Harrison Ave., (1976) ~ -t: l/l ,Z ~ r-Q ,,') ,J V) -.J Iv () .j D ,<?l c.! U) - ~ I-fJ ~~ ~~ II) j (~I ~ \D <~ .CJ c v <:t 5485829 FILED FOl1 :",OHD AT REQUCS T OF DEe 3 Oi rH .76 GRANT OF WATER LINE EASEMENT OfF1CIA\.. AEOOR{)'t.. SANT A Cl.An.:\ OOUNt'lJ GEORGE A Mnm_ .. f(EGISTRAR RE.CORr>eft: I, DALE HARTLEY, a single man, hereby grant unto the CAMPBELL WATER COMPANY, a Water Line Easement, the boundaries of which are described as follows: p; A 10-foot-wide Water Line Easement lying within Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 4, as said parcels are shown upon that certain Parcel Map recorded December 1, 1976, and filed in Book 384 of Maps at page 28. in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, said 10-foot-wide easement to lie 5.00 feet on each side of a centerline, which centerline is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Parcell; THENCE, along the westerly line of said Parcell, said westerly line also being the easterly line of Central Avenue as shown upon said Map, South 00 15' 00" West 78.48 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcell, said southwest corner also being the northwest corner of Parcel 2 as shown upon said Map; THENCE, along the northerly lines of said Parcel 2 through the following courses: South 890 45' 00" East 99.00 feet, South 00 15' 00" West 9.70 feet, and South 890 45' 00" East 39.30 feet to a northl'c1st corner of said Parcel 2; THENCE, along an easterly line of said Parcel 2 South 00 15' 00" West 35.65 feet to the northwest corner of Parcel 3 as shown upon said Map; THENCE, along a line bearing South 170 DO' 00" East, a distance of 22.61 feet, to its intersection with the northerly prolongation of a line parallel with and 5.00 feet easterly, measured at right angles, from a westerly line of said Parcel 3; THENCE, along said northerly prolongation and parallel line South 00 15' 00" West 35.37 feet to its intersection with a line that is parallel with and 56.96 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the southerly line of said Parcel 3; 1 of 2 iNDORSED COpy THENCE, along lastmentioned parallel line South 890 45' 00" East 124.64 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of said Parcel 3, said easterly line also being the westerly line of Harrison Avenue as shown upon said Map. The most southerly line of said easement is prolonged easterly to its intersection with said easterly line of Parcel 3. CONTAINING 0.094 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the S.W. 1/4 of Section 26, T. 7 S., R. 1 W., M.D.B. & M. Said easement is for the purpose of trenching, laying, constructing, maintaining, repairing, replacing, servicing, and using a domestic water pipe line and water main for and by the Campbell Water Company, its successors and assigns; said easement shall also include the right of ingress and egress to and over said parcel of land at all times in the future, for the purpose of laying, maintaining, repairing, restoring and replacing said pipe line and for removing said pipe line when desired by the Campbell Water Company, its successors or assigns. Easement shall be kept free and clear of any permanent structures and any trees. IN WITl'1ESS WHEREOF, I have placed my name this day of -.L!tLtJ...e~L-'-~' 19 Z(. 1.2 -r4 jL&W~ Dale Hartley (Notary Certificate) 2 uf 2 LATIMER+ ~ AVENUE UJ :) Z LaJ > < ..J < ~ ..... Z UJ U ~.. ,-----------, ----------1. L___ ...05 89045'00" E 99.00...... .