1408 W. Latimer Ave. (79-9) MEMuRANDUM 10: BUILDING DEPARTMENT From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL Date: }tIð--¡" "Z.. J, I c1 7 '1 Subject: PUBL I C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS '-'-- ---------------------------------------------------------- The requirements of the Public Works Department the following development: APPLICANT ~<.. BUILDING ADDRESS {.:tit') ~/ COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER , ~) ,.>,', l ? ,:,~- "'" ;¡;), (::; ',J Z 10 0' .... en .... ~ () [ -I -< -< N 0 ... õ1l () ::I þ'" ~ s:: 1) C OJ m r r () =< -< () r "' ;c '" -:ItD 7 ~ "'<~ cp.. S¡... z~"'::E: rnCaou; cþrn", ao¡;;~rn ~CÞQ Oþn:;¡ :EZæ... . C Z rn g I .... I ...., \0 ; I .... I ...., \0 0\ ..... 0 0 .... 0 0 .... þ :Þo s: * 0 :: @ It It - - ~I- have been satisfied for ,S l~ ~e iA{j> ,-' \A( ~5( ¿'AA a-.. 41 - J 1 \'-1 ,') :/ . : I / f. ,~+. ( 5's) JOSEPH ELLIOTT ~IREClf~O~ y: {, .. Ý'~ Da te : f ~. 7 Cj ~- "7 õ1 C ~ ~ ()~ Z I c ~'J s: ^' OJ "J ~ 0 þ .., m 0 ;c m < m z c m Þ 0 0 0 c Z -I Z 0 õ1 0 :u r s: 0 Z m -< 0 ;u 0 m ;u 7\ (.;J C ~. Ú\ ~ " 0 () þ (fJ I ~ p þ 0 0 ;U m (fJ (fJ z þ s: m :J~ 0 ~ Î~ i ~J ~ r ..-...----- / n - 0-1 þ-( s: ciiO ." m ~ "" r " m r n () ~» m ~3::U O"tJ-i ~m Þm r r í CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works Janua ry 28, 1985 SMS Builder Services 21 Horgan Avenue Redwood City, CA 94061 Subject: Assigned Passbook for 1408 W. Latimer Avenue, Lat (53) and 1458 W. Latimer Avenue, Lat (55) Gentlemen: The enclosed passbook, along with our release of interest, is being returned to you since the liability secured by it has been fulfilled. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell i ott Director of Public Works .~~.~ by David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV:dc Enclosures: passbook and release RELEASE OF INTEREST AND REASSIGNMENT OF MONIES The City of Campbell no longer has an interest in the monies herein- after referred to and does hereby assign and set over to SMS Builder Services, all right, title and interest of any kind whatsoever in and to the insured account of SMS Builder Services, identified by account number 14-07944-6, in the Allstate Savings and Loan Associa- tion whose address is 2500 Pruneridge Avenue, Santa Clara, California. Dated this 25th day of January, 1985 at Campbell, California. City of Campbell ( v:.~~ oy David N. alkenaar Associate Civil Engineer ( I , CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: PUBLIC ~'lORKS ElLIOTT --H-fI1Wil~'G ~. - !'-----~ ""M$ L.,.../'_:'.T.',..L':¡:.,'J. 3[0__-. I 'f' - --"-r"'- '--,--..- .. DIAZ I" ---.. " - ..,.. ----,. ----,. CAót I ---..- I I - . '-------- -t-.---I I-f II August 11, 1981 Bob-Built Roadways, Inc. 701 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95112 Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No. 80-226 - LAT(53) Location: 1408 W. Latimer Avenue Maintenance Bond Amount: $1,500.00 Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: Norm Samson cc: Covenant Mutual Ins. Co. 100 Pine St., San Francisco, CA SPEEDOMf -~ STOP -- S r ART TOTAL DIARY PAGL ~ CONTRACT ~6 - Z "Z......' DATE LOCATION JVo <; ~a/~ ~ . g~<I~Y } WEA THER TEMP, MIN, MAX, .{/( :J a q,~-- ~~-. ,.. 16" J tf: / . \ IV [4' " (( , I , r .~4'-~ ,tr4( I/J' U , í. , ( / . , X'/\ l~ '-NJ JJ (j r14.A..P4<Þ ! /13~eot~ s::6. '-iYz~ 'r r 4-/J J q.$D .30 MBF WORKING DAY NO, SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED ( CITY OF CAMPBELL HELMS ETURN 10-- ELLIOTT 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 DIAl ! D:,C" F D ; Î: '--~-~---- - -f f' I ' -If- - ri .