Latimer Ave. (1966) t::- . . "C'CIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CAL,.IFORNIA NAME ~/ &-::iz:z.~'k? ~ dLL-- / ADDRESS - -- DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. KAY -5-67 KAY -5-67 004 ***2,lJOO.OO 81 004 A **2,400.00 ~ CH'CK D MONEY ORDER D CASH No. 4431 Titanic You r CITll CAMP~ELL "' ~T 0'" ocm Rï:::CEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL-. CALIFORNIA CAL PAC BUILDERS, INC. NAME 1142 WINCHESTER BLVD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA ADDRESS FO TRACT NO.4 237 : ~ap tIlIng Fee 361-A 64.00 Storm Drain Fee 366-C 943.00 ExamInefInal Map q Plans & Inspect. Fees 364-A 470.00 Electroller Energy 368-H 27.00 Fire Hydrant Rental 367-A 195.00 1,699.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NdIAR. -8-67 017 ***1,699.00 67 on A *** 195.00 FUND NUMBER MAR -8-67 MAR -8-67 68 017H ****27.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MAR -8-67 66 onC ***9lJ3.00 MAR -8-67 61 onA ****6lJ.00 D MONEY ORDER 0 CASH ~ CHECK TlJanlc You CITY OF CAMPBELL si:L1 BY C../ '--. CITY CLERK No.4 0 39 ~f Rk PT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA / é7 /! , ~ r!k p,' ~." NAME ' '~'l",,-L' 'i.--' -7C---C.¿y~~"" 4/ / Q ~ ADDRESS ¿ IJ / ,,::>~,c 4éf~ {l~tkL~ / FOR Map Filing Fee 36l-A 55.00 Sto~raln fee 366-C 400.éO E1ectrolier 368-H 24.00 FIre Hydrant Rent 367-A 195.00 Canst. Inspect.Fee 364~A 84.00 SpecIal Assmt. Re- apportionment fee tor L.l.D. ft13ulv 510-lJ ~ nt\1 -4- 004 . REVENUE ACCOUNT NdlA.Y -4-67 90 004G ***110.00 FUND NUMBER MAY -4-67 64 004A ****8li.00 MAY -4-67 67 004 A ***195.00 -.. --. ...- .vO THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. /' I~ ~ CHECK 66 004C ***400.00 61 o04A ****55.00 MAY -4-67 MAY -4-67 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH No.4 4 2 3 TItanic You CITY OF CAMPBELL 1 ~j~l CITY CLERK BY \"'\ ():'¡ C"¡ ~'-: ?J k"tv r¿~) J .{/\ NOTICE OF CO~2LETION CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL OWNER . an~ WJT..J'.J~M G. WRRW, as the undersigned, as City Engineer caused Above S ace for Recorder .'JpAJvi Ait)n improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 28th day of April , 19~. That the name of the Subdivider for said owner is HAMYL'1'O1II DTDPIUSBS That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision iwqprovements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS CITY OP CAMPBBLL 7S North Central Avenue Campbell, California That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: TRACT No. 4237, Hamilton Enterprises and having the following address: Dated Mav 8 I , . I 1969. ,',," /'j¡' . - "i' L' ' ~[,. 1M" i/~ .. : /JC:: I 1f~¡we , 1 of 2 _C n...r STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SSe r, .rT.t~ya..M 0- VRRN being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the con- tents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my knowledge. \ '- . I , í' I. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /2~ day of 7fÙ~ , 19 6 ;7 (?JaJl)1j// 1111 '~~>L71-lJ--- Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California CHARLENE M. BARBANO. Notary PubJic My Commission Ext>irea October 1. 'i961/97 / 2 of 2 u -- --~--- ~ - - ----~ RESOLUTION NO. 2632 ~,¡.