1300 Harriet Ave. (1979) RECEiPT RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME '---'3 ~ c /J. ~-¡ ., ~'LL'¿ ~4vC.-- NAME BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOP. CO. INC. ADDRESS ~p c:) ~ / -3 0 9 f~~L ~.J . :1: (¿;;/) Kr/ {)<J >OR. . c-LlL-;'¿ "". '-"-'<- Q () . /A- ~ ~ '- _...,uI3fcS') '701 ðð . -!5 '7 S 7 {'Jd!l 5T (ll) ADDRESS BURLINGAME FOR Tent. Map Filing Fee $25.00 Harriet s/o HaClenda File S.T. *(I7) ~ 7.5"7 éJV 3~ I V 3 b~- ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER 351 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH AUG 31-79 009 ****1S'ttO DATE AMOUNT AUG 31-79 65 oo9A ***701.ÐO AUG 31-79 51 009 A ****56.00 FUND NUMBER A 602 6ac CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH 11-24 DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT I MUST BE MACHINE APR 20 - 79 002 *****25.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. I APR 20-79 57 oo2A ****25.00 ~~-/t' THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. N~ 02903 BLa W CITY CLERK N~ 01052 BY I J.1 -, ~ . ) / CITY CLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL TRACT NO. tdoe8 ~genda deadline~ ~genda deadline Council meeting~ Council meeting Items needed to meet City Council Agenda deadline for approval of Final Map: .. ¥' .If"'~ ~ ~{'Il/ l~ ~ ,..\¡-o Þ Letters: ~~{ ~ ~I!'ø o.f- ~ ~ a¡}. i a;, ~ vG! . . ..) 0.. Q) 0 "'0 Q) . s.. 0) .,.. "'0 :::I r- 0'" co Q) s.. 0 . ..) . ..) s.. 0.. 0 C\ 0.. E Q) e::: 4- 0 V1 r- >, .,.. 0.. 0 0 V') U Date Rec'd Sanitation District No.4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) Final Map (signed and notarized) Agreement (signed and notarized) r-"J1-7" ! -_.' r ! ~- ~l-ï; - Bonds: Faithful Performance Labor and materials C. ,C. and R. IS Gra.~hn~ { dvu\v\Q.ge p\CtIl\ Fees (payable to City): Final Map filing Amount Amount /j f () Ie lð. :Jl..-i7 g- --- ')Ô-t l' s~ Storm Drainage area 8- ~ó -77 '". . ---...L:c I - Total ~ Fee (payable to County): Recordi ng 1$7 g- - c«"j (J ~71 0 Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Tax letter from County Tax Collector Tax Bond Subdivision Guaranty 1 ESSE KRENZEL 2 TTORNEY AT LAW HE TOWERS I, SUITE 311 3 1901 SOUTH BASCOM AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 4 ELEPHONE: (408) 377-8893 5 ttorney for Defendants BARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. BARNES and 6 BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 9 10 11 12 HE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a NICIPAL corporation, Plaintiff, 13 vs. 14 ARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. ARNES, ROLAND J. LAFFEN, LENE J. LAFFEN, JAMES E. GLEY, PATSY JEAN GLEY, AL CHANDA, CAROL HANDA, BARNES-FONTAINE 17 EVELOPMENT COMPANY and OES I THROUGH L, 18 'nclusive, 15 16 19 20 Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 603581 NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION OF NONNATURAL DEPONENT CCP Section 2025(d) TO THE PLAINTIFF, THE DEFENDANTS, AND TO THEIR 21 22 TTORNEYS OF RECORD; PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendant will take the 23 eposition of THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, 24 13, 1989 at 10:00 a.m. at the law office of JESSE 25 26 ENZEL at 1901 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 311, campbell, alifornia, before a Notary Public. 27 28 1 2 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this deposition is noticed 3 subject to the provisions of California Code of civil Procedure 2025 (d) and that the Deponent must designate and 4 produce at the time of said deposition those of its 5 officers, directors, managing agents, employees, or other 6 agents who are most qualified to testify on its behalf as to 7 the following matters: 8 9 that term is 10 file herein. 11 1. What constitutes *standard street Improvements" as used in Exhibit A to Plaintiff's Complaint on 12 2. What negotiations took place between the Plaintiff and any of the Defendants to this action with respect to 13 setting the amount of the bonds referred to in Exhibit A to 14 laintiff's Complaint on file herein. 22 mprovements* referred to in Exhibit A to Plaintiff's 23 3. The standards employed by Plaintiff in 1978 to 15 16 17 etermine the amount of any bonds required of developers or ub-dividers of property within The City of Campbell as a 18 19 20 ondition to the city's approval of said sub-division or evelopment. 4. Any change in the costs of labor or material 21 ssociated with the co~struction of HStandard street omplaint on file herein between the years 1978 and the 24 25 resent time. 26 27 28 1 2 5. Any discussions or negotiations between any of the efendants to this action and The City of Campbell relative 3 4 5 6 0 the definition of the term *Standard street Improvements" s that term is used in Exhibit A to Plaintiff's Complaint. 7 ATED: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .5 - /7'- ~r , /7,/ /' ,// ) - {. _. ~ .;J; SSE KRENZEL ttorney for Defendants BARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. BARNES and BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ...------ -.-- PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Plaintiff, BARRE L. BÀR~ÊS, et al. Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 603581 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I am a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled action; my business address is The Towers I, Suite 311, 1901 South Bascom Avenue, Campbell, California. On .s- - /7- Sf ' I served the wi thin NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION OF NONNATURAL DEPONENT on the parties in said action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States mail addressed as follows: WILLIAM R. SELIGMANN DEMPSTER, MCDONALD & SELIGMANN 20380 TOWN CENTER LANE 9UITE 215 CUPERTINO, CA 95014 DENNIS KOLLENBORN 55 SOUTH MARKET STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95113 SUITE 1630 I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on )-/7- 5 ;7' , at Campbell, California. /ì J~ /' ( , ,,' ----- ~ - , ~ --u .L.---- ' , / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ~ ~ 13 ¡¡¡ ~ ~;! ( ~ i! J¡:;¡ 14 ~.gð~~ t39:':c~Ë:: ~C~~~,gN ~~ggUJ~15 ~ 0 3 e tJg i!i .. "~gc~:!- ~~"c3~& ~:i ~c3 16 ... 2; OJ 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WILLIAM R. SELIGMANN, Esquire DEMPSTER, Mc DONALD & SELIGMANN 2Ø38Ø Town Center Lane - Suite 215 Cupertino, California 95Ø14 Attorney for Plaintiff CITY OF CAMPBELL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. ) BARNES, ROLAND J. LAFFEN, ) MARLENE M. LAFFEN, JAMES E. ) LANGLEY, PATSY JEAN LANGLEY,) AL CHANDA, CAROL CHANDA, ) BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOPMENT) COMPANY and DOES I through) X, inclusive, ) ) ) ) ) AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS- ) ) THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Defendants. Case No. 6Ø358l DECLARATION OF LYNN SNYDER I, Lynn Snyder, declare: as a Junior civil 1. I am currently employed Engineer in the Public Works Department of the City of Campbell, and I have been employed by the Campbell Public Works Department for the past nineteen (19) years, of which fifteen (15) have been 1 10 11 12 z z i ~ 13 ~!:. ~:! (/)~š~~ 14 ~"¡¡~"'- ~9~cH:: s.>o(~~i5~'" ~8Z2gëð~15 ~ g"ðg~ .. u~~c~~ ~~"¿d8.- iii ~ a¡ <3 16 ~ ~ Go ::I w c 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Engineering Division. in the In 1979, on or about the time that 2 the development application of the Defendants was being reviewed 3 Public Works Department, I was working as an Engineering by the 4 Under the supervision of Aid. James Penoyer, I was responsible 5 subdivision processing and development applications, for 6 and preparing recommending conditions of approval, estimates of 7 the cost of constructing standard street improvements which were 8 were used to determine These estimates required of developers. 9 the amount of bonding to be required for the project. 2. At the time of the Defendants' application, it was the normal meet with the and usual procedure for me to developers their review discuss representative to and or conditions of approval for their project, and to the best of my recollection this with regard to the procedure was followed Defendants' application. At all times, it has been the policy of the City street improvements include of Campbell that standard installation of half a in project site, front of the street including installation pavement to the center line of of street the curbs, sidewalks, driveway, approaches, street, gutters, lighting, landscaping, and in fact instances, storm drainage, as well as necessary appurtenances such as and pull manhole covers boxes. do not recall a single instance in which fact, I In installation of such street pavement was not required as part of the standard improvements. with regard to Defendants' street application, the estimated of constructing the standard cost street improvements, which the time of the prepared at was Agreement included the cost of installing the street pavement to 2 10 11 12 z z ~ ~ 13 ¡¡¡ ~ ~;! ~:UJ~_14 (l)C<U~~;: ~;¡!õ PÈ;<; ~ 8~~P-~15 ~" n>~:!. -' :11.< 8 ~ 1ì ~~ ~8 16 A. :II au C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 the center of the street, and all discussions with the Defendants 2 the best improvements, of required concerning the to my of installing the 3 included the norma 1 requirement knowledge, 4 street pavement. 5 To the best of my recollection, I never told 3. 6 of the other Defendants, that the half BARNES, BARRE or any 7 a representation would street would not be required, and such 8 contrary to my understanding of the standard street been have 9 improvements which were being required of the Defendants. 4. Likewise, that cost of I aware the am installing street improvements can fluctuate over time; and to the best of my recollection, I never told Defendant BARRE BARNES, 0 r a ny of the other Defendants that the cost of installing the required improvements would exceed the standard street not $9,5ØØ.ØØ which originally estimated of for purposes was determining the amount of the Faithful Performance Bond. 5. I personally prepared the original estimate of the of installing required standard street the cost improvements in or around September of 1979. The estimate was for the installation of a half street, including street pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveway approaches, street trees and 68.lØ% of the cost of installing a street light. The reason the whole cost of the street light was not charged at that time was that there was a chance that part of the cost would be picked up by an assessment district. unit figures used in my The cost estimate were obtained from bid sheets for similar work bid to the City of Campbell, or other Cities with which the City shares 3 10 11 12 z z 0( ~ ~ 13 ¡¡¡ ~ ~.. ~:n~'",~_14 ",Q<U~~- t!;¡¡!õp$~ ¡¡: z ~ ,g ¡¡ -æ on ~ 0;; g ~u~15 ~caH~~~ ~~<8~! ffi'¡: ~8 16 Iii ~ Go ::E IIJ Q 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 of knowledge represents an best the and bid sheets, to my accurate estimate for such work. 3 the information forth in set Based 6. on 4 I, estimated of the cost paragraph 5 of this declaration, 5 improvements be standard street to required installing the 6 of the estimate which I prepared in $9,326.67 in 1979. A copy 7 1979 is attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof. In 8 installing pavement, the street estimate cost of the this 9 including paving and excavation, was computed to be $1,821.35 for 2,2Ø7.7 square feet of street. 7. Using the form used by the City of Campbell in 1982, and the cost figures used by the Department of Public Works in prepared an estimate of the cost of installing 1982, I the required street improvements as of 1982. As with the 1979 estimate, figures based the unit cost for the were on cost similar work obtained from bid sheets for such work bid to the City of Campbell, or other cities, during the time period, and to the best of my knowledge represents the accurate cost for such work. The estimate for the street light was revised to show full cost, since the assessment district never materialized. Based on this information, estimated cost of installing the street the improvements in 1982 was $24,424.19. major in the A factor increased cost was the increase in of installing the the cost street pavement to $13,356.59. of the estimate is A copy attached hereto as Exhibit B, and made a part hereof. 8. Using the form currently used by the City of Campbe 11, and cost figures currently used by the the 4 10 11 12 z z ~ ~ 13 ¡¡j ~ ~.. III ~ ~ 5 § t5.g~<n",_14 <nQ«)~m- tj~õpF ü: z C ,Q ~ ;jj ~ t58~~~()~15 ~ U~f~E~ ~~"'8~~ ~;¡ ~8 16 III ~ A. :I w Q 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Department of Public Works, I prepared an estimate of the cost of 2 Ma r c h 27, 19 8 9 . installing the required street improvements on 3 two estimates, the cost figures were based on As with the other 4 the unit cost for similar work obtained from bid sheets for such 5 other cities, and to the City of Campbell, or work bid to the 6 best of my knowledge represents and accurate estimate of the cost 7 splits the cost for The new form, however, work. of such 8 excavation and paving, installation of the street pavement into 9 expressing total as the cost simply than as one rather previously. The estimate shows the total cost of installing the street improvements be $17,987.74, with half street the to accounting for $4,856.95 of the of this total A cos t. copy estimate is attached hereto as Exhibit C, and made a part hereof. 9. It is my understanding that "standard street improvements" required public agencies in Santa Clara by other County include the installation of a street pavement as well as installation of curbs, gutters, driveway, approaches, sidewalks, lighting landscaping, and dra i nage facilities as storm and necessary. lØ. The only other people in the Public Works Department who would have been assigned the Defendants' to application with regard the requirement for street to improvements would have been James Penoyer and David Valkenaar, and to the best of my knowledge they are the only other people who have spoken any of the Defendants concerning this to may matter. I have examined Plaintiff's Exhibit D to the Deposition of Defendant BARNES, and find the photograph marked as BARRE 5 10 11 12 z z i ~ 13 ~ø ,;:" u ~;;~¡;¡ ~.n~o> 14 :zo~~n:: I.' ~ 0 ~ -' õ ., u. Z c 09 ;; '.ij ~ ~og8~u~15 ~O3=U8~ 5~Hie- .<c3091l ffi.'i r;¡c3 16 :;¡ ~ Go :I IiJ 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Exhibit D-2 is David Valkenaar, the photograph marked as Exhibit 2 3 D-3 is James Penoyer, and the photograph marked as Exhibit D-l is me. 4 5 6 I declare is true and correct. 7 8 1-(18/89 Dated: 9 under penalty of perjury that the foregoing ~ ,yV¡'v '~t..( j ~)/L- LY N SNYDER / 6 '\ COSNTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR TRACT NO. 6608 FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Concrete Curb and gutter: Res./Coml. Sidewalk: . 122.7 LF @ 7.50 = $ 920.25 328.3 SF @ 3.50 = 1 ,149.05 541.5 SF @ 5.00 = 2,707.50 Driveway approach: Pavement (TI=6, R=40) A.C. : (2,207.7 SFh $0.15)( 5;211) = 1,821.35 Miscellaneous Electrolier: 0.681 EA @ 2,000.00 Street trees (15 gallon): 2 EA @ 75.00 = 1,362.00 = 150.00 $8,11 O. 15 1,216.52 $9,326.67 Sub-Toal: 15% Contingency: TOTAL: Faithful performance bond $9,500 Labor & materials bond $4,750 Plan exam. & constr. insp.$ 326 Storm drainage area $ 701 By: L. Snyder Uate: 7-18-79 EXH,'-tlIÐU'f,.rr ().. r)[J ~o"f---L- , ,--I_Lu)""1I 'tiÁ' ' ¡J" 1- '-" ( CPHSTRUCT/ON COST EST/HATE rOR fl~r ~Bz.9 - (Y1/(#t!f'$ I':/~ HA~RJEr Ave. "8 2.. €-.srIMAT~ Surfacr ConstructIon (Irarlng and GrubbIng Sawcut Concrrte Lump Sum lo F. II $ 3.50 Concretl! Remova I s.r. II 2.50 lor. II 8.00 EA. II 400.00 ~.1...J.F. tI 12.00 30.).3 S.F. (I 4.00 Curb and Cutter Rrmoval Inlot Drain wIth PIpe Curb and Cutter SIdewalk Driveway Approach 51; 6.00 S.L (I Handicap Ramp BarrIcade EA. II 600.00 7 lor. (I 40.00 (2¡lL>7."1S.r.) (SUO) (~-) I EA. II 400.00 A.C. Pave'~nt Inc. ExcavatIon Adjust HIInhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade EA. tI 300.00 EA. tI 300.00 Honument Box w Monumrnt Street Tree (15 gallon) :z.. EA. II 175.00 Pavement Striping lor. II O.BO Pavement Legends StoP. Street Name or Other Sign EA. II 100.00 EA. (I 100.00 EA. (I 12.00 lo r. (I 5.00 Pavement Markers Pavement Key Cut Street LIghting Elrctrol ler I EA. tI 3.000.00 Conduit lor. fI 9.00 Conductor. pair . lo r. fI 3.00 Pull Box I EA. fI 250.00 Storm Oralnaqe 12" or IS" RCP lor. (I 45.00 18" or 21" RCP lor. fI 55.00 Street Inlet EA. II 1.000.00 EA. fI 1.200.00 Manhole 8reak and Enter Manhole EA. fI SOO .00 fXHlB\T LQ&:. .