64 N. Harrison Ave. (1968) CITY Of' CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CALIFORNIA RECEIPT CITY OF CAMP ~LL CAMPBELL. CA'JFORf'<IA /' ..4 NA M E dW:¡;r tl4~/ ¿'~¿¿U: :~;t1 ADDRESS ø-t,/ /¿.?¿~ ---'- / Jt~ ' ) ~ /.-1 IÚ4v ""' ~ ¿jj. t'ì41v.? d FOR.}../ / r - / . , y,- ~-~ . U, r" 5' /'</O" ( NAME ¡¡~U.w £~ dø1 ADDRESS ~,^L~ / -. FOR oM t<./;? ';¿¿;7 ~~ ( ~ //) ;(;1_ú/ý-// ~. $$.2- (,If M~ OCJ .- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~C; (; FUND NUMBER r2- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO.3 t. V /7/ ,.Œj CHECK FUND NUMBER ;f 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT IV( .5- y . ~ CHECK ï 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JAM -8-68 JAM -8-68 005 *** 1 ,1t85.00 66 oosC **1,1t85.00 DATE AMOU NT <!'>. THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. APR -1-68 APR -1-68 008 *****52.00 6 I¡ 008 A ** * *52.00 6114 .(1 .. yhv.t) T"'" You CITY OF CAMPBELL ;~ ~ ~#:.'. ~ ",","em C-/ "'. Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL BY CITY CLERK 6759 CITIZEN COpy CITIZEN COpy To the City of Campbell: ~1ay 28, 1969 In conformance with "S" 69-40, condition E, the below signed owner of 46 North Harrison Avenue agrees to remove all improvements which may fall within the proposed northerly loop street, at the owner's expense, at such time as the property is required for street purposes. /~- f3 0 "J i) ¡:: ,., r<. '- E ¡::: D C-. ~b~ i -s TH' S May 28,1969 ~~- ( ~ -e..'~ ~~ I f,/ :,¡ I. 'I.. . 1> (z.. 0. Po,> ~ \,.- . s- - ?- ~ - w1 c '1 I /';'r'-~'Jj I J .. , A\ \1.\v , \' (, '\ I PLANNING DEPi\In¡,Jj;::T C1 TY OF CJ\1.¡PBELL 7S NOIrJ'!! CE;~TRAL AVENUE CA~lpeELL, Cf\LIFOn;~Ii\ DATE: May 20,1969 -~--'------~'--'-'-'------ , CONlJJTJO~S ATTACIIED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Richard Smith expans i on -----~--'-----'---------- .-------------~_._----,---' FOIl ~~~ OF U-Save Rockery for --ga rdE:lk -disp-iay---------- TO BE LOCATED AT: 46 North Harrison Avenue ~- --- - ------ - -- --, --- -' -:- --- _.- - ----- - -- - ----1-- - -- ---- CONDITIONS: conditions of approval attached " , SecU.Oil 9316.1 of the Campbell ~[unicipal Code reads as 10110\':5: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon ,,;hich such approval was granted, unless an extension lor such approval is obtained by making \'iritten é'.pplic<:ltio:'. for 5<11::3 to the Planning Comìaission at least .fifteen- (15) days prior to thc exph'ÇI,tioll date 01 such approval. . ' No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a nc\{ Ð.pproval has bccn obtained in the manncr providcc1 for in this Chapter. . , GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA:,lPßELL PLA~Nlì\G Cm.r:,íISSIO;I AT A REGULAR (.íEE'1'L'~C; 19th DAY OF MAY, 1969-____----c--. HELD ON THE ". C1 TY OF CA~,!pnELL PLANN I NG CO~!I'.lI SS I ON cc: Engineering wiatt. / By:, / //,/.' , -----AÆfTfUfCRIE;,-'s..f.çrŒTA\~Ÿ----- " . The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to me the following conditions 1 accordance with Ordinances of the ~ity of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in com- pliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. C. . Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Applicant to present written agreement to remove all improve- ments ,.¡hich may fall wi thin the proposed northerly loop street, at the owner's expense, at such time as the property is re- quired for street purposes. Applicant to file parcel map of property at such time as required by City Engineer. F. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. I. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material and loca- tion of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing a~d striping of p~!king area within three (3) months of completIon of constructIon or applicant may file written agreement to co~plete land: scaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parkIng area prIor to final Building Department clearance. 3. 4. The proposed fence to be located within the future extension of the loop street shall be relocated without expense to the City at the time called for by the Director of Public Works. If the concrete mixing operation is found to be an illegal or a non-conforming use, the proposed expansion is not to be allowed until the violation has been corrected. 5. (:'1')) " , , /1,3 /J & 9~~ ' en'Y OF CM¡Pl;LLL PU\N.'-:E~C co:',¡:.¡I~;:;JO;< APPLJCí\j'JON rem "S" AJ>P1WVlJ. ,! , , i . ' ; .._--_..-1~_._'":-!:~:1._--____.--L_} 9 ,..~-~=? i , i In (!CCOl:l~;l!~CC: with Section 9:)l(¡, Ch~pt(:r :'Í, Artic)c IX of the C,:mpbcJJ :'~L¡¡Üci~)é~l Code of the Cj,t}' of CHi:pbcJl, the l\l)cle-J,'<'J',(.'- I.-,.-r '1'r'-J,,-,1)'), n., 1-c's "')1'¡]]',C'l'l"'LC)1l fo)- "')l'l'()""l] of t}".., -o)<,,~'.j-,.t """C'll"""'" "!' ".. 1'v at-""c'}lC'cl I)J -'11'- (,Ce.. ,-".c.._,J. , " .', " 1. , ' The sé'\id h~pTOvc;;Ic:nts \,;ill be loc(~t.(;cl on land described as follows: (i n S C'. J: t O}- a t t a c 11 J e g ,¡.J de;:. C j: i p t i 011 ) R. Q ~ Y Iì /?. t.. G: L. I"v} 11. :¡> " 7.. . Th C ]l(; t u r c ~ p c1 pur po:> c:: 0 C the 11 T ~) po S e c1 i 1:1 11 r 0 '.' Co m (; n t s él rc : , I . (Applicant $l1Ou1.<1 attctCll a \-idttcn sUttCjrlCllt scttin¿: forth <my info:naation he ocJ.icvc$ ~,:il1 be helpful to the P1~nn.illg Com¡;¡}ssio!l()nd, other City Officcrs iJi C"-onsidel'ilJZ his é:pplicl1.tion. 3. ! ' \ - . - I ' ~ . The proposed jim~H(Jv...ç~:lcnts ,'.'ill .cost Š "'j A1"^ Aj .....-' (,t' . .. -----,--------~-~¿J"ò~!.L_.".."--J?::".::_-------------- . app ro:dDé: tc 1)" . 4. Applicimts Dust attach three' (3) coldes oJ the' site pI tI ns <md c 1 cv 2. t. ion:. 0 f prop 0 s cd hlp rOVeí:lC n U; . GIlt.: copy \,;ill be 1'ctaincd by the Planning Cò:;Hd,ssion, one' by the City' Engincc:r and one returned t~ the appJ.ica~1t. s. The étpplic~,tion 5h<1l1 be accorilpé~aicc1b)' a $25.00 filing fee. .' . 6. , The City of Cai;;pbclJ. n:;Clllircs il1sté'-llzltion of all utili- ties, inclur..ling electric, telephone and televis~on cables , to be underground, .', .- """"'" Plans shculcl,bc E12de ~ccon1._1I¡~/~)'.> '(.'.'~.: .'.,1.',',',', ,. . , ' " /.! ' /\: ~'~""7~' ,.:.., -/(,J , -Fi'led. in thc Office of the ¿,1~1'7"--'~' / C'~/()'\!¿"'¡ '..f. - .. PJ,'nnlj1(T Í)°"::"";'j('oO,L o¡ . './'" f I ,C'-'~ Co"-" - ~./ kJ "0 " '<~ ....,..lL"._...1.. I. ,e-" \ '" .,., \' /f ST£;¡lo-ÜtrF'.-.o. [-AÏ)-i;,"l.-i(cil'f!~C. .~-.----~~~' '\.';:~/ ,~'-- ~¿--::;~---~~_....-:.., 19 - '<. /.),/ . 'Ç:jiAl.£'T». ~~~:::' ; > ~/1 7~~ , ' 'Ãd~~'-é-S";-fÓCC-;\P'l)TÙ:~(r~'!~f-----:-~~-~'.---- C) t" /i ¡-' /'; ,-) ., ì ,I" IJ. "," c é; -, 'I (p. ~dJ~l\lS:_-:" -.:¿J;;£;:-:.----),- ,--;::.L-~~{ J~_2~.~!.\' , 4 CIty State: ZJp Co~l¿' . , -., .. - - .. ." ~ "'f"'-¡ ....,(,3 <.-;'" - II "" " ",,"'1 -.."~ >- . I .'->~ I /: ~-r- .:::.;; ") . - --.. .. " ~-----,.,-- --." -'-, r'L.f,N:'¡I?