Hollis Ave. (1967) ... ..... 1 GMMT DBBP wa, ..John A. and Merle A. Pursley, huaband and wife, and Tranaamerica Title Ina~ance Company, . california Corporation, do hareby grant unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation of the County of santa Clara, State of California, for .treet purpo... and public u.., and to beccme a portion of Bollla Avenue, baing more particularly de.or 1bed a. to 1 lows, to wit a 8BGI"XØG at an official CI'ft' 01' CAMP.aLL monuaant located on the center line of Bolll. Avenue frC8 which an official CITY or CAlØ88LL mon\8Mnt. bear. 5. 8,°47'00" B., 53N28 feet, TR8NC8 8.8,°47'00" W., 62.45 f.et, TllUfC8 alon, the arc of a curve to the left, back tangent bearlft9, II. 38°53' 5'" w., havin9 a ra41u8 of 80.00 teet thrOUfJh a central ancJle of 51.19'M" an arc len9th of 71.65 feet to a polnt on a line which i. parallel wlth and dl.tant. 30.00 teet Iouth_ly _aured at rllht. aNfl. frOID the canter llne of Holll. A~nueJ ~ alon9 ..14 parallel line, 5.8,°47'00" B., 538.28 feet, '1'118BC8 al°nt the arc of a taÞJ8nt c:w:va to the left hav1n9 a ra41u. of 160.00 feet thrOU9h a c::entral angle of 35°39'23" an arc leß9th of 99.42 feet, TB8MCB 8.89°47'00" W., 93.27 feet to an off1cial monument ln the center l1ne of Holll. Avenue, TIIIINC8 alon, the center llne of Hollia Avena 8. .,°47' 00" W., 538.28 feet to the point of be91nnln9, c:onta1ninC) 18,.498 .quare feet. Di wrrn88 ~I', ,.. have plac::ed our n.... thi.:': c¡ day Of~:ct , 19 ~ 7 . '" (Hotary Certlflcate) IN8UM1ICB CO. leer.tary j ~ MS8NIÞIT W8, ..John A. and II8rle A. Par 8 ley, huaband and wife, and 'l'z'anlA88r ica 'l'i tle IntNranca CcIIIpany, a California Corporation, 40 b8r8Þy grant \1Dto the Clty of C88pbell, a 8inic1pal corporation of the County of santa Clara, State of calif- ornia, a non-exc:lu.1ve .ix foot pede8trian eas~ t, for, the purpose of pWiÞlic ua., be1n9 more particularly clescr1»- as follows, to wlta -.IDUG at an o.fic1al crrr or CAIIf.aLL lIOnU88nt located in the center llne of 1101118 Avenue fr- which an offlc1al CIft' 0., CMP88LL 8Om88nt located ln the aenter line of 8O1l1a Avenue bears B. 89°47'00" B., 538.28 feet, Tll8MC8 alon9 the center line of 801118 Avenue 8. 8,°47'00., B. 356.77 feet, TIIIDf(3 8. 0°13'00" E., 30.00 feet to an iron pipe located at the true point of be9inn1n9 of the public peðe.trJ.an __nt, TH8IC88. 0°13'00. B., 177.78 feet., ~HI»C. 8.89°4"00" W., 35.31 feetr '1'HBlCB8. 0°13'00. W., 6.00 feet, TH8RC8 H. 8,°47'00" 8., 29.31 feet, TH88C8 M. 0°13'00. W., 171.78 feet, -,n...ca H. 89°47'00" 8., 6.00 feet to the true point of ..,1nnlog, CODtain1n9 1, 243 aquare feet.. ot DI WIft1888 ......., we have plaO84 CNr a_. this . 19 /:/-----------j I / day // ~-----/ 8UJtUC8 CO . (Motary Certificate) ..cretary .. .. 2235 GRANT ROAD LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA PHONE 967-9406 J.UCUST 11, 1967 1 r!-;Jd~ DE~;--: Rr '~'I CN nr AN EASEMENT TO 3E TTSED FOR STREET PURPOSES. r, :\ .; :: /\ L ~ DEC;CRL~r()r,~;r PP,RCEI., or Ll\ND TO BI: T;SED Tr)C\n:D 'N 1 he (' 'T'Y OF CA~ PBELL, SANT\ CU\RA L,t: T . :)" ì:Z,' ",-- -.'