220 Hollis Ave. (1970) RECEIPT -ld., 115/1 }C' -3/ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ~ME ~ ~ ADDR":- .. iz- 4/ ~~ . ~ ADDRESS r...,v--......-......... '......./ ~ . It I? )l~ &. ~ d- ð--rJ * d-Þ-- - /~ð'tf <'V '/If' ,- ~ 70- ~/ - Fe Jô o~:- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. .3 roO / FUND NUMBER ¡/--' REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 3~ ¿ I FUND NUMBER k 0L{~ 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH ~~~~ 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOU NT DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 26-70 OCT 26-70 007 *** ~~8Q.00 61 007A **1,1f80.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JlI. 20-70 JUl 20-70 014 ****650.00 \ 57 ot4A ***650.00 CITY CLERK 2497 BY ~s BY ~s 3172 CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy CITIZEN COpy \. July 27, 1970 Pacific Gas & Electric Company 86 South Third street San Jose, C~lifornia ATTENTION: Mr. Jack Jayet SUBJECT: Design of lighting system, Public Pedestrian Walkway, between Hollis and Manx Avenues. .,' Dear Mr. Jayet: Enclosed please find a sketch showing the location of an existing public pedestrian easement recently acquired. The easement itself will be surrounded by an apart- ment complex on the north and west sides and by a single family subdivision on the souths ide. The east side will remain, for' the time being, undeveloped. A six foot high chain link fence and a five foot wide sidewalk will be installed anå constructed, respectively, upon the easement by the developer, Mr. Raymond L. Kanawyer of 1616 Pomeroy Avenue, Santa Clara. By an agreement entered into by Mr. Kanawyer, he is also required to provide a lighting system for the easement. At the City's option, the developer may contract with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company to have the system installed, owned, and serviced by you under the LS-!B Lighting Schedule. It is requested that you design a system to illuminate the easement and based upon the Lß-IB schedule to advise us of the cost to the developer. Our thoughts are to install post-top mounted lul"ninaires similar to the TL-1OO, 175 watt, mercury vapor, with baffles, with individual photoelectric cells and underground service. The developer is also required to install two 175 \"att mercury "<Zapor, IES type II electroliers on Hollis Avenue, with individual photoelectric cell, 240 volt underground serviced.. We require l~" rigid metallic conduit and two No.8 AWG solid copper conductors for the Hollis Avenue system. It is requested that the wire size used for the easement lighting system be suf- ficient in capacity to allow the city to connect to it five 175 watt mercury vaporielectroliers(three on Hollis Avenue and two on Nido Drive). Your early consideration of this matter is requested and appreciated.. very truly yours, BILL H. HELMS, ';l\ ~\ - AssockATE CIVIL ENGINEER .'~. By Cruz S. Gomez Jr. Civil Engineer CSG:od Ene. ~~""¿"-LÁ- J - z ) - } 0 RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF RAYMOND L. KANAWYER AND MARLENE KANAWYER AGREEMENT . WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Raymond L. and Marlene Kanawyer, husband and wife, an agree- ment for the development of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions1 and WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their property for street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 19----, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: / City ClerK 10. Jù.