22 E. Latimer Ave. (67-1) ,~ ~ci Þ.O.B. --- .8,0 4~ W. 2~' : . I , .t 'C ' CI1Y ÔF CAtAP , , ~19 ò.. ~6? 1- 28- 60 5.00' I t LAN~ OF- f/ CM4P. !O~ UM'OM . fit.MOOL D'6". \CT I ,.,q 0...418 "!! '=> -, 0 - 4.0 «i ~ ~ «) t- en ¡ ¡ I t Jj 3: . t- to- W ~ " 0 0 . 2 cf) .: . S.lS".~6'W. i ! j.,..; '. ", , , " ~ CAMP&E-LL J:~ r;.~i, .... i'~ '1' no';;; '" '," a .. A VÎ:-. .I~ ~ - .... " 1° f~ I ~ ~ 50' ~ D t ~ I t + I AVf:-. 0(2. By: TSP 2-2-67 C"" 'K' '.D.c'v',: ",~.,"'.5, '. 'c..",,=..:"~7J..""/"l..'., , . . [J.., . \"., , \:2 ' , r.. -.:l ,0 - P ¡:;, ¡' ç,~ ¡:::j I t"~ to' ,\',¡; n 'ó;., ""'f.p,..,¡;: , ", . -" ".. ".., ... I , " i . j I ¡ 4!c " , " I. 'I, : , . ~ : ,~ ,I ( --... I i il i ì 1 II ~ 'I i I I. I I I I I '-"" ,.,---- INaT, DATE REC. P'ILE NO, Riu~T DD 5-6-1.940 ,'CD BY S.J. l.:ßr:JT & T. CD BY S.J. ABS~ &~. ,c") Oft- 41 ß A8".~O~ ,... ."0 .08.. 188548 '~~U~ A. E. BRYDO1: J>_ND THERESA L. BRYDON.. $2 Rev l~~,/ , ' , . 11--"'" ,.._, HUSB;;ND &~D WIFE (V' " ' TRA BOOK CAih'ßELL UNION ~IWI!ò.Iill , SCHOOL DISTRICT.. a body pol! tic nd '~. , ,4( political subdivision of the State of Ca,lif'ornia... j , ON Beg Þ : t a pt 1n the illy 11 of 'Ih1rd St IÞ di stant thereon ~ Nly 1';0' tro:n the inter or sd 11 of Th1rd St. Y/ith the Nly 1 ~ of Cnmpb9.11 J.venue '. and said point of beg being where the ~/ Nly 11 of the parcel of land convey~d by L~na Lt. 1\odeek and ~~ I " B. o. Rodeck, husband and wife.. to Curtis J:i. llfJ.nger..by dd I ' dateð, 10....9-190' and recorded 10.-11-1905 in Book 299 of Ds. pu~e. 221, intersects said line of 'Xhilod Str,.E.ct¡ thence Nly I PROP. POSTED along s~id line of Third St. 187.50' to a at in the Sly 11 of the parcel of land conveyed by Len~ U. ~odeck and~. G. Rodec1~ husband and 'fIifer to ô'1um G. Nelson b.1 dd dated 6....20-1914 and recd 6-20- 914 Jon Bk 419 of LIs. pg 124; thence G. I. POSTED S. 89P 43' W. alg the 8+111 of l&nd conveyed to said Swan a. Nelson 203" mIl to a. pt ill the Ely 1i of parcel of land. conveyed byOeorge W, Burnett to Freder1ck Will1am öm1th, --2-- COMPARED 5-10-40 .. " COMPARED --- ~-----~-- - - - --- - -- -,- --~- ----------=----------------------~------------ ---~~----~---- I - I INST. , ' '-....-',- " , ',-", DATI: REC. -2--- P'ILE NO. 168548 A..U.O~ ,... .-'0 ..,... by De~d dated 3-14~lS89 and recorded 3-18-1889 in Bk 114 of Ds. page 100; ~hence Sìy,and alg the Ely 1i of lands cc-nveyed to said l"reàerick ~11l11am Smith 187.50' to the NW1y corner - of the pal' eel of land conveyed by Lena iI. TRACT BOOK Rodeck and ". G. Rodeck, husband and wife, to J. D. Sawyer, by dd dated 12-1~1909 and reed 12-17-1909 in Bk 352 of Ds. page 395} thence easterly and parl with sd 11 ot Campbell i.venue 201' mIl to the place. of beg1nn1ng, and being a part of the 6W 1/4 of bee 26 in ~ 7 South Range 1 west, M.D.B &~. . Resolut1on accepting deed made à part of ebOV,8 record~.. COMPARED LOCATION .._-, ~, PROP. POSTED 1_,_- I G. I. POSTE~-' I i I COMPARED ~---- -- ------- - --,-~--- -,-- / , "-::-"'-, ~'l L- ') , "" J ,{V J' J¡b.; ~). ~J)) (54) 1 V[ r I l ,\ \, //A ',' , (I"',¡(;¡/'i.. '-I;(f)-> ~ '. . (~ tc/v v) r,vY r C!T/~~:~;';'~f~ir¡1.n¿m~OHNr.