-.......-' CASE Department: Public Works - August 12, 1980 Bob Built Roadways, Inc. 701 N. First Street San Jose, CA. 95112 Subject: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No. 80-226 - LAT(53) Location: 1408 W. Latimer Avenue Maintenance Bond Amount: $1,500.00 Gentlemen: We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accord- ingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requi rement i ndi cated below. . You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful per- formance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works ~ DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: N. Samson, P.W. Inspector Suspense - 1 yr. Covenant Mutual Ins. Co. 100 Pine St., San Francisco, CA. LA'((Ç3) CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~~ftt~. JÒ - '22 b PROJECT INSPECTOR'S ~~:~i~~ Ir./ù 2 ~"vM /L-a- DAILY REPORT Page of Date M T W T F s S Circle Day Weather Temp. Min. Max ~-Y~fO c::} .LL - t -~~--e"þ ""¿~~Þ~--"""'-A~ L1,,"7~~¿!~ / &L( --~~/ /' ' ----- '~~-7~~- .- _u. ~..---~'-- -- ._--.~" ------- ---------- .. . - - ,---- - - , ----- - ?J PROJEC~R PROJECT INSPECTOR ~rt (/ ,-1-- °0 ~ 2:2- 6 Ii (. """.. \ <S B!t'D.T ,.' ~ ~~ ::;~:\~~~~ GRADING &. PAVING l ,-I (5")) July 30, 1980 RECEIVED AUG ì ¡,'"O PUBLIC WO{?KS ENGINEERING City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 ATTN: MR. NORM SAMfsON Dear Mr. Sam'son: The street improvement at 1408 Latimer Avenue, per the city's permit 80-226, is ready for final inspection. We hereby apply for acceptance and completion from the City of Campbell and request our cash deposit of $600.00 refunded. Thank you. Sincerely, ~~'Á/\ I( ~,.)( ((j,~j(' (/L(o John R. Sidensol BOB-BILT ROADWAYS, INC. JRS:nmc Bob Hilt Roadways. P.O. Box C . Alviso, CA 95002 )1A 7- 7- ð'û LA r('.:;-3 ) CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Page of P, oj~c;t 01 ' . Permit No. )f 0 - Z 2' c; PROJECT INSPECTOR'S Name.or /~, 9 ¡J):l / - /J DAILY REPORT Location 0 ,¿{'..f-¿xuL/ ~. Date M T W T F S S Circle Day Weather Temp. Min. Max 7-2Y-J/7J / ¡¡ ,q ~ ~~~rLP/ ~ - <-C), ¡ ú.-J. ¿() .,~_J.Y.,U?~ ,<;11 ~-/~:Jff"l!- ¿A)Ci~) 'YY\.P~^ / ~~-u--<¿~ _A7"~ .¡o c:?FØ~J-~ 'jÞlC1 cØ ~~-- - r:d~-<-.;t n~-I-ð¿Ø~'7 @ ~ ß-f'c(J é'T( C! /' ~ ~~ ~ 'fÍ~ ~c?é~-r") ~~£-;~ (~1 ~/e~ ~--~ }¿W/ / ) '.P~n" ..-----. .---.--.--.-- .., ------ PRO~NEER PROJECT INSPECTOR .?ë; / CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Page of Project or Permit No. 8 (~i '- Î '7 /~ , .' -"--",,. IL~ PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Date M T Name or f Location /.:. -'-I'YJ c,- w T F s S Circle Day Weather Temp, Min. Max /"1 J~")i Fe) ~, ¿Oi/'" v ..f-' , i ,.(/ - f- /1.""£",, /' /' r. »,.1: ~ r¡/ / , '" . /--,.0 "h~<.J.' < l.." " / '/ r-r?-.[j., , "J t.1. .>' -<' £/ )-".~" / 10/,' ,- , 0". , , f~ . . !1t1:J J..<! v- 5 ,'It ~.I-<"-rl- /1--<../ ~. /~ ¡ . re¡.y.c.vc.t./ £.... 1./3", /' '-;2--- ¿ ~p/ //2 . ,0;. '" ' ~/ --- ..._---~... ,--~ -. - ----- ,-~-- -----.------ PROJECT INSPECTOR PROJECT ENGINEER / cØ-.' . ~ ~. CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or (7 . / Permit No. ¿>D - 2 2 (--.;:> ~~:~i~~ /Vn g ~c-Jc~ lL . Page of PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Date M T W T F S S Circle Day Weather Temp. Min. Max 7-7-g?) ÁJ (J iv-d- Þ æ-I-J-L -.'_ð cL<2/ \/"2 ¿ ¿. '¿71.--~<: ~Pd/: /d~ , 7-:1- yz) "Â) 0 to'v-r-L - Â)-f-< ~-d'jt--:2 p7Zß~TL~-<..:u:.,¡J ßÅ~~- . -- ---,_.