-'- - .- --- ,--.- , " ,. '\ , CT - DbELL MONTJMENT U')CATED ON i-"\ , . ~' ,IS ¡ FNU: ')1v1 WHICH AN OFFICIAL CITY OF . . L i" ' ~" T BE.A.H.~, ! d~ ll'OO" EAST 538.28 FEET, THENCE ,A' NL-E SOUTH 89047'00" WEST ¡ , ---;' ) ~~UR '13 TO TIIL LEFT HAV1NG A l" T\d'RALJI,I\¡GLE OF SP19'G4" ,\NARC LENGTH , , ' LOO:P'ìU" :.!\ST '538 28 I'HEN CE " . ! ~ T'~T/\\'ING A RADIUS OF 160.00 I' 'j,J'd" j:" t\RC '.J:NGTH OF 99.42 FEET, 1 LET ) ,,1" C C;:', . d þ,l!ONU1\1EN':' ,-'E \!.:)~, G lit: :'F"':TU{ UIJ ~o ! çJ. . - rTf". JT' T F f., P :)' ;\ T ". FRANK X. c.UNN.t.LLY - CiViL L\\'l.\Lt.t\ 2235 Grant Road, . Los Altos, California ..._~hone_:_967..-94~~- I -----..-....-.--.. ,."'---'" ..-...,." '. '------------1 ~ ------------ ~ /V ~ ~, , ~ I/, .. , ':. -------- 3/Ú ~ a r l ~~~',--:,-,,""'(/~'~~'~ ~ ~~~ . \, . . \) . I. ----- ~ ~ ~, ",.: L-/ , 'C> : ~~ 0 .. (JJ c' ~ C2 b- ~ ~ b- \, ~ ~::t ~ ~~ ~ ~,.... s' ~' (;; ,.,,~ ,.,,~ ~'I' h. ~ ",,', , ~ ~ ',.," '" ~ ~ :, ~~ " n; ~ L-¡ A ~/ ~., Cl ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ \I) ~ ~ "" ,'!l/ L-/ 0 I '0:' ,t" (JJ Cl L,) ~ , .; ,.' ',:. ."" . . I'~~ II II II '0 ~~ ~ ~ (Ji '. " ~s ~ , 'I'\)' ~ , , "- .~~ð.' ~æ. ~ SCALE /"= /00' Job- Address- Date 8 - 9 - /967 Sheet of r -, Our No. 202781/ERP Your No. L .J In connection with this preliminary report, furnished without liability, the Company is prepared to issue a policy of title insurance in usual fonD, as of the date hereof, containing standard excep- tions and conditions and showing title as set forth herein. Da~: August 2. 1967 at 8 :00 A. M. Vestee : TRANSAMERICA TITLE formerly known and INSURANCE COMPANY, \)þ '1c¿ù t¿EL bC2~ED \ \ - \ ~- G:;~ Description: ß I,. f/ -/ I' 0. tJ Ir '\ /' 'Î c:; C"t1J. ~ L ~'- L- l.o c...\..o1 Y1::.(':""ë(.~) \0 L L~IÔl-SC:> That certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Title Officer INSURANCE CO ANY, a California corporation, which acquired title as CITY TITLE a California corporation D~\L~el . ~A,~Ç) . \LtC.O \2-0t;b . - ~\L ~h~ . / tp~.E-- ., . . 0 0 Form No. SC-734 BEGINNING at a stake marked C2 set on the Westerly line of the wagon road running &ong the Southern Pacific Company's right of way, Northerly from Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, said stake being North 32° 00' East 6.681 chains from a fence picket marked S.W., set at the Northeast cornerÅ’ the land of C. J. Ringe, formerly of F. Waldo; thence South 89° 551 West 20.92 chains parallel with C. J. Ringesl North line to the Easterly line of the Los Gatos Rancho; thence North 12° 151 West 3.21 chains; thence North 89° 55' East 23.57 chains to the Westerly lined the above mentioned road; thence South 32° 50' West 3.712 chains to the place of beginning. CONTAINING 7.00 acres, more or less, and being a part of Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.M. Courses True, Variations 17° East. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain parcel of land conveyed by John A. Pursley, et aI, to the City of campbell, by Deed dated~ecember 23, 1963, recorded December 27, 1963, Book 6323, page 234, Series NOe 2543668, Official Records, and being more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT portion of the above described 7.0 acres lying Easterly of a line drawn parallel to and measured 55.0 feet at right angles from the center line of Winchester Boulevard. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM that certain parcel of land conveyed by Transamerica Title Insurance Company to County of Santa Clara, by Deed dated October 5, 1964, recorded November 18, 1964, Book 6746, page 212, Series No. 2744893, Official Records, and being more particularly described as follows: PARCEL "C" on that certain Map entitled, "Record of Survey, being a portion of Lot 4 of the E. N. Parr Subidivision and a portion of the Rancho Rinconada De Los Gatos, Section 34, T7S, RIW, MDB & Mil, and filed for record April 13, 1964 in Book 176 of Maps, page 52, Santa Clara County Records, containing approximately 0.624 acres. Page 2/202781 t' SUBJECT TO: A. Taxes for the fiscal year 1967-68 a lien not yet payable. Amounts not ascertainable. 1. Deed of Trust to secure an indebtedness of $100,000.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms thereof, dated October 29, 1963, recorded November 13, 1963, Book 6269, page 58, Series No. 2518154, Official Records. Trustor: Trustee: John A. Pursley and Merle A. Pursley, his wife City Title Insurance Company, a California corporation (now Transamerica Title Insurance Company) The heirs of Antonio Severo, deceased, and Theresa Severo, his wife Beneficiary : probate proceedings pending in the Superior Court, Santa Clara County, California, Case No. 69408, Estate of Antonio Severo, in which Nicholas .Angelo was appointed Executor on March 21, 1967. 2. Easement for sanitary sewer pipelines, together with all necessary appurtenances, over, under and across the following described parcel of land: A continuous strip of land 5.00 feet in width, being a portion of that certain 7.00 acre tract of land described in the Deed from Charles N~ Cooper, et ux, to Charlotte Low Abrans, recorded October 4, 1911 in Book 374 of Deeds, at page 208, Santa Clara County Records, said strip being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said 7.00 acre parcel herein mentioned; thence North 89° 471 00" East, along the Northerly line of said 7.00 acre parcel, 291.39 feet; thence at right angles South 0° 13' 00" East 5.00 feet; thence South 89° 471 00" West 290.32 feet to the Westerly boundary of said 7.00 a cre tract; thence North 12° 21 D 13" West along said West erly boundary 5.11 feet to the point of commencement. CONTAINING 1,454 square feet, more or less, and being a portion of Section 34, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B. &M., as granted in the Deed dated April 2, 1964 from John A. Pursley, et ux, to County Sanitation District No.4, recorded April 13, 1964, Book 6460, page 508, Series No. 2608812, Official Records. 3. Lack of Abutter~s Rights in and to the freeway adjacent to the Westerly line of s aid property, said rights having been released and relinquished by Deed dated October 5, 1965 from Tranæmerica Title Insurance Company to the State of California, recorded November 18, 1964, Book 6746, page 212, Series No. 2744893, Official Records. NOTE: Taxes for the fiscal year 1966-67 paid, as follows: 1st Installment $1,296.61 2nd Installment $1,296.61 Bill No. 405-32-038 Code Area 10-019 Page 3/5 Copies/202781/DM/mb -"- --_.-.._._---_.""------ ... - .- -.- @ ..- . , f ~t A. 0 \.0 ~1t ~\Je. . ,ostnO~ '- ~ 9 . ¡ ! . ¡ I ¡ ! ~ GO ;.. .. ~ ~ N \ '\. ~ i ~ i '12"i7'~...-L.."",,! - .. lit :... ~ :Þ !' 119.4. )o~ .,C' ". "'. .let "" .. .r~ ~ .be¡' s~ . _.' - 0' . '. '. : I~ .. ,. .. ~ !" .. ~ :; :: . ~i ~ N.,L... 0 ., ; . ñ '" ~ ~ !' -.,',ss ~ !1 ~~.Å¡'~ ,,!\ 110 Õ r- r- U) @ ø ~ m -I :u q Z .0 " " ;:p ¡¡; ",." ..... ..,- NIDO DR _u.--'" ntH nul .. ... ... ;¡ ... ~ .. .. ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ,~ ,~. ~ rJ l::i þ < It1 ">0' z: ". " C ~ ¡; M ~ ,~ . c: "or ",. , . m ... ,,: Of! ..,. ""0' - . u' - n W\.NCHESTEJr."":'- (F~\lV s,c:. -l.G. RO.) - e'LVD. . S;'; r I. - (eOOrl i t P' r o"ll~Or 1:dl~J "õ:t'f"( ~:X"' 3.1 ::.... . . r. ~ I J~(l:r!. ;;trë';:':' ~> õ'::,tf ~...tt.;.- o:X: l,¡' \. I I. l .~ !¡ol. ---- >_r.1 ~ ~ I ~ 11' =-o-'_'f' " '¡;.' '\.L)' . .~. I ~~' 00 lrI~ ,0 0 '- I ¡ I ! ~ 1 I") ~.>u ¡ ¡ c . - I ¡ ! I ¡ I \ ì 1 (Ë, ¡ ¡ \ I , I I ( \ I I I I \ I ¡ I I I I : I ~ I ~ 0 " ... .0 , c :z: of '< . ::: .. .. ~ '" '" » ~ » ... 0 c z: ~ ... ~ :;:; 0 '" z: ¡; .~ .._~ ---- aUI r:--: r~ ~ ~ '" : -~!I - . ~ It! . - - . _0 - . ~ !-------. .... ... ---- --.. ~ .... ... 003 0 ¡¡; r ;---: I ::¡ ~ ; . -f P' c; . . .. .. Ii::; ~ ""< WALDe ~~ . ft f, . I ¡ . 0 ~: :: t ~ j s Õ : 1 ~ c :c I. . . < ... - . <... f [ : 1::; r ( : ): > ; t : ~;:J.: .. - I' ~ ,I Z !: { , L I I ! ,') rL~ "/ :\n~ .. !. \, ~ MS 1967-6 CO:--JDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO MINOR SUBDIVISION OF LANDS OF PURSLEY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HOLLIS AVENUE AT THE BEND OF TIlE STREET AS IT ENTERS NIDO DRIVE: 1. Dedication to 60' right-of-way line on Hollis Avenue for remainder of street. 2. Dedication of 6' pedestrian easement from Manx Avenue to Hollis Avenue. 3. Construction of street improvements on 11011is Avenue and sidewalk in the 6' pedestrian easement in accordance with Article 1, Chapter 1, Part 1, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 4. Compliance with underground utility requirements as specified in Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. s. Process and file parcel map with County Recorder's Office. APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell in a regular meeting held on the 15th day of May, 1967. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ,/'.. ) ,/ ,/I~, .<ï" ,/ ;-':'Z'7- >'~/')--_. './ ~R. V~..Hogan,/Planning Director RATIFIEJ by City Council of the City of Campbell in a regular meetir.g held on the ,,:;:~L3-7h.r day of /.J./k7 1967. CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk I