Const.Fees 351-A Storm Area Fee 361-A Fire Hydrant Rent. 374-A $ 221.00 2,043.00 195.00 $2,459.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER A 1249 3cHECK 0 itWlY6<?'~ER n CASH 111'9""" ***2,~59.00 DA THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAY 16-73 MAY 16-73 611119 A **2,Olt3.00 511119A ***221.00 (!!), 1082 ~) / ç$/ ~ .,Mus:.- / -~ l-/ Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy W' (~f}-(/5 ~')) 't \- eV, e;: ~-) (1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: 3:- L-, i 75 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ':..1 1 .. ,J\.(,,:.~,¡::;Y-, ,', " J '-. , FO~ CONSTRUCTION OF U"ft'TC;.; '. ,¡rt;, .~, ¡ TO BE LOCATED AT ~ , '\.' ". : d,: ¡ .i. 1 t I), : . \ \' . . ... , .. . CONDITIONS: ., t"l'l". ')lan" ""0'" ~.",....",,~!~. "~. . 1.,...¡ . :r."..t.nl~ ;.- ..11 ,'.¡'" h I..,U¡ <..,.,1, ";""'I';"")"~U'.i~,.t..!..,....:-,~...;...~......-..}".i.' ;:¡..¡,nÜtttHl in:Jicatlíì}~ that all out:::.i ;,';'¡Ui:H.:ent '"rill :)(.~.içln" r'i"", tiat trellis \,...,1-" ala.; la.ndsc<1tJÌ "ill c pr.ovi"¡I:Hl over l'- ,<...;'T(.':;S(1,j .:::quinr:c:Jt íir;::a. aHJ. tl¡at 1a~id:;c<1;¡J:) 3crüenln¡ \-..111 I,G ,r,)V:.~¡t.;", 0.0 t ,r(.e ~>iü~:~ prior to issuance: :;)1 )uildin,~i)(J:rkit. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETING HELD ON THE 7 day of ';...1' ' 19¡::. . CITY OF CAHPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ARTHUR KEE, SECRETAR)' (,C' "'¡"..itcrJ;, t. .~ Fire Dept. ". 'I, I' ':*~ 7..]- J~ LiJJ'~ ..(S., ) <!J ' ì,) \\~ t. -" PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY Of CA!IPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CtMPBELL, CALIfORNIA DATE: ",-,,~' ~ 11'-'" ----;1 ',rn:"'rr--, -1-"r.-'-¡--;")------ COUDITIOllS A'l'TACHED TO ItS" P,?PROVAL Of PLANe; OF .", ",'" . ".'.' , .:. b----.~?-\ .. . ~+h"r~- ~ FOR CONSTRUCTION O~ ,_..,,------,,---,.._,----,-~-----' ~ --t:w-G--{;.:t;,~_.._,...."-,,.._--- ' ofJi£9___þu.j.)<!.ing_____-----,- TO BE LOCATED AT 7:ì¡) ~_.__~¡a~!_~~,On -_\"V.'2'HUe -----------"---------- ---- ----- ------'---""'-'--'--.-.---.------- CONDITIONS: i\pproval, subject to tLe attacücd condi tiüns. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such app~oval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for Sdme to the Planning CoDmission at least fifteen (15) days prier to the expiration date of such approval. No building perDit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval þas been obtained in the manner provide for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY TH~ CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT ^ REGULAR ~íELTINC; HELD ON THE ---,--2--- day of _ApI..iL--n--____-' 19ï3 . CITY OF CM1PBELL PLA¡¡NING CO!f:HSSICH BY: -----' --'K i\T¡1-iTïZ--}~¡.:t-;~~-Ï~C K ¡:;j' ,\ R"Y"--'--- - cc: Fire ...jept. !mginocring ¡¡Cpt. 1 CO:::: J' c. 1. 2. -, J. ":::; r¡!, i,\'~',.'}Vr,L - "S" '13--):-' I' . ','~~n~'.o;) Cc'< p~ (,'. r:r"é\' ':::; !,-:. f(:'j!(:,:;1 ;!1!(1 J é1 n d ~; r: ë! " î; ¿ <1 ,; :! 11 die ate d <:1 n d a s <1 c1 ri (' r} 5: ";'cr." <:. ,'ô r; ,: . h",.