840 W. Hamilton Ave. (72-7) IN'l'ER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: FROM ~ ildinq Department ublic ~ks Department e requirements of the Public ~ks Department have been sa isfied for the following development: J é9hiV 6.-1 TT éJ ;e¿?/2 5¿~/;rE/2- /~/4 ~ " /,(JC . ADDRESS ß4~ Þ(/"~~/L7Z)-LJ 4¡¿~. 36~ -23- CJSf;J PUBLIC FILE ¿~//~é/2 3~ WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BY. Date RECEIPT : 'i.:." CliY OF CAMPBEL.L CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ;,~ ? Åi ~' .. '?& 4l4.~~ - ~2 o~ ~)f .~ Ú/f... --*c. -- ::2-.3 - 0 -5-0 ¡:/ £) - ?;;¿ -7 ADDRESS REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3r;/ 11-' s~3e' ~CHECK 7 0 MONEY ORDER IJl DATE 0 CASH FUND NUMBER AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. SEP -6-72 $Eft -6-72 1115 ****112.00 611115A ***112.00 @, 8847 ~~/ '.. ,/ CITY CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy \-- ê~ J~ '\ ,~\; '--, V),,\ (y ORDINANCE NO. 861 BEIN(~ AN ORDINA~:CE or T!Œ CITY COUNCIL or T If E C I T Y 0 r C A 11 P !3 ELL 1\ [) 0 P TIN G P LAN S , E L ¡:: V A T Hm SAN D D L V I' LOP 1: f.n T S C ¡¡ E D U L E r 0 R MODIFICATION TO ORDIN^~CE 684 rOR A PORTION or THE PL/\Nl;ED D[VELOP1~ENT zonE AS ESTABLIS!!l~D BY ORDINANCE 455 ADOPTED ON THE 22ND DAY or JUNE 1954. (Application of James Foug) 'fle City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as folIo\'! . : CTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell by changed and amended by adoptinr; the attached "Exhibit /\", d "Plans and Elevations", "Exhibit B", entitled "Development eli, and "Exhibit C", entitled !!¡'jap of said Property", as lication of James Foug on property located at 850 West n AVenue. Copies of said exhibits are on file in the of the Flanninr, Director. s is her entitl Schedu per ap Hamilt office S id approval granted subject to the following conditions: Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant mater~al, locaL ion of ¡JOS bibs or sprinkler syste~ and type of fencing to be submitted for aplroval of the Planni~g Director at time of application fer b u i 1 din g per m it. A 11 pIa 11 t e r' are a s t 0 bee 11 C 1 0 sed wit h i 11 ¡~" toG 11 raised concrete curbs. 3. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted '0 insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking araa vd t Ì1 .i 11 h r c e (3) !J1 0 n t J)~; 0 f e 0 ¡:~ p .1 e t ion 0 f C 0 11 S t r \l c t i. 0 n, 0 rap p 1 i C G 11 t may f il. vlri t-ccn ~greement to complete landsc¿~ring, fencing an(~ stripin~ of parking area prior to final building departrneJlt clear- ance. 5. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve t1C development shall be located in area(s) approved by t!!e fir c~ de) art IIJ e 11 t. Un 1 e s sot her \iÌ s c not Co d, C 11 C 1 0 sur ('. ( s) s ]¡ a 11 c () n s :i s t of a coJcrctc floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-cl sing doors of a size specified by the fire department. Th' dPpJ.5.cant is :JOtificd as PD1't of thi~; application that he is requl'od to meet the fcJlow:l.:1g co;lditions in <ëlccordancc \dth Ordinon c.':; of the City of Campbell. A . f. J], par k i)) g a n ~l d r i \' e \.. a y a l" c ù ~', ~- 0 bed eve j 0 r c din co 0:1-' liance ,ith S('ction 21.50.0.'10 of the C'd¡:;l'bcd.1 ;'1un:ic.ip.Jl Code. AJ 1 parkin spaces to be"provided with app~opriatc concrete curbs or bum cr guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Sectio 20.16 .070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the buildin~ department for plan check hall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underg ound utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and te evision cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provis ons of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be instal cd until application is approved and permit issued by the buildi g department. acre. E Payment of storm drainage area fee based on $765 per F Install approved sprinkler system for shops. G All new buildings mU$t be sprinkled to 40 feet from proper y lines or fire walls and parapets shall be required. TIe applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applic ble Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertai to this development and are not herein specified. 25th P SSED AND ADOPTED this - day of 1972, y the following roll call vote: September A ES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek N ES: Councilmen: None A SENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED; William R. Podgorsek ¡.'jayor ATTEST Dorothy Trevethan - City Cle.;.'k '~ I ::-1 I I " j ~J.' ~ ¡. '"" 2:1 001 , .'" i I :';' , ~ ~~. i' I ' I ! J ~l ~I . I , . I I I I ¡:;:i <111 aq ~\ I -.J', ,P ~ -,. ...:. a t.. ',- J ~ ---- < ':r: - ..-. ..q <;: :t. . --l,.,(MARATMo¡,; '¡¡ , ì ,:¡., 1,' -, :~- 13 r:! <.ì I ¡ - I 7 ~~ I ! "'- ~I\ \ ' I ...... \ I J ~. :'05 j 3~7, 67 ( PCL G) . . t ,c ~\, DI1RFUiI-, :J) R ()~ ~ .j! P,\RCE:L. MI\P ~.¿ì7ö-:-7d 226-M.ï ì . I 0 I ~t ~¡ I I I ,. ! I . . 1 0 .",. . -- -'\;;'1.49-. --:---- If (),) I . I; , <:) - 0 fI) ~ ~~ ~<' ~ ')1. r::/ ~ \j ~~~ ~() .(j "0 ' 254Ac. 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