~G OEPAR"PiLNT CITY OF CA'iP3ELL) CALlfG;~>lIj\ TO: ¡',iji)LICr\Yl'S F:jr~ ns;! APPfW\1AL) V,\:zL\<CE o~<. U<;'è PE:~:':ITS -'-"'-'"".". W'~"""-"""""-"-""""'-""""'-'----'-"'-"" ", """,---""""'-"'""""",-",-"",,,~"'~'_N'" The na'¡'\::; (~;) and ~e;:~n.ie:r'5 N¡JPiber, of leg~tl O\J:1cr (s) of subject property mIst bt: suppJ.j.,~d <lS part. of api)lic:atÜm. A photo co~y of deed may L: 5ubí:1ittcd for tiÜs inform:1tion. Please fill in necessary infoJ':;;ution: 0 ". ~ J=:\. (£-~Êi-Q.-_. t!f, _.~-, ~,b.~~I~H ~ame (s) as sn,Qtm ii' [¡ec( ~ if, Æcl)~~~ ÇÆ, '-.--- {~} (ß(£'S / Nal::c (~; ~) 5 sno~JJ.¡ on. ü-.;ed C R e-ëõ'Ÿ¿fë rT-sH~'1:---' For Office Use Only '..' , ---'..,..-. . m_'" -, "'M..._-.'u ---"" -- -_...' ~_._--_._. ".-...-. -"'-""-" -- ..- .. --_.'--'--,-.,. Filed as part of application for -.-----,-.-----,.,......,--- for .. .. .._.._-,---_.,-,,-~._--,--_.. -'----".----'-"-->"~-"- Filed -.-----.,--.---,-- b y ---_....- -.------. , a .. ,/ -/ c /' ,,^ c .' January 9, 191]0 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 86 South Second Street san Jose, California ATTENTION: Mr. Jack Jayett RE: Campbell "U-Save" Rockery 64 North Harrison Avenue Campbell. California Gentlemen: You are hereby authorized and requested to energize the two recently installed electroliers as shown on the enclosed drawing. BMH: lw Enclosure Very truly yours. WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS l~ by Bill M. He1ms, Associate Civil Engineer / 1 ¡ ~~>~>E'Xéõ. ~1Ò,t\ :~~Ci ~.' ., c\ 'ì¿' (IVt'tÎÞt) ;~H'CO~tZ ,~;rf'" "". ftt.c: ì:bW . on '~na Þu \ il!}.""jlê:'Olk<Z. ' ,., . , :~fi"""~h', ÞêN4mtlri'\1?Jlitantton- ¡tf, .,. RC~C.Ctib 4 GUt tar . ~j=¡ AC .C .S\de\VO \ k. T .'~~' P.c.c.Dnve\vay ~-,----.- '1.1' RiG. ~ Eo ~<zrvlC<l. CondUlt "-'.--- ~:r .~. T. c:.erVlCe CondUIt ~:í"~'Ga1V.COl1dOlt 'vi t-"aA.G.\I. :ía: 't\MsYt.Po\t ðo)(Ø5 . . , .:t:Q': ' é IectroJ I~ ( LF. ðOrncad(l, . !'êf TtŒß M.V.) "" --- --"'-".'-- .,-",.,,-_..,.,. ", -' ;/'. j , ú.4~;l. "HUB OF THE FABULOUS SANTA CLARA VALLEY!" 75 NORTH CEf\JTRAL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 . TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 February 20, 1968 --y?- Cì ,\.-- -\¿J - Mr. R. L. Dodge 1612 Mulberry Lane San Jose, California SUBJECT: Map Filing Fee "s" 68-1 Dear Bob: I have considered your latest request concerning the subject map filing fee which has been stipulated as $52.00. To review the subject application, it occurs to me that this Department has cooperated with Mr. Smith to an inordinate degree; namely, we have prepared the con- struction drawings for the frontage improvements. This amounted to considerable design time in the office as well as the amount of time involving our three-man survey party in the field. This service is over and above that which is normally afforded a similar application but was justified, in this case, because of the magnitude of the improvements involved and, more particularly, in response to Mr. Smith's rather impassioned request. I sincerely feel that a further departure from an ordinance requirement is beyond reason in this case. Ve.ry t.ru. ly yo~r~, '\ /,\ 11\ I¿ ¿i.) J t ?liJ./' 'I ~ 7(. ,()r(A W~l'l~am G. ~~, \ Director of Public Works WGW: cb , '/;1 ":' 0 f:þ r I \'IÌ" vJ,t'\ ~ nþl '. \<'. ~ (0- .