- }-C;-)jZJ ßo,~ ~L~ ~ð¿JW«2 , ~ ~ ~&:.4U-- (J~ #.(, - E & ~ _A~,-",-ß-jJ .- , ----- :~ i /aLrU2~ AZ~, - , ----- ----~ ~-~ ,-- l-/o -1Z) ~?-(; ßU £ ~ ~<.J (' ~ - ../âLf~{J ~ ~ 4(. rG:.u-e A-<cJ- ~ 7-".£;4 "?,ç/ ~~" -~ ~ ~ / ;?; C} c: ~ Qh~ ;4 ~ -. M ~~ß 4 £ /" -e' ,.. .Æ!.~,- Çi2, ---~-¿ s.,-% /" ~ ,r h~~-.J.-.t ~-'-;..( ?ù ~A mJL 11;--- - k/r F~ c ~-L-ð/~ ~~ .s j td Lt.) ~e/ ~ ')-;\.~- ~..I2.2t!-J- @ ~ ß ~~ / ~---ê~- ó4 c~ /~ ~-----e 1JìtJ PROJECT ENGINEER y£ PROJECT INSPECTOR CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Page of l'r9jeet~r /' Permit No. Y2J - 2 2 b Name or ~ ~~ Location) Vr-J ;; ð~' , PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Date M T W T F S S Circle Day Weather Temp. Min. Max ~-~-)?ò /00 ¿~- /~-/-~l'-<-~~ Ind</J~;..o¡J, ~~~ 7-/ - yZJ ;;~ i?~' y;~~ J/' ~')~y t{/ ~V~ ~-j ~ /J. C, / ¡:;;:~ ,;~ë ~ ' () ¿: ~ 4~ ~~.¡t At ç¿ ~~~~ ~- r ~ ~-r ðy--M . / ~-cR~ dJ A!?a-=Á. ~ _-/ ~~. ~ ~~~- .~Ê ,Á~¡-}J-J~ ~~"'" -0" J<.---... v 7 - Z:_JL , -;-? A þ Ck~ (', , ' t.--Uya dJ, ~(1~ Ll~4l ~ ¿¿~ - ",.00 ¿, ~. ~ -Ä ~-<--- 7-3- :gL) /1) D //1. 9--Ot-¿. t9-í'- ,HI é, 4/(/ ~~ (/ ~ 4-1---c~-;'cð/l ~~~--<~ ---~-,- PROJECT INSPECTOR CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~:~~ftt N~. '3 tJ - Z 2' G ~~~~i~~ /~u g (;r( ~"'~I- ,LL~ Page of PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAI L Y REPORT Date M T W T F s S Circle Day Weather Temp. Min. Max 6- z v~ JTð --- ßð ii- £/ E ~ ~ ') ~'/-=> :¿~r /~c/;¡ Þ C ,¿ ~¿J OÞ .¿:- ~Ø/ ~~. a é-~.{J ~-.?- J-/t~jt2 , "-- ,;; ./ d9-- f5~ .--ß-~<-c - ~ çf/, .~¡>- fi¿¿.~ £ /';Kðß l ./~ J.,z"'I't--C--0-7"'---~ ----- r ¿. Z¿:i - Y2J á~g ~ ;// ;F;: û ,¡J,;."1 ~y/<; ,~') 0 fA.!) (~ fia'¡--I-<'--é"-ðl'~--di.. -- --- /7J ¿2-e~k.¿~£? ß , , ~~~~~..- - b - ;?¿?- 7ð þ.L ~:/ ~GJ)~o7$ I }-1"7 ¿;. -"',Æ/ ¿2-¿'~.(J ~ðZ.~-<" -- :L6. y ~*~ /~c~ ~h7"-OqÇJ ~ ~//=--?~ .J ð-fJ C/ ~ I~ -_.._~. --- ---- /L~7' ~~-é'~. , ~NEER PROJECT INSPECTOR .~ I . C A V A T 10. , I ~ M IT '~ð ~Af.($'3) ~ ýo -:2 7-(;, CITV OF CAMPB[ll DCPARnI[HT OF PU8L1 C IIOftKS 7~" Ç"",r.' Ay,"", CI"P~ 1 1, CA, 9!>008 (408) 378-8141, '1\. 220 '1...1 t 110, aef, fll, ~. "\1 hille diU fap1r.. ,~ ~-fo .... APPLICATION ! E ): Application Is IIarebl .-cIA for an tlcavatlon PlnIIH In Itcorc\ance wltll ea""wll ...,nlcl,.1 CoM, kc\lon 11.04. A. location of work: ItfO8 W L CI+n:LÆ v- Av1-- I. "tllreofwork: .:f-H.>flJI! ~lru.-I- ,;u.ù}-Vvc.--..«-rls ,,?{y .,¡;?/a.."J , ., tit ~ ~ ... i ~ i u ~ C. AUaç" thrft (3) cop1" of I drawl nil 11Iow1nll tilt 1",t10n, '.t,ntlnd d1_ns1ons of tilt work. Tilt drawing shall show the relation of tilt proposlCl work to ,.1Itlng surhu end underground tllpl'Ov_nts. IlleR Ip- pl'Oftd by tilt ctty EnVillHr, "td dre.tng Me_S I pert of tll1l peNn. D. TIIA General Conditions for a11 ""..Its Irt Hlted on tilt revtrSt side. Spectl1 ,"v151ons for this PI""tt are Ilsttd below. FIOurt to Ibide by these conditions end pl'Ov15ions ..y rtlll1t tn JOIIlllut-4own end/or forfeHilre of flUhfy1 ',rfo,..."" Ind talh 1ofICII, (Set &entrl1 CoftcI1t1ons 1 Ind 2.) E. An application fIt of SZS ..st ItcQlllplny this IppHution. This tl lIOII-refllndlb1e end .111 lit Ipplted toward the total "'rIIIlt fIt 1f the PI",,1t is COftI....t,d, F. Set "litre I COndit1on 5 ....-...tlll CCIIIp1ttion e. KetptellCt of &lit work. .... of AppHclnt ~(.jf., e. I -t Rr\"',J '-v-'--, ( -P"'r Tt1tphone: 2. ¥:r -'tlB¿ -+ ,J' ~.-- Addreu TO I t1 ' I S s-r- ):'.¡., ui9,Ç..-. 