1186 Harriet Ave. (1982) TO: CITY CLERK .Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P.W. FILE NO. Q+-c::>(!~) Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 (illi) 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 3521 3521 Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($200) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre (R-I, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; a11 other, $2,250) P1an Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value) Tentative Parce1 Hap Filing Fee ($85) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($170) Final Parcel Hap Filing Fee ($170) (1-) Final Tract Hap Filing Fee ($140) Vacation, of Public Streets and Easements ($380) Assessment Segregat ion o,r Reapport i onment ($350 for first plus $110 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($225) Certificate of Compliance ($250) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($.50 per sq.ft.) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2); additiona1 ($1.50) Project Plans and Specifications ($10) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($35) Excavati~n Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL ¿"b v : ~ -l.. ~ t- et-<.-I Address l 2. 2. ~ )/Q y... ~t .' (ø '<l ~ Name Amount ~ "3 40 $ v-P >1'"0 - Phone 371--/077 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. / / '-f L/ ~ Amount Pa i d $I .3 <-10 <:;...° Received by ~"~ Date 9 -/7- ð"2.- Zip Ju1y, 1982 TO: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 ~ 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 352,1 3521 CITY CLERK ~Iease collect and receipt for the following monies: P.W. Fi Ie No. Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($70.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee per acre ($1,500 R-l; $1,650 Multi-Res.; $1,800 all other) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($60.00)2- Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($120.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($270.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($250.00 for first plus $80.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($160.00) Certificate of Compliance ($180.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name J ÐU I ~ <: 5 1ë-e-1 ~ Address /2.7-t floyy IE/- Amount /20 00 $ 12..0 ~ A ~-r- . Phone -:s 7 ~ -10-'7 Zip ?' .)-00 r FOR CITY CLERK ONLY 9757 ~ / ~() . tJo a... *'" ~- 7-~;L Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date .1::11""" -.- Ref. No. TELEPHONE CALL RECORD J11 ~ ~~ED CALL DATE 1 - Z .; I ) ~ Dt D jJ\PLA TIME II " / j . C RECEIVED CALL PROJEC'J: !-/iAor,'L Th:r'rn.(¡c;" of /221r II",....-;<-+: Au",. J l-<1 P ~h ov < r- NAME / OF C of'C SPOKE WITH Lro u 1.5 <- ') f<: -c./ NAME 71-1-1"((,.? TELEPHONE NO. /!.tVJ sf~~lc JJ: ('fi-S J 1L f~ OF COMPANY ITEM DISCUSSED/ A.CTION REQUIRED_I Q J\};.s ~ J _il JJ ~ ~~ ~ ) / DISTRIBUTION:_~~-y~--j-f-- '0 /~ CONTINUED-: [] YES ~O / / . WE~TMONT "t )( 15"110 rmm , I II 'S\:I J~~~ :J~\œ -Zr \,IJ~ >~ <I:'ê,Þ .. t @ ?M 5\4- TRACT N!? 6125 OFFle¡ OF COUNTY Ü~H~R .. SANTA (LAP.A lOU>ITY, lAUrOR~I~ . C--LV LOVElL ¡"YE.) ~T' - @.. A VEI..,JUE L ~.'~' ~ c,( ~~ 9::~~' ~:5"~ ~ 3~.. 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MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: Bill He1ms, Engineering Manager Date: July 19,1984 From: Jim Penoyer, Engineering Technician Subject: STEEL DEVELOPMENT, 1186-1240 HARRIET AVENUE ---------------------------------------------------------- Attached is a map showing four numbered parcels that are owned by Mrs. Louise Steele. She has asked us to relieve parcel 2 from the obligation to install street improvements in the nameless proposed street along that parcel's northerly border. The right of way for the proposed street was dedicated prior to the time these parcels were annexed to Campbell. During the late summer of 1982 Mrs. Steele filed two parcel maps on these properties. One created parcels one and four of the attached sketch and the other created lots two and three. At that time only lot 2 was vacant. Parcel four contained the family home and lots one and three each had a single family rental unit. Subsequently she obtained a permit to move a house onto parcel two. In connection with that permit she installed street improvements in Harriet Avenue across parcels one, two and three and signed an agreement, as the owner of parcel two, to install improvements across the northerly boundary when called upon to do so. My rationale for this requirement at that time was simply the traditional approach of imposing the obligation to improve a street on the owner of the abutting property. After reviewing this particular situation I am inclined to subscribe to Mrs. Steele's view that the proposed street will be a benefit to parcel 4 exclusively. The street is not needed by parcels one, two and three. The houses, garages and driveways on these lots are each oriented toward Harriet Avenue. In its present underdeveloped state, parcel four is adequately served by the existing driveway off Harriet. The new street will not be needed until and unless parcel four is more intensely developed. And even then there is the possibility that the proposed street might not be needed. If parcel four were developed under a PD permit it could continue to be served by a private driveway. Under these conditions it is difficult to argue that Mrs. Steele should con- tinue to pay the premium on a faithful performance bond for the future im- provements of this street. I recommend that we request the Council to waive condition G of UP 82-24 (Execute an agreement and post surety for the future improvements across the northerly frontage of the property). JP/jp attach. . -.~ -,- .. - - . .. "T"'-- ',- ,-' .'<..:~ ,"'; ',':i.""""-,, " .. . '.' ~:...... ' --,...,.~ WES,MONT \.11- ::> -Z \11 > (:!. ~~- - - - -- - --:=---.:-=-- I ' -----------'---- , , \ , .t- -- - ..:-- - -"" -,-- - - , I \ I -" 1 '5, 2. -; 9~ --~::--- ' r- \..Ù - ex:: ex: 4 :r. J \ \ /" /" ./ ~~ ,C '. I I I I I k ,. 88 Acr~J \ \ . I I I I I / / I - - - -~ - _.:. '- - - - - - - \ . I. I, I' ~. ...- ¡'.- I \ \ .\ \ \ \ ~ \ ..,_1 ,../': ~~---A \-.\A C \ Eo ~ OÄ . . \ . . \--- ~..,~ -- \ I I, \ I ' \ \ c.ouç<t I. I \ I " i-" --'- ---r - A '-l e.. . o' ,-- UJ ~ ~ 0 :z ~ u. . .' I I I I I I - -:;.___L / . -- - ,-to",', . .' . ~ECE'VEÒ JUt 12 1984 PUBLIC WurtK£ EN'G\NEtRmG 1228 Harriet Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 July H. 1984 Mr. Bill Helms City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 Dear Mr. Helms: Pursuant to our several telephone conversations. I respectfully request that the $17,000.00 bond requirement on the street dedication at this address under the name of Louise L. Tolosano. be cancelled and replaced by an agreement with the City of Campbell covering their requirements. Sincerely yours LT*l1 ,---"," ,~-'_.."b._, /. \ \ MEMORAu'M /18-& )/~)ý'y; ef CITY OF CAMPBEll To Arthur A. Kee, Planning Director Date: .q J~" -<- Bl. From: Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works Subject: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP LANDS OF 51-e- e.. \ e..... A.P.N. L(O]- /J- 3Lf) In.) IlL! ~ - -~ - - - - - - -, - - - - - -~ - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -' - -- - - - - ~ - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - This office recommends approval of the proposal, subject to the following conditions: 1. File a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act. ~.