¿{> "I)" I C- , v t<' /J ,r!./' oy¡.t> ¡}1") lIt t"f.lr. ,(è- " (y t /) 'h . ! ,'10 ",r ÿ , PLANNING DEPART:lENT CITY OF C~~PBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFO~~IA Date January 4,1968 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF RICHARD SMITH j FOR CûNSTRUCTION OF U-SAVE ROCKERY RENTAL AND EQUIPMENT TO BE LOCATED AT: 64 North Harrison CONDITIONS: ATTACHED Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COM;'lISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 2nd DAY OF Janu8ry, 1968 CITY OF CNÆPBELL PLANNING CO~ThlISSION (1 '0 :, / / By: _J (/ CzC:.rrJq¿¿~~ £4- 't). V. 1(1rr~n / Se etary Condi tions attached to "S'1 6g..1 3.5 approved by the Pla:rrdn,rr Commission on January 2~ 1968: L La!1ds-:H;Jin;;~ and feDc:Ï.::¡¡; to be provided as indicat,~d 3~ld as added in Hred" on plans" 2 . L c plan indicatinz lcc1tion of plants shown on Dla~ 1. oçat i t:;il of adequa t:':'. 1,,1 a tcring sys tem to be ,"":l~, tt'ed for approval of Planning Direc~or. 3. Faithful performance bo~d in the amount of $l,nQ~ t: ., posted to insure landscarin~. fencing and stripin7 of .,...,.,""r"j(;"G' 10'" ì,r;t,Jl-"."l "'1."~{"",,'r'~~n:,,,'h,,: {",:: ~,'~;Y"l,,':',"'+'¡n"" (\ì,'-:;""'1'.;tr','c- 1"-" "oLd"" ,~,... ,~. !,.d1.~'\. .,'.-.....,:> ",¡, \",.",,;,,~,.-..~~H,. ",.J"",'._~L tion or applicant may Ie Dgreement to complete land- rcn~ " ~A91~1.nq ð-l~ ~"'--"[";~~ ~ç -)ør~:nry 10. ~ ~',r t~ rl'n~l ,,'a.¡J b).l'JA"~'>ÓQ.>",:>,-",¡,...,',!,;~U'Ct;:"""""'i'Jc""'." ",. ,., ,- building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consLstin:: of :::C(lncret:) floo1" 5UTTO;"Hi '!)ÿ' a 61 h,igh solid 1,Jall or nee s}1al1 be constructEd '!',\" ::'OU50 trash container in a location approved hy the Planni~ Director and Fire De,art~ent. r' :1 . Roc~ bins to be no highe7 t~a~ any fence. 6. Bins to be constructe¿ 04~ lumlH:<r strong enough tG C[.~-,td,n all materials without d 1,ng 1:<121. "I¿,ter:L'!.1 for bin to be approved by Building Official. 7 . No equipment or supplies t~ be stacked over a hei t ai 6C off the ground, or other tall ecuinrnent ta ~~ enclosed with screenin~ roved hy th¿ planning Di~ector. 8. Cement mixer to be screened} wI. the screening to meet the BPuroval of the Flann ~ Director , ,.' 9. Provisions for washing tr~~ler5 or other equipment t~ h~ installed with the a~proval of the Iding Depsrtmcrt to insure adequate drainage of water. 1'he a"r!l~can~ :- ""t1.~~i~~ .~"+ ft~ YJa-. _c 'tfl:- ft.p' -1:-~~~~~ " 1".;(...1. ',i1" J..;~ ¡.t. ,~~.....û "'."""', (,t" 1: i.>, U¡" -> ,'.::> "', ¡'.'_.l..;',d\.",',.','.~ he is required to meet the llowing con~itions in accordan=e with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. In - ~ . Sign applications to ¿,e :-;uh tted in accordan,ce ';<1': ':~, e nrovisions of t~e si2,n or] ance for all siqns. 5~Dn , " v '" to be InstalleJ Imtil plication is 2pprcved St~f; and Building Permit issued bv i1ding Department. 11. All parking and ,J-rivewn aT,;;~'.'; to b¡) con.::tructf'ð 'L1; accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municip31 Code. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. Construction of underground utilities as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of the electric connections for all underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone, television cable, etc. Storm Drain Area Fee in amount of $1,485.00. Dedication to 33 foot half street on Harrison Avenue. Construction of street improvements on Harrison Avenue frontage. Parcel Map to be approved and filed with County Recorder's Office. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all other applicable codes or ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this application and are not herein specified. -2- CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE AGREEMENT I, , applicant/owner of property described as follows: ¿, 4 ~n, d f£/?--t.--' ~'-.n .) , do hereby agree to , the following condition, which \"as approved as a part of ~5 ù' ¿ ç> / approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell on ~za"~! ~ . 196L: In lieu of the landscape bond requested as a condition of the above-mentioned approval, I do hereby agree to the alternate condition that the proposed development as described above shall not receive final building department clearance until the landscaping which was required and accepted as a part of such approval has been completely installed and accepted by the Planning Director of the City of Campbell. SIGNED TIU S DAY OF , 1967. Name NOTE: AuthorIty - see paragraph below This application shall be signed before a Notary by the owner, developer or his agent, or any person having an equitable interest in the development. .. ~- -.-- I N æ~ 48' 35"w 25' 2.?' oJ l ti to ð d ~ -< If) ti ~ t7 ~ "f c " "( , 0 8.00 IJ f 17...c- C' ..,." a f (() -JU) P .f ¥) fJ .f! ... lJ:f ~CAL.E::: "'-.40' 1:1 0 . 0 0 0 0 <J) Z .. "- 01 J: I I , I ...... ----- I I --- / c---..... I - -¡---; L_--_--_J s 8tt:f 48' ~?. E: 8,00' c it<,> of Com p ba..11 .Book <ØG?~ O.R. Po.9Cl. 147 ...,. <t. + Co.mpb~11 Avt&nuQ. ¡ ! I ¡ i , ! ! ¡ , ""-,,;1;,,,'1 l_'Y"'Y'_Y'i:<!"~" '~""'-,"-'(--" ,"".........' ...1 ~",' -", , C,or,;-olns. 0,074 aCYQ.,5:to -,----,,--,- ,-, '-.---------,-,-----.------ ~ ..Dv-. .13<,' )...c V Ck. B'r' CSG 3"q.n, ) 19<á8 :)'0..0, ) 19~ ;...re 0 ct;-:' Vi "if- It ',o.theCity ¿,«¡:n!':,,:r, C,JrnpLe!:, f!\!fornic¡ .J ~ '~ STAFF COMMENT SHEET - PLANNING COr"lMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1968 "S" 68-1 Application of Ric~ar1 E~ith £or approval of aU-Save Rockery & equipment rental business on property located at 64 N. Harrison Avenue. (See Map #2 attached) This property is located on the east side of N. Harrison and is bounded on the east by the S. P. railroad tracks; on the south by a parking lot and the small City Park; on the north by a metal warehouse building which was formerly used by the cannery operation, and on the west, across Harrison Avenue, by the American Auto Supply business. Mr. Smith is one of the owners of the American Auto Supply and is using a portion of property south of this proposed site for parking for his business operation. The property has a frontage of 235 feet on E:;:::""i~~on Avenue. The northerly 175 feet proposed for the U-Save Rockery sales and display area is zoned M-I-S. The southerly 60 feet to be used for parking and eq~ipment rental yard is zoned C-2-S. Both uses are permitted within the zoning districts. If approved, Staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Landscaping and fencing to be provided as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating location of plants shown on plan and location of adequate watering system to be submitted for approval of Planning Director. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking lot within three months of completion of construc- tion or applicant may file agreement to complete land- scaping, fencing and striping of parking lot prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash container in a location approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. Rock bins to be no higher than any fence. s. Bins to be constructed of lumber strong enou~h to contain all materials without damaging bin. Material for bin to be approved by Building Official. The applicant is notified that as part of this application, he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 6. 7. Sign applications to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign "~., "/~r~ ~f- / CI1T"OF ,CAtcWBE1L PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR "s" APPROVAL (OTHER THAN SIGNS) g j)~~':-d::ç;4'J-~.Ilr:....Æ2....1 ' 19{L In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code cf the City of CampbE: II t the 'undersigned hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insert or attach legal dc.:sl;ription) l---1J-JJ. }] 'S. G~-F- Í<.;1"£( sO; ¡-;/<c ¡rr-f & y '7) /;::~r.J (~~ 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any infc~Eation he believes will bE: helr~ul to the Planning Commission and other City Officers in considering his application): ) }~ l' /). e-r:) j'V( ,:;/N- r '> I+-Yz.. 0- TO )-c ¿. c..~ /tc.-( c; fJ J.t- ;/p,-, 1I- SA-';~ f!-<;,c~ {.::Æ~ .- j}A-~~L--(. {Ž..-FL À ¡JPLA:- (~-<">--I~r"c;Z'1 J~-Y \3 ~ 12. í'" A ,f/P J)'é'-Vì'i: -0 A T Fh......¡ D i/-t(L r2. L.- ð C. 1-.";--"") c ¿IN 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ f(..ì¡ (..(.,0 ~ 4. Applicants should attach thre~ (3) copies of the site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one rE:turned to applicant .12, ," .(J /i/' '. ""---.,./.','.' /..,; .! ( , \ ,-/ "./, ,¡ - ,./ --- !:" ~~. #'-'. \../" , j /"; ,-' .' , lJ Signature of Applicant....- Filed in the Office of the p~~~~~.~g~p,~rj~:~~t 1? 19 ¿ 7 '-//l-, 6>jÞ:7'/ (i,J./-,:,.:.¡j.',,j:-.( /::)í../ Address of Applicant ~~- sec[&tary 1'1 , '/¡1,' ') ~/'/' t -;þ<-.\, J '-I/{, <-.., City ¡::::r¿ <{ q'7 Lf () Telephone NulilbeI /. . . ~ ,.. ; C" I<¿ (, ,"::' /:.:-J.C-/( () State' '"Ii -:..~ L{ '< ;e - Y;; c ì> 0 l\7> ~ ~:Þz ~ i\) ,\i\) .ì- G ~ :z t ~.:. 4- rn -).3 :Þ Jmo ,1:";' t.:i'lit- ~ '"? r"' .,/'\' ::r;;l G ,- ,;; r -\ Ñ ~, j--.. I~ i! j; ~ ~ ;. t-.;" ¡'n-, 4-.;~'.r\"'¡ (~; \f' - l ,""" - ""^' "- /,')",. ",. ,ï.::~ ',."~ ,." -...:r.. .:s 0 0 í;;:; ," î ,>',' t If, (1 ,_.lje,... ¡) f',. ,¿, i ;1J.I '-.- ,,::.v T--rr¡Tl- r'l-"r'-'~--"'~~-- -~,.- . ...'",- /7 , '.J , ': », / . t I '~ /1 -1 .. .. AI,-\} I'" C,v "~ / : ., I " "~"", / "" I' ,~ I 'I -", / """, ¿ "~""" ,I Fe ", ",', "'-,-" -" \. ""'",- /' ~../"" f' 'j ~'",. ,I " /-2: '-"1" b I I I. ~ ' /<:,\1): ¡ '" \'" ~~-"jl'\ ~' " -Ins I ¡Ì ¡ I l f' / / .~ f'..í ~\ìV d ,nt!> '3 ,/' i' -r ~ N"a ¿¡, " ~ J:» :2 -; '- ...... " ~ '" ;' -<-:-' ~~x ;:p ~ .; '~'. / II -;, ..... ~':\ ~/ .~ l';; Pi i}Y . 'V .- 2 L..:F=;Z~ i / . .' r-' _.....-.-- I . f ~ ))V\ ~ '---1 fù¡v ~-T - ,) If'\ ~ 'j / l 1 .-~-- -- '., -- ~. I I II' I - - "---'- - L-.Ll--l \ "'" ~'I 1'~~.] ~.,.. -e ) 1',,1 § ~í lJ j,,¡ 0 '1 ;; /, -;) ,5' '- ',' 5:3 H ..'-' '111 'e.,J..I ."r"¡ \, ~ ,'1 (» l / / / ,i ¡ ~...,." ~ ~. Q -\,\ pi! <r ~ v .!. <;;, ~ ~ ç-, - ",i:::;;<. 12~~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ::;-1 ,.. - \":' ~ '- ~ , 2: ~ S ~ \.:.fJ\ ~ ~i ~'~ c;.. -' :;p ¡;J ~ /1;2 lY) ~v ?-+ ? ~ V\ i V\ <) . -p '\") ','t~ '"',' . "'" 1 "~ ".""i on '^ "'-"-' .'~ it"} . Á A' }..::: ..." TY1.A'-L.J {~ .",- ;t ~ ~~ ), ~.,.~~ r '~~~J "\.. -r~ f "';l'i, ,j;..F /'" " ,~ ........... ~~¡, ¡ !'" !,' "" . '~j. l'.- ~ '.. .'