~>(;i,:~'\ '~.';' :i:;'~5Cit~i::r: 1'..'PC (,f' T).1;::nt l;:;ter5e.l, location 0:' :hC:': :)ijJ~' (j' ;;!:'i:,ì:..1cf' :c::,'~;"L('::¡ è¡;;(; type of fcnciJ'i; to be suLniLtcd " " ", ,.. ,." ,'. , -, " ::' ~)¡ c Planning Commission at time of application for ;',U,íJ,C,j-.:,: ]1;;:':.,:-:'. -' . J¡,:_;,,:.::c¿:FJ.:':'~ :'~j:i.ll be ¡,al:ltaincc: in accordance Hith the appl'oveù 10;.:,'S(;3.1'C ::<L<~J. 4. j' <11 l ¡ 1 :: 'J 1 pi,' r r v l' ì'1 a ¡: c c b 0 r; è i íJ t ) 1 e a Jíì 0 U n to:: $ 2 ) 0 0 0 t 0 be po s t c: c1 t 0 5 n c~ L 1:' e } iì ; 1 ~i s c ¿ j) ,111 ;'" fen c i j) ,'7, an c; s t l' i p i 11 ¡:; 0 f par}~ i n gar e ¿ì \-1 i t 11 :~ n thrr;e (3) Do~~hs of co~p1ctior; of con~truction, or applicilnt ~ay file -,:r'ittcn ¿:í!y(~c;:¡ellt to complc:te lanè~,;c¿;ping,fcncing and ~~triping of parking Qrcu prior to final building department clearance. 5. T r i'ì ,; h con t e..1r1 c r ( s) 0 i' é1 S i z can (] qua n tit Y 11 e c c S S II r y to seT' vet he dc\'c'lopTr'ént s)jélll be located in area(~;) approved by the fir'e dC)i<lptnent. 6. Dr j v e '" a y s 0 ¡ I t 11 e Gal 0 Dr i v e f)~ c' J~ t è be s h illl be red e ~> i g n cd a 11 d a p ;)1' 0 \' C d by the D c pin' t 1,lC 11 t 0 £ i' u b .1 i C \': 0 l' k s . The i:p;)]"ìcan.l: L~ notified ù.S part of this éìp}Jlication that he is rcc;uil'C~: to l:¡CCt tÌJ(! follo1¡;inß C01ìditions in accordance with OrdinaIlcC'f; of the City of Cé!1:.pbell. 1\ . All pal'king ¿~nd (ll~ivC',:i'Y arCél~; to be developed in coFipliancc ,:it:ì See t i Q Jì 21.~) 0 0 Í' t 11 e C;:: Tn!, bell ì: U Ii i c i pal Co cl e . ^ 11 P Q r kin g ,~p ace s t c b cpr 0 V j d c d ,,¡j, t 1: a P l' 1~ 0 P ria tee 0 11 ere tee u r b SOl' b U in per f'. u a r d s . B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by 20 .lG. 07C of tire C.:Jl~1:1)(~11 ¡'lunic:! pal Code. Section c. P 3. ill1 S sub u i 1- t (> d tot) Ie b u i 1 din L c1 E: P i! r t T1 C:, t £ 0 1" P 1 a n c he c k sh"Ll i))(15c.:ltc cleaY']Y the locdtion of <111 connection" £01' \lI;C:(,:l~- g)' () ~; 11 cl uti J :1 't. i c s i 11 C 1 u d i 11 g ,,: ate r', s e '01 (;)' ~ c 1 c c t r i e) tel c pI) 011 C ë: :1 c1 television c,:]¡lc~;) etc. D. f'lr;11 applic:;J' 50n to )J(' SUJ)i:1ittc(\ in acc(»)"dance \-!iUJ provi,;ioll~~ of tLc ,;jf.D o;'l~5:ìllnc(> .10)' ulJ Si:',:l~;. ~:o s5!y to be j¡,stalled u::-~i1 a:~~;~,5c3t.iC:: j~: (¡pin-'oved ëdHJ ))(;:';:d,t iS~:llC(,l flY tbe }1uilJinf; clcré:),'tr~C' <. L O!',}31Jdnc" :;0, 7G2 of U:c Ce,¡;ìj'}\cJl ;1un.ic:i;'J<11 Code ~,tirulatcê, tì,at d n :,' con t r i: elf 0 l' t 11 (~ C Ci 11 c c t i ())l ¿! 11 cJ d ,1 ;',!, (j :; a 1 0 f 1- C f \l :: e, r: n r to é: f'- c , \:l:~ f.¿!)'))i,lí',\ i",d )'u»!,;,,)} )'),0\11)(:1,,1 ,.'.5t:h511 Lhe Jii;15t~, of the City ci ~::::,..'b,:JJ ~.;:.>11 ))(' 11:¡(\L' liit}; C1'<'('n VilJ.1(,y [Ji~;,)(}~',:1.J COí:ìr',;ll\'. 'i'¡ .~:, ;'l'(:l!,:~.' ;';l'11L d}1p,:i\:~; to ,,11 ::5Jìf.lc i',,:¡i;y d\,.',:J.l..5n",:;, ):1'J1,1.::;1')c ¿!":::";_j::è:~'t \~,~i':,:.:, 1n ,',,1.J (:o':!;:;l~,'('i¿:¡.l: hl.l~::11)<.':;~;, iJ'¡;u:il)'ial) n,;nu- f:,,:ii:~'.:L:', ,';1'.: ('I,)J':;',J'Ò",:\'},'ì1 C',;',,'!,.li:~i:!;1('r;>,~,. CO;;;),; ;[;;,:; OJ Î,i'j';'\)'!