64 N. Harrison Ave. (1978) ,.. .. . 1 ORDINANCE NO. " 60 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND DEVELOP- MENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (APPLICATION OF HOUSUANG & HOMAYON SABER-MOTAMEDI, PD 78-6). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A" entitled "Plans and Elevations", "Exhibit B", entitled "Development Schedule", "Exhibit C" entitled "Map of Said Property", and "Exhibit D", entitled "Conditions of Approval", as per the application of Houshang & Homayon Saber-Motamedi for approval of plans, elevations, and development schedule to allow construction of a retail commercial and restaurant building on property known as 64 N. Harrison Avenue in a Planned Development Zoning District. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th by the following roll call vote: day of June 1978, AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Chamberlin NOES: Councilmen: None Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: APPROVED: Dean R. Chamberlin Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker City Clerk r=_--~.~~....:...._-----=-...~........- .-.. -.-.--- ----. r, --_.- --..-.--...--.-..----.--..---... a& 1 I'EXHIBIT B" (~ .-t MOTAMEDI BUILDING 1. Filing Fee (Enclosed) Check '211 Houshang s. Motamedi Amount: $75.00 To: City of Campbell, Date: 3-21-78 Planning Dept. 2. The proposed development is a neighborhood and city center oriented retail/commercial center. The second story restaurant will cater to the surrounding needs. The building has been designed to blend into the surrounding environ- ment, yet keeping an identity of its own. Heavy landscaping along Campbell and Harrison Avenues will help buffer parking and add gree~ to the "Campbell City LOOp." Legal Description 3. Enclosed. 4. Development Plan Enclosed. 5. Development Schedule The latest date on which construction of the project is to begin is 9 months following city council approval. The anticipated date of construction is 120 days following beginning of construction. ~ ŒCŒO~Œ lID "AR Z 2 1978 CITY Dr CAMPBELL ÞLANNINO D£flA8tTMt:NT .' , ~. -- r - -~.--- , 8. -, , "EXH I B IT D" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PD 78-6 Application of Saber-Motamedi A. Revised elevations to be approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor. B. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. C. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to application for building permit. D. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director prior to application for building permit. E. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. F. Applicant to either (1) post a'faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department clearance. G. All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. H. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. I. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. J. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. K. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions . of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application Is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. (Section 21.68.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) L. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This require- ment applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction __.._L.11_L.___..- , , , .. : , , . , . . -..... ..;. III..~ IIa ¡i , . . . , . . . "1"'& -: 'I: PI -~ ¡ , ~.,,: .¡I~: I::: ~: ~ 0,( ...'" ... --~ ~ : {'¡"i,~+ I At: .'; . +,,~ ¡ . ~-j . ¡.. , . ¡ :: : ¡¡ , .. "'t. "~"'; '.I!" let . ..---.---~);.;::!:,.----t._-+ -'.. GI ..~ "-' -'- '- C ---.-.