- '- - --:(.. oS 0015'00" W '.70'.. :. I .s 89045'00" E 3'.30'.: .5 0.,5'00" W 35.65.....1 I L \ A....s IT.OO'OO"E 22._1' ,.... U:"'SOOI"OO"W 3'.37' I I I'..... S 89. 45'00" E 1~4.(o4'.... ------------- JJ _ __ ~ - - 1 ~. o. /q. . 1 CoI ". iii I to- 1 ~ I '0 I ~I I h 1 II) J:'-= ..-: I::: le. !:: f. ..:.!. . ...., I .. .... a.. .... ." .. . ...~ :-... ~.. ~ y:':y. .,-::'~ I::: ..:.... i:':: tot: I:: 1 .. .. ........ I.. .... .. :.,.. .... :. ..<.- .. :.. ..~..... :.. -I... ........ ~>.. ... we. (.... .:;~ ~ X:: .~) -.. .. . i::: l.. :::: le. I:: : : .-\:.. .... ...1.. .... ..:. --------- -...- 25' :... I. Sol.. .... :.. : ..; r-./..\ ,.:. .... I:: r.. .:: -N- SCALE: ,"= 50' WATER LINE EASEMENT TO BE GRANTED TO THE CAMPBELL WATER COMPANY Dr.8y L.M. s. Ot T. ,1976 CltByL.C.\I. OG T.,1976 .Iwater Line Easement to be 9ranted to Campbell Water Company Contain. O.Oc)4:!: ac. I t ~ )> ~ :::c - (J) o z l> <: rT\ Z C (T\ .g II> ?>o' Prepared bJ the Office of the CIt, EnOl n..,. CaMpbell. Callfo,,,la a - GRANT DEED I, DALE HARTLEY, a single man, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal cor- poration of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes and to become a portion of Harrison Avenue, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed to Dale Hartley, a single man, by that certain Guardian's Deed recorded July 9, 1976, and filed in Book C129 of Official Rec- ords at pages l8 and 19 in the office of the County Recorder, Coun- ty of Santa Clara, State of California, said northeast corner also being the southeast corner of Lot 22 as said lot is shown upon that certain map of Tract No. 67 recorded March 24, 1938, and filed in Book 3 of Maps at pages 14 and 15; THENCE, along the easterly line of said parcel of land South 60 2l'38" East 239.79 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel of land; THENCE, along the southerly line of said parcel of land North 890 45'00" West 5.00 feet to its intersection with a line that is parallel with and 30.00 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the centerline of Harrison Avenue as said Harrison Avenue was conveyed to the County of Santa Clara by Deed recorded July 3, 1945, and filed in Book 1265 of Official Records at page 416 in said office of said County Recorder; THENCE, along said parallel line North 00 l5'00" East 0.43 feet to an angle point; THENCE, continuing along said parallel line North 50 12'50" West 237.42 feet to an angle point; THENCE, continuing along said parallel line North 00 19'40" East l.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.Ol4 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the S.W. l/4 of Section 26, T. 7 S., R. 1 W., M. D. B. & M. ~N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have placed my name this day of sup"r:':o~ ~ -';"!RI' '" Ef:..~ :.~ c' . A:.9 aiL ff4? #a/- i.h.".'.;... hI~ o...'\i:. t,~ hI dl.M~ m!: / THIS,,/...~..1:D'.Y Of....~,;C..,. 'l.c.1i3~ <.~_ jJa -4 ;I ~~ HARTLEY \,~.,. ----I~.i-.fr ~~"-"7" ""-... /~._, -.,,\ N!.nARY 1?t181.L. C ,.. ORN!'A:' . (Nol'ry Certiflcate) ..-: .. \ . '" . (-, "0:.. \.' .. . .~..".. ... ....., .... .j.. . i~ ~.: ..\.. i.. ,.<.:1.:- r\ .. \ ... \ .. .. N 890SI'OO"W ~. ~.O. z UI \I) . - " .... . '" fo) ~ - Q<( C"\ ~ --{ ~~V -<\\..~ .., \.. ..~ ~ <\l. :...:~.... ~' ,.. -.. .... .~: . ,;:.. ,.. ..\ i.. !-.. \..- ... ... (. .'. \:...... \ ,,::. .