¡'.L . 11~', 1 ï~)-,J/. C . Jí . "':,'ìi~.();l C". r . l'l'c>vidc ;)V',: ~;ì:r(,r'L )¡,..J:'¿:lll: èit cl1'5vc\.'oy. c. p)'o"jùc: ¿;t1l01::e'-L1C ~~,'l'il!:;ler ~:y~tC:;!ì tIU'()IJi';}¡OUt. H. pl'CJ','idc "¿(.Lel! firc' c;-:tir:¡:uis)¡crs as requi,l'cd by the Fil'e ])cpa:""'¡,:l:ct. 1. C 0)1 ~: t r \; c t i () Tl 0 f t. i¡} ,: ;; c (' 0 f P u 11 1 j cst r e e t :i T'¡ pro v e r1 e 11 t~; 011 Jj ë1 ;;: i 1t 011 II v c n u e ¿!J (; C cd c D 1:' i v e . J. Pay City starin ùrain.:\[,e ar-<:él fee at the rate of t,,765.00 per acre. The él P P 1 i c ¿ 11 tis 11 0 t i fie d t h ¡) the S [1 ;:111 c 0 !Ii ply \.¡ i t 11 a 11 a p p 1 i c a}) 1 c Code's or Ordind11ces of t~¡c City of C¿wpbell \-Thich pertain to this de vel 0 p Tn e 11 taD d él y' e 11 0 the).' e i ) s pee if i e d . 1 .cl No. S L 6 2 3 () 3 9 8 Premium $q c; on KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That (X) (~~) CARL N. SWENSON CO - INC as principal, and '['HI<' AMFRT(,AN TN"TTRAN(,1? ('()MPANV a corporation, organized under the laws of the state of NiW JERSEY as Surety, are held and fi~ly bound unto the City of Campbell, State of California, (hereinafter called "CITY II) , in the sum of SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DPLLARS-------------------- ------------------------ ($6.300.00-------------) lawful money of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, for the payment of which well and truly made, we hereby bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, fi~ly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, WHEREAS, the above-named principal proposes to construct an office structure on real propertv located at 700 West Hamilton Avenue on property described in deed (8) # 3059433 as said deed (a) is (axa) filed for record in the office of the Recorder, Cow~ty of santa Clara, state of California in Book 7382 of Official Records at pages 251 and 252, recorded May 17, 1966 WHEREAS, in order for principal to obtain buildinq permits from said Cit~ of Campbell - ' Principal is obligated to construct and/or install or have constructed and/or installed certain street ~provements throughout the Hamilton Ayepue and Gale Drive frontage of said site, in accordance with the standards of said City, said street improvements including: concrete sidewalks and driveway approaches ( 1,711 sq. ft.), asphalt street paving (None sq. ft.), concrete curb and gutter ( 62 line ft.), standard electroliers ( two ea.): the total cost of said street tmprovements having been estimated by said City to be approximate1~ SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ----------------------------------------------------($6.300.00---~. . WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed that said improvements shall be installed at such time as the City Council of said CITY calls for them within one year from the date hereof and in accor- dance with approved plans therefor; and, NOW, THEREFORE, if said principal shall well and truly do and perform its