750 W. Hamilton Ave. (74-34) INTER- DEP l,œ'l'rmnTl'.L !.~!JO:1.'\NDm'L TO: Building D~partment ~Rœ.l ~ Public Porks Departrt1c:mt The requ.irements of the Public 17orJ::s Department have been satisfied for the follO\'dng c1evelopm(;~nt.: AJ>PLICANT. ,'UQy- \r \:J.tl \ '(~Q CC:N\. ~ -\- ' Ya.~\\~a h BUILDING ADDRESS w COUl~Y ASSEssontS PÞ.RCEL NUV.tBER.._.. '3gG::, - -ZZ - \'¡ "SII APPROVAl, NUI'1BET( -:l .4..::- ~ ~\- Ò-?) 'PUBL:rc ì'JOIUŒ F ILI.: I-nIT.mER ---. WILL Il\Jl GO) "iVP.EH T DIRECTOR OJ:' PUBLIC ,'¡aRKS rf' -~ By ---.b.. ~ Ý J J1, \ l S~+ ~ ---. c---- Dat;e. REC~IPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NA~a~ ~ £. , ADDR~SS ~ d2 ;:;-£ ~ /~ ~t' ~? - 7¡4/~ F~~~J~ ~~,I? /ç¿:,-~sL Jé!:4. ¥,r- ~;/~ #;;.r! d!::!.. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ GJ,/" /!- FUND NUMBER /þfW œ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER ~-/¥J7 DATE 0 CASH AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. SEP 18-74 SEP 1 g- 74 005 **** 258.00 65 oosA ***258.00 ~Q(~ ~ /' ~...., ., n cmm. C-/ -'-. Thon ¡ You CITY OF CAMPBELL 6501 CITIZEN COpy IISII 74- 34 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAI1PBI~LL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: July 22, 1974 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OT Eureka Savings and -'-----.,.---- ~ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a savings and loan toem Association .,---- bui ¡ding and temporary trai ler__,- TO BE LOCATED AT 750 West Ham; 1 ton Avenu --- CONDITIONS; conditions of approval attached Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Codè reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one ye~r after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written applicaTion for sa~e to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit Shilll be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in tIle manner provided for in this Chapter. . GRANTED BY THE CITY or CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT Ii REGULAR NEET I NG HELD ON TIre 18th - d~/of Ju!L.___~_----' ]. ~ 74 . cc: EIl9ineering Dept,\.J/ðttachrnentV - Fi re Dept./ w/attachment C IT Y 0 F C Mi PIi> ELL P L !d~ N I N G C 0 ~Hn S S ION //) /" /C'> /- BY: ( ,£i;/'/'.1¿:':"..¿ .;¡~~-¿~:- ------- . ART~UR KEE;-SECRETARY '.,' C();\])]Tl();~~} or !\PJ']U)VJ\J. "~;" 7~<~.1 hÜ:-eJ.-;'!- 'J'(.:tE~1;;:1 };:¡-,';::i -J}-[:-S' ";;-Júr--¡:O(l)}"- A:..5C)ci;¡ti on 1. Property to be fenced and ImldsC<lpCt1 (if, indicated (lnd as added in "red" on plans. 2 . Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of ho:.c bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to he suhn¡j tted for approval of the Pl¡¡mdng Din'.ctor at tilll(; of appJ ication fO1' 1".'11] ]e1- in g penn i 1 . 7 .) . Land~;caping shall be m(lintainetl in accordance with the approved landscape plun. Faithful performance bond in the amOlt]lt of $5,000 to he posted to insure lanùscapin~, fencing and striping of parking arca wi t}Ün three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete lands~aping, fcnciJlg and striping of parking area prior to fin:tl building department clearance. . 4. 5. All mechanical equipment Jocated on roofs shall he screened as approved by the Pla~ning Director. 6. . . Applicant to post $5,000 faithful performance hond to insure rp~oval of temporary tr~iler ~ithin one ycrir of date of npprov~l. The aPl)licant is notified as pDrt of this applicRtjon that he is req"ui red to meet the fo 110Hing co~lc1 i tj on s in accord ance wi th Ordinances of the City of Camp~ell. . : A. All parkin1: and driveway areas to he developed 5n compli~nce wi 1'11 Socii on 21.50 of the Campbell l!unicipal Code. All parÿ'in¡:; spaces to be provided wi th appropriate concrete curbs or humpci' guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building dcp:ntJiwnt for plan check ~;hal1 indi catc clear], y the location 0 fall connec t i on s f01' und erg round utilities inclw1ing \\';¡ter, Se\'lOr~ electric, telephone and televi- sion cabJcs, etc. D. Sii~n application to be submitted in accore13nce ,!ith provisjonê; of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to he instc'tJ led untj 1 a p p 1 i cat ion i sap pro v (~d a 11 d p (~r m i tis sue db)' 1. J¡ e B u i 1 din g }) c)",;¡ :n. . mcnt. E. Onlinancc No. 782 of the r.ar1~)bcll 1'!unjcip:lJ Code st:ipul[lte~.; th:,t1: any contract for the collection and (Fsposnl of refuse, r,arhDg('~, h'c1', gnrb<:15'.c';l)1(1 r\lb1)j~;h produced \.¡]th:n thc~ Ij¡¡1Ìt~:; of the City cf C~J:\pbcll sh;:11 he ~¡~¡c1c \dth r,recJl \'~¡l1('y j)js)ìo:;al CO¡r¡P;;ììY. This r(~'1uir(~I'\('nt ;;ppLjes to ~¡)) sinl~l(' [7:1J1IÎ1)' (hv('}ling~~) J11111ti- . . pI\.: ;J)\;:~¡"tment tl1l:i ts, to all C("~:;!1('Ycia 1, husiness, inc1ustri:) 1, manll:f:~ctl1rin~:, 'and construction cst<lblis]¡;:1cnt5. F. Tré!sh cont:dncr(s) of é1 ,size and qué1Jltity necessary to serve the cl(:vc;lo]J]~i(:nt 5])(111 h(~,locatccl in <1Te::l(s) <lJ!provecl by the Fire lJepartl:lcnt. Unless othen-:j~jc noted, enclo:,urr: (5) shill1 con:~:ist of ú concrel,c; floor surrounded by a 'Solid \.'all or fence and have self-closing doors of a ~i::e specified by the Fire ])cp:lTtmci't1:. All enclosures to be coI1s'tructcc1 at grade level. G. II. Storm drain fee based on $765.00 per acrc. Construct balance of standard street improvements on total frontage of development. I . Proposed 35 foot drive~\ray appro<lch on Hamil ton Avenue is in conflict \vith existing utility fixturcs.~ ])rive\\'ay appro::tcJ1 or fixtures must be relocated. The applicant is notified that he shall comply ,dtll all applicable Codc~; or Ordinances of the Ci ty of Campbell Hhich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. . ,.