~"',,: of~ TOTAL ESTIHAH USE fOR BOND Datr ~.I~8~.- By..!. $NY.N:=/(. . s IJðOO.t>O --- 1.4-1Z.4D - /.2./3.zD . 3. 102..00 Z8D.tJO /3.3S6.S'9 f.tX> . 00 .~50.00 3.000.00 - 2.50.00 s ;¿4-. "'Z<f-./~ . $ Address /300 CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE HAA-ß/¡;' T AV"~ Surface Construction Clearing & Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb & Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Extruded Curb Barricade Street Excavation AC Pavellent Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w!Monument Street Tree (IS-gallon) Pavement Striping ($100 lIin) Pavement Legends ($100 min) Stop, Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Markers Pavement Key Cut Lump Sum Estimate LF@ $ 4.00 SF @ 3.00 LF@ 5,00 EA@ 600.00 / ZZ . ï LF @ 14.00 ,~. 3 SF @ 4.00 ~,' SF @ 5.50 EA@ 400,00 LF@ 8.50 Permi t No. by.LS.-date .}'.2V89 - $ J,2..00.00 - $ - $ ~ LF @ 50,00 - $ 1..2.::lD"l.'7SF)X($O.IO)x(d") - $ . l2.2oì'."1SF)X($0.30)x(d") - $ 1 EA@ 37 5,00 EA@ 275,00 EA@ 600,00 EA@ 300.00 LF@ 0,65 EA@ 40.00 EA@ 120.00 EA@ 15.00 LF@ 10,00 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,1 .., 17 .80 I. 2. J.3 . :to 2.. - $ - $ ~ g4-.3. 5'0 - $ - $ .3S"O.DD J.2.I+.2.4- ,3, ,q..~. '71 3' 5". /.>0 - $ - $ , O{). DC> - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Surface Subtotal" S" - $ J.~.' 15' ~ .4-S Adjust for size: "S"<$30,OOO add 20', "S">$IOO,OOO subtract 10\ (+ or -) $ :1..&3/.29 Street Li2htin" Electrolier Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Storm Draina"e 12- or IS" RCP IS. or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break & Enter Manhole EXHIB!T-L,nÖ::ia8d 6{S8 nf--L EA@ 2,000.00 LF@ 10,00 LF@ 2.00 Ea @ 200.00 LF@ 60.00 LF@ 70.00 EA @ 1,600.00 EA @ 2,400.00 EA@ 650.00 - $ 2.. DDCJ .00 - $ - $ - $ .260.00 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ TOTAL ESTIMATE $ /7. ~B 7. 74- $ USE FOR BOND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ~ 13 " '!2 ¡¡j ~ ~;! UlnJ¡~ 14 ~~H~~~ ~ :¡! õ ¡ ~§ ~ ¡¡: Z,gl2~ð~15 ~g~~<,!-~ ~ "hc~"- ~Ji.<8~B. !Ii ~ Ii! 8 16 Iii ~ II. Ji w Q 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WILLIAM R. SELIGMANN, Esquire DEMPSTER, Me DONALD & SELIGMANN 2Ø38Ø Town Center Lane - Suite 215 Cupertino, California 9SØ14 Attorney for Plaintiff CITY OF CAMPBELL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. ) BARNES, ROLAND J. LAFFEN, ) MARLENE M. LAFFEN, JAMES E. ) LANGLEY, PATSY JEAN LANGLEY,) AL CHANDA, CAROL CHANDA, ) BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOPMENT) COMPANY and DOES I through) X, inclusive, ) ) ) ) ) AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS. ) ) Case No. 6Ø3581 THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal corporation, DECLARATION OF DAVID VALKENAAR Plaintiff, vs. Defendants. I, David Va1kenaar, declare: 1. I am currently employed as the City Engineer 25 26 of the City of Foster City, and have been employed since so September of 1988. In my present position, I am responsible for 27 28 all aspects of the Public Works Department except the Maintenance 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ~ "' 13 ~hj~ 14 ~"~ðO>- æg~cn~ ()~O'-'£' ~ Z,~.Qjj -;; ~ 1 5 ~ 8Hð~~ '" "~~c~:!. -' ::I '" , ~ 8. ffi~()28 16 ~ § ... ::I w 0 17 18 19 20 21 Division. 2. Prior to coming to work for Foster City, I was employed as an Associate Civil Engineer for the City of Campbell for twenty-four (24) In 198Ø my assignments years. included handling street improvements that were required by the City of the developers. 3. Before coming work for the City of to Campbell, I was an Engineering Aid in the city of Mountain View for one (1) year; and prior to working in Mountain View, I was an Engineering Aid for three (3) years in the City of Downey. 4. Subsequent to being assigned to handle street improvements in 198O, I undertook to find out what street Improvement Agreements had not yet been performed. Upon learning that none of the Street Improvements required of the Defendants with respect to tract number 66Ø8 had been installed, I sent a letter to the Defendants about June 22, 1981, by regular on or Road, Burlingame, California 94Ø16, ma i 1, at 1475 Rollings notifying them to install with their agreement with the street improvements in accordance the City. This letter was returned unopened. The letter was resent to the Defendants on July 2, 1981, by Certified Mail, 226Ø San Juan Road, Cupertino, at 22 23 California 95Ø14. On or about July 28, 1981, another copy of the Mail to the Defendants at lØ63l letter was sent by Certified 24 South Foothill Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014. A copy of 25 the letter is attached hereto Exhibit and made a part as A 26 hereof. Copies of the Receipts for Certified Mail are attached 27 hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof. 28 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ~ ':! 13 ¡¡¡ ~ ~:! CI) ~!! Jj õ! 14 ~ .. ¡¡ij 0>, - "'o<u~~:: t!~õP,Q;;; ¡¡: z 0 ., ~ ~ '" ~ogg¡¡U~15 ;t 0 3 e ug ~ ~~Hie- .< <3" ~ ffi'¡ ~<3 16 :¡¡ ~ IL 2 w 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5. Within weeks after mailing the a few aforementioned letter, I received a telephone call from Defendant BARRE BARNES, in wh i ch he acknowledged that he had received the letter requesting installation of the street improvements. This conversation first contact with any of the Defendants. was my Several conversations extending several months followed over this initial and in each conversation, Defendant BARNES one, affirmed his commitment install the street improvements. to Defendant BARNES did, indicate that he was having however, trouble obtaining the cooperation of the remaining Defendants. 6. At no time did represent to any 0 f I ever the Defendants that the required street improvements did not require installation of a half street. In fact, I specifically represented to Defendant BARRE BARNES that the required street improvements did include installation of a half street. During my tenure a t the City of Campbell it has been the City's policy that "standard street improvements" include installation of a half in of the proposed development, as well as street front installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, lighting and landscaping; and not of any reason that the I am aware Defendants' development wou ld have been treated differently. Likewise, it is my understanding that the term "standard street improvements," as used by public agencies, normally includes installation of the street in front of the development. 7. Similarly, at time, I never, any represented to any of the Defendants that the cost of installing the street improvement would not exceed $9,SØØ.Øø. 3 10 11 12 z z ¡ ~ 13 ¡¡¡!!. ~;! ~:::¡~JJg¡_14 "'C<Ù~,~- ~""õij~::: ¡¡: ~ c,2 ~ 'ä ~ ~g~~~u~15 ~uhc~~ ..dE.<8~~ ffi;¡ 28 16 f ~ :IE '" c 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 When work had commenced on the street 8. no 2 improvements by May of 1982, I sent the Defendants a letter by Certified Mail on or about May 25, 1982 to 226Ø San Juan Road, Cupertino, California 9SØ14. The letter, a copy of which is 3 4 5 as Exhibit C, and made a part hereof, reminded attached hereto 6 improvements required to be the street Defendants that were 7 1982. Receipt bearing the of A Return by completed June 8 returned to the City of signature of Defendant WANDA BARNES was 9 1982, indicating receipt of the letter. in June of Campbell Copies of the Return Receipt and the Receipt for Certified Mail are attached hereto as Exhibit 0, and made a part hereof. 9. The only people in the Public Works Department to deal with Defendants concerning the street improvements, besides myself, were James Penoyer and Lynn Snyder. I have examined Plaintiff's Exhibit 0 to the Deposition of BARRE BARNES, and find that the photograph designated as Exhibit 0-1 is Lynn Snyder; the photograph designated 0-3 is James Penoyer; and the photograph designated 0-2 is me. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: «(¡rlt") ( ~ß ----- 4 C I T Y 0 F C A M () BEL L 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 c.., , '.. " j'," ~ \, ' ;¡" ,? ~~.)^ ,'v I ~'r ¿",< "b' I "> ',' .~" ~ .') ;;'-(J<'" ", ç,\- ~' /' ~~".;,~'i:'¥,~ 'i:fi.':,;.~ ,~'.:::<' c,c,"i ~'?; ') ,<¡, 1,":!: '?'< ~Q c,?' ~~." ,;> i , /,.' ,,-'" .<.'/ ~ :,..~ ,,"";..,.::èJ "~:'>~~i:~ , "\~' t:', ,'~ ¡t>'" / 'c ,"i , -$>" ~, ~' ~ iJ' ~: l I Department: Public Horks NDLING June 22, 1981 DIAl .! f :,Ef1l(;ð29 I CASE Barre L. and Wanda J. Barnes Ronald J. and Marlene M. Laffen James E. and Patsey Jean Langley Al and Carol Chanda c/o Barnes-Fontaine Development Co. 1475 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94016 V' I ~2-)P-J RE: Street Improvements, Tract 6829 (formerly Tract 6608), Harriet Avenue S/O Hacienda Avenue IrP Gentlepersons: You are hereby notified to have complete street improvements installed on Harriet Avenue of Tract 6829 and to have such construction completed within twelve (12) months of this date. On September 4,1979, you entered into an agreement with the City of Campbell, relative to the construction of street improvements on subject tract. That agreement specifies, among other things, that you IIshall provide and construct and/or install at his own proper cost and expense, standard street improvements...when notified to do so by the City Engineer. II The agreement further specifies that the street improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months of this notification. In order to proceed with the construction, you will have to submit three sets of improvement plans, an Excavation Permit application and a $25 application fee to this office. A permit fee and cash deposit must be paid before proceeding with the work. An Excavation Permit application form is enclosed for your use. feel free to call us if you have any questions. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Dir~f Public Works David N. Va1kenaar Associate Civil Engineer P1 ease . . - . DNV : 1 bp cc~ Lou Jones & Associates, Re bond #LO5-041856 \ 594 Howard St.. 3rd floor, S.F. 94105 ~ UJ ~ ; ~~ 1 ~; ~ ~ -c:-c-cc. ~~~ ii~~' ~§! ~i~ ~ : - V'. ~ =- ~oco"'~,,"," .,..,~ 0 '"' :',... - =:- - ,- c ~§[~::~ - ;; i~~; . c. 0'" .. c- ~- !~ ~£-~ :;s;;:;oz¡'; iHH gg c:'=-~ ~~ §ff~ _c- c =>' ,c. '" '" - C'~ -=- '" c-. C' :g;::. ;;,- os. :: :<,- ï>;' =r '" -'" IT co C 0.' - <;To. ¡:c õ~ .-. (II C -"rv 11'11' '" -, :,!" .,.. CITY OF CI\M (JUELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Horks NDlING DIAZ I_. June, 22, 1981 CASE I "~'r1l4t2'è. I _.~ , 'r; ~~ r'C~ l) 7/2-)'11 If RE: Street Improvements, Tract 6829 (formerly Tract 6608), Harriet Avenue S/O Hacienda Avenue Barre L. and Wanda J. Barnes Ronald J. and Marlene M. Laffen James E. and Patsey Jean Langley Al and Carol Chanda c/o Barnes-Fontaine Development Co. 1475 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94016 So. .- RECEIPT Fo-~3c~ 29,,- I NO II-'.SUUI-.'c- AT/FlED MA!;' , NOT f'ëi:cì~~~:~f:,G~,PRaVtoEíJ- ' notifi ed to have complete street imp ~-~~~~:. Pev€~~~~AL MAIL mue of Tract 6829. and to have such co ßa!nès-F t.' (12) months of thlS date. co"§~}~f"-~::¡hn;7~~"-~ 4, 1979, you entered into an agreement UÞèrt"(rí'6-'-é~)E- ative to the construction of street im. f;~~~~_--' 95074 j~ a~~a~o~~~~~~~n~n~j~~if~~~~l~m~~gh~~h; ~"-:;CC"'-.= _s~=: ,~~~rd T~~r:~;e~~~~~V~:~~~:~ - ~;~~~f~~~ii~: I~' ~-- L .c-,.--- C j shall be constructed and/or installed \' :::: ~' " "', Oi'i --. !^is notification. ¡ ß- f:; ~ . ---- c , ~ , ---. ----- I~':¿'!t:"_:--,:,, è"iA'in I ~ ê i 5 ì "" ,," " .... '-¡L",SHJrlTOW'C ;;: ~ Q;: I PEU"<'D ~~v A;\ú DATE ~ ~ ~'.'fR; "on F.tSTR:tJtD 8 !;:::S~J~ ¡ I:x' IAD:",i~n~(~ g::t Aha I 'R[H,::E~ [~ü-;,¡~/ WITH ~STA.GE A.Ne FEES OSTWARK OR OA. TE Resent 7-28-87 7p $ oroceed with the construction, you will ~ of improvement plans, an Excavation Permi tion fee to this office. A permit fee an ~ ore proceeding with the work. f 'on Permit application form is enclosed fo to call us if you have any questions. Very truly yours JOSEPH ELLIOTT Dir~f Publ; David N. Valkenaõ Associate Civil E No. 3°¡:-:lór; ,J ,J ..} '- ::0 ¡.J\ """'""",,,' I :,,' ~' ;;: 1":'\ ?.., ;::::::;;:;~. 'CJ~ N;:ÕP:; ~ C"") ....0 r,- """,C 'C N~PJ - rn "'3 ~;;~~~ ~ ;!:G'I;~ 0 - ~-"" I'ro'-':Oz~ -c ... °;;. I :~ "" 0 :'D ~ 0> E:: I~ i 0' c+ ~ i (/) z : g ~~: "'" I;, -'. 0 ¡ Q ~ r .." ",,-' .. _10':::1 N \:::1' 0 -<::s.'. . ;%0:;;' ' ;:0 ;':':¡i '" ",'~,~ n c... po z: ><: 'I ¡; ~i '" ' 0 C 0 ~ I ' "",'" :;; Q :;;::: 0 ':E~ :E~""CJ. þJ %- _: l",_",_i:::þ \:::1 ~ 0% ø I ",,<> =" 0, I -~ ": \-"""',:;:;;0 P- x: ;;: ¡:): g :".,;; ~', \D ,0.. þJ ¡:;:P.D =3=3,°U'1 \. I x:~ ~.i \~-..¡;..:"'iO F-' -"" $\ ~~c.ii'~.-, t rn =n.e-I\:=-..:;-...:~i.þ bJ ....0 - \ ::-,~ ::-,,'-<' , x: ~' ~..; ; ,'I,Õ:, pi, ~ "" .:1 (~:~: ~ -"" ,'" -'.-, - ;:::C'J !!!: ë, , ~ ~..... ".. ..'~ % ' -'" ~..., I ~ ~;:;: : ¡; ë I 1 3:< ~ ~õ ~ .- ..... "'I tOM!'UI T I roSTMASWI I RM\ ÆES I C"") rn ::0 -{ "T', 5: );>- r \ ::- C> ('J -¡;; . . - . ~ 0 I - 0 :r :Ii ~ - ~ ¡ ¡¡: '" . '" ~ .., 00 """ o~ ~~ "'", DNV:lbp . cc: Lou Jones & Associates. 594 Howard St.. 3rd floor, S.F. 94105 Re bond #LO5-041856 p g. _L1Jf _L- ----~ - '\ I \ I I ! (.ITY (IF C;\l\lIJIIELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Huon t;'::lN,:> Department: Public Works DIAl i, ;; ~CP" --J_~ 1;~~~ :-~ ./ : 0/ ~- 1-;--- - r-j May 25, 1982 C/,S[ Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes c/o Barnes-Fontaine 2260 San Juan Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Development Co. SUBJECT: TRACT 6608/6829 -- BOND #LO5-041B56 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barnes: I' ~ We are writing regarding the street improvements tract. We previously advised you that this work by July, 1982. We are aware that there has been pulled as yet for the work. Please advise us of completion of construction. on the subject must be completed no excavation permit your plans for As indicated previously, should the work not be started soon we will be calling in your bond with Lou Jones and Associates to cover the cost of construction. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DI?-ECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I . " /l,lj......ec.j 8" 0: j=!n~\V&::,"~ ) By DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV: Ip cc: Lou Jones & Associates .. '.: '" ~'o H\B\1 .L.p g. - L-of t c~ (;,' .... ( ( e I T \' (IF CA1\'iI'11ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (4081 378.8141 Department: Public Works Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes c/o Barnes-Fontaine 2260 San Juan Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 May 25, 1982 Development Co. SUBJECT: TRACT 6608/6829 -- BOND #L05-041856 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barnes: We are tract. writing regarding the street improvements We previously advised you that this work ~e that there has been Please advise us of ~~- v.. f;: ~T"D;.R; C<>mpl." ;:<;"" 1 1 ~' 3 ~ A<\,~ ~ou, Ir<!dr='; Ù:. '""F:f.7URN ro- ;;:¡ noVc' "",, II >aa <XI, (T' ¡ - 111(' loU."..¡!'!: 3'-1-vk-r ¡¡ req-~ed (~~ oat.) .- 0 $h~' to ...horn .md date- -rldivcrr:i ;- ~<'h ...........-f . -- . (W,'tov.!lort'.,.J!!'2:Jà,~d,.,,~ufckh'~ 4/; ~ U F..u1ï~(TEDnFLr~:-W:' ' ',"'- Silo,,- ;,. \ ~¡OII'. ~hd d3tc d"[¡, -,c-' 0 RESHJC"¡ ED DELIVrlt';' _.~. ...........- t Show \" ",'hom, é;¡t~, >lDcl ~':;t'~ of¿divCI)'.S- UNA9L E 'U) D[ L IV (~ 8aCA U$E : 0 ~ r- ~~Qg. '.\:õf I: I (. , ,--- -----,-- Hoc!!',":) DIAl ;, ) ~C L ' - I' ¡::--., ---.- ..1.-- ;;~::"~T1.1'" '\ ,/ i ¡I ...L..;I - n--- Cf,SE on the subject must be completed no excavation permit your plans for hould the work not be started soon we ~d with Lou Jones and Associates to jtion. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC we OrolginQI~ned By By DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGIN s P 300 6 1 7 4 5 0 I RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL; NO INSURÞ.NCE COVERAGE PROVIDED- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENTTO ~~EÉ~~::¥ßß~~~{t~o \ ;2hO_San-Juan..Rd u,ŠTþ-E AND ZIP CODE \ I , PO~ TAGE \ -r~~~~~F~~DF~----------- :z 1 ~'~E-,:iA.: ;¡: lI';E;~:- t::: RëqRiC~EOt:::~IV{RY' IX -- C> -,- -- ---- -- u.. a: en .... w ~ U cn - "'" > ~ æ ~ rn ~ ;;;. !;:¡ ~ ::> IL ~ co 8 , \ ( \ nn~ ~o;r-.,:o W",~I~ AM, ~ Ò~Ti D~\ 'ViREO ;; !;j SHo\;¡rO~E ~ ANC ADDRESS OF ~ OCLIVERY w -- ~ SHO\\'TOWliO~I\NDOAT~ a: OCllVER£D WITH RESTRlrTE ~ OEll~ERY ,-- ~ -5HÖW-TOWH-¡¡~'~-[ÏÃìÙ~,' a:: I\OOR¡5~OI Oc\.IV[RYWllH R[STR'Cml[),,'\l~' ( \ 1 ! ! '-D r- ~ TOTAlPO$TAGEANDFEES Ci PÕSTMARK OROÂTE-- ---- ----- < 8 ~. RESENT: 5-~-82 ~ U~ 10 11 12 z z ~ ';2 13 ~ ~ ~;! '" ~ ¡;'¡¡:;¡ 14 ~~!~~~~ tj~õp$~ [z~"'æ"~15 oo;;g~U- ~OgeU:?~ .. "~&O~:!. ~~~G~~ 15< ~u 16 :¡¡ ~ 0. :I w 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 WILLIAM R. SELIGMANN, Esquire DEMPSTER, Mc DONALD & SELIGMANN 2038Ø Town Center Lane - Suite 215 Cupertino, California 95Ø14 2 3 4 Attorney for Plaintiff CITY OF CAMPBELL 5 6 7 8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. ) BARNES, ROLAND J. LAFFEN, ) MARLENE M. LAFFEN, JAMES E. ) LANGLEY, PATSY JEAN LANGLEY,) AL CHANDA, CAROL CHANDA, ) BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOPMENT) COMPANY and DOES I through) X, inclusive, ) ) ) ) ) AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS. ) ) THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Defendants. Case No. 603581 DECLARATION OF JAMES PENOYER I, James Penoyer, declare: 1. I am a Engineering Technician, and have been Public Works in the employed by the City of Campbe 11, From the date of my first Department, since February of 1977. employment until the present, my duties have included processing 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 z Z 4: ~ ';! 13 ¡¡¡ ~ ~:! i3:::P~¡¡¡-14 '" c.. c'J ~~ :: tj-'õ¡jõ., -C20~~N ~g3¡~~i15 .. " ~ 8. c ~ .. -'~"8~8.~ ffi~ ~8 16 ti ~ IL :I III 0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 subdivision and development applications, and recommending 2 conditions of approval. 3 2. Prior to employment with my the City of 4 Campbe 11, I worked Engineering Assistant from 1963 to as an 5 February of 1977 for the City of Mountain View. While at the 6 City of Mountain View, my duties included surveying, project inspection, street improvement design, processing of subdivision maps, and street improvement preparation and processing of agreements. 3. From 1961 1963, to worked I as an Engineering Assistant for the City of Daily City, where my duties included drafting, filing, surveying and maintaining of improvement plans. 4. On November 8, 1978, the Defendants in the above-entitled action filed an application with the City of Campbell to construct four (4) homes, and subdivide an existing lot. condition As of approva 1 a of the subdivision, the Defendants were required to provide for installation of standard street improvements, including street pavement to the center of the street, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and lighting in front of the proposed project pursuant to the provisions of the Campbell Municipal Code which are presently codified in Municipal Code Sections 11.24.Ø4Ø and 2Ø.68.ØlØ. 5. In accordance with the conditions of the City, the Defendants executed providing agreement for an installation of the standard improvements street on or abou t September 4, 1979. I have examined Exhibit A of Plaintiff's 2 z z i ~ 13 ~ ~ Æ;! CI)~!i~~ 14 ~~~ð~~;: tj~õP~;: ~ 8B~!ð~15 ~uhc~~ ~ ~"8 ~ & ffi~ 28 16 t;; ~ IL ~ III 0 1 omplaint of and Plaintiff's Exhibit Deposition the to A efendant BARRE L. BARNES and find them to be true copies of the 2 3 greement executed Defendants, and which was prepared by by the 4 e. 6. Based execution 5 of the Improvement on the City 6 Campbell Council greement, adopted a resolution 7 approving the Defendant's subdivision on September A 25, 1979. 8 copy of the Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made 9 a part hereof. 10 7. At the time of the Defendants' application, 11 well as through present, it was the normal and usual the as 12 procedure or their wi th for developers, the to meet me representative, to review and discuss conditions of approval for their project, and to the best of my knowledge this procedure was followed with regard Defendants' application. the At all to 17 time s, it has been the po 1 i cy standard street improvements street in front of the project installation of City of the of Campbell that include installation of half a site, including 18 19 steet the center of the street, curbs, gutters, pavement to 20 s idewa lks, and in driveway lighting,landscaping, approaches, 21 some instances, storm drainage, as well as necessary appartances. 22 In fact, I cannot recall a single instance in which installation 23 of such street pavement was not required as part of the standard 24 street improvements. with regard to Defendants' application, the 25 estimated cost of constructing the standard street improvements, 26 which was of the Agreement, included the the time prepared at 27 cost of installing pavement to the center of the the street 28 3 10 11 12 z z 0( ~ ~ 13 ¡¡h ~;! UI~$Jj~ 14 ~"~ðO>- ~9~cH;: \io(g~-~", ~ ~~g~ð~15 ~ ca g ~ ~ ,~ ~ "':I~!.t- ~ - '" 8,Q 1!. IP 28 16 :;¡ ~ A. :I III C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 street, and all discussions with the Defendants concerning the 2 required improvements would therefore have been consistent with 3 the normal requirement of installing the street pavement. 4 8. During my tenure as an employee at the City 5 of Mountain View and Daily City, it was also my experience that 6 "standard improvements" required of developers included street 7 street pavement installation. 8 Given my understanding that 9. standard street 9 improvements have always included installation of a half street, I do not believe any of the that told I BARRE BARNES, or Defendants, that the street pavement would not be required, and I do not recall ever representing that such street pavement would not be required. 10. Similarly, aware that the cost of I am installing improvements over time; and fluctuate street can consequently, I do not believe, and do not recall, that I ever told BARRE BARNES, or the Defendants, any of tha t the cost of installing required standard street improvements would not the exceed the originally estimated cost $9,500.0Ø, and of such a representation would be contrary to my normal practice. 11. other people in the Public Works The only Department who assigned to the Defendants' wou 1d have been appli cati on requirement street with regard the for to improvements would have been Lynn Snyder and David Valkenaar, and to the they are the only other people who best of my knowledge may have spoken to any of the Defendants concerning this matter. I have examined Plaintiff's the Deposition of Exhibit D to 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ; 13 CI '::! d I' ~;! !';:Hø~, _14 '" Q.. u ~ ~;: ~ ~ õ ~ ~i5 .,. ¡¡ z ',~ ,!1 ~ 'a f;j 15 !';g-;L3u~ ;t.. - g. :5:1«n~- ffi-iu28 16 Iii ~ 0.. :I w Q 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 0-1 is 2 3 me. 4 Lynn Snyder, and the photograph marked as Exhibit 0-3 is I declare under foregoing is true and correct. 5 Oa ted: C,)Il. ~L I Ö'-, 1'1 ð ¿/ I penalty perjury of that the /J , tÂ-t-l £.-1..' ¡ C""Úé'5-: JA ES PENOYER ,-- 5 '-, ~ J - . ',~..L RESOLUT ION NO. 5652 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6608. HARRIET AVENUE SOUTH OF HACIENDA AVENUE AUTHOR- IZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6608, Harriet Avenue South of Hacienda Avenue, for approval; WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers certain conditions of approval of said map, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on be- half of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following vote: 25th day of September , 19.11-, by the AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None tv',;,':¡W'" ~'I.~ f. 1If. If,.. ä .. . '; ,r; .1 , ." . ... ., It nrv I n.f: I Mayor ATTEST: ~ . /(ì/ / ' ~{f, Lt.-c¿£.é~ Phyl IS O. Acker City:C;:rk It 7 DA T!D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ~ ~ 13 :; \!. <;:.. III ~ .~- ~::~J~~. _14 ",Q<ð~~:: t1~15j~~;¡; ~~ld~i15 ~:I.<3$~ ~~ 18 16 0.. :IE III Q 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WILLIAM R. SELIGMANN, Esquire DEMPSTER, Mc DONALD & SELIGMANN 20380 Town Center Lane - Suite 215 Cupertino, California 95014 Attorney for Plaintiff CITY OF CAMPBELL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BARRE L. BARNES, WANDA J. ) BARNES, ROLAND J. LAFFEN, ) MARLENE M. LAFFEN, JAMES E. ) LANGLEY, PATSY JEAN LANGLEY,) AL CHANDA, CAROL CHANDA, ) BARNES-FONTAINE DEVELOPMENT) COMPANY and DOES I through) X, inclusive, ) ) ) ) ) AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS. ) ) THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Defendants. Case No. 603581 DECLARATION OF JIM FERGUSON AS TO MEANING OF "STANDARD STREET IMPROVEMENTS" AS USED IN REAL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT I, Jim Ferguson, declare: 1. I am currently a civil engineer employed by been so employed and have HMH, Inc., as an engineering manager, The firm supplies for the past one and one-half (1 1/2) years. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ; '" 13 CI - - N -' :. "... I&I~ ~- !Is :~J~~_14 "'Q<~l~:: ~~~j~~;¡; ~ z.¡ i~. ~15 ~g~U!?~ ~~ p~- .<U¡'~ ~~ ~8 16 f :I ~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 engineering, planning and surveying services to a number of private land developers and public agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as the San Joaquin Valley. At the present time the firm is rendering services to developers in under contract the following agencies, among others: City of San Jose, City of Vallejo, City of Pleasanton, City of Sunnyvale, City of Mountain View, City of Brisbane, City of Hayward, City of Half Moon Bay, City of Los City City Carmel Valley, of Fremont, of Gatos, Redwood City, City of Los Banos, City of Watsonville, City of San Leandro, and the County of Alameda. addition Firm is In the working under among others, the City of San Jose, contract to, City of Brisbane, City Clara, Cal Trans, Santa Clara of Santa County Traffic Authority, and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Jose. 2. Prior working I was for HMH, Inc., to employed for twenty-eight (28) years as a civil engineer over with the City of Of those twenty-eight (28) years, San Jose. fifteen directly related setting conditions of (15 ) were to Improvements on developments within the City's jurisdiction. For seven (7) served as Assistant Director of Public Works years, I with oversight responsibility developments being processed for and developed, and for approval standard street construction for these developments. 3. Based on my experience in public works and real property development, it is my understanding that the term "standard street improvements" as commonly used in Santa Clara County with regard improvements required of developers by to 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 z z ~ ';! 13 ¡¡h ~;! CI)~!i~fiJ 14 ~~H~i:: !:I:;õnl¡":" "'z~,2~-¡;~ g~H~gi15 -'~<J~~ IP 28 16 :;¡ ~ CL :E w Q 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of the includes the installation of the street in front but public agencies pro posed installation of development, including not limited to, street pavements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, lighting and drainage. I declare under foregoing is true and correct. Dated: i h,! f f 1 I I penalty perjury that the of 3 Lump Sum Estimate LF@ $ 4,00 SF @ 3.00 LF@ 5.00 EA@ 600.00 , 22 . ï LF @ 14.00 .~.3SF @ 4.00 ~/'7 SF @ 5.50 EA@ 400.00 LF@ 8.50 '7 U@ 50.00 - $ c:z .::zo"l. "l SF)X($O.lO)x<.:L!--) - $ . (2. :u>"'J."1 SF)X($0.30)x(Ú") - $ 1 EA@ 375.00 - $ EA@ 275.00 - $ EA@ 600.00 - $ 2.. EA@ 300.00 - $ LF@ 0.65 - $ EA@ 40.00 - $ EA@ 120.00 - $ EA@ 15.00 - $ LF@ 10.00 - $ CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Address /300 HÂA.A/¡;' r AI/~ Surface Construction Clearing & Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb & Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter Siclawalk Drivewey Approach Handicap Jlaap Extruclad Curb Barricacla Street Excavation AC Pave_nt Adjust Kanhole to Grade Adjust HsncShole to Gracia Konuaent Box w!Konwaent Street Tree (15-gallon) Paveaent Striping ($100 .in) Pavement Legencla ($lOOmin) Stop, Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Harkers Pavement Key Cut Surface Subtotal OS' Adjust for size: "S"<$30,OOO add 20\. "S">$lOO,OOO subtract 10\ (+ or -) $ Street Lio:htinl! Electrolier EA@ 2,000.00 U@ 10.00 LF@ 2.00 Ea@ 200.00 Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Storm Drainal!e 12- or 15" RCP U@ LF@ 60.00 18. or 21" RCP 70.00 Street Inlet EA@ 1,600.00 Kanhole EA @ 2,400.00 Break & Enter Hanhole EA@ 650.00 Permit No. by.LS-date -¥.:z~ - $ 1;.2..00.00 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ I) .., 1"7.80 /2/3.2.0 . Äv ~4~.S"O - $ - $ - $ - $ 35"C.OO 1.2.1+.2.4- 3, ",q..Z. 7/ - 3"JS".ðO " (){).CJC> - $ - $ - $ / ~, ,~' .4-S . :¿.¿;,31.2.' . - $ .:z. Dðð _ðD - $ - $ - $ - $ 2.bO.l:JO - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ TOTAL ESTIMATE $ I ì, ~ß 7. '7<1:- $ USE FOR BOND revised 6/88 f/con-cost-..t --. --- ---------- tiT}! OF CAMPBEll ---". I ~::;:~=r=" q ---~ I I --r"-;~;"" I ",-, , ...... :. .." !5 . " ;,;=',~--r-ir;,7;'~ s. T. ( ii'J . '"..",. . ~ .~ T --~ A H 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works TRANSMITTAL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Date: 2/2.l3/~'3 I . To: 8/11 5~/¡tjW1a Y1¥1 Attention: Reference: SUBJECT: BA~Né.s (AWSUlt /982.. t /981- e-STIMA-res I/'Vfl3j(Þ¡:F /Cé- We are forwarding via: mail ~ messenger separate cover enclosed- attached~ other - The following: éSTIMAre5> FOR 8A/-!.Né's /MPßôVéÞlt!!'Al73 A- T 13ðD I-JA/l,têI€T AVe. A-S mEY WôUt.h HAve ßéEN ~LCUCAréb IN / ~ 82. f /984 P6f. yov~ Jeff Q VéST: Remarks: 7J.I.p /~A.2 eSTIMATE Fð/iM lAßéLEh "ÆéVI.seb I /2.1:>/ B.2 I' IN , THe LóW€/f!. ¿EFT (!L)J(Nel{ Æ-PP€A¡t¿.S 7b /-lAVe ~éEN IN use UP UNTIL' 71-1£ h I<€VI.sé.1:> " 31t 2.. / !!y¡.. I I E-5TJ MArE FOÆ M . l~MhL ~L1ÛlA C¡lNSTRUCT ION COST ESTIMATE FOR :T/f.Ae...,- (í, 8 2'3 - {JA~ 1!!'5 /3t"Y-t HAA!,R. le..,- Ave. "82. ~STIMATé- Surface Cons lruct Ion Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Conc re le Remova I Curb and Gutter Remova I Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Itandlcap Ramp Barricade A.C, PaveFient Inc. Excavation Adjust /'Idnhole to Grade Adjust Itandhole to Grade Monument Box It Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends StoP. Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Markers Pavement Key Cut Street lighting Electroller Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Storm Oralnaqe 12" or IS" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole 8reak and Enler Manhole Revised IllO/!!! Lump Sum lof. Ii S J.50 S.f. Ii 2,50 lof. P 8.00 EA. P 400.00 ~_.LL.F. P 12.00 3o.J.3 S.F. Ii 4.00 5/7 S.F. P 6.00 EA. li 600.00 7 L.r. li 40.00 (~~:1S.F.) (S1.10) (.sL.") I EA. Ii 400.00 EA. P 300.00 EA. li JOO.OO EA. P 175,00 2.. lof. li 0.80 EA. li 100.00 EA. Ii 100.00 EA. li 12.00 loF. li 5.00 I EA. li 3.000.00 lor. li 9.00 ..loF. li 3.00 J EA. Ii 250.00 loF. P 45.00 L.r. li 55.00 EA. Ii 1.000.00 EA. li 1.200.DO _JA. Ii 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE US£ FOR BOND Date ..l/~~~,- 8y .I.. .slVy~/( . s JJDOO.()() -.-- ': 4-'1 Z...!1O 1, " 3-, 10:2..00 280.ðO J.31 .356. S~ 1-ðt:> . 00 .~5D.OO 3.000.00 . 2.$().OO s :z.4-. 4-Z+./~ . S ftte/Prr'llt t , Addreu CONSTRUCTION COST ES'rl"^Tt fOit-, r¡(lACr ~829 -, 6A-/U..¡éS 1300 J.I À ~^' J éí .-Å ve 1?J8</- e:.síIM~ - Da~e~ By....L,. .$/'IY ~/{. Sur",e Cons tru't t on Clearing and Grubbing Sawcllt Concrete Concrete Removal Lllllp Sum Estilllte L.F. . S 3.00 S.f. -. 3.00 __L.f. . ., 8.00 EA.' 500.00 /22..'1 L.f.' 18.00 .303..3 S.f.' 5.00 ~17 S.f.' '7.00 EA. . 