285 E. Latimer Ave. (70-61) ~ PH-55 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development~ APPLICANT Iv( c k E¿'Á' (~('Á- $'1/2 L 'é7-/('J..- (~.. , BUILDING ADDRESS tit. ¿ ¿¿.7SJ 7ã,()c 7' j(/;:. ~<)¿' 2. /" COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ,;JL ¿ .;r /" /-"-)" 'I':-, ¿1. (.-'(.'< , ¡,;.L / .), /~d1LT /\...t¿: , 1'7 c/ "S" APPROVAL NUMBER .,~ ' Ie.. J¿-,>/ / ----I /'7 ~ r Á/¿ /Í-' - r / ~...Ó c; ¿-. '-r/{c'~ PUBLIC WORKS ,7 FILE NUMBER ~/ (¿j/;1'/:ME¿t..- ¿/ y í)2~ c;r Ãd--. 4-~<!~ WILLIAM G. ~JREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ~~-d-~- 1"" Date 4--14--7 I I . 8IV G,J. (l? I) :1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CA1,IPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVE~!UE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: ,7 ~:; :; '..,.} r' V :~. 1 9 7 J. ---- CONDITIONS ATTACIŒD TO liS II APPROVAL OF PLANS OF '~r:: € r::- -:: C C,;'3 t. Co. ------,.-,------.- ---~-----------------' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF -.-!..~ !;-,J.::lt ~~~::1t -- "::0,1. ¡).J..e.-. TO BE LOCATED AT: '-~,r r 'If:!' b,tj_1'f1~""I\Vr-'!"H¡' --------.--.-----.. ----------...--.----. CONDITIONS: condition"! or ¿lnproval at::tiltche' Section 9316.1 of the Cél]j~pbe11 ;.!unicipa1 Code reads as f0110\\'5: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eir,hty (180) days after the date upon which suc~ approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making \-¡Titten application for same to thc Plannin~ Commission at least fifteen (15) dnys prior to the expiration elate of such approval. No building pcrmit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtaij)ed in the manncr provided fdr in this Chapter. ' GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CM.!PBELL PLANNING Cm.I~IISSION AT A REGULAR MEETH:C HELD ON TIlE ...1. , DAY OF ----~-'.v ~__;__Xl:.____- CITY OF CN,!PBELL PLANNING COMt,a S~ ION Cc¿ Fire Dept. wIatt. Lng. De)t. w/att.~ By: . -- ------ARt i ìrnZ'-KFE:--š~CÖUT1'!\ i~Y---- -.-- , F. G. H. 1. ilia CONDITIONS Or t,PPROVAL - IISII 70-61 a Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landsc&pe plan indicating type of plant material, in recreation area and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $5,000.00 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction. 4. Landscapinr; shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. . 5. An enclosure consisting of a Concrete floor surrounded by a 6' high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash containers for each 4~uIlit apartment in ~m area approved by the Fire Dcpart~ent. ' The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet tJJC following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and drive1~ay areas to be developed in compliance with Section 931.9 of the Campbell Munic:i.pal Code. Underground Utilitics to be provided as required by Section 9U.O.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the locatioll of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone, and tele- vision cablcs~ etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordiJlanCe for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and parmi t issued by the building department. E. Installation of sani tary SC1ÝCr mains to SOl've all lots Hi th the subdivision and to conform to District's proposed plans. Sewer sQrvice to be provided by Santa Clara CoLnty Sanitation District No.4. Installation of water mains and appurtenances to serve all lots within