910 Harriet Ave. (1963) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL RELEASE FROM: 'ro~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT RE: R U I fL.J:L - F;..~ ~ (Subje~ -- fl1.4 R c¡¿./tIè I TO R CQ....5. (OWner's Name) 1/ 0 ¡1e1.rad.. ~t1 ~¿Le (Address of Property The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied wit.h before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. (2L~~ -h. ISSUe ~/t7 ~/d - /"A L..k C C ;77 c/r r; r?1 ~ A d-.¿-' e v . . -~~JC2_-~ éè;:-./~_._._-- -- - -..----..--- ----- --.--.----. --"---'- - --- - ----..--.---.---.-----.-...-.--..--- .. '------------ -.---. '-"'---- -_.. ..--------------- CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEERING DEPAR~ BY~~~~ ÛPRL~t- '7- 2 9- ¿;3 RECEIPT CITY OF" CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIf"CRNIA Name Date ¿t¿t'¿l ,,;I~:.: L9t,J .~ ,I /; ., '/1'" ' , .:>'> ¡ ¡( /L-t.Q-,) ~%).' '-',¿/'~ 1-- Í--<~ / ({;:-¡t.{ (f¿-!-~/,:' ,{,-¿.( ., Address RECEIVED .. J{<:_- ~?- I '!Thank, you, 6662 C~~~){M~:L By '.: / L / CITY r:LE""" Fund 4ft! 05/ t-/ V 5-/¡} - RESOLUTION NO. IS63 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF MARGARITO RIOS AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to tee City Council by Margarito Rios an agreement for t1'e devclopme~t of his real property in accordance wit> pn~sc,:,,'ï;)ed coI-,ditions; and, WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith Le ¡las submitted grant deeds of certain portions of his p~operty for s~reet purposes; NOWg THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t>e Ci ty Co~.r.cil t.Lat the Mayor be add Ìle is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on )JeLalf of said City; and DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ti1at the gr-ant deed submi tted in co,[¿,ec l::.iO¡l the.cewi th be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this t Oth day of September 19 63 , by the following vote: AYES: COU;lC i lme~1 : Doetsch, McElroy, Weitzet, Lico NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: ABSTAIN: Councilmen: APPROVED: None Rogers Peter B. Lieu, Mayor Þ.TTES'I' : D~p TreV7~^: C. i.ty Clerk V 'ft; V " u / BY: V. M. Sheehy, Dep~ Clerk ~ :;) 0 .... ;~, '-' C( f- z Of V'I It / ~ / ~/ '" .'~ or, <I ).. ~ z ~ 0 u u. 0 ~ <.J ¡:;: .... 0 '! . , .\ . 'J' ~/ @) f- u Net I-~ 91- :z-' I-LU Q..~ 0 -.J , ~ I~ « .~' <\i -J UJ 0-. II> 'tot ~~ ..., Ie ~ "-t ¡:: ! ; , t ... - CI .... ~ r. --~~ ./". ....... t ~ II> '" ~ I I I ~ ..~- - j..- Q)., 9f.sr I I(), ~ rn !!1 .... .'~'.: \ \ '" ~ ~ ,~ ----- - ~ - ---, . . . ~I :;; ~ , , , ~ ~ N 7~ , ~ ~UJZ~; S'S.:.t/ f) ~, " . . <oJ <I ~ ---- .. m '" ~ N ~ ¡.. --.--- - ----- --- --.. -'----- iLl " .., II., I ~I ~I "" ;.;/ ~I ~ sz' 8//7' 81. -r---___--------- ---'-- .' .:>6Z ::I ,';Ooc S <oJ <I i:ìi 14.,0 , 0 ;[). ¡[)~ -1 ...J uJ Co ~¡ > 0 ...J ~I &i ~ co <:::: ~I ~:Sl~ 3fìN3^'t1 1_~'. .01 'HC"--- -- r.R ." {)I)'ç.¿:/ A1,ÇOo¿'Á/ , :" .~ .L 31 t1 'tj \fH