1100.00 Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Dra1n w1 th P1pe Curb Ind Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ralll l Barr1cade Street Excavation "7 L.f.' SO.OO (-\.:.tÞ'7.'JS. F. )x(JD.2û)Jlt~.t:) (.¡y16'7.1S.f. )x(~o.6O)JlI.£.) I EA.' 300;00 EA. . 200.00 EA. . 500.00 A.C. Pavement AdJuu Manhole to Grade AdjuU Handhole to Grade Monllllent BoJl w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping ($100 lIin.) .2.. EA. . Z:¡:¡.il1 L.F. . EA. . iua 3O.~J Pavement Legends ($100 lIin.) Stop, Street Name or Other Sign EA. . 120.11:) Pavement Markers EA. . L.F. . 15.00 Pavement Key Cut 8.ta Street LIghting ElectroUer I EA. ' 3,000.00 Conduit L.f. . 15.00 Conductor, pair L.F. . 4.00 . Pu11 Box EA. . . '200.00 ... . 5tol"lll Drainaqe 12" or 15" RCP L.F.' 10.00. 18" or 21" RCP L.F.' 65.00 Street In1et EA. . 1,800.00 Manhole EA. . 2,000.00 Brelk and Enter Hanhole EA.' 600.00 TOTAL ESTlHAn: ' USE fOR BOND Revhed 3/12/84 . $ I bOO .DO . . ~,2.08.bO . I. 5"16.50 . 3,,-,".0{) . 3~O.OO ~~1 -h-2~S~J 3at>.CIO 4 DO. 0() ~ ðN) .N) ::z.OD.DD . . . . $~.30"7.~ $ 982(a)(15) (1 of 2) ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY INllmllllnd Address!: TELEPHONE NO,: FOR COURT USE ONLY ¡-Charles J. Philipps, Esq. Teresa L. Polk, Esq. (415) 781-5842 ADAMS, PHILIPPS & ALEXANDER 100 Pine Street, Suite 2050 AR6MJE~MW£~?Co, CA 94111 R;:!lm~ CDITPQPY NAME OF COURT: Municipal Court, County of Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 605 West E1 Camino Rea]. MAILING ADDRESS: Surmyvale, CA 94087-1298 CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: Surmvva1e PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Balboa Insurance Carrpany DE FEN DANT IRE S PO N DENT: BaITY L.., . Barnes, et al. CASE NUMBER: CIVIL SUBPENA !XX] Duces Tecum EC87-038502 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. TO (name): Lynn Snyder 1. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR AS A WITNESS in this action as follows unless you make a special agreement with the person named in item 3: ' a. Date: 1-11-89 b. Address: Municipal Court of 605 West El Camino 2. AND YOU ARE a. D ordered to appear in person. b. 0 not required to appear in person if you produce a true, legible, and durable copy of the records described in the accom- panying affidavit as follows: (1) place the copy of the records in an envelope (or other wrapper) and seal it; (2) attach a copy of this subpena to the envelope or write on the envelope the case name and number, name of the witness and date and time from item 1 above; (3) place this first envelope in an outer envelope or wrapper, seal it, and mail it to the clerk of the court at the address in item 1. c. ~ ordered to appear in person and to produce the records described in the accompanying affidavit. The personal attendance of the custodian of records or other qualified witness and the production of the original records is required by this subpena. The procedure authorized pursuant to subdivision (b) of section 1560, and sections 1561 and 1562, of the Evidence Code will not be deemed sufficient compliance with this subpena. 3. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT WITNESS FEES OR THE TIME OR DATE FOR YOU TO APPEAR. OR IF YOU WANT TO BE CERTAIN THAT YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUIRED. CONTACT THE ATTORNEY REQUESTING THIS SUBPENA. NAMED ABOVE. OR THE FOLLOWING PERSON. BEFORE THE DATE ON WHICH YOU ARE TO APPEAR: a. Name: b. Telephone number: Pam Kimball (415) 781-5842 4. Witness Fees: You are entitled to witness fees and mileage actually traveled both ways, as provided by law, if you request them at the time of service. You may request them before your scheduled appearance from the person named in item 3. Time: 9: 00 a.m. Dept./Div.: 26 Santa Clara County Real, Sunnyvale, CA Room.: 5. You are ordered to appear in this civil matter in your capacity as a peace officer or other person described in Government Code section 68097.1. Date: Clerk, by , Deputy DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Date issued: Decenber 2~, 1988 ,..........Teresa.L..Polk.... ...,...,.,.... (TYPE OR PRINT NAMEI ~ ~ OF PERSON ISSUING SUBPENA I Attorney for plaintiff Balboa Insurance Co. ¡TITLE) (See reverse for proof of service) Form Adopted bv Rule 982 Judicial Council of Celifornia 982(aI(15) IRev Juiy 1. 19871 Code of Civil Procedure. H 1985. 1986. 1987 CIVil SUBPENA 08214/mlp 1 ADAMS, PHILIPPS & ALEXANDER A Professional Corporation CHARLES J. PHILIPPS, ESQ. TERESA L. POLK, ESQ. 100 pine Street, suite 2050 San Francisco, California 94111 (415) 781-5842 2 3 4 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY 6 7 MUNICIPAL COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 8 SUNNYVALE - CUPERTINO JUDICIAL DISTRICT 9 10 14 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BARRE BARNES, an individual, ) WANDA BARNES, an individual, ) BARRE BARNES dba B & C ) CONSTRUCTION, B & C CONSTRUC- ) TION, a general partnership, B ) & C CONSTRUCTION, a joint) venture, RONALD J. LAFFEN, ) MARLENE M. LAFFEN, JAMES E. ) LANGLEY, PATSEY JEAN LANGLEY, ) AL CHANDA, CAROL CHANDA, and) DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF ISSUANCE OF SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM fC.C.P. SECTION 2015.5] Case No. EC 87 038502 11 BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, 12 Plaintiff, 13 vs. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Defendants. 21 AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS 22 23 24 I, Teresa L. Polk, declare: 25 1. I am an attorney at law duly admitted to practice 26 before all courts in the State of California and am an associate 27 of the law firm of Adams, Philipps & Alexander, attorneys of 28 record for plaintiff BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY herein. 10 11 12 13 14 15 08214/mlp 1 2. This cause was duly set for trial on January 11, 2 1989, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in Department 26 of the above-entitled 3 court. 4 3. I am informed and believe, and on that basis 5 declare that Lynn Snyder has in her possession or under her 6 control the following things: 7 a. Agreement ST17 entered into between 8 defendants BARRE L. BARNES, et al., and the City of Campbell, 9 California, concerning Tract Number 6608 within the City of Campbell, California. b. Faithful Performance Bond Number L05- 041856 issued by BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY concerning Agreement ST17. c. The Construction Cost Estimate dated August 19, 1986, concerning Tract 6829 in the City of campbell, 16 California, and all construction cost estimates in the files of 17 the City of campbell, Department of Public Works concerning the 18 work to be performed under Agreement ST17. 19 d. The Release and Assignment Agreement 20 entered into between the City of Campbell, California and Balboa 21 Insurance Company on or about November 11, 1986, with reference 22 to claims under the above-mentioned bonds. 23 4. The described items are material to the issues and 24 good cause exists for the production of the described items, in 25 that they are evidence of the terms of the bond issued by BALBOA 26 INSURANCE COMPANY, which is in issue in this litigation, and of 27 the damages incurred by BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY as a result of 28 III 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 08214jmlp 1 defendants' failure to comply with the terms of the agreement 2 secured by the bond. 3 The above-entitled action is one for indemnification 4 and reimbursement arising out of the issuance of the above- 5 mentioned bond by BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY to secure the 6 defendants' performance of the above-mentioned agreement. The 7 City of Campbell, California, is named as the obligee in that 8 bond and is a party to that agreement. I am informed and believe 9 and on that basis declare that the City of Campbell, California, prepared the above-mentioned cost estimate for purposes of estimating the cost of completing the public improvements which were required by Agreement ST17, and that cost estimate was used in connection with the claim made by the City of Campbell, California, against the bond in issue, which claim was paid by BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY. I am informed and believe and on that basis declare deponent Lynn Snyder is an employee of the City of 17 Campbell, California, Department of Public Works, who has custody 18 of the records requested to be produced and who is a qualified 19 witness concerning those records and matters in issue in this 20 litigation. Good cause exists for their production in that the 21 originals of those documents are in the custody, possession or 22 control of the City of Campbell, California, and specifically, 23 within the custody or control of deponent Lynn Snyder. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of 24 25 the state of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 26 The above is true of my own personal knowledge, except such 27 matters as are declared on information and beliefs; as to those 28 matters declared on information and belief, I am informed and 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 08214jmlp 1 believe and on that basis declare them to be true. 2 Executed in San Francisco, California, on 3 December 28, 1988. 4 5 Dated: December 28, 1988 6 By: Yû~ L c?~ Teresa L. Polk 7 8 9 10 4 LAW OFFICES OF ADAMS, PHILIPPS & ALEXANDER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 100 PINE STREET SUITE 20S0 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 4IS-781-S842 WALLACE B. ADAMS CHARLES .J. PHILIPPS RAYMOND M, ALEXANDER, .JR. HARRY .J. LEVINE TERESA LYNN POLK OUR FILE NO. 08214 September 23, 1988 Mr. William R. Seligmann Dempster, McDonald & Seligmann 20370 Town Center Lane, Suite 245 Cupertino, California 95104 RECEIVED Ms. Lynn Snyder Department of Public City of Campbell 70 North First Street City Hall Campbell, California Works SEP 261988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 95008 ~ ,~<.WEft. Re: Principal: Bond No. : ObI igee Claim No.: Project Barre and Wanda Barnes L05-841856 City of Campbell 01, L05041856, 00000 Tract 6829, Harriet Avenue ~:~'~' -~:_' t-t ""-1...':0::,"1 ~rJ~'1 TO LS GO~~ till Ba""'-e.~ .. 1ð.v.J$cY-t" Balboa Insurance Company v. Barnes, et al. Santa Clara Municipal Court Action No. EC 87 038502 City of Campbell v. Barnes, et al., Dear Mr. Seligmann and Ms. Snyder: As a result of the serious illness of attorney William Grischy, who represents defendants Barre and Wanda Barnes in the referenced matter, we have agreed to continue the trial of this case to January 11, 1989. Therefore, it will not be necessary for you to appear in court to testify on October 5, 1988. We will provide you with subpoenas in December to request your appearance at the trial in January, 1989, if the case is not settled prior to that date. Meanwhile, we request that Mr. Seligmann continue to keep us posted of any developments in the City's action against Barnes, et al. In particular, if it appears that the City's action will go to trial prior to our Municipal Court action, please let us know. Very truly yours ADAMS, PHILIPPS & ALEXANDER ::kLM~ eX ;Þ,~¿¿ c{;; Teresa L. Polk TLP:mlp 982(a)(15) (l of 2) .~ ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY IN.",. .nd AddrwuJ: TELEPHONE NO.: FOIt cooltr USE ONLY _Charles J. Philipps, Esq. Teresa L. Polk, Esq. (415) 781-5842 ADAMS, PHILIPPS & ALEXANDER 100 Pine Street, Suite 2050 ~~~sco CA 94111 l' A.....: ' K¡:: I fY"I;:: NAME OF COURT: Municipal Court, County of Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 605 West El Camino ReaJ.. MAILING ADDRESS: Sunnyvale, CA 94087-1298 CITY AND ZIP CODE; BRANCH NAME: Sunnyvale PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Balboa Insurance Carpany D EFEN DANT /RES PON DENT: BanyL..,.Barnes! et al. CASE NUMBER: CIVIL SUBPENA [XX] Duces Tecum EX::87-038502 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. TO (name): Lynn Snyder 1. YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR AS A WITNESS in this action as follows unless you make a special agreement with the person named In Item 3: " '. a. Date: 1-11-89 Time: 9: 00 a.m. Dept./Div,: 26 b. Address: Municipal Court of Santa Clara County 605 West El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 2. AND YOU ARE a. 0 ordered to appear in person. b. 0 not required to appear in person if you produce a true, legible. and durable copy of the records described in the accom- panying affidavit as follows: (1) place the copy of the records in an envelope (or other wrapper) and seal it; (2) attach a copy of this subpena to the envelope or write on the envelope the case name and number, name of the witness and date and time from item 1 above; (3) place this first envelope in an outer envelope or wrapper, seal it, and mail it to the clerk of the court at the address in item 1. C. ~ ordered to appear in person and to prOduce the records described in the accompanying affidavit. The personal attendance of the custodian of records or other qualified witness and the production of the original records is required by this subpena. The procedure authorized pursuant to subdivision (bl of section 1560, and sections 1561 and 1562. of the Evidence Code will not be deemed sufficient compliance with this subpena. 3. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT WITNESS FEES OR THE TIME OR DATE FOR YOU TO APPEAR, OR IF YOU WANT TO BE CERTAIN THAT YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUIRED, CONTACT THE ATTORNEY REQUESTING THIS SUBPENA, NAMED ABOVE, OR THE FOLLOWING PERSON, BEFORE THE DATE ON WHICH YOU ARE TO APPEAR: a. Name: b. Telephone number: Pam Kimball (415) 781-5842 4. Witness Fees: You are entitled to witness fees and mileage actually traveled both ways. as provided by law. if you request them at the time of service. You may request them before your scheduled appearance from the person named in item 3. Room,: 5. You are ordered to appear in this civil matter in your capacity as a peace officer or other person described in Government Code section 68097.1. Date: Clerk, by , Deputy DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Date issued: December 2i, 1988 ..........!reresa.L..Polk....,.............. ITYPE OR PRINT NAMEI ~ Attorney for plaintiff Balboa Insurance Co. 'TITLE! (See reverse for proof of service) Form Adopted by Rule 982 Judiciel Council 01 Celilorni. 982181C151IRev. Jul'l I, 19871 CIVil SUBPENA Code 01 Civil Procedure. II 1985. 19B8, 1987 \ ., ~ By/Date 8/ 1~/8~ CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE rol PERMIT NO. Name' Addru& rR.. C:. B 2 ~ Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete le.oval Curb' Gutter le.oval Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Cutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap lamp Extruded Curb Barricade Street Excavation A.C. revellent Adjust Manhole to Grade Adju.t Bandhole to Grade Monu8ent lox v Monument Street Tree (15 lallon) Pave8ent Striping ($100 .in) Pavellent Lelends ($100.in) Stop.Street Name or Other Siln Pave8ent Marker. rave8ent ~e1 Cut BA-JV..I€5 I-IÆR¡(! lei A 1I~ Luap SUII E.U..te . $ I, (){)C>. c£:> L.F. '$ 4.00 . $ S.F. @ 3.00 . $ L.r.' 5.00 . $ EA. @ 500.00 . $ 122 .Î L.P. @ 15.00 . $ IJ 840. So 3D~.3 S.P. @ 3.50 - $ t.o" 1.53'" :;/7 S.P. @ 5.50 - $ 2:1*.~.5D EA. . 1000.00 . $ L.r.' 6.00 . $ 7 L.r. @ 50.00 - $ :;"SD.{){) (:¿J~1.1S.r.)x($0.1S)xCsi:") - $ I) 82.1.~ ~.u>'1.7S.F. )x($0.45)x(sL") ."$ ~ ~4-.~ I EA. @ 300.00 . $ 3DO.cD EA. @ 200.00 - $ EA.' 500.00 - $ ;l.. EA.' 200.00 - $ L.r.@ 0.65 - $ EA. @ 40.00 - $ EA.' 120.00 . $ EA.' 15.00 - $ L.r.' 8.00 . $ - $ . $ Surface Subtotal "S" - $ 14-. ,-go. "b +.z .,3'-. 19 Adju.t. for .be: S, $30.000' add 20%. S ~ $100.000 .ubtract 10% 17: Got1. IS Street Lighting Electrolier Conduit Conductor. pair Pull lox Ston Drainage 12" or 15" ICP 18" or 21" ICP Street Inlet Manhole Braak and Enter Manhole -L-EA. , 3000.00 L.r.' 12.00 L.r.