891 W. Hamilton Ave. (66-29) "- , ... Copies: TO: FROM: DA'l'E: RE: File 1 Bldg. Dept. 1 INTER- DEP ARTMEN'J'.l\L REIÆASE J1- ,?'Q/ 00(" BuILDING DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WOR«S DEPART~ENT ENGINEERING DIVISION / (St1bj ect) (O".¡r1er I S N3.me) (Address of Property) The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be compU.ed with before or as a condition to i.ssuance of a building permit. / , -" ! ",-.------- ------..-.- CITY OF CÞMPBELL ENGINEERING DIVISION By 1 of 1 f I RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME ~ p~ '~f)~ t/ FOR ~ 14~ 03~ ~~ ;&J I t:t: - r~ ~- d7ð~ ADDRESS REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ ç FUND NUMBER r:l-- DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR 31-66 MAR 31-66 009 ****270.00 66 0O9C *** 270.00 0 CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH Tltcrnlc You CITY OF CAMPBELL BY /~. L---' CITY CLERK No. 20 5 7 .. .; r I ......... ..-/' ') , Ll.yv-O'YV LQ;! s:.tU. =-' July 28, 1966 Mr. »'red F. Chez 912 Desert Isle San Jo.e, california 95117 Re: Assessment Split union Oil Dear Fred: The as.e.sment ~lit for Union Oil Station at the North- east intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Marathon Drive is .a follows: L. I. D. No. 12 Parce13a. == $3,419.58 L. I. D. No. 13 Parce13a. = $1.806.33 $5,215.91 TOTAL It would seem that if this parcel pays separate taxes it has an individual assessment number. If this is the case we shall have to make an actual split of this assessment 8~ilar to what we did for Tract 3906. I shall be in touch with you on what items I shall need if this is the case. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR OP PUBLIC WORKS {'.{IJ~~ " 'jl,',\ By: Prank T. Lewis Associate Civil Engineer rrL:bc .. ..i I~~: ,. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Y>'le-J., H (À..}'rvJ/tðl'v ( :<) V~'lL1 II Sit Co & - 2 'i PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT #5 April 6, 1966 HAMILTON VENTURE (Chez/Grattan) IS HEREBY ISSUED A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to construct a service station on property located at 891 W. Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, California as per plans submitted for building permit, subject to the following conditions: ,-------I. ---- 2. ----'. 3. ----- 4. 5. 6. 7. Most easterly driveway on Hamilton Avenue is approved for service station customer access only. Storm Drain Fee in amount of $270.00. Half-street dedication on Marathon Drive. Full street improvements on total frontage. Building to be constructed to Fire Zone #2 regulations. Landscaping to be provided as indicated and as revised on plan. Landscape plan indicating type of plant materials to be presented at time of application for building permit. 8. Parking and paving to be provided as required by Section 9319. (Parking to be located as indicated on plan) raithful Performance Bond in amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping within three months of completion of building. 9. Revision of surface materials on building to be presented for staff approval. APPROVED by Ordinance #514 of the City Council of the City of Campbell passe~ and adopted on the 8th day of November. 1965. Ordinance to become effectlVe on the 7th day of December, 1965. 10. RVH:ea cc: /-------, Ä,-.,¡ ../.,/,.~)/" ~...........--, ,~j/ I ,/:' /;"ß' i / / I /' z:::;~(., I.. "1- ./ / '/' L.// .............. If: .', og,an,/ p,~ínng Dlrector /,,/./ City Engineer Building Department rile r &J6 \ , A .Á.'~ ; I /}'}ttVt/, (2.-) "S" 1966-29 X, /",~)! /' ').., . . ¡ / PLANNING DEPAR~1ENT CITY OF CAI"IPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date March 8, 1966 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF HAMILTON VENTURE (Chez/Grattan) CONSTRUCTION OF Service Station , FOR TO BE LOCATED AT: 891 W. Hamilton Avenue CONDITIONS: 1. Most easterly driveway on Hamilton Avenue is approved for service station customer access only. ( 2. Storm Drain Fee in amount of $270.00 -Atu.L1Mth :j-al>~" -b qJ- 3. Half-street dedicati m on Marathon Drive 4. Full street improvements on total frontage 5. Building to be constructed to Fire Zone *2 regulations 6. Landscaping to be provided as indicated and as revised on plan. 7. Landscape plan indicating type of plant materials to be presented at time of application for Building Permit. 8. Parking and paving to be provided as required by Section 9319. (Parking to be located as indicated on plan. - OVER - Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit ~hall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapt~£. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COM;\IISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE DAY OF 7th MARCH 7 1966 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ex () 6&;:~ By: R. V. Hogan, Secretary By: Evelyn amson, ~'91'Y'1~ I . .. 1 BQgioning at the intersection of the Westerly line of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed from IVJasakichi 'rakata, et ux, to Robert Kumaki Takata, et. al, recorded December 28,1956, in Book 3695 of Official Records, page 203, Santa Clara County Records, with the Northerly line of that certain l.152 acre parcel of land as described in the Deed from Robert Kumaki Takata,et aI, to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, recorded October 28, 1964, in Book 6718 of Official Records, page 714, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 890 02' 55" East, along said I~ortherly line of 1.152 acre parcel, 175.00 feet to a point hereafter known as point IIAII; thence North 000 56' 00" East, parallel with said iiesterly line of Deed to Robert Kumeki rrakata, l55.00 feet; thence South 89° 02' 00" West, parallel with said Northerly line of 1.152 acre parcel of land, a distance of 145.00 feet to a point on the proposed Easterly line of lv.arathon Avenue, said point hereafter known as Point "BII; thence South 890 02' 0011 West, 30.00 feet to the Westerly line of said deed to Robert Kumaki rrakata; thence South 000 56' 0011 East, along said -desterly line, 155.00 feet to the point of beginning. â ~ ~-- June 28, 1965 Tri-State Engineering Company 615 South Raymond Avenue lUllerton, California ATTENTION: oR. H. Baker, President U: Pro sed Station at N B corner Hamilton Avenue and J4ara on Drive. .Dear Sir: This office has received your tran..ittal regarding the subject development. .eference is made to our letter of Hay 13, 1965 concerning the proposed Texaco Service Station whic::h is to be located one block east of the 8i~e under discussion. It is again presumed that the applicant desires to include his frontage ~provements at this location with the assessment district for the reasons previously stated. If further question. should arise, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DI1œC'.1'OR or PUBLIC WORKS (;J~ BMHscb By Bill .M. Helms, Assistant Civil Engineer . .. ~ June 28, 1965 RE: City Engineer's requirements for Grattan-Chez PD at Hamilton Avenue and Marathon Drive. Conformance to section 9126 of the campbell Municipal Code, including: 1. Dedication to 120' R/Won Hamilton Avenue and dedication to 60' R/w OD Marathon Drive along entire frontage of proposed development. 2. Pull street ~rovements along entire frontage of proposed development. NOTE: At Developer's option, street tmprovements may be constructed along frontage of intial phase of development only at this time. Remainder of improvements to be constructed with subsequent development. Storm drainage area fee in the amount of $905.00 3. 4. Pire hydrant rental fee in the amount of $195.00 per hydrant. 5. Plan check and inspection fee in the amount of 3% of the estimated cost of the street improvements. (1 H, S ¡c:,[~ Q.... I (~ r=. t'" F-I ÎO 6ê wAlvL,J IF IMPf?lo,-¿,L,Er-.:T ACt;:' Cor\IŠì~....CìEO pS f~ FART öi- L-. , D I 'Z.. William G. Wren, Acting City Engineer