7'.Jo J I ....... *Nalile of ContrlCtor S.r,\_( Tt1tpt1one; 0..) Addreu Stitt Contrector LtClnse No. '2- ~ 2- b 11 C1t11u11111u Ltcense No. ~ -NOTE: The Contractor _u IItVI I current Stlt, Cofttrector'l l tC8ft1t and Ct t1 of Clllpbe11 11151...11 LtctnSt, SPECI'L PROVISIONS .... 1. Strftt ~IIall not be ooen cut for uncltl"9round instll1ation5. "1ni- Cllts.-V ~ a11O1'~' for conn t~'fnn~ or exp10rlt10n ho185. Such cuts ..st be 5Dlelflca1 h ""Droved b.Y the In~')cct(lr. 2, Pav-lIt construction or reltorlttOfl 1111" be: v t. As sll- Oft planl. b. ExistingltcUon p1uI 1-1nclltl A.C. with 4-tnchel A.C. on 12-1nches R-78 blSt rock or e-iftches A.C. held IS I .tni- lection. c. 1Iote - Existtng chip Itl15 111111 lit rep1ectd to ConfON with tilt lurround1ng pev_nt IIIrfle,. J. TIlt 1Iou" of _rIt Ire 1t1n.. .. IIItIt. till IIours of 7-1 I... 011IIII H ,... 4, I*»rk to lit lteklCl IIy I 1tC8flIICl Land 5urY~r or Cht1 [nghl8lr and þ o (2) cep1ts of tile cut S""tl Hnt to &lit Pub1tc Morltl Dapartllttlt before lterti", work. S. ~-nj-r,(1 >' I rrrQ("1,"';1I1 cA/tiffk ~'O"'ðt7Y-&l1-c-- Park""-,,o-.¿ , r '?'t-1 ,hDD ¡ I;'<} vV,+1-. C7r7 - ~ ( 'k (~d $ C-'7"/~'- " v ~ ~ u ... '" III ~ ,/ i ..u f?t-.>Ir-'fc. rlA1 hd - s I ~ IIOTlCE KIST IE. ¡¡YEN TO THE CITY AT LEAST" MOUltS KFOI£ KIUIIIUlli WORK. NIl[ 378"'141, I.t. UO. """t 18ce1pt 180. 'I ...f,.I- ~~~.~.(~) #"7/03 ~ t::; " ""'T "PLICA"" fEE ~ ~ ~~ fAITHfUL PERfORM~- OV.UO ~ CASH DEPOSIT REQuIREp S (p (){J d'h:> ""'IT '" C... ,f r..:~. ".. US) ~s IB>-a> Approved for tlllllnc~~~ or 11 III IIftr II C(Z:5jt:ð 'OUt ..... Tht Pt,..iUtt hereby egretS by .ffh1nv IItI li""tu,", to th1l "",..1t to ho1d the City of Clllpbe11. 1tl officers, agents end 1IIIP10yHS fret, 11ft end ...,..1111 '1'08 any c111. or dt88nd for ....ges reslllttn!! fl'O8l the work covered by ttlfI PI,..1 t. ACCEPTED App11C1nt (P"..1ttH) Date h- 23 ~ Jtù &/~.::! /ý~ ::-» L- Ail' r~ ;.. , ," ": ~ '" :'!> ,«, '~ .' <:. .. .." tìI If? " I I L-¡' '\ ' I , I ~ ¡ ( I 1 ~ ~\ <:::r' ' \.[J "" , 1 ~- 4 '." . .' -ö I ---1 ,. ... c(\ ; ~~ I e~ \-~ .)11 1f1!5 , ~ -N, ~~~ V'I~ -;¡'<fcO ~~ j 1lJ t-~.J :j ~ ~v ~~~ r .....,- lÙ k) Õ~~:: ~I v '- .J "..-.> ~ -f:)I ~ .t. E i2 l- t- -z: "7: ¥ Ie \ß ~ "> w £. ') \- CI. ~ Q) -I I J &1 ;f' ::71 v! - (). '.i.~ X' W ,~ c :¿ ~ I ~ =01' - I ~I ",.1 ~- I 1<- 'f ¡ :~\ ~ ---- ~~ --- ~ . ' \ ,1 H " " .~ ~ "'.~", " ' tt, 0- ~~ V\ cb: \ \j) ~ -J..----- I ~ ~ I -'---'---'---f., -"- D ¡ i ° ' ; ~f ~ I ¡I ~ Š I t: ~ ' I' I ~ //..-- ::; ftr ~U':. r;.' 1(" ,~ , --- '~, ( ------ (f"r :0"" -.:..::::..., S"wÁ<IC /'0/ ~r ¡ ""'.. ),!'i' <1', ' I ; I" .51 I l.P",(~ '(! '. 'û' h:' ~.. : ~ (r" L~,)' , t I"::, ¡ ¡ ; \~ \ ~.~' ((, i:~,::i,'1 o.,".,'¡ {I:' !~;: .~¡'!!," .. 'I : I-U, ,r;¡>! ¡ ""11' '('" :.-t..:lo-!¡i\, \ ; {" : ,.,'i ~ ~. I' -0 ¡-. /; '¡t i i ¡¡ (,if - II 7") \~: \ ,I' .:' C::;, I . r <1. : v I,i t(ì I ì.J} VJ;!~ ~,¡ '. : " ')0.\ "', , : \; , ~ -,~ . \., ;,~",-~---,--,----j:) / } .. L' ËX¡4"" MA ' ~, ' 'v~ ':::::::~':::~~:~:":_'~~-'-'-' (~I-! J.' ~ "~!C'G ¡"'¡~,'~.~:W ~" . . - ~ \\) <'..¡----1 ~ >- IJ)! -..-..;.' :z I- : 0 \j 1 0 V .1 II a I Q $ i NI c...-=> I I ! , , -~{t=="~~-- . I --,--~L~£cò -- "':t::~~,~, --,-_. +"1 ~ I I f ! ..,. '. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR i if t.J ~ ':'v L LI /.-1 It; .- /1(. ( /( . -"" #- Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Barricade A. C. Pavement inc. Excavation Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop or Other Sign Street Name Sign Street Lighting Electrol1er Conduit Conductor. pair Pull Box Stonn Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole 02/15/80 lUlllp Sum . $ l.F. ,$ 2.50 . S.F. f 2.00 . l.F.' 8.00 . , EA.' 400.00 . ~( l.F.' 10.00 . lo!:>- S.F. f 4.00 . 