57 (1995)MEMORANDUM To: Mark Rhoades Planner I Date: February 21, 1995 From: Cruz S. Gomez, Assistam Engineer ~--~"~- Harold Housley, Associate Civil Engineer Subject: 57 So. Third Street, second Living Unit, Ian and Deni Rodmore CITY OF CAMPBELL The Public Works Department has reviewed the application and the following are our commems, dated 2/15/95. Attachments h:57third(mw)6.0 CITY OF CAMPBELL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FILE SITE ADDRESS APN LANDS OF PREPARED BY DATE 57 South Third Street 412-05-006 Ian and Deni Rodmore Cruz S. Gomez, Assistant Engineer 2/15/95 Subdivision and Land Development: - Title 20: The subdivider shall comply with Title 20, "Subdivision and Land Development", of the Municipal Code concerning Subdivision and Land Development. X Streets and Sidewalks - Title 11: The subdivider shall comply with Title 11, "Streets and Sidewalks", of the Municipal Code concerning Streets. San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan (STANP): The subdivider shall comply with the applicable section of the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan. X Standard Specifications & Details: The subdivider shall comply with the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction. X Security: All improvements, public and private, proposed with the tentative map submitted, or required by adopted conditions of approval, shall be guaranteed by cash bonds, letters of credit, or other legal instruments accepted to the City Attorney and City Council. X Agreement: The applicant shall execute and complete the City of Campbell Standard Agreement for construction of public improvements to satisfaction of the City Attorney and City Engineer. X Sewers: The applicant shall install a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the requirements of the West Valley Sanitation District. X Water Service: The applicant shall install a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the requirements of the San Jose Water Company. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Central Fire District. X Storm Drain Area Fee: The applicam shall pay storm drainage area fees. $1,950 per acre = $349.17. 0.1791 acres at Title Report: The applicant shall furnish a copy of a current Preliminary Title Report. X Street Improvements: Subdivider shall execute an agreement, install street improvemems as directed by the City Engineer and post surety to guarantee the work. Street Improvemems: Subdivider shall execute an agreemem, install street improvements in accordance with the guidelines in the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan, and post surety to guarantee the work. X Dedications: Dedicate additional right-of-way to widen Third Street to 30 feet from centerline. X Grading/Drainage Plan: Provide a grading and drainage plan prepared by a Civil Engineer, registered in California, for the review and approval by the City Engineer. X Encroachment Permit: Obtain an encroachment permit, provide plans, post bonds, certificates of insurances (general liabilities, automobile, worker's compensation), pay fees and deposit for all work in the public right-of-way. Final Map: Subdivider shall submit a Final Map for review and approval by the City Engineer and City Council. X Park Dedication Fees: The applicam shall pay park dedication fees. (See Planning Department staff for determination of amoum of fees). X Public and Private Streets: Streets for public streets and interior shall be required as specified below. Plans for the construction of the required street improvements shall be designed by a California registered Engineer and approved by the City Engineer. A. Public structural sections shall be approved by the City Engineer. Access Rights: The applicant shall relinquish all access rights to X Grading and Drainage Plans: A Grading and Drainage Plan shall be required and shall be submitted to the City Engineer. All easements for drainage facilities necessary to accommodate the final approved Grading and Drainage Plan shall be offered for dedication to the appropriate service agency. X Storm Water Design: The grading of the project shall be designed for a 10 year storm, duration. hour .Signal Fees: The applicant shall reimburse the City their proportionate share of the documented costs of the signal design and installation for traffic signals at X Completion Prior to Occupancy: The construction of all required off-site and on-site improvements, including but not limited to landscaping, sewer, water, curb and gutters, paving, drainage facilities, and other required improvements shall be completed prior to occupancy of any structure and/or the subdivider shall enter into an agreement, acceptable to the City, insuring the construction of such improvements within eighteen (18) months of City Council approval of the Final Map. Landscape Improvements: The subdivider shall submit an agreement and security to guarantee installation and maintenance of public and private landscape improvements along the parkways of the project for a period of five (5) years. The agreement and security shall be acceptable to the City Attorney and the amount of the guarantee security shall be approved by the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer. Prior to issuance of Grading or Building Permits for any construction upon any lot created pursuant to the approval, the following conditions shall be satisfied: Fees: The applicant shall pay the fees pursuant to Chapter __ of the Municipal Code and , prior to issuance of the grading permits. Geotechnical Hydrology Studies: The subdivider shall submit a soils report, geological and hydrology studies, and hydraulic calculations, as required by the City Engineer, prior to approval of the Grading Plan. X Utili _ty and Securi _ty: All improvemems, public and private, proposed with the Tentative Map submittal, or required by the adopted approval conditions, including undergrounding of all electrical) telephone, CATV, or other overhead servicing facilities and electrical transformers, to be installed in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.12, "Underground Utility District". The ~, Municipal Code shall be guarameed by cash, letters of credit, or other security acceptable to the Public Works Director. The procedure and timing for undergrounding shall be established by the Public Works Director. Dust Control: A specific construction plan for control of dust and wind erosion shall be prepared and submitted to the City Staff for approval prior to initiation of site grading work. This plan shall be in accordance with the criteria and standards of Bo Prior to occupancy of any unit constructed pursuam to the approval of the Map, the following conditions shall be satisfied: X Utility Undergrounding All s6uthe, gn electrical, telephone, CATV, or other overhead servicing facilities, shall be installed underground in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.12, "Underground Utility District", of the City of Campbell Municipal Code. Prior to the occupancy or use of any development of the bicycle path shall be installed along Plans for this construction shall be submitted to the Public Works Departmem prior to the issuance of the required Encroachment Permit. Right-of-way dedication to accommodate the path shall be made as required by the City Engineer. CITY ATTORNEY - Prior to City Council approval of the Final Map, the following Conditions shall be satisfied: Development and Maintenance Documents: The subdivider shall submit to the City the following documents which shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney that the entire project will be developed and maintained in accordance with the intent and purpose of the approval: a. Final Title Report. b. Management and Maintenance Agreement to be entered into with the owners of the project units. c. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) to be recorded. The approved documents shall be recorded concurrently with the recordation of the Final Map. Condition, Covenants and Restrictions: Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) shall be submitted to the City for review and shall contain provisions for a Homeowners' Association, with the unqualified right to assess owners of individual units for reasonable maintenance costs to common areas and improvements. The Homeowners' Association shall have the right to lien units of the owners who default in the payment of any assessment so provided. Such lien shall not be subordinated to any encumbrance. Any deed of trust recorded prior to said CC&R's shall be subordinated to the CC&R's. Any lien imposed shall not be superior to any lien for property taxes or government assessments. Maintenance Agreement: The applicant shall furnish the Planning Department with an agreement, acceptable to the City Attorney and Planning Commission, prior to the recordation of the Map, which shall provide for the on-going financial responsibility of each lot created by the proposed Map (upon their sale) to the Homeowners Association for the maintenance of Said agreement to include a Consumer Price Index factor (CPI), for fee adjustment, and shall be incorporated into the CC&r's for the project. American Disability Act: All improvements shall conform to the requirements of the American Disability Act. h:star.con(mw)6.0 PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW COMMENT SHEET Date Routed: DRC Date (comments due): Preliminary P.C. Date: February 13, 1995 February 21, 1995 o Architectural Advisor o Police Department o Engineering o Building Division Fire Depa~hnent Redevelopment Agency Corporation Yard Traffic Engineering PRO1ECT DESCRIFI'IOb/ Preliminary review for a second living unit on property located in a P-D zone. PROIECT INFORMATION; Application No. Pre-App Applicant: Roy DiVittorio Property Owner:. lan'and Deni Rodmore 57 S. Third Street APN: General Plan: Low-Medium Density Residential zora P-D (Planned Development) PROJECr PLAhn~TER: Mark A. Rhoades Preliminary. issues iden~iflod by Plannin_~ De_oarl~nev~. REVIEWING DEPARTMENT ISSUES' Date Routed: DRC Date (comments due): Preliminary P.C. Date: o Architectural Advisor Police Department o Building Division PROTECT DESCRIPTION PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW COMMENT SHEET February 13, 1995 February 21, 1995 Fire Department Redevelopment Agency Corporation Yard Traffic Engineering Preliminary review for a second living unit on property located in a P-D zone. PRO1ECT INFORMATION~ Pre-App Roy DiVittorio Ian'and Deni Rodmore 57 S. Third Street Application No. Applicant: Property Owner:. Location: APN: General Plan: zoni Low-Medium Density Residential P-D (Planned Development) PROJECT PLANNER: Mark A. Rhoades Preliminary. issues identified by Plannin_~ Departmel~- REVIEWING DEPARTMENT ISSUES-