Latimer Ave., (1961) I 4Ii'Jj /~~-t' r({tc'<' k6mer R E,c. E , ... T CITY DF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Name , ' Date It(;¡;., 19#  - / ; '-; -;; ~ - , " . ét!:;; (~ cU¿£<JA!;r{' .,~ . 1 ~) ¿/v) /.,/ / .I/ - /)< C P (~::'7é.,e.'J,."", ,4-<4'-- c..v~7r' ?[ , ¿;.- {Ý-e(-¿L;,~~ /' Address RECEIVED Dollars / p-.. ,"t ~ /lJ'-- '-....- CHECK ¿,..,....--/rnASH, fNe. /I . . FO~/~¿. btJ:t':o./Â2/1 U,;¿ -d V ¡¿. . , ,/ e¡ v" 4..£ c..ð / /' Cents ~~F~ ?' /Sc~-~ e,; IJ. (f~' ~ t/7.r"~,:' , ,p?'.!~ t, J 27 By / Thank YO,U, Ø-,:Ç), Y OfjQl(MPÐ. ELL y' , V þJ..-<¡ £. CITY CLERK I '- A .A , ."- " f ' . ","'" 8ept.e8ber 1J. 1961 ...ta Clue COUat;yBoar4 of SUp"" 1aor. 20 .- ... at.r..t 8M .1088. caJ.1~. AftB8!ll08: Mr.. .1... hll&8 Cluk DMz' -.. Pull_h !la18 ~.f1~ hW8by t:eq1l88t.8 ..... 8IIPZ'OYel. .. 88C88AZy 11 to allow t:ae eaM91zJ..n9 of newly 1aRaJ.1ed eleeuol18n a~ tàe 1o11ov189 loeat1Oa8 ¡ Cnll bell .L19Iat.18t ti8V.t..ft ~ 1. 8/\If 00I"Der La hadera i1r:1.. Ud. - tc m8 Atþ1Do aoa4- 0- (1), 210 'Sf. llel:c.. Vapor.. 2 . S/W QØ'ØØIr Lat~ AYea88 u4 w~ Roa4-Oaa ( 1 ) , .00 w.. ... c .. Yapcu:. ). IAt.ia8c' A..... -.-1- .88tIIc A.......--QI.. (1). JSO w. .... c ~ 'IIpa".. 4. H881l~ A....- . aou.ùa 11 ~0D8 (1). 40011. JI8re . ... .. . S. ft'~ -.2'8 1ac1.caiA9. '1'0181 &oaave ., &/W corner 8ea11. toft AftD.. 8D4 ~ ......'" trU8D ( 1" ) ~ 400 ti. --e. ...-.. o.s.- L1PU8I maa 1= ; 1.. Yz'aœ 212o-a.uc (6), 4000 J.- .útaad8aeentt. 2 .. ft act. .2522-"'" ( 7) I ". 000 1~ 1ac8a..eeat . ~ U'taly your. ~ JIDOJJ It . sua. Crti' _I". By W111118 e. ..-. A8818t:ad C1q ...1-- _.c:b r .!g rr~ 1/( , ... ". 8 8 1 I CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO ItSIt APPROVAL OF PLANS OF CHARLES ROSE FOR PROPOSED POST OFFICE TO BE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF lATIMER AVENUE WEST OF WINCHESTER ROAD: 1. Owner to enter into written agreement with the City Council Covering the following: a. Requirements of Ordinance #260, including: 1. Dedication of 10-foot strip throughout frontage. 2. Standard curb, gutter, commercial sidewalk and paving to center line. 3. Install one electrolier. 4. Storm drain deposit in amount of $615.00. 2. Off-street parking to be moved to west side of the building and 24-foot driveway to be placed along West property line up to such point as driveway clears rear of bui lding and then balance of parking can be arranged as shown on plan CAMPBEll PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1961 ?-. ({ ,,~ {¿ (., EVELYN .., . .. ì March 24, 1% 1 Post Office Department San Francisco Raglena! Office n Naw Montgomery Street San fraocisco 6, Catlfornla AttentIon: James T. Ward Reqlonal Real Estate Officer Dear Mr. wðrd: Our Planning Staff has revIewed the plans for the proposed Post Office InStðllatlon at Campbel1. Cøllfornla and In general we fInd them satis- factory. In revhtwinr:; ym¡r parking layout we believe that an improvement can be mùde by arrangi 119 a port Ion of the off-$treet parkS n:; spaces a tong the c;')ncrete sidewalk on the Þ:est side of the buncling. This will re5u1t in th:::-: 2J.-foot driveway being moved over to the West property 1111~. At the point w~~re the driveWðY cl&ars the rear of the building. It can be curved to the east so that the balance of the area on the west property 1 I Ill! C':'ill be used for parki"9 in the manner shown ~'n your drawing, Our reasons for suggestJng this change are: 1. The 2.4-ft clear space behind the vertical parking spact".5 Is a minimum and since some of the spaces wi11 b~ used by the public we believe that a lafer condition is deve1oped than If cars werð to back t~~ard the buIlding. 2. In the overall plan for th!s area ~'lC ðxpect that the 'and InTnedjately adjacent to your parking lot win be used fer public parking ~uocJðted with çOOl1~rc:ia' structures. Very truly yours, Hi Iton S. ¡¡etzel, City Manager HHS/eB