204 (1999 BP99-367) TO: Ft~~~c- ~f\ CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 --z...c:.:::,q.. ~. \ l-\: \ \;A ~ =::1 , MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: FROM:C. ~ HE:::2 DATE: t-14,---1 .<?--+ I ~3~ ... MESSAGE: ~ _.. .....J:?ut:::>:>ldc::.~Otb\9;:, 'rt~~ .NC2Qt=??~~T\Q&-.) "IQ.=C1+e . . \'"~ S-12l>b1 (::,,,),:;:::c~ P\~-- .--r~t.,;::; P~0l~t~~ t~t2-\--'-i. ~l~ F-ot2- "T4-\C~._ ,::::;'l~\?~,\?T'--I. Olt~ SIGNED.. .. o PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Efl"ecliv. July I, 1996 TO: City Ocrk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ., PROPERTY ADDRESS 'Cc.:>4 W, \l*\ t2~ "':sr-: Please collect &: receipt for tho followial moaiCI: ACCT. I ITEM .. ....AMOUNL..... 43,.,3H921 Projccl Revenue (specify project) S ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 4n2 Appliclltion Fee Non-Utilily Encro.chmcnl Permit (S2m R-I Fint Permit (No Fee), Subsequent PermitIYr (SIOO) Utility Encl'OKbmcnl Permit Al\ AneriaVCollee... S..... \Ll. ($32') Rosid..tial SIreCIIOthcr Alas (S22') 2203 Plan Check Deposit- 2%ofENGR.. EST. (S'IM)min) . 2203 Failhful PerformllllCC Security (FPS) (I..",. or ENGR.EST.) . 2203 ubor and Materials Security (100% orENGR. EST.) 22113 Monumcntarion Security (I..",. or ENOR.EST.) , ~203 Cash Deposit (.W. ofENGR.EST.)($jiOO minlSIO.OOO lDax) , Plan Check .t Inspection Fee (Non-Utility) 4n2 Engr.Esl < $2'0.000 (12", or ENOR. EST.) .. 2203 Engr.Esl>S2'II.ooo (()qxJsit x'"'. of ENGR. EST JSJO.OOO mm.)" , 4722 Utilitv < S100.000 Minimum Chlrgc Per L.oc:ation (SI20) ConduitslPipelincs up to jf)() Feet (SI.6O/ft) Above jC)() Feet (SI.l0ltl.) ManholcslV.uJlliElc. (S 10"..) Pole SctIRcmoval (SIO".., Street Tree PlantinglR.cmoval (S 10"....) .. 220) Utilitv>SIl)().j)()(J Actual COil + 20%.. . "722 Street Tree PlantinglRemonl Permit (SIO') H611 Project Plans &. Specific:ations Prnjcct No. 4760 Standard Speciftcations &: 0et.i1s (SlIPS SI2/Bookl ~76C1 Copies of Engineering Maps &: Plan. (S.,II/...n.) 4722 Penalties: Failure to restore public improvements (SIlNIIo.lcndar Day) (Muni Cod. Section 11.34.1110) "722 Penalties: Failun: to correct unsafe conditions (SIOO/o.lcndar Day) LAND DEVELOPMENT 4722 Lot Line Adiusunent (S'INll 4722 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) (SI,06O + S2'II.o,) 4722 Fina) Tract Map (j or More Loll) (SI.3S0 + S2.lIl.o,) 4n2 Certific:alC of Compliance (S'IK.) 4722 Certificate of Com:ction ($3IM') "722 Vacarion of Public Streets &: Euemcnts (S"") "722 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment FintSplit (S"O) Each AdditioMI Lot (SI70) "nl Stonn Or.:Iinllge Area Fee Per Acre (R-!, S2JNNl) ~.f./V (Multi-Res, S2.250) (All Other. S2.'I") ~92n P:uidand Dedication Fcc 4%' Postage TRAFFIC 4nS Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) (S60) 4nS Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) (Sm) "72S TmtTIc Row Map (Daily Tmlic Volumes) (S27) 4728 Campbell Tramc Model (Full $eope Aslcssment) fSU'O) 4nS Campbell T..ffic Modcl (Reduced Scope A.........') (S74<1) "271 Truck Pennits ($3,ltrip) 4728 No P:JrL:.inlJ Siyts (Sl/each or $2$/100) OTHER TOTAL S 3:32 Du NAME OF APPLICANT NAME OF PAYOR D-ai) f JpltJ ~/ Sc~rd PHONE <87J ~1913 ADDRESS ~ ~. :2,(ll Sr- l ..tJrr-obef J ZIP q SOU (3 , .. Actual Cost Plus 21'-;. O,'erhead (Non~'nten:st bearin!l deposit) \2..\1.