2..95" S.F. f 6.00 . EA. f 600.00 . l.F.' 20.00 . ("118' S.F.) ($0.30) (1..:.). . EA. f 175.00 EA. f 100.00 EA. f 250.00 EA. . 100.00 5( loF.' 0.50 EA. f 50.00 EA. f 70.00 EA. . 60.00 . . EA. f 2.200.00 . loF.f 9.00 . loF.f 3.00 . EA.' 250.00 . . . loF.' 35.00 l.F.f 40.00 EA. f 1.000.00 EA. , 1.200.00 EA.' 500.00 TOTAL ESTIMTE USE FOR 8OHD Date By 5/13/; J , , ¡)'K(./ ':.,-UC) t( OU - S"/D - .¡ 2.. c;> - (7/V - ~ L{7 t ~f . . . . . :l :; s-_- . . . . . . . . . . $ (,04r/.Io S (, CJc/d.oCJ ..,-,....,.. ., ., "- .. -.._...........--_.. ---- --""""-....--....... ""....--............,.,-......,.... , ..... . -.. ""-,,,,_"'-_._""".'.M""'-""'~'-"""'-""""--""" . --,......,"( CU~ß ~ c;UTTe~ R ,1)OI::)(':;¡G¡L.s.. CUI ~\-\t:ET ~ - 13-80 /408 W. LÞ\T/Ml5'~ Av~ C ~ M Pß~U- FRANKLH-.J CO{\J~¡ CO.- - .... -.., -. 'h.. - G"kls,T. qc:¡, ~- IT N---C No S;CA'-6 / '\V I /0 ,- ,.." ~ > <t ...~ ,..;;- ;\' ~ c ; c; .~' -,.. ;0 . il 56 I ~ I" Qø lu INs.T/liLLIlQ ¡",7 ~ 'I ;¡ ,~~~ ~ I il.I., ~~ "" 1...1+- -.J ~L ø \ '?) "'\ \,O rPfb '\ ~~ ~. ' -<" "'.or- -- -..-. ....- ---- .." --- . - ..... ~I...'¡. . Tot of C\Xt~ <> It,.",c.e Cv( f,l.'- () F' r~e'T C-O~ 3' TO F" Ac6 aF ,\,/ttJt II- HUll "21'.\'7 211,7) 1;- ù 11 tL ~ ZI2 .lQ~ 2.)2..00 C -o'-~ a I t..t 3... ..2.Iz,.<.2. - - c...oE.!. .. Ie , ¡.. .. '. If H". .1 '. .. '. " . ... -.'-- --..-...-......... "'." .....-,' ,..-...._...._n ..-..,......-....., ..... . ........ ,.. - . ....... ....... .."" .. ^ [ê. èoc>"'~ ~ fe-! *~ ¡~" L..~..]a~~ . .. .. I TO: P.W. FI1e No. CITY CLERK P1ease co11ect and receipt for the fo11owing monies: Acct. 351 365 351 Items Pre1iminary Envlronmenta1 Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minim~m) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parce1 Map Fiting Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($tOO.OO) Final Parcel Map Fiting Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment for first p1us $60.00 each additiona1) 351 Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) 351 Certificate of Comp1iance ($tOO.OO) 351 Map Revisions to Map Companies ($tO.OO) 352 Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) 352 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) 352 Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) ~3/~ Excavation Permit Apptication Fee ($25.00) J5-t 3/1 Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue 1ess $25.00) 380.1 Cash Deposit 380.1 Faithfu1 Performance Deposit 380.1 Maintenance Bond Deposit 3/0- ~ I 351 35t 351 351 351 35t ($200.00) ($200.00 TOTAL ð'O-22fo Amount I~ 5"'. d() '~CJ~ (J7) 3ò ,. ð 0 $ <¿//r~~ Namee-.-A~ ~ f~' Address -; ¿J/ /11 ,/~' .4.}. .. Zip Phone .2 f? 7 - .J/;; (. '9 rn ::v FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 0 7/ D-3 Amount Paid $ ;Y IS s31 Received by ~~ 6 -eJ () -gO Date February, 1980 . ".,,-_.. -... ... """, '_...,~C_""'.--"" "_"",~,,,-"~_._,_..._,...'.; "n'" , . - ~ -----.- ." -'- t,Jl91 / RESOLUTION NO. 5602 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND SMS BUILDER SERVICES, INC. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by SMS Builder Services, Inc., a Nevada corporation, an agreement for the development of their real property, in accordance with prescribed conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of June , 1979, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Norman Paul, Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk ... ^~3; ;Tr:NMFNT CW HUN1 E~3 - - u.