87-199 . ~4fact-- .)Ate~. Addxeas 274- . PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit ox pxoject No. 87:"'/$'9 Gv€lcEi, !l'ype of work I Stxeet / StOnD Othex (descxibe) SAnitAxy ElectxicAl o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) o FINAL XNSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ~INAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAn'-? . 0 N (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) ChAxges AgAinst deposit? C!:) Overtime. brs. @ $ DAte , reAson. ~ A7PfC..+.IC"t':. 1>.0, N /hr. - $ .350.00 BAxricAde xentAl (Attach invoice)? DAte , reAson. Y @ .. $ . Other? $ $ $ · Refund $BSC.cCI ck. req.) TotAl chArges deducted fxom deposita (Cash Deposit $.~~.~ less chArges $ [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (Attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAse'maintenAnce bond. Check Request if cAsh.) Engineer , ! ~ Inspec~ox City 0/ Campbell 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008" (408) 866.2100 No. To . NORMAN B. HOUGE, INC. 780 UNION AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 Shl To Address Checked ,r '~'" x' CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. FIRST ST. CAMPBELL, CAUF._ DEPARTIIENT VENDORPHONE'<408 ) 377 0727 SIGNATUIIl! DATE ACCOUNT NO, PUBLIC WORKS G. EATON/C.JOCSON/B.HELMS D.WIMBERLY 4 17 89 F.O.'. POINT. . AVAIl..ItAL. 1lEl'T. DATI! 9 TEJlM8 OEUVERY DATE 4/19/89 0fIDER DATE rx' CAMPBELL J.-" ITl!M QUAHTITY UNIT DUC""T'ON. UNIT PfllCa AIIOUHT 1 1 L.S. INSTALL ASPHALT CONFORM TO CONNECT EXISTING 350.00 SIDEWALK AND NEW SIDEWALK LOCATION: 274 EVERETT PERMIT #: 87-199 " ALL INVOICES ARE TO BE ADDRESSED TO CITY OF CAMPBELL, FINANCE DEPARTMENT 70 N. FIRST ST., CAMPBEll, CA 95008 this Order Is Sub eel 10 The Terms And Condlllons Slaled Below: TERMS ANO CONDITIONS SPECIFICATIONS . Any speclllcalions and/or drawings relerred to and/or attached hereto are expressly made a part of.hls purchase order. CW' '1. No changes or variations 01 any kind are authorized without the wrltle ISBnt of the Purchasing Agent. DELl"I:l'lY . Ple_ notify the City promptly II delivery cannot be made on or belore lhe date specified. The Cify reserves the right to cancel any or all items not so ISellvered. ;mOER IDENTIFICATION. Show this order number (and blanket number il ndica'ed) on all shipping labels, packing lists, invoicas, and communications. II )Srtial shipment is authorized, so indicate on all documents. Complete packing list nust accomaanv each shipment. NOT VALID UNLESS SIGNED Tax PURCHASING AGENT Total $350.00 PACKAGING. No boxing, packing or cartage charge will be allowed unless authorized on order. lAX.: This purchase order is exempt 01 Federal Tax (Certilicate lurnlshed upon request) but is subject to sales tax il applicable. Testing Engineers, Inc. <:61' ( /~.1 ? L .' k' / IjV ,.. -0 kllC'I'V1D~7~ 1../.: ...~,. 0011 3 i98B .... PUBUC v-JORKS Quality Assurance Services Materials Consulting ~ ~ Ii~ . " . .v OCr 12" ~o CI1'y 1988 BUILD/N OF C~^, G DEPA~~LL ...^ EN1" PROJECT NO: 20991 liE II ~'" -n r't OF INSPECTION PLACE OF INSPECTION PROJECT NAME: 274 Everett at 1st St. Nuclear Density Jobs ite Campbell WORK REQUEST NO: HI057 ZONE: 1 DATE: 9-6-88 9-7-88 9-8-88 HOURS: 4 4 4 INSPECTOR: Ram Ram Ram Reported to: Dave Luers Feature: Field Test Procedure: CA 231 Material Description 1. Med. tan sandy silty clay 2. Med. tan sandy silty clay 3. Raisch Products 1YzI max. aggregate baserock Company: Reese Development Lab Test Procedure: CA 216 Opt. Moist. Max. Density Lab Ref. # .20 g Icc 2.26 glcc .20 glcc 2.26 glcc .25 glcc 2.22 glcc FIE L D T EST RES U L T S Field Field Cur.ve Re 1 . Proj. Location Elev. Dens. ~'o i st. No. Camp. Spec. glcc 0/ % /0 9-6-88 1 Everett St. road re pa i r FSG 2.10 0.20 1 93* 95 9-7-88 2 Everett St. road repa i r FSG 2.05 0.18 1 91* 95 9-8-88 3 Everett St. road repa i r FSG 2.13 0.25 1 96 95 *Below Project Specifications NOTE: Test results consti tute the reporti ng of factual i nformati on deri ved from test(s) made by our laboratory following prescribed procedures. These test results should not be considered as an engineering opinion with