207 (1996 M96-07) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT TO: Ci~ Cl~rk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~C~ ITEM · ~-535.4921 ~ ~J~t Rev~ue (s~(v p~t) Non-Ufili~ ~c~ac~nt Pemi~ ($225) 2203 F~i~ful Peffo~anc~ ~ (~S) 2203 Lair ~nd Mn~ais ~uHW (H~ of~G~ E~.) P~ Ch~k ~ Ins~tion Fe~ ~on-Ufili~) 4722 ~,Est. < $2~0,~ ( 12% of ~G~ ~.) Condui~ up m 5~ F~ ($1.~/fi) A~v~ ~(~ F~t ($1.10/~) 4722 C~ifica~ of Coition ($300) Each Additional Lot 4721 Sto~ Dminag~ A~a F~o Per Ac~ 472g T~c ~ow Map (Daily T~c Volumo) O~ER NAME OF PAYOR PHONE ADD.SS ~ ~ ~ ~~: ~ :~, ZIP REC,£IVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE h:~r¢c£rm4(¢xc)mp(mv I/2/~7) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Aki R. Irani, Project Planner DATE: 9/30/96 Michelle Quinney, City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer ~ Development Review Committee - Formal Conditions of Approval APPLICATION NO: M 96-07 ADDRESS: 207 N. 3rd Street APPLICANT: Michael Benton PROPERTY OWNER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Remodel of a House Involving More Than 50 % of the Existing Square Feet SUBJECT: Public Works Department's Conditions of Approval DISCUSSION: The existing house is a one-story, 993 square foot residence. The proposal is to add 842 square feet on the first floor and 764 square feet with a new 2nd story addition which is a 162% increase in floor area. Street improvemems are existing and the lot is graded. It is understood the applicant does not plan to construct any improvements in the public right-of-way. If the applicant does perform any work in the public right-of-way they will have to obtain an Encroachment Permit, pay fees and deposits, provide bonds and insurance certificates for all construction within the public right-of-way. Encroachment Permit includes the one year post-construction, maintenance period requirements. The Building Division is now responsible for grading and drainage for R-1 single lot developmer.~':, Condition of Approval Storm Drain Area Fee Pay the current storm drainage area fee which is now $2,000 per acre. H:\2073RD.COA(WP)(JD) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date Routed: September 13, 1996 Distribution: September 16, 1996 Completeness: September 23, 1996 Conditions: October 1, 1996 ROUTE TO: X Architectural or Landscape Advisor X Fire Department Police Department Redevelopment Agency X Engineering (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) X Corporation Yard X Building Division I ECEIVED SEP £ 6 1996 Works/Engineering PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application is a request for a modification tosideyard setback in conjunction the remodeling of an existing residence to include a second story addition. This application was previously reviewed by the DRC in June; however, it has been resubmitted as a result of revisions made to the proposed architecture. The modification request is to allow a 7 ½ foatideyard setback rather than a 8 ½ foalideyard setback on the north side of the property from the second story addition. INFORMATION: File No.: M 96-07 APN: 279-38-003 Applicant: Michael Benton Project Address: 207 N. Third Street Zoning: R-l-6 General Plan: Low Density Residential (Less than 6 units per gross acre) PROJECT PLANNER: Aid R. Irani, Planner I DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions(see attached) Draft conditions of approval attached PUBLIC WORKS R E ¢ ~ tV~ 1~ PLAN REVIEW ROUTE SHEET ADMINISTRATION I PLAN CHECK NUMBER: APPROVED /NO COMMENTS: DATE: APPROVED / CONDITIONS BELOW: DATE:~ NOTES: RETURN TO DARLEEN BECKER, BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CAM~B£LL DEMO ~IGN GRADING BUILDING ADDRI~S~;: OWNER'S NAlVlE: ADDRESS: APPLICANT'S NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ~"~ TI SIGN DEMO CONTRACTOR: COMPANY NAME: CONTACT PER~ON: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: ( ) ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: COMPANY NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: HAZARDOUS MA~: Use or storage of hazardous materials requires · Hazardous Materials Information Statement to be submitted to the Fire Department for review and comment et time of buildinS permit application. Failure to provide the HMIS will hold up buildins permit approval. FIRE SPRINKLERED: YES ~ O,~CHA~O' MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Aki Honda, Project Planner Michelle Quinney, City Engineer ~ ~.