ïõ-------4;¡'.. , . , .. ,¡¡ . £! - c .. ; ;:' - " , I: ---t- -,-",'. "..,. ilia.:: ~ :; "'; "'; .. CD" ¡ , PI. --I ~ ..:: . ~ - '8e'... t-F'::-¿'PAGE - -_. ~_I, "" ~ I ", z c '" I r. --..-.....'.. """""" .. rï ~" ';. fo ---:, r: .r ~ _! .. PUBLIC HEARING ~ELD BEFORE THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION APR I L 18, 1"978 b~- ~" ---, t -! " : N, CENTRAL - Ia '- ! .: , ' t+.i I . , ~ " '----H.-HARRISON I " : IT' r... f "D '.. ..'.... ØiJ ~4l ;.. ~ ..~(,..~" . ...t, +(if' . . I I. : ., - . . ~¡: ~...1 -. r ~.. -, I : j - . I : --4 I .. ¡I, , 80 10' 10 ,0" 8e ' D --+ FOOTE I . ,~ . . , .. ¡ .. I:; :¡ . , r . : , .' . , . .. ' '" n . I 8 i Pi ¡: ~ .... .~ " - -- 0" n ~ 0<. .." . . IS = ~--r -¡ ~-,¡" - --...- !- ""..'. .. . .. . I~ "" , , -'..'. . - AVE I. :' ; , !:! . ~ ... .. . .. ,.11 ¡: ; :, en : II¡ : iii : ,~ 21 : : . rt'I .. PI , . : ¡s~ ., -4 . , : I -8......-...... ~... , , , .:~:ÿ!õõ . . , : II. : .... ." , ,~ , , . , , .. . . , .. , . -~.. Ii..L ...:.. , . , ':;:¡ ',.' . ~i ~~ "",.. : ,.. , , , , "' ~ . I. -. -AVE _. ---'- ... I '014', , I ~ " .. .. ..... lOOt. , : ~ ~ f .:~ Il,~~ ¡~ .~ ~':'Ii!#'/';' ..:~ ... I ...,' =¡ ., T i , . .. '" ,.:: !I' : a , ¡,., I .. r ..,. Ion b! ~ ./I, . '~~I .. ..... ""~.." UN. ... > I .- 001 ' ... ,,"""', ~ '" ':-". ~~. -,'" A¡¡; .J . '.,": ~ i' ..."'" , , to." , ... ....- '~ ... I ... -... ... . ; :- '~"'~' . - ........ "- Eli ~ ... ...'.:.:~, . . " ....... .. j z ....' ". 11." ',y . .... III ".". - ~ ..."".... ,- ". " I'~ ...", "' .~- . '... ~~ .' "- ", . zv c: .........~. ~ ......' .0" .' IIri>TREET " ~ I "EXH I :IT e" -$' I @ . - --- -..-.- . . - -, ------........ . .. .- _. - - . GOH~ITIQHi ~F ~PPROVAL - PO 7&-~ Page 2 M. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade 1 eve 1 . N. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. BUILDING DEPARTMENT o. Submit plans to Building Department for plan check and permit. FIRE DEPARTMENT P. Provide an automatic fire extinguishing system. Q. Provide a kitchen hood protection system. R. Provide 2A-10BC fire extinguishers. S. Obtain a permit to operate a place of assembly. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT T. Process and file a parcel map to combine two lots. U. Provide a copy of the preliminary title report. v. Obtain an excavation permit to relocate existing driveway. The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. AGENDA DATE APPLICANT ADDRESS TYPE OF DEV. "S" NUMBER A.P.N. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Process and file a map Dedicate right of way Pay Storm Drainage Area Fee Provide copy of Preliminary Title Report Enter into agreement for construction of street improvements Pay fees as noted in agreement plan examination and construction inspection Campbell Municipal Lighting District pro-rata fire hydrant rental Post bond as noted in agreement Provide grading and drainage plan Obtain excavation permit Segregate assessments EIR - ,. . . . < > "'CL. 2 34 AC "JE~ ---, :ë , r , ;, < . .43 '--/ a. r "f' Þ " . ~-1 C I I I' <>",' . I,~ a', \~ , PC L A'I : 100 AC ; NET' l',y41~ '- ;CJ C-"?ì <', J . w ,:) Z W > <! t I t.- ( I - ~ ~." 1 ,,/ iF) < / , ~I :> . 9 r rr) ( ; tn ¡ / . . \ ~I' ~ . .) J) <'. ~ 'i "c- II ~ ":>' . I I '<:9 ~::: C°1-{ ~, r"'"", ~¡;}- '0 ~, .1. !Ol .1 ,I: 1:4 ---1 I; ¡~ i I ,¡ ¡> ¡> p,:~ PC~ G PCL H:,,: :.! .. I I 2 I' f.9,3 F , " " J ¡ ~ 6 ~:: "<: ~! 0509 AC 8 7 C" : ';' I., . . 9 - - I ': , J ~- ~ , ,0 j L ,/ 't : - ~ , i f / \. " ~"' " . ,- , ' '-. n. """, ' '-.- < 5' , '1'2~2 . -' '-',j . ¡, ,,~.- -..' , ",,- PM 235M45 _.oj, ",r, R... S, 169-M-9 ' :: "N, HARRISON L - ~ -- AVENUE -- ~ 't - :' , 'e ' " r " c.° ,"'- c.c.- ? ¡~ ~.~ . , ;, i~ " ¡ ~ I:, ¡> > <¡ , ~.:.~ A ~5 .; Pc L 6" '2.')'ô ~C '~ET ~.'-'r., ' '-'~ - . - '1. /. ~,7,,- J,.