1566 LaPradera Dr. (1976) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAMEtJ;r/;'/7 K:r /\11/1'.; ADDRESS ¡:£6 Ii LIl PIP ///) ¿~'í( 19 FORSfo r/Y} DrnJ ¡1(;tJ-f' hJe (j c.T /9~"J ðO- d-- '.....)1/ - REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~ -351 FUND NUMBER:t4 3M ffcHEcK 0 MONEY ORDER q (.) - / 7-?.:i I DATE 0 CASH AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. NOV -9-76 NOV -9-76 002 *** * 283.00 51 oo2A ***283.00 ~s ,~ /,..., Z~ I {¿Y'v CI Y CLERK 8186 CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works .Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT (c!. ¡ i" . .. . f f . . , BUILDING ADDRESS \ . . COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER "s" APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC ~10RKS FILE NUMBER BILL M. HELrJl.S ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Date ( "~'7'_) , - "~ .... :~¡~.(J~ " " , .. .) I' " f)- I 5 -- - . , . -, '- , , - -" - . , , - - -, -.. '-, -' - ' . " " " - i ' " , , , . ' ",: ':', , -' . ' , ' ì' !,!\ ¡ Jtj ] ¡; C !) ¡:¡. ,\ ?n:r: a , - '1 "V' ()J' ('r,'I""¡'] I ,L 1,~ -,,','¡~..J" " '/~) ¡¡O~Tlf U::¡-¡-¡{r\!J !Ivr'¡¡¡n: c' ¡\ ;,; i' ¡; ¡: L L, (' :\ T,J r 0 }-::; J ^ " , - - " ,', ,", . - Hc3y21" (976 .. , '-- D:\ II: : --'--------- , , . ," .' .- \ ¡' .. , , -," i->Ji;Ul J'T(ì IS ,\ Jj',\( ì!J:})fO "5" f\PPI:OVtlI. or PL/\!¡S of -----------,------- , ¡,1" Iii 11 :', I "j ()Il -- ---- ---- - ..,--- ,--' I'D R C ();;~; j l<UC 'f I Oi; 0 r ,_...--------,--------- , off ¡'co bu i Id il;c] - TO 13 1: 1. 0 C ^ ï'[!) ^ T 1566 laPradora Drive --,-, "-~-------- ------ ------- _..-,---- - -----------",- - '- - -- - - ,-,- -- -"- '------------- rOtiDITJOHS: conditions'of approval attached Section 21.'{2.090' of the, Campbel). Hunicipal Code reads as follo\:s: A~~ approval granted under this section s}lall expire cne year aftc~ the d ate up 0 n H hi c 11 s u c hap p 1'0 v- al Has g ran t cd, un 1 c s s ò n ex t c n $ ion for such approval is obtaiIlcd by making written application for s~nc to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. 11 0 b u i 1 ð i 11 ~ pc r m its hall be is sue d aft e r t}1 e ex p i rat ion d ël t e 0 f ël n y approval until a new approval has been obtained in the Danner provided for in thi~ Chapter. GRMnI::D HY THE: CITY Of' C/d-:PB£LL PLAlnnNG CO}jJ:ISSIO:~ AT ^ R£G:JLAR ~ I::LTII~G Jl¡~LD ON TJI]: 20th day of May . 1976 cc: Scott Gould c/o Dave TélkdlliOjO, i\rchd()ct 199 S. First St, Cas Altos, CA 94022 C 1 T Y 0 r C/I!:}'!~ 1: L L l' L ^ 11 ; I J I: G C O!W 1 ~; ~~ lor: / i ) Y ¡'- , ( L> :,J.-J,.~{ {~¿':<_k:::i-.._':" yÁ ( -- _-_-_h___--__-. MOiiUR '}:U~. SI~C {LT^I,Y , 5. \ COrWlfIO¡j$ OF ;'ìF'lt\O\J;\L -, "~ I j6'-13 Ra 1 ',; t i.~1,,_Jj~'~_t_i n , 1. ßu i ] ding to be rc]ocJtcd 41-011 to the' ,-:st. 2. Property to be fenced L!nd l.JnJsc;Jped as indic.ìÎ,_d "rcd" on pl.::¡ns. iìdds':ilkdin 3. I.,md') Cilpe p J;m i nd i Cd t i ng type of bibs or spri,¡kler system ;jnd type ~pp:'oval of the Planning Director pe I'm it. plé1nt rnatcrL,l, 1I':C1lir,ll c,r i:,)'Jc of fencing to he :.>1;:):11 ttcd for at time of (¡PP 1 i ca t i on for bu i 1 d i n9 4. LandsC1p i ng -;11.111 be; 1:~,1 i :11','] ¡ i1:2d in ,;<:un,Lillce :,.Ji 1:h the app rovcrl Lmdscûpe plan. Faithful perfoíï;nnce bond ill the dlìnlmt of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months ¡of completion of construction, or applicant may ri Ie written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final buildi"g cepart!x:nt clearance. 6. All Il...:::chanical equipment !ocõted on roofs shall be screen:'2d as approved by the Pbnning Director. , 7. A CI1dll(]e in ¡he [r)Of materials to be ppproved by the Planning Director. The appl icant is ~otified as part of this application that he is required to íi1:~et the fo¡lo:ling coílditiollS in ,)ccnrd;':11ce I,-lith Ordin,lr;ccs of the City of Compbe 11 . A. All parking and drivewoy areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Car,1pbelJ t1unicipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground uti 1 ities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. c. Plans s~bmitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordiancne for all signs. No sign to be installed unti I appl ication is approved and ~ermit issued by the building department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbe1 I Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the the collection and dispsoal of refuse, garbag~, wet garbage, and rubbish produced y¡ithin the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Conpany. This requirement applies to all single h,11ily ch'JCllings, l;ìLlltiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing and construction establ ishments. cor,D IT IONS OF !\Pf'RO'iflL - "SII 76-- I 3 R:1Istin, i'1artin ,P" g~__I~,r(),---,--_._---- _u_------- -------- F. Tr~sh container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the jcvclopr;,cnt shc¡Jì be locaLed in areas 3pprovcd by the fire d"p,Jruncnt. , Unless othen'/ise noted, enclosures shall cc)I~':;ist of a CC'¡)(:i'cte floor surrounded by a solid \'Iall or f'2nu~ c;nd hdvc self'cl()';ing duoI's of a size specified by the fil~e departr:ll:nt. All enclosures to be constructed at ',ji',:,(~e I,_vel. G. Ap'plicant shall meet all state t'f.::quil";li;,:nts for the h,-,!dic.)ppcd. , nu !'to I NG DEPARH1ENT ,-,-- -"'----------- H. ¡'¡lest exterior \'la11 êJiìd mansard \vall shall be minimum one hour. Table 5,-A I. \!incJov15 shal1 be of\^iire glass. J. Roof covering sh¿¡ll h¿¡ve a Ilfire retardant'l classification. Sect. 1603-}203. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ------"--------- K. Storm drainage area fee at $765 ~er acre. L. Obtain excavation permit for drive\-JdY and str'ect trees. The applicant is notified that he shall comply '¡lith all appl icable Codes or Ordinances of 'the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.