~..~7-~_~ruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer, Land Development Section APPLICATION NO: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: June 7, 1996 M 96-07 207 North Third Street Michael and Janet Benton PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Sideyard setback modification for second story single family addition COMPLETENESS: The Site Plan submitted for review by the Public Works Department is not complete. The following items need to be shown: 1. The rear property dimension, 60 feet. 2. The front building setback line, 25 feet from property line. 3. The existing Third Street right-of-way, 30 feet from centerline. The existing street improvements, existing face of curb at 20 feet from centerline, 5.5 feet wide planter, 4 feet wide sidewalk with face of walk at 26 feet from centerline. That the existing electrical and telephone services are to be converted to underground, that the existing water meter shall be relocated to behind the back of sidewalk and that the existing sanitary sewer cleanout, if any, shall be installed at behind the back of sidewalk. Please have the applicant revise the site plan. H:~2073RD.COA(JD) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY PROJECT EVALUATION FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL APPLICATION NO: ~-~IG..--Cc~ ~7 ADDRESS: ~-?- c'~-,'~ DATE: ~ --C~ --~-~ PRELIMINARY PROJECT EVALUATION Streets and Related Improvements: A. Curbs and Gutters ~- C. Driveway '~:T--~ · B. Sidewalks ~. ,~ ~---~~~-~-r~ [ D. Pavement E. Asphalt Concrete Overlay F. Seal Coat G. Street Lights _~;~-_., U Traffic Control Improvements: Streetscape Improvements: "~ LO.~C3 Landscape Improvements: I PRELIMINARY PROJECT EVALUATION Screening of Utility Facilities: Parcel Map: ~ ~-- Final Map: Street Improvement Plans: Grading and Drainage Plans: Soils Report: Storm Drain Design: Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations: ~'~' ~ San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan: Right-of-Way Dedications: ~-~ ~ ~-~ L~~, ~-e~-~ ~_-~--~ % Title Report: ~ ~ Ingress and E~ess Easements: Access Rights: Under~ound Utilities: PRELIMINARY PROJECT EVALUATION Other Utility Services: Storm Drain Area Fee: ~2..~C:~'"/ Park Impact Fees and Park Land Dedication: Transportation Improvement Fees: Security: ~ Reimbursements Owed to the City: Street Improvement A~eement: Encroachment Permit: Additional Comments: h:prelim.prj(mw)6.0 1/96 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Distribution: June 3, 1996 C~nn~ms: June 10,1996 Conditions: June 17,1996 P.C. Meeting: June 25,1996 ROUTE TO: Architectural or Landscape Advisor Fire Department Police Department Redevelopment Agency Engineering (Land Development and Traffic Engineer) Corporation Yard Building Division PROJECT DESCRIPTION Modification of sideyard setbacks for a second story addition to a single-family home located at 207 N. Third Street. Total addition to the existing single-family home will be 2,054 square feet; 874 sq. ft. on the first floor and 1, 180 sq. ft. on the second floor. The existing sideyard setbacks are 9 feet on the south side and 7 feet 6 inches on the north side. The required sideyard setbacks are 9.75 feet on the south side and 10.1 feet on the north side. INFORMATION; File No.: M 96-07 APN: 279-38-003 Applicant: Michael and Janet Benton Project Address: 207 North Third Street Zoning: R-l-6 General Plan: Low Density Residential (Less than 6 units per gross acre) Proposed Use: Modification of sideyard setbacks for a second story addition to a single-family_ home. PROIECT PLANNER: Aki Honda DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION; If it can be determined that this pro}ect will require minimal or no comments by yo department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Pro}ect Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions (see attached)