\~:~. ... ...;:,. .... ., ~('''. N a~.45'OO'.W .... I .... ..... z 1 0 . \D -to.- 0 " . . . rrI . .... 30.00'------1 \ -N- NO SCALE C(: ^ .-. \ :--..:: z In . :c )> '^' :;0 - Cfl o Z :i"i oil!. '" ..0:; c;. <P: .... . - ~ UI 0" en .-::;.. ?=-= SCALE: \":: 40' fo) ~ ~ -4 ... fo). )> < m Z c m 2.5.00' N '-0 ul .... :: .. ':9 ~ ~ :.. U\ -:.. .... \t_ .-. It. .... :~ : 1 ~ <t. \] .'~ . . ~\.N 89.45'OO.WS.oo' ?~~I ... . W.O I ~/ NO SCALE SALMAR AVENUE LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dr. By L.M.S. SEPT., \9'7(0 Ck.By L.t.V. SEPT., \9'76 ""---'.' = Land to be granted to City L-...J Contains O.OI4t ae. Prepared by the office of the City Engineer, Campbell, California . 1 ell <tl :;.il .J <( (/) . I I -0-' M"OS.7.\.S N r \ ~8 00 <' (i- 00. 6- ..t' 6'6' 6'6' .s 'I 3..00 ,SI .0 N ~ \ \ \ ~ \ ~\ 3 ~'O "3 3 3 In '0 0 0 () 0 :\" \tl In 0 <<l ~ ~ ('<) 0 . r- G\ 0 00 OD C5\ <Xl U) 2 \ :z \ \ \~91. .6~-Z \~ :3 ,.00 ,S 1 00 N M ..OS ..z.\ oS N J ..t'. 6' 8< O~ 6. ". e- o.&' 96' 6'6 .. .. I ~ I - -~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .~ ~\ . \i\ . g N ~ ~\ 6\ IlO 4: ~\ \ \ .9 \ ~3~ 3~ JS.. g.. &2l .9~ 6" \ .?" ;:in ,~I 00 N r GQJ..'~E:2 ~,,~O'Z.9~.\'2. .~ ~ ..u€., L'I~'L""Z \ fV\ ,,05,'2' oS l'l dp \ "" /~ €/. \. -.1'€ ~/ DESCRIPTION OF LAl.m '1'0 BE CONVEYED TO THE CITY vi CAMPBELL AS REQUIRED FOR THE WIDENING OF HARRISON AVENUE BEGINNING at the SEly corner of lands described in E..'<:HIBIT "A" as incorporated in the JUDGfl4ENT ESTABLISHING FACT OF DEATH OF JOSEPH O. SOUTO, deceased, which document was filed May 11, 1966 in Book 7379 of Official Records at page 429, Santa Clara County Records; thence trom said point of beginning along the Sly line of said lands N 890 45' W 5.00 feet; thence N 50 10' 17" 'N 239.26 feet to the NEly corner of said lands; thence along the Ely boundary of said lands S 60 21' 40" E 239.78 feet to the point of beginning. 'vVJW'-. ~ 1--. "HUB OF TilE FABULOUS SANTA CLARA VALLEY!" 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 August 19,1976 CONDITIONS OF APRPOVAL OF PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF BROWN, A.P.N. 279-40-29 - P.M. 76-15 1. Dedication of right-of-way along Harrison Avenue frontage shall precede recordation of the final map. 2. All easements, existing and proposed, to be shown upon final map. 3. Pipe monuments to be set at each new property corner. 4. The final map thereof shall be filed with the City Engineer for examination, approval and recordation in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CJTY OF CAMPBELL ON AUGUST 16, 1976 ji /L 4/ (L/ r::~\vt- {/'v'-.:. . L-~ ARTHUR A. KEE, PLANNING DIRECTOR RECE\VED AllG 25 \976 PUBUC WORKS ENG\NEER\NG APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ON AUGUST 16, 1976 TO INITIAL & DATE "... i?7- . . / ~':~/' ----'.:.l.. . ,. /' . ~ '. C. J08EPH-"ELLIOTT, CITY ENGINEER ~c.. ---------.-:.... --.---- BMH.__________ .______.___.. ___ FTL_.___.._.___._~. _..__~___._.__ RLO_=_=._: I~:~~:_::== .._1..___.-.....---- i -- r.' . ~~. R ~ \,~~ "'~~ ~ a::: OO~ LLZ(f) l()~t- IZ t-OW W-::E W-.J 0 It-~Z (f)WO- W a.. ~~~~ (f)(f)::E(f) U 0:: <( "" " en . ......-..ll) I ;ol-a) 0:: ' + 10 ~. en 10.- <(~ I-r-U Vl '-' I- >- r""\ I~ 10 ",,-'c=d "t~~ U .<oi"" I, ~~~~ o ' '+~OZ ~. ... 1.~:; 10 ~ I.&.. 1'\ 011- " / c{ Z 0 Q'JO ' ~ // I- U 0 Z }!..'O " . Vll- U W '}!..' ~. ,"1.<, I") W W 1-1 0:: Z.J I- :5c=d~0:: Q 1.&..0 . 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