-~4- FOR CITY CLERK ONLY OI&oJ",lnilia b:lzecrrm4(c""lmp(rcv 1/VJ7) ..... CITY OF CAMPBELL~ LH ~;:-j'Uii iiY! ii;;;ji.i ::~~r~' 1.."'" '.:t::'l.Ir {\if,il{ii 'ji::rMiJ, 'lI.~ .~",. ......."". I .....,,'...... ~ ............. r'fHUK; iiHLlbH ~Hf!r U~:ii TODAY~S DATE: OS/24/99 -------- .-'-. .-- Htlii~!t~ JAit; VJ!i~!~~ Tif.ii:! ici!:;-~:ri~ :...1':..,.. ... I"~.' _:"':": nrl"'I"'''.T nTT n..i l.iC~i.;ur iii.iii jfUh'n DRAIN ^ wi"U 111"7' HiiUtifii i:"C"CI::: i i..~...: FN _ ~~n fifi Y'l..I'\J\ol. vv ---------------- TnT!'! ntir:. IwIMi- &)w~: t ~TI IIr, 'w...J..i.v"v' ~.AitL~ PAID: .......-- ...~ ~0~~: lj\} LHHNiE. ; ~:~.Hj 0.... 0'01 1in. .'-u'i.^ t.nL:.L~. ni.i. :",\j:'Hi --.----- ~ t~i!tKtu; ,'rz'"{-:;: rii1 "".J\.:'l..:a ~ .~. ,. MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Frank Mills, DATE:4...::-z.<=t -~~ Acting Building Official 1/ ~4 L\ .\l1-l ~ ~T. , Site Address: Harold Housley, L. D. Enginee . Plan Check Number: qq - ~ -, Chuck Gomez, Assistant Engin File No(s): c::::::::~~ TmS DEPARTMENT HAS NO OBJECTION TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING, DRAINAGE, OR BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN CHECK NUMBER, BY: DATE: FROM: CONDITIONS OF APPROV AL ARE SUMMARIZED BELOW FOR CLEARANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT(S) TO CONSTRUCT A NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE OR AN ADDITION OR ALTERATION THAT ADDS 50% OR MORE SQUARE FEET OF STRUCTURAL COVERAGE (SECTION 11.24,182), ~ Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage or building permits for the site, the applicant shall cause plans for public Street Improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay fees, execute a street improvement agreement, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the improvements, as required by the City Engineer. The plans shall include the following: ~o Street Improvements an R-l/Minor Encroachment Permit: Prior to issuance of an encroachment permit for construction of any public street improvements in the public Right-of-Way the applicant shall cause plans to be prepared, post security, and provide insurance, all as required by the City Engineer. Page 1 of 3 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: \--lO Unsecured Deferred Street Improvement Agreement: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the owner shall execute an unsecured street improvement agreement for construction of street improvements. ~w Right-of-Way for Public Street Pu1l'oses: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall grant additional Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes along the frontage(s) to accommodate Applicant shall cause to be prepared all documents necessary to record dedication and submit to the City for review W-D Public Service Easement: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the owner shall grant a Public Service Easement on private property contiguous with the public right-of-way along the frontage. The applicant shall cause all documents to be prepared by a registered civil engineer/surveyor and submitted to the City for review and recordation. ~~ Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee. The current fee is $~, DO per acre which is $ .