~,"'"- BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 4237, AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No. 4237, have been completed in accordance with that agreement entered into April 24, 1967, concerning said Tract; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No. 4237, together with all the improvements thereon, i i ! be and the I I ¡ I improvements. i i ! same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said PASSED AND ADOPI'ED this28thday of 69 , by the following vote: April 19 AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Rogers, Smeed, Hyde None NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None Mayor .. - 'j); j f If c--/ I anta clara cou nty ~~ FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER DISTRICT DONALD K. CURRLlN MANAGER. COUNSEL 70 WEST HEDDING STREET SAN JOSE. CALIF. 95110 TELEPHONE 299..2031 May 18, 1967 State of California Division of Real Estate 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, California Gentlemen: We have been asked by Ifi tle Insurance & Trust Company , for the developer of Tract 4237 , in the city of Campbell, California, to give your office a flood report on the site. ~ The site is not adjacent to District Flood Control facilities and not sub- ject to flooding therefrom. 0 The site is located adjacent to and the channel: _has been improved to our design capacity of a once in 100 year flood and is adequate to contain this flow. _is presently unimproved and not capable of carrying our design flow. Improvements to the channel, which will make it adequate to con- tain this flow, are scheduled for construction in is inadequate to carry our full design flow. We do not have any Improvement work scheduled and cannot give your office any assur- ance the site will be protected from flooding from this creek. The surface drainage of storm waters within and adjacent to the site is a local drainage problem and not within our jurisdiction to comment about. If you have any questions concerning the disposition of local or surface storm water, we suggest you contact the Ci ty of Campbell Public Works Department. cc: / {i ty of Campbell Title 108. ~ Sincerely yours, Lloyd C. Fowler, District Engineer I Original Signed By- Co. by JACK WATKINS JR. 0 P7 pera Division PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC r ¡;et /~. ~ COMPANY W CGhuwY JE + 86 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 . TELEPHONE 298-3333 Apr i 1 21, 1967 4- - 2 <~= - <'""0' 7 C~ .,-~(~ Mr. W i I I i am G. Wren Acting Director of Public 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Works Subject: Tract #= 4237 Dear Mr. W. G. Wren: The Public Uti lity Easements shown on the final copy of the tract presented prior to recordation, are adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this company's electric distribution faci Ii ties. Sincerely, ggY#V J. J." FISHER STRICT ELECTRIC SUPERINTENDENT ra cc: Pacific Telephone, San Jose, Attn: Plant Engineer Jennings-McDermott & Heiss, 601 N. First St., San Jose Title Insurance & Trust, 66 N. First St., San Jose 51.9571 /' /1 U~ f-J /----' THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY San Jose, April19,1967 4,- ¿ <~:;- CO-7 C ~""(4 Mr. William Wren City Engineer City of Campbell Campbell, CaJ.ifornia Dear Sir: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 4237 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company. Very truly yours, ~¡J, p~ r Division Plant Engineer ~\.= ¿ ;Y':_::::r:.' ::. c S ':',-.1. ? ~ e, - ~¡"~.-,n , Fi , . .: bJJK . v i OJ 7n'ì J¡r,- ¡, C' , I "U~ . \...J '- ,- --',""', ~,-~..,--c; ~'- :ë,::'>=O=:C'::'==C::-~' ~":'??~-::",'JV::'X:::' :':"?:'::::'\~A:" l.¡J.Q U,," -,'" ~-- '~'.:,-,~"';'-' :S:~ -- 1..,-::'27 .-..~'.-' ~:;:j"~'=-=C~\.:'::Z:'::::';:G i:: ::'~:.:2 ~,~::::c::.