144 Kennedy Ave. (1962) ðt41 Ú / .'---- - RE!:EI?T (VlU .~ CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date t/- d. Ii . 19~ Name ~/Î/;u~ (J ~~ (lJð Add,... / 'I-~£. ~:;' ~.A.. "1t 16/1 -¡- RECEIVED ~,L Dollars . Cents ...:~J I $ ð RO- ND. I FnL. 1,/ I Th.nk yon, CITY OF CAMPBELL 5 7 8 2 By .{l¿~ fJ>U1-~' C!TV CLE"'" April 1~, 1962 Mr. O. M. Sundahl 2498 Malaga Drive San Jose, California Dear Sir: 'rilis is to vel." ity the requirements of the Planning Commission as ~posed on the subject development at their meeting on MarCþ 20, 1962. Please be adviseJ that the issuance of a building permit i8 conJ.itional upon payment of a $250.00 storm drain fee. Sincerely yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINEER ~\\ \ \' By William G. Wren, Assistant City Engineer ~\'GN: cb cc: Urban Development Dept. . ,. '.,r H - . , - ~' . COHÐI~'ØN$';\"Å~,*t .~. 'fS'I/1\~VAl. qj:.,~' ,,:,:~.~,~fQtNt8'oa . APPROVAL OF ~USE TO 8£ I..OCAfEDATUI4"'EIY'AdNUEON.MY 21, 1963: I. Provide loading are. 10' x 30' .t r..r ðf proposed buIldIng. 2. Change two parking spaces In front of propo.ed building .. indIcated In red on plot plan. CAMPBEll PLANNING COMMISSION By: II ( /,.".-, J'A ! ~[ncla-f¡ ')'ff)t!{'fU1 -"') AUqu8t: 15, 1960 Standifer, Field & Miller Attorneys at: Law 1022 Franklin Street Santa Clara, California Attention: Mr. Miller Gentlemen: In acknowledgment of your letter of August 8, 1960, you will find enclosed three copies of the original agreement between the City of Campbell and o. M. Sundahl relative to his development on Kennedy Avenue. 'lbe original and one copy is to be executed by your client in the presence of a notary public and returned to this office. The remaining copy may be retained for his records. In way of explanation of the points of concern mentioned in your above letter, it should first be pointed out that the most normal development agreement relates to the tmm8diate construction of street improvements where required. In this case the developer is solely responsible for negotiation with and selection of a contractor. The intent of the Ithold harmless" clause in the agreement is to pass the burden of insurance to the developer who, in turn, may pass it to such contractor, as you have pointed out. The other situation which arises in certain developments is that concerning deferred street improvements as is the case of Mr. Sundahl. This occurs when the City determines that ultimate improvement of the particular street or zoning area is too far in the future to warrant an tmmediate isolated improvement. . In the latter case, each developer along the line may be called upon by the City Council to perfo~ the construction in accordance with his agreement and, for each, the responsi- bili ty becomes his, exactly as outlined above. SUch a group of adjacent developers might, of course, combine their operations if they so chose. Standifer, Field & Miller -2- August l5, 1960 Another alternative might be that the City would undertake the illlprov..ent of the street involved. If so, then the only responsibility of the developer,; as provided by the agreement would be hie re~ureement to the city of an amount equal to his share of such iaprov8llUlnts, The "hold harmle.." clause would not apply since the "officers, agents, employees, or contractors" would not be his but the City' s, as contracting agency. Included in a contract of this sort is the requirement that the contractor provide certificates of insurance which the City Engineer deems adequate and also a "hold harmless" clause similar to the one in question None of this involves the developer. The City of