- -- ,--,--'. - ..--- -' - --- ,- ~S BUILDER SERVICES 1!J~Rv.r\r,ÎF'Trm REFERRED TO /\S ----- ----. ~- --------.__. -- -- --_.----- M;;;fr;r¡OH, \lHO~)f': P!UNCll'AI. f'!.AC¡,; (If<' nTJ~3I1'H;:;:~ T~; f/)C¡\,r¡'-D AT ---- 21 HORGAN AVE. ~.ROOD CITY, CA. , DO (DOF',S) HEREBY ASS] CN MID ~;E'T' OVER TO TIlE CITY OF CAMPBELL ./\L\' RIGHT, TITLE MID --------- '. .----- - TrfrF1~~~S1' OF Afrr ¡(mn \JT!A'TSOEVI'R, Ci\rrTm on HELD ¡W ASST(',NOR TN AND TO TIrE TIlE msunFD 1Ìr.c01~1T OF TIlE l\S::T1GNOR IN TIrE ALLSTATE SAVIFG~) AN!) LOl\N Ai3::::r-¡. HHO;::;¡;: ^ onr([o;:::;;; T;; ;J')OO FRTT1'!l?RTIX; r;; AVFJTIn;, SANTA Cl ,AR.I\, CAJ,TFormLJ\, A:; EVr¡H'ì1'jin BY AN ACCOirrì'T' Hi THE MWìJNT OF THIRTY -- '---.----- FIVE HUNDRED AND NO 100 DO!. LA Iì:; (: 3,500.00 --_._-------------- ---,--,-,---- ). TDENTfFiJ-:n BY Acçomrr ~nJwwn 14-07944-¡; , , - , .. , - -- --- - -, - .. 'f'irT;; ^;;::lCNJ!F-¡TT IS (',TVf1'T M; :Tr'TfRT'f'Y FOH LJ/\!I1\,I'f'{ JflClrrm¡,'I) 111\11,1-: ¡':i'lí;i\r:I'j) IN TH¡'; Im:;nH::;:~ cw HUlI.DIN!; IfJ Till' CITY OF CAMPBELL ,---,....,.._--, --,--------- . ~;'T'Nn: OF CALTFORNIA. D/\'PFD TInS ---_.??~- f)/\V OF __MAr______.F)~ AT SAr!'l'A_g..A.~ ---------' C/l..T,IFORNTA. ~S BUILDER SERVICES - -----..-.._---- ~ ~ ~s9.qáiT- RECEIPT IS HEREBY lWKNO\,nJEfJ('ÆD TO TIrE CITY OF CAMPBELL CW TirE m'ATE OF CAIJFOR!'ITA, HEREINAFTFR m-ï~FRRCD 1'0 AS CiTY. OF TIm HRITI'I'JI N(I']':cr-: OF THE ASSIGNMEJlIT TO PAm cn'Y OF THE ABOVE-JDI<JIfnFlrn ACCOUNT. \1F. H.Wr~ NcYrí-:;' IN mill RE~orIDS TO ::'HOH THE IN'l'FREST OF THE CT'IT OF CAMPBELL IN ;:AID l\CCOmIT 1\:; ;~W)\m HI Arm flY 'J']f t; M~:;TGNMr:N'1' 01>' 'I'm; ABOVE, DA'T'FJ) TIns 22ND DAY OF -~-' ]<)- 79 , AT &\NT A aLA RA CALl FORtnA. ~~::c~J~ i;J ~o::sar. PAUL V. ROSE, MANAGER ------- -.-- - , -- t ,- SAVINGS CERTIFICATt: ALLSTATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Incorporated 1946 under the laws of the State of California This certifies thaL- ~S BUILDER SERYICES -'----_. holds a savings certificate in Allstate Savings 3nd Loan Association subject to the laws of the State of California and TO the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Association, ISSl;~cì _it -__SANTA_ÇLA~_~, Ca! -~rnia, the_~9lIL__13Y of !,~.\y , 9 79 .". -~r"í'IAT:C'l CO'~3~'_~ ~---'~cS' 'GS-"'~,,--,)- , J '~~IJ= ~., ¿', (\~-~--- . .. ". ~--'-.-¿'g~~~u~;¡ 3y~-- -""----------- '- '~:Y'ze , ALLSTATE SAVINGS ..1.1'W LOAN ..1.SS0CIA TION OFFICES THI'/OUGHOUT CALIFORNIA a member of the SEARS family ACCOUNTS INSURED BY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION AN IN5TRU"ENTALITY OF T"E ""'TEO 3TATES GOVERNMENT T .J.KE ADVANTAGE OF OuR SA'I'" BY ',1AIL PLAN We pay ,toe po<Bíle ~():" ,',3YS - , r - , " : ~ 'T-~. -- R ',YITHDRAWALS INTËREST ADDITIONS DATE \ MAY2Z19 3,500.00 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :: ! I 5 ... BALANCE 3,500.00 I SYM, PVR I ~ ~I I ! I I ! \61 i I i I \ 7 ;! i I : I ' I I . I 18 19 20 2\ 22 23 I I 24 CLEARING CHECKS When a check is accepted for cash or deposit, a HOLD is placed on your account for the equivalent amount until the check clears the bank, . STR ~URAL SECTION DESIGN WORK! ~ET ,/ PROJECT., TI = R = '2 s: DATE Source: AC/ROCK ALTERNATE AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) (IOO-R) ~ ; Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 . . GEAC (~)-:- GfAC ( 'Z, \4- ) = 6.23 ft. thick A.C. Rounding up to3Vz.. inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC=6.CO"¿ TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI) (IOO-R) Native material R Value = '2 S" ( 0." 