obligations as set forth above, on its part to be done and perfo~ed at the time and in the manner specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise this bond shall remain in full force and effect. I of 2 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That participatio.1 in any Local Improvement Distr ict uhich may be formed for the express purpose of const.ruc- "\:i11g public mprovements in the area co¡1cerned, including storm and sanitary sewers, street and sidewal1c ~provemertts, utility installations, and/or any installation which may be prescribed by such proceedings \'li'i:hin the public right of t.:lay shall satisfy the obligations of this bond. 2. That the term of this bond is lor a per iod of one (1) year, commencing on MAY 16TH , 19..l1-, but shall be continued year 'co yea:.: "i:herea:êter at the op'cion of t~ìe surety. 3. That the Surety hereunder may relieve itself from liability under this bond by giving ~~itten notice of such desire by registered mail to the City thirty (30) days prior to the date of e:~iration of the bond. ('. That in the ev~ni: said P¡:incipal is not granted the llecessary buildinq permits t-lithin a period oi one (1) year from the date hereof, this bond shall be null and void on its face. 16TH HITNESS OUR HANDS this day of HAY , 19 73 (Notary Certificates) by: 2 of 2 .. ... ATTENTION: // DC-V F/LC, f) Ç7'---' \ INITll\L ,., t' TO & DATE ( ~~.~I~ - ----~ i ~~:-= UI.. ---""- .,.,'.' \V- FTL --_._--~_.__...: ---.-...-'.- --"_.~,---_._-'u- SUBJECT: Campbell Municipal Lighting District, Energizing of Electroliers, ------ South Side of Hamilton Avenue, - ---------,..,-~_._------_.- East of Darryl Drive, "S" 73-12, ------...-------- Service Bureau Corporation, ..//-- 700 West Hamilton Avenue FILE ----- -,--...--- 5"7 / -. VJ/¡Y / ;c/O to Enclosed please find a copy of the site plan of thp/'servic /Bureau Co:rp.::>ration office building at 700 West Hamilton/Âvenue, hich 8h~lS the installation of a new 400-Watt, Me~c y Vapor Schedule LS~2C electro1ier on the south side of Hamilt Avenue at 477~ feet east of Darryl Drive~ the relocation of a 400-W t, Mercury Vapor, Schedule LS-2C electrolier to whiCh B0 number has been assigned, although it was installed and energized along with others with our project called Local Improvement District No. 12 during 1965 and 1966~ and on the south side of Hamilton Avenue from 325~ feet east of Darryl Drive to 377~ feet east of Darryl Drive. November 12, 1973 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California 95113 Mr. Harold E. Ransom ..-.--" Gentlemen: The installation and relocation and energizing are effective as of November 1, 1973. Please assign ~umbers to these electro1iers and advise this office at your, earliest convenience. Add the new electro1ier to the statement to the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. If any questions should arise, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:ls Enclosures By Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Civil Engineer cc: P. G. & E. Attn: Sue Parker, New Construction