@ 4.00 EA. @ 200.00 . $ 3.tx:>D .DD . . $ . $ . $ . $ 2DD . DC> L.P.' 60.00 L.r.' 65.00 EA. , 1800.00 EA. , 2000.00 EA.' 600.00 . $ . $ . $ - $ . $ - $ $ ..2.D.9,,1Ì.1~ TOTAL ESTIMATE BALbl INSURANCE: COMPANY IRVINE, CALIFURNIA 92713-9702 CLAIM NUMbER :01,LO5041856,OOOOOl DATE O~ LOSS: 06/06/86 16-411220 DRAFT NO: 8012886 REfERENCE :BARRY L. ~ WANDA bARNES PRUDUCER: 52200001 IN PAYMENT OF: ANY AND ALL CLAIMS - fULL AND FINAL PAYMENf EXONERATION OF BUND(S) PAYMENT DATE: 10/28/86 PAYMENT AMOUNT: $9,500.00 PAY:NINr THOUSAND, FIVE HONORED AND 00/100 ---------------------------- DOLLARS PAYAbLE THROUGH SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL ~ANK - NEwPORT CENTER OFFICE ~ / f:; ltuJ ~~7 TO CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA THE ORDER OF 1I.80? 288b". I:. 2 20000~ ~I:g 28111g .bb 2811. r--, PvOj ~J- f7--? ~V "..;~, -"- ,,"'. ,:,.,..<:.~',."" "'-"~',"",""""'--""_.":-"-"""""":r+i""'.""~"""""'-"""""~"".'"~,,-.h'"""""""¡'"' """".",,:.,-,""'¡""",>,'; """"""""-'~" ,.,,:,^>"""':"~:'¡;-": .. ::: .... '. OCOTBER 29, 1986 RELEASE-ASSIGNMENT i FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF:,~~~~..!:~~~~~..r:~Y~..~~?~~?..~~~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-'.-:-:-:-.-:-:-':-':-':-':-':-':-':-':-':-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:------1 ,........................................................................... ......... ,.... ..,.. """""'" ,.. ......... .....". ,.....Dollars S. ,~.!.~.9.Q.: ~.9........... paid to the undersigned. receipt of which is herewith acknowledged, the undersigned hereby releases and d1scharges....~~.~.~g.~.J~.~.~.~.~.~.~...~.?~.~~....................,......,..,......................, hereinafter called the Company, from all claims for....Q~~.~!!.~.~...~~~.~.~...~.:...~...~~.~~...under said Company's Policy No.......?~,~.~.~.~.?~.~,~.?~.~.?,???,Ol arising out of loss which occurred on or about the........6.I~............day of,...:-!~F;.............,...............,..... 19.??.... The undersigned herewith acknowledges that the Company is subrogated to the rights of the undersigned with reference to any and all claims and rights of action which the undersigned has or may have against any third persons, finn, corporation, or estate by reason of said loss and herewith assigns to the said Company all said lights to the extent of said payment. The undersigned further assigns to the said Company for collectiont~ffiig~ ofl"iíghts of action. which the undersigned has or may have against any third p~rson. fiqn, coJ"Pora.ti~n. or estate by reason of said occurrence up to $9,500.00. The undersigned shall r~talll ":11 r~gnts to recover any damages resulting from said claim or rights of act~on winch exceed $9,500.00. . t~e_assigned The undersIgned agrees that the said Company may prosecute XXJQ clail1í or claims in the name of the assignor. DATED thiS....1.L.,....,..day of...&.'!~~~.... 19,.f.Q \Vitnesses: . - . .~,~.~.,.¿:i4.::,!!..~~=~.......... """"'" t1.G:t:: c:.¿ c¿~ . """"""'7""""'7""""""""""Y::"""""""""""'" , Si~ CY'}" A:i4t1:;::/"-- - - - - u -. :/ ~/-.~.~.~.::~,;~~~..,.. C - 215 3/66 ¡ , ",' f,y If:,,:':' .' :: . .1 - :.1 :.J , -I RECEIYED NOY 17 . PUBt1C WORKS IHGINE£lUNG , " " " :; l ;:j J "~ .- ; 1 1 ~. 13 Nov..her .1986 . - í I Mr. Bill Keyworth BALBOA INSURANCB GROUP Post Office Box 19702 Irvine, California 92713..9702 - Ite: ';You.r Prlnet:¡)al f Claim No:' Bond No: Claimant: - Barre and Wanda.BarRes 01,LO5041BS6.0000Ö 01,L05041B56 C~t, oJ Campbell Dear Mr. Keyworth: I haye enclosed the Release 1n the above-refe~en~ed matter 8S executed by tÀe }1ajor andCl t y Clerk for the Cit, of ~~"-... .¡... ,ç-P'b;a¡¡.,*;,,"~' .,~1""'~"';~".""".,~".";z""",,, ,""""~A"""¥~,*{;" " , ' , ' ' othervls,.we- wl11}a.lo.~t.~ø<~be4;he-t-k vithinf1ve (S} d8'1$ ,fr'O., " ,,' '" -, ,:' ",~"r,,;,', ,t ' . ",' , t~~;.~~~~élPl..:~.t~~t~é~~J~~"",~;,~~..;i?¡>~:.., ':':/,~. " " ,: 'I i. .,~'.' ãpjJjec1$tedjciut coo'peration ,1n '} . I;~:;i~~f'~ ;~.:,/ '~~"';¡f<~'~f(:9.:i.\;'f,.,,:\;,, thlè aati.er. ..4"\ ' .. .' Mr. ,aø,d Mr8. Bard..., S1nç:..t_l,r. WILLIAM!. SEL-IG"..tflt',^.if'd¡,,~ 'rÂc:lia.g'C1ty Att.,q.rn.'y'f.../, ea.."e11 ':~~' "," "',' ,f l , ' { , ,.; " ',~ or r I: f.. '. ,~- .. .. ;7 .E!~:- i ,"-"Ai\ ~ n. t-fÍ;7r-'I",{t:;;"'- ~p ~ ;~"7 II' ,,// "~'I r¡-- (I, V......' II..- ',,'R"; "'E' """, ."',,~, ' . If ~.. , . ",,: ,," . ' Nt} V (i ( 198f (¡ Ni)V~'J')!'r 1""'-, PUBC1C ,\¡~;) £.NGU"lft.U ¡~ ;i: ;r. ?-111 Yep,orth ,~;~;)'A P¡SUH¡iJ;C? G '~ \íP , ~; t f f 1. c e~o~: 1) 7 '\2 Lrv1ne, Caltforni~ 92713-9702 :{e: Your ¡rincipal barre and Wanda Barnes r:L1Ül'Io: Ol,LO50!d8S6,UOOOO Pond No: 01,L05041856 ClaÌP1ant: City of Campbell ')(..>ar ;\1r. 'Zey'..rort'l: This l\"tt~r will confirp' Ot'r teleplJO:'1"" conv:~rsati")n ê'f '[..... v em b e r !~, 1. 98.(, . I n t 11:1 t C ,) r1 V e r 3 at ion. I H d vis II> rI you ':'¡.1 t t! '::' i n pro v':"': r: n t s w hie Þ we r '" .3 e C oJ r e (\ 1) Y Y 011 r $ ') , ,500. U(, 'nnd wo'.! 1 d presently cost oyer '::,2C,Ci,i;i.Ut' to install. Con:;eqn.-,:¡tl\', !.'~:> ;ity of Ci1mpbel] has alreañy initiated a Cjvil \(:tiO,l to r~cov':>r the costs of such improvements. As I further informed you, the Clt¡ of CampbeJ 1 fully intends to protect your interest to $9,5UO.¡)() of any settlement or judgment that mi1ht result from our present rivil Action. 11owever, it would not make sense to assign ¡our company the entire S20,000.00 cau~e of 8ction. In response to this inforMation, we agreed to alter your 'Eiss1gnli'ent form to reflect the fact that the assignment is limited to the amount of $9,500.00. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated; 1 - .'" JA ... -I Letter to Mr. Bill Keyworth 6 1t4nvÇ>l!Jber 1986 Page 2 ,nrl shou]d your recollection of our conversation differ from ::lin'~t please let ""Ie knoll{ <1~ soon as possible. In any ~vent, I anticipate having your release signed, anri returned to you within the next fifteen days. Sincerely, 'JILLT A~1 R. Sti:LIGì¡A ¡-; Acting City Attorney for Campbe]] HES/jr c c : 13 i 11 He 1 :1 S 2 BALBOA Insurance S'/. /7 C'ompany A ""I:...UI O~ . .. AVCO FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HO..I: OFFICI: - NI:WrORT .I:ACH. CAL,"ORN'A -- - - - -- -- --'---- --- - - - -- --- -- - - ----- SLTP,DrV1S10~ 5TATUS INQnR~' r City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ï ENVELOPE ENCLOSED L .J ,-,--- LdW.!tP4 ~ER TRACT NUMBER 6608-6829 SUBDIVIDER Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements PLEASE ANSWER UESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes [3No 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes ß]No .. 4. Percenta~e completed ~ (3 REMARKS ])cr~ ) ~ ~l (~a.""'" \ - , - ABOVE INFORMATION ,FURNISHED BY (signature) .' -, Vt.vt t/ rJ'.-- TITLE /hJO( .~~1 ¿. DATE BOND DEPARTMENT '.0') Ii. W[...[1t O" RECEIVED Com pan y AU G 7 í986 PuBIJC WUr\!\.) ENGINEERING BALBOA Insurance . 0" AVCO FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP c ." 040"'[ OP-'-'C[ . ""w~O"T .[ACM, CAUP-O""'" ~ 11 .- - - - -- - --'-- .- - . _.- - -- - -- - --- Sl1RDiV1S1O:-\ STATUS 1t-tQl'lR~' ì r City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ENVELOPE ENCLOSED I I 1 I I L~2lP4 rns~ER SUBDIVIDER - l Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes -- !---- TRACT NUMBER TRACT NAME 6608-6829 IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements ---.-- L .J PLEASE ANSWER OUESTI ONS BELOW. AND RETURN THI S FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes œ-No 2. If accepted, on what date7 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes Q-Nõ 4. Percentage completed REMARKS /) <ft '- !----G-t.A../1 C'/ (L- /) I \ c:-r/7 ~ ,~ -- ABOVE I~FO~~TI~N FURNISHED BY (signature) 11 TLE . /7 {1 Ji"¿t/ .ÆS5 C/ C, {~/u ~ / .--- I .."/ Ý t~ If 1/ ();! -- -:; - ~[(/7 (v",----, , v 7/£/1. BOND DEPARTMENT :? cfí/?J: '.0" BALBO.r~ Insurance Company A N[M8£111 0" . .' AVCC FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HOMIE O",.ICIE . HIE"'~ORT .IEACH, CAL."'ORH'A 1-- -- -- - ---- -- ---- --- . --.- ---- Sl'RD, \11 S1 O~ STATUS INQl'1 R:: ,. City of Camp be 11 ., 75 North C8Rtral .^.VCflUO 70 Aio, P;RbT Campbell, CA 95008 ENVELOPE ENCLOSED L ..J ---- Ur5' !W 4 fB5bB E R TRACT NUMBER 6608-6829 SUBDIVIDER arnes and Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements PLEASE ANSWER OUEST IONS BELOW AND RETURN DYes THIS FORM Ro 0 Yes ~o 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily 4. Percenta~e completed REMARKS ( -fc) ~ &-~J ~{~/1 C1 r V) - , ;.~...C ~ (, d (A>1¿i; V {j ( dA'7 U ..A--> t .{.J, ...-/y::; ABOVE I~FORMATl FURNISHED BY (signature) TITLE ' ! 4jC} C - C-v: I [¿- í) r. () ~ Lt.'1 Ú (J L/ .-J Crt "'; , - DATE BOND DEPARTMENT I/¡(n '.0" BOND SPECIALISTS 594 HOWARD ST. ' FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 (415) 957-1811 ])ru./ J r-..(((O It-,. í:~kuv . ~ 7-( ~ ~ -(1 ., .Ç.l<- /:; ß ,--<-- ..p ~ V; ('~ ~þ '//; ~V& & . ~ð 4"1 ~1:' . {'?9 'J~f,.k ::;> ,. Po. \ " rl, DATE: 6/7 /82 ',~.j' "/' r:~:! LOU JONES & ASSOCIA rES TO: CITY OF CAMBELL ATTENTION: JOSEPH ELLIOTT RE: BARRE L. BARNES AND WANDA J. BARNES TRACT 6608/6829 BOND # L05-041856 JOSEPH - I SPOKE WITH BARRE BARNES ON THIS DAY. HE HAS ASSURED ME THAT SAID IMPROVE~ENTS WILL BE COMPLETED. HE IS AT THIS TIME ORGANIZING ALL PARTIES CONCERNED. BARRE HAS OLSO MENTIONED THAT HE WILL BE CONTACTING YOUR DEPT. SOON. THANK YOU.. ~. ) - . " «/ / '~'" ...,.,,------ ..._..,---L.,,",.7...c:."'~:"-~ DANIEL JONES P.S. - PLEASE KEEP ME UP TO DATE WITH THE OUT COME OTHIS MATTER. ( l~ I T Y II F C 1\ 1\\ I) 11 ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Huon :':_~~~'- .=.1 ", ',';. -/, )~ : ¡.¡,:~TJ.. 2 I' ~ ~H-'-='I ,~ ¡;';l:,',~ Department: Public Works DIAl May 25,1982 C/,SE Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes c/o Barnes-Fontaine 2260 San Juan Rd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Development Co. SUBJECT: TRACT 6608/6829 -- BOND #LO5-04l856 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barnes: We are writing regarding the street improvements tract. We previously advised you that this work by July, 1982. We are aware that there has been pulled as yet for the work. Please advise us of completion of construction. on the subj ect must be completed no excavation permit your plans for As indicated previously, should the work not be started soon we will be calling in your bond with Lou Jones and Associates to cover the cost of construction. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR~~7 PUBLIC WORKS 'Orig1n~l~ned By By DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV:lp cc: Lou Jones & Associates ~ .. vv';' I- I ~ LAW OFFICES OF ( I i l' It S T ( I I ) DEMPSTER & McDoNALD AN ASSOCIATION OF ATTORNEYS 20325 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 1408) 252,1111 GHF..GOHY D, Md)()NALO J. I<OßRI<T DRMPHTRI< OF COUNHRL WILLIAM R SRLIGMANN 25 "arch If.P6 Barre L. Barnes Wanda J. Barnes c/o Barnes-Fontaine Development Company 2260 San Juan Road Cupertino, California 95014 Re: Tract Nos. 6829/6608 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barnes: As an agreement menta at the notified you one (1) year you are aware, on September 4, 1979, you entered into with the City of Campbell to construct street improve- above referenced tract. On July 2, 1981, the City to complete construction of these improvements within of such notice. As of the present date, the requested improvements hwve neither been completed nor commenced. If steps are not i~~ediately undertaken to comply with the terms of your agreement, we will have no choice but to commence a legal proceeding against you in the Superior Court for Santa Clara County. I trust that you have every intention of honoring your con- tractual commitment, and look forward to seeing the street improve- ments completed in the near future. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to con.act Bill Helms at the Campbell Public Works Department, telephone number 866-2100. Sincerely, WILLIAM R. SELIGMANN Acting City Attorney of Campbell WRS: jab cc: Bl11 Helms, City of Campbell BALBOA S-' J. If R E C E ~ V ~ :~: Ins u ran c e Com p a ~v 0 8 1985 A MI:,..81:" o~ - .' AVCO FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HOMI: OF'F'ICI:. NI:W~OAT .I:ACH. CALIF'OANIA PUBUC WUKí\;) ENGINEERING '-- -- ----,--,-- Sl'RDì VI STO~ STATUS INQ1:TRY --- - --- - -_.. --,-- ---- r . Cl ty of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 , ENVELOPE ENCLOSED L .J LdW!W4 ~ER TRACT NUMBER 6608-6829 ------ SUBDIVIDER arnes and Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements PLEASE ANSWER OUESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes ~NO 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressin~ satisfactorily Percenta~e completed --- C - DYes ~o 4. REMARKS [;{Wltl -fu t/{A-M (;?1l'-~ / AB, OVE, I~FO~IO~:~t;HED BY (signature) \ /j t. L/ J(/(ACGv< (.V-,--- /- &/-¡ '. BOND DEPARTMENT '.001 A 001:".1:" 0" RECE~\li-:D C '~K4 omp~m\'j,/ PtiBUC Vi\J,{{.S ENG1NEERiNG BALBOA Insurance 'AVCC FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HOMO: O""'CO: N8:""'O"T .O:ACH, CAU"O""'A - - --- -- -------, --- - - - n_-- SLTRü¡\'TSTO~ ~TATUS INQ\'1R:' r City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 '"" ENVELOPE ENCLOSED I , I -l L .J ----------- LdW!W4~ER TRACT NUMBER 6608-6829 ---- --- SUBDIVIDER Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEME~TS Street Construction and Improvements ----.---. ,-------------- -- -------- --------. 1. PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW. AND RETURN THIS FORM Has this work been fully completed, accepted 0 Yes 0 No 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressin~ satisfactorily DYes ONo 4. PercentaRe completed REMARKS j'-fr~+ ~~y~d ) -f-ú C1 ü v ( v(..A. f r--vv'{Æ/!.-1.. t'v7 {-s, h~- t/7d-f J?~ vï v"" htP..J j VII:. dW{~ ----- v(.r¡t ~ ~~ Il~ b V'-/f cI j C{ e-A.. f-c,' ~¡ (N( j! (VVlL:H1£,t¡ Þ L- /u(.) ~ If£; ~~~ á f ~- ~ I ( r o! -/-0 ~Olri. v . ( "vt ( (,- ,¡'-v.{,.vv-,£.", f-s ' rÁ ~ ßv-- 01 .J .. (V\ t {It c J I ~~ ( Vtt.v1 "í V/ (signature) TI TLE _foC . C;" ~) /1 [;r c,---------- BOND DEPARTMENT '.0'1 BALBOA Insurance Company A ME".ER o¡p: RECEIVED . : AVCa FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP MOMII: O""'CII:. "E.PORT .II:ACM. CALI..ORNIA '1-1984- - -- -- --.-- PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING r Ci ty of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell. CA 95008 .1 ' -- - . -.- - ._- ,- -- .- ---- ~ Sl'RDIVTSTO~ STATUS INQnR~" r I I i I , ENVELOPE ENCLO~ED L oJ L~!1P4~ER TRACT NUMBER 6608-6829 SUBDIVIDER S d Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted .mNo 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressin~ satisfactorily DYes ~NO 4. Percenta~e completed ~ , REMARKS ~)~?4~ ("j pl¿ú .s C1 b ~~d;f~ /3 r7"+ ß~tA ~ VÚV1 (/( ( ~ r: r1 J ft9-Y7J ~ ( ..:, ~ ---of, <... ./ .þ (s1Inature) TITLE . JoC, {. r:F- t .....------ DATE 1(?-.J>' ry BOND DEPARTMENT 7.0.1 12/20/82 ~ 1 : 15 Dave: Bill Heist Lou Jones Associates 2900 W. Broadway LA. 90041 He called re performance bond issued in August, 1979, Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes. $9,500. For off- site improvements. You wrote to him on 5/25/82 re possible default He wrote to principals, still hasnlt gotten an answer. He also sent you a status inquiry, no answer. Bond #L05041856, dated 8/29/79, $9,500. Tract 6608. He wants to know if improvements are done and bond can be released. And where's his status inquiry? He will call back in 2 weeks if you havenlt written to him before then. ~ T- 12- ~ rf 2 7 s-r(; 7 ) BALBOA Insurance Company A MEM.Eft 0,. HOME O,.,.ICE' NIEW"ORT .EACH, CAL',.ORNIA n .'" -'~"".' I', '."" .... ,"- - -->...1, tD - ::AVCO FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP A?p' D - '----'-'._-'-- -.-.- --.'-------- SUBDIVISION STATUS INQUIRY PUOI: u~ 1,.. , .. .": E " Iv NGj"~':"-. ".., -"¡¡'U r City of Campbe 11 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 , ENVELOPE ENCLOSED L .J LdW!1P4 ~ER TRACT NUMBER 6608-6829 SUBDIVIDER B rnes and Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements PLEASE ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW-AND RETURN THIS FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes ~o- 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes ~NO 4. Percenta~e completed --Y- --1M REMARKS f1:r tl'n{.$ I h ~ ",.? f t'í ~//h-?~rI ./-0 11}L( , c~ -1--,,+ J t:'" Y 'j1 r.tlJ {; - '/h{ ,- fvc..1/~fs ~(,fJ f b <. ~ +-a .- .J-rd h '7 ~ r..V,'/ / ~ II -fft..( b ~¿/I Ju~ /) 11£ J ::;:.ç IAc-f (..