LaPradera Dr. (1973) 8ItI. .. ;/ ,.' ~~ Vi- I" /, j ! Mr. Arthur Ree, Planning Director December 3, 1973 William G. Wren, Director of Public Works and City Engineer Final Parcel Map, Lands of Gore, APN 306-41-017 As you will recall, the tentative map submittal was recommended to be approved by this office subject to the usual requirements. Subsequent to the submittal of the tentative map, a final map was submitted to this office, which indicated that a structure on the land contiguous to this property encroached on this property by some 0.15 of a foot. By this time, the Planning Commission had already approved the tentative parcel map. At that same time, the property owners, their engineer and their realtor were notified that due to the existing encroachment, the final map as presented could not be approved due to the encroac!1ment. On November 9, 1973, the Gores granted a strip of land 0.20 feet wide to the MCKnights, the owners of the contiguous land, thereby clearing the encroachment. The new final parcel map reflects the transaction. At this time, we would recommend approval of the final map as filed with the City Engineer subject to its approval by the City Engineer and recordation pursuant to the provisions of the Subdivision Map Ac~ WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND CITY ENGINEER B~:ls By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil EngiI~eli;'.., ,,', ' TO ,. "... ~'." "T"~ c: r.} ,. . ',-;:"")..ít;) \.lVI, VI Gl\' r" .' L, ,,'. f , ;'- _..-. ---........ filE --------"'--"C----"--'; .-.---.--........-....,- l/ ----1--.. I / '.,c,~ I,':.~~~'.,.,':.:r!~\ . , I. I' " ¡ , \. \ . i ! ;L-:..._- ~ \ i '\"/ ..... /' '"-,-.._;",,,,- ., ~I c, ;; , , 1: t ,", ., Ii "HUB OF TIIE FABULOUS S!iNT A CLARA VALLEY!" 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE. CAMPBELL, Ui.,LiFORNIA 95008 . TELEPHONE (408) 378-8141 October 15,1973 Mrs. Janis Gore 140 Ladue Pines Drive Creve Coeur, Missouri 63141 Dear Mrs. Gore: In response to your letter of September 13,1973, this department can offer you the following information. The adjoining property to the east is owned by Samuel and Evangeline McKnight, 18400 Overlook Road, Apartment 44, Los Gatos~ California, 95030. Our Engineering Department indicates that to resolve the matter of encroachment it will be necessary to execute a grant deed of a portion of your property to the owners of the property contiguous to yours. This department is not in a position to advise you as to the cost of surveys. However, you might wish to contact the Associated Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors of Santa Clara County. Their address is P. O. Box 4591, San Jose, 95126. Questions regarding the specifics of land transfer and the exact amount should be directed to our Engineering Department. If we can be of further assistance please let us know. Very truly yours, ARTHUR A. KEF: plan"n ing ,D"ire,ctor Ç( ø--- i) /-- , ---) j ) L:+-. "'.- 2 \ c. ~..Q.~/ ~-~RUCE R. POWELL P:anner II ' AAK:BRP:pka cc: Engineering Department LArJþS tØ r- (;e7Æ E - L;II -¡p~ej;ÞA~¡4-,l:)A... C'A'A?,..";;AF.e.-e- CA¿,i;,e::-ptIC."V¿1"A rlJrA¿.. ?'9ACÆ'- (~- - /2 ~ ~ - ~ . -73 PT. BEARING DIST N COORDINATES E ~ œ ~ , ~: i ~~ ~,~ "O,~ ~ ~ ~: !! \D 1: -c Q 1» ... <: -t,£ ~ ,;; ~ < - u' -- ,u. - a ~ 0 ø. . ø.. ~. ~ 0 œ ! 0= . ZO ..... > < f¡i Z .. > = 00 = 2 ... Z p ~ 0 œ o! ..... .. . f/J 00 œ ~ ~ ~ š ~ f¡i ::s OE-c æ ~; ø..o . = ~ < I ~. 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BEARING DIST N COORDINATES E 001 1000.000 1000.000 S 87/34 /00 T~T 90.000 002 996.179 910.081 N 5/47/59 vI 170.294 007 11 65. 601 892.872 N 87/34/00 E 100.000 008 1 1 69 . 84'7 992.782 S 2/26/00 E 170.000 001 1000.000 1000.000 AREA = 16150.000 SQ FT 0.3708 ACRES e~ 4i 10 ~ Q) ""£ 1: 0 C '~ 0 - ::> c ~~ o~ U IJ Q c UJ, .: 0 I- -5.