1240 Harriet Ave. (1982) To: Bill Helms, Engineering Manager Date: MEMORANDUM From: Jim Penoyer, Engineering Technician Subject: STEEL DEVELOPMENT, 1186-1240 HARRIET AVENUE ---------------------------------------------------------- Attached is a map showing four numbered parcels that are owned by Mrs. Louise Steele. She has asked us to relieve parcel 2 from the obligation to install street improvements in the nameless proposed street along that parcel's northerly border. The right of way for the proposed street was dedicated prior to the time these parcels were annexed to Campbell. During the late summer of 1982 Mrs. Steele filed two parcel maps on these properties. One created parcels one and four of the attached sketch and the other created lots two and three. At that time only lot 2 was vacant. Parcel four contained the family home and lots one and three each had a single family rental unit. Subsequently she obtained a permit to move a house onto parcel two. In connection with that permit she installed street improvements in Harriet Avenue across parcels one, two and three and signed an agreement, as the owner of parcel two, to install improvements across the northerly boundary when called upon to do so. My rationale for this requirement at that time was simply the traditional approach of imposing the obligation to improve a street on the owner of the abutting property. After reviewing this particular situation I am inclined to subscribe to Mrs. Steele's view that the proposed street will be a benefit to parcel 4 exclusively. The street is not needed by parcels one, two and three. The houses, garages and driveways on these lots are each oriented toward Harriet Avenue. In its present underdeveloped state, parcel four is adequately served by the existing driveway off Harriet. The new street will not be needed until and unless parcel four is more intensely developed. And even then there is the possibility that the proposed street might not be needed. If parcel four were developed under a PD permit it could continue to be served by a private driveway. Under these conditions it is difficult to argue that Mrs. Steele should con- tinue to pay the premium on a faithful performance bond for the future im- provements of this street. I recommend that we request the Council to waive condition G of UP 82-24 (Execute an agreement and post surety for the future improvements across the northerly frontage of the property). JP/jp attach. --'-- WES,MONT . _.:' . ""'Y"'~.:~ 1--- \ UJ ~ œ ~-J----- D ,-'-- I \ I I I, \ \ I ' \ \ \ \ \ COURT ~..~-' - ,- - _-:::---~, - \.u. ::> 7- \.Û '> <t. F"WN ------...-------- . ~~-~~~~ ," /' I / / / I . \ I, I \ ,~. , 1 '5 4- 2. \.8B At.ru ., I I I I I / I I 9' \ \ . --~=--- ' \0- W - ex: ex: 4 ::c I , , \ , .h..": - - .)( --- - -.... --~ - - I I \ \ - - -~ - _.:. '- - - - ---- \ I, I \' \ \ I .\ \ \ I \ \ ____I '~ÅC \ E. ~P^ II \ \ " , -,~-r - A\.Je.. ::z ~ LL , . " I I I I I I - ;' . -' ') 'j ~£CE'VEÒ' JUll2 1984 PUBliC Wüa~S ENG\NEERtNG 1228 Harriet Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 July 11. 1984 Mr. Bill Helms City of Campbell 15 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 Dear Mr. Helms: Pursuant to our several telephone conversations, I respectfully request that the $17,000.00 bond requirement on the street dedication at this address under the name of Louise L. Tolosano. be cancelled and replaced by an agreement with the City of Campbell covering their requirements. Sincerely yours LT*ll .' --~_.._-- CITY OF CAMPBELL (JI; ~ 'y 6fL 'Y 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pl anni ng December 6,1982 Mrs. Louise Steele 1228 Harriet Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: UP 82-24 1240 Harriet Avenue Dear Mrs. Steele: Please be advised that at its meeting of November 22,1982, the City Council ratified Resolution No. 2150 of the Planning Commission, thus approving the referenced use permit. A copy of the approved plan is enclosed for your records as well as the adopted resolution. Please note that foundation plans must be approved by the Planning Director. If there are any questions regarding this approval, please feel free to contact the Planning Department. Si ncerely, ARTHUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECTOR ~~ ~~rt.5J-- PLANNER I I ~) T JH : 1 p cc: Fire Department Pianning Commission Resolution No. 2150 ratified by the Campbell City Council on Monday, November 22, 1982, by the fol lowing vote: AYES Counc i I men: Paul, Chamberlin, Doetsch, Podgorsek NOES Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ~¿L~~ ;e r ATTEST: {lei - á~ ~ V /)1 / -.1-(1' /J/J / 1/ ~---,¿/,,/ Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk THe FOflEr;fJING I'JSTRIIMENT IS A TRU8 /,1.1' (;(",r<'CT r:C?Y OF THE ORIGINA¡,¡ L'e! fll!' 1'1 THI'; arTlcr. 1æ; 2< ::;~ Zb/ DATED ~ cf; / '9 J ~ ¡-¡\!'~'I":~':>\:;'; i""'.~ìf)T~ßEr.¡r r: "'" ~L.L.,\:I.