respect thereto. lcc: Reese Development Attention: Dave Luers 111 N, Market St. San Jose, CA 95030 City of Campbell Building Inspection Department 70 N. 1st St. Campbell, CA 95008 Reviewed 401 Aldo Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95054-2032 · 408-988-888'BeJlr~A DIABLO VALLEY · MONTEREY/SALINAS · OAKLAND · SACRAMENTC;<1il:! f\ bY{ rL #408i- U71-0~31 ~~ Supervisor Testing Engineers, Inc. ;.. l'i 1\ \,..,.,; J' \..,/ \...1""/ " V ~ '{"'$ ,~/ '" ~/'Y \ t--. , \.,,' I . ^ tb ., 1'\ \..l ... . :\ Quality Assurance Services Materials Consulting ~ ~ RE ,,, rZD SEP 1 9 1988 CITY OF CAMPBELL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Work Request No. H 1071 INSPECTION REPORT Week Endi ng August 19, 1988 Project No. 20991 .,.,....,-........-." -- Type of Inspection Place of Inspection ~ o Concrete/Rebar o Stressing Project: 274 Everett at First Street ~O SteellWelding o UTNisual ~ Jobsite o Other Campbell !!XI Solis/Asphalt o Roofing o Masonry o Fireproofing o Other Date 8-19-88 Hours 4 Miles/Zone LOne 1 Inspeclor Ram . Report: One (1) in-place density test, consisting of five (5) sites, Vias performed in accordance with CAL 231 Nuclear Density method at the request of Dave Luers with Reese Development, The test was performed on import fill material (Raisch) in sidewalks, curb, and gutter areas. A sample was obtained and returned to the Santa Clara laboratory for determination of maximum density in accordance with CAL 216 test methods. See attached summary sheet for test results. Attachment 1 cc: Reese Development Attention: Mr. Dave Luers 111 North Market Street San Jose, California 95030 1 cc: City of Campbell Building Inspection Department Reviewed by Chiccino sphalt Supervisor 401 Aldo Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95054-2032 · 408-988-8888 · FAX #408-727-0731 DIABLO VALLEY · MONTEREY/SALINAS · OAKLAND · SACRAMENTO · SANTA CLARA ~ ~ TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. OAKLAND SANTA CLARA DIABLO VALLEY SACRAMENTO MONTEREY/SALI NAS 401 ALOO AVENUE · SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95054.2032 (408) 988.8888 ABORA TORY NUMBER H \Oi-I RELATIVE COMPACTION TEST - NUCLEAR DATE ~-19-~~ Job 20991 274 Everett at First Street, Campbell File Type of Material Malerial From Impact by Date -1t:1- Non Biased Plan No. Show lesllocalion and area limils ~ N I. :2. c;~s +- 5+: ~veY~1f S+ IN-PLACE TEST BY NUCLEAR Site D.T. Inilial Wet Weight of Tesl Specimen (Grams) Specimen 1 Waler Adjustment Tamper Reading K Wet Density (gm/cc) K From Table 1 Test Melhod 216. Highest Density is Test Max. L + 3/4" Agg. Adj. SAMPLE FOR ROCK CORRECTION % + 3/4" (Q) Adj. M Total Sample WI. (gm) 20 or less. . . . . . 1.00 N + 3/4" Wt. in Air (gm) 21 -25 ......... 0.99 0 + 3/4" Wt. in Water (gm) 26-30 . . 0.98 P + 3/4" Vol. (cc) 31-35 . . .0.97 Q % + 3/4" 36-40 . . . . . 0.96 41-45 . . . . . 0.95 R % - 3/4" 46-50 . . . . .0.94 S Density of + 3/4" T % + 3/4" I Dec. of + 3/4" U % - 3/4" I Den. of - 3/4" V Sum of T and U W Adjusted Density gm/cc 4 (N-O) 100(N/M) (100-Q) (NIP) (Q/SL) (R/K) (T+Ul (lOON) X H20 = oJ.OS o +,f) +4 Water Adlustment - Grams HE = 0 :!: o iff. Bet. X Moist. Fr. Common TM & H Percent Relative. q I Individual Compaction Mov. Av. .E/K for 10% < + 3/4", EIW for> 10% + 3/4" If Common Test Maximum is used (X) K or W = From Tests Dated / u u -.... E Cl ::- .(ii c Q) o .,,;;./0 Remarks: 02.00 r CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866.2100 FAX # (408) 379.2572 Department: Public Works May 2, 1989 Rees Development 111 N. Market Street Suite 300 San Jose, CA 95113 RE: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.:87-l99 LOCATION: 274 EVERETT STREET, CAMPBELL, CA MAINTENANCE BOND AMOUNT: $7,150.00 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing assignment of investment certificate. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current assignment of investment certificate will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Q~ Associate Civil Engineer CMJ/p cc: G. Eaton, Public Works Insp. Council Agenda C. Case, Administrative Aide California Commerce Bank No. 01475096-20 87-199