\. '::;:; s:.::cs '~'~'......;; ?:':~C:?C¿'2D ~:..c~:;.,,:.::;=::..::.==-,~":::' . , .-', --'," ~ "_-"";"~\._~-.;;"J ,- '- ~ '. - ...u~- ç ~""ë..S ..:;~~~. s"c:::::'::.-'::"':'CC;':;' -':0 , -- ":.-~ ~ Ci.ty COL;,úcil -- ,- '-.. -.:.: c::.-::y o~ Cë..::.-.::.:;.}:;e::"'::'" 0:.. - .......0:..- ::.-.ê..'..:? 0:': ':'::-ë..C'C ::'~'o . 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"':::,:{ ,:,'fß, í í -;~o--;:-:-' , r ~ r'\j C '¡ (>. iK 0 I ,..." 0';: ~ ., 0;; the Cï.ty ,I " _"""",,:(;.'.:0;:'1'1. v'-' -~d cocrect CO!,, -- council I' , ì',u-':o'¡:\-.', ,v ~-L'O ~.l., .( ,'-t-O' C;,'.:y ,OJ ,1.-al.""',"'iiìnO;"""" ..' ,~-,,~-o,. ':.',.0 ,,---"-C;'CC .'~,. "y",'1¿r (1\..:el. ':) /. /':;/. -) - ....ICo- -, -.-" ',/o,::/.:eo cJl.. '- r",~u I 0..: /.Iir J.J-, .' , / , .. ....~ I /¡ r..~1'J \ -;~- Qc.SSCú c."~ " / ,) - ..II - . . '- ' ~ 1: t, \ e .' ' , Cón1',)b0 ¡, vII . i , ",,- .. ...---' ... "" "~ ~~;;v-etbaí\ , Dor,9"~" . ~::.~ CftY,C':r.;,'r\<':ì Ü '. -://: "",' .. , '" " . , " 'i fb/ V CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF 19-LOT SUBDIVISION FOR HAMILTON ENTERPRISES ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST LATIMER AVENUE APPROXIMATELY 207 FEET WEST OF THE SAN TOMAS EX?RES~WAY 1. 2 . All utility installatic~5 ~ J~ installed underground. Sa~itary sewer service ~a ~~ ;~ovided by Santa Clara County Sanitation District ~~. 3. 4. Water service to be p~ovid~~ by Campba~~ Water Company. All street improvcmen~s to be constructed in accordance with City of Campbell standard specifications. 5. Fire hydrants to be instal:ed as indicated on p:an. 6. Construct marginal waL~ al...;::; eEti:ce Latimer frontage including Livicich property. (Developer to provide right-of-way.) 7. Assessment apportionment fea of $250.00 to be paid to City. APPROV3~ BY PLANNING COMMISS:ON ON 18 JULY 1966) AND RATIFIED BY CITY COJNCIL ON 25 JULY 1966. C1 'v Oi~ CAMPBELL PLANNI;\~ COMMISSION :> . ¡'O'7an ~- -,_. " .'-, .. Se..: :'c -ulry CITY COUNCIL D~:othy Trevethan City Clerk ¡blh' A ' santa clara county ~~ DONALD K. CURRLIN MANAGER. COUNSEL 70 WEST HEDDING STREET FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER DISTRICT SAN JOSE, CALIF. 95110 TELEPHONE 299-2031 July 12, 1966 Mr. William G. Wren City Engineer City of Campbell 161 Grant Avenue Campbell, California Attention: Miss Charlene M. Barbano Dear Mr. Wren: ---- We have reviewed the tentative map for Hamilton Enterprises, r ¡cc.~ sent with Your letter of June 24, 1966. ~. (UI~ '- ..----- 'f" c ' ---~ The proposed subdivision ,!~ located adjaCen~~ San Tomas Aquino Creek which is an improved channel. We have no comment other than if any drainage from the subdivision is planned to dis- charge to the creek, plans must be sent to us for an outfall permit. If any lots adjacent to the creek are to be cut or filled, grading plans must be sent to us for our comments and approval. Sincerely yours, ./ -~ / ~ I ? «~ l' /;- l ------:'..,.-,)--Z..-..... ,/ " .' Lloyd C. Fowler District Engineer cc: Mr. Richard V. Hogan Director of Planning City of Campbell county jYìJ~ 2220 MOORPARK AVENUE SAN JOSE, CALIF. 95128 297-1636 270 GRANT AVENUE PALO ALTO, CALIF. 321-2141 11 MONTEBELLO WAY LOS GATOS, CALIF. 354-8330 10080 WEST HIGHLAND AVE. SAN MARTIN, CALIF. 