~, ULI hn !VI ~ I~LSOLlJrIOr\ NO. 2150 P¡ ANNfNG cx)~r\1T S-<; ION }\eter notification ;lnd public hearing as specifjee! by lah' on the application of ¡'Le;. Louise Steele for J use pennit and approval of plans to 311Oh' ;1 house ¡rove-on to property knOl\7l ;IS 1240 lIarriet Avenue in 3n Interim (Loh' Densi ty Residential) Zoning District, as per the application filed in the Office of the Planning Director on September 30,1982, ;:md after presentation by the Pl;mning Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing \.¡as closed (UP 82" 24) . After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Corronission die! find as follO\,s: That the establishment, m;Iintenance, and operation of the proposed use \-'Í 11 not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general \.¡elfare of the persons residing or \oJorking in the neighborhood of such use, or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general \oJelfare of the Ci ty. Based on the above findings, the Plarming Commiss ion does hereby grant the requested use permit, subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit A. l11e appl icant is notified a..c; part of this application that she is required to comply \,i th all applicable Codes and/or Ordinances of the City of Campbell ;me! the State of Califon1Ïa \,hich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. US! PFWfIT SHALl :\U! BFCnn: EFFECrrVE Uì\'TIL ~'\TIFIED BY nfE CITY COlNCIL. PASSU) A\'D .\DJFTED this 26th day of October, 1982 by the [oHoh'ing roll cJ.ll vote: NOES: f\BSE}fT: Colronissioners: Commissioners: Kasolas, Dickson, Hoh'J.rd, KotO\vski, Fairbanks, ~leyer None Campos An:s: Cormniss ioners: APPROVED: Jane P. Heyer C11ai rman ATITST: Arthur A. Kee Secretary N/A 1'\ /..\ N/j, NIt.. c EXlIIBIT .^. CONDITIONS or APPROVAL - Applicðtion of: STEELE, Pagc 1 UP 82,,24 L. PC: MTC,: 10-2(1"82 The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is reqUiréd to mect the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of thc City of Cam;:¡belJ ðnd Laws of the State of California. A All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compl iance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. N/A Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Ca~pbell Municipal Code. B Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for under,ground util ¡ties including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. Sign app! ication to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the I imits of the city of CarnpbeJ shall be made with Green Val ley Disposal Company. This requirement app! ies to all single-family dwell ings, multiple apartment units, to al I commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establ ishments. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consIst of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wal1 or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade 1evel. Appl ¡cant shall comply with all appropriate State and City require- ments for th~ ~andicapped. Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as Indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - UP 82-24 Application of: STEELE, L. Page 2 pC HTC: 10,,26-82 PLA;-..!N I:-\G DEPARHIE:-\T: Foundation plan indicating foundation detail and spe~ific location of the oak tree to be approved by the hP~annlng . d. fa landscape arc Itect prior Director upon recommen atlon 0, - to issuance of a building permit. D. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARHIENT: H. ~~~s~~~~~ ~~~~~taI~~r~~:ments acrosS Harriet Afvenue ~rontage Execute an agreement and post surety for the uture Improve- ment~ across the ~ortherl~tf~~~t:y~ ~~r~h~nP~~~e~~~eet right ObtaIn an excavatIon permi of wav Compl~te the parcel map proceedings E. f. G. 1. FIRE DE P ARTt.IENT : Provide two (2) single station smoke detectors in home j , STAtJDARD FIRE HAZARD ABATEt~ENT COHl1ENT: The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash. debris ané weeds, until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be kept secured h~ having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from property. Sect. 11.201 & 11.414. 1979 Edition of Uniform Fire Code. The app! icant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ( PUBLIC HEARING HELD BEFORE TIIE PLANNING COI',NISSION'ON 10-26-82. RES. NO. 2150 RECO\1r',1ENDING APPROVAL OF HOUSE ~,üVE-ON. (VOTE: 6-0-1). \ U { g ~ ""y r~~;'~.:" i ~\ \,' 'U~~}~'-; ... ~,' ' S I " ...c~c 'n '," 'I" I ß'~ Q ß 01{' I ., , ~ 1 "H ¡>~ 0': ':" 4:f ,t- ~ -'" ,., 7 I '1 ~ """ I - li ~ ~\1,"75'~I,,'J"VS" "" -1, .....-" ,\\"",~..c. -"~"'~ do. c.ouQi '¡ 2~ &. ' i F",WN \~ '" !§ { .. >6 "2: - ',c;., , ,t~,' ""..c ,ZO'f'-' ...~ > '1 'r "~ S S7 ~ ~ ,_3 48 !' ',:I' .. "'100",90"":'\ ,¡1\ -::::1 ~ co \ "JJ ¡¡" 2 I 1~" \ U. ---': ' I':" #I \ " = ,~!'! -- .. ~ < 'tT,- - S -+'1 5' !iC'! ~, ¡, - ~ 71"'," N' .. ,1 1\ '. ,I -; " ,...' - '$;' \0 I ...~" 1,: I" ~'J;~ - BETH o~'" \ .,~ --.r""" I. 14 ':' ---. ..' 11 \ '> ,.., '. ""'" ,:'to I O(~~ I ,..~ I,j-'..~ ISlrC , ,~~~~ \ t', If12 - c ~' I,\<"C ' Sf ~, 5> 1 ¿,,6 2" 34 ' 1-9.-:-' - '1 tß 19' 4i., J;~;;'-'~ N orr(l Dr c~ &UIUOO- '" WESTMOI'H . (-.J.'" I.<WILL .....~) .1' .-@ '\ -- t ~ ~ \' \ . ~ ~ \ 11." t = i -; ---.- \ \,1.1> ~ \~.~ , ~ .. \ >ç, "- " :a:-'v ~ .... \ ;; = \ . @ 0 .. 22 70 \ \ , , , [ ';. 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