~ ;Q: fOE ~ .E.... u.. 0 - ,U "'- ~, ;C.S W. :0 U ":::E I- ~ e lli 4>- .... r'... -' - ::. ,'); , w Ú 4> "" .... ::> - 10 C ca iñ ~I "- ~ RECEIPT CITY OF CArVrPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL Cc.,<fe'.I--- -- CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA i /' I~ /' /~ "?,} £~ >,iL . NAME? 1.:1- ~/~¿-e"..J;, ß.. I :.?~ .,;7h~ î Gi) ') ~ C) . - . '/ ,/ 'DO""" J C , ¿<'L.<¿'~~ &,' Á-G--1-<-¿>t/ ß"vf2---<---__& 11- '! ' d' ~/ I (" ,,' /" ¿ NAME /;tðl; , '1( i " , u.~./ / "-e-:7"Í ADDtlsS /htJ /.Jc :¿L~ / .. , f /, ¿ '-. ,d~ L 5V7J / / ;1 ,...' . - ~ /' (,¿ J .J ¿; FO~ . . ~!L~L--rC f /l t:' )¿, Z:C-'f4- ¡fh/<~kL!. ~'-C}/? -! ~~ $' c- -, tc-" ~,,) oL ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. REVENUE ACCOUNT NO, FUND NUMBER /ð;'¿ ~ CHECK' ií ¡;' ,- £.i'1! ï THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE ,VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 1981 crnZEN COpy ~,gJ7 // c3~/ Æ- FUND NUMBER 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH ø C~{ß 0/6 -)- r.// ç DATE AMOUNT 0 MONEY ORDER D CASH DATE AMOUNT AUG 23-73 AUG 23-73 1112 *****52.00 511112A ****52.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. AUG -1-73 AUG -1-73 22211 *****25.00 512224A ****25.00 <!'>s <!'>s "" "1'1 -~ "" cm' / J ' I \- --níánk You CITY OF CAMPBELL (~(~-< 4. BY '<'v / "" (I <.. I Tliãnk You CITY OF CAMPBELL CiTY CLERK 1762 CITIZEN COpy [crow # "iN 30115 SJS/ch ~663 I '-~ 1. .: ,)IV tY~"',':,'" I Valley Title Company 3550 Stevens Creek Blvd. San Jose, California I ;.UJ r Ù i< r:.:ECOfW ^T REQUEST OF ~~ rJov L7 12 37 PH '73 ' ~- Co. Biil # .~ ode Area WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO I a CT) Ç]j Co.> ....,- ~- L 0 ~/ OfflOI;"! , LCORQ$ SANTA CL;\iJ\ COUNTY GEOTWE ¡. :ANN RtG,ISTf~t,n nEQORDr- (.~ ,.., ~ .J , Nam. MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO Valley ,Ti tle Company Grant Deed 3550 Stevens Creek Blvd. JOINT TENANCY San Jose, Califomia ¡.10 C;:,:3111,)(\,1.'; ':' . ".... ., ~~;/~ Address City & St.t. By this instrument dated November 9, 1973 , for a valuable consideration, . Transfer Tax $ ~9t1.~._.._.. ( ) Full Value ( ) Equity GLENN L. GORE and JANIS A. GORE, his wife hereby GRANT (5) to SANDEL E. McKNIGHT AND EVANGELINE B. McKNIGHT, his wife IN JOINT TENANCY The following described Real Property in the City of Campbell County of Santa Clara California, described as: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of La Pradera Drive, 60.00 feet wide, at the Northwesterly corner of that certain parcel conveyed by Deed from N. O. Moe, et ux, to Samuel E. r~Knight, et ux, dated October 30, 1964 and recorded October 30, 1964 in Book 6723 of Official Records, page 355, thence South 20 26' 00" East, along the Westerly line of said'parcel, 1 70.00 feet to the Southerly line of that certain parcel .' described in the Deed from City Title Insurance Company to ]"nn II. Ennis, dated Nay 11, 1960 and recorded Nay 16, 1960 in Book 4795 of Official Records, page 273; thence South r37° 34' 00" Hest, along last said line, 0.20 feet; thence i1ort!.1 20 26 I 00" Hest, and parallel with said ~Jesterly line 170.00 feet to the Southerly line of La Pradera Drive; thence iJorth 870 34' 00" East along said Southerly line, 0.20 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of the 1.024 acre tract of land shown upon the Map of Record of Survey filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on January 22,1963 in Book 156 of Maps, at page 22.~# 1 I ..' //~ ~.. '- " . ~ .. ' " :'~" _&-¿~--- . tß-c-~-t1 f . Glenn L. G~re '/ ~ I / V Missouri STATE of ~ COUNìY o. St. Louis { ss On_NQY.ßmJ¿gD4, 1973 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said St. Louis . "nrl SI"!.. ¡wC'nnolly ðppeared _Gl.ßi:ln L. Gore and.._.J.:..a!1~_G9re ,----------,. County ,n.. In I'" tho I"""'" S wh,'", n"me S s""scrib,.d to th., willii" "",t"""",,! ~"d "' k"..wlnd'J"d that they pwnJled tho .,ð""" w,rr~ESS my hand and official seal. M, c.'mmw,ion Expires: December.,.2.0~. 1974 l" L( / , !, ,/, " '... ,- W;lIll);¡ L. Tucker . , ",". MAIL TAX ST ^ TrMrNTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE NntMY P'ubl"