215 Echo Ave." "S" 1964-13 PLANNING 0EP^RTMEI CITY OF CAHPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL, CAHPBELL, CALIFOR! CONDITIONS AT TO BE LOCATED CONDITI Section 9316. Any approval (180) days af extension for same to the P expiration da No building p approval ~nti for in this c GRANTED BY TH HELD ON THE ~T ~VENUE 'JlA Date April 22, 196,4 rACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Start Mattin_~ly. Inc. ., , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF . Tq.T~. 4-unit ppa..Ttments , AT: 204 and 210 AdleT 8venue, and Z[5 Echo Avenue ~NS: 1. 1)riveways to be saweci in existin~~, cur[: and sidewalk. 2. Excavation Permit and City Driveway Standard Sheet to be obtained by contractor prior to commencemm~t of any street work. of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: ranted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty tar the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an such approval is obtained by making written application for lanning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the te of such approval. ~rmit shall be issued after the expiration date of any a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided ~apter. E CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CONHISSION AT A REGULAR NEETING .Zlst . DAY OF .A'~rilt 1964 ..... . CITY OF CANPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: ~ Eve lyn Adamson, .~Secretary