-~ j.' . - t ~ ~ p. ? : 1 ," " "01" ,r" "",,' , .;., : ¡ -- -'.. '\.' / !(.... .7"""" ....,; '" ,;; 7. ~~ 1, '( ~, ~. \. -, l ."' . j'\ I ~ ~ :¡ ."" C ¡ ,~ ..., '21) ,,> / ~!-- " - " \- ,- (Vi r t ., ::s:. II .::Þ ..t: rv ¡::;. 0 r'.J {"I\ 'v (~ f\.. (T~ rs " \.1\ ("'.. \) ~""'" - ~¿;,. r þ . - I November 20, 1967 Mr. Richard 8mi th 101 Ea8t Santa Clara Street San Jose, California Dear Mr. Sm! th : I understand that you have been in contact recently with Mr. Lewis of thia office in regard to the improvement of the' street fronting your property on Harrison Avenue. '1'0 insure that there is no misunderstanding of the arranqe- menta being considered, I wanted to repeat them here. This office has agreed to prepare the necessary plans and will, when the time comes, place the construction staking for your Contractor's reference. It would be your responsibility to engage the services of a private Contractor and to defray his cbarqes yourself. The estimate of costa which Mr. Lewis has provided you is only that-- an estimate--and in no way represents an offer on the part of the City. Your Contractor would be required to install the improve- menta in accordance with the City's specifications and under the City's inspection. Your precise costs would be based upon bids submitted by whichever Contractors you might approach. In a related matter, our City Manager, Mr. Stephens, has mentioned to me that you are asking for some sort of credit for the donation of that portion of your property which is currently planted in lawn--southerly of your parking-lot fenc~ It is my opinion that any such credit is not a~ appròpriate consideration at this time. Possibly, at such appropriate time as you a4:ght develop your property in some fashion, it would '\ 1 be a matter for discussion. The City has, thus far, simply"" agreed to plant and maintain the lawn area at the su9gestion of your store manager across the street. While your generosity is sincerely appreciated, the City has no current desire to ac~ire the property in question. f ,~ . i Mr. Richard Sait:h -2- NOvember 20, 1967 I hope t:ha~ you will coft~act us 800ft as ~o your lft~.ft~ions reqardiftq the s~r.e~ tmftt.aqe imprcw888n~.. If you do decide ~o proceed, we will make available the aloremen~lOfted pies and .p8Citica~ioD8 80 that you may be able ~o 8Olici~ bids. Plea.. con~ac~ either Mr. Lewis or myself a~ your conveni8ftce. Sincerely yours, William G. Wren, Actinq Direc~or of Public Works WGWlcb cc: Mr. Robert c. Stephens, City Manaqer ~\ \ ~ ~ -n:=-, \'C'OrL ~ ~ \, H ~~1Ù7AG.E-= &. :.~~}.) ~ IUL\M,.) - - B \ b - "L,=,-f, 7 ~ 10 6UMM JOð TITLé: BID / TeM~ ENGIN/fEIl~ t6TIM.4TE ITEM 4..1!f!°-!, UNIT OE6CRIP710N /.WIT TOT~/. UNIT TOTA/. UNIT rOTA/. UNIT TOi Nö, ilia ßK. JIll PI. /. 450 ~:I(. CD~LJ25-\& \?~OV~l., I~ 4 SDo2 2. L~D "'(D eoþo..cwÀlf é" (c.Þ::.\J~ïIOÙ ¡~ ci;.' "2-50 - J. 'Z.~b To~ A.C:.C::., ßb.~~ Cl If rz.7-P cQ"l.( ~ , 30 Tot.,) þ..... c., ~ve-H.&~T 79.£. -s~~ 5: dO'S" L,F. pc..C. Cueß ~ Go,.~ 7..~ B~o~ b. -z. "3."2. <;, F, P.C'.C. Ç.\Cf!:W~Lk.. ð?¿ \ '519?¿:' 7. B. ~, ~t)ß-roïAL 4~lÐ.ïO 10. I/. ~ ~ E L 'IK."" f2D L'. &€..s. ~ \Wð~ /1 '&>0 LF. ,II';: Ca.:>tX1\T 1@ 45V~ 13. N, <Svß~ío1t:.L 59bO~ I$. 16, }D~o E.", G:. f¿., S"? b ~~ 11 'TÐ\~L. b55 (O?E. 18. /' 2/1 I . 21. "'2~1 ut "W T. ¡..:.a; 2i. 'I . 13. 'l.-¡ r, 7 -- I 2-1, 17. .,J , -- I '. L:7 25, J ~ 26. . I\, pi! tl J~I ":,t ¡I(ì. ..' TOTAL B.M, "Who-snap ~~- .._~ RapidoiRitë..:jMem.. STD. FORM ""81 (REV. 3) BUSINESS SYSTEMS INCORPORATED TO ß\LL l.