683-2683 842-5651 779-9191 June 30,1966 . City of" Campbell Public Works Department 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Calif"ornia Gentlemen: The health department has reviewed the proposed subdivision f"or Hamilton Enterprises located on Darryl Drive as shown on a tentative map submitted to this department dated June, 1966, prepared by Jen- nings-McDermott and Heiss, Civil Engineers. It is noted that there are 20 numbered single f"amily residential lots. Sewage disposal is to be provided by sanitary sewers installed by the subdivider and connected by him to one of" the existing trunk sewers of" the Santa Clara County Sanitation District No.4. The sub- division is in the service area of" and shall be furnished domestic water by the Campbell Water Company. Final approval of" the proposed subdivision is contingent upon the posting by the subdivider with the Santa Clara County Sanitation Dis- trict No.4 of" an adequate bond to insure completion of" sewers as planned. Plans and specif"ications of" all proposed sewers and appur- tenances are to be approved by County Sanitation District No.4 prior to recording the f"inal map. Subdivider must agree to permit no occu- pancyof" any otherwise completed residences until usable sanitary sewer connections have been ef"f"ected. Individual sewage disposal in the proposed subdivision is not approved. Very truly yours, Irvin M. Fallis, Chief" Division of" Sanitation -, ~,~>t-?'¿>~ ~~ George Zer~en Assistant Chief" L- GP:mp STATE OF CALIFORNIA-TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS EDMUND G. BROWN, Governor P. O. BOX 3366 RINCON ANNEX, SAN FRANCISCO 94119 Q June 28, 1;;J66 306301 4-SCl-17 P-033 Mr. William G. Wren Acting City Engineer 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Wren: Reference is made to your letter of June 24 transmitting Tentative Subdivision Map for Hamilton Enterprises. The tentative subdivision area bounded by Latimer Avenue, Darryl Drive, Gale Drive and westerly line of Gibson property is completely removed from our Route 17 freeway improvement and will not be affected. Your cooperation in permitting our review of such matters is appreciated. Very truly yours, r \ (,'/11, ,( ¡(ci (/'- I (j[" ~ ~ ! /',/)~?-<J {/'-'I , v ALAN S. HART :~s~ E. J. STEWART Design Engineer ')tr' ¿ ,~¿~ /11"<'7(/' > 1 1 L ' -- / -/!- ; ,~j-?:'--{;~«( f b-'~j'~ 1 " , /' /t~iC (j,ui£:..... / A' ,/VL'l FRANK A. WILCOX Vice-President ~ f) f,iwlJ- , p r \.. VIOLET V. ENANDER District Secretary EDMUND A. MIRASSOU President I '. (. ALBERT T. HENLEY Attorney GLENN F. DODSON Executive Adminidrator J. ROBERT ROLL Chief Engineer SAN'l'A CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVA'rION DIS'.I'RICT . . . 15420 ALMADEN ROAD. SAN ..JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . PHONE 269-365C June 28, 1966 FilE NO. H-4.1O A44-t! Mr. William G. Wren Acting City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Dear Mr. Wren: This office has received a copy of the tentative subdivision map of Hamilton Enterprises. It Is understood that this proposed development Is located west of San Tomas Creek and between Latimer Avenue and Gale Drive. Since the District has no easements, appurtenances, or other Interests within the subdivision, there are no comments or suggestions to be made from this office. "', Thank you for your past cooperation. Very truly yours, ~JJ- ~ (Jo~n H. Clarke Hydrographic Englne~~ ~ L~¿\'v gld --~----_._,--_.- ---.--..,------ ..----------------.-.....--..---------------_u- ----.--..,-~-----_.. "---'---'-----'__..n.._--_.....- ,.--_..,-.- DIRECTORS ROY M. BUTCHER DIV. I . ROBERT T. SAPP J.. J.. LENIHAN DIV.2 DIV.3 . F. A, WILCOX D. J. RIBISI DIV.4 DIV.5 . E.. A. MIRASSOU JOSEPH CHIRI DIV. b DIV.7