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200 (1999 M99-10)
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REcEIVr Effective August 1, 1999 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS ~:~) (.~ Please collect & receipt for the following men ~s ENCROACIt]~ENT PERMIT Application Fee Non-Utility Encroachment Permit ($236.25) Minor Encroacbment Permit < $5~000 R-I First Permit {No Fee) Subsequent PermiUYr Utility Encroachment Permit ($5o.oo) ($105) 2203 4722 4760 4760 4760 4722 4722 Arterial/Collector Street ($341.25) Residential StreetJOther Areas ($236.25) Plan Check Deposit - 2% of ENGR. EST. ($500 min} Faithful Performance Security {FPS} Labor and Mamrials Security Monumentation Security Labor and Material Security Plan Check & Inspection Fee (Non-Utility} Engr. Est.< S250~000 (12% of ENGR. EST.) Engr. Est. >$.250~000 {Deposit 8% of ENGR. EST./S30,000 min.)** Minimum Charge Per Location ($126) Conduits/Pipelincs up to 500 Feet ($1.75/ft) Above 500 Linear Feet ($1.15~fi) Manholes/Vaults/Em. ($1 lO.25/ea) Pole Set/Removal ($110.25/ea) Street Tree Plan~ing/Removal ($1 Utility > S100~000 Actual Coot + 20% Street Tree Planting/Removal Permit ($110.25) Pro{ect Plans & Specifications Project No. Standard Specifications & Details ($1/Pg $12.50/Bk) Copies of Engineering Macs & Plans Aerial Plot 24' x 36' l$42) Aerial Print 8 1/2' x 11' Maps and Plans 24" x 36' Penalties: Failure to restore public improvements Penalties: Failure to correCt unsafe conditions (100% of ENGR.EST.) 000% of ENGR. EST.) (100% of ENGR.EST.) (4% of ENGR.EST.)($500 min/$10~000 max) (100% of ENGR. EST.) LAND DEVELOPMEI~f ($57 ($100/Calendar Day) ($100/Calendar Day} (Mum Co~= Sec. I 1.34.OLU) 4722 TRAFFIC 4728 4728 4728; Lot Line Ad}ustment ($577.50) Parcel ($1,125 + $25/Lot) Final Tract Map (5 or More Lots) ($1~450 + $25/Lot) Certificate of Compliance ($525) Certificate of Correction {$315) ($10) Vacation of Public Streets & Easements ($577.50) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($577.50) Each Additional Lot ($178.50) Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acm (R-l, $2,0OO) (Multi-Res, $2,250) {All Other, $2,500) Parkland Dedication Fee {75 %/25 % Due Upon Cert. of Occupancy} Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) ($63) Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) ($131.25) Traffic Flow Map {Daily Traffic Volumes) ($28.35) 47281 Campbell Traffic Model ~Full Scope Assessment} ($2,362.50) 4728] Campb*t{ Traffic Model {Reduced Scope Assessment} ($777} 4271] Truck Permits {$36.75/trip) 4728 No Parking Signs (SI/each or $25/I00) D'I'H/~R ro~ Iiiiiiiiiiii iii iiiiiii::! 5 iiill ! i i i i i i i i i i i i iiiiiiiiii::iiiiiiii ii~ ~i~ ~; ~ ~ ~ i i; i i~i~i~!~ii!~!i!!!~!!t! ~ ........... ~ ~ ~iiZ .............................................................................................................................................................. hAf~ms~m4.xh rev. 7/13/99 (mp} TO~Y:S D~TE~ 07/36/00 REG;STER D~TE: $39!,00 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: Bill Bruckart DATE: ~ - k,4--~ Building Official f-'~-c~c__v ~ ~ f/Site Address: ' ~c..~_,~..._~..~ Harold Housley, L. D. Engineer~/Plan Check Number: t=~t._t--:2_~ - Chuck Gomez, Assistant~ ~ File No(s): TI-US DEPARTMENT HAS NO OBJECTION TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING, DRALNAGE, OR BUILDENG PERMITS FOR TI'{E .aBOVE REFERENCED PLAN CHECK NL~IBER. BY: DATE: ICONDITIONS OF 'APPROVAL ARE SU~'MB, IARI~D BELOW FOR CLEARANCE-OF[ BUILDLNG PEILMIT(S) TO CONSTRUCT A NEW,, RESLDENTL4.L STRUCTURE OR[ AN .aDDITION OR ALTERATION THAT ADDS ~0% OR MORE. SQUARE FEET OF{ STRUCTURAL COVERAGE (SECTION 11.24.182). Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of any ~ading, drainage or building permits tbr the site, the applicant shall cause plans for public Street Improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay fees, execute a street improvement agreement, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the improvements, as recluired by the City Engineer. The plans shall include the following: Street Improvements an R-1/Minor Encroachment Permit: Prior to issuance of an encroachment permit for construction of any public street improvements in the public Right-of-Way the applicant shall cause plans to be prepared, post security, and provide insurance, all as required by the City Engineer. Page 1 of 3 PLAN CHECKNUMBER: Unsecured Deferred Street Improvement Agreement: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the owner shall execute an unsecured street improvement agreement for construction of street improvements. Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall grant additional R/ght-of-Way for Public Street Purposes along the frontage(s) to accommodate Applicant shall cause to be prepared all documents necessary to record dedication and submit to the City for review Public Service Easement: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the owner shall grant a Public Service Easement on private property conti~ous with the public right-of-way along the frontage. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/surveyor and submitted to the City for review and recordation. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee. The current fee is $-~-(:~,~, ~:~.~:, per acre which is $-~c% ~, ~ Proof of Ownership: Prior to issuance of any ~ading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall provide a current preliminary title report, grant deed, or other proof of ownership. :: Utility Installation Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a Utility Installation Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of any new utilities. Streets which have been resuffaced within the previous 5 years may require installation beneath pavement by boring and jacking method and will also require a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation. Legal Lot: The applicant shall provide documentation, to ascertain that the lot was legally created, or prepare a parcel map to create the parcel shown. ~--'~ Site Plan: Prior to issuance of an encroachment permit, the applicant shall provide a complete and accurate Site Plan in accordance with the Planning Division,s checklist. Page 2 of 3 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: cc: Alan Horn, PWD Inspector j :\forms\bldgapp Rev. 3/18/99 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: Martha Diaz, Project Planner DATE: BHi~ Ir oHlc~ l~loS 'u sLlea;,d LDaenVde ll~ePvme ~on; mMean~ aEgne g e~r'' 11/22/99 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Site Address: 200 N. 2"d Street For File No(s): M 99-10 Project Description: > 50 % House Expansion Applicant: Harry Rosingano COMMENTS: Street Improvements Pursuant to an R-1 Encroachment Permit: Prior to issuance of an encroachment permit for construction of any public street improvements in the public Right-of-Way, the applicant shall cause plans to be prepared, post security, and provide insurance, for installation of a street tree and irrigation. j :\landdev\200n2nd CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC woRKs ENGINEERING DIVISION 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date ~ C~-~-~--c~ Site Address: For File No(s): , ~oject Description: Applic~t: PRELIMINARY PROJECT EVALUATION ~ © Preliminary_ Title Report: Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Public Service Easement: [---6~3 Easemems: Vacation of Public Streets/Easements: Street Improvements: ~,~"£~ A. Curbs and Gutters ~_;~-- B. Sidewalks [~, C. Driveway Landscape Page 1 of 4 ~ ~tff-D, E. Traffic Control ~C' F. Pavement lt-l.6~) G. Asphalt Concrete Overlay ~ H. Seal Coat ~--t~ I. Street Lights 'b-4,~ J. Other Traffic Mitigation: ~'~-~ Utilities: Utility Installation Plan: Maintenance Securi _ty: '~'_~--z~_~ Coordination with Capital Improvement/Other Projects: Grading and Drainage Plan: Drainage System: Storm Drain Area Fee: "~-~C3 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System: Page 2 of 4 Santa Clara Valley Water District: Tentative Parcel Map: Parcel Map: Tentative Map: Final Map: Monuments: Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions: Demolition: ~-~.('-'~ Reapportiorlment of Assessments: ~---~ Lot Line Adjustment: Certificate of Compliance: Vacation of Excess Right-of-Way: Reimbursements: Plan Lines: Legal Lot: Page 3 of 4 Site Plan: J:\FORMS\PRELPROJ Rev. 8/4/98 Page 4 of 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Distribution: 10/25/1999 Completeness and Comments: 11/08/1999 Tentative P.C. Date: 12/28/1999 X X Architectural or Landscape Advisor X Fire Department Police Department Redevelopment Agency Engineering Traffic Engineering Corporation Yard Building Division Zoning exception for side yard setback for single family house addition. INFORM A TION' File No: M 99-10 APN: 279-39-047 Applicant: Harry Rosingano Project Address: 200 N. 2nd Street Zoning: R- 1 General Plan: Under 6 units/gross acre, Low Density Residential PROJECT PLANNER: Katrina Rice'Schmidt DI~PARTMENTAI. R F.C. OMMF. NDA TION~ If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions(see attached) Draft conditions of approval attached PUBLIC WORKS PLAN REVIEW ROUTE SHEET IAPPROVED /NO COMMENTS: DATE: APPROVED / CONDITIONS BELOW: DATE: NOTES: [RETURN TO DARLEEN BECKER, BUILDING DIVISION PEI M APPLICATION CITY OF CAMPBELL D~O ~ ~~G ,, BUI'LDING ADDl~$~: OWNER'S NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: RECEivbD I'~U~Lic WORKS ADMINISTRATION DESCR.ITTION O1: WORK: (~ TI SIGN DEMO CONTRACTOR: COM.PAN'Y NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRE55: PHONE NO.: , 5-,ko 1 ( ) OTI'-IER ARCHITECT/ENGINEEI~ COMPANY NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ~ YES NO USED ON ~I'E: YES NO Use or storage of hazardous materials requires a Hazardou~ Materiab In,formation Statement to be submitted to the lire Department for review and comment at time of building permit application. Failure to provide the HiVDS will hold up building permit approval. FIRE SPRLNrKL~: Yl~ NO