Campbell, of course, carries a general liability and property damage policy on all its streets a., we venture to say, do all cities, However, the primary purpose of this policy is not to relieve private contractors of the burden of protecting their own operations and undoubtedly the exclusions within the policy would make it inadequate in this reqard. Investigation will undoubtedly prove to you that the City of Campbell's policy in these matters is equivalent to neighboring cities and reference to the state of California Standard $pecific- ations, S.ction 7-1.12 will disclose the similarity of the state's policy. We sincerely regret the feelinqs of Mr. Sundahl to which you refer. It is hoped that this discussion will help, not to "appease" but, less superficially, to assure him that advantaqe is not beinq taken. Very truly your s, CARL J. MORTENSEN CITY ENGINEER It'F!/tl) By William G, Wren Engineer' WGW:cb Enclosures 3 cc: Mr. 0" M. SUndahl City Attorney .. - JOSfPH L.ST-AnDlff~,JIL ATTORN EY AT LAW 1022 FRANKLIN STREET s.¡¡nHI CLUft, CftLlfOo.n 1ft AX""'NSTER 6-3816 . August 8, 1960 City of Campbell Office of City Engineer Campbell, California ATTENTION: Mr. Wren Gentlemen: Plea se forward to this office another copy of the original agreement between the City of Campbell and O. M. Sundahl and we will have Mr. Sundahl execute the same. Mr. Sundahl is extremely anxious to complete this transaction, so he will agree to the terms of the City of Campbell. Since all does not appear kosher, I would like some additional information. Does Mr. Sundahl himself either perform the necessary improvements or hire a contractor of his choice to perform the work? I am under the impression that the City does all the negotiating and selecting of a contractor to perform the work. If Mr. Sundahl can hire the contractor, he can, of course, pass the burden of insurance on said con- tractor and make the necessary adjustments in contract price with him. I am also under the impression that if the city should hire a contractor, they , would insist upon him having insurance. Being unfamiliar with the way the City of Campbell is managed, I can do nothing but suppose, and my supposition is that the City has insurance to save itself harmless during the work period. There- fore, it seems probable that there will be three people insuring the city against the same anticipated loss--which I see no need for. As I previously stated, I frankly to do know how these matters are handled and am therefore unable to appease my client¡ who is under the belief that the city is taking advantage of him because they know that they have him in a bind. If you would briefly outline the policies and procedures, whys and wherefores, it would be greatly appre- ciated and might eliminate a feeling of distrust -and hard feelings in Mr. Sundahl's mind in regard s to the City of Campbell. Your cooperation and assistance in this matter is appreciated; and I sincerely hope that I may hear from you in the very near future. Sinferely yours, JLM/gj STANDIFER, FIELp & IMI~L7.~ ¡'é""')..""-"'-¡ - ')"1 ,/ \..i,,--/", " -- i ¡, I GREGO~ J. MILLER! . \ ., /W//' I 1/.1 \~c------/ \--,---,>' ~~ I' . Mr. O. M. Sundahl 840 Circle Drive Santa Clara, California Dear Mr. Sundahl: - July 7 SUBJECT: Agreement Relative to Development 1960 Pursuant to our conversation in the Building Inspector's office on July 7, 1960, a review of the file on your devel~ent discloses that the Agreement Which was forwarded to you with our letter of May 19, 1960 was amended by your Attorney, Mr. J. L. Standifer, before execution. Exception was taken to the amendments by