~wvWt ud &1 -f'h~ -rlv< ;Vls~III(~' ..fr:; c- v-< v , ( (signature) BOND DEPARTMENT " (). ""\.-.--- J / DATE Y - 8'-J--) 76042 BALBOA Insurance A MEM.Eft 0.. Camp apy: \ , I 'w ,........". - .:.AVCC FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HOME O"..ICE - NEW"OAT .EACH. CALI..OANIA t. ~~, ~,~ ,:0 .. - - . --.--..--.-.----- PO:.. SUBDIV1 SIaN STATUS-'ÏNQUï-Ry'--'----1.1\~.:._'-" Dr;;::cr ALl CC"RESPC:;O[fiCE TO !."" ire""" I' ß:~"r,,'¡"t,~~ -.. -, ',\:L _h,," .. , r ., 1,:4ìiie¡;iN!~ C::~ERf.J AGENT$ lS1 2m) hie PO Box 1327 SAI; f{i~ìEO, CA. 94401 (415) 340-0397 ENVELOPE ENCLOSED City of Campbell It 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 L .J L~~~~4 r~~~ TRACT NUMBER #6608/6829 Barre L. Barnes ancrWcPnld~I¥.R Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction and Improvements PLEASE ANSWER OUESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes rn-N 0 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes ~o 4. Percenta~e completed REMARKS -rite. ,:vr/rP1)(A.rUV1 k 0. y' ¿ &v1. vdu& c-tAAd t'7~ b-tbv, (/t1 ¡it ~ ~ ¡..-- 6/ -!-tv<. Cr ~ ,. n y. ;3" "-"1 e J / vrdll"t{ fc~ bt-¡ ~ (tf'Þ cÞ1'7 e ~, 'J d Qk -f!1Q+ /1C i~ -t-vf';'t¡ -I-c ¿~-I-ac.f -I-1u I,-ffuv .)t)(. j'19~u¡,--> of-fl~ ~ lY Y -Uþ~+ 'V ,-!-h -rlv< C t'1 ..f-v l' t -f ~ +0 ¡:J I) v i-t ; '/~ k , v? 11ve c..-~ J -f-v-u c. ~ c-t' .> -f> ,. -r1u (, I "ï /Ul. Jar¿ r-l{,( -f-c. oJ' ~¿,f It IH vJ ~ tf If s/1¡'1evJ o..{--+-tvt ~ 1v~~..f ;-f I~y. "]"vI"1A'S tj't/Þ ec) -fI'Z.-irt-' . cuJ cI rt > H;.. we. w. '( / b t- j vv "';1 -rl~ &Vy¡../... J J l4l..¡ I" / q R:J ~ vo-<"'yÚ k. -r1u.. '~f ~-<l1..I-(.".uv1 (." ;:::01,) IA v(, -I-v Vt í f "'-, c! ""', ì / y'tJ <-t II- ,';" PtA ~ t.-a II,;"} (? f -+t---<.. b ~d- ABOVE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY (signature) V~ ' U 1/41 tLl)-~ TITLE v DATE I Ý f"l- BOND DEPARTMENT 760.2 í CITY OF CAMI)ßELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Publ ic Works Apri I 30, 1982 ø Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes clo Barnes-Fontaine 1475 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94016 Development Co. S/(/7Y ....-- SUBJE~T~~~OND #LO5-o41856 Dear Mr. añd Mrs. Barnes: -----~' .- 1- ~~ ','... ~11/K2- 'ioDtVU We are writing regarding the street improvements on the subject tract. We previously advised you that this work must be com- pleted by July, 1982. We are aware that there has been no excavation permit pulled as yet for the work. Please advise us of your plans for completion of construction. As indicated previously, should the work not be started soon we will be calling in your bond with Lou Jones and Associates to cover the cost of construction. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Publ ic Works (~J by David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV/le cc: Lou Jones & Associates I l~ IT\' ¡:/an- .5' 1% <f1.;.~,-"..-r.;J¿- ~/L... II F C f\ M ..11 ELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works January 11, 1982 Lou Jones & Associates Bond Specialists 594 Howard Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 RE: Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes Bond # LO5-041856 - TRACT 6608/6829 Gentlemen: We are responding to your letter of December 31,1981. We have returned status forms on this bond in June 1980, August 1980, January 1981, March 1981 and June 1981. The work has not been completed and the bond must remain in force. We have notified the subdivider of the requirements to complete improvements covered by this bond by July 1982. To this date, there has been no action commencing this required construction. Please be advised that should Barnes and Barnes not commence construc- tion of said improvements by said date, we will be calling on your bond to cover such work. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Original Signed Bv DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV:lbp cc: Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes Public Works Inspector Norman Samson ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works Apri 1 30, 1982 Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes c/o Barnes-Fontaine 1475 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94016 Deve I opment Co. SUBJECT: TRACT 6608/6829--BOND #L05-041856 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barnes: We are writing regarding the street improvements on the subject tract. We previously advised you that this work must be com- pleted by July, 1982. We are aware that there has been no excavation permit pulled as yet for the work. Please advise us of your plans for completion of construction. As indicated previously, should the work not be started soon we will be calling in your bond with Lou Jones and Associates to cover the cost of construction. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Publ ic Works _~Z;71~~A: £'. e:r--/ cc: Lou Jones & by David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV/le 50 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 i- t. I r y (I F C J\ M I) II ELL ELLIOTT I HA~IDurJG . I --.. ,--_,_.__l- I . I-T:':~'~~'=--' L- I H~'MS --... 'q"(l ~ 0:;"2 ' , ----'--"--- , Department: Pub 1 i c Works CA:c January If I ¡ 1 t--- \ Lou Jones & Associates Bond Specialists 594 Howard Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 RE: Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes Bond # L05-041856 - TRACT 6608/6829 Gentlemen: We are responding to your letter of December 31,1981. We have returned status forms on this bond in June 1980, August 1980, January 1981, March 1981 and June 1981. The work has not been completed and the bond must remain in force. We have notified the subdivider of the requirements to complete improvements covered by this bond by July 1982. To this date, there has been no action commencing this required construction. Please be advised that should Barnes and Barnes not commence construc- tion of said improvements by said date, we will be calling on your bond to cover such work. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR .~W DAVID N. VALKENAAR ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER DNV:lbp cc: Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes Public Works Inspector Norman Samson \ ¿r.' I ' ~;. ~ ~ ~ BALBOA Insurance Company A MEM8ER OF .:AVCD FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HOME OFFICE' NEW~ORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ------'-------------- ---- --~--_..~--------------- r r I I I i gUBBIVTglðM ~TATU~ !NQUIRY -, ENVELOPE ENCLOSED -- ----- L .J BOND NUMBER ------- ------ SUBDIVIDER TRACT NUMBER TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS PLEASE ANSWER OUESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THI S FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes DNa 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes DNa 4. Percentage completed \ REMARKS ABOVE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY (signature) TITLE DATE BOND DEPARTMENT 76042 ~I',rFJ';='~C,'~ ': 1> «' <'. 't~ <'l 3'" f .C:I~ \('~ '.1"(J J;Lt. c: ~, . ~ : lj,Q¿." ?'-)- ~<>/ ,,&(1;11 %), ~~;~ f ~~~ ~~ "\ r~"i LOU JOt~ [5 & ASSOCIATES !:,chC"o',;'"-:'f' IC,~'~:~.1fl1 BO-.:D ~hCIAll:,,< TO: City oñ Campbe££ Campbe££, CA VATf 12/31/81 F: &vt1Le L. BaJtYle..6 & Wanda. ]. BMYH?~ LO5-041856 rLU.S~ nLL Q.!i HT lTTlCfr¡-:: STi.TU~ F('ril. H'E' 7S CŒ. 4th l-r¡[ ~; TC ¡¿r(][l~ STITUS (': TfTt n ¡;. n T~!~ (:,:; LfTf-:- r(.~, 7'<: ,;:-: ¡::fC[jl,[~ 71, hiS O:f7U [iT;- 71, i5 rU5 ff,', THi UTE (r ThIS FTT[r.,[:,'~ Î,";: Tt ASSjirr Ti-:!ì p:- J(I; {/5 (c'.'Fl~Tf: Sllj::7l"'T('~:~1 P:~, {7LL E t(ìCTf 7( [[(\5': (Vi nil. -;', ; , ': (', H{1!.a'?y , ".., 'I' ' ~-.'""r . .. "",'Y:'f- Ì!'("~- "'" '. -------- ( I I CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Horks elLIOTT' , NDLING I HELMS . -, - TURN TO- ~ ----'_.. \',~-::,OD DIAl ' - ,- June 22,1981 CASE ¡"li:,..,ErZt;ð2i.'¡ , '1 ~k)9'J Barre L. and Wanda J. Barnes Ronald J. and Marlene M. Laffen James E. and Patsey Jean Langley Al and Carol Chanda c/o Barnes-Fontaine Development Co. 1475 Rollins Road Burlingame, CA 94016 if RE: Street Improvements, Tract 6829 (formerly Tract 6608), Harriet Avenue S/D Hacienda Avenue Gentlepersons: You are hereby notified to have complete street improvements installed on Harriet Avenue of Tract 6829 and to have such construction completed within twelve (12) months of this date. On September 4,1979, you entered into an agreement with the City of Campbell, relative to the construction of street improvements on subject tract. That agreement specifies, among other things, that you "shall provide and construct and/or install at his own proper cost and expense, standard street improvements...when notified to do so by the City Engineer." The agreement further specifies that the street improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months of this notification. In order to proceed with the construction, you will have to submit three sets of improvement plans, an Excavation Permit application and a $25 application fee to this office. A permit fee and cash deposit must be paid before proceeding with the work. An Excavation Permit application form is enclosed for your use. feel free to call us if you have any questions. Please Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Dir~f Public Works David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV: 1 bp cc: Lou Jones & Associates, 594 Howard St., 3rd floor, S.F. 94105 Re bond #LO5-041856 Balboa Ins l/l,ra 11ce eO111pany 2900 West Broadway, Los Angeles, Ca 90041 . (213) 257-8291 STATUS :, .I :' 1'~:) 1 ...) ,~,.- ' ,~,--: o.rect all corre5ponde ncf' to: LOU JONES & ASSOCIATES Managing Genera! Agents 59~ Howard St., 3rd Fl. San Francisco. CA 94105 (415) 9~)7.1811 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Campbell, CA 95008 RECEIVED BOND NOLO5-041856 PRINCIPAL: Barre L. B6.rnec and Wanda. J. Barnes -;/2 t 0 .i ,-v,~ Jtt~ '7 1<',/ OBLIGEE: City of Campbell Cé1/C r (-1t-~-" qrö/i DESCRIPTION: Tract #6829 CONTRACT AMOUNT $9,500.00 PUBLIC WORKS EJJG!NEERING At~n: Public Works The BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above Bond. We will appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below, and returning the form to us so that we may have current status information on the captioned job. A duplicate copy of this letter is attached for your files, and a business reply envelope is enclosed for your conven- ience, Thank you for your assistance. Yours very truly. Bond Department IF THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED: 1. What was the completion date? 2. What was the final contract price? 3. Was the work satisfactory?, , , 4. Have all labor and material bills been paid? IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED: 1. What percent of work has been completed to date?, -Q- 2. Total amount paid to the Contractor to date: $, , ,-C - 3. What is the amount of the retainage withheld? $ -(;, ,~" ,..,." 4. Is the Contractor paying his labor and material bills?, " ". , , , , 5. What is the anticipated date of completion? " J4l¡,., / '1 g .~, , 6. Is the work being accomplished and progressing satisfactorily? Firm: ",C',:-H, :~, . '~'~"~l)(PÇ,.r/, , . , , By: "D.()-u-'JI1\¡/o£t~tP-- ,A>.5,oC ,Ç,. e ~ (Tille) ~,1-t~yh ((/ Date of Acceptance?, . Has full amount been paid?, , , , . , . , , , ' , , , , , , , . . , , , , . , , Address: 7S t.f., C~'7 -k,~ I, . A-v. L, Date: , t, - 2 .!>--S' ( II t~/ 13a.lboa ins lit ra 11ce Go 111 pa11 Y 2900 West Bropq~~~ .~os Angeles, Ca 90041 . (213) 257-8291 ~~. . ,. ¡,. '. . . "-"- v., STATUS ~. '. ""..". , ,~:':: ~rect all correspondence to: LOU JONES & ASSOCIATES Managing Genera! Agents 594 Howard S1., 3rd F I. San Francisco. CA 94105 (415) 957.1811 City of Campbell Campbell, CA .:, ..;.. BOND NOLO5-04l856 PR:NCIPAL: Barre I.. Barnes a.."1d Wanda J. Barnes OBLIGEE: City of Campbell DESCRiPTION Tract #6829 CONTRACT AMOUNT $9,500.00 The BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above Bond, We will appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested bel 0 It..' , and returning the form to us so that we may have current status information on the captioned Job, A duplicate copy of this letter is attached for your files, and a business reply envelope is enclosed for your conven- ience Thank you for your assistance. Yours very truly, Bone Depart,:;~~: IF THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED: 1. What was the completion date? 2. What was the final contract price? 3, Was the work satisfactory? 4, Have all labor and material bills been paid? ,Date of Acceptance? , . , . ,Has full amount been paid?, IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED: 1, What percent of work has been completed to date?, 2, Total amount paid to the Contractor to date: $ 3. What is the amount of the retainaae withheld? $ '"' 4. Is the Contractor paying his labor and material bil~s? , . 5, What is the anticipated date of completion? , ~1ß<.Jv~c-fc-cH .&1<..' .~'-L~A' .. 6. Is the work being accomplished and progressing satisfactorily? . ' , , ' . , Firm: "Çl.(,.L}.,.o.~..~ì,./ç.~.'c .j.~h¡(..... By: ~J71-,VtZt:t~~ Á- (' (::Y (Title) Address: Date: F . , , ., ... , , , , , , BALBOA Insurance Company ,;,), /' '\ , ) A NE:N.E:R 0,. . ::AVCD FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HONE: O"I"ICE: - HEW~ORT .EACH, CALI,.ORHIA --'------------ ---- -_.._-,----- r SUBDIVTSION STATUS INQUIRY JAN 1 1981 I ì I I I ENVELOPE ENCLOSED r City of Campbell Campbell, CA. ". ' )) cJ ¡ rf. '11'(/ ~.¡ -, ... .J L BOND NUMBER LO5-041856 --:rRAeT"'N, " 1U}fB¡, R r- ~.- b 'ð (:;: (' SUBDIVIDER Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes TRACT NAME IMPROVEMENTS Street Construction & Improvements PLEASE ANSWER OUESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes ~No 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes DNo 4. Percenta~e completed REMARKS í3 ~J --k> Y~1Ot j:~ I ~1 t,. V£.;(... , ABOVE ~ (signature) TITLE 45J&C- G,-¡ . ~ DATE J~l<{~.f( BOND DEPARTMENT 760.' /- /~-6 / - /??~/ \ f ' \~--" ,,' M, \ ' ~ \:-~;:'~"-:-' :.- . \' '\~t~~,.;~-::,<>" ',' '~'-.",~~~,?~.i4:~\,'BALB OA Ins u ran c e Camp any, "::'~';"'~};~;:~:,~~,i<)~::.'" A .eM". tW . , ',' ,-"" ~;,-' ""?J'::",~,;~'\:~:~~";~~-:;:': ",'"'\~~4'¡'~~' FINANCIAL. INSURANCE,GRCJU"P.,~~' '~'~,';.-;-¡,,"""Io>\io:, ;¡,,"t-,'~ ~I~\ù,~~,:" ;, ¿;;fl~~:' "~'~.~:'o....~~c 0 N~.,~"AC~~C,"~~~""';~;?,t; ':',;}': MAY 2 8~198~Tf~:: , " ,~,~. :"::"'o:'~ ~:.r{~t/:,.¡~ "~-:i-!,.;.r¿:P~-~'~:-Ä~~~i+.t_~~~~~""":"!f~;,~:~oro~:C SUBDIV1S10N STATUS INQ~IR! .0 " ~< o' " ,;. .., ;f,. '~" ,:,. .o~";o""h.-:, ,~,;.~ ,',~w"" ",'" .', , ; ~~ {, ','" , ',. .,. '0" "i", ' ,'*, '.. ENVELOPE . ",J.., \. ¡- "?l.' 1 ~, " " I '>0 I " I ENCLOS~ I _,,0, ..j ? ": ,,' BOND NUMBER ~ :/'-~ - 0' lOS- -J41 ¿Ô(': , ; ,""""" ': TRACT NUMBER '-,' ,:. '1"" -.'.' :'{' ," St:"BDIVIDER .:.; ..;- -::. . - ' ~ TRACT NAME , i ' " ~ " " ,', - '" ....", " l~RC"'EME~TS ': ;; 2ti5f+';Ft.Of e- Sentary se\o..:;r ~':, :', ,~f:- '. - ~-'-'. ~ ~.:,~a ~ ¡ ¿c " 0 . ... -. ~:¿ "-".~,'" ,,' , "" :~~"'" :~~."Haa,.thi~' work been fully completed. accepted .~::tit,~If'å~cePted. on what date? ;{";'<'.:' 0 . ' .. DVes ONe , '~' , , ~.,.:".' '~}.- ~I . ¡- ': , '~~~~~Ifnot accepted. is work progress~~g satisfactorily DVes DNa , ",' ~..,'.. ' ': 0:, 4::~', Percenta~e completed , -' . " ,', . REMARKS ..,' . . ~~:'~ ~~ .,"'7.:.:'-: ;';~Wì d'e t1 () 1- ;- ~ '-i;' ,:7 '~:~ -,' , ' . ".., ';: '~\.': .., , \,,1' i ., (..~...-r,::""",,'~Î / '0, J-"", 7 1'1 u, - '. . .", ~ " I tI'I (4"'" ~ . ç C. ~' ;h. oj--., t"s/j - D. ~:~ I ::-/ ' ,;",'", / u' r/ . 0 fOe) -;; i. .~. ~:1 K) /í~) '---- (~-, r ,../L~/r1"~J1' ~ / . / L/ (/ ( Jí (7) (J ~< 'c ~"~"'"'-f i' v / ~> ,~ " (/I/J/f/ /Þ<-ø~'~ ) , , ..:.' " ", "'7. :: BY (signature) TITLE -- r - i t' ( , C <. f=,¿,Þ' DATE "2 - Ý -f: I BOND DEPARTMENT 7.062 BALBO Insurance c mpany Direct all CJ)rrespondence to: LOU JONES & ASSOCIATES Managing General Agents 1299 Bayshore Hwy. tt 203 Burlingame. CA 94010 (415) 342,14 1 .. ....8å - -- Q F1NA.....cIAL IN&..;FIAI'"CE G$=C)UP .0-. O~~IC.' .._0." MAC., CA~I'O..'A City of Campbell Campbell, CA. RECEIVE" AUG 5 ¡gaD ~~~~W~~~R~S " - ....