the subdivision. Fire hydrants to be installed at locations as Sh01'ln on map. Water s erv ice to be provided by Campbc 11 Water Company. Developer to provide podest)~ian \l'aJ. bray in northeasterly corner of subdivision connecting the proposed public street to Hamilton AveIlu~. Compliance with Article IX, Chapter I, Part I, of the Campbell Municipal Code inclt1(ling unùcrg:(Ut1Jlcl utili ties as required by Section 9110.6. The applicant is notified th;:¡t he shaD comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of tho City of Campbell which pertain to this c1evcJ.op:ncnt and arc not. herein specified. It 8 ""l I ,.".. .. 8420 11/30/70 J..,:r. DESCIUPTION ps l'dl"ccl~~: I,ll. of i,uts 3 ilnu 4, as sÌ1ovm uron that certain map ent.itlf'd ";1ap of ['.r;. Lcith'~; ;;ubc:.iv1.sion if'. the Nortbv.'E'sterlyf 1/4 of tile :..:;outh\\csterlyll/.j of Section 2(" To.wnship 7 .-:.outh, F-ange 1 T.'Ìcst, i,.L,lL & i'-1.", a :'1a[' of -which Wi2ò.' n.'corùcd i!1 tJle office of the KE":cordE":r of U e County of :=-:aLLa Clara, State of r::z,lifr)rnia, Oil ,January 20, 11-:391 LlI bOO}: "u" ct, :<ap:¡, ~'a(!' Iv). ¡~\('~.PTING TJIE1{}:FF:.or-¡ the nortiH2rly 3iJO.OO feet (mr>asured at ri'JÌìt an(J~e,;) L"..:l"CO1, ¿¡ad alslJ L.XCEPTI;;(; ThLFl:.F".UL all those Fortions t!"1ercof lYlng Wl thin t~hç Dounds of Latin,er i\vcnuc a:-; sal.U ,\venue wa::; established bi Dccd dated July 5, .l.~40 r~~ordeù Auqust 2~, 1~40 in book 9~5 of Official Rc~ords, page 50G, from 'oJ. H. Crot¡1Cr~, èt al, to the County cf ~~anta Clara. tar,--'",l ',. EL;Cll-i¡;r;;C at a point in the southerly line of liarr.ilton Avenue, .._----, and elt tile :;orthwe~t corner of Lot 2b, às delineated and so. designated upon ;:ap pntitled "l'-lap Ifjlfj the L.a. Sl"l :C;ubdivislon in the ri.t. 1/4 of the S."':. 1/4 S\;c. :'" 'iF. 7,',. P. 1 Ii.", and \ihich said map was filRd in tl'E office 0+ tflC county Recorder of the County of ..3anta Clara, :'-",tate of California, on t\pril 12, 1')0:.; in Vclurne "K" of Mal)s, at page 59; thence :,crtL fj'j 0 :.'t'-, I v>;"s t, and along the southerly line of Lamil ton l\Venue 348.30 feet to t;k ea~; terly line of Lot 4, as delineated onWlap anti tIed "Map of F. C. KeitL's è;ubdivision.in the r;.'". 1,4 of S.\'7. 1/4 of Section 26 Tp. 7;:~. R. 1 Í'Í., ::.D.r,:.", and-owhich said mal' "..-as recorded in the office of the C:cunty Recorder of the Counti of Santa Clara, State of California, i on ,.January 20, 1890 in Volume "0" of ~laps, page 169; thence .oouth 0° 4' \-inst, along the Fast line of Lot 4 of the P.G. Keith's Sub- division, 19.60 chains to a stake marked K.K. No.1, standing at the South- Oó.st corner of said Lot 4; th"nct: Soutll 89° 40 I East, 353.10 feet to the ~;out]¡west corner of Lot 50 of the L. H. Sly Subdivision, hereinabove referred to; thence North 0° 15' Eatc:t, along the westerly line of said L.H. Sly ::-ubdivision, 1;¿90.3R feet to the southerly line of Hamilton Avenue and the point of beginrÜng, and being a portion of the S. t'i. 1/4 of Sec. 26, T. 7 S. 1< 1 '.¡-J., H.D.M. r:XCEPTING 'I'I-íEPl-FROJ>! the northerly 340.00 feet (measured at right angles) U~reof, and also EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion thereof lying within the bounds of Latimer Avenue, as såid Avenue waS established by Deed àated July 5, 1940 recorded August 23, 1940 in Book 995 of Official Records, page 5CO, from W.H. Crothers, et aI, to the County of Santa Clara ,. ~ prcPQr~J b~ the firm of MACKAY & SOMPS . San Jose . . ~; : ,"