~y 8, 1970 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE FOR RINCON 76 CLEARING AND GRUBBING: 1. Remove Temporary Pavement 525 sq. yd. @ $1. 75 $ 918.75 2. Remove Redwood Headerboard, 468' @ $0.25 117.00 3. Remove Barricade, 10' @ $1.50 15.00 4. Excavation, 1,224.04 yd. @ $3.00 3,672.12 CONSTRUCTION: 1. Curb & Gutter, 474.22' @ $3.25 1,541. 22 2. Sidewalk, 2,012.59 Sq. Ft. @ $0.60 1,207.55 3. Driveways, 275.5 Sq. Ft. @ $0.75 206.63 4. AC Pavement, 134 Ton @ $12.00 1,608.00 2,496.00 5. Class 2 Base, 624 Ton @ $4.00 6. Pedestrian Sidewalk, 2,117.70 Sq. Ft. @ $0.60 1,270.62 7. 3' Chain Link Fence, 50' @ $3.00 (S.J. Steel: $2.00x) 150.00 3,188.00 700.00 40.00 1,266.00 175.00 $ 18,571. 89 8. 6' Chain Link Fence, 797' @ $4.00 (S.J. Steel: $3.00x 9. Complete E1ectrolier, 2 @ $350.00 Junction Box, 1 @ $40.00 Conduit and Conductor, 633' @ $2.00 Street Trees, 10 @ $17.50 TOTAL n VALLCY TJTLE CO.\IPA~Y Ii ' ["'O, # :'-1.1.90 .At -1'70 B, 2319 Co, B'II # L:~'5- 32-62 ^3832319 BGc~SD72 :ft.':~ 4S1 ! , .r./¿JFIIEo"rl":::t'O"D Z ( /:::\ ÃT ~i~c:'~~,-,'::;~' """t>"t'~"'ri"'!;¡'~ ." ~~. I.~.... * 122.10 Cod, ^", Ic-aL3 WHEN p,con,o "Ml TO ':..r.a:,d r:-~. "-"'Co""j L. 1616 Pc",~.c:; i.v~"ue Sð:1ta r;'!1.~, c.1lifc:-"ia pl?t L crJ e.. C> '" ::X) Co:) JUL 12 ~O FH '7G -J a N ,f(} ",oF".' "JíiùS :i? _1 /Y:/ s~:'~~-;~,: ::,~~O:U~I!,( ~ ~="- -~~~~=~~,:,::~~""c.;.~'~' --~-- '-to ;..... " I ',~:-,;¡',;;"'r "'All TAX STATEMENT TO r N..". ."'_. SÞ,:t; t", ~,Be'l:: c¡" & 5'," L By lf1is ,",INment d.t.d Granl Dced JOINT TENANCY Ju:-t>. 1~'. 1970___. fo, . ..:u.ol. cons:d.,.,ion, T ,."fe, T., $-L'"-:'c./ <.J_- t.>J Full V.lu. I I Equ:ty JO"¡; A. "¡;P.sL'~ A:.D ÞSSO::ET:.3, a p~rtnership /. hereby GRANT {5¡ to P.~Y:I{):jD L. KA:¡:,;',T,::! A"D ¡,¡,\,:'.L::::,C:: U;;"I'¡YZ2, Us wi:'e, IN JOINT TENANCY ,he fcllo;-,n; d.",,:b.d Reel P'ope,ty in tre City or Cæt;>tell, County O! --1ì"~ + ~ r.l, -, C.!õfom,e, de,c'¡bed os: All of P":,c'Ols 2 and 3, as s¡'m<11 0:1 tè.a t cert,in ¡;ap e"titl~d, U?a:-c"l /fa? lyic,'j tôithin the City of CN::""ell. 5a:1'a (;1:<:-a Cot:nty, Cali£'o.,;ie", >:èich ¡':"p ""5 ri:ed tor re;;o:-d in tbè of!ïce of U:e P.eco.d,ô:- ot t"e C,,';n>'J' of S",ta C1o:-,,> St: t" of C"li.fo:-nia 0:1 Aw.:.:st ]0. 1';67 in f'<)ok 227 of ;-'-'ps, at Fa 'e 35. . EXGTII,/, F:!C1{ Parcel 3 hereinabo',re de~crii"d, tb" :-?.ste:-ly ]6.33 fect, ,"pasc."d at :i.;Hal1~les to th.. :;s:",:-1y line the:-eo:'...¡ '-.: ~',¿ f/ " '-", .()"¡.,~~" Ilh /,J'~ , I", ~"'-_., 'i~", -jb "'. -) /- i<"T , C-, -'- ... ~ . , .. ,', .. J:JF:,i ;.- FtI,'3c_'::Y !,:iD AS'-CIl.F5. a part.!!~r3hip " /U//~ç/ , ~-~~W:.?- c !lich3rd r,. ?ac~eco. ?art""r . ~/Q¿~~---' /Ohl1 A. ~-sle7. h!':!'.e~ ' " .. t' ,/'f;j STA:õ of C^l¡;O,NIA ' { t \ . / fj COU~TY ,1 , .. . ,. ' '" ~(¡:¡ , On ',' ""ro,. ~', "'. end"". " . No"" ',b';, ;n .:0 I" "'0 ./ ' \ - - Co endSIO'::':>:":;: .:,:~~,~==~--,- '---"'~-'--~----'-- /~,--,--', r ¡",-, '0 ~o'o 7. .,- ""o."--;;'C..;:;fC";L--:;::;G~;'~~;"3-;i;"::;'C:;. ;;'-:;---. -".~.d n';';""';d'~':".. ..~---~'.""'.'od'.'.','.'.- ..' 'L r ' ' ::-;::7r,,;,::"~ .~~ - "n.'~~~C'""/",,,,~--,"o'" '0; i : . . " . ..,.... ,... -,- " - ~AA':"A """H',~' ""c~w ~.~" -, ,- - ~- .-~: ~ j ..1 -1 J -:,' . , ~ ' ',. ,l <' ;< "", ~ , :¡ :. ,¡ ~ ;~ ¡- -¡ ~ , 'C:~¡ .tt- .; -,-.-. , I ~ '. :'l d n.," .r""""" . \ I , ¡ AUgust. 31, 1967 0 Pursley eonatruct:1on Company 1266 Lawrence Expressway Sunnyvale, California SUBJECT Mr. John A. Pur8ley Minor SUb~1vi8~67 - t Land of Pursley A'l"l'ENTIONI . Dear Mr. Pursley. 