¡ ~/- ro 7-J June 4,1980 saND NO. L05-041856 CONTRACT A~OUNT' 9,500.00 PRINCIPAL; Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes OBUGEE: Ci ty of Campbell DESCRIPTION: Tract #.siBe (£;A TII. (BALHQA INSURANCE CCI(PAHY ia SI.I,e.., Oft HI. .~ 5c"d. We .iN .ppt'8Cia~ 'fO'I' eoopere.. tiOft i" p,o."idi"q HIe in(ormatiOft reql.l.,ted b.low. e"d_,.tu,."i~ the (0"." to ua 10 that we m.., have CI.I'!'8nt ata~ ¡"'ormatio" 0" t~ c$ptionad job. A duplic!te copy of thi. I.He, ia eH.ciled (0' YOU' fi- ."d a b",¡j"MI ~ 8ft¥þ 10.. ;, .""10",, Ie< .,.., ."".on;."".. Th..¡ 'ou Ie<.,.., .~~ . D. B. SEIB~ Bond I:epart=ent " TH I CON'nA CT HAS I&H CO Þ.4 PlETIDt I. ~at ..a HI. co"'pletiOft d.t.? D.te of Accept.l\C8? 2. ~at ... HI. fi".1 cOfttract pric.? _H.. 'uN ame"",t b.ft ~jd? J. w.. tt.. wort wti,'actol"f? 4. Ha.,. .. I.bor a"d ",a*al bill. b..,. ~id1- " T" COHnACT HAS HOT 8&H COMflLET'EOt I. ~t pete8f'lt of wo" "a. b.eft co",pleted to d.'" 2. T ota' atnO","t ~id to HI. Co"t,actor to d.t.: L J. WJ..t ia HI. a"'o""t of tf\. ,et.i".g. witf\"eld1 , 4. I. "'- Co"t,.ctor ~yi"q his labor a"d ",ate,ial billa? S. """.t ia th. ."tici~ted date of c:ompietiOft1- 6. I. the WM be¡"9 accomplialled e"d proq,....;", ..tidactoriJy1 Fi..., C/~ "-F (Lf br.! / .,,~'t/J17!tJ Æ--.- f:.,; 8"7 - cr Iftet 070 D.... x l;- jxo f ( Add,..,: ~ , f/>//() "7-}1--P'-J-+~ () June 4,1980 BALE 0.... Insurance C ...--mp any Direct all CDrrespondence to: ~ FlNANCIAL INSl.Jf=tA"-ICE GROUP LOU JONES & ASSOCIATES Managing General Agents 1299 Bayshore Hwy. tt 203 Burlingame. CA 94010 (415) 342.1421 A"'.'" 0# M0e8. O""'C.' ".-O"T M"CM, C.~I"O""'" , ~v. A A City of Campbell Campbell, CA. BOND NO. L05- 041856 CONTRACT AMOUNT' 9,500.00 PRINCIPAL: Barre L. Barnes & Wanda J. Barnes OaUGEE: City of Campbell DESCRIPTION: Tract #6608 n,. (BALßOA INSURANCE CCfilPANY is Surety on th aboY. !end. w. wiØ appreciate 'fOUr coop8t8-- tion in providing tfI. information nÞqu.ated below, and_,.tuminq the form to ul 10 tflet .... mey have cur1"8nt ,t.M information on th. cðption.d job. ^ duplicate copy of thi s letter is attached for your filet. end. bu.;n... reply ~ lope is .nclo54Þd for 'fOUr conveni.nc.. Think YO4l for your I 'Ii at. nee. IF THI CONTRACT HAS I&N COMIU1'!Dt I. Wh.t w.. tfI. completion d.t.? 2. Whet wa, the final contract price? 3. We. the wo~ Wltiafactory? 4. He~ a~ J.bot .nd met.ri.1 bill. b.." pðid? D.te of Accept.nee? He, fuN .mould b..., paid? d ~ t{ e r~J. , J- e '-"^-4 , -.... I ~'"' Fe:: L- I' T'" CONnACT HAS NOT IEEN COMfÞLETEOt é5'\..t s t""~6+ I ó", I. W"-t perc."t of wo~ he. bee" completed to d....? 13lÞ rLð.. t---c 2. T otel amount paid to tfI. Contractor to d.t.: L 3. Whet is tfI. amount of tfI. r.t.ineg. witflh.ld? S 4. I. the Contrlctorpayin9 his I.bot and materiel bill.? 5. 'W1Iet i. the .nticipated d.t. of completion? ð. I, tho WM be;" ..eompl;"'od ..d p,""....:~ t;d~ ¡ h -f, ....PJ /î J f) "'ft~~ I~, ~:~- Do'" r I~ / 'laP Add_: . BALBC_.. . .Lnsurance r;(~ " 5' ((/7) C...) ,~l P a ny IV', éc. 6f) V A "'E"'.E" 01'" , :-AVCO FINANCIAL INSURANCE GROUP HOME OFFICE - NEW"ORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ------- -------------, ----- ---- ------..-------- ----------- SUBDIVISION STATUS IN~l1TR:: r City of Campbell 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, CA. ì ENVELOPE ENCLOSED L -.J --------------------------- -- BOND NUMBER LO5-04l860 TRACT NUMBER SUBDIVIDER Barre Barnes TRACT NAME 265£ + Ft. of 6" Santary sewer main --- ins ta 11 ed . PLEASE ANSWER OUESTIONS BELOW. AND RETURN THIS FORM 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted DYes DNo 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily DYes [] No 4. Percenta~e completed REMARKS CÇJuJfrut'..1,~n J~¡e~reJ bon cl t~ - re ItL« Ct I " I J'-'t fo ,... c. t:.. . ABOVE INFORMATION FURNIS~Y (signature) I TITLE -r~u~ c'k. A_V ^ ~ ~ l'- 7~ /1 - {/ DATE () BOND DEPARTMENT 16042 RECEIVED :;:LI~ W~RKS tm E f~ B ~ ~ ~~ {ID ENr,¡NEERING . 'Recorcnhg requested by laM 8enltp8elt £D&IIIIriII1 '"'. IJ Paul E. Fontaine When recorded mail to , County Surveyor's Office 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110 Attention a John Atwood 6619[\8G F .. 71 ,i~! 88 CC 231:) F . 71 ,i~: 89 Recorded at the request tI UNIVERSAL TitlE CORPORATtOft JAN - 9 1980 8:01AM ----~~-~:~ ~ (For Recorder's Use Only) ~ 4f 2001 S5 --------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the certain Tract Map filed November- 5, 1979 in Book 453 of Maps at Page 13 and 14, Santa Clara County Records, being a map of the lands entitled Tract No. 6608 is corrected as follows, ( Tract null ber to be changed to 6829.) The names of the present fee owners of real property affected by such correction is as follows, Barre L. Barnes Wanda J. Barnes Ronald J. taffen Marleen M. taffen James E. Langley Patsey Jean Langley Al Chanda Carol Chanda ------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF ¡Ie INEER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above certificate of Correction was prepared by ar under the direction and control of the undersigned 1:~~~, e;;U e11g1neer.Æ () t:.l ~ 12128 Date ~e f:j-E- Reg. number ------------------------------------------ CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF CAMPBELL EIeINEER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction bas been exaa1ned and shows that 1 t corrects an error in the Tract )lumber shown on the above referred to tract ...p. ~~~. ~ / '/¡? 18730 Reg. IlU8ber .. ~. .. . ELiO fT i; HANDliNG HEIMS , RETURN TO- Public Works D:Al \ t CASE I -II. DiSCARD II Fit 0 ~..,. It I ." '.'.:, I Ii II I'J '¡ July 19,1979 Mr. Barre Barnes Barnes-Fontaine Development Co. Re: Tract No. 6608 Harriet Ave. Dear Mr. Barnes: Enclosed please find the Agreement and suggested bond forms for the above-subject subdivision. The following items are needed in order to place the subject Tract Map on the City Council Agenda for final approval: 1. The Final Tract l4ap signed and notarized. A copy of the Preliminary Title Report. 2. 3. A copy of the grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. A letter of release from County Sanitation District No.4 saying that all of their conditions have been met. 4. 5. Letters from PG&E and PT&T saying that easements shown on the Final Tract Map are adequate and satisfactory to them. 6. 7. A copy of the CC&R's for our review. The original and one copy each of the enclosed agreements signed and notarized. 8. A faithful performance bond in the amount of $9,500.00 and a labor and materials bond in the amount of $4,750.00 to insure the installation of street improvements OR a letter of credit in the amount of $9,500.00. 9.. A check payable to the County of Santa Clara in the amount of $7.00 for the map recording fee. , .. - Mr. Barre Barnes July 19,1979 Page Two 10. A check payable to the City of Campbell for the following fees: a. Final Map filing fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 56.00 b. Storm drainage area fee ............ 701.00 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75 7 . 00 The following items need to be brought in prior to the City Council meeting but do not necessarily have to meet the agenda deadline: i. A letter from the County Finance office regarding taxes due and a tax bond if necessary. ii. A Subdivision Guaranty. Here are the dates of upcoming City Council meetings and their agenda deadlines: Agenda Deadline Thursday, Noon, August 2 City Council Meeting Monday, August 13 Thursday, Noon, August 16 Monday, August 27 Should you have a question, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very Truly Yours, JAMES L. PENOYER Engineering Technician By LYNN M. SNYDER Engineering Aide I.J.1S : rof Encl. . ~ :J dL .:haj II- c; r; 6f I -- .... " RESOLUTION NO. 5652 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6608, HARRIET AVENUE SOUTH OF HACIENDA AVENUE AUTHOR- IZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6608, Harriet Avenue South of Hacienda Avenue, for approval; WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers certain conditions of approval of said map, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on be- half of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following vote: 25th day of September , 1922-, by the AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Norman Paul Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis 0, Acker City Clerk " q' -"-',,,'-, ,...'-O""',;,",,'-.;c'r,_',C,' ':"","";- 'n' '--,,' ---.,.,-,:"...,..: c"---"""""""""""~,:"..";"..¡-.;,::^,,,.~,,;,,,,....,,, ..'" (. --------- A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT (identified as No. S. T. 17), made and entered into this _day of ,19 ,by and between Barre L. Barnes, Wanda J. Barnes, Ronald J. Laffen, Marlene M. Laffen, James E. Langley, Patsey Jean Langley, Al Chanda and Carol Chanda ------------------ ------------hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider", and the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a Municipal Corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, herei nafter referred to as "CITY". WITNESSED: WHEREAS, Subdivider desires to subdivide that certain real property situate within the City of Campbell in accordance with that certain map heretofore filed in the office of the City Clerk of City, marked and designated "Tract No. 6608 , lying entirely within the City of Campbell, California; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED TO by and between the parties hereto as follows: (1) In consideration of the approval of said map, Subdivider shall provide and construct and/or install at his own proper cost and expense, standard street improvements across the entire frontage, of said Tract No. 6608 when notified to do so by the City Engineer. (2) It is further agreed to that all of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed within twelve (12) months from the date that Subdivider is notified by said City Engineer to do so; provided, however, that in the computation of said twelve-month period, delays due to or caused by acts of God, viz., unusually inclement weather, major strikes, other delays beyond the control of Subdivider shall be excluded. " It is expressly understood and agreed to that if Subdivider shall fail to complete the work required by this agreement within the said period of twelve (12) months from the date hereof, the City, after giving ten (10) days written notice thereof to Subdivider, may construct and/or install said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from Subdivider. (3) It is further agreed to that al' of said improvements shall be constructed and/or installed in accordance with those plans approved by the City Engineer of the City of Campbell, and shall be made under the supervision and inspection and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. It is further agreed to that said construction and/or installation be in accordance with the existing ordinances and resolutions Qf the City of Campbell. and to a'l plans, specifications, standards, sizes, lines and grades approved by the City Engineer, and all State and County statutes applicable thereto. (4) It is further agreed to that when called upon by City to do so, Subdivider wi'l execute a petition for the formation of any special assessment district created pursuant to any special assessment act as provided in the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California created for the purpose of constructing and/or installing any or a'l of the public improvements herein described. 1 of 4 I' \ (5) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall participate in and become a part of any special assessment district as described in paragraph (4) of this Agreement. It is expressly understood that any obligations of Subdivider contained in this Agreement that are accomplished to the satisfaction of said City Engineer by said special assessment district shall be considered null and void. (6) It is further agreed to that the construction work of the improvements embraced by this agreement shall be done in accordance with the standard specifications of the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January, 1973, and in accordance with the Specifications of the City of Campbell, and Sanitation District No.4 of the County of Santa Clara, where indicated. WHEREVER the word "State" or words "Division of Highways" are mentioned in the State Specifications of the City of Campbell and Specifications of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the City of Campbell and County Sanitation District No.4 shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. In case of conflict between the State Specifications and the Specifications of the City of Campbell and Specifications of County Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County, the Specifications of the City of Campbell and County Sanitation District No.4 shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of such conflicting portions. (7) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall deposit with City, when called upon to do so by the City Engineer, for office examination of improvement plans, field examination of improvements, inspection of construction of improvements, and all necessary expenses incurred by City in connection with ~~~~-~~~::_~~:_~~ l~~2~~O~~_~~EE HUNDRFO TWFNTY-SIX----------------------- (8) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall file with City, upon execution of this agreement, surety in the amount of FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY------------------------------------- ($4,750.00~ to insure payment for labor and materials and surety in the amount of NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED------ ------------------------------------------ ($9,500.00---) to insure full and faithful performance of the construction of all the aforementioned improvement work, excluding sanitary sewers and water distribution system. Said sureties shall guarantee that Subdivider will correct any defects in the aforementioned improvements which shall appear within one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work by City and pay for any damage to other work resulting from the construction thereof, as well as paying the cost of all labor and materials involved. These sureties shall remain in full force and effect until one (l) year after the date of final acceptance of said improvements by City. 2 of 4 .--- ..-..--,..,.-, .-w'-'-."'" ,.. ......~r'.".""'------'-' '-"-"""~" .. (9) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter into such agreement as required by Sanitation District No.4 of Santa Clara County to insure the installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve said Tract No. 6608 and that Subdivider shall file with City, upon execution of this agreement, a letter, from said Sanitation District No. 4 of Santa Clara County stating Subdivider has made such deposits or filed such bonds and entered into such agreements. (10) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company any and all fees required for installation of underground wiring circuit to all electroliers within said Tract No. e608 when Subdivider is notified by either the City Engineer of Campbell or the Pacific Gas and Electric Company that said fees are due and payable. (11) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall make such deposits or file such bonds and enter into such agreement as required by San Jose Water Works----when called upon to do so to insure the installation of a water distribution system to serve said Tract No. 6608. (12) It is further agreed to that any easement and right of way within or without Tract No. 6608 necessary for the completion of the construction and/or installation of any and all of the public improvements embraced by this agreement and as may also be otherwise shown upon the improvement plans for said Tract No. 6608 shall be acquired by Subdivider at his own cost and expense. It is provided, however, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required for the purpose of securing said easement and right of way, the Subdivider shall deposit or cause to be deposited with City a sum covering the reasonable market value of the land proposed to be acquired and to be included in said sum shall be a reasonable allowance for severance damages, if any. It is further provided that in addition thereto such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental costs shall be deposited with City. (13) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall carry out any and all negotiations with all interested parties and shall perform or cause to be performed at his own cost and expense and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer any and all work required to abandon, remove, raise, lower, relocate, and otherwise modify irrigation 1ine or lines within the boundary of said Tract No. 6608. (14) It is further agreed to that Subdivider shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Campbell, the City Council, the City Engineer, and all other officers or employees of City from any suits, claims, or actions brought by any person for or on account of any injuries or damages to persons or property sustained during or arising out of the construction of the on-site work due to any acts, omissions, or negligence of Subdivider, his officers, agents, employees, or contractors. (15) It is further agreed to that the above named terms and conditions shall bind the heirs, successors, administrators, or assigns of the Subdivider. 3 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed ~y its Mayor and City Clerk. thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council. and said Subdivider has hereunto caused his name to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CAMPBELL Mayor City ETërt ~ ~~OL Wanda J. Barnes (Notary Certificate) ~ ~. Al Chanda c..::-.; LC <2-?? ~ Carol Chanda 4 of 4 þ Fa1_..ful Performance ~ Bon d No ./ff7D~l (7/sh prem i urn~qñ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The City Council of the City of campbell, state of California, and Barre L. Barnes, Wanda J. Barnes, Ronald J. Laffen, Marlene M. Laffen, James E. Langley, Patsey Jean Langley, Al Chanda and Carol Chanda (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated , 19_, and identified as No. S.T. (17) is hereby referred to and made a part hereof: and Whereas, Said principal is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. . Now, therefore, we, the principal and Balboa Insurance Company , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, hereinafter called "City", in the pena 1 sum of NINE THOUSANQ..flVE HUNDRED ------------------------------ -----------------------dollars ($9,500.00-------) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless said City, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void: otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfu~ enforcing such obligation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of ttme, alteration or addition to the terms of the,agreement or to the work or to the specifications. 1 of 2 In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on , 19__. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 19_" day of~EP 4 -1979 "--.- -..;¡, Barre. S .r J, ~) c'.-<!'._-, -lLJ ~, . L ..~ -_..~ "-~ J.:."....eJi ð anda T Bãrnes (/ ~ La Hen ¿:r /? /';. A 1. Chanda (~/ ~~ Carol Chanda (Attach Acknowledgments) (Both Principal's and) (SUrety's Attorney in fact) SURETY ßalboa Insurance CompäRY 2 of 2 ~ tabor' _~d Materials Bond No 'f:1¿CX/ 155h Premium . "lig KNOW ALL )ŒN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The Cit¥ Council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and Barre L. Barnes, Wanda J. Barnes, {onald J. Laffen, Marlene M. Laffen, James E. Langley, Patsey Jean Langley, Al Chanda and Carol Chanda (he~einafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated , 19_, and identified as S. T. ll7} is hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and Whereas, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Campbell to secure the claims to Which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Now, therefore, said principal and the undersigned as corporate surety, are held firmly bound unto the City of Campbell and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid agreement and referred to in the aforesaid Code of Civil Procedure in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FI FTY--_uuu__u_----u----u--- u----u_----_u- dollars ($ 4,750. OOu--), for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that this band shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said agreement or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any manner affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any 8uch change, extension, alteration or addition. ~, In witness whereof, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on , 19 . WITNESS OUR HANDS this day of SEP 4 -1979 - 19_" and J. /) ~ ;w& J ~i- V R d J. æJ, Marlene Laffen f? O-h: ~,--L Al Çhanda .(J .. (Attach Acknowledgments) (Both Principal's and) (Surety's Attorney in fact) SURETY Balboa insurance Compal1y V ASHMORE ATTORNEY-iN-FACT 2 of 2 ~ LBOA INSUR:\NCE COMPAN 620 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 GPA 2693 GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY NUMBER VALID ONLY IF IN REi, Know All Men by These Presents, That BALBOA INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and existing ùndcr the laws ofthe State of California, and having its principal office in Newport Beach, Orange County, California, does by these presents make, constitute and appoint JOY ASHMORE of Bur 1 ingame and State of Ca1 ifornia its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver CONTRACT BONDS (S.B.A. Guarantee Agreement) - $200,000.00; LICENSE & PERMIT BONDS - $50,000.00; MISCELLANEOUS - $50,000.00; CONTRACT BONDS - $50,000.00; COURT BONDS - $50,000.00; FIDUCIARY BONDS - $50,000.00 "nus POWER OF ATTORNEY SHALL TERMINATE AND BE OF NO FURTIlER EFFECT AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1979" and to bind the Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seal of the Company and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises. Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Balboa Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 22nd day of March, 1962. "Be It Resolved, that the President, any Vice-President, any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint anyone or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company subject to the following provisions: "Section], Attorney-in-Fact. Attorney-in-Fact may be given full power and authority for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts, agreements of indemnity and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate Secretary." In Witness Whereof, Balboa Insur and its corporate seal to be her ~ ~ Executive Vice President A.D., 19BL. " " ... ,U ", .. ., .,.- UNIVERSAL TITLE CORPORATION -- 900 N. FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CA. -- 4986 CHERRY AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA. f256 E. HMHLTON AVENUE CArWBELL, CA. -- 3330 EL CAr-UNO REAL SANTA CLARA, CA. 95112 95118 95008 95051 (408) 298-7575 (408) 265-2332 (408) 379-6860 (408) 249-7174 PRELIMINARY REPORT Campbell, Ca. Barre Barnes 22660 San Juan Rd. Cupertino, Ca. Property Address Date August 10, 1979 Attention: Your ~;o. Our No. 200551 Dated as of ~~~_12_!____------)9.2?_-- at 7:30 A.n. In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, the insurer hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, as of the date hereof, a California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Form Policy or Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth in Schedule A, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception in Schedule B or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the iS~:;\ldtW" . of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. Linda Thomas Martha Broekhof . ... .......... ... ...... .... ...... ........... .... Escrow Officer Title Officer SCHEDULE A The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this 'schedule covered by this report is: Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes, husband and wife, as Joint Tenants The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California. County of Santa Cl ara, and is described as follows: Ci t Y 0 f Cam pbe 11 BEGINNING at a point in the center line of Harriet Avenue, distant thereon North 15° 53' West 946.15 feet from the point of intersection thereof with the Northerly line of Pollard Road; thence along said center line of Harriet Avenue, North 15° 53' West 122.65 feet; thence North 76° 40' East 355.86 feet; thence South 15° 53' East 122.65 feet; thence South 76° 40' West 355.86 feet to the point of beginning and being a portion of the Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of Harriett Avenue, distant thereon North 15° 53' West 1068.80 feet from the point of intersection thereof with the Northerly line of Pollard Road, said point of begin- ning also being the most Westerly corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Raymond M. Way, et ux, to John C. Ditri, by Deed dated August 8, 1956 and recorded August 14, 1956 in Book 3577, page 338 of Official Records of Santa Clara County, California; thence from said point of beginning, North 76° 40' East along the Northwesterly line of the parcel so conveyed to Ditri, 190.0 feet; thence South 15° 53' East and parallel with said line of Harrett Ave., 50.00 feet; thence South 76° 40' West and parallel with the Northwesterly line of the parcel so conveyed to Ditri, 190.00 feet to a point in said center line of Harriett Avenue; thence North 15° 53' West Along said center line, 50:0 feet to the point of beginning. ( IT" !'rel"nl""rv Report lorm SCHEDULE B At the date hereof Exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: . 1. TAXES General and special taxes for the fiscal year 1979 - 1980, a lien not yet due and payable. 2. TAXES General and special. taxes for the fiscal year 1978 - 1979 now payable. Amounts currently assessed: General and special County and City taxes for the fiscal year 1978 to 1979 as follows: Total 1st inst. Penalty 2nd inst. Penalty $ $ $ $ $ 696.66 348.33 20.90 348.33 23.90 Delinquent, Plus Delinquent, Plus Exemption Code No. Parcel No. None 10-043 403-18-067 Together with such additional amounts which may be assessed by reason of the following: a) Improvements added subsequent to March 1, 1975 b) Change of ownership subsequent to March 1, 1975 c) Any final Judgment determing that Article XIII A of the California Constitution is invalid, unconstitutional or has been applied improperly. d) Reappraisal of property values as of March 1, 1975. Cl T A Preliminary Reporl Form T.'. St dule B Continued - Page ¿ 3. A sale to the State of California for delinquent taxes for the fiscal year 1978 - 1979. Amount to redeem prior to August 31, is $ 760.37, Amount to redeem prior to September 31 is $ 767.33 4. An easement for public street purposes over so much of said land as lies within the bounds of Harriet Avenue. 5. DEED OF TRUST A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness of $39,000.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, recorded February 20, 1979, Book E 293, Page 719, Official Records. Instrument No. 6289529 Dated February 13, 1979 Trustor Barre L. Barnes, a married man as his separate property and Paul E. Fontaine, a single man Residential Title Company, a California Corporation As Follows: Trustee Beneficiary John A. Hubby, Jr., an unmarried man, as to an undivided 4/39ths Beverly N. Ritchie, an unmarried man, as to an undivided 15/39ths interest; Bonnie Lindsay, an unmarried woman, as to an undivided 5/39ths interest; Paul E. Stoft and Dorothy Stoft, his wife, as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided 15/29ths interest; as Tenants in Common. Loan No. None The beneficial interest under said deed of trust was assigned from John A. Hubby, Jr., an unmarried man, as to an undivided 4/39ths interest; To - Jane Erickson, an unmarried woman, by assignment recorded March 7, 1979 in Book E 328, Page 155, Official Records. edule B Continued - Page 6. DEED OF TRUST A deed of trust to secure an inde~tedness of $58,000.00, and any other amounts payable undpr the terms thereof, recorded June 21, 1979, Book E 581, Page 151, Official Records. Instrument No. 6409194 --- Dated June 14, 1979 Trustor Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes, husband and wife Residential Title Company, a California Corporation As Follows: Trustee Beneficiary George U. Canon and CarlaCannon, his wife, as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided 10/58th interest; Barbara Lee, an unmarried woman, as to an undivided 20/58th interest; Eleanor M. Huggins, a married woman, as her sole and separate property, as to an undivided 5/58th interest; A. Mayer and S, Mayer, a Partnership, as to an undivided 5/58th interest; Alfred Mayer and Naomi Bayer, his wife, as joint Tenants, as to an undivided 5/58ths interest; Charles Ferguson, a married man, as to an undivided 13/58th interest, as Tenants in Common. Loan No. None Said matters affects this and other property. 7. ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT Abstract of Judgment, recorded June 11, 1979, Book E 557, Page, 464 Official Records. Court Case No. Total In Favor Of Against Attorney for Judgment Creditor 20472 $1,763.10 Berlogar, Long & Associates Barre Barnes, et al Richard R. Herzog, Esq. Mitchell & Herzog 550 Hamilton Ave., Suite 326 Palo Alto, Ca. 94301 Telephone (415) 327-7476 NOTES a. The following conveyance was recorded during a period of 24 months preceding the date of this report: Deed to Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes, his wife as joint . tenants to an undivided 1/2 interest and Paul E. Fontaine, a single man as to an undivided 1/2 interest, from - - Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes, his wife and Paul E. Fontaine, a single man and Al Chanda and Carol Chanda, his wife and James E. Langley and Patsy Jean Landley, his wife and Ronald J. Laffen and Marleen M. Laffen, his wife, Recorded February 20, 1979, Book E 291, Page 424, Official Records. NOTES CONTINUED Deed to - Barre L. Barnes and Wanda J. Barnes, husband and wife, as joint tenants, from - Paul E. Fontaine, a single man, recorded June 21, 1979, Book E 581 Page 145, Official Records. ST (mb) / / / !~' .'-" -.. ,....." CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TS 79-9 APPLICANT: Barnes. Fontaine. et al APN: 403-18-66 & 67 Page 1 The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative map submitted by Paul E. Fontaine: 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewer~ge service to be provided by said District No.4. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department. City of Campbell. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant. 2. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20. Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. ' 3. 5. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee of $701.00. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post surety to connect a storm drain lateral into existing drop inlet. 8. Subdivider shall execute an agreement and post surety to either install street improvements on Harriet Avenue or join a Local Improvement District for Harriet Avenue. 9. Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen Harriet Avenue to 30 feet from centerline. 10. C.C.&R.'s to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for main~enance of buildings and common area. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. Southerly driveway approach to be a minimum of 25 feet wide and 5 feet from property line. 11. 12. I, / , COSNTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR TRACT NO. 6608 FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS Concrete Driveway approach: 122.7 LF @ 7.50 = $ 920.25 328.3 SF @ 3.50 = 1 ,149.05 541.5 SF @ 5.00 = 2,707.50 Curb and gutter: Res.jComl. Sidewalk: Pavement (TI=6, R=40) A. C. : ( 2 ,207.7 SF) ( $0. 1 5)( 5!z \I ) = 1,821.35 Miscellaneous Street trees (15 gallon): 2 EA @ 75.00 = 1 ,362.00 = 150.00 $8,110.15 1,216.52 $9,326.67 E'lectrol ier: 0.681 EA @ 2,000.00 Sub-Toal: 15% Contingency: TOTAL: Faithful performance bond $9,500 Labor & materials bond $4,750 Plan exam. & constr. insp.$ 326 Storm drainage area $ 701 By: L. Snyder Uate: 7-18-79