ù2e-tJ FROM r. l.a.ù\~ ~ lJov DATE ~ SUBJECT M.~. ~~~Ttt p~p ot.,) \.\CrU<...\~"j !\II E $ $... GE \1... lq" 7 ~,Ç,~Q. 7~, ,...,"'...."o_ooc.. I C)~ ~ 0), }qG:, 7 H'fl.ð Ç'kl'\,", ~~ ¡1.J ~ut> $i:þ..\D ~&-w~~ 'f4--A{:)\..( ""0 6ù ~~C) (¡\)~ ce~ ~6- c:::.'C-1J dO \.'H~ c...b~ ~ QV\"TE- A ~ÞI2.lç:.~. "1. )~ .Ttt~'T lH~ LI!'-ï(~!è... ~ I !.~T ~Ð K\I-A. c;.~~ Ðt.JU-C Tl-\AT vJ~ WCOL:O P~1L,1 c.~P,E- "'To ,..t4~ e--¡(.T~$' o~ ~~R- ~ ~\"~¡c:...,~~ . (He- ~"'l"I"",o'T~ \ p/t1:5PA..~ WF;o.'2. Fc>~ ~ c.ok¡::;:e-\ltrlU~ PR..)~~ c.OJ..'\P~\.~r...) ~~o ~ s~~ ~ "\¡.,o\.\N\<:... t'"r \'!:. ~ fC-IeJ...\. 'ß(o. 1 #)M. ~'T SÞC'~*s::o..\ oF- þ. 'U:.~"::' -rc UJjP\S-~,ð~C rJt4t=.T 146- .s ""t::)L~ì""b ~IlaoUT. Do 'tDIJ HA\J5- ~kJY Cå..\. ..(&AJT Del.. ìN'1tR.6,=>"\ ~R.e- \ C6"""~T \-l\,,^- þ.~D -U::,t...L w~T We- M5-ßùT ß~ --c~ l-e-,-r~R.... RE.pi]....Y DATE SIGNED ORIGINATOR SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 INTACT-REC'P'ENT RETURN PART 3 WITH REPLY .. & I , October 37, 1967 Mr. Richard Smith 101 East Santa Clara Street San Jose, California RE: Improvements of Harrison Avenue Dear Mr. Smith: In reference to our recent conversation regarding the improvements of your frontage on Harrison Avenue, I have prepared the enclosed estimate. This estimate covers what would normally be required upon subsequent development of your parcel. Namely, curb, gutter, sidewalk, street pavement to the edge of existing stable pavement, not the center of the roadway, street lighting and related facilities. It also shows an amount for engineering, which would consist of design, preparation of plans and staking for the improvements. In reference to the City's storm drain construction, the contract will call for certain pavement restoration over the storm drainage trench. The alignment of the trench is not in any of the area which would be required to be improved upon development. It is with this thought that the City sees no actual benefit from sharing the improvement cost to your parcel with you. The City would, however, participate to the extent of preparing the improvement plans and construction staking should you proceed at this time. In regard to the sanitary sewer laterals which the City desired to abandon, the City will take precautions to maintain the lateral so that they will be available for future use. Thank you for your cooperation, and should you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FTL:cb Enclosure ~ By Frank T. Lew1s, Associate Civil Engineer .. a I RESOLUTION NO" 2~3() BEING A RESOLUTION AUTfIDRIZING EXECUTION OF RICHARD SMITH AND MÞ.URICE WE'ISS AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Richard Smith and Maurice Weiss an agreement for the development of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions; and WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their real property for street purposes; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be .and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of January 1967 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Smeed, Hyde NOES: Councilmen: Rose, Rogers ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ~ -t- V /,/; "', I '\ " ,;--r: . ( (.l Lt j (Q.--I, "J. \ , '-l" L . .- Edward J. Rogers, MaYQ5 ATTEST: , ,/' . . .)~ ;/' , ~--_// \ :..-r"'./"'-"",,<u'(,(:F,-,- Dorothy }f6vethan, City Clerk ,i ,/ . "" , ,'-' ,.- ..