\ I. '( , '-c I I i . /' ' ) l,{ ¡ } (/¡t.'i C t J (~; / " I ,,\.. , ;, \:,c' 0 { . ,x '(.0 I / ,I 1..'1 I Þ " tel Use Permit 67-1 16 .January 1967 In <.'.ccordance with Section 9328, Ch&.pter ::, Article IX of t::e Ca'~nbi~lJ Municipal Code ~f t~eC1ty of Campbe!l, Californiq, the ¡n:;;T V.'\LL!)' .fV,íur COLLFf~[ DISTRICT L; he'reby ,r;rante,j a use penüt t::¡ aJJow 1't :11]itÌonal re1ocatable class- rooms np T'TON",rty kno\.;n as 22 and (.f; L1st :.atj';Icr AVf",lue, SU.1jCCt to t:'~E' conditions as ~~ ( 1. ,1~; 111 it' t: .~; r:::¡r:!~ì'el J. Un ion School r¡ . Lc\~ìcuti('H to ,~r" :j~)'~'-st,"~{-,t en T~,jr.\ Strt;H;t frcr~~.!t'e. h. Co~struction of cur~t ~Lt~c~ and si~ewalk on T~ir~ StT~~t ~Tonta~e. .., w. ,\11 b~ìLl(hn~s to be locûtcc' on L1'!-i!1~el-Ca.:'i1p:>cIl site. If Tïr'actic:'11, exi,;tin;, classroorns on Rincon site <'1'(" to }'f' mcved to C;;,rmi-H"¡) -Latimer ~ j t(". 3 . !J:'J r k in II ¡";1 La. t i:1; e r ;s¡ t ,,? i ~~ t" special :, tll\,~....~)¡ts. ": :r{~3tï1Ctt';, ~~c' -,;;.:~FJ , ; S ; î G I' S, ,'IT: d 4. Lar.dscar't' vlàlì i¡;dic.atin" t'V[':' (',:' ill a,IJC annr""" "'l "l" '~)-"."'l'r.", :'1"I'::-"~:"', j' vvl, " ..0."", d. '". "..-< "', - t ,- - r 5 . A compLet,e ,Il;,ilcliilí' Dl:.lri[. si..-.ì"" ,"ect'-ic;"l. sc.rv...c.e'.', fir" ~arm circuits, .wd o1..>il~Ii~I~ "!~)C<::I:>": inc1urii.:;;; rli¡,er;SlOt\,:; 'ìD ,-ij,stances fTc,'1' ";^15ti]¡\~ :)uil'~ÌìI",s. ;!Y'¡'1' :DFI,Lc,tecl to -:::he ~lT': ry'1""icl'H: ;~ r:T'", ':"';(':~ Hllrc . rll)r to r~'1~~"¡ ~'rj'TL (., 1-" r';, I" ¡: ì;:dl t( be fur;\Ìshc,' ç"r)Y""T'-,r,;; "iV P131l¡¡iIl.;;'; ';),rCi:':C,~' PA,'3St'..L'\:vn AU::¡PTED b'f t1\C;;~ CITY ¡'IT: ¡,'\">(~fLL PL1\Nt~L;',; t'" :"I >~: session, an ti;( 1¡)tJ1 Jay of Janu;a)', } 1[-,7. ::.:~ulaY SAID :í~~!: PEH"Ur to l)cco!',c ;:.fL'c.ti':r: CT Uh "/'tL .L¡y C'" J:n'l'!r'ry, 1967. r:¡ r'- ,):; CA\fPHELL ;)L\>nn\i~ r'();'1'lISSION '1y: /' -~-'lC'-V.-'lb-:' ' - ,'" , , , , , '; .. ---,_. "--- RVH:bt A .. PLANNING DEPAR~1ENr CITY OF CAIIPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 18 January 1967 COi>JDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF West Valley Joint Junior College District , FOR CONSTRUCTION OFrelocatab~~ classrooms TO B~ LOCATED AT: 22 and 66 East Latimer Avenue CONDITIONS: 1. PlanninR Director to approve the plot plan which is to be submitted by the colle~e a5 soon AS ~ossible. * * #: 'II: #: Section 9316.1 of the Campbell gunicipal Code r2uds as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one 11undred eighty (180) days after tile d~te upon which such approval '""as granted, unless an extension for such ¿pproval is obtained by making written application fer same to the Planning Commis~ion at least fiiteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit stall be issued after the expiration date of any &pproval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAiVlPBELL PLANNING COM;\iISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE ---!t!!L DAY OF J anull"1[J96 7 CITY OF CNiPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By =__1 'h.V. ¡ c,c.:'n Secretary RVH:bt R. V. HOgan