'Z-. ( GETot ( '6 ~ CO ) - GEAC GEAB ( \.. ö~ ) -:- GfAB AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: ~ y? (Do not use if A.B. is DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE 1.1 ) = GEAB ) ~ ðl1 ~ U V21; " Cl 4 inches.) ( too b ft. thick A.B. -» " AC on less than 2 Agg. Base ~ (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: ~ "A.C. ð,'l() \ (? ,2 ~ 1/2.. it Pm~ 7-Dc~ign PLANNlhéG !-/IAI..¿UAL 7-60.~.~, ..=-.....,....'O'.....~=-~~",.,..,.~~....~-"""'- .. ............-- A~r.l i~. lCìc. T Ár.lE 7.&04.3 Gravel [quivalcnts of ~tr'uctural Lay.H'¡ in rl'<.tt . I ASPHALT CONCllETE Cement-treated ---.- .-- - .--- II...'IC TrlÚfic Ind('x (TI) Aurc- :, nTH C I AlIØ A rp,f 'J- gate Lnd 5.5 (;.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 ...nd !';alc sub- l:>oloVl 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 I.TH A B "Me bA.'K! Actual -- --- tlJicknco& Gr.."e\ F,quivAlenl Faclûf (Gr)/i~ Or Of Gr Or of lay.'r 1\6 f('('l 2.[,() 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.(;4 1.57 1.52 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 - -- ---.----- -- ---- 0.10-----.--- 0.?5 0,23 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.11\ 0.17 0.1e. 0.16 0.1':; 0.12 -----"------- - - _.. -- - -------- 0.15.. --..--- 0.3-..'> 0.3[. 0.3~ 0.:-0 0.28 0.:..'7 0.2(; 0.25 0.24 0.:>3 0.18 ---..--"'--'- - - --.... ""--.. 0.20..--..--- O.[,() O.~(j 0.43 0.40 v.as 0.3Ü 0.3'1 0.33 0.31 0.30 0.24 --.-----..---- -------- -------- 0.25.. ------- 0,(':\ O.!~ O.~ O.~>O OA7 0.4[; 0,43 0.41 0.39 0.3.'1 0.30 ......-----_u --.----- -------- O.:JO-- -- -- -- - 0.75 0.70 O,{A 0.60 0.57 O.M O.~I 0.49 0.47 O.4G 0.3G .......-----.. .---.... -------- 0.3.5-__------ 0.f;S 0.81 o.n. 0.70 0.fi6 0.G..1 O.W 0.57 0.55 O.~ 0.42 ..... - -- - -- - 0.39 0.35 0.'.0--__---- 1.00 0.~ 3 O.SO O.!-O 0.7(; 0.7:'- o.r,-; 0.(,6 0.(;3 0.(;1 0.4R .. --u ..-_u-- 0.44 0.40 ('.45.. -:.... - ..---- 1.0-1 0.96 0.90 0.85 0.61 0.77 0.74 0.71 O.£oS 0.5-1 0.77 O.M 0.:;0 0.45 O.&O_-_u_--- .----- I.lG 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.8e. 0.82 0.79 0.7(; O.W O.&:> O.W O.~5 0.50 0.55--____.--. -----....--- 1.18 1.11 1.04 0.91' 0.94 O. 9\.) 0.8(; 0.84 0.(,6 O.!H 0.(;(; 0.(;1 0.55 O.W.--.....- .--------.----..-- 1.21 1.13 1.07 1.03 0.93 0.9.1 O.!H 0.72 1.02 0.7'1 o.r~. 0.(>0 0.f>5.. - --- u. .---.-----.------- 1.31 1.23 1.1G 1.1\ 1.07 1.02 0.9':1 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 O.li.', 0.70__--_--.. ---------..---------.--- 1.32 \.2:; 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.(){j 0.84 1.19 O.&; "'0,77 0.70 0.75...--_..- ---.---.------------.--------- 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0 .!I() 0-&3 0.75 0.&0.___----- --.'-'------'-----"---------- 1.43 1.37 1.31 1. 2(; 1.22 0.9(; 1.3(; 0.9(; O.BS 0.80 0.S5...____.. ----- ----. -----...-- ----. __h- 1.52 1.<~ 1.39 1.33 1.29 1.02 1.45 1.02 O.fll 0.8:; O.\K1...___:.. --_._----------------~-------------- 1. 5-t 1.48 1.41 1.:17 1.08 1.53 1. (I.." O,{I') 0.110 O.t',,-----_..- ----.-.----------------------------------- 1.55 1.49 1.<4 1.14 l.G2 1.14 1.05 0.95 1.00_---~---- -----'------------------------------------ 1.64 1.57 1.~2 1.20 1.70 1.?O 1.10 1.00 1 . 0".. - -.. .. - ---.----------.--------------------------.---.-. 1.G..S I.W 1. :.!G I. 79 I.:tG LIe. 1.0" -" I \ > G r: I I \ \ ) NOTES: n'r)! is bilUIIIÎIIOUI; 1£1'01"11 baSt'. LTII iM Jill\ ' lr.':lIt-d host.". "'onr ,h.. ,¡..~¡,... "', r..n'¡-n.ô~...1 n~n,...1t "..d....ô...'. .,,'" CI.N onr "... I CITY OF CAMPBEll ¥,( 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378.8141 Department: PI ann i n9 DATE: March 7, 1979 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Mr. Robert M. Kadjevich , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a four-unit apartment bu i I d i n9 TO BE LOCATED AT 1408 W. Latimer Avenue CONU I 'I IONS: SEE ATTACHED. Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Munjcipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written appl ication for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF March , 1979- CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: / <" i ARTHUR A. KEE, SECRETARY cc: R. L. Ferguson Drafting Service 33B No. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 "'PlJbí i c Works Department Fire Department RECEIVED: MÞ.R '( .1379 puuuc wom<.s ENG\NEER\NG CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 79-9 Application of: Kadjevich, R. Page 1 n/a* Revised elevations to be approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor. n/a* Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. 2 Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director prior to application for building permit. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director prior to appl ication for building permit. 3 Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. 4 Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department clearance. n/a* Applicant to submit a letter, satisfactory to the City Attorney limiting the use of the property to: square feet of office use, square feet of speculative industrial use, and square feet of warehouse use. 5 All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. *N/A - Not applicable to this application. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 79-9 Application of: Kadjevich, R. Page 2 The applicant is notified as part of this application that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell and Laws of the State of California. A All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric. telephone and television cables. etc. D Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until appl ication is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. (Section 21.68.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) E Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the city of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings. multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. F Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. G Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City require- ments for the handicapped. H Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 79-9 Application of: Kadjevich, R. Page 3 FIRE DEPARTMENT I. The building extends 175 feet onto the property, therefore an on-site fire hydrant shall be installed. J. Provide 2A-10BC fire extinguishers. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT K. Pay storm drainage area fee of $179. L. Enter into an agreement and post surety to install street improvements and agree to participate in a local improvement ()~ district in the future. M. Obtain an excavation permit for any work in the public right of way. The appl icant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.