the City Engineer and, after correspondence with the City Attorney, all copies were returned to Mr. Standifer by the City Attorney' s letter of June 3, 1960 for further action. Since this office is not in receipt of any sub.equent correspondence frem Mr. Standifer reqarding the matter, we would suggest that you contact h~ with a view toward expediting the completion of an acceptable draft of the Aqreement for your final execution. Contact with Mark Themas & Co. has indicated that the Grant Deed will be forthcoming shortly and you can, therefore, expect receipt of it for execution within the next few day. . . WGW:CB cc: City Attorney Very truly yours, CARL J. MORTENSEN CITY ENGINEER tt~f/. Ú) By William G. wren Engineer .. .. 1 , .. ~ , ' Gity of Gampbell Office of the :S"{¿[ ¿,1 cia hi State of' C9alif'ornia .JuDe 3, 1960 1Ix. JoMph L. ltancl1feX't Jr. Âtto~ at Law 1022 h_1(lia tenet I.ta Cla1'a. Cal:1.fon.1a Deax Mr. Itadife1': I have had the cat,. _iDeer nvi.- the executed Aan__t8. """'. he tÛ88 exceptio- to tbe pÞ'riaiou coac.t.aecl - =: ~~t.=l~l ..~:~ ~ La=t~? t:t .\&1'8--t, JlaciDg full na~I.ht.u.t, upoD tie OIIMI' fOr COD8t1Net:l.øa. of the UlpI'OV--t8. I -. therefor, nQlm1ng to you all tIocU8Dt8. Very truly JOUX'8. JOlin A. BOlfACUA City Attorney J....1IIb cc: Carl JIIcn:t8D8en City Engineer .. . May 27 1960 Mr. Joseph A. Bonacina City A'ttorney 913 Pir8t Rational Bank Building San Jose, California ".:; ¡{ ¡ff!r¿Jfá/ .Dear Joe: SUBJECT: Agreement of Mr. and Mrs. o. M. Sundahl I am returning to you the letter of transmittal, three executed copies of subject Agreement and a copy of the Agreement as presented for signature. I object to the addition made on page 2, lines 11 thru 15. It is my feeling that this defeats the intent of the original Agreement to place full responsibility upon the owner for the construction of all required 1mprovements within the area of dedication as specified on page I, lines 26 thru 3l. This Agreement has the usual intent: to secure a dedication of street improvements within the dedicated area. I shall have to depend upon you to decide whetl1er or not the executed Agreement accomplishes this end in a matter satisfactory to the best interest<=> of the city. Very títll~ ~urs, ~' ,', /1/ I Carl J. ortensen City Engineer CJM: CB Enclosures 5 ~ ~ .. I T1II A'rTACHID PLANS. fUSlNTlD IY O. M. SUNJ».HL. raa AN OfFICI BUILDING TO BE LOCATED AT 144 lŒNNIDY AVENUE. WBU APPaOYBD BY THlCAMPBELL PJ..ÅNNING CCItMUSION AT A REGUlAa MlI'lING HILD ON THE 19th œy or APRIL, 1960, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CœD1TIONS: 1. Appl1oante to enter into witt8t1 agreement with the City Coum:11 covertna the following: a) helieation of land, at this tilDe. to 8 lin. 33' 8outh of the lC8nnecty Avenue center 11oa. b) I8p1'CWeMDt of a half width C8Dpbell b.'trial Str.et at IUCh c1me a. iJlprO¥88ftt 1, conetelered f..ible by the City Couacil. 2. EUaiDat1oft of the firlt ,.rld.Da epaoe at IU..t eatranee. 3. fl:operty to be adequately I_cede CAMPBILL PlADUG CDIlaSIICIf BYI~"~'. a~~) al,.. ."'-aon t Deputy City Clerk cm CŒJNCIL ~~hY #.L : c~erk , .I May 2,1960 ;';';;'V<Ä'i~;";õ:":v;",= ~i' ::r--:-l I I ¡ ':^"':~~_-:--':~:::7"'~~=t ( ! ,~:-::~---:::-::-~ , , '.. _J i:;;' :',"'>11.. "'<I.e., .;:'f'o'.., t !. ¿"., . ~ .. _:.õ,...'~~:~,~~:~_:o--I ~x'i Ÿc,;;T v.wpE~ "c. ¿.. L- l!t!.... 1oA.,% '~..') ~ .. ,- ?i ~$ .Sltl:ETlfoc.K _...' f i! k i , J J--J "",i~{~1 IIJ_,.~ ..-/' ;. ~.:-r.' ~ "..z ' .,¡ -. L oT- ~ I l i ¡ i ~ i ì l ~ ( f , ¡ ì , . f ¡ .... t ~: I I v') ¡ ~ì i i ! ¡ t ¡ i ! \ ¡ ~¡"'.NN)I$: ¡PI! 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