<", ~, .....J .....J W CO 0... ¿ <: u -<1r - , ',' c' '" w J" , - SWOPE TRACT I --1 I I I , ~', r-- f-W ;-? W ~a::: r- ,.... I '- ,,\,. L\ \\. \.,;', ""~ ., t Project 75-2 LOOP S-r.rc:et Impl:ovements Phase I I Parcel No. 42 APN 279-42-2 Partial Take All thct~ certain pë!rcel .of lilTid sit.ui:.'\.te in t'he City of: C¡:¡mpbell, COUllt.y of Sc'.!l1,cì C lë:r<1, ~; t;-d_c 0 f c;llifornid, described in the Deed to l<.ICll1\RD S~,llTH and H!~L'!UCE vn:\:~s, ,}S t.cn;:mts in common, ~r.cm Campbell Properties Inc., date~ October 10, 1962, recorded October 23, 1962 in Book 5763 of ùffici¿¡l r~ecords, pùge 538, which lies southwesterly of the following dc~cribed line: BEGINNll\TC at a point in the liOrtherly line of Campbell Ave:me vlhich' lies 5(j",',-~t northc':.:-ly ,:t. ri~-;ht angles from t.he centerl~.!1e 0:::- Campbell l'.ver-' md 301.~23 teet: ea:::;t.l~rly along said centerline fro::1 tll~ cE':ltel.-li,_.i: Ea':':"ri:ônn ¡;V(~llUe; TIŒNCE, Llrthv.7est,e:-ly 1~S_34 feet along a tangent curve, conce.-:e to the nort!:r:':\st., havi nq d radi \!:.> (..:f 22 5 f~ct through a centra 1 ör.g:'e of 49c 44'39" t:J a point of tanCJcncy; THENCE, ìjo!~tr1\vest erl:! a lc!ìq i1 L:lllQcnt line to la st sa id curve 151.24 feet, more or 1 C~;;" to t:.h-.: ;:.::,ir:t of L:mqency \...i th e. cur'.7~: concave to the northc~st, having d r~diu~ of 25 feet and bein; als~ tangcr~t 'vith 1:hc eë,!stcL 1y line of Harri:.>on l\venue, said easto'."1:1y line bei ng pa.:-a lie 1 with ëJ:~d 33 feet: dist.<.m t from the cer.te.t. ::'.~,d~ of Harrison Avenue; THENCE, northerly (JIang :.l1id tanCJc:nt CIIP!/' 1. -,.(,1, f,,<,t, Ii or less, to the point of tangency \'Jith said cd::.;tc1.1y line:: of' Harrison Avenue: 1', ' THENCE, '...e:.~tcrly 33 feet at right anrrlcs to ~;aid easterly line of Harrison Avenue to the centerline of Harison Avenue. EXHIBIT II A". GRANT -- -------- --- ,- , ',,- (,., '~ ","')) """"¥ h IJ-1 "',' C, '))~"l~i . 0.; IX 'V I?~ ~ , ',r;' ,"f , -'. ,/ ~-' ------'-------- - .jc .57. --------, ¡ 4MPBELL '---'---.- ,-.- --"---, -_.---'--'-----' I I l.. .,' -".. I ""; , ¡ (' ," i I I,.:, ! C', '" !",' , , ¡ I I 'l " I ~ ~' ,f. í' ~ J' -' : : . , '.' , " ?~/e. \; \ 'i ,x. .:' \ , t, It -,': ; ~ . \'; " {~~ I /. 'n~ Z/- / -- ~ , ". . .....' I \. ,I¡.,{~~/ ' '~/ "i i ~~3 / (v '¡ Ii: ' >.s> -<>. / ¡\^" 'ç. / ,\ .' .I ~ ", k~ 0" ",'.' ", - .'" I "'--' '1 I '-',-'/ '~ y, i ~I ~ I ~~: ~ ,~\ c: ¡ I '\ " ~ :,' I 't C c.p Clt . ",\' . , . . ¡. (ii( /. 3~Ô! 4/~- C~¿}.5.5 ,.. /.325" .4,' Vel "., ~)~~; /7/J .((,J L j ~ \!) " ~ ~ I,) , . , ',- ~k.-' " / - ,- 7 ,------,I / /- ,,: , ... ' n. _....~ ' I , < ~;', ,,_.. '------- , .<'/ , ',', tI .. 't" / /~ i.~' I I I I -~ I ......... j -'------1 /-' , ---f- ---- """'----'-.--.. '-- ! lJ' :~ I~ I I , !~ :k " ~ ~ ~-- -------- A VENUE L...._) ./ \' ~, . r / '/ \ ~, " ~ B LLL, '1~ ~-'lg D-O 1'---,,~ P 4 r2tCE=-r¿ r t2[) lÀ~l T~b-+~ f:j ~ ~ '"t?- 'S(:) f2.\ <¿ 0 ç:: ~ l e-e) ~¿ ci or - 4. ?-- -=s l J WE-\:?\~<; ~,}.,JFO O~J \~bt¿LEL 4-~¿} PR-OJ. fÇ-~2) k1Or¿5ïW lL:)Œ=> ßt::rLDce~~ H~(¿\¿L~~I 1:- ç PTC. ~~'e H~~ UQ \2--e~-Ot~~ Of?- Ol)r¿~ ~CC?l)'~~ LT\ð~, Œ Irlc..)C~[~ "í - ~; "/'3 -t' , / , > I I" I ' - I ~J1 r~ .,- \ _/ ,"- ) II. ì~ ,,-; ... f ¡ f '- 1 I ¡ , " (. k ~'I~ ). Y r i}lj)I:\K~r~Jl ;I.~' ,(.(r-'fL f" C 1\ L (. L ~. ::-,/. ,:',Ì;- ¡ . { (; r I 1'< L; (Jt;-r I ~ I I r 1 " ..- ': ,:'-f.:/;¡,;/. ,'.:5/..'1 I L I r:(;. C' ! h<i~ ~ ~I - ~' , ' F::.e -"'---'p, !'I\ r-' F r:: " , ,.; f'f:.JF) (/t: r,"""" " , , ..." " . .c; '~=-/\ ~ ':.. ; /~ -'- -- , ,- . .' # ,.:: t /-, 'í t ¡"ii,¡(k-r-{.:"", HI"" :~A,' ----;-:-' ., "'" ~' 1/' i-: F,': " / ,-, - ' " /\ 1\ Ij A.IJl r¡~¡; I-f':"C, , f: ". 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