~ . <3 e:; ~ 0 Proof of Ownership: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall provide a current preliminary title report, grant deed, or other proof of ownership. '-l~S Utility Installation Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a Utility Installation Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of any new utilities. Streets which have been resurfaced within the previous 5 years may require installation beneath pavement by boring and jacking method and will also require a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation. \--J CJ Legal Lot: The applicant shall provide documentation to ascertain that the lot was legally created, or prepare a parcel map to create the parcel shown. '-t c "S Site Plan: Prior to issuance of an encroachment permit, the applicant shall provide a complete and accurate Site Plan in accordance with the Planning Division's checklist. Page 2 of 3 ,. PLAN CHECK NUMBER: cc: Alan Horn, PWD Inspector j: \forms\bldgapp Rev. 3/18/99 . ,. SE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ~~d(7fl (1- So11fryJ Print 2./1 -11 Date Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC WORKS PLAN REVIEW ROUTE SHEET I ADDRESS: ::20 rj )J _ :5 fi! lJ Sr.e FEr IPLAN CHECK NUMBER: 9936 '7 IAPPROVED I NO COMMENTS: DATE: APPROVED I CONDmONS BELOW: DATE: o APR 1 6 19 PU6L.IC WOR S ADMINISTRATI t! NOTES: I RETURN TO DARLEEN BECKER, BUll..DING DMSION . .... 27939019 204 N 3RD ST Suite/App.# RECErVED APR 1 6 1999 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION SANFORD, DAN & DALISA 204 N. THIRD ST. CAMPBELL, CA 95008 04/14/99 DTB 9900000367 OWNER/BUILDER / / RA VN BE PM R3 1739 90060.00 NEW RES. ADD: 1ST FLR: 751, 2ND FLR: 528, GAR 460 RE ROOF OLD ROOF ON ORIGINAL HOUSE ALONG WITH THE NEW ADDITION. PLAN CHECK (001.303.3321) 484.50 PERMIT ISSUED BUILDING PERMIT (001. 303.3320) 1495.00 UNDER ELECTRIC PERMIT 58.00 1994 USC, UMC, UPC PLUMBING PERMIT 58.00 1993 NEC MECHANICAL PERMIT 58.00 MICRO FILM FEE (001.307.3379) 10.00 CONSTRUCTION TAX (001.302.3313) 869.50 GRADING PLAN CHECK (001.303.3319) 0.00 GRADING PERMIT " 0.00 SEISMIC FEE (res. ) 9.01 SEISMIC FEE (ind. ) 0.00 FIRE DEPT. (plan check) 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- WORK WITHOUT PERMITS PENALTy............. Total Fees Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fees Paid To Date ....................... Balance Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 3042.01 484.50 2557.51 o o * OWNER * o 12/30/99 "'T "II_Oil 2ND FLR. ;,(IN ROOM TO DEMOLISHED 51-011 15T60 EA. SIDE D'N TO REBUILT ROOF SLKI6 ~"- + + + + + + + 4" \ T ,-- ~.Ol~{~ '".w......" PAVED PAD "Ies 5.F. }- ~ UJ > It D ill D ~ () -..... .!!:! + "" ..".~. . ,.... " + I + + + + + + + + + + + + + ,.. + + ~OR + 4" w-_ ~ON^~ '".w..w.^ PAVED PAD ,YRM. or + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + )- ~ ~ It D III " /' "'-011 2ND FLR. 5'-0" RAFTERS FOR REBUILDING OF (E) TO SHED ROOF SHALL BE D,F, NO.2 AT 24" O.c. 2x8 RIDGE 4 HIPS, 51 DETAIL 1/5-1 (E) GARAGE TO BE REBUILT AT NEV'1 OCATION NEV'1 2-STORY ADDITION EXISTING I-STORY HOUSE (N) GABLE FRM'G TO (N) 2ND FLR. V'1ALL 4 (N) HIP ROOF TO THE FRONT I ~~!:,,~~~~ ,~O~_ /..... \ - ~ (E) SUN ROOM TO BE DEMOLISHED MST60 EA. SIDE I) ADD'N TO RESUIL T ROOF SLK'G GONG. PAD 5'xle" ql-O" 2ND FLR. 51-0" - f ..... d \:l of + + + 4" CONe, '.............. ...............,......... ~....,~.. ...............,-..... ""y....,....... PAVED PAD