'lb. .improvement plans for subject. property were approved. prior to our determination of the design of the pedestrian walkway lighting system. That system has now been approved and its specifications are as followsl Construct and/or install ~ree (3) General Electric Company Luminaire Type TC - 100, Cata- log No. C72lGOOS, or equal, ES Type III, Re- fractor Pattern, with shielded front and rear panels, with Photo&lectric Cell, catalog No. C402G 230-240 Volt, or equal, 175 watt Mercury Vapor color corrected lamps, 240 volt reactor, NPP, Ballast, 11/2 inch conduit with t'WO (2) nwnber 8 copper wire conductors, with 3" x 5" x 12' 0" aluminum post, Hubbard Manufacturing Company No. 409-345-01, or equal. Post founda- tion base, wiring and grounding', shall be in ac- cordance with Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Drawing No. 029690. The locations of the elec- troliers shall be a8 followsl one at Station 0*60, 2.5' right 7 one at station 1+20, 2.5' left, one at station 1+89.50, 2.5 right, stationing along the pedestrian walkway centerline. Should you desire not to install the foregoing yourself, we will accept your arrangement for their construction by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, under their LS-lB Street Lighting Schedule, as a suitable subøtitute. Under this sche- dule Pacific Gas & Electric Company willin8tal~, completely own, and maintain the system at a savings to you and to the City of Campbell. (:1'1" " 7~ phl\ ..,' '.. -" ,/ '-- ') (~..", PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPEELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: June 16, 1970 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Ray Kanawyer , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 53-unit apt. complex TO BE LOCATED AT: 220 Hollis Avenue CONDITIONS: ATTACHED Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteell (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETIN(~ HELD ON THE . /c)¿:/~è DAY 0 F ~".<j -- CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO~¡MISSION By: Lé'Z/..&~ ¿' zL~ .. ~£ ARTHUR KEE,~ETARY J. K. 1. Property to bE. added in "red' enced and landscaped as iT n plans. lcated and as 2. "Landscape plan indicating type,of plant materi~l, location 0:" hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fenclng to be submltted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2,000 to be pos~ed to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor p~rklng areas within three (3) months of completion of constructlon, or applicant may file written agreem~nt to comp~ete lan~scaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parklng area prlor to flnal building department clearance. 3. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with ¡the approved landscape plan. 5. Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house all trash containers in an area approved by the Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is requirea to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Munic~pal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building depart- ment. E. Dedication of revised pedestrian easement. F. Applicant to construct one-half street improvements on Hollis Avenue and construct improvements on pedestrian easement. G. Applicant to pay storm drain fee based on $765.00 per acre. H. Applicant to process and file parcel map. 1. Fire extinguisher cabinets shall be installed as directed by the Fire Department. Water lines and on-site hydrants shall be installed as directed by the Fire Department. Building coverage